#I'm both megamind and roxanne in this scenario
mysticstarlightduck · 7 months
Hello hello
8 Oldest WIP
25 Favourite part of writing
42 How do you feel about love triangles?
Hello! Thank you so much for the ask, @i-can-even-burn-salad!
8. Oldest WIP
My oldest WIP that I'm currently still working on, is The Last Wrath, a book series that I started around 3-4 years ago. It's a story that I'm very excited about seeing published, though it is currently on a small hiatus as I am focusing on my other WIPs (mainly Enchanted Illusions and Of Starlight and Beasts)!
As for the oldest story that I ever created (and am no longer working on) that could be considered an actual WIP was a book I started - and never finished lmao - when I was 10 years old, if I recall it correctly the book was a story about three sisters who were rebel princesses trying to save their kingdom from their uncle, or something along those lines! I had created many, many, many stories before that one (ever since I first learned how to write I was already creating fictional worlds and stories), but that one was the first I can consider an actual "book" or WIP, even if it never got finished!
25 Favourite part of writing
Creating backstories! That is my all-time favorite part of writing any book or creating any character. For me, backstories are especially fun to write because they're the moment the character finally "clicks" in my mind, that's the moment where I truly understand a character's history, motives, beliefs, and what made them into who they are in the current events of the book! It's like a puzzle piece finally coming into place, and it's a really satisfying part of any first draft or outline for me! Plus, backstories are the heart of most of the main internal conflict a character can have - every misbelief, fear or insecurity always has a starting point, and that starting point is almost always hidden somewhere in the backstory.
42 How do you feel about love triangles?
Hmm. Tough question! For starters, I would say that the traditional "love triangles" (where, for example, two guys are in love with the same girl and she is in love with them but "can't choose which one". The typical YA Romance Trope. It feels very awkward, IMO, on both ends and a bit objectifying, both for the girl and the boys - it's more of a "love corner" than a love triangle) are one of my personally least favorite tropes, and it's one I never write and don't think I ever will.
HOWEVER!!!! A variation of a "love triangle" (I don't know if it can even be considered that, but bear with me) that I do adore writing, is when, for example: Person B is in love with Person A, and Person C is in love with Person A too, but the love between Person B and A is actually requited and mutual (Person A is in love with Person B too), while Person C's infatuation with A is more of an obsessive, unhealthy crush than anything, and surely is not mutual (Person A doesn't love Person C in any way, shape or form). Person B and A end up together, while C usually spirals into a villain that eventually defeats themself.
For a better example: In my WIP, Enchanted Illusions, Augustus and Harriet are very much in love with one another, and clearly in a relationship (think of them as Person B and Person A in that scenario). However, Liam has been pining for Harriet since they were teens, and despite her explaining many times that she isn't interested in a relationship with him, Liam still harbors an unhealthy "love" for Harriet - believing that one day he can get her hand in marriage through political arrangements. (In this case, Liam is Person C). Harriet loves Augustus, not Liam, but Liam is obsessively in love with her. Throughout the story, Augustus and Harriet must deal with the threat of Liam's increasingly dangerous attempts to ruin their relationship so that he can marry Harriet. When that fails, Liam becomes an antagonist who is hellbent on having his revenge on the Sharppe family.
Another example of this would be the movie Megamind, where Roxanne and Megamind fall in love, but Hal Stewart (holding an obsessive love for Roxanne) thinks she needs to be his girlfriend. Or Beauty and the Beast, where Adam and Belle are in love and Gaston is just obsessed with Belle.
I don't know if this is even a variation of the Love Triangle (since one side of the triangle is two characters who are indeed in love and the other is just unrequited pining by someone more obsessive than they should be) trope, but it is infinitely more interesting for me than the actual original trope. Like, there's more room for growth, conflict and tensions there - how do Person B and Person A respond to the constant pressure of C's pining for one of them? does this affect their relationship or do they remain as close as ever? how far will the misguided Person C go to achieve their goal? would they lose themself in the process or understand that they were in the wrong? SO MANY OPTIONS!
I hope I can explain this jumbled mess of a thought in one post! But that was a great question (:
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fictioncoalition · 3 years
Intermission: What's Roxanne up to during all this?
Roxanne was surprised she hadn't worn a rut into the floor with all her pacing. She fidgeted with a Tangle in her hands while her mind raced. Jeez, she was really spiraling this time. Usually she could talk herself through the logical reasons why Megamind was being himself but… damn that RSD was kicking her ass
Minion walked into the room with some chamomile tea and set it down on the kitchen counter. 
"Ms. Ritchi? Come on, drink up before it gets cold. It'll help"
"Oh Minion, I- I can't, maybe in a little while?" Roxanne said and continued to pace, she could calm down after she'd calmed down
Minion let out a small sigh. Sir is exactly the same way, he thought.
"Okay, tell me what's worrying you."
Roxanne hesitated, would Minion think less of her? Would he be upset she has doubts about his best friend?
"I won't be upset, I promise. Sir and I have known one another for a very long time, I've seen the good and the bad. Go on." Minion said, almost telepathically
Roxanne let out a breath, "What if he's dead? Like actually dead this time? Or what if he's not dead at all but avoiding me? Have I made this a hostile environment for him?" She gasped, "What if he's been coming home so late because he wants to break up and is figuring out how to let me down easy?"
Minion waited for her to finish her ramble before speaking.
"Ms. Ritchi, I know you're a woman of logic but also a person, with complicated emotions. So I'll try to use a blend of both at this time." He moved from the kitchen and slowly approached Roxanne, guiding her hands to the couch. She was too paralyzed with fear to even stim anymore, her hands just sitting uselessly in her lap.
"Sir is head over heels for you. Which is saying a lot considering how big that head is." Roxanne let out a weak chuckle at that.
"He would tell you if he'd had a problem with your relationship. He hates having his time wasted and hates wasting others."
"But we've passed our honeymoon phase by now. Maybe it's all catching up with him that he's made a mistake" Roxanne said
Minion rolled his eyes a little, your 1 year anniversary was a little less than a month ago, but okay. He'd had the same conversation with Sir a few weeks ago. These two really were meant for one another, the couple that worries together stays together, he supposed.
"I'll let you in on a secret," Minion whispered, "Sir prefers to be alone when he's thinking. Something about years living in solitary confinement makes him seek solitude when he's nervous. And we both know that Sir is pretty much always nervous." Minion smiles and despite herself, Roxanne does too.
"I can relate to that. I had a big family growing up and most of the time all I needed was a little space to become a person again. They always took it personally though, claiming I didn't like to be around them. Which wasn't entirely untrue." Roxanne chuckled softly
Minion place a giant hand onto both of hers. "In this family, taking time for yourself is always understood. Okay?"
Roxanne nodded.
"Alright then!" Minion stood up and clapped his hands together. "Let's get this tea in you so you can relax a little and we can watch My Fair Lady for the 100th time."
Roxanne giggles, "Oh Megamind would hate coming home to that." Her blue partner hated the musical, mainly due to Prof. Higgins' character. He loathed how mean he is to Eliza for most of the film, which Roxanne couldn't really blame him for. 
Taking the outstretched cup from Minion, Roxanne still popped the VHS tape into the VCR and hit "Play". She was sure Megamind's rant about it wouldn't be that long.
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