#I'm fudging a LOT of these themes btw
sable-skies · 11 months
the totk ost has changed me as a person and im never gonna get over it. here's a rant about it
spoilers for track names that allude to major parts of the game's plot btw!!
okay so i'm just gotta state this right now: i think totk's ost is the best out of the entire series. don't get me wrong, i still love the old game's soundtracks and they definitely all have qualities i adore, but i feel like totk's overall theme and soundtrack has just. MAN. it punches me in the gut
i'm not really a musical person despite taking band for a few years, i don't remember notes at all unless i do that old sayings like "FACE" and "Every Good Boy Deserves Fudge" [let me know if thats just small town things or not, i've never heard anyone else say those] but the themes within totk's ost are IMMACULATE
the earlier tracks all have the zonai themed backwards bits, the first tracks you hear underneath hyrule castle are full of them next to the ambient doom that awaits you. this remains consistent throughout the entire ost until the end i feel. i think this symbolizes how hyrule has been stagnant, stuck in the past with events that happened eons ago that we literally don't even have a timeframe for them anymore. the calamity that the sheikah worked against was 10,000 years ago, rauru's battle with ganon is even older, which I think is fascinating.
as the story progresses and the reversed bits become less, i think this symbolizes link pushing hyrule forward again. because of mistakes made in the past, hyrule has been haunted by the same demons all this time later.
if you wanna hear it, here's the beginning area's tracks put together seamlessly: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vrkHFDEbzIo
now lets compare it to the end, namely the demon dragon theme, and "the final fall"
alongside the demon dragon battle starting with zelda's lullaby, the entire theme is composed of both the new totk theme, and botw's calamity ganon boss fight theme. its a perfect combination of the two alongside motifs from the dragon theme's we've heard in both games. it's a fucking excellent theme and has to be my favorite by far, something about it just gets so much emotion out of me personally, seeing how far link and zelda have come.
demon dragon theme here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZmT8hl2O2m0
now lets talk about the final fall. it's entirely missing any backwards bits, the ultimate symbol of being in the present, ganon and the sins of the past being utterly destroyed through the efforts of link and zelda, and even I'll admit I think is a symbolism of their love for each other and the land they swore to protect. it is a perfect follow up to the demon dragon theme, as it focuses more on the current totk theme as well as zelda's lullaby, pushing you forward so you can finally catch and save her after all this time. i think it really is the perfect "warm, loving embrace"
the final fall: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QtOjWXlFhmk
i just. man. even though botw ost didn't always hit the same as previous zelda games, and totk definitely continues the "ambient piano with some more detailed bits here and there" that a lot of people didn't enjoy, the story focused tracks are easily the strongest out of the entire game, and I think sometimes overshadow the previous games ost's as well.
if this is going to be the standard for legend of zelda music from now on, i'm so excited to see what comes in the future for these games.
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2x09 bounty hunters!
SF, CH, KK, AB, JRr, & DH, that is a lot of people. Six. I won't be able to keep track.
"half pounder" lol
SF "also a fantastic gardener"
(nice car)
"I'm Lindsay Sloan. Not the actress, the network" -Dule Hill 1987 /j
Baby shawn has shawnvision!
Jamocha almond fudge??? THAT'S THAT BLUE ICE CREAM? I would have thought it was fake.
Lol hair
Calls him shawn?
andy "subtle" berman
Why are they talking about hot cream shaves in the psych office circa 1925, what is going on in this commentary, but I haven't seen that deleted scene. The "great north" called & asked NOT to do it in the barbershop as was initially scripted, they asked for it to be .. in the psych office. full face of cream, matching stubble levels, can it be just a gilette, shawn sleeping gus shaving himself, what abt a quatro those are new right, can they be eating shaved ices?
Main requirement for casting: good hair
JRr: We'll just get a women's large
costume shop: bounty hunter costume
Already in s2 they are deconstructing hand to head & they've already abandoned the big song & dance ritual from channeling the cat channeling gus
That's just egg whites on the flat top. Never trust a skinny chef Me: there is no such thing as a canadian accent, we (excluding east coasters who sound very gaelic) sound just like typical americans (by which I mean not east-coast new york, & not southern cowboy)
*jumps on the car*
First & last time they use greenscreen for the car.
DH: He took all my money KK: You take all my money. Tim too. CH: Who is the better poker player lou diamond phillips or W earl brown? DH: wearl Brown JRr: He's a talker, it's part of his game
tinkerbell shawnvision
SF: I worked a jungle cruise boat at disneyland for eight years
SF: Once again, continuing the theme Me: that Henry wears purple? SF: that Henry calls at the worst time possible
go stunt actors
So hard to swim with shoes on
Nah KK is right abt the clothes
It's fun when they are commenting on what's onscreen but it's also fun when they are completely off topic but it's also fun when they stop talking to just watch the show for a bit
KK: Whenever an andy berman episode comes in, chris henze always emails him a picture of edward scissorhands just to know what's in store for this episode
CH: It's fun!
AB: By the way, not every man who looks like a man in this bar is a man, & not everyone who looks like a woman in this bar is a woman Me: Yeah they're a bunch of rock music loving bikers at a bar at who knows what time of day Me: ...Trans rights
*chooses the thumb to the the first in counting from one to three* *my hoh ass knows basic asl*
First experience in upside-down harnesses (btw how is shawn's shirt still up) "How was it?" "I have a new appreciation for scenes shot upside-down" KK: I remember Andy called in & said John wanted to film this whole scene upside down before they turned over
DH: But it aligns the spine nice
KK: That's all real sweat by the way
KK: That vest we got from the costume shop. James, you WEAR that vest AB I think: That guy was a woman. (The one with the vest I think? In that case, congrats on the gender)
I feel like shawn, as someone with a bike, could be able to make himself blend in.
Gus: Like that couple from open water DH: *doesn't get the reference*
I would have LOVED that shot of the car going by without the car going by
There would also have been a shot of the cops coming to henry bc they found his boat
Another purple shirt
The camp song in the end credits is great. ily andy cohen. SF: We want to broadcast it AC: *horrified*
"I <3 coins"
& look at his hair
*actually ate the steak*
Tancana's actor had a band. "He's too good a singer for this role" DH: You don't need to be a good singer to be in a band. Just look at the friendly indians SF: That's fine dule, but season three episode one: "I'm in a polka dot dress? What?"
"I wasn't even TRYING to get involved
*after touching a dead body*
the wink
whose idea was the wedding march?
SF: Between James & Andy & I there is an obsession with hair on this show that is unrivalled
the bounty hunter walk
KK: I love it when they're like "They should totally kiss they should totally kiss!" & Steve has got this grin on his face like "I'm gonna get them close" & Andy Berman just makes it so hilarious
They're all commenting on the kiss & the chemitry & how well it played onscreen & I love it
AB: If you listen closer you could hear me laugh off camera
samee "hmm" as psy vs psy
"She likes me" "I'm frustrated"
ML learned how to do this
Lalalalala & then the view!
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mathysphere · 5 years
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Octobit Day Thirteen: Technology
Novelty 90s icon sets hold a special place in my heart, right there next to impractically-sparkly cursors
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(Otaku Anon) Woah, you’re an award winning baker? That’s so epic piggy! :D What kind of things do you bake and do you have pictures of the things you’ve made that you’re comfortable with showing us?
Nothing like national contests or anything, but I do have dozens of A-ribbons, some best in shows, judges awards, and a 4-H trophy for my efforts. I also won a red ribbon award- that's how I was pre-entered into the Michigan State Fair for free (normally like a $10 entry fee for 10 entries) I'm also the reason my county's state fair has updated since it hadn't been since the 90s. I was a temp on the committee and was the youngest member, after Onyx, one of the committee's assistant dog. I've also won awards for non-baking cooking and cake decorating. Yum.
Obvious food warning under the cut
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During 2019 I rewatched [some of] Sagwa and as soon as I watched the mooncake ep I immediately texted my mom saying I had ideas for fair. I did not have a press so they're not elegant, but they have just the same amount of delicious taste to em. I had to actually make the golden syrup from scratch since the lady at the place we went to gave us the wrong thing. Th filling is adzuki bean! It's soooo yummy.
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I'm a huge bitch when it comes to plating. I always make sure the plate has something in theme with the food and looks heavenly. This is dark chocolate and strawberry 5-ingredient fudge. Seriously it's only 5 ingredients. I actually made these a DAY before judging since my gummy bears didn't congeal right due to the humidity and I went to bed dejected. My mom literally came in my room with her tablet with a small list of ideas she thought of because she couldn't sleep knowing I didn't have something. I need to make this again.
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What I'm known best for- macarons! I've made at least 10 different flavours, but I'm best known for my watermelon ones- these are the ones I got the trophy and Red Ribbon Award for actually. The top shell is pink, and the bottom shell is lime green (so I had to make two batches) topped with flavourless non-intruding black candy gel for the seeds. I always bring extra "scrappy" versions of the food to offer the clerks since they don't get to taste it and even he was enamored.
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[Not pictured: the shaved chocolate that topped it before judging]
This is a vanilla roll cake with strawberry preserve and whipped topping filling. The strawberries on the sides are dipped in apple jelly! I loooove apple jelly strawberries. Sorry the quality of this pic is so low, it was really dark in the room.
I have a lot more pics at home of my foods, but I've made vegan fruit curry, vegan bean-based Indian curry, beet salad, apricot ricotta cookies, apple dumpling donuts, non-fried doughnuts, a strawberry chocolate mousse cake that weighed like 5 pounds (ABSOLUTELY SNUBBED BTW), strawberry rhubarb crisp, apple cranberry pie, pirogi, vegetarian chili, listen I don't have my recipe book with me but there's a lot.
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