#I'm glad they twist the knife immediately after that. LOL
hollowtones · 11 days
Finished season 1 of "The Witch from Mercury" tonight. Holy Fuck, Dude!!!!!!!!! I've literally seen the season ending stinger posted around online before, I KNEW it was coming, and it STILL hit like a fuckin punch to the jaw. I'm engrossed. I'm very excited to see the rest of it.
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llycaons · 3 months
fuck it I'm just making a whole post
daniel asking for HIMSELF what happened in 1973 is honestly a really reasonable question and I'm glad louis is agreeing to share
louis ranting about lestat comes off like. well it IS a guy ranting about his shitty ex to a new friend who's got his back lol. it's got a lot of camraderie to it. daniel knows the type? I thought daniel was too repressed
I always thought louis's complaints about lestat like how his voice was thin and frail and he had no real talent sounded kind of uncharacteristic of him back in s1 after we'd just seen lestat himself in all his dubious glory but now the accusations of him being a vapid, contemptible maniac are completely accurate
oh wait here is it 'man made of dried twigs' I think that's louis's anger talking bc sam reid is quite a solid dude, physically
TRASHING HIS MUSICAL TALENT LMAO. also this is a louis who's been with the more sensible and less extravagantly dramatic armand for 30 years so I imagine lestat's flaws seem even worse to him. idk. you're think his good points would seem better tho considering what he's about to say
man daniel's pretty callous here WAIT I COULD BE YOUR LESTAT YOUR CLAUDIA???
DANIEL??? you think YOU can fill that hole???
current daniel being self-deprecating about his bad journalism is pretty funny honestly
oh my god here's ARMAND
hand clapped over my MOUHT
YOU ARE SO BORING???!!!!!!!!!!
oh my god IMMEDIATE personal attacks about CHILDHOOD SEXUAL ABUSE AND GROOMING from louis and SUICIDE LOSING AND YOUR ENTIRE FAMILY from armand like ohhh this is so messy holy shit guys
daniel's digging in again
oh you can see what's happening as soon as daniel says 'it's morning. where else could louis be going?
for all that louis's story has been informed by his lack of will to live, we've never actually seen an attempt on his life as explicit as this. he might have died the night he became a vampire, or the night claudia escaped. but it's here we actually see him try. it's triggered, partially, by armand. and he doesn't even remember it
daniel's actually fairly respectful here. digging in but not twisting the knife
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cosette141 · 2 years
A Snowball's Chance (OUAT fanfic) | Oneshot
Fandom: Once Upon A Time Pairing: Captain Swan Author: cosette141 Words: 3k Summary: After Emma rescues Killian from Hades in the Underworld, David and Snow tend to some of Killian's physical wounds, and end up healing emotional ones. (aka, Snow and David acting as parental figures for Killian) hurt/comfort oneshot
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a/n: This was initially a deleted scene from my Underworld divergence "Hell to Pay". However, it can be read as a standalone moment where David and Snow tend to Killian after Emma rescues Killian from Hades in the Underworld. In that story (Hell to Pay), I'd written it where Emma's magic is weaker in the Underworld, meaning she had to heal his injuries one by one and it took a lot out of her. It also took her a lot longer to get Killian back to safety, for h/c reasons lol. So, right now they're safe in the Underworld version of the loft, Emma is passed out asleep from saving him and Killian is still quite banged up. So, if you haven't read Hell to Pay, then just know that, and you'll be caught up. If you have read Hell to Pay, then this could have taken place right after Chapter 14.
Killian woke to pain.
His torso was a pit of fire.
He couldn't remember what rendered him lying on his chest. The only thing his muddled, pain-ridden mind could put together was that lying on broken ribs hurt, and it was an agony he couldn't take.
He tried to push himself up, get the pressure off his ribs, but the moment he moved, a horrible pain shot through his chest. An unhinged sound escaped his throat, making him fall the inch back down, which did not help the broken ribs.
Hands were suddenly on him, a voice speaking from somewhere beyond the haze of agony. Whoever grabbed him was trying to lift him up, the same way Hades' guards had dragged him up from the floor of his cell countless times for another beating.
Killian panicked.
He lashed out with his hook.
But the moment he did, something in his left shoulder tore with a searing pain.
Killian groaned, feeling his forearm grabbed before it could make contact. Despite the pain, he fought.
He couldn't be taken again.
He couldn't bloody handle any more pain.
Killian's eyes snapped open.
David was breathing hard, one hand still holding his left forearm.
Killian blinked in utter confusion.
The prince was on his feet, looking incredibly relieved to have Killian's attention, as if he'd been trying to get it for some time. David slowly released him. "Hook," he said, a little breathless. "It's okay. You're safe," he added, in a sort of gentle voice that Killian had only ever heard directed at the members of his immediate family.
Another stab of pain from his ribs made Killian screw his eyes shut. He tried again to push himself up, but his muscles couldn't handle the strain.
"I'll help," said David, reaching for him again. "Don't try to take my head off, okay?"
In too much pain to reply, Killian just shut his eyes, and tried his best to help as David helped him to his back. He couldn't swallow the pained sounds that escaped his clenched teeth as David moved him, and by the time he was on his back, against what felt like pillows, he was panting. "Thank you," whispered Killian, out of breath.
David sank to the edge of the coffee table. With a shaky smile, David said, "I'm just glad you didn't have your hook."
Killian opened his eyes, giving him a halfhearted wince. "Sorry, mate," he said with difficulty, every breath still feeling like a knife sliding through his ribs.
Killian shut his eyes. His phantom heart was still pounding, just beginning to slow with the relief that he wasn't in that godforsaken prison of Hades'. That realization suddenly dawned the memories from the river to the caves to the woodland and the twisted Underworld version of Storybrooke. He and Emma were safe.
Killian's phantom heart stopped.
His eyes snapped open.
"Emma—" he breathed, and without thinking, he jerked upright, only for pain to ignite everywhere, making him catch a cry in his throat. Despite it, he still tried to get up, only for David to push down on his uninjured shoulder, though carefully enough not to press into the broken bones.
"—is just fine," said David with a flick of a touched smile. Before Killian could ask, David nodded his head to his right, and Killian looked.
Asleep in the armchair beside the couch was Emma.
She was curled into a ball, and it would have been adorable if it wasn't because she was utterly exhausted. But Killian could see her breathe, see her chest rise and fall. She was okay.
She was safe.
Killian felt relief settle into his broken bones like cool water.
"She fell asleep about an hour ago," said David, watching his daughter with a glint in his eye like he could watch her forever. He looked back at Killian. He sighed, wincing a little. "This might be a dumb question, but... how are you feeling?"
Bloody horrible.
His torso was the worst of the pain. His ribs were still a fire that hasn't calmed down, and his shoulder was a new pain, searing and feeling like claws were ripping it open all over again. There were more broken bones in his torso than his ribs—Emma had healed most of his ribs, his beautiful lass—and he guessed the damn creature's claws were the culprit of that. His head pounded, and it made the room blur and spin. He felt weak and slightly sick. Above it all, he felt exhaustion so heavy it was determined to pull him back under.
But he suddenly, blissfully, he realized his back was nearly free of the agony it once was, thanks to his time at the mercy (or lack thereof) of Hades' lash. Killian nearly smiled with relief; that pain had quite likely been the worst of it all. But his relief faltered a moment later when he realized his jacket was missing and why the pain was gone.
Bloody hell.
Emma must have healed him.
That was something he didn't want her to see.
Killian blinked his eyes back open, not realizing he closed them. He blinked, then answered David's question. "About as good as I… appear," he said raggedly, "I suppose."
David grimaced. "I'm sorry we couldn't find you… sooner," he said quietly. "You shouldn't have had to go through this."
Guilt gnawed at Killian, hurting worse than the injuries, thinking about the last time he saw Emma's father. "After…" rasped Killian, wincing sharply through physical and emotional pain. "After all I've… done," he managed, forcing himself to meet David's eyes, "I deserved it," he whispered.
Something shifted in David's eyes. "Hook—"
Killian looked away before he could see what that change was.
Before he could see his own hatred reflected in the other man's eyes.
Because bloody hell he knew he couldn't take any more physical pain, but he couldn't take that pain even more.
"I need…" Killian lost his breath, grimacing as he breathed through fire. "I need to apologize," he said shallowly. David opened his mouth to respond, but Killian didn't let him. "Please," he whispered. "I…" His eyes burned. "I am so bloody sorry for everything… everything I did to your family," he choked out. "If I could take it back, I would in an instant."
"Hook—" said David again, but Killian didn't let him finish; couldn't hear David say what he had been telling himself ever since he bloody died.
"I never deserved your daughter," said Killian heavily, the words scraped out and broken. "I never deserved to play any part in your family. And after what I did…" He shut his eyes. "You were right to hate me those years ago. I—"
Killian opened his eyes, his words dying in his throat.
David hasn't called him by his name since he had to, back when Henry didn't have his memory.
And only stunning Killian more, David didn't have the contempt in his eyes that Killian expected to see.
David sighed. "Do you really think, after everything you just went through here, after sacrificing yourself to save us all, that I could possibly hate you? That any of us could?" Killian blinked, stunned into silence. "We get it, Hook. You fought the darkness your whole life; I can't imagine how hard it was to have to fight it all over again. I…" He hesitated, looking at his daughter's sleeping form. "I'm glad Emma saved your life back in Camelot, because believe it or not… you've… grown on me." He looked back at Killian, saying the words with a slight roll of his eyes, but his eyes couldn't hide the fact that he meant it. Killian listened with utter disbelief. David sobered a little, adding, "But I'm sorry that saving your life had to come to that. I wish neither of you had to suffer that curse. But, you fought it and you were a hero. Are a hero." he corrected. With a heavy, almost exasperated sigh, he said, "Did you really think we'd all come down here to save you if we didn't think that?"
Killian couldn't speak.
Shocked into absolute silence.
"And for the record," said David, rolling his eyes again for effect, "I never hated you. It was more like… a strong dislike for the infuriating pirate who wouldn't stop hitting on my daughter." A glare. "And my wife."
Killian found himself smiling a little, lifting a brow to say, "I would have hit on you if you only asked, mate."
That time, Killian knew the eye roll was real.
But Killian sobered too, guilt stinging more than the wounds, saying quietly, "Apologies for my past behavior as well. I'm… I'm not proud of the man I used to be."
David gave him a meaningful look. "Don't think I forgot about Neverland, Hook. Without you saving my sorry ass, I wouldn't be with my family right now." David lifted a brow. "Back then, you said you did it for Emma, but you and I both know you did it because you're a good, if sometimes misguided, man." Killian opened his mouth to reply, but David beat him to it. "We all made mistakes in the past. Regardless of them, you should be proud of the man you are today." That soft look that Killian would never get used to being directed at him was in David's eyes again. "You've deserved Emma for a long time, now, Killian."
Killian blinked.
Never in his life would he have expected getting such… such approval from David, in more ways than one.
He wasn't sure he exactly agreed with him—forgiving himself wouldn't be that easy, if it were even possible—but he smiled nonetheless, because he had the prince's forgiveness and he honestly had worried he'd never even get close to it.
Killian shifted, in an attempt to alleviate the horrible pain in his shoulder. He grimaced, his hand grasping at his shoulder.
David's brows kneaded, seeing the way Killian was clutching at his ribs. David winced a little in sympathy. "Regina and the others should be back in a few hours. I'm sure she can heal the rest of your injuries." Giving Emma a worried look, David said, "Emma seems pretty drained."
"Emma has done enough," whispered Killian, looking at Emma himself, knowing how far she pushed herself to help him. To save him. "I can wait for Her Majesty," said Killian quietly. As much as he hurt, he was incapable of watching Emma heal him at her expense anymore.
Footsteps on the staircase announced Snow, who walked down to the first level with a pile of blankets in her arms. "I found some blankets in the closet that weren't covered in dust—" She stopped, seeing Killian awake. "Killian! You're awake," she said with a smile.
"Aye," he said, giving her a strained smile back, even when it pulled at the split in his lip.
Snow laid one of the blankets over Emma, gently tucking it in around her. Killian watched with a grin playing at his lips. When she was done, she picked up another and turned to him. "I have one for you, too," she said with another smile.
"I don't—" began Killian, but she ignored his weak protest.
"You're shaking like a leaf," she commented with a crease in her brows, draping it over him.
Killian didn't have the heart (literally or figuratively) to tell her that his trembling had nothing to do with being cold.
His shoulder stung sharply again, and Killian sucked in a breath, quickly removing his hand. Fresh blood smeared over the palm of his hand. Killian shut his eyes in irritation, tired of being so bloody broken.
"You're bleeding," said Snow suddenly.
Killian opened his eyes, giving her a strained smile. "I'll—" His words froze, having the word live on the tip of his tongue. And from the way both Emma's parents stiffened a little, he knew they heard it too. "...be all right," he finished softly.
Snow looked carefully at his shoulder. He heard her gasp a little.
Killian blinked his eyes open, seeing an unreadable expression on her face. She looked at him, looking like it took her a moment to find her voice. "Killian… is this…" She swallowed before asking, "Did… did Cerberus do this to you?"
"If that's… the name of the bloody… hell beast," he whispered, "then… unfortunately… aye," he managed.
Snow's face fell in a mix of shock and horror. "Oh, Killian…" she whispered.
"Holy—" breathed David, eyes widening.
Handing David one of the other blankets she'd brought down, Snow said to her husband, "David, rip this into some strips. We can stop the bleeding at the very least." Snow reached for Killian's shirt.
"It doesn't matter," said Killian through a wince. "I'm… in no danger," he said, so quietly he didn't even know if she heard him.
Can't bloody die twice.
Snow's hand paused, hearing what he was saying. She turned a gaze onto him with eyes that held a million sad emotions. "Of course it matters," she whispered, looking heartbroken that he felt it didn't.
David handed her a few strips of the blanket. Snow took them, turning back to Killian.
Something inside him made him try again. "You really don't have to," he whispered.
"I want to." said Snow without hesitation. She smiled, a little wince in her face. "Besides, losing this much blood is going to make you pass out again, and the air can't be helping the pain."
Killian blinked.
He stared at her, like she was an enigma.
He was dead.
Bleeding out wasn't a concern—if it were, he would have bled out ages ago. The only thing bandages would solve would be suffering.
He still, after these past few years, couldn't wrap his head around the fact that he—Captain Hook—had managed to gain the care of people who would bother to stop the bleeding of a dead man.
To think that he would gain even the care of anyone after all he's done in his life, it was like a snowball's chance in, well, this bloody place.
That concern in Snow's eyes was for him and him alone. And no matter how much he tried, he didn't know what to do with it. His whole life, he'd looked after himself, patched up his own wounds—even cauterizing his own arm after losing his bloody hand. From a young age, he had to look after himself, wanting to show Liam he could be better, that he wasn't the little brother Liam always referred to him as. Milah had shown him kindness and care but he never really accepted it, always hid his pain from her as much as she could because women were too precious to bear any of his burdens. Emma had been the first person he'd shown his cracks to, his weakness, but he never wanted to. One look at her crumpled in that exhausted form on the armchair made his chest hurt because no one should have to bother with his pain.
Snow's kindness reminded him of something he never had.
Something he hadn't even thought about in decades.
A parent.
He knew Emma didn't grow up with Snow and David, but Killian has watched them attempt to make up for lost time. Seen David's reaction when Emma had been freezing to death in Elsa's ice cavern. Feeling like it was a lifetime ago, he remembered meeting Emma in the Enchanted Forest. Snow had protected her with her life and more.
His own parents were long dead. His father hadn't even loved him. His mother never even knew him.
Something deep inside Killian, a pain that had been buried so far down he thought it no longer existed, hurt.
And right there, in Snow's eyes, was the closest look toward that kind of care Killian knew he would ever see.
So, he let her wrap his shoulder in bandages, holding in a groan when it stung.
Once in place, Killian tiredly opened his eyes, no longer feeling the steady stream of blood dripping down his chest and side, and feeling the fog in his head wane.
"Thank you," he whispered.
"Of course," she said just as softly.
"For… everything," said Killian, and in the way Snow's eyes changed, he knew that she knew the extent he was thanking her for.
He shut his eyes.
He had no idea what he did to deserve a second chance at a family.
And he had even less of an idea why they gave it to him.
All he knew was that he didn't have to wait for Regina to heal his pain after all.
tag list: @justanother-unluckysoul @elise-the-writer @kmomof4 @klynn-stormz @stahlop @ilovemesomekillianjones @hookmecaptain @tiganasummertree @jadehowlettthewolf @jonesfandomfanatic @anmylica @pirateprincessofpizza @stahlop @snowbellewells @eddisfargo @motherkatereloyshipper @confessionsofthemword @killianwhump
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