#I'm building a world. I'm like god. these gay bitches are my barbies and I'm about to do makeovers with felt-tip pens
davy-zeppeli · 1 year
I started thinking about an AU for my AU and that's how I know I'm in too deep
...anyway I was thinking about how I could bring the Michelle-Gwen-Mike-Matthew AU into a vaguely more modern setting, but the thought of ANY of them having tech hurts. so I thought about maybe a 70s AU or even just a generic 60s AU. bring them out of fantasy land. Michelle could be Gwen's new secretary or something. Mike is still just some guy who repairs shoes. Micky still runs a family-run BnB or maybe a bar. Matthew is still a prairie chicken because that's just a given - no context will ever be given as to why two random adults own a chicken in a town/city. I feel like I could make a mind map of ideas here.
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