#I'm fairly certain most babies already have legs when they're born
soulsxng · 1 year
....and a ber and evan kid
@sansloii | If they had a kid... | No longer accepting!
Name: Avali Bireth-Duerr
Gender: Female
General Appearance: She ended up with a skin tone that's actually in between Ber's and Lera's and her hair takes more after Ber's in all but color (where it's kind of a mix of both Evan and Ber's). Her eyes are usually the same dark brown as Evan's, but when she uses her magic, they'll start to turn more green! She also ended up with Evan's height, so even if she's only about 10, she's already almost the same height as Ber...much to his inner dread. He just knows she's gonna be taller than him, eventually! She also has his freckles all over, though they're a little lighter on her.
Personality: Very confident, sometimes to the point of having an air of cockiness. Definitely has that sort of indestructible view of herself-- she knows she's great, and if you don't agree, then you're just wrong. Not even in a mean way, she's just standing there shrugging, like "...Okay, agree to disagree, I guess!". She does sometimes get a little caught up in her own head and anxious, and there are other times that she's just wild and hyper, and a little rebellious...but for the most part, she's a fairly normal kid. Strangers do make her a little nervous, because I'm sure Ber and Evan both would have made sure that she doesn't just immediately trust anyone that might walk up to her.
Special Talents: Telling her family (especially her grandparents) tall tales about "adventures" she goes on. Sometimes though-- especially as she gets older-- they seem a little too realistic. Lera and Ber are starting to think that she might be able to see into the Time Stream, or that she's at least getting little visions connected to it. For now though, at least, they seem to be mostly harmless and happy occurrences...even if they're on the fantastical and exaggerated side, more often than not.
Who they like better: Her grandparents (all three of them!)...or her aunts (this includes Dakota and Nel, because calling them great aunts or whatever feels weird to Vali) and uncles? Maybe her cousins. But Daddy plays lots of cool games with her, and tells the best stories! And Mama plays with her hair and makes it pretty when they watch tv together, and shows her fun magic! She's not sure if she can choose just one person, actually...
Who they take after more: She seems a lot different from both, because she can be pretty impressionable. But at the same time, even when she's different, something at the root of what she's doing is actually so much like one parent or the other, and they don't realize it sometimes until they step back and really watch her. Lera's always saying that she always seems like she has at least some piece of the whole family in her, though-- like having her somehow ties them all together just a little bit.
Personal Head canon: I'm almost 100% certain that she was a complete surprise. Like...the "no symptoms until Ber was almost halfway through the pregnancy" type surprise. Her soul developed really oddly, and close up against Ber's, so for a while, they just figured it was part of Ber's soul regenerating. Shortly after they do realize it though, the turns are tabled, and she becomes hands down the most difficult pregnancy probably across all of Ber's verses. And partly because of how bad the pregnancy was, partly because of the condition that Ber was in afterwards, they had a lot of trouble bonding with her the first few days after she was born. Ber was so distraught about it, thought something was wrong with him-- of course he wasn't meant to be a parent, of course this wasn't going to work out right-- when Viele started crying and fussing in her basinet by his bed. Evan was grabbing some snacks and drinks for them, and taking a little time to stretch his legs after sitting by Ber and the baby's side for the last three or four days. So after laying there for a minute and hoping she would calm down, Ber picked her up, and for the first time since she was born, she stopped crying almost right away for him, and went back to sleep. When Evan comes back into the room a minute or two later, it's to Ber just sobbing over the baby. Probably scares the absolute shit out of the poor man, but Ber can't help it-- it finally clicked, after days, and this is his baby! This is he and Evan's baby girl! And Ber has just loved her with everything he has ever since that moment.
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