#I'm considering if i should bring little omega xD
auphelia · 2 months
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Oh Omega, you should've listened when I said you'd regret it.
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stoookes · 4 months
Oh, Omegaverse chapter 4 was a total treat!!! My heart broke for Stu, poor thing, pretending to be someone he's not 😭💔 But three cheers for Ali for realising how uncomfortable Stu is and doing everything in his power to find out why, and being kind to him. Also, Jimmy, babe, be a bit more sensitive please? And listen to Ali. He gets the right idea more often than you do! XD
And then Tim's introduction!! Brendon threatening Stu, Stu getting his first proper whiff of an alpha scent and his biology betraying him ahhhh 😭 that scene was so well written! And I definitely let out a breath I didn't realise I was holding when none of the English alphas were able to find out Tim's secret.
Also, ngl when I saw Stu/Kev as a ship, I went ??? But that part was excellent! I loved Stu not being sure of himself throughout, and struggling with his omega inclinations. The scene was very well done, the dubious consent really came through, and it was just wrong enough to make it feel right, if you get what I mean. Also ugh, Kevin promising that next time he'd be the one filling Stu up... yuck please no don't put stu through that! 😭😭
And then Virat's introduction!!!! I love Stu being protective of Virat right off the bat, even though he's never met him, and feeling a kinship with him. I also love how Virat's causing an inner turmoil in Stu, about how beneficial it would be to reveal his second gender. And then Virat causing a stir among the English alphas... 🫣🫣 I'm scared for him now, espo with Kev around. Although let's be honest, if any omega could keep Kev in check and have him wrapped around their little finger, it's Virat. He's coy enough to pull it off, and I'm confident he can handle himself even if it's Kev he's dealing with. He'd turn the tables on Kev's claim of omegas doing as they're told alright! Makes me wonder, are we gonna get some Virat/Kev action next chap? 🫣 Also, thank you for the little morsel that Stuart notices even Jimmy was in on the conversations about Virat, speculating about the date of his debut and how soon they'd play him. As a Virat/Jimmy enthusiast, I appreciate that nugget! 😉 Ahhh, now I want to see the scene of Virat's first match against England, every alpha being lewd with him, and Stu trying to keep him away from all that as best as he can, but Virat also holding his own and letting them know he can't be pushed around so easily.
Awww yay! I’m SO glad you enjoyed it 🥰🥰🥰
So, as mentioned, Freddie has given Ali a nudge to go be muma bear with Stuart because he obvs knows Stu is avoiding them all because they hang together and Stu is trying to avoid Freddie. And we all know Ali, he’s certainly not letting this go (he’ll get Jimmy to play nice).
Tim was another thing that wasn’t ever originally planned but then had to come in due to timelines. I like that Tim is there, playing as omega, but scenting because this still gives us VK as the first open OPENLY playing omega, as has always been planned (plus there’s a whole bit about how BCCI feel of NZC bringing in an omega which will be in VK’s fic). Brendon ofc would be so damn protective of any omega because Brendon 🥰 and I love how Brendon thinks Stuart reacts to his scent badly because, as alpha, it should smell bad to him, when really it’s having the direct opposite affect. It makes me so happy you think that was well written 🥹
It’s interesting that KP/Stu doing something together didn’t feel on the radar, considering how close they are and so how any changes to Stu’s behaviour was going to be noticed. It certainly does make sense what you mean and that balance of feeling wrong but right is exactly what I was striving for so I’m glad that came across!
I did tell you all VK was coming! 😂 And here he is! I certainly wouldn’t worry about our little firecracker; he may be unbonded right now but he certainly knows how to hold his own around omegas. KP should probably just stay away… 😂
Thank you so much for the comment! Absolutely makes my day to receive them 🥰 Next chapter hopefully coming soon!
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iphoenixrising · 5 years
Hello Baby! First, I'm the anon that sent that ask about your Omega Tim delivering his first baby, so thank you for answering that and I'm sorry if it got a bit graphic, I honestly didn't even think of that! Even though, what you wrote about it was everything I ever wanted so as always I bow in front of your greatness. Now I know with that last work on your AOB verse (and thank you so much for the three pieces you wrote for the 900 followers, they were so good 1/4
i was shaking because I didn't know which one I should read first XD), you said you were pretty much done with that verse, which is cool because it's really complete- but would you consider writing more about the AOB verse where Tim's an Alpha and Jason and Dick are Omegas? Like how they get from Tim thinking he's a bad Alpha to him getting his place back as Pack Alpha? I just really like your AOB works :D 2/4
Secondly, because that's not why we were here in the first place, I'm working on a fic where Tim gets more and more sidelined by the Bats before they realize what a horrible mistake they've made and try to bring him back. Now I honestly can't say when I first got the idea for this fic, and I'm trying to develop my own plot and everything, but I can definitely tell I'm influenced by Fractures. 3/4
I don't have the same writing style than you at all, and I'm writing in a chronological order from when Tim first distanced himself from the Bats to the end fight, so honestly the end result will probably be pretty different from Fractures (also I don't think I'll have pairings?), but would you mind terribly if I went on and wrote it? Thank you very much, can't wait to read your next piece and lots of kisses!!! 4/4
Aww babe. I’m blushing over here because you are just too kind <3
I really enjoyed your ask tbh because I have so many things going in my brain pan but if I ever have the eventual time to really write that scene then I would want to do it justice. Like the satisfying thock off Ra’s al Ghuls’ face would be it’s own paragraph of Alpha Rage. 
Maybe one day ;)
Still, there’s ah, a few other AOB ideas I might want to explore. Babe sent me one about an Irresistible Omega!Tim and then there is the Reverse AOB with Alpha!Tim you’re talking about. I mean, I’ve got drabs and ficlets and such out there, but I see a few more chapters making it a little more cohesive, so yeah, that will eventually happen too :D :D
(That Omega!Dick, Alpha!Tim teaching newly presented Alpha!Dami how to take care of an Omega. Whew, that shit it hot and no one can change my mind.)
PLEASE WRITE THE THING. Write the fuck out of it babe!! 
Like, I would be totally honored if you wanted to link it to Fracture as like an inspiration or something, but I absolutely, ABSOLUTELY BABE, approve of more amazing Tim Drake fics <3
I love you and encourage you! Please send me links when you post it somewhere tho because I like to creep when I’m not in writing mode :D
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