#I'm blowing this kid up to cheer another kid up
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calcagarts · 9 months ago
Made a little animatic for a fun little scene, for an interesting little ghost boy, from the Hogwarts Legacy game, and for a friend of mine!
Audio is from the Hogwarts Legacy game and Richard Jackdaw voiced by Joseph Burdge!
*Reposted all the way from twitter and decided to post my arts here instead because it's getting a little too complicated there now.
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steddiealltheway · 3 months ago
Steve's not really sure when it became a thing.
Maybe it was while Eddie was in the hospital recovering from his injuries, and the kids had forced Steve onto the visiting schedule. Maybe it was after Eddie got out of the hospital, and the kids insisted they continue to honor the schedule. Maybe it had nothing to do with the schedule and everything to do with the fact that Steve and Eddie had become... friends.
This is also a big maybe in Steve's head because he's pretty sure Eddie just hangs out with him from time to time because he's allowed to drink and smoke around or with him - and he's found that Eddie doesn't like to be alone for extended periods of time.
Steve can't blame him. But with his parents' seemingly permanent absence, he's kind of grown used to it whenever the kids and Robin are forced to go back to school.
But right now, Steve is grateful that Eddie has continued their "thing" in which he shows up at Steve's house at 9pm every Thursday - the same time as one of Steve's assigned "Eddie shifts" - with a six-pack in hand.
Only, this week, Eddie shows up with two bottles of wine.
Steve raises his eyebrows at him as he lets him into the house, shutting the door quickly to keep the cold air out.
"I just thought you'd like to change it up today," Eddie comments nonchalantly as he heads to the living room. Steve wonders for a moment if he knows the secret he's been keeping from everyone, but he figures he doesn't especially when he blabs on, "So, what movie are you blessing me with this week?"
Steve rolls his eyes as he goes to grab the tape and put it in the VCR, but he hesitates for a moment, straightening up to point at Eddie. "You will absolutely tell no one about this, got it? Also, I'm expecting a phone call, but you're not allowed to listen in on it."
"Got it. Scout's honor," Eddie replies with a wink and a salute.
"You were not a boy scout," Steve huffs as he decides to bite the bullet and put the tape in.
Eddie frowns and puts a hand over his heart. "You wound me, Steve. How could you say that?"
"Because I was a boy scout, and we would've been in the same troop."
Once Steve sits on the couch, Eddie leans in and nudges his shoulder. "What I wouldn't give to go back in time and meet a young Steve Harrington. I could've corrupted you sooner."
"I'm afraid Dustin beat you to the corrupting. He's the one who made me watch Star Wars."
"I can always corrupt you in other ways, Steve," Eddie comments, obnoxiously batting his eyelashes.
Steve laughs, used to the blatant flirting during the trailers at this point. "Is that why you brought the wine? To set the mood?"
"Something like that," Eddie says with a soft smile before switching back to his dramatics. "But I'll have you know, I'm a gentleman. Plus, I would like you to remember the first time I blow your mind."
"Blow my mind?" Steve asks, reaching over to grab the bottles. "How would you do that?"
"Wouldn't you like to know," Eddie says with a wink before uncapping his wine.
Steve glances at his own bottle for a moment, distracted. "It's a screw top."
"It's cheap," Eddie explains. He raises his bottle and tilts it Steve's way. "Cheers."
"Cheers," Steve answers, screwing off the top and taking a swig. Tastes like wine. And it also tastes like... a bad idea.
"So, what movie are we watching that has you so defensive?" Eddie asks, throwing his arm along the back of the couch.
To that, Steve takes a longer drink. "One of my mom's favorite movies. We used to watch it together whenever my dad went out of town for his business trips. But then my mom started getting more suspicious of him staying at the office late, and then she started to go on those business trips with him. Which now seem to... never end." Steve sighs and settles back onto the couch a bit more, head resting right on Eddie's hand. He quickly gets the hint and starts gently playing with his hair.
Steve's not sure when that became a thing either.
After another sip of wine, Steve finally confesses, "It's The Sound of Music."
A few expressions pass over Eddie's face before he quietly says, "That was one of my mom's favorites, too."
The two of them share a similar look of understanding and painful longing for a time they'll neither get back. They both drink at the same time as the opening notes of "The Sound of Music" ring out.
As the movie plays, the two of them drift closer - as they always do - and Steve notices that he's slowly but surely getting a bit wine-drunk. Which is what Robin calls the "worst type of drunk Steve." Maybe he should've taken her up on her offer to stay the full day.
As the last scene plays, Steve finds himself glancing toward the phone more than the screen.
"You okay?" Eddie asks gently, the hand in his hair moving to cup his face.
Steve can feel the way the wine flushes his cheeks and sits heavy on his stomach when he asks, "When do you realize your parents have given up on you?"
Eddie swallows heavily before grabbing Steve's nearly empty bottle and putting it on the coffee table. He sits back and fully turns to him. "For me, I fully realized a month after I stayed with Wayne. I still hadn't unpacked the cardboard box my things were in, hoping that maybe since my dad had dropped me off my mom would pick me up. But I hadn't seen her in years." He looks back at the TV where the end credits are rolling. "She left promising me she would come back and make a better life for the two of us eventually. I thought with my dad out of the picture, she'd be back. But as soon as I unpacked that box, I gave up on the idea."
Steve shifts closer and grabs Eddie's hand. "I'm sorry."
Eddie looks at him and tilts his head down so he's looking him right in the eye. "For what it's worth, I'm sorry, too. And..." he hesitates for a moment before resting his forehead against Steve's and whispering, "Happy birthday."
Steve's eyes close tightly. It's the words he had been waiting for all day but in hopes that they'd be coming out the mouths of at least one of his parents. Preferably his mom.
There's pressure behind his eyes, and Steve reaches out to squeeze Eddie's hand gently, warning him in his own way that he might fall apart. But Eddie stays where he is.
"This is the first year they haven't called," Steve whispers, feeling one tear fall down his face. "I know they're assholes but... I didn't think they'd be this much of an asshole. God," he breathes out, breaking away from Eddie to lean back against the couch, hands covering his face as more tears fall.
A familiar arm drapes itself around Steve's shoulders tugging gently until he winds up with his head buried in Eddie's neck.
They sit there for a while, Eddie holding him and running a soothing hand through his hair that reminds Steve of the first time Eddie had opened up to him about the nightmares that never went away, and they had ended up in a similar but swapped position.
Maybe that's when this became a thing.
It's a while before Steve speaks up to ask, "Hey, how do you even know when my birthday is? The last person I told was probably Tommy Hagan in the eighth grade. And Robin, of course, but I swore her to secrecy."
"Oh god," Eddie says in a way that makes Steve pull back to look at him fully. Eddie's head lulls to the side as he looks at him with an adorably embarrassed and caught expression. "So... don't hate me for this, but this happened a few years ago. And... do I really have to tell you?"
"It's my birthday, you have to tell me," Steve replies.
Eddie huffs, ever so dramatically, and grabs Steve's hands before confessing, "So, I stole your wallet a few times."
Steve can't help but laugh at the absurd confession. "When?"
"It was back in your sophomore year probably. We had some horrible science class together, and you sat right in front of me, and well... My friends and I made this hypothesis, very scientific, that some rich kids, including you, wouldn't notice if a dollar or two went missing from their wallets." Steve snorts, and Eddie smiles. "And you had this horrible habit of leaving the front pocket of your backpack open so..."
"Occasionally you would steal anywhere from one to five dollars from my wallet? And one time you managed to swipe ten," Steve fills in for him, vividly remembering something he hadn't thought about in years.
Eddie's eyes widen. "So, my hypothesis was wrong."
"No, you're just less subtle than you think you are."
There's a moment where Eddie just stares at him incredulously. "You're telling me, you let me steal from you? And you didn't beat me up for it?"
Steve shrugs, thinking about the first time it had happened, and he had truly considered it, but he realized. "I knew you needed it more than I did. But that's not what we're talking about. How did this lead you to finding out about my birthday?"
"It was on your driver's license, and I ended up memorizing it in case you had a big party that I could sell at. But then it just... stuck." Eddie looks down at their hands for a moment before he looks up and states, "And we're not about to breeze past this. I must've stolen at least thirty dollars from you!" He lets go of one of Steve's hands to grab his wallet off the coffee table. "For your birthday, let me pay you back."
Steve laughs and shakes his head. "You are not giving me thirty dollars for my birthday. And don't fight me on this, or I'll end up telling Dustin you gave me money without hesitation."
Eddie frowns at him and reluctantly puts his wallet back down. He leans over to Steve and cups his face as he plants a kiss onto his forehead. "You're never who I think you are, Steve Harrington."
"Is that a good thing?" Steve asks as his eyes glance down at his lips.
"A very good thing. It means I'll never give up on you," Eddie says with a teasing lilt but Steve knows that he means it.
"Same to you."
Eddie's teasing smile falters as he looks at Steve. One of his thumbs swipes at a remaining tear trail.
Steve's heart beats a little harder and he can't stop staring at Eddie's lips. He wonders when that became a thing.
"There's one thing you could do for me for my birthday," Steve breaths out.
"And what's that?" Eddie asks quietly.
Steve doesn't answer him, he just leans in slowly, closing his eyes when his nose brushes against Eddie's. But then he feels Eddie gently pull away.
"Earlier, I said I wanted you to remember when I blow your mind, Steve."
Steve's eyes flutter open. "I'm not that far gone."
Eddie sighs and mumbles, "I can't believe I'm doing this," and raises his voice to say, "I'll kiss you when I can't smell wine on your breath, deal?"
"Deal," Steve says, holding out his hand.
Eddie laughs as he shakes it, then grabs it to pull them both up.
"Bedtime?" Steve asks. Eddie nods, turning off the TV before leading the way to the kitchen to get two glasses of water before heading to Steve's room.
Steve knows exactly when that became a thing - the second time Eddie was over at his house, and he had a nightmare in the guest room. Steve now insists that he sleeps with him anytime he's over.
When they get into bed on their by-now-established sides, Steve can't help but say, "I think this is the best birthday I've had in a long time." He sighs and reaches out to grab Eddie's hand laying between them. "Maybe next year I'll tell everyone."
"Or we can make up a fake birthday for you that happens to fall sometime next week, and next year we'll pretend that everyone remembered the wrong date."
Steve laughs and squeezes Eddie's hand. "Or next week, I can take you on a date."
"Shh," Eddie quickly shushes him, "This definitely means it's time for you to go to bed."
"I can't wait for you to blow my mind in the morning," Steve says instead of trying and failing to fight Eddie on the fact that he's more coherent than he thinks he is. Besides, the faster he falls asleep, the sooner tomorrow will come.
"Goodnight, Steve," Eddie says, slightly amused.
"Goodnight, Eds."
Much to Eddie's surprise, he wakes up to Steve asking for a kiss. And he very much blows his mind.
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jadegrey711 · 29 days ago
Omf help the Wally smut is just perfect.
Imagine like Wally and reader finding aphrodisiac chocolate or something from an alive football player falling out of the pocket. Wally doesn’t know what it is so he eats it and
Oh well. Wally Clark experiencing aphrodisiac for the first time with mind blowing sex, pussy eating and cock blowing omg
Hello dear anon! So I had to do a little research thought this was like a sex pollen request and I'm not in the mood for sex pollen right now lmao. I did do some research on the chocolate itself and decided to spice it up a bit for storytelling purposes. I hope you like this delightfully naughty oneshot, I definitely got a bit carried away with it.
*Not My Gif*
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Another game where the Split River Bandits demolished their rivals and Wally was cheering like they had just won the Superbowl on the field with the players. You smiled down at him as he waved at you excitedly, you waved back and watched as Wally ran up the stairs of the bleachers; a giant smile on his face.
"Did you see that baby?" He said excitedly, grabbing hold of the lapels of his letterman jacket you were wearing and bringing you close to his body and pressed a sweet kiss against your lips.
"I did!" You smiled back.
"Wow! What a game! That kid Patricks could totally go pro! He ran that ball in, all the way from the forty yard line. And did you see that interception?"
You felt a small pang in your heart, thinking about Wally's very short football career, and how far he could've gone had he not died on the field that night. "I did! It was amazing! They did good tonight." You smiled, pressing another kiss to Wally's lips. He wrapped his arms around your waist, pulling you closer to his body and deepening the kiss. His tongue slipping past and intermingling with yours, before you lightly pressed against his chest, pushing him away.
"Easy there, Tiger." You said, looking around to see if the rest of the ghosts were watching.
Wally smirked, before he pressed a quick kiss to your nose. "Going to go celebrate with the team and meet up with you later, baby."
"Okay." You giggled. "Have fun!" You shouted as you watched him climb back down the stairs of the bleachers, hooting and hollering with the rest of the team as they made their way into the locker room.
Wally loved celebrating with the players, even if they couldn't see him, he was jumping up and down with them enjoying the adrenaline rush of winning the last game of the season. He looked around at the faces of the people he'd known for the past four years, and wondered what the future held for this bunch and what the next group would bring to the table.
As the group changed out of their gear and into their jerseys to go celebrate the last win of the season off campus, Wally followed the group out as they left the locker room, Patricks was the last to leave. Hurriedly grabbing his backpack, he didn't notice it was open and Wally watched as something fell out of the front pocket.
"Hey man." Wally tried in vain, to get the player's attention, and just sighed picking up the little pink item, turning it over in his hands and seeing it was chocolate. "Oh sweet!" Wally opened up the chocolate bar and saw the three little squares wrapped in gold foiling.
"Oo fancy chocolate." Each square had a little symbol on the front of the square. Wally squinted trying to make them out.
"Is that a peach? Does that mean it's peach flavored? Hmm." He said unwrapping the peach chocolate and popped the entire square in his mouth. "Okay definitely not peach. Cherry flavored? Interesting. I wonder what the raindrop one tastes like." Wally pocketed the rest of the chocolate and went off to find you.
You made your way back to your little spot tucked away in the school that you and Wally had claimed as your own. You knew Wally loved hanging out with the team for a while after a big win, so you went and hung out with Charley and Rhonda before making your way back.
When you got back to where Wally was, you saw him lounging shirtless on the mats that made up your bed/lounging area.
Wally's head immediately snapped in your direction as you entered the room. "Hey baby." Wally said, his voice sounding a bit gruff, as he got up from the mats and made his way over to you.
"Hey Wally." You smiled brightly. "How was the after part-" You were cut off briskly as Wally grabbed your hips and pulled you flush to him.
Your eyes widened but not only from the forceful sensation of Wally's tongue immediately slipping into mouth, his tongue dominating over yours and sucking on it. But also because when he pulled you close to him, you could feel his hard cock pressed against your stomach as it strained against his soft sweatpants.
"Wally." You moaned. Feeling his large hands, snake down your back and cupped your ass. Trying to bring you impossibly closer to his body than you already were, and you swore you could feel him buck his hips just the smallest amount against you. "What's gotten into you?" You grunted, trying to push him away but could only manage to break the kiss.
"I just missed you baby, that's all." He whispered, nuzzling your neck, placing soft kisses in the spot that he knows drives you wild.
"I was only gone for like an hour." You giggled, and then grunted as you felt him sucking on your sweet spot. "There's no way you could miss me this much after an hour." You stated firmly, pushing him harder and finally getting him to detach from your neck, holding him at arm's length.
You raised an eyebrow at him. "There's no way I've been gone for that long, that you could be this horny."
"What can I say? You drive me absolutely crazy." He purred, leaning closer to nuzzle at your neck. "Do you wanna feel how much you drive me crazy?" He said reaching for your hand and pulling it towards the waistband of his sweats.
"Wally!" You said pulling your hand back, and taking a step away from Wally.
Wally didn't miss a beat, as he took a step towards you, arms reaching. "Mmm. I love it when you say my name. I like it even better when you scream it when your sweet pussy is full of my cock."
"Okay!" You said putting your hands up and turning you back to Wally. "Someone had booze or drugs and you decided to indulge. I don't blame you but good lord this is -" Wally cut you off again as he grabbed you and snaked his arms around your middle, pulling you against his body.
He was impossibly hot to the touch.
"No drugs. No booze. I just have this desperate need to feel you cum all over my fingers, baby" He said and you watched as he gruffly shoved his hand inside your jeans, and began palming your sex.
"There's my girl. So wet for me already."
You gasped, as he slid two of his fingers inside your hot pussy, pumping them slowly into you. While his thumb traced small circles against your clit.
You couldn't help but jerk your hips into his hand, your head falling back into the crook of his shoulder as you could feel yourself growing wetter at Wally's touches.
"Wally." You whimpered. "What's gotten into you?"
He hummed against your neck, his nose dragging up and down your neck, inhaling your scent; as his fingers continued to lazily pump into you. "Nothings gotten into me, but I hope to be buried inside you tonight, baby." He growled punctuating his statement by pressing you harder against him so you can feel his cock straining against the small of your back.
You felt your eyes rolled to the back of your head, as you felt Wally's soft lips, brush against your neck. "God baby, you just drive me crazy." He whispered, before sucking harshly on the spot where your collarbone and neck met.
Causing you to buck your hips into his hands, as his fingers drove into you faster, your release just on the edge.
"Wally!" you moaned out and grabbed onto Wally's biceps, his presence a constant reminder that you weren't going to drown as your orgasm crashed over you, seeming to take the very breath from your body.
Wally pulled his fingers out of your pants and you watched as he put them in his mouth. You felt yourself growing hot again as Wally moaned around his fingers, tasting your release.
"Baby." He moaned. "I could just eat you up."
Before you could even react, Wally grabbed your waist and threw you over his shoulders and carried you back the two feet to the mats that were spread out on the floor. Laying you down, he immediately went after the tops of your jeans.
"These need to come off now." He growled, his large hands roughly yanking your jeans down your legs. You watched with trepidation as Wally took in the sight of you.
"Wally." You whispered, as Wally's hands reached for you again, his hands felt scorching against your legs as he traced them slowly up your legs, to play with the hem of your panties. "Wally." you whispered his name again, this time getting his attention. His dark brown eyes met with yours, making your heart jump.
You swallowed the lump in your throat and felt your cheeks heat. "What about you?" You said in an impossibly soft voice, but he heard it nonetheless.
"Trust me baby." He said taking your legs in his hands, so your knees were bent and pushed together as he rolled you to place a kiss on both sides of your hip. "Everything that's going to happen tonight is going to be purely selfish."
You let out a gasp as Wally suddenly flipped you over and grabbed your waist so your ass was in the air. You braced the weight of your upper body on your forearms, as Wally's hands traced down your back, playing with the hem of your panties again before pulling them down, leaving them pooled around your knees.
Wally had never felt like this before, he didn't know what was in that chocolate but he felt like his skin was on fire, and you were the tall drink of water he couldn't wait to guzzle down.
"Did you really think that sucking you off my fingers was going to be enough for me? I'll never get enough of you honey. Enough of your body." He breathed, kissing the small of your back. "Enough of your soft little moans." He said as he kissed the top of one of your ass cheeks, before biting it softly and doing the same to the other. "Enough of your sweet taste." He whispered before notching his leg in between yours and pushing your legs apart more, so he could nestle himself in between your legs comfortably. His hands grabbed your hips and brought your body back to his awaiting tongue.
You let out a loud moan, dropping your head to the mats under you, as you felt Wally's tongue dive into your hot center. He'd eaten you out a couple of times before, but this time was different, he'd never done something like this.
His tongue felt deeper, as it slid in and out of you, before finding your clit, and eliciting a groan from you as he sucked and flicked the swollen bud with the tip of his tongue. His nose nudged your tight hole, as he spread you wider for him. He ran his tongue back down the length of your folds and started to fuck you with his tongue again.
"Fuck baby. You always taste so sweet for me." He moaned against your skin, his hand running up the length of your back, keeping you arched into his mouth perfectly. "I could do this forever, keep you here like this for me. Maybe I could tie you up next time, and you'd never get away from me or my tongue." He chuckled, the image of you tied and whimpering as he pulled orgasm after orgasm from you making him even harder than he already was.
Oh yeah Wally Clark was definitely into overstimulation kink.
You let out a sharp gasp, as you felt Wally reached around with his hand and start rubbing your clit, as he started to fuck you with his tongue again and you knew you were close.
"Wally." You moaned, pushing your ass closer to his face. He hummed against you, his finger moving faster as you felt your orgasm build to a height you didn't think you could survive from.
"Wally." You moaned out again, feeling desperate as you clawed your nails into the mat, searching for an anchor to keep you sane. And in the next moment your orgasm violently ripped out of you, causing you to scream.
You felt Wally hold onto you, knowing that you'd tried to get away from the pleasure he was pulling from your body, as he continued to eat you out slowly through your orgasm.
He left you feeling boneless, as he lavished your sensitive pussy with kisses, lapping up your release. While your face was pressed into the mat, having no energy to even lift your head let alone pull away from Wally.
When Wally finally pulled his face away from your pussy, he was grinning ear to ear. "Best snack of the day." He chuckled. "Much better than that chocolate from earlier."
"What chocolate?" You asked through the haze of your orgasm.
"It's nothing baby." He purred as he traced his hand down your back as you heard the tell tell sound of his sweats being pulled down. "I'll share some with you later." He smiled before pushing himself into your tight wet pussy.
Tonight was going to be a long night
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sigweiner · 2 months ago
⌁₊˚ Shiver ˚₊⌁ {P2}
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Pairing: Jinx x Fem!/Gnc!/Reader
Word Count: 4.7k
Summary: You seek advice with an acquaintance before 'reconciling' with Jinx on Silco's office desk. Bonus fluff with Isha in the end.
Warnings!: fluff, smut, swearing, angst, t06!c relationship, substance use, mentions of dark ses and physical stuff.
a/n: I'm working on part 3 and 4 bc I had so much fun writing this. Also, I appreciate everyone that interacts with my posts ♡. English is not my first language, sorry for the weird punctuation and sentences. Minors and creeps dni.
{P1} {P3}
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You haven't shown up at the hideout in a week. You've been staying at different places every day since that night as to prevent Jinx from tracking you down, even though you didn't believe she would try to since you were a major jerk to her after what was probably her first time with someone ever. You’ve been punishing yourself for that too even though you weren’t entirely sure you were her first. You’ve been drinking yourself to sleep every night since then. The irony in this whole situation is that that party was supposed to cheer you up and bring you out of gloomsville but it only managed to sink you further into a dark hole.
Maybe you should apologize and try to understand what really happened, but you’re pretty sure she’ll try to blow your head off after psychologically torturing you but at the same time you can’t keep up like this, it’s exhausting. So you think of the only person you know with a semblance of knowledge and that you can go fish for advice. Getting up from the dirty floor you slept on, you throw on your hooded cloak to go meet her and start to move through the shadows of the dirty zaunite streets without being noticed by anybody until you reach an alley where three people are sitting around a wooden crate, drinking, smoking and playing cards.
Sevika has a cigarette in her mouth and grins wickedly at the hand she’s been dealt. You try to figure out a way to alert her of your presence but in no time she’s throwing cards on the table and collecting her winnings for the night. She doesn't linger so you follow her around the maze of streets and alleyways. She keeps looking back, checking if anybody is following her, her instincts probably warning her that someone actually is. She stops to light another cigar and rests her back on a nearby wall so you take the opportunity to come out of the shadows, appearing in front of her.
“Damn, you look like death itself.” She says with a raised eyebrow. “Came to finish the job after all?” But there’s no real concern to her voice.
“Can we um… talk?” You ask, uncertain about how you’re going to bring this about with Sevika, of all people.
“Talk? You sure you’re not confusing me with someone else?” She lets out a dark chuckle and you roll your eyes at her reaction, she wasn’t about to make this easy for you.
“Yeah… have you uh… seen Jinx lately?” You hate how insecure you sound, being this vulnerable is making you want to give up and bolt.
“Jinx huh? Aren’t you two practically glued to each other?” She asks with an amused smirk on her face.
“We had a fight. No, actually I fucked up…” You say looking down at the floor. Sevika lets out a laugh.
“Well that’s not unheard of coming from you.” She teases. You sigh heavily and shake your head but you kind of deserve it. “She’s been looking for you, y’know?” Sevika says seriously now. You look up at her surprised to hear this piece of information.
“Really? Is she still mad? Do you think I should go back to the hideout?” You blurt out, hope growing in your chest.
“Slow down kid. Listen, I'm not gonna tell you what to do. Especially because I don't give a damn about your little lovers quarrel.” She starts explaining her line of thought before taking a break to puff out her cigar. “What I'm going to tell you is this: that crazy girl is obsessed with you and that kid. She's been nagging me about helping her find you this entire week. Which I don't appreciate one bit. So for the sake of my sanity and both of your safety, you should go and take care of this.” She finishes with an annoyed look but you appreciate her words greatly.
“We're not lov-” You star to retort but she gives you a death glare which makes you halt. “Okay fine, I’ll take care of it.” You tell her earnestly.
“Good.” She pushes herself off of the wall and throws the remains of her cigar on the floor. “Now fuck off, Shiv.” That's the first time you ever hear her call you by your alias which brings you a sense of respect. You chuckle, starting to disappear in the shadows.
“Thanks, Sevika.” Your disembodied voice reverberates through the empty alley.
“Tsk, creepy kid.” Is the last thing you hear her say from a distance before you turn around the next corner.
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The familiar feeling of fear burns inside your chest when you reach Jinx’s hideout but you find it eerily quiet and still. There's no sign of the blue haired girl but you spot Isha snoozing peacefully on the orange couch. You approach her silently to move some hair off her face and kiss her forehead gently. She stirs a bit but doesn't wake up and you take a moment to just admire her easy slumber.
You're glad at least little Isha is safe and unbothered by this whole ordeal between you and Jinx, although you did cause more instability by leaving unexpectedly. She is the better part between the three of you and not being around her just made everything worse. You wonder if she even missed you because you’ve definitely missed hanging out with her. Before you leave, you cover her little figure with a blanket so she doesn't get cold.
You rack your brain for places where Jinx might be. You check the nearby bathroom and the next door building's roof where you very probably took her virtue, but there was no sign of her. You try not to think of that night, her soft lips, the way she felt around your fingers or your stupid harsh words, but it was all still very vivid in your head.
You wish you could go back in time and do everything differently but there's no point in dwelling on that, you need to find her. So the next place you can think of is Silco’s old office, Jinx had dragged you there before to retrieve something from her secret stash when you were still her prisoner, so you try to remember how to get there.
You move as fast as you can through the shadows but nights at Zaun were very much busy and filled with people, which makes you take longer than necessary just to avoid anyone. You finally manage to reach the abandoned office but you stop outside the door when you hear her speaking softly, then angrily, seemingly trying to process a lot of different emotions.
You take a deep breath before quietly stepping in, careful not to make any noise and alert her to your presence, so you wait for the right opportunity. From where you're standing you can see pow-pow holstered on her hip and that she's wearing different clothes. Striped purple pants and a black crop top, which are certainly new. You wonder what happened to her old clothes.
When you step into the light after she finally gets quiet, she sees your reflection on the big round window in front of her. A bullet misses you by inches, leaving a cut on your cheek that draws some blood. You don't react, shit if she wants to shoot you right through your chest you would let her, that's how much you believe you need punishment for what you did. Jinx lets out an angry grunt and uses her superspeed to come halfway close to you when she suddenly stops to scream at the voices to shut up.
“Where the fuck have you been?!” She screams at you now. “You're MINE Shiv! Don't you fucking get it?! Why did you leave me?!” Her voice cracks in the end and she starts crying, body shaking as she starts to sob uncontrollably. You chance a step towards her but she shoots by your feet making you freeze again.
“I-I know, I fucked up big time, Jinx.” You tell her desperately, tears also running down your face. “Please forgive me. I'll do anything you want. I'll never run again, fuck you can lock me up in a cage again if you want, but please… I'm so sorry.” You beg, reaching a hand forward from where you're standing several feet away from her. She grabs the sides of her head and shakes it, trying to shut down the voices.
“You're sorry? How fucking dare you toy with my feelings like that?! I gave myself to you completely and you treat me like I'm some... animal you can chase away when you're done playing with it… you made me feel so good… called me princess and then treated me like I'm some just street trash…” She rants between sobs and your heart shatters in a million pieces.
“I know, I-I was a total asshole loser. I didn't know you had these feelings… I didn't know you were a… that that might have been your first… everything really. I mean, was it?” You need to know, damn if it’s true you would’ve done everything differently. She huffs angrily and turns away from you, hugging her middle as if trying to close herself from you.
“Does it matter now? You can’t change what happened.” She says with a shaky voice and zaps back to sit on the wooden desk, propping a foot on the swivel chair that once belonged to her father. Her shoulders are still shaking from crying but at least she’s not screaming anymore.
“I guess it doesn’t. But I wish I could’ve done things differently. If I had known about your feelings… I guess I shouldn’t have been so stubborn and ignored my own.” You slowly start to move closer to her when she puts her gun aside.
“Try asking next time.” She says, seeming exhausted. You manage to round the desk and stand in front of her. She glances at you, makeup all smeared underneath her eyes, and looks away. You want to reach out so badly and hold her in your arms, but you don’t want to trigger her any further.
“Okay, then. Do you… like me, Jinx? As more than friends or whatever we have going on, I mean.” You question her honestly. Your face burns furiously though, being this forward feels foreign to you.
“Yes dummy, I’ve been in love with you for a while now.” She finally looks at you and chuckles at your reaction. You’re completely dumbfounded, the look of shock on your face practically comical. What does she mean she’s in love with you? Your brain is trying hard to add two plus two but it takes you a minute.
“You - you’re in love with me?” You ask incredulously. Jinx nods timidly, her cheeks starting to blush a deep pink. “I uh… wow. I really wasn’t expecting that but... if I’m being honest with myself… I think I’ve been in love with you for a while too.” You manage to say before bursting into tears. Jinx reaches out an arm to you and you take her hand. She pulls you towards her, snuggling you between her legs and you practically melt into her, burying your face on her neck as she embraces you.
“Oh my silly Trinket.” She purrs against your hair. She moves a hand to cradle the back of your head while the other rubs circles on your back. You’re both still crying, the weight of all that was said and done falling upon you.
“I should- should be the one comforting you.” You say between sobs. “I’m so sorry, Jinx. I’ll never hurt you ever again.” You promise her, lifting up your head to look her in the eyes. She gives you a teary smile and caresses your cheek, making you lean into her touch.
“You better not.” She says, chuckling. “I don’t think I can survive another one of these.” She gestures between you two. You laugh timidly, wiping under your nose when she leans in to kiss your cheek, the one cut by her bullet. Your eyes flutter from feeling the softness of her lips on your skin and you instinctively rest your hands on her waist.
Jinx wipes your tears and blood gently and pulls you in for a tight hug, snaking her legs around your waist and laying her head on your chest, close to your fluttering heart. You cup the back of her neck to caress it lightly, goosebumps rising to the brush of your fingers. She lets out a heavy sigh and tightens her grip on you. You swear you could stay like this forever, having the heat of her body warm up your soul. And to think you almost gave this up because you couldn't let yourself be vulnerable.
“My chaos princess, I'm so lucky to be yours.” You say against the top of her head. She looks up at you with doey eyes before leaning in to kiss your lips. You sigh into the kiss and cup her face with shaky hands. Gods, how you missed the taste of her so you graze your tongue on her bottom lip seeking entrance and she lets you deepen the kiss.
Your tongues dance languidly against one another very unlike the first time you two kissed, no desperation or urgent desire motivating your actions, just simply wanting to memorize every stroke and every breath and every shiver elicited. You can't help but let out a moan when her hands run up your back, breaking the kiss. She takes the opportunity to kiss a path down your neck, dragging her teeth on the tender skin of your pulse point. You let out a quiet ‘fuck’ when she starts suckling a hickey on the curve between your neck and shoulder. Although you definitely don't mind being marked by her, you pull gently on one of her braids making her move away from your neck so you can kiss her senseless.
Jinx is utterly pliant to your desires and lets you guide her wherever you want, you don't quite remember her ever being this willing to let go of any control except for that fateful night you had her writhing underneath you. In no time your hands start to wander, desperate for a reminder of what her thighs feel like. They're still firm like you remember but only now there was too much clothing covering them. She tries to pull you closer, tightening the grip of her legs around your hips. You smile against her lips before grinding against her crotch, making her let out a delicious moan.
“Getting a little excited aren't we?” You say close to her ear. She whines, seemingly frustrated that you're talking and not kissing her.
“You haven't earned teasing privileges yet, Trinket.” She says with a cute pout on her face. “Now, why don't you make it up to me by making me feel real good, huh?” She says planting that damn attractive smirk on her face.
“Anything for you princess.” You mirror her expression before connecting your lips in a soaring kiss. She hums in approval then lets you explore her mouth with your soft tongue. You take this opportunity to run your hands up her stomach and towards her chest.
“I like these new clothes by the way.” You digress, running your index fingers through her side boobs. “Though I prefer you in way less clothing.” You lick her lips playfully and she chases after your mouth.
“Yeah, I've noticed.” She loops a finger through the hoop on your choker to pull you close to her mouth. “I’ve caught up staring before. Several times.” She whispers and you can't help but feel a little embarrassed by that.
“Fuck, was I that obvious?” You feel your cheeks burn in embarrassment. The blue haired girl kisses your face sweetly.
“Yeah, but lucky for you I was really into it.” She giggles before closing the gap between you. You grind against her again before pulling up her top, exposing her chest to your hungry fingers. She whimpers when you pinch at her pierced nipple and tries to seek more friction on her core with her lower body, making your own arousal pool inside your pants.
You part from her mouth to whisper a suggestion in her ear. “I want to try something, will you let me?” She nods her head positively so you kiss the skin behind her year before looking her in the eyes. “I want to taste you, princess.” You say watching her reaction. Her eyes grow wide and her face turns red but she gives you a quiet okay.
“We don't have to if you don't want to.” You reassure her but she shakes her head furiously before grabbing onto your chest harness with shaky hands.
“No, please I- I want to.” She says timidly but plants a soft kiss on your lips. You hold her face with one hand.
“Okay, but just so you know, we can stop anytime you want, yeah?” You want to make sure she feels comfortable every step of the way. She nods again and it's your turn to kiss her tenderly.
You start to venerate her body by kissing down her neck, leaving a couple of bruises on her throat before showering her chest with attention. You loved on her small perky breasts, licking and biting her hardened nipples until she was a panting mess. Then you move to her stomach and her waist covered with the cloud tattoo you loved so much, not missing the opportunity to leave a few markings next to the line of her pants. You chance a glance up at her and you're met with a sight you wish you never forget. She has a frown between her eyebrows, her cheeks are flushed red and her lips are swollen from your kisses.
You untangle her legs from around you then lower yourself on your knees before hooking your fingers on the hem of her pants. “You okay over there?” You ask with an innocent smile. She lets out a frustrated whine.
“Fuck Y/N, please just take them off already.” She says impatiently. You chuckle but obey anyway, pulling down the offending clothes down her legs, boots going with it in the process.
You kiss her left feet and up her leg before reaching the inside of her thighs. Jinx is already trembling when you spread her legs further, entirely exposing her to you. Your mouth waters at what you find, her wetness already running down her inner thigh, engorged clit pulsating with want and outer lips are puffy from all the blood concentrated on her core. You snake your arms around her thighs and you pull her closer to the edge of the desk. She has a death grip on it, knuckles turning pale already.
“Can you hold my hair up for me, princess?” You ask politely, laying a kiss on her pubic mound. She complies and you feel her grip tighten when you lick a firm path through her pussy.
“Hoooly fuck.” She says, rolling her eyes inside her skull and dropping her head back. You smile at her reaction and continue slowly lapping at her with a firm tongue.
“You're so hot.” You tell her when you take a break to part her folds with two fingers.
“You should see yourself.” She replies, running her thumb through your jaw till it reaches your lips.
You open your mouth to expose your tongue to her, making her slide her finger on it. You smirk before wrapping your lips around it and start sucking and moving your head back and forth to cover the whole length of it with your saliva. She just looks at you, hypnotised. You take her hand, releasing her thumb with a pop, then guide it towards her own chest, smearing your saliva on her pierced nipple. “Shit, I'm gonna lose the rest of my sanity if you keep up like this.” She tells you in awe, pupils completely blown with desire.
“I definitely don't mind.” You chuckle before returning your attention to her dripping center. You massage her clit between your digits before pulling up its hood and wrapping your lips around it to give it gentle sucks. Above you, Jinx lets out an obscene moan that reverberates through your own body, making you moan against her as well.
“Oh fuck, I'm gonna - fuck, fuck, fuck, I can't hold-” She mumbles incoherently, unintentionally pulling on your hair so tight you let out a whimper against her. You let go of her protruding bud before she reaches her peak, making her protest with an impatient whine and she tries to force you back where she needs you by pushing your head forward but you diverge your face towards her inner thigh, biting down at it. She lets out a cry that sounds more like a moan so you soothe the bruise with your tongue.
“Be patient, princess.” You tell her before flicking your tongue lightly on her clit. She squirms and tries to close her legs involuntarily.
“Hah that tickles.” The feather-like sensation making her finicky.
“Humm. Do you prefer it more like this?” You apply more pressure when you lick her this time and you see her eyes flutter at the sensation.
“Yeeah, that's better. Just like that.” She drops her head back once more, mouth agape but still managing to hold your hair away from your face with one hand.
She's a true vision from where you are kneeling between her legs and you realise how close you already feel to your own orgasm just by pleasuring her. So when you tease two fingers on her entrance you decide to slide your free hand inside your pants to take care of yourself. Jinx looks back at you starved when your digits reach the back of her wall and you notice she's fighting hard not to close her eyes so she can watch you satisfy yourself while you fuck her. You finally give her throbbing bud the attention it deserves by sucking hard on it.
It only takes a few pumps of your fingers inside her until she's reaching her orgasm, shaking so hard around your head you need to reach over to steady her. You help her ride her high but you've got no intention to slow down and stop. On the contrary, you fuck her harder and graze your teeth on her clit a few times, teasing it. She gasps and looks at you surprised but doesn't try to stop you. You catch her clit between your lips again when you return your hand to your center.
You want to make you both come together and it so happens when Jinx lets out a long moan and squirts all over your mouth and down your throat. Your eyes roll backwards at your own pleasure coating your hand with your ecstasy. You two moan in unison as you ride your fervor for a little longer before you release her clit and slowly remove your fingers from inside her. She collapses back on the desk, chest heaving, and you also try to steady your breathing.
“You okay over there, Jinxie?” You ask after a minute, worried you might have broken her.
“Better than okay.” She slurs her words, sounding drunk. You chuckle and try to get up but it seems your legs have turned to mush.
“Wanna give me a hand then?” You ask playfully. She sits up and looks down at you with amusement but as she takes in the state you're in, her eyes darken.
“Didn't expect you to be worse off than me.” She says half jokingly and offers you her hand. You reach to take it but before you can she grabs your wrist and starts cleaning your cum off of it. “Hmmm, as sweet as I dreamed you would be.” She says after finishing her handiwork. You feel like a deer caught in headlights.
She manages to lift you up to your feet and pulls you in for a passionate kiss, licking up all of her fluids from your face passionately. Her wandering hands find the swell of your ass and squeezes making you moan her name. You knew where this was going but you didn't know if you were ready yet for it to happen. Jinx starts kissing your jaw and down your throat when you hear someone entering the room suddenly.
“What the hell is going on here?” Sevika says in horror.
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After having survived Sevika’s wrath in what you now know is her new office, you and Jinx return to the hideout separately so as not to attract attention to yourselves. When morning comes and Isha wakes up to the sight of you sleeping on a thin mattress next to the couch and Jinx hunched over her workstation, tinkering away at some random project, she lets out a confused sound. The kid sits up and removes the blanket from herself, wiping the sleep off of her eyes before crossing her arms on her chest with an angry look on her face.
As if sensing she is awake, you stir into consciousness and open one eye to chance a peek in her direction but your vision is still blurry from sleep so you lazily throw an arm in Isha’s direction only to feel your hand being swatted away. Oh boy, here we go again. You sigh deeply before sitting up as well and resting your forearm on the couch. Isha gestures to you that she's angry you left and that Jinx was really sad, completely out of control and even burned up her clothes while laughing maniacally at the flames.
“Burned her clothes?” You whisper back. The little kid nods positively and like a tough loving parent, she gestures and demands to know what happened. “I-I know, I screwed up big time. And um… I didn't think I deserved forgiveness, so I left.” You try to explain without getting into what actually happened.
She huffs and looks about as disappointed as you feel for having left her. “I'm sorry Isha. I shouldn't have left you and I couldn't stand being away from both of you so I came back. I'm not sure if Jinx has forgiven me entirely but if you can, that would mean the world to me.” A tear rolls down her cheek so you reach over to wipe it away and this time she doesn't reject you.
On the contrary, Isha lunges forward and throws her little arms around your neck, burying her face in your hair. You cradle her head and make soothing patterns on her back as she cries quietly, wishing you could take all her sadness away. “It's okay baby. I’m never leaving you again. I promise.” You reassure her.
There's suddenly a light weight hugging you both as Jinx decides to join in your little moment of reconciliation, probably having overheard what you said. “Yeah, I won't let it happen.” she says resolutely. You smile because even though the implications behind her words are very dark, your heart can't help but flutter at her pledge.
“I've forgiven you, y’know?” She whispers now into your ear. You turn to look at her with tears in your eyes as she backs away slightly. You want to kiss her so badly but at the same time you don't want Isha to feel weird about whatever you've got going on with Jinx.
However she is the one to take the first step and lean in to kiss your cheek. You don't understand how a simple act of affection can make your heart beat so fast and your face burn so hot when not long ago you were doing much more lewd things to her that elicited this same reaction. She smirks at your flustered expression but looks away when she realises Isha watched the whole scene unfold. The little girl looks between you two and mimics Jinx by planting a quick kiss on your other cheek.
“Hey! I'm not willing to share, kid.” Jinx protests but Isha only giggles and sneakily gives the blue haired girl's face a smooch before snaking her arms around both your necks to pull you into a group hug with a huge smile on her face.
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Dividers by @bernardsbendystraws and @cafekitsune.
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tiny-space-platypus · 8 months ago
Part 4 Miscommunication
(Damien's POV)
School had started now and a new kid came to the academy today. A girl roughly his age but a little shorter. This girl was loud and obnoxious, gathering quite a crowd of friends on her first day. That was fine though, Damian didn't exactly want to have to talk to another brainless civilian. Though Grayson did say he needed to make more friends. Explaining that not having friends would blow his cover.
Before Damian decided what to do the girl who was just with a group of his classmates was now behind him, startling him. Startling Him. Damian had been trained by assassins, by his mother, father, and siblings to always be acutely aware of his surroundings yet this girl scared him? Damian needed to understand how.
The girl who introduced herself as Dani Nightingale giggled.
Damian: "You startled me"
Dani: "yeah I do that"
Their classmates are cheering no one has ever managed to sneak up on Damian and now this new girl has. Great this girl was now going to be another nuisance to him. Then the girl frowned at him and apologized softly before avoiding him for the rest of the day. Odd.
Damian also found that this girl was very smart. She was great at science, math, and knew so many languages that it was just impressive. She was odd.
Dani avoided Damian for the rest of the day. She fucked up, she fucked up big time, even if he doesn't show it she can still feel his emotions. She wants to fall in for the floor and disappear but she can't do that. So instead she decided to focus on the school day. Answering and doing as much as she can to avoid Damian. The boy she accidentally made hate her. She can't wait for today to be over. The end of the day rolled around and Danny was there to pick her up. Just as she ran up to Danny, Damian did the same. Damian got to Danny first.
Damian: "Todd, what are you doing here?"
Dani running into Danny and giving him a massive hug. "Danny!"
Danny (confused) "sorry kid, but I'm not whoever Todd is?"
Damian now also confused and looking closely at Danny because his brother was laughing and smiling and not normal. Then he looked at the scars on the man's arms and neck and mannerisms. That wasn't Jason but just looked like him, odd.
Dick and Tim now confused that Damian didn't come to the car, walk over and react the same way Damian did though more extreme. "Jason??"
Danny (sighing): "No my name's Danny. Nice to meet you" (looks at Tim) "or re-meet you, how was your debate thing or whatever? I assume that was why you were in a suit?"
Tim (confused before remembering the coffee shop) "oh! Um yeah everything went well"
Dick smiling while internally screaming about seeing someone who looked like a happy version of his brother. "It's nice to meet you too"
Both Nightingales feeling the turmoil and odd feeling from the 3 and decided. Nope! Not my circus not my monkeys even if he does maybe look like he belongs to that circus. Not his, nope, they have enough problems, whatever this family has is not also his.
Danny: "anyways we've got to go, I'm sure we'll see you around"
Danny left with Dani and went home with her neither aware of the tracker Damian had left on Dani.
Danny and Elle having a normal night doing homework, having dinner together, all that jazz while being watched by Robin and RR who had now taken a special in this family. Especially after Tim could find almost nothing on any of the Nightingales past a few months ago when they came to Gotham or when their sister went to Stanford. They watch Danny put Elle to bed then begin tinkering with a side project (he is an engineer after all). They seemed normal but something still bugged the both of them about the Nightingales. Something was still off, they'd have to keep investigat- Danny pulled out the 2 trackers that were were placed on both him and Elle and sat them on the table in front of him. He knew about the trackers. Maybe he was a threat.
Danny had of course found the tracker on him immediately and decided to fuck around making it go absolutely everywhere far too quickly till he realized where the tracker was from. It was shaped as a bat of course it came from Batman and his spawn. SIGH he supposed he couldn't avoid the bats and birds if they were already tailing him, might as well try to make friends first. The fact that they were looking for them was only solidified when he found another on Elle's school bag. 1) how dare they put one on his little sister. 2) who the hell put it there?? Was it suit boy again? Or was it one of the others? He'd have to tell Elle to be careful around them from now on. He'll have to be more careful now. Welp might as well try to reverse engineer these trackers so he can make something to scramble them when those guys eventually try again. He and to at least protect Elle.
(Things I thought of but didn't know how to add it yet soo)
Dani goes by both Dani and Elle depending on if her brother is around. Its confusing when they're both being refused to as Danny after all.
Tim is going feral because he can't find anything on them, like they didn't exist before this summer.
Oracle is also going insane because her cameras can't pick the two up. Every time she tries to focus on them the camera feed glitches out till they're gone.
The next part will be about Jason getting caught with GIW because they think it's Danny (and Elle maybe.) Still writing.
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woncon · 8 months ago
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➳ like a rainbow
➶ stray kids ot8 x gn!reader 。˚ °
-ˏ` ✎﹏ sometimes it just hurts and you need to cry it out. but don't worry, your boyfriends are here to help you through it.
➴ genre: angst with a happy ending, hurt/comfort, fluff in the end
: ̗̀➛ warnings: crying, emotional pain
⌨ :: 1.2K words ♡ ︵ . .
⁀➷ i had a sobbing afternoon the other day. i wrote this as a therapy session, and now I'm dedicating this to all the dear Stays who need it! <3
⁀➷ thanks to @wonsheep for helping me fix my grammar mistakes and for giving me advice how to convert a whole story into another language precisely °♡̷•.
➳ stray kids masterlist | main masterlist
You retire to the bedroom. You don't even bother to close the door. You just throw yourself on the bed, and the tears are already flowing. You curl up in a ball and let your heartache take its course.
Today seems to be one of those days.
A day for crying.
You're too weak to get up. You're too tired to think. You’re just hurting and you let it hurt. Maybe if you use up all your tears, it'll be easier.
You embrace your body. Your shoulder shakes. Your whole being gives way to desperate cries. You close your eyes because you see nothing but your own tears, endless. Your heart is pounding loud, crumpled in its cave.
You don't even hear when someone enters the room.
Chan calls you by name, softly and quietly, but as soon as he realizes you aren't sleeping, but instead hiccupping from sobs, he is not subtle, he repeats your name in terror and comes to your side.
"What happened? Who hurt you?" He grabs your face. "My baby? Baby, talk to me. What hurts?"
You cuddle up to him, bury your head in his chest and shake it. You can't talk about this now. You have no words now, only tears, but you cling to Chan's body to let him know that even if you can't articulate it, you need him here. So you don't dig your fingers into the fabric of your sweater, but hold Chan close to you.
Meanwhile Chan is stroking your back, rocking you slowly, trying to soothe you with his kind words, you are still crying bitterly, your own chest unable to suppress the grief that is welling up inside you.
Soon Felix sticks his head into the room. His incomprehension quickly gives way to worry. His eyes widen, his mouth clenches helplessly, and every bitter sound you make creates another crack in his heart. He wants to climb on the bed, cuddle up to you, touch you reassuringly, hoping that his touch, his presence, will go some way to soothe your suffering.
But before he can do that, Chan whispers something to him. Felix doesn't understand at first. He shakes his head.
"Blanket. Hot chocolate. Music. Netflix. Dori," repeats Chan.
Felix nods vigorously, and heads out of the room to hand out tasks to the others. Everyone is committed when they find out how bad of an emotional state you are in. They are eager to do something to cheer you up, if only a little.
Seungmin looks for your favorite blanket. Felix makes the hot chocolate while Hyunjin roasts marshmallows. Jisung and Jeongin take care of the music, one brings the speakers from Chan's studio, the other your favorite playlist. Changbin's forearm disappears into the sofa as he searches for the remote control. Minho lures Dori into his lap to bring him to you.
When their duties are done, they all go to the bedroom and shower you with their kindness. You crawl out the cover of Chan's chest and sit up. You are so struck by all these hopeful faces and loving little things that for a moment you completely forget the pain you have felt, and the mere purpose of your existence is the vibrant gratitude you feel for them. A visceral gratitude for their kindness and love.
"See, little one?" Chan says with a half smile as your boyfriends flood the bed. "You are not alone. You are never alone. If you need it, you can cry on everyone's shoulder because we're here to take care of you."
Chan pulls out a tissue from his trousers and hands it over. You blow your nose. Seungmin spreads the blanket on your legs. Jisung turns on the speaker, then puts it on the nightstand. Jeongin starts the music, and the bedroom fills with rippling melodies instead of your inconsolable crying noises.
"Here." You get the hot chocolate in your hand from Felix. 
As you sip the sweet drink and eat the marshmallows, you feel warm inside. Your tears slowly dry up. 
You feel safe in the ring of your boyfriends on your huge bed as they quietly watch and listen to your wishes and reactions. They do their best to make you feel better, and their efforts alone make you feel better. By being here, being with you, and wanting to help, you know that no matter how much it hurts, they will try so hard to make you not suffer. They will listen or silently embrace you, whatever you need, they will want to give it to you, but they won't let you wallow alone, helpless.
Felix clears the empty mug up with a broad smile. As soon as your hand is empty, Minho immediately puts Dori in your lap. The cat instantly curls up on your blanket-clad thigh, settling into regal comfort.
At times, Dori specifically likes to be around those who aren't exactly in a good mood. He makes it almost a mission to cheer them up. Even now, as you run your fingers through his fur and he purrs contentedly, it's enough to bring a small smile to your tear-streaked face.
"You're like a rainbow now," whispers Hyunjin. You look at him. His eyes are bright with wonder, lips slightly parted. "Your tears fall, but your smile shines. Your face is a rainbow."
Embarrassed, you wipe away the remaining tears with the sleeve of your sweater before they dry completely on your face.
"Thank you," you say. "For taking care of me."
"Of course, beauty. We love you," replies Changbin, handing over the remote. You hold it with the hand you're not using to stroke Dori's soft fur. "We love you so much, you can choose the movie. If you want."
"But we can do other things if you feel like it," Felix adds, caressing your hand. "Anything that makes you happy."
"It's nice like this. Can we stay a little longer here?"
Everyone nods.
You scratch the base of Dori's ear.
"Thank you, really," you whisper emotionally.
"No need to thank us." Much to your surprise, Minho is lying down on your other side, resting his head on your shoulder and sliding up. You put the remote next to Dori and stroke Minho's hair with your free hand, and it seems as if he purrs too. You enjoy that this time you don't have to fight with his tsundere self to get him to cuddle up to you. 
Then your hand is snatched out by Hyunjin, who settles down behind Minho. He plays with it, drawing little hearts on your palm.
“Grandpa, space please!" Seungmin pushes Chan aside so that he can lie at your side. Chan snorts, Minho giggles and you smile.
"My seat's taken," Jisung snorts sadly, nudging Dori, who's sprawled on your stomach.
"You have other seats, Sung," Seungmin mutters, who no longer has such a problem because he's found his place next to you.
“Right!" Jisung gets excited. In the next moment, he leaps at Minho, who moans angrily for a second, but lets Jisung sprawl out and nestle on top of him.
Chan, Jeongin, Changbin and Felix form the other pile. 
You wish you had eight arms like an octopus to touch them all and pull them to you. And then Jeongin smiles sweetly at you, Changbin looks at you lovingly, and you understand that you don't need eight arms, because they are all in your heart, as you are in theirs, be at arm's length, cities or continents apart.
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sweetiesicheng · 2 months ago
dk - concert
word count : 605
this is your first time going to your boyfriend's concert in another country. there are people everywhere, and it almost makes it difficult to navigate the venue.
"this should be a line for drinks," your friend says as you get into a line with them. "hey, you doing okay?" they ask you, "y/n?"
you pop out of your bubble and look at them, "huh?"
"are you okay? you're kind of spacing out," they ask you, "let's meet with the guys once we get the drinks."
"i told seokmin that i'd stay out here," you reply to them. "i'll be fine," you say in attempt to reassure your friend.
"if you say so..." they reply as you two move forward in line.
sometimes you don't do well in crowds, but for the sake of not worrying your boyfriend, you try to pull yourself together. after all, you're here to enjoy a concert with your friend and have fun dancing around. the last thing you want to do is worry everyone right before the concert starts.
you make it to your seats in the vip section. there is still plenty of time before the start of the concert, so you and your friends take some photos to commemorate the moment.
"hey, want to go backstage?" your friend asks. "just for a few minutes."
"do we have enough time?" you ask them, looking at the time on your phone.
"for sure. come on."
both of you leave the vip section and head backstage to find the guys getting ready to get on stage. you greet staff members as you walk by and eventually reach your boyfriend.
"y/n!" seokmin cheers when he sees you. he opens his arms and you hug him. "feeling okay?" he asks you in a quieter tone.
you look up at him, "how'd you know?" you ask him.
"saw a text before i left the dressing room," he answers you. "you can stay back here if you want," he offers to you, "the crowds here might be rowdy."
you shake your head, "i wanna experience the whole thing, and i really want to party."
seokmin chuckles, "maybe i'll join you in your section," he says to you. "should i have seungkwan make you sing the high nice in "aju nice" later?" he asks with a laugh.
"you know i can't sing," you reply to him.
"that isn't stopping you from singing in the shower," he replies to you.
"you're really exposing me right now?"
seokmin laughs, "i'm kidding," he sings and lightly kisses your forehead.
"fifteen minutes everyone! fifteen minutes!" someone announces, making you both look over at the staff member speaking.
"guess i should head out," you say to him.
"you'll see me soon. don't worry," seokmin says to you and kisses your forehead again. "if you get tired, come backstage okay? you can just watch the monitors back here."
you nod, "i will, but i really would love to party until the end."
"we can party together during the set," he says to you, "i'll seriously come join. it'll be fun!" he laughs. "okay, go. i'll see you in a bit."
"okay," you reply. "good luck. all of you will do great," you say to him.
"thank you, love," seokmin says with a smile.
you start walking away and make it back to your friend, who had been talking to vernon and the8. you look back at seokmin and wave at him, watching him blow a kiss back to you. you return the kiss and giggle as you watch your boyfriend dramatically catch your kiss before you exit the backstage area.
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seospicybin · 1 year ago
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Felix x reader. (s)
Too Hot To Handle Masterlist.
Synopsis: You and Felix are having a Too Hot To Handle reunion with other contestants to catch up on the life after the retreat. (4,2k words)
Author's note: Some of you asking for a reunion so here it is! Also, happy birthday the blonde guy from Stray Kids x
Content warning: This is entirely a work of fiction and not affiliated with real Too Hot To Handle show.
HOST: Hello, everyone! I am your host for the Too Hot To Handle Extra Hot Reunion show! Hello, sexy people!
EVERYONE: [Claps] [cheers]
HOST: We'll be getting all the juicy details of the contestants of Too Hot To Handle season 1 and find out if your favorite couple is still together or not!
HOST: In the meantime, let's see if they still remember how many times they broke the rules!
LAURA: Wow! Honestly... A lot! [Chuckles]
ALEX: Indeed, we did a lot of things.
MAEVE: Just once and I don't regret it. At all!
YOU: Agree! [Thumbs up]
DANIEL: Oh, Laura touched someone's willy!
JAMIE: I didn't break enough rules.
KILLIAN: [laughs] I still remember your naughty little fingers, Felix!
FELIX: [laughs] [shows fingers to the camera]
COLE: I was too busy keeping you horn dogs from breaking the rules to break a rule.
HOST: These two girls prove that you can seek connections other than romantic ones. In this season we watched how their friendship blooms from a rule break.
HOST: Hello, my darlings!
MAEVE: Hey, gorgeous! [Waves]
YOU: Hi, babes!
HOST: We all know that the two of you are close before the kiss but what did you think that makes you guys click in the first place?
YOU: It's because we entered the villa together!
MAEVE: [Gasps] I almost forgot about that!
YOU: I was so nervous, it was my first time being in a show and front of a camera. I was grateful that they paired me up with someone and she's like... such a hottie.
MAEVE; Awww, thank you, babe!
YOU: And I think it's crazy that I met an Irish girl and we clicked right away.
MAEVE: It's meant to be!
HOST: Such a wonderful start to a relationship and both of you are hot and shared a hot kiss.
YOU: [Nods] Oh, yes.
MAEVE: [Blushes] [laughs]
HOST: So, how did the kiss happen?
YOU: I just wanted to kiss her. Really.
MAEVE: Babe, we agree to keep it a secret! [laughs]
YOU: [Laughs] I always think that Maeve is gorgeous, she's hot and no one can deny that yet she's always insecure about it.
MAEVE: [Quietly chuckles]
YOU: Frankly, a few times I wanted to shake her shoulders and snap her out of it because like, come on, she has nothing to be not confident about but instead of that, I kissed her.
MAEVE: Right! I'm a slow learner but with a kiss, I immediately get it.
HOST: Oh yes, a good snog always helps.
MAEVE: Right?
HOST: You mentioned in the show that someday you'll visit her in Ireland and have drinks together. Have you had the chance to do it?
YOU: [Nods] I already did.
MAEVE: She visited me last summer and we had so much fun.
YOU: We had tons of fun. We went from one pub to another and I obviously can't drink as much as Maeve— Oh, Killian!!!
MAEVE: [Covers face]
HOST: Do I smell something here? [Sniffs] Oh, it reeks of romance.
YOU: I'll leave that to Maeve to explain [Props hand under chin]
MAEVE: After the show we stayed in contact and we hung out a few times, there's something— I can't tell much for now. We want to take things slow.
HOST: It's better than nothing.
YOU: [leans close to the camera] [puts hands around your mouth] They're snogging, everyone!
HOST: Oh, kiss me I'm Irish indeed!
MAEVE: But still, our kiss is the best I've ever had.
HOST: Do you agree with that? Is Maeve still the best kisser?
YOU: Yes and yes and yes.
MAEVE: [Cheers] Eat that, Felix!
HOST: Do you girls have any plans? Upcoming girl's trip? Do you plan on sharing another kiss?
MAEVE: Another kiss for sure!
YOU: We want to do a lot of things and kissing is one of them [puckering lips]
MAEVE: [Blows kisses at you]
HOST: Nothing we love more than two girls wanting to kiss each other! True friendship goals right there!
HOST: We're usually able to guess which couple going to make it to the last but we didn't guess it right when they parted ways in the middle of the season. Tell us why it happened, Jamie!
JAMIE: [Rubs forehead] Uh... first thing first, I was sexually frustrated.
YOU: We all were!
JAMIE: I wanted to break the rules and she didn't so I got more frustrated [laughs]
YOU: That's true!
JAMIE: What a man can do?
YOU: A lot, actually! [Rolls eyes] [laughs]
HOST: Let it all out, honey! Let it out!
YOU: What was upsetting to me is that because I was about to open up to him and I was planning on breaking a rule with him but he [sighs] Well, it's your loss, Jamie [smirks]
JAMIE: It was my loss, I admit [hands up]
HOST: But are we good now? Are we on good terms or should we make a peace treaty right here, right now?
YOU: [Laughs]
JAMIE: We're good. We had dinner together the other night.
HOST: Is that true? Is it like... was it civil? Was it a peace offering?
YOU: Nah [shakes head] it was Cole, he told me he's in town and invited me to have dinner together. I would have said no if I knew Jamie was going to be there [gags] [laughs] I'm joking.
JAMIE: I did doubt she'd come if Cole had told her I'd be coming too.
YOU: I came because Cole said he'll pay for dinner [chuckles]
JAMIE: [Closes eyes] [flustered]
YOU: Jokes aside, we're good. We're friends.
JAMIE: Thank you! Everyone can stop coming at me now [laughs] thank you for clearing it up.
HOST: Oh, [wipes forehead] I was about to call for backup here but thank you for keeping this a peaceful reunion.
HOST: This is the moment you've been waiting for! They're my favorite couple in the show and it seems like they're everyone's favorite too. Hi, cuties!
FELIX: [Waves hand] Hi!
YOU: Hiya!
HOST: Let's catch up with you first, girl! How are you doing?
YOU: I've been doing great [smiles] I... uhm, I've been working hard on paying my debts and I'm debt-free now.
HOST: Woohoo! That's great!
YOU: Sad that I watched my money gone like that [laughs] but I'm relieved I don't have to think about it again.
HOST: We heard you're finishing fashion school. Is it true?
YOU: Yes, I am. I'm graduating next month!
HOST: [Claps] Oh, congratulations in advance, darling!
FELIX: [Claps] [smiles]
HOST: Aren't you proud of your girl, Felix?
FELIX: [Clears throat] Absolutely! She's been working hard so she deserves every good thing that comes to her.
YOU: [Coos] Thank you [smiles]
HOST: And how are things, Felix? How's life after the retreat?
FELIX: It felt weird to be back in the real world after the retreat. Moreover, I just feel like staying in the villa and not working [laughs]
HOST: Understandable!
FELIX: The only annoying thing about the retreat is Lana [chuckles]
HOST: Uh oh! Let's hope Lana didn't just hear it. For now, let's see some of your moments in the retreat!
YOU: Not you guys showing how I got fingered under the cover again [Facepalms]
HOST: I'm afraid it'll live forever in the TV history.
[Playing video of you and Felix in the retreat]
HOST: Getting flashbacks? How did you feel watching all that?
YOU: Wow. I mean looking back at it now, it feels like I did change. My friends and family kept saying something changed in me but I felt the same. I get it now.
HOST: How about you, Felix?
FELIX: Same. I was single when I joined the show and planned on staying single at the end of it.
HOST: Until the ultimate cockblock appeared?
FELIX: [Chuckles] Yes but the outcome is better than I expected.
HOST: Getting into the important questions now. Please fill in the blanks on what you guys did after the retreat is over.
YOU: [Sighs] [Chuckles] We stayed together for a week. Felix decided to come home and stayed over at my place and yeah... we just went at it.
HOST: Oh, straight into the juicy details, huh?
FELIX: [Laughs] We did like... seven times a day.
YOU: [Laughs] I felt— [inhales] I felt bad for my neighbor at that time.
HOST: Did you guys ahem... did all the things you guys wanted to do in a private suite?
YOU: [Tips head] [Slyly smiles]
FELIX: To be honest... [licks lips] not enough.
YOU: [Laughs] I had to change the bedsheets every few hours!
FELIX: You want the juicy details [smiles] [shrugs]
HOST: It's wow— It's not juicy, it's rather flooding in here. What happened after that?
YOU: Felix went back to Australia and I got busy working, school.
FELIX: [Nods] I went back to work right away.
HOST: [Blinks eyes] Nothing happened after that?
YOU: We spent New Year's together and after that, we just went back to our lives.
HOST: New Year was two months ago, babes! Wait, are you—
FELIX: We haven't met again after that.
HOST: Oh, no. I don't want to be the bearer of bad news to everyone but I have to ask, are you guys still together?
YOU: Well...
HOST: Hold that tongue and let me get back to you after I asked everyone about their favorite best moments!
HOST: What is your favorite best moment?
HEIDI: Fooling around with everyone in the pool.
LAURA: Definitely kissing Alex [laughs] No, I'm playing. I had fun doing the all-girls workshop that when I felt the closest to them.
YOU: What I miss the most now is just us girls talking in the dressing room.
KILLIAN: Felix and I working out by the beach together.
JAMIE: It must be the date I had with Mia. I never had a nice date like that.
JOSH: The dance we did in the last episode.
MAEVE: The first party we had and everyone's faces when they found out it was Too Hot To Handle.
ALEX: Goofing around with the boys in the bedroom.
FELIX: That time I was sweating so much from waiting for my girl to come back from the date.
COLE: Must be the times we spent worrying about the money [laughs]
HOST: We're back with our favorite couple and about to reveal the fate of their relationship. I'm going to ask you guys again. Are you guys still together?
YOU: The distance is... I guess we kind of having a hard time overcoming it. Other than that, we're both busy, Felix is always traveling for his job and I'm stuck here studying.
FELIX: My worries turned out to be true and we had our ups and downs.
HOST: Stop dragging this around. My heart can't take it.
FELIX: Well... Sorry, I just need to— [exits the frame]
HOST: Felix, where are you going?
YOU: [Looks to the side] [Felix appears in your frame]
HOST: OH?! You guys are—
YOU: [Nods] [Chuckles]
FELIX: I decided to move in with her.
HOST: [Clutches chest] You guys are so mean, I almost had a heart attack.
YOU: [Gets up from chair] [sits on Felix's lap]
FELIX: It's the only way for this to work. Being away from her, the distance... [sighs] it was draining so I sorted a few things, packed up, and moved in.
YOU: I just moved to a new apartment so the timing couldn't be more perfect.
HOST: Is the bedroom soundproofed, babe?
YOU: [Laughs] Not yet but now I plan on doing it.
HOST: You should because it seems to me like it's going to be super loud and busy in there.
FELIX: It's about to [smirks]
HOST: Please show us some love! Share a smooch with us for all of your fans out there.
FELIX: [Turns head] [kisses you on the lips]
HOST: Oh, great! I feel so single now.
YOU: Well, you can always join Too Hot To Handle [Laughs]
HOST: No, thank you. I enjoyed seeing my favorite couple is still all lovey-dovey. Felix, do you have anything to say before we end our interview?
FELIX: Yes. It was nice catching up with everyone and I'm happy to be here with my girlfriend but I'm afraid it's time to f—
HOST: Sorry, Felix, as much as we love a happy ending, we have to cut you off again. It's been fun catching up with all the hot guests from the first season of Too Hot To Handle. Hope to see you guys again next time and thank you for watching!
Felix shuts the laptop once the interview is over and puts his arms around you.
"That was fun," he murmurs close to your ear.
You turn your head to the side, letting him capture your lips into a kiss.
"The fun hasn't begun," you mutter against his lips and let go to continue talking, "yet."
He leans in for another kiss as you recline on his chest, his hands roaming around your clothed body and feeling you all over.
"You still make me hard," he seductively whispers into your ear.
When the kiss starts to get deeper and harder, you get up from his lap, unzipping your dress as you walk backward while maintaining eye contact with him.
The dress drops onto the floor and pools around your ankle, exposing the matching underwear you're wearing.
You kick the dress away and it lands next to his feet.
Felix resists picking it up and shakes his head, eyeing the piece of clothing you're wearing that he wants.
"Give it to me," he says with a deep, assertive voice that makes you tingle inside.
"Okay..." Your hand reaches to the back to unclasp your bra.
Sliding the straps down your shoulders, you take the bra off and throwing at him, landed right on his lap.
He hisses as he takes it but does nothing to it, "The other one!"
You shake your head and cup your breasts with your hands, "Nuh-uh! No!"
Felix glares at you and leans forward on his chair, "Give it to me!" He says with a deeper voice.
"Why don't you get it yourself?" You dare him with a sly smile.
Felix reclines on the chair, spreading his legs wide, and pokes his inner cheek with his tongue. It's like he's doing a photoshoot for a magazine.
"I have no other option then," he sighs and quickly gets up from the chair to chase after you.
You squeal as you make a run to the bedroom, but he catches you right before you can climb onto the bed.
"Got you!"
Felix wraps his arms around you and shuts you up with a kiss on your open mouth. His hands get busy roaming around your naked body as his kiss turns sloppy.
You turn around to face him and hook your leg over his, clinging to him as you return his eager kisses.
"Baby..." You whine.
He gently bites at your lower lip and slyly smiles, "What?"
You gently push him away and lay down on the bed, giving him the eyes as you say, "Take those clothes off for me."
Felix is too busy lusting over your almost naked body on the bed to hear what you said to him.
"Baby!" You call him again a little louder.
It works to snap him out of his possibly lewd daydream, "No time to take the clothes off," he says, then jumps onto the bed.
Felix likes it more if you’re the one taking his clothes off for him.
Your hands are swiftly unbuttoning his shirt while your mouth is busy returning his hard and deep kisses. You impatiently part it open once you're done unbuttoning them all.
Felix eventually has to be the one getting rid of it, reluctantly letting go of the kiss to do it. He hurls it across the room to hover above you again.
"I miss you," he earnestly says as he stares deeply into your eyes.
"Aww..." you coo and brush his already tousled hair, "I miss you too."
Your fingertips lightly trail his cheek dusted with freckles and cup his jaw, "Come, kiss me again!" you sweetly demand with an adorable pout.
He's more than happy to comply, pressing his lips on you again. His heart is shrunk from being away from you too long, but the kiss helps him fill it with warm feelings, and revives it back to life.
A part of him still can't believe that he's moving in with you and he can see you every day, kissing you as many times as he wants.
"I love you," he mutters as he breaks the kiss.
"I love you too," you say back with a smile that makes his heart rattle inside his chest.
"Baby, isn't it time for you to give me head?"
He breaks into laughter, "So impatient, huh?"
"Well, you've been away for long..." you meekly answer and put your legs around his waist to draw him closer.
You lowly giggle as you guide his hand down south, "A girl has her needs, you know."
He rubs over your clothed core and slyly grinning as he looks down at you, "Uh-huh?"
You nod and spread your legs wider for him, "You still make me wet," you say as you watch his hand slip into your underwear.
"Mmh..." He hums with a quick kiss on your neck.
Felix continues the trail of kisses down your neck and chest, biting on your nipples on his way down to kiss your abdomen.
You squirm as his mouth gets closer to where you want him to be. A moan falls out of your parted mouth as his mouth makes contact with your clothed cunt.
Oh, how he misses hearing the noises you make as his tongue lapping at your wetness. The taste of you quench his thirst yet he can't have enough.
Your hand tangles in his hair, tugging at it whenever the pleasure gets overwhelming and at the same time, telling him that he's doing the right thing.
There are so many things he wants to do but one pops out in his head at this moment. He sucks hard on your clit before letting it go.
Hastily, he kisses your mouth, ignoring his mouth drenched in your essence.
"Yeah?" You breathlessly ask with wide eyes.
He places a slobbering kiss on your jaw before answering you, "Do you have anything we can play with?"
You shot him a surprised look, then lowly chuckle, "In the second drawer of the dresser."
A part of him still can't believe that he's moving in with you and he can see you every day, kissing you as many times as he wants.
"I love you," he mutters as he breaks the kiss.
"I love you too," you say back with a smile that makes his heart rattle inside his chest.
"Baby, isn't it time for you to give me head?"
He breaks into laughter, "So impatient, huh?"
"Well, you've been away for long..." you meekly answer and put your legs around his waist to draw him closer.
You lowly giggle as you guide his hand down south, "A girl has her needs, you know."
He rubs over your clothed core and slyly grinning as he looks down at you, "Uh-huh?"
You nod and spread your legs wider for him, "You still make me wet," you say as you watch his hand slip into your underwear.
"Mmh..." He hums with a quick kiss on your neck.
Felix continues the trail of kisses down your neck and chest, biting on your nipples on his way down to kiss your abdomen.
You squirm as his mouth gets closer to where you want him to be. A moan falls out of your parted mouth as his mouth makes contact with your clothed cunt.
Oh, how he misses hearing the noises you make as his tongue lapping at your wetness. The taste of you quench his thirst yet he can't have enough.
Your hand tangles in his hair, tugging at it whenever the pleasure gets overwhelming and at the same time, telling him that he's doing the right thing.
There are so many things he wants to do but one pops out in his head at this moment. He sucks hard on your clit before letting it go.
Hastily, he kisses your mouth, ignoring his mouth drenched in your essence.
"Yeah?" You breathlessly ask with wide eyes.
He places a slobbering kiss on your jaw before answering you, "Do you have anything we can play with?"
You shot him a surprised and lowly chuckle, "In the second drawer of the dresser."
Nothing can compare to the feeling of entering you and the look on your face as you slowly take his length.
Felix is on cloud nine once his cock is fully buried inside you, he tenderly caresses your cheek and puts your hair to the side.
"Always taking me so well, mmh?" He coos at you.
You smile with your eyes closed as a response to his sweet praise.
It only gets better now that he's getting help from the vibrator he takes from your drawer. He turns it on and it's buzzing in his hand.
Slowly, he puts the vibrator on your clit and pays attention to the facial expression you make as a guide to please you.
It's the first time for him as well to use it on you and feel the vibration even though his cock is snug inside your velvety walls.
"Good, baby?" He asks.
You nod with a blissful smile on your face, squirming on the bed with moans spilling out of your parted mouth.
Felix pauses by turning off the vibrator and begins to slowly thrust into you at a steady pace.
Your eyes are screwed shut and your hands are gripping the sides of your pillow.
"Baby, oh..." You moan out loud.
As much as he wants to please you, he wants to take his time and give you the best of pleasure. He leans down to kiss you again, giving you a break by slowly making out with you.
"Faster, yeah?" He asks against your lips.
"Okay," you answer with your lips wet from the kisses.
He kisses you before getting into position, turning on the vibrator, and changing the speed settings.
It's getting more intense now and he can feel it as you tighten and flutter around him. You're sucking him deeper so that he can't help himself but draw his cock out of you and slowly slip it in.
You're a moaning mess, clawing at the bedsheets and squirming on the bed, "Oh, fu..." your curse goes into a breathless moan.
He can see the sheen of sweat covering your body and tears pooling in the corner of your eyes, overwhelmed by the stimulations he's doing to you.
"Close, baby?"
"Yeah, yeah," you repeatedly answer in a broken voice.
Felix decides to ditch the vibrator and puts all of his focus on you, he's hovering above you, giving you a minute to calm down.
"You feel so good, baby, oh..." he praises along with a hot kiss on your lips.
"Been dreaming of fucking you this good," he murmurs with his mouth planted on your neck.
You hold the nape of his neck and bring his head close for a passionate kiss that takes his breath away. You both gasp for air the second you let go.
"Make me feel good, baby," you whine, arching your back and intentionally clenching around him.
A raw groan rips out of his throat, Felix drops his head into your neck and gathers his senses, or else he'll lose it right there, right now.
"Ain't I making you feel good right now?" He asks.
"I want more," you reply with a naughty grin on your face.
As a boyfriend, Felix will always give you what you want and it happens that he wants the same thing too.
With a deep kiss and he plants his hands against the mattress, he starts thrusting into you again. He sets a steady pace at first, yet a moment later, he loses all control and picks up the speed.
It's getting more intense that he can't contain his grunts and he can feel your nails digging into the flesh on his back.
"Oh, I..." The rest of your words turn incoherent as he mercilessly pounds into you.
Felix lets himself go the second you reach your climax, using every bit of his senses left to get to his release. He crashes his mouth on you and you break the kiss not long after as you let out a loud moan.
He collapses onto you and you wrap your arms around him, reorganizing your breathing with your bodies rising and falling in sync.
"Imagine if we did all that in retreat," you murmur with a quick kiss on his bare shoulder.
Felix's laughs reverberate through your body as he's snuggled on top of you.
"We'd break not only Lana's rules," he props a hand against the mattress and lovingly kisses your lips.
"We'd also break Lana's bank."
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woodle-isbae · 8 months ago
Could you please do anything that's male reader X Joost? There are almost no fics with male reader I'm dying out here 😭
One night only
Fratboy!Joost klein x fratboy!reader
Warnings: Frat boys! , drinking , smoking , smut , PiA , unprotected sex (wrap it b4 u tap it) , joost is a jock and reader is a theater kid , bottom!Joost , Top reader
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Drunken bodies all over eachother , music blasting from the speakers and people basically black out drunk outside
You and a few friends hosted one of the craziest parties of the semester , free entry and plus ones allowed. You even had three? Four? Of your teachers there aswell , to "chaperone"
"You all enjoying the party!!?"
The DJ you hired hyping up everyone , including you , who was equally drunk as everyone else on the property
Heading to the kitchen to get another drink , moving past the drunk girls and horny couples grinding against eachother , slightly cringing at them
"They're fucking disgusting-"
You whipped your head around at the sudden voice behind you , it was a blue eyed blond man , not much taller than you but had some height.
He had to be a jock
"Oh..uh, yeah..but im not shocked , kinda expected it"
"Still disgusting."
There was an awkward silence between you two before he gulped down his drink and introduced himself as 'Joost'.
Joost Klein , played rugby - star captain- he's well known amongst the people in your year. An icon and playboy , usually hopping from girl to girl .
Unlike you , a total theatere kid , even for your little hobby you were very well known , basically on the same level as Joost in popularity
It was rare that you guys were near eachother , and even more rare for you guys to be talking
An hour passed of you guys talking and playing beer games , eventually settling down in your bedroom balcony, sharing a joint and taking in the cool summer air , the muffled sounds of music and cheers comming from downstairs
"Have you ever...nevermin-"
"C'mon Joostie , don't be shy"
Your interjection catching him off guard as he stared at you for a moment , huffing to himself as he turned a faint shade of pink , taking a gulp of his drink before he looked you in the eye , taking in a breath
"Have you ever had sex. . .with a guy?"
There was a silence between you two , his pink face turning red , embarrassed by his question , biting on his lip.
"I'm sorry it was a du-"
"Yeah , I have"
The silence returning before he continued his questioning
"How was it-? , like did you take it or-"
"I'm more of a giver , it's a fun experience tho"
"Ah..I see.."
You finally turned over to look at him , head resting on your hand , which was on the mini table , scanning his face for a bit.
"You wanna try it out?"
° ☆ °
"Okay..take a breath in , it's gonna hurt a bit"
"Y-yeah okay-"
You currently had him face down into the pillow , fully exposed and your finger lubed up.You gave him a blow job prior , just to relax his nerves a bit
You slowly prodded your finger inside him , pausing halfway to give him time to adjust before you put your finger in fully , giving him a few minutes to get used to the feeling
He mumbled a shaky yes , nodding his heads aswell. His body jerking as you began to move your finger inside him , searching for that spongey spot.
He choked out a moan ,his body trembled and legs shook as he came.
There is it
"Haven't even finished stretching you out yet."
"What just happened-?"
He turned over to look at you , still catching his breath. . .only to be met with a sly smirk from you
"Don't stress it , just have fun"
He was slightly weirded out by how quick he came , allowing himself to relax once more and turn over , stuffing his face in the pillow as you continued stretching him out to your liking
"Okay. . .I'm gonna enter now..take a breath in"
Lining yourself up and slowly entering , his breath hitched as his body trembled
"You'll tell me when I can start moving."
Bottoming out in him , steading his hips against yours as you caught your breath , waiting for him to adjust
"You can-. . .you can move"
"I'll be slow"
You began moving your hips at a steady and slow rhythm , trying your best to make him comfortable.
After a while your movements became more erratic, your grip on his hips nearly bruising as your thrusts were animalistic , knocking a yelp and whine out of the larger man bellow you
"I-ah!-I'm gonna c..Um!"
The way he was barely coherent and rambling out profanities and pleading for more had you at your edge , his back resting against your chest while your hips continued their movement which was becoming unstable
"C'mon Joostie , let it out-shit.-y'can do it"
Your words of praise was just enough to get him to his breaking point , he shuddered and tightened against you , spilling all om the sheets underneath him before his body gave out and fell limp from overstimulation
You pulled out quickly and came on his lower back , catching your breath as you layed next to him.
The world comming back to the both of you , the cheering and music that was erupting from the party still going on downstairs
You went to go get a warm cloth and a bottle of water from your mini fridge, cleaning him up and helping him get his boxers back on , along with your own
"Y'have fun?"
"I'd do it again..definitely"
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kayharrisons · 5 months ago
I was a child before the day that I met Eleanor [Tyler x fem!Reader] [part 1 of 2]
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Upon the birth of Kay's baby, your boyfriend comes to the realisation that he wants one of his own with you.
A/N: I'M A TYLER GIRLLLY it's ab time I did a fic for him 🫶 fluff ahead!!!! Title is from A Father's First Spring by the Avett Brothers! V sweet song ab fatherhood:) this chapter is mostly just build up, next chapter will be actual pregnancy stuff!!
Series warnings: childbirth, pregnancy, cousin incest (Kay x Bjorn), fertility issues
Kay's son is born on one of the coldest nights on Yvaga.
You, Rain, Andy and Navarro sit outside in the waiting room, wincing at every scream, every curse from your dear friend as she brings her baby into the world.
Tyler couldn't be pulled from his sister's side, and... interestingly enough, neither could Bjorn. He'd damn near throttled the doctor who'd tried to remove him.
You don't know how long you all sit there before Tyler comes back out. His eyes are tired, his hair sticking to his forehead, but his smile is beaming, proud.
"It's a boy," he grins, glancing back behind him to the door. "Kay and the baby are doing great. You guys can come through in a little bit but... she wanted a minute alone, first."
None of you bring up the fact that Bjorn is still in the room with her, so technically it's not alone... but you move past that, moving over to your boyfriend with a gentle smile, rubbing a hand up and down his back.
"How's unclehood feel, Ty?" you grin, leaning your chin against his arm as you peer up at him. He laughs softly, pressing a kiss to your head.
"Insane. Surreal, actually, he's here, now. Kay's a mum. My little sister..." he blows out a sigh, shaking his head. "Bizarre, but like, in a good way, I guess."
You grin wider, leaning up and pecking his cheek, giving his arm a squeeze as you bask in his warmth, his joy.
It isn't long before you're all let into the room. Kay is still abed, naturally, her skin slick with sweat, her bangs plastered to her forehead. She's dressed in the standard issue hospital gown, her hair tied back into a lazy plait, her face exhausted.
But she's glowing with happiness, rivalling the warm glow of Yvaga's sun.
Bjorn is half perched beside her on the bed, eyes red rimmed and glued to the bundle in Kay's arms, as if he's afraid it will disappear.
"Guys," she begins, finally breaking her gaze away from the baby in her arms. "This is Felix," she whispers, beaming back down at her son, who coos and wiggles against her chest, letting out a squeaky yawn.
Needless to say, the entire crew's hearts grow three times bigger.
Felix is a cute kid; chubby cheeks, Kay's dark curls, a beaming smile, and alert blue eyes that look ever so familiar to-
"I'm telling you," Tyler insists, hands on his hips as he beams down at his nephew. Felix beams back at him. "Saw him crawl earlier! Go on, Fel!"
"Fucksake, he'll do it in his own time." Bjorn rolls his eyes, though there is a fond grin on his face. He's sat not too far from Felix, leaning back on his elbows as he keeps an eye on the infant. "Won'tcha, bud? Don't need no one dictactin' whatcha do, hm?"
Felix squeals, reaching over and yanking on Bjorn's nose.
You giggle, setting your datapad aside as you turn to the infant, quite contentedly pulling on Bjorn's nose, the man dramatically crying out and making faces at the baby as he does. "Fel," you coo, crouching down and holding out your hands. "Come to auntie, c'mon, sweetie!"
With another squeal, Felix abandons Bjorn, who collapses onto his back with an overdramatic cry as Felix promptly leaves his side in favour of crawling over to you on wobbly hands and knees.
"Yes!" Tyler cheers, fists in the air. "I knew it! Fuckin' knew it!"
"Don't swear 'round him," Bjorn tuts, shooting his cousin some side eye.
"You've got a bloody cheek."
You ignore them, just grinning wide as Felix stops by your feet, prompting you to scoop him up with a cheer of your own, pressing a smattering of kisses to his cheeks. "Such a clever boy!" you coo, laughing along with his sweet baby giggles.
Bjorn hops to his feet, standing and scooping Felix from your hands, keeping a careful grip of him as he lowers him to the ground, then holds him up high again. Felix shrieks with delight, and Bjorn repeats the motion a few times with a matching beam on his own face. "That's m'boy!" he cheers, holding Felix close and pressing a kiss to his forehead, his little nose. "Such'a clever lad, aren'tcha?"
"Gets it from Kay, clearly." You remark, smirking at him as he pouts at you from over Felix's head, his son's head.
He and Kay haven't officially said anything yet still, but it's obvious. Felix's eyes, his cheeky smile, they're both so completely Bjorn that even Tyler can't look past it.
Add in the fact that Bjorn practically lived with Kay, damn near spent every day with her and Felix... yeah, didn't take a genius to work it out.
You shake your head with a fond grin, turning to look at your boyfriend and gage his thoughts.
Tyler is already staring at you, cheeks a shade darker and eyes so unbelievably soft as they gaze upon you. You cock your head in confusion, smile softening the longer he looks at you. He moves past Bjorn and Felix, coming over to your side as if a magnet is guiding him. He reaches up, gently cupping your cheek in his hand, thumb oh so gently brushing back and forth over your cheek.
"What?" You ask, question in your tone, as your boyfriend's eyes search your face, trailing over your features one by one.
Felix squawks, and Bjorn hums back at him, glancing between you both with raised brows. He looks down at his son, blowing out a little huff of air. "Well, c'mon, then, let's go find'ya mummy, yeah?" and with that he swiftly exits, Felix quite contentedly chewing on the collar of his t-shirt.
Tyler opens his mouth to speak, before closing it with a shaky exhale, sheepish as he ducks his head down. "I really love you, y'know that right?" he asks, voice hoarse.
"Yeah, course I do," you say softly, carding your fingers through his hair. "I love you too. What's on your mind, Ty-"
"Iwannahaveababywithya." he blurts out, before wincing, pinching the bridge of his nose. "Fuck- fuck, I'm sorry- that just- it just hit me, when you were holding Felix and-"
You blink at him, stomach swooshing and heart pounding in your chest.
"I mean, I love you to death, y'know? I'm gonna marry you," he says, oh so matter of factly. "I just... I look at you with Felix, and you're just... fuck, love, you suit it, being a mum. And I think about us, and us havin' a..."
"Tyler," you breathe, lips quirking up again.
"Okay." you whisper, and it's his turn to freeze. "I feel the same way, babe-"
You break off into a shriek of laughter as he scoops you into his arms, twirling you into a tight hug as he laughs nervously against your ear. You cling onto each other tight, your face buried in his neck and his in your hair.
"Shit, shit-" he laughs, setting you down and clutching your face in his hands, leaning his forehead against yours. "Fuck we... we're really-?"
"We're trying." You breathe, smile hurting your face with how wide it gets. Tyler's smile matches your own, and he laughs again before leaning down, pressing his lips against yours.
Months pass. Felix hits his first birthday, Rain and Navarro show up to family dinner holding hands one evening-
("Are you okay with us?" Rain asks Tyler, awkwardly, hesitantly, her eyes wide with fear.
"Hey, why wouldn't I be?" he asks, smiling fondly and giving her shoulder a squeeze. "You make each other happy, that's all that matters, alright?")
-and Bjorn is promptly chased around the block when Tyler finally pieces together just who had fathered his nephew-
(You'd never seen him so mad, as you held onto a sobbing Kay, as you watched Tyler and Bjorn scream at each other. Thank god Felix was out for a day trip with auntie Rain and uncle Andy, honestly.
"You fuckin' prick-" Tyler shouts, shaking his cousin by jacket collar. "Should fuckin' kill you for- fuck, did you even fuckin' THINK about what you'd done to her, huh? You, what, fucked your cousin and LEFT HER-"
"It's not FUCKIN' LIKE THAT-" Bjorn roars back, shoving Tyler away from him. "We've loved each other for years, not my fault your head was shoved way too far up your own arse to fuckin' NOTICE-"
Tyler shouts some more choice words, rearing a fist back to punch his cousin again. Until, that is, Kay breaks away from you and rushes between the cousins, eyes full of tears and chest heaving.
"Stop it, Ty!" Kay shrieks, arms protectively keeping Bjorn behind her and away from her brother's fists. "Stop! Fucking- I love him-"
Your boyfriend laughed, hiding his face in his hands. "It's- It's fuckin' weird-"
"I know, I know," Kay soothes, hiccuping softly. "And I'm sorry we never said anything sooner but- but this? It's exactly why I was so scared to tell you.")
Things had been tense, for a little while. Tyler and Bjorn didn't speak for a while, not until Kay had sheepishly announced her second pregnancy when Felix was nearing three. It was only then that the cousins reconciled, returning to how they used to be (even if Tyler narrowed his eyes every time he caught Bjorn and Kay kissing, or even merely holding hands).
You marry Tyler, shortly after Felix's third birthday. It's a small ceremony, moreso a signing of a document at a small colony office. But you return home, have dinner and drinks with your family, and he even carries you over the threshold, the pair of you giggling like two dumbass teenagers.
One thing, however, is missing.
Your birth control implant had been removed a week after you and Tyler had talked about having a baby. You'd both gotten tests, fearful of Jackson having done something to your fertilities.
According to those tests, you were both damn fertile myrtles.
It was baffling, the fact that three years later you still had no baby, your cycle was as regular as ever.
Until, that is, it wasn't.
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melanieph321 · 10 months ago
Ruben Dias x Black Reader - Volunteer
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Summary - Ruben wants to celebrate Man City winning another PL title. However, Reader won't be able to join him.
You thought that your life would change, dating someone like Ruben Dias. Although there were some drastic changes, mainly the sudden invasion of privacy from strangers claiming to know and judging everything about you. Other than that, your life was normal.
You were even able to keep your day job as a middle school teacher, at least up until the point that it became irrational for you to take as many days off as you did when traveling with Ruben to his many away games. Although your hours as a teacher were reduced by quitting your job, you never forgot where you came from and always went back to volunteering whenever they needed you. Like this weekend, for instance.
The summer holidays were closing in. Although most children were looking forward to it, others, less fortunate kids, dread the feeling of being trapped at home without anywhere to go for ten weeks. Especially children from troubled backgrounds where their parents were known alcoholics.
In this case, the school always used the last days of the term to cheer up the children with fun activities, sponsored by the local churches and volunteers like yourself signing up to help out.
"If we win the league, I'm taking you to Ibiza."
"If you win?" You giggled. Ruben came out of the bathroom, toothbrush in his mouth. He was so eager to start the last game of the season for Man City. Today was the day his team could make Premier league history by becoming the first team to secure four back to back titles.
"Yes, if we win. Nothing is for certain." He said, darting his toothbrush at you.
You shook your head. Ruben was just being daft. City would win their game today against West Ham, and they would win it easily.
A few hours later, as you watch the refeee blow the final whistle, Manchester City were champions once again.
"Baby, what did I say!" Ruben cheered. "Start packing your fucking bags."
It was hysterical. The scenes at the Ethiad stadium were very hysterical, with fans invading the pitch from all directions. You were a little afraid to step onto it yourself. However, Ruben would be very disappointed if you didn't. In the joyous state that he was in, he would've probably climbed the stands and carried you onto the pitch himself.
"Did I tell you how much I fucking love you?" Ruben pressed a wet kiss to your forhead before running off with his teammates, all of them celebrating like a pack of hooligans. It was all very hysterical and brilliant at the same time.
"I can't find my mommy."
Walking around the pitch, taking it all in, how happy and proud Ruben must be of himself and his teammates, you suddenly bumped into a child who seemed a bit dissoriented and anxious to be reunited with his parents.
"Have you lost your mother?" You asked, kneeling down to be at eye level with the boy.
"Yes, I think she went with daddy?"
"Alright, let's go find mommy and daddy then. Would you like that?"
The boy nodded and felt safe enough to accept your offer to hold his hand.
"Oh my God, Rome!"
It didn't take long for you to find out who the child belonged to. You had practically been looking for each other.
"Shit Y/N, you found him."
"He actually found me." You smiled and watched Kevin de Bruyne reunite with his son.
"I don't know how to thank you. Michele was so worried."
"All is well now."
"Yeah, thanks to you."
It was something, seeing a father's relief. Sometimes you wonder if Ruben would be like that, a caring father?
"Will we see you tonight?" Kevin asked, little Rome in his arms.
"Yes, for the celebration party?"
"Oh, that." It sounded fun, truly. But you had a long week ahead, starting tomorrow.
You had to get to the school early to help the other volunteers set everything up. You explained this to Kevin, who seemed to understand.
"To be honest, I'm not one for parties either. It's sounds like fun, volunteering."
"You should try it." You said. And with that, Kevin left to find his wife and their other children while you went to collect an ecstatic Ruben before he hurt himself.
"What do you mean you're not coming with me to the party?"
Unlike Kevin, Ruben didn't take the news as well. The two of you returned home, with Ruben noticing that you weren't getting ready to go out, like him.
"Well, I have to get up early tomorrow."
"Ruben? "
"Come on baby, it's not everyday I win a championship?"
"Four in a row, Ruben. You've literally won four in a row." And you had been there to witness two of them.
He grinned. "Isn't it lovely?"
You rolled your eyes.
"Come on, baby." Ruben trailed your steps through the apartment. "What about Ibiza, we leave right after the City parade. Please tell me you're coming with me to that?"
"The parade, or Ibiza?"
"You're kidding me right?"
"Ruben." You sighed. "I've told you how important volunteering for the kids is to me."
"But won't there be other volunteers?"
"No, Ruben, they're gonna need all hands on deck, we're already very short staffed."
"Because the school is so run down. Why would anyone want to volunteer there?"
You paused, mouth wide open.
"I can't believe you just said that."
"It's the truth."
"Ruben, that school has been there for all my life. I grew up going to that school." You felt yourself getting rallied up. How could Ruben be so stubborn about this when he knew how important your job was to you?
"Okay, look...." He whipped out his phone in one last attempt to win you over. "Just give me the number of the principal, and I'll make sure to forward a nice little donation to the school, of course in the return that you will come with me to Ibiza. There, problem solved."
"No, Ruben!" You groand. "The only problem I have right now is you not hearing me out."
"Come on baby, let's not fight. The car will be here in a minute."
"Ruben! Do you even hear yourself right now? I get wanting to celebrate with your teammates, but you're gonna have to accept the fact that I'm NOT coming with you!"
That seemed to do it.
That was the end of the shouting.
Disappointed, Ruben left for the party without you. And you went to bed with a headache that would last all week.
It was only around Wednesday that you no longer thought of your heated argument with Ruben. By then, the title celebrations in England were over, with Ruben hopping on a plane to take him and his friends straight to Ibiza.
Perhaps it was for the best that you spent sometime apart. You were too emerged in your volunteer work anyway.
"Miss Y/N, can you go on the waterslide with me? I'm scared."
With the church donations, the school was able to set up a blow-up waterslide. All children seemed to enjoy it, although you admit that the construction looked very steep.
"Yes, I'm scared so will you ride it with me?"
"Erm....I don't know Nelson. I didn't bring any swimwear."
"Oh, okay." The boy muttered.
"I'll go with you on the slide."
The boy gasped, eyes wide as he perked up. "Kevin de Bruyne!"
You snapped your head back and were equally surprised. "Kevin? What are you...."
"Hey everyone, it's Kevin de Bruyne!" Nelson shouted, alerting a flock of children to head your way.
Kevin smiled. "Ruben forwarded the address and said you might need a hand."
"He did?"
Cheering children cane running towards you, and soon Kevin was ambushed by all of them.
Behind him was his wife, Michele, and their kids. "I guess my kids better hurry up and get on the slide now, while my husband distracts the others." She smiled.
"Um...help yourself." You stammered, not really sure how this came to be.
And as if things weren't strange enough, John Stones and Kyle Walker came walking through the school gates. They had also brought along their families. "Ruben promised there would be food." Kyle said.
"Um, there is." You pointed towards the table next to the grill.
"Great. Kids, run along. Daddy has to eat."
"I'm sorry about him." John smiled, giving you a hug. "It was all pretty last minute of Ruben to invite us. I didn't even know that the two of you were volunteers."
"Neither did I." You frowned. "You said Ruben invited you?"
"Yeah." John nodded. "I think he messaged everyone in the Man City group chat. The rest are probably on their way."
"The rest?" You looked to the gates, and indeed, some very nice cars were seen pulling up to the school parking lot. You recognized everyone of Ruben's teammates, including their family's. Even some of the City staff members were seen entering the school yard.
"I think we're gonna need more food." The principal, who appeared behind you, said. She looked more excited than anxious, peering her head to see who was next to walk through the gates. Your heart skipped at the sight of him, Ruben, carrying the child of his teammate Bernardo Silva.
"I know he is your sagnificant other..." The principal said as the two of you watched Ruben make his way over. "But I figured he'd be too busy with the celebrations of winning the league. I didn't want to come off as too forward by asking you to invite him. You know....for the children."
"I'm glad you did it anyway."
"I actually...didn't." You turned around to see that the principal was gone. She had joined the children to watch Kevin de Bruyne go down the water slide.
"I think that's everyone?"
You turned around to find Ruben and Bernardo standing before you. They were looking around the crowded school yard, kids mixed with the newly crowned title winners. It was surreal, with everyone, even the volunteers looking to enjoy themselves.
"It's a good thing you got going here." Bernardo said, unhanding Ruben his child. "Make sure to invite us to the next one."
"Um...sure." You stammered, to which Ruben smiled. The two of you were left standing. Ruben towering over you like a tree. He stretched out his arms. "Suprise."
A smiled crept your face. You gave in, stepping forward to let him warp his giant arms around you.
"What about Ibiza?" You said, tilting your head.
Ruben looked down, eyes beaming brightly at you. "I was wrong, and you we right, I'm sorry."
You smiled. "Thank you."
He bent down, capturing your lips with his own. "You're there for my important stuff." He whispered. "It's only right that I should be there for your important stuff too."
"Oh, Ruben."
He kissed you again, assuring you that he was indeed in it for the long hall.
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shu-glue · 2 years ago
alhaitham x gn!reader
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wherein Alhaitham, despite being deeply and irrevocably in love with you, thinks it's rather immature to be picking fights with a child whose age hasn't even reached double digits yet. until he meets said child himself. notes: gn!reader, written in lowercase, reader is implied to be the traveler but can be read otherwise, alhaitham is whipped for reader, reader hates timmie so if you adore the kid i'm very sorry, two curse words (reader says ass and alhaitham mentally says little shit)
alhaitham loves you a lot. he really does. he rarely ever says the three magic words, and for the most part, it's fine on your end because he expresses his deep affection for you through his actions.
sometimes, he'll say 'i love you' through quiet but powerful hugs after he comes home from a long, grueling day in the Akademiya. other times, he'll whisper 'i love you' as he hands you a small trinket or even a book you've mentioned in passing, one he bought just earlier when he saw said item in a stall while on an assignment. he'll call you 'beloved' through massaging your shoulders after training, and he'll tell you how much he adores you through the many times you spent basking in each other's presence in comfortable silence.
he'll walk with you to the ends of the Teyvat if it means staying by your side, however…
"love," alhaitham shakes his head, "you're a… fully grown adult. the one you want to 'crush under the heavy hand that is loss', is a child. my love, a child."
now, alhaitham is no stranger to the game that is TCG, Genius Invocation, the Card Game. the only times he, kaveh, tighnari, and cyno will meet up are when they're all free, fancying a drink, and cyno wants to try out another new card he has recently obtained.
in all honesty, your partner couldn't for the life of him understand the hype about this card game. he was by no means an amateur - he has won enough games to be considered an official TCG player, despite only borrowing decks from kaveh, and he is the only one able to actually last more than 5 rounds against cyno in a single session at lambad's.
he knows how to play, he just does not see the need to play so obsessively, nor blow off money for special cards he'll only use in a few given instances of his life (if he even utters this line of thought out loud around cyno, he'll have a spear stuck on his back for the rest of the day).
however, you - his lover, his partner, the only person reserved for the ring in his pocket - love TCG, and as the loving boyfriend he is, he tries to keep his opinion of the game to himself; he'd rather have a giant spear in his back than see you sad and pouting as you shuffle through your beloved deck of cards. he should know, he's made the mistake once and it took him a couple of padisarah pudding servings to cheer you up.
alhaitham loves you, and if you like this card game, he will certainly make sure you're happy every duel or match you do. he just can't wrap his head around why you're setting off to the bridge that leads to the entrance of mondstadt city, deadset on making a something years old child cry from defeat.
"alhaitham, baby, you don't understand," you argued, "that child is my mortal enemy, my lifetime arch-nemesis, and a pain in my ass."
"yes, darling, but consider: you have many more potential TCG friends who would make better rivals than some random kid." alhaitham rubs his forehead, completely exasperated if it weren't for the adorable way you're marching ahead in front of him like a goofy soldier going into war.
you only spin around just at the mouth of the bridge, your hands on your hips as you stare up at alhaitham with a pout on your face and a raised eyebrow. "you think i'm being irrational, aren't you?"
alhaitham raises an eyebrow back as he continues walking. "not necessarily, my love, however - "
there's something about being hit in the face with multiple fluttering wings and feathers unexpectedly, that can render even the most stoic of men like alhaitham utterly lost and speechless. is it the pure shock? the pain of not really fluffy appendages hitting their face? well, it's when the haze of birds - pigeons? - finally clear, alhaitham is greeted by the displeased and outright sour expression of the one he can only assume to be timmie, your 'sworn enemy'.
"what are you doing?!" said boy screeched. "you scared my pigeons away!"
alhaitham could only blink owlishly at the dirty blond haired boy, looking around to see a bunch of pigeons flying away, leaving a trail of feathers in their wake. granted, despite all the horror stories you told him about timmie, alhaitham's rational enough to be patient with timmie.
"i'm sorry, but I don't think I have control over that, kid." alhaitham tilts his head down to look at timmie. "if you feed your pigeons in the middle of the road, especially a bridge with exactly two exit and entry points, your pigeons will surely—"
"no, my mama always said that if you're a person with a pure heart, the animals won't be afraid of you." timmie turned his nose up and stuck his tongue out at alhaitham. "that's why my pigeons like me, and not you, you meanie!"
alhaitham had to reel himself back to take in the ridiculous logic, the gears in his head turning to come up with an explanation. "no," he shakes his head as if it's hurting, "birds and all animals for that matter don't know the concept of morality, thus they have no sense of right and wrong as humans do. the only reason the pigeons run away from others and stay with you is because you're feeding them, creating a dependent relationshi—"
"blah blah, why should i listen to an old man with graying hair?"
said (old) man with gray(ing) hair visibly reels back, flabbergasted. he's not so much offended as he is shocked at timmie's attitude. he wanted to say 'no, he's not old', 'his gray hair is a natural phenomenon because of genetics', and, 'listen here you little shit'.
"see?" you commented from the sideline, arms crossed. "devilspawn."
"ARGH!" timmie shouts, pointing an accusing finger at you. "you again?! stop scaring my pigeons away!"
"i keep telling you, there's nothing i can do about that!" you shout back, bickering with the small child as if you were about to lunge at him.
alhaitham looks back and forth between the two of you, mentally wondering if he was dating and courting someone of the immature type (doesn't mind it solely, because it's you). when he moves to calm you down so the both of you can finally head into mondstadt city to look for marjorie, timmie says:
"maybe my pigeons don't like you because you look like an ugly cow!"
oh boy. no good. no, no good, alhaitham won't tolerate that.
alhaitham loves you a lot. he really does. he rarely ever says the three magic words, and for the most part, it's fine on your end because he expresses his deep affection for you through his actions.
and if it means making a little boy cry at a simple card game to protect your dignity, then so be it.
"beloved. if you would so kindly let me borrow your cards."
this is just a silly drabble i thought of a lot of days ago and no, it's not proofread AHAHA. i have been so inactive lately and i apologize for that, school has been hectic and i was busy with college applications to boot. but now, i'm about to graduate so i should have some free time before i finally taste the college life ಥ⁠‿⁠ಥ if y'all saw this post but with no tags you did not
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grahstumhurts · 4 months ago
3. "The Cutest pair"
Cheerleader!Megan x Loser Band member! Reader
Rekindling Masterlist
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A/N - Lowk "the cutest pair" by Regina song vibes but not exactly.
Wednesday comes fast, One moment you're hanging out at Megan's house, The other you're suddenly at a cheer practice which you never saw yourself at till you reconciled with Megan.  You're sitting on the bleachers, Megan’s letterman laid over your shoulders as you scroll on your phone. It feels performative, While on one hand for years and years you only pined for her. But now that you have her, Kind of, it's conflicting. It's not real, But damn do you wish it was. You hope part of her, wishes it’s real too.
“Hey” Megan yells from the grassy field, Giving you her signature puppy eyed smile. It melts a cold spot of resentment in your heart. “Come down, we are gonna go get food.” She blows you a kiss, Her friends giggle at her antics as they collect their things. You race down the steps into her wide open arms. Her scent lingering with her perfume and now combined with sweat.
“Hi, Megs” You kiss her sweaty cheek. “Gross your all sweaty, Go change.” 
“What? you don't like it?” She rubs her arms on you, Her friends whisper from the side, glancing between the two of you.
“What so you two are like, Actually dating?” Her friend Anya waves her finger around, gesturing at you.
“I thought I told you I was seeing Yn?” Megan slips her arms off your shoulders, Looking confused.
“I thought that it was just for us to stop setting you up with Greg. He really likes you,” Another one, whose name you don't know, comments.
“Just because Greg is Quinn’s brother doesn't mean I'm going to like him. He's clapped if anything, and not my type.” Megan sighs, rubbing her forehead in distress.
“Plus I am very happy with my current situation right now.” she wraps an arm around your waist to pull you into a side hug.
“I'm gonna head home, i'll talk to you guys later” She collects the last of her things and shoves them into her duffle bag, You follow behind her closely. As you pass her “So-Called” friends, you glare at them on your way out.
“Your strong for that, you know?” You bump shoulders with her while walking to your car, she leans against the hood. 
“You wanna come over to mine or just go to your house?” You grasp her hand into yours, rubbing your thumb in between the ridge between her forefinger and thumb, Trying to soothe some of her nerves. 
“I dont wanna go home just yet,” She looks down at her feet, her bags next to her shoes.
“So?” You question the meaning behind that.
“Honestly just wanna be somewhere with you,”
“Oh,” She fidgets with her fingers,
“Unless you have somewhere to be tonight, Totally fine if you do.” She gives you a grin to hide some of the hurt from this afternoon.
“I don't,” You pause. Thinking about things to do, for just the two of you. “Why don't we go to my house, Pick up some food and go for a picnic tonight?”
“Really?” The thought of being alone with her, at the park, on a blanket, Just looking at the stars. It doesn't frighten you somehow. As much as it seemed like dating her would be a dream when you had a crush on her, its not as scary as you made it out to be previously. You two hop in the car and head off to your house,
“You wanna make a pit stop at the grocery store for some snacks?” You grip the wheel with one hand, The other holding hers. She nods,
“I wanna get some Fox’s Jam’n cream, They are so good.” You chuckle at her, "I've been so obsessed with them recently"
“Well let's not get too excited, This grocery store is kinda limited at times.” You pull into the store parking lot. 
“Ohhh! I used to eat these all the time after school as a kid” You pull out one of your favourite snacks, A packet of seaweed rice crackers (A/N Yes those are actually my favourites)
“I remember, You would never share with me.” She snickers, Remembering the times as kids you two shared. “I used to get so mad cause i shared my snacks with you”
“Fair enough, Kid me was kind of a bitch.”
“Kind of? Understatement” Megan coughs out the other half of her sentence. You shove her shoulder, giggling.
“Your laughs really pretty” She blurts out. When she realises what she says her face turns red.
“Thanks, Meg.” Your face feels hot when her words settle in your brain.
 She thinks your laugh is pretty. 
Your laugh is pretty. 
Is pretty. 
You two silently shove more snacks into the cart, adding in some drinks along the way. The silence isn't uncomfortable, Like it used to be. But usually before she would fill the gaps in conversation with funny thoughts that pop in her mind. It's more relaxed, one could say that the two of you look like you’ve been dating for years. The silence is warm and it smells of citrus and vanilla.
(A/n if your perfume is vanilla scented just pretend that its whatever your scent is)
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shaynesthetic · 1 year ago
The only thing I think I got right | Luke Castellan
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Word Count: 10.2k
A "Better Unknown" AU oneshot
Main Series: Better Unknown
Pairing: Luke Castellan x Minor God! Half-Blood! Gender Neutral MC
Synopsis: Out of everything that Luke thought he fucked up his entire life, Y/N leaving him where he stood was the ultimate fuck up he wishes he hadn’t. How can he fix this? And will he be able to? 
Tags: Two idiots, mutual pining, Best friends to lovers, fluff, angst with comfort
Warning: Little beta- reading, foul language
Banner by @/cafekitsune
A/N: Hello once again! This was a last-minute idea that's why I'm a little late. Happy Valentines Day! Or belated Valentines' Day if it's already the 15th for you like it is for me. Once again, English is not my first language so apologies for any grammatical errors. Critiques are always welcomed.
A/N: Also, I correct some stuff whenever I see fit sometimes. So if anyone sees any errors, no you didn't. Also also, as of February 16, 2024, I have updated the ending.
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It was the month everyone either despised or loved; It was Aphrodite’s month. A.K.A Valentines. February was always Camp Half-Blood's busiest month. With nymphs making sure every tree was lush and perfect, satyrs helping Demeter kids with preparing and picking the ripest strawberries, Aphrodite kids running around the camp supervising preparations for a feast to be held in honor of their mother alongside some Hermes and Hephaestus kids who were tasked on helping them, with a small fee of dessert that is.
Half of the campers were hanging out with their friends today, grateful that they could finally have a day to themselves, either by canoeing on the lake or having picnics in front of the beautiful views the Hill can give them. Younger campers made heart-shaped letters in the arts and crafts center to send to either their parent or the person they wanted to confess to. Others were practicing the lyre, particularly the Apollo kids, who were asked to help serenade confessing individuals, once again, with a small fee of their food portions, drachmas, and other privileges.
Then there was Y/N. Along with some Ares kids, they were on the training grounds, passing the time. It wasn't that Y/N was a bitter gremlin on Valentine's or anything, it was just that they treated it just like any other day. Why need a day to celebrate your love for others when you can do that every day? Was their philosophy. Truth be told, ever since their mom's passing, they just didn't see the point in celebrating. But that was before coming to Camp Half-Blood. They didn't celebrate arriving in camp either, don't get them wrong…but at least they weren’t alone. It wasn’t like the Ares kids were bitter gremlins either; they just didn’t care. Well, they claim they don’t. But you’ll have to take their word on it. 
Y/N was with Clarisse and one of her other siblings, Mark, who insisted on joining them. Clarisse was helping Y/N with the spear, also with a small fee (why would anyone work for free nowadays anyway?). They have been sparring for a few hours, and none have yet to let down. Perks of being the Ares kid and a minor god, respectively. Another sparring session commenced and Mark just watched as their sibling and Y/N hit blow after blow with each other. The clashing of wood and iron made the air sting with adrenaline, and both took advantage of it. 
The dropping of the spear took Mark off his apparent disassociation, and the scene came into view. Y/N was on the ground, with Clarisse pointing a spear to their neck, one minor move from Y/N and Clarisse could nick them. Y/N, out of breath, smiled and looked up at the girl, before nodding and raising their hands in complete surrender. "Alright, Clarisse. You got me." The child of Ares cackled victoriously at them, Mark in the background cheering. Y/N got up and brushed the dust off their clothes. 
“You’re kinda getting good. You still suck but the sparring’s getting you somewhere.” Give it to Clarisse for giving compliments, if you can call it a compliment. But Y/N took it as one. It was a rare occurrence for the Ares cabin’s head counselor to give compliments to other cabins, but for some odd reason, Y/N was an exception. Well, it wasn’t THAT odd. Y/N and Clarisse were best friends, and other campers find that awfully odd. But to Y/N, they were odd to begin with and everything in their life, from the Gods to prophecies to quests are too, so who cares? Being friends with the biggest bully and their other siblings in the camp was the least of their worries. 
Y/N rolled their eyes at Clarisse before shoving their hands in their jean pockets, making their way to a hay bale, and plopping down on it. Clarisse sat next to them, looking at the spear in their hands. “Any plans for the Goddess of Love’s Day?” Y/N asks out of the blue. Clarisse only stared at them before she started laughing with malice. Is it malice? Y/N couldn’t tell.
“What do you think, Ease?” Clarisse smirked as Y/N blushed at the nickname. It was a nickname given by Y/N’s other best friend, Luke, the son of Hermes.  It was a nickname to embody what Y/N was to Luke, as he claims. Ever since the duo came back to camp after a particularly harrowing quest, Luke never had any troubles with sleeping and claimed Y/N had everything to do with it. Y/N begged to disagree, although they weren't going to admit he was right. Ever since, that nickname stuck like glue. Luke took every second embarrassing them with the nickname. It secretly infuriated them, but Y/N knew it had to be endearing, so they let it go. Y/N had a weird set of friends, who would never get along they think, but Y/N didn’t care. A friend was a friend.  
Clarisse, unfortunately, one day had the fortune of hearing Luke call them that. It was during one of the sword fighting training sessions with Luke, and he, out of either pettiness or wanting to embarrass the hell out of Y/N, called them up to be their test dummy sparring buddy. It went smoothly at first. Y/N wasn’t new to Luke asking them to be his sparring and demonstration partner whenever both Y/N’s cabin’s itineraries and his time as a teacher coincide, which doesn’t happen that often, but when it does Luke took advantage of it. Regardless, Y/N did it for Luke. And Luke was always ever so grateful for it. 
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After a few demonstrations from Luke, the real sparring commenced. Y/N knew they had no leg to stand on and was awfully aware that Luke was the best swordsman in Camp Half-Blood. There was no way in hell they’d beat him. It was a short spar and before they knew it, Y/N was on the ground, a scene Y/N was all too familiar with to the point Y/N might as well befriend the ground they walk on by how much accustomed they were to being face to face with it. 
Luke smiled at Y/N as the tip of their sword was right in front of their throat and Y/N rolled their eyes. "You okay there, Ease?" he asked, offering their hand for them to take. Y/N partially accepted the offer, before their eyes widened. The nickname wasn't supposed to go out to everyone else. They looked at the crowd before them, Apollo kids, Y/N's cabin, and unfortunately, Ares kids and Clarisse. Shame and embarrassment became anger, and Y/N swatted Luke's hand before beelining to the exit. 
Luke stood there stunned, not realizing the gravity of the situation. It took him a while to finally understand what he had done. Y/N had firmly asked them to keep the nickname between themselves. But Luke couldn't help it. He forgets himself whenever he's in front of them. It was like Y/N was his tunnel vision, and he forgot every ounce of autonomy and thought. He knew he didn't mean to embarrass Y/N but it slipped. And now, Luke had to ask for penance. It wasn't new for the two to bicker and fight, it was in friends' nature to do so. However, this was different. Y/N was the type to always prove a point, and they'd normally react with a malice-laced “What the hell does that mean?” or a very exasperated “What?”, but today was different. They left without arguing, and that scared Luke more than all of their heated fights combined. He swallowed from worry and nervousness before apologizing to everyone in the arena, also beelining to the exit. Clarisse was there to witness everything, and for once that day, she snickered.
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Ever since that day, Ease had stuck in everyone's minds. Although no one dared to use it and stuck on calling Y/N their name, Clarisse would use it often to either taunt or tease them, there was no in-between. 
"I hate you so much" Y/N begrudgingly says, looking far away from them. Clarisse's laugh roared as a response. "Does Mr. Loverboy have any plans for you both?” That got Y/N's attention. They tilted their head, trying to decipher her words. Clarisse, ever so observant, took that as an answer and sighed.
"He's such a fucking loser." Mark and Y/N's heads snap up, nonverbally lecturing the girl for the use of such…language. It was second nature to think Chiron was listening to them, and the look of disapproval from the camp director was hard to remove. The last thing they wanted was Clarisse getting in trouble or worse…dishwashing duty. “What? It’s true, isn’t it? That boy is in love with you and couldn’t get the balls to confess to you. He's stuck looking at you like a kicked puppy every time he even catches sight of you it's so damn annoying.” It was now Y/N’s turn to laugh, albeit it was more bitter than straight coffee. They knew it wasn’t possible. Y/N knew their feelings for their best friend were genuine but for some sick, twisted, sadistic reason, Y/N decided upon themselves to assume that it was one-sided, and thus made it their mission to lock it up and throw away the key. Even if they weren’t romantically involved, they were just happy for Luke to be a part of their life. Y/N has convinced themselves. 
“I can’t believe I’m friends with idiots!” Clarisse raises her arms in frustration and annoyance, to both her best friend and Luke themselves. It was clear that they danced around their feelings and it was so fascinating that an Ares kid out of everyone saw that, out of all the kids in the camp. It was comedic, albeit sad, but comedic.
“Clarisse, you’re the only one who thinks that.” “Not really.” Mark immediately interjects. Y/N glares at the kid, Mark shrugging in response. Clarisse pumps her fist in the air and high-fives Mark in vindication.  “Even the kid sees it, Y/N. Stop telling yourself it ain’t so because it is.  Luke loves you and you love him. End of story.” 
"I'm content that he's part of my life, Clarisse. Isn't that enough?" The last sentence came out in the form of a whisper, which even Y/N was surprised by. They tried to convince either themselves or Clarisse & Mark that that was the case.  Why were they getting choked up about this in the first place? Weren't they content that he was part of their life? Y/N damns their actions for betraying their words. 
“Look, just accept the fact you like Luke. Stop pretending and stop convincing yourself that you don’t. Let your feelings out.” Clarisse blurted out. Y/N couldn’t help but not stifle a laugh. “Since when did you become Aphrodite’s kid?” Clarisse jokingly punched their shoulder, a blush creeping in her cheeks. “Shut up.” The Clarisse that they knew, the one who hid her feelings well, embodied pride, arrogance & exuded bravery, and wouldn’t dare give any advice, less a confession, was back. 
“Look, I’m just saying that you’re no better than Luke. You might be even worse than him. And I don’t like seeing my best friend sulking because they made their own bed and laid on it. Stop being stupid and accept the fact that Luke has feelings for you and you have to as well or I'll have to beat you with a stick just to get it through your thick skull." 
Y/N spent the entire day looking for Luke, who was nowhere to be found in his normal stations. They asked all his siblings about his whereabouts but nothing. Na-da. Zip. It wasn’t like him to disappear. In a day they’d see wafts of his brownish-black curly hair in the crowd multiple times and knew it was him. Whenever they see him, it was as if he's the only one they can see. 
They decided to look around the cabins once again. They bargained to themselves that if they didn’t see him that time, they’d just look for them at the dining pavilion later tonight or just assume he’s busy. They were so busy with their thoughts it took them a while to finally see the man of the hour. He was leaning against the Aphrodite Cabin, talking to a girl. The girl was blonde, and her height was the same as Luke's shoulder. Louise Clifford-Jacobs, Y/N remembered her name. They were one of Aphrodite Cabin’s kindest members. Y/N wasn’t close to them but they’ve talked once in a while and they’ve heard nothing but kind words from everyone around her.  They were laughing and the girl was giggling, excitement drawn on her face. She notices Y/N approaching him and she taps Luke's shoulder before pointing to their direction. 
Luke looked away from her and saw Y/N, smiling and waving. Luke offered them what seemed like a smile and a hand raised. The smile was something Y/N noticed approaching him. It looked as if it was out of nervousness or tiredness, Y/N couldn't pinpoint which one. It looked forced and was nowhere near Luke's actual smile. 
Still, Y/N flashed a big smile at Luke, happy that they finally found him after that unnecessary scavenger hunt to locate him. “I’ve been looking everywhere for you. You weren’t in the Sword Fighting Arena and your siblings didn’t know where you were”
Luke shifted on his feet, hung his head down, and put his hand on the back of his neck.  “Hey, Ease. Yeah sorry ‘bout that I had a lot of things to do. I’ll make it up to you soon. Honest!”  Y/N nodded their head in understanding. “Oh yeah!” they exclaimed, remembering why they were looking for him in the first place. “I was gonna ask you something. Do you have a second?” Luke began looking between them and Louise. The air suddenly felt thick as tensions and awkwardness rose as if Luke was caught between a rock and a hard place. It seemed as if Luke made his decision when he responded, "Oh shit, sorry Ease I'm in the middle of something with Louise. Do you mind?" 
The smile on Y/N’s face dropped and a forced hard line formed on their lips. “Oh. Oh okay. No worries. If it’s important I can ask you some other time. Bye Louise!” Y/N quickly walked away with hands in their pockets. Y/N felt a pang in their chest, and their heart began to beat more rapidly than normal. They didn’t know what they were feeling. Sadness? Disappointment? It seemingly wasn’t Y/N’s Day, but they convinced themselves that it was because Luke was busy, considering he was Camp Counselor after all. Yeah, that’s what it is. Y/N tried to rationalize what took place. However, Y/N evidently came up short.
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It had begun to be a daily occurrence it seems, Y/N finding Luke, asking if they could talk or hang out with them and him disregarding them, brushing them off, or telling them they're busy. Just like it became a sudden everyday occurrence, it also became a nuisance and annoyance to Y/N. Once can be brushed off as a mere coincidence but multiple times in a week? Now, that wasn't a coincidence. It had become clear to Y/N: Luke was avoiding them. But why? Did they do something to upset Luke? Couldn’t be. Was it? It didn’t make sense to Y/N. It didn’t make sense to poor ol’ Annabeth either, whom Y/N found solace in. They felt bad and shameful, talking to a literal 13-year-old about stuff they should be dealing with on their own. But Luke was Annabeth’s brother, and Annabeth knew more about him than Y/N would ever in their lifetime. So, it made sense that Y/N would approach her. 
"I could've sworn Luke was walking back and forth from the beach. I've seen him there multiple times a day. Even at the lake with the canoes, I'd see him too. He always looked nervous and his hands were clammy. He was very jumpy too. Whenever I’d ask him, he’d brush me aside, force me off his case, and make me return to the Athena cabin.” Annabeth explained one day when they asked about their sibling’s whereabouts.  Y/N was slowly getting frustrated, not at Annabeth but at the lack of answers. Who wouldn’t be? Your best friend, out of the blue, began ignoring you; without offering any answers, without explanation. Anyone would go insane just thinking about it. Y/N felt they had no one else to blame but themselves. 
Y/N felt despondent more and more every day, and it wasn’t hard to notice. Their signature smile was gone, they weren't eating much, and aloof. Their cabin-mates noticed it too. They weren't their enthusiastic self and slugged around with their activities for the day. Their siblings, wanting to distract them from whatever caused their unorthodox behavior, asked if they wanted to do hand-to-hand combat or forge weapons in the camp forge, which was what Y/N liked doing the most, but was met with a shrug and a distant stare off into the abyss. 
It wasn't just their cabin that got the brunt of Y/N’s melancholy. Half of the population in the camp did. Their beds weren't as comfortable as they had gotten used to. Campers began feeling awful emotionally waking up, some had dreams that caused nothing but dejection and misery. Some Aphrodite kids even woke up feeling nothing but heartache, even though it was supposed to be their month. Everyone was affected, and regardless if Y/N knew of this or not, that wasn’t a matter to them that they cared enough about to fix. Selfish? Probably is. 
The last straw was on a random Tuesday when once again, Y/N looked for Luke. They once again, like clockwork, looked everywhere for him. They finally found them near the Hermes cabin, talking to his half-siblings. Approaching them, they sensed that Luke wasn't in the best of moods, with his back tensed than usual and their siblings looking as if the ground was far more interesting than their older brother's lecture. The two, who they later found out were the Stolls, noticed Y/N approaching. Connor (Y/N thought it was Connor but they weren’t sure) looked at Luke before directing his eyes towards Y/N. Luke's eyebrows scrunched up before looking at what had gotten the Stoll siblings' attention. Y/N, with hands behind their back and with a thin line on their lips, greeted Luke. 
Before Y/N could greet them, Luke stopped them. “Listen, Y/N. I know you wanna hang out with me and tell me whatever this is you want to tell me. I get that. I see that. But please, not now. I’m in the middle of something here.”
Y/N’s eyebrows furrow in sadness and in turn look at the Stolls. Y/N, who has been patient with their best friend, just wasn’t having it. Out of either frustration or desperation, Y/N spoke. “I know that and I understand that. Being a camp counselor is hard work, especially with these ruffians trying to tear down every wall in the cabin.” Y/N tried to lighten up the situation, earning a snicker from the Stolls, who weren’t their intended audience. Luke just stood there, his face still the same, albeit more unamused than before. 
“But you have to relax for once. You’ve been at it for days now so I was won-““No.” Luke immediately interjects with hints of venom laced in his teeth. Y/N’s breath hitched. This was the first time in their life they’ve heard Luke speak like that. He was usually this nonchalant, chill dude. Serious when needed but a stand-up guy. Today wasn’t the normal Luke. No, it was something else. It made Y/N’s spine tingle with fear. It also made the Stolls’ back straightened. 
“C’mon, Luke. I know you’re working hard but-""I said no, Y/N. Gods above, can’t you please just listen to me once? I’m busy. Please. Leave.” Y/N gulped, looking back at the Stolls before looking back to Luke, whose eyebrows furrowed and scar making him all the more menacing. Y/N immediately left, locking themselves away in their cabin. They looked up, and just thinking about Luke’s tone and expression made them tear up. It was oh so wrong for Y/N to cry over someone, let alone a boy. But this was no ordinary boy no. This boy was special to them, and their expression of annoyance towards them felt like a stab to the heart multiple times, each time the intensity got worse and worse and as a joke, his expression kept removing the daggers only to put it back in.
This made Y/N’s overthinking tenfold. They have settled at the fact that Luke hated them, thought of them as an annoyance, thought of them as excess baggage. These thoughts overwhelmed Y/N and in turn, tears welled up in their eyes, cascading onto their pillow until they fell asleep. None of their siblings tried to bother them, eyes looking back at each other laced with sympathy towards their once exuberant sibling. Y/N ultimately missed lunch and dinner, and Luke noticed that day that Y/N was nowhere to be found. But ultimately decided not to do anything about it. 
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It was a Thursday when the downfall came. Y/N, who was feeling nothing but sadness the past couple of days, like a shift of tides, has inadvertently turned this sadness into something else; something much more dangerous and malicious: Anger. It was all of a sudden. Y/N woke up on the wrong side of the bed, and that’s when everything went to shit. Y/N’s anger poured over everyone in their cabin. Sammie, Y/N's bunkmate, asked them what was wrong. They were always there for Y/N and Y/N considered Sammie their closest sibling out of everyone. So, it was a surprise to all of their siblings when Y/N’s voice, filled with malice and venom, barked “LEAVE ME ALONE. CAN’T YOU SEE I’M NOT? FOR GOD'S SAKE JESUS ABOVE! ARE YOU STUPID OR BRAIN DEAD?” Everyone’s mouth hung open as they looked at each other, either out of fear or mere awkwardness.  Y/N wasn’t the type to scream at anyone out of the blue. They were boisterous and loud, sure, but it was out of happiness and eagerness to wake up every day. But now, it was like a cloud cast over Camp Half-Blood, even though it never rained there. 
Everyone stopped what they were doing to look at the scene in front of them. Y/N on their bed, blanket strewn about on their legs as they scowled at the now teary-eyed Sammie. Time stood still and the air got more and more heavy. Here was their zealous and exuberant sibling, who woke up and randomly just chose to pick a fight the moment their eyes opened. It wasn't like them. But no one knew what caused them to snap. Someone had to step between them and Hayden, one of the older members of the camp, guided Sammie away from Y/N before they further angered them. Essie, another one of their siblings, glared at Y/N.
Y/N, with everyone's eyes on them, finally was hugged by clarity's warmth and their eyes softened. They looked around to see their siblings looking at them with the expression of either disgust or shame, and Y/N couldn't stand to be around their siblings. They tossed their blanket aside and went out of their cabin, head down.
Maybe walking could clear my head. Y/N thought. So, they walked. And walked, visiting every place you can go to in camp, rinse and repeat. They felt like a soulless traveler, wandering aimlessly around. Lifeless and tired. As they began walking back to their cabin however, a familiar voice tried to stop them. They tensed up, realizing it was Luke, the same boy who had been ignoring them for days, who now had the utter audacity to come up to them as if nothing had happened. 
Y/N, more infuriated than before, turned around to look at the boy. He was in a smiley mood, creases formed on the side of their eyes. This was Luke’s signature smile that he knew Y/N loved, but unfortunately for him, today wasn’t the day it’d work on them. They glowered at Luke with intense fury in their eyes, and Luke, at that moment, wanted nothing more than to be sucked in by a black hole from where he stood, even though they had no idea what had made them furious like that. In the years of knowing Y/N, Luke knew they had that specific look whenever they were furious, that one that made you want to eat dirt or bury yourself alive.  It wasn’t a normal occurrence, which made the intensity of the look way worse. And whenever they did show it, regardless of how many times they’ve done so over the years, it always felt like the first, and Luke always shuddered seeing it. He wasn’t thrilled when his Ease was upset. And in years of knowing them, knew not to mess with Y/N during their spouts of anger, but what Luke wanted to tell them was very important to both of them, Luke thinks, and assumed it’d make Y/N’s mood better, just like every other plan Luke had for them when they were mad or upset. In hindsight, this was probably the worst decision Luke has ever made.
"Hey, I was looking for you. Do you have a second?" Luke put his hands in his khaki pants' pockets and smiled at Y/N. Luke's nonchalance made Y/N's expression turn from anger into disbelief. Did he actually believe that Y/N, whose face is red with anger and disgust towards Luke's actions for the past week, would just come around and entertain Luke's question? Certainly, no one would. Disbelief turned into fury, and Y/N's hands turned into a fist. They approached Luke, and for a minute Luke smiled.  Tunnel vision once again washed over Luke, and unfortunately for him, he failed to see Y/N, who without hesitation, swung at him. 
Luke was on the ground in an instant, shock painted across his face. He felt for the side of his lip, which was now cut open and oozing with blood. If Y/N was in a better mood, they’d take a picture of Luke’s expression and hang it up so people would gawk at it. But alas, Y/N didn’t have a camera, and they weren’t in the mood for stupid jokes, let alone Luke’s. 
“You really have the gall to ask me that? After what you’ve fucking done?” Y/N’s every step was filled to the brim with resentment, each step might leave and burn a permanent mark on the ground. Luke wasn't looking forward to what Y/N was gonna do to him. And Luke, in all of this, was painfully unaware of what he had done, as evident by the clueless look he had, which infuriated Y/N more. 
“You, Luke Castellan, are the stupidest, shittiest, and the most pathetic excuse of a man I've ever met in this entire lifetime. You ignore me for days, brush me off when I try to talk to you and act like I don't exist. You are just as cruel as the Gods. No, scratch that. Even worse. If you didn’t wanna be friends anymore you could’ve just fucking told me instead of you acting like you don't see me.” The anger in Y/N seemingly dissipated, replacing it with another just as intense if not more emotion: Anguish. Y/N's eyes were now filled to the brim with days' worth of unshed tears, it was as if the dam inside their heart finally burst. Luke finally, by the grace of God, realized the critical error they'd made. They didn't mean to leave Y/N in the dust like that, but Y/N didn't know that. It was his fault for not communicating with them about it. He, upon seeing his best friend, with tears in their eyes and anger and other pent-up emotions over the days splattered in both their face and actions, knew he had morally fucked up. Luke Castellan, who was very much aware of how many times he had fucked up in his life, who was so used to seeing the consequences of his actions, for seemingly the first time, was now so blissfully aware of how unaware he was of the damage he’d done. The last thing he wanted was to make Y/N feel anything but happiness. He never wanted to hurt them or make them cry. They swore one day years ago that until they died, they wouldn’t make Y/N feel that way. To be alone. To be abandoned, like the Gods did. Luke had always been angry at the Gods for ignoring them and didn't want anyone, especially their best friend, to feel that way after everything that had happened to them. But like the Gods, life was cruel like that, and promises were sometimes made to be broken. And Luke failed. Yet again. He did. At that moment, he realized just how much anguish and pain he had caused. Luke's expression softened and regret was now sprawled across his face.
Y/N raised their fist towards Luke, and he closed his eyes, expecting a second punch to land on his face. I deserve it. he thought.  But he waited and waited until…nothing. Instead, Y/N's fist faced the ground, and their head was down, tears dripping onto the dirt they were now kneeling on. They gripped on their pants like a lifeline, as they shook with rage. Luke, fully grasping what was happening, tried to approach them and touch their hand. But as soon as he tried, Y/N moved away from him. At that moment, you could hear Luke's heart shattering into millions of pieces. He'd officially ruined it. Just like everything he touched.
Y/N stood up and wiped the tears that were threatening to spill from their eyes. Their hair was a mess, shirt rippled as if it wasn't ironed and their hand was now a little bloody from the punch to both Luke's face and the contact with the Earth. Y/ N looked at Luke with malice, and Luke unconsciously stepped back.
“Stay away from me, Luke Castellan. If you know what’s good for you, I advise you to do so. Never ever talk to me again. Go fuck yourself. We’re done.”
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Relationships end, that was a given. Love was silly like that. Breaking up and losing who you thought was your forever was one of the saddest heartaches you can get in life. That was universal knowledge. But Luke, at that moment, knew that that wasn't the case.  To him, the most heartbreaking thing was to see their best friend walk away, just like that.  They essentially gave up on him, and Luke had nothing to blame but himself. The one person who he knew wouldn’t give up on them, did just that.  Friendships come and go, and over time and unexpectedly, they can break off. And all you can do is accept and move on. That was natural. But this wasn’t something Luke didn’t want to just accept. He knew this one’s reason wasn't natural. And it had one reason: him. Luke Castellan. Son of Hermes. A fuck up.
Luke laid on his bunk bed, contemplating. This had been going on for two days already. Luke waking up and doing nothing but brood and contemplate. Nobody in the cabin bothered him, aside from Chris who stepped up as temporary camp counselor for him and updated him once in a while about what they did that day, and his other younger sister Mia who cleaned up his wound upon seeing him enter the cabin, dazed and hurt. He would kill just for Y/N to say something to him, to scream at him, do something instead of the cold glares they have given them when they reach the dinner pavilion or even as they walk near their cabin. For some reason, Y/N always knew they were there, and it pissed them off even more. The silence between them was deafening, and Luke hated every minute of it. It wasn't rare for the two to fight, Y/N was feisty and loved arguing, especially when they knew they were right. But the first time, when Y/N decided that they weren't gonna argue, got Luke shaken up and scared. 
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Luke had looked everywhere for Y/N that day. He knew he royally fucked up, calling Y/N by their nickname that they’ve agreed upon should be kept in secrecy. Put that in the list of things Luke has fucked up in the years of their friendship. Worry filled Luke’s brain. What if they went to the forest and got hurt? Luke wouldn’t forgive himself if that happens. He’s lost a lot of people in his life, and when Y/N came into his life, while ambivalent at first, later on promised to himself that he wasn’t gonna let anything happen to Y/N. He had sworn to protect them, even though he knew they didn’t need him. Luke was just about to give up, his nerves shaken as he anxiously thought of multiple what-ifs in his head, when he found them ultimately in the last place they never bothered to search: the campfire. 
Y/N was sitting on the ground, hugging their knees. They were looking at the ground. Luke hesitantly walked towards them and sat next to them. The fire crackled as a girl, who was not older than 8, tended to the flames. He could’ve sworn he's never seen this girl in the years he’s been here but that didn’t matter. Y/N sensed someone was next to them, and looked up. Luke sheepishly smiled at them and in turn, Y/N looked away. 
Luke sighed and laid his head on their shoulder, closing his eyes. Y/N didn’t shrug him off, which was a good thing but they weren’t looking at him. They just sat there, the crackling of fire the only thing you could hear as it danced like two lovers in an intense dance for their lives. Silence went by minutes. No one dared making a sound. 
“I’m sorry.” Were the first words that pierced the silence that surrounded them. Luke sat right up and looked at Y/N who was now looking at them with the most heavenly eyes Luke had ever seen. Their eyes were out of this world, it was as if planets and novas were encased in them. But what ruined it was the gloss. Not because of the glossiness of their eyes, but the cause of it. Y/N had been crying. And it was Luke’s fault.
“Why are you apologizing, Ease? It’s not your fault. It’s mine. I embarrassed you. I promised that I wouldn’t tell anyone about it. And now here you are, crying. I also promised I wouldn’t make you cry either.” He sighed before putting his forehead on their shoulder, closing his eyes. It was another minute before Y/N spoke again. 
“It’s stupid, Luke. It was petty. And I made it a big deal by leaving. I shouldn’t have embarrassed you in front of the campers. I fucked up. I’m sorry.”
The pair looked at each other in lopsided smiles. “We’re both a mess, huh?” He looked at them again with the biggest and doofiest smile he could muster. Then, giggles. Giggling and laughter roared in the air as the two non-verbally apologized to each other. Hugs and jokes were shared that day in front of the bonfire. You couldn’t burn that scene whenever you tried. It was one of the best days the two ever had.
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Emphasis on had. Luke thought. Now, he lays there, contemplating the bridge he’d burn from the one good thing in his life. What Luke couldn’t forget the most were their eyes, filled with hate and malice towards him. Seeing them like that felt like the entire world, his entire world, fall apart. And then they left them there standing, forced to pick up the millions of pieces he himself destroyed.
He knew he loved them; he really did. He could lie under oath and people would know he’s being disingenuous. He’d known for a while about what he felt for them. The way he looks at them from a distance as they laugh with their cabin-mates, a smile unconsciously creeps into his lips. The way their eyes drag towards them instinctively in the crowd. The way they put him over themselves and how much they accommodate him. Those were some of the things they loved about Y/N. And it took Chris and the entire Hermes cabin just to make him realize just how much of a love-sick puppy he was. Although he knew of his feelings towards them, just like Y/N though, they were both content in being part of their lives. Just like Y/N, He was scared that he might fuck up if they both got together, and he didn’t want to lose them. So, he convinced himself that keeping them in their lives platonically was the only solution they had. They were both idiots. Laughing at that now, Luke couldn’t help but slap himself in the face. You kept them platonically but you still fucked up. Way to go, Castellan. 
He was surely convinced he was just okay to keep them in their lives platonically. He didn’t even initially plan anything on Valentine's Day. Just hanging out with them and doing nothing was okay for Luke. But as Valentine’s Day crept around the corner, Luke couldn’t help but think of holding their hand that day as fireworks sprayed in the sky, red and white lights dancing and looking down at them. He couldn’t help but dream of holding them in their arms, kissing them on the temple, smiling down at them as they both looked at each other in adoration. He knew he had to make a move, as both were as stubborn as mules. Y/N had always been the one to initiate everything. From hanging out to just lollygagging around camp. Y/N has always been there for him. It was always Y/N. Y/N. Y/N. He swears he could make their name a chant, just to immortalize this being he could’ve sworn was given to him by the Gods themselves. What did he do to deserve such an angel? He doesn’t know. He realized that for once in his life, He wanted to initiate something first.  Not Y/N. Him.
He felt his heart ripping out of his chest, and at that instant, he knew he had to do something. At first, he couldn’t find Aphrodite kids who he was close enough to ask for advice since they were all busy with the Feast. But the Gods smiled down upon him that day, in the form of Louise Clifford-Jacobs. Luke wasted no hesitation asking Louise about what to do on Valentines, the perfect spot in Camp Half-Blood, the perfect food to serve, everything. He was so focused on planning he didn’t realize Y/N was next to him, the last person he hoped to hear him ask an Aphrodite girl about his plans for them. Looking at Y/N and their smile, Luke felt his heart beat in his chest. His ears turned red as the love of their life smiled upon them, like sun rays that greeted you in the morning.  Y/N had wanted to ask him a question, and although he wanted to entertain it, he still had to plan their date. Luke knew he hadn’t had much time but he didn’t wanna make them leave. Sacrifices were needed to be taken, and Luke had asked them to leave. The smile that left Y/N’s face broke his heart, but he had to do something so that his plan wasn’t blown. 
Luke watched as Y/N left and felt a pang, it was as if someone had shot them directly into his chest. Looking at Louise, they instinctively knew they had to make the date as special as ever. 
But all the planning. All gone to waste because Luke had failed to focus on the one good thing he had. He was so intent on making the perfect date he forgot who it was for. And now Luke was just there staring into the abyss of the bunk bed, dejected that not only he lost his best friend, his grand plan was useless now. Maybe he could give the plan to Percy? He wasn’t sure anymore. 
A knock on the door interrupted his brooding, and he sat up to see the last person he expected to see today. Clarisse La Rue, in all her Ares fashion, walked inside and sat next to Luke. She intently looked at Luke, anger pulsing through her veins. Luke gulps in response.
“I wanna punch you so bad, Castellan.” She started. “So, so bad. You don’t know how much you fucked up.”  He flinched. He knew how hard Ares kids’ punches are, but Clarisse’s was deadlier. You could’ve hit him with a stone and it would hurt way less. She continues. “But I won’t.” Luke sat up, confused. If she wasn’t there to hurt him then what? Luke couldn’t wrap around the scenario happening right now.
“Clarisse, if you’re looking for Capture the Flag alliances, go look for someone else. I’m not in the mood to think of strategies nor care for any bartering you're gonna do.” Luke bluntly stated as he plopped his head on his pillow, covering his eyes with his arm. He hears the girl sigh. “As much as I would really like to make an alliance with you, I’m here for Y/N”
This caught the boy’s attention as he sat up again. He stares at Clarisse before she starts to speak. “Look, I’m probably the last person you’d expect to play cupid but goddamn you both are annoying as fuck. I’ll cut to the chase, Castellan. My best friend is fucking in love with you, they just couldn’t admit it because they’ve made their thick skull think they didn’t have a chance with you. It has gotten worse ever since you started your little game of ignoring them. Now, I know you like them too, the way you look at them makes me wanna vomit but whatever. And I know you didn't mean to ignore them. This is all just a big misunderstanding and Idiot 1 and 2 do nothing but brood and sigh all day. I for one think it's annoying as hell.” Clarisse sighs, reclining on the railings of Luke’s bunk. " The point is, I’m not gonna sit around and see them cry over some idiot. Now, get your sad, pathetic ass out of bed and tell me your plan so I can help.”
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Luke and Clarisse indeed formed an unlikely alliance. Although not in Capture The Flag, it was for Y/N so it was the next best thing. Luke’s plan was simple: it was a simple dinner date at the camp’s gazebo, with the gazebo facing the lake. Luke used his abilities as a Hermes kid to smuggle in Y/N and his' favorite food. Clarisse, who had connections with Aphrodite kids through her other best friend Silena, had asked them to help Luke with his case. They didn’t hesitate, seeing that love and courtship was their forte. Louise and Silena lead the operation, Luke owing them big time for this. In all of the planning and decorating, Luke had gotten antsy. And Silena was getting rather annoyed. Using her charm speak, she had managed to calm Luke’s nerves. Sighs of relief echoed as Luke decided to sit as far away as the Aphrodite kids and let them do their jobs without looking like a strict supervisor. 
Silena and Clarisse had known for a long time just how much the Hermes boy yearned for Y/N. In fact, the pair were taking bets on who would confess first, with Silena betting that Y/N would meanwhile Clarisse was betting on Luke. In the meantime, it seems like none of them were winning. And they wouldn’t like that now, would they? That’s why they agreed to help him. Though it was the second reason, the real reason why was sweeter, but they would rather be caught dead than admit that.
Whilst Silena and Clarisse helped prepare, they couldn’t help but look back at Luke. His leg wobbled up and down and he kept wringing his hands. Sweat was rolling down his head as his eyes shifted, while silent murmurs left his mouth. In the many years these two have known Luke, they have never seen him like this. He was the epitome of confidence, both in the eyes of his siblings and everyone in the camp. He was ever so self-assured with both his abilities in sword fighting and his abilities as Head Counselor. Yet here he was, a blubbering mess.  It was definitely out of character for him. The two kept snickering every time they looked back at him, and they looked back at each other, rolling their eyes.  This was definitely blackmailing material for the future. 
That night on Valentines Day, the feast had commenced in celebration of the Goddess of Love. With everyone in the dinner pavilion, Chiron had shared their usual pleasantries, and just like clockwork, finally asked everyone to commence the celebration. Everyone was dressed in their best clothes and eating well tonight, courtesy of the Aphrodite cabin, kids who knew they helped in preparations can finally eat up and pat themselves on the back for a job well done. Couples from different cabins were allowed to eat next to each other, as their single siblings watched in horror and disgust. Burning of offerings had also commenced tenfold, with everyone thanking the Goddess of Love for a very successful day. As the celebration goes on, Y/N sat next to their siblings, half of them sitting with their loved ones, while the rest talk amongst themselves. They sat in the middle, aimlessly picking and playing with their food. 
A cough took them out of their state. Clarisse, who was wearing her best red dress, and Silena who absolutely looked stunning in their off-shoulder dress stood next to each other, looking at them. Y/N in turn looked up at them, eyes filled with gloom. “Don’t tell me you’re gonna be like that the entire night, Y/N”.
“And what if I was?” They barked in retaliation. They were in no mood to bicker with the daughter of Ares. They weren’t also in a mood to celebrate this supposed-to-be happy occasion. Why would they? They just lost their best friend and the person they have been yearning for in just a week.
“Well, that’s no good now, is it?” both snicker at each other.  They sigh before standing up, back hunched and their arms on the table. “Look, I’m really not in the mood to entertain pranks nor play with matchmakers, no offense Silena” she smiled and nodded back to them.
“Well good news. This is no prank. Silena and I decided that since you’re alone this Valentine’s you could come join us on a little singles bonding.” Y/N raised their eyebrow in suspicion. They had a hunch that whenever these two were together and involved, it wasn’t gonna be pretty. These two, besides them and Clarisse, are partners in crime. And when there’s trouble in the air, Clarisse and Silena are the main culprits.
Y/N sighed however. Despite not being in the mood, they had no plans whatsoever. They were, however, in an entertaining mood. There was nothing to lose. So, they humor them, albeit begrudgingly. They rolled their eyes and looked back at them. “Fine. What do you want me to do?”
The girls smile and jump in excitement. Seeing this commotion, they knew something was up. These two were planning something, and Y/N was mentally cursing themselves for agreeing. There was fire in Clarisse’s eyes, and in the many years they’ve known her, they knew exactly what this look was: Determination. A determined Clarisse was dangerous, that they knew. They would stop at nothing to get things done, regardless if it'd kill her or not. An over exaggeration on Y/N’s part but you get the point.  But curiosity was a killer. And well, satisfaction will bring them back.
Silena dragged Y/N away from their table, no one paying mind to them leaving, while Clarisse pushed them forward. They walked and walked until they ended up in the Aphrodite cabin, desolate with no one but themselves. They dragged them to the cabin’s vanity table that was lined with different hair items and products, from hair gel to combs. Aphrodite kids were stacked, and Y/N anxiety never faltered.
“What the hell are you two gonna do to me?” they asked, voice laced with fear. Clarisse’s usual cackle filled the cabin, alongside the sound of a turned-on hair dryer. “Oh c’mon, Y/N liven up. It’s Mom’s Day. I’m giving you a makeover, of course. Courtesy of the entire Aphrodite cabin.” Y/N looked at themselves in the mirror and realized they look utterly horrid. Their hair stuck out in every direction; their eyes red from the constant crying. Eyebags evident from the lack of sleep. Silena was right, They thought. They did look like a mess.
 “Think of it as self-care, Y/N. As the Head Councilor of the Aphrodite cabin, we are humbly your fairy godmothers for the evening.  I’m gonna make sure you look perfect and stunning. Now. Face the mirror.”  
Silena was right. Y/N did look perfect right now. They looked the best they’ve ever been ever since they entered camp, hell, even before they were homeless. One word can describe them right now and it was this: Ethereal. They looked like you could put them in Olympus and no one would be any wiser, no, scratch that, they looked more than just a God. They looked like a celestial being. Silena and Clarisse couldn’t help but gawk at their joint masterpiece and Y/N looked at themselves in the mirror, basking in their appearance. 
Y/N couldn’t help it as a tear rolled down their cheek, which Silena tsked before wiping it off. “Someone who looks celestial tonight has no right to cry. Look at you!” Both Clarisse and Silena were now beside them, and they gawked once more at them. Their confidence skyrocketed ten-fold, and by God they didn’t think they were even capable of looking like so. They looked at both Clarisse and Silena, nodding at them, eyes closed, feeling ever so grateful for their job tonight. But they knew the night wasn’t over, and without hesitation, Clarisse took their hand and led them out the cabin.
It was a short walk and before they knew it, they reached the lit gazebo. Y/N’s eyes sparkled as they stared in awe at the decorations that littered it, fairy lights in little jars, red and white clothes draped at the roof of the gazebo. Food was on the rose petal decorated table, with a beautiful table setting with handkerchiefs folded into swans. But that wasn’t the only thing that was in there. A curly haired boy sat on one of the tables, dressed in a suit, looking down and twiddling with their thumbs. Luke. They thought.
All the happiness they felt have now dissipated, and fury once again taken hold of them. “What the hell is this?” They spat venom, and the pair couldn’t help but flinch in retaliation. Looking up, Luke saw Y/N, and he couldn’t help but gawk at them. Luke had always known Y/N was ethereal, but with Silena and Clarisse’s help, they were all of a sudden out of this world. It was as if Y/N embodied Aphrodite, you can even say moreso, however you wouldn’t catch Luke saying that aloud. All the gawking Luke did however, was ruined when they saw their face. They were infuriated. Angry that they were tricked by Silena and Clarisse. Angry at him. 
Luke wasted no time and made a beeline towards Y/N. "What is he doing here?” Y/N asks Silena and Clarisse, and the duo stayed quiet, looking at Luke for help. Luke sighs, putting both his hands up near his chest, a sign that he wasn’t there to put up a fight. “Don’t get mad at them, Ease. They helped me.  I asked them to trick you. I’m sorry.”
“I told you that I didn’t wanna see you anymore, Luke.” “I know that but please hear me out.” Without saying a word, Y/N began to turn around and walk away. Who wouldn’t be pissed? The last person they wanted to see right now was standing there, whilst they recruited their other friends to basically trick them into seeing him. To say they were pissed was an understatement. 
Not wanting for Y/N to leave before he explained himself, he grabs their arm. The touch felt electric to Y/N as they spun around as Luke held them. And for the first time in a while, Y/N’s expression softened. It had been days since the two had hung out, let alone seen each other. The fight had made them more distant than before, and Y/N couldn’t help but yearn for Luke’s touch. As skin contacts skin, his touch made them putty, and all the anger they’ve kept just seemingly dissipated, and there was nothing left but yearning. Painful, painful yearning. 
“Please, Y/N hear me out. I promise I’ll make it worthwhile.” Y/N closed their eyes, sighing. Y/N knew Luke was their weakness, it had always been. And as he stood there holding them, all thoughts were officially lost. They nodded, and Luke for the first time in a while had his signature smile plastered on their face.
Luke looks at Y/N’s eyes, enamored as the lights from the gazebo danced in it. The more he stared at their eyes, they felt like a moth drawn to the flame. He could stare at it forever, like how Narcissus looked at his reflection in the water, but Luke had to snap out of it, and finish the hell that he had started.
“Listen, Ease. In the years I’ve lived on this Earth, I’ve recognized just how much I’ve fucked up. I was very much aware of how much I’ve done so. With Hal, with…Thalia.” Luke looked at the ground, tears began welling in his eyes. Y/N, who looked at him with adoration, wasted no time putting their hand on his cheek, guiding his eyes back to them. Luke looks at Y/N, before laughing, tears betraying him as they rush down like a waterfall. Y/N’s expressions softened even more, as they used their thumb to swipe any more tears that dared leave Luke’s eyes. A nod left Y/N, encouraging Luke to continue. The gesture made Luke a little more courageous, as he swallowed, before continuing. “With dad’s quest. I knew how much of a fuckup I was. I was always aware, and for some odd reason, when the consequences of these fuck-ups arise, I just ignore them. Not the healthiest option I know but I just stopped giving a fuck, you know? It is what it is mentality.”  As he looked at Y/N, he took their hands into his, and suddenly yet all at once, it felt exhilarating. Their hand in his felt bright and warm, a feeling both of them never felt before. In that moment, they both seemed to forget all the troubles, trials and tribulations they’ve experienced, and what matters right now were just the two of them, in that moment, a scene like in a movie.
“But seeing you walk away like that with the angriest and furious eyes with tears cascading down your face, I realized something.” He breathes out as his grip on their hands tighten, it was as if at any minute, Luke would lose them, like they would drift away from them, never to be seen again. “I realized that out of all the fuck ups I did, hurting you was the worst one I’ve ever done. In that moment, I realized that making you feel alone and small was the biggest fuck-up I have ever done. For the first time, It felt as if some part of me died that day. Out of all the mistakes I've done in my life, you were the only one I was willing to fix."
Luke adoringly stepped forward more, and the space between them left as if it never existed. Luke moved his hands to their forearm, and in turn they put their hand on his chest. “You, Ease, made me realize that out of everything in my life, you’ve become the only thing I got right. I could forget everything, and you’d still be the only constant I’m thankful the Gods had given me. You're the only one who has seen the reds and the blues of my life and despite everything, you just burned them all up. And you, with all your love for an idiot like me, kissed them goodbye.”
“I’m here to fix things between us, Ease. Let it be known that I’m not willing to give you away that easily. Not in this lifetime. Not in the next. So please, I hope you forgive me.”
Y/N, upon hearing Luke’s words, couldn’t help but allow the tears to fall from their eyes. Overwhelmed with emotions, they wasted no time putting their arms around him, sobbing as they cling on to him, scared that they might fall away from them. It took Luke a minute before wrapping their arms around them as well, swinging them back and forth as the pair laughed and giggled in each other’s presence. Tears and smiles were shared amongst the pair, and Luke, smitten in love, broke the contact first, his hands on Y/N’s waist. The pair basked at each other’s presence with adoration, as they stood there, foreheads touching.  Y/N’s hands crept once again to Luke’s face and in that moment, as they looked at each other, time stood still, silence washed over them. “Ease, I promise you, you won’t regret it.” He giddily smiles at them, and they chuckle. 
“I know I won’t.” Y/N replies. Luke leans in, and in sync, their lips move against each other. The pair melted in each other as Y/N placed their hands on their neck. Y/N’s lips were soft. Luke thought. And a smile crept into his lips as his dreams of what their lips felt like on his was now in fruition. Electricity filled the air as the two savored each other, apologies and I love yous passed back and forth with each kiss. It was invigorating, the pair thought. He parts his lips for them, allowing each other to explore and satiate the hunger they had for each other. Their hands slipped into his curly hair and in turn, Luke pulled them towards his body more.
They broke apart after a few minutes, the two catching their breath. As they looked at each other, a sudden boom made their heads snap towards the sky. Red and white lights danced in the sky, covering the entire valley with the Love Goddess’ colors. The two looked up at the sky in adoration as they held onto each other, Luke’s head on their shoulder as they laid their head on his, with Luke’s arms around their waist and their hands resting on top of his. 
Silena and Clarisse watch on as their friends bask in each other’s presence, and in turn they look at each other. Clarisse held out a hand, and Silena couldn’t help but groan as they fished in their pockets, placing a few drachmas on the God of War’s child's palm. Clarisse nodded a thank you to Silena, before both of them left to give the two some deserved privacy.
Never in the million years Luke would think the Gods would give him someone, let alone a person who loved all of him. Y/N, his North Star, his tether, his world. He didn't expect them, out of everyone, to now be in his arms, fully embracing the feeling they had for each other that they were so afraid to admit before. Now, as his name fell from Y/N’s mouth, he smiles as he basked at the moment, silently thanking the Gods for this one. And maybe, just maybe he thinks, he can forget about why he hated the Gods in the first place.
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tiedyeflannels · 1 year ago
Never Did, Now I do
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Namjoon x reader
Also known as: The five times you blew a kiss to Namjoon and the one time he finally blew one back.
Word count: 3.2k
A/N: Hi!!! I'm here with a Namjoon fic!!! I got inspired to write this one after watching an edit of Namjoon lives so... Anyway, the text that's "italicized" and in quotations, is dialog in English. Hopefully that makes sense... I hope you enjoy!!
one. - The earliest memory I have of him was when we were 6. 
It was a random afternoon when my parents decided to take me to the park. I was happily playing by myself when someone bumped into me.
“Hey, watch out!” I turned to look at a boy with an apologetic smile that showed his dimples.
He bowed slightly.
“Sorry! I just wanted to know if you wanted to play together because I saw that you were playing alone,” he wondered, scratching the back of his neck.
“What if I was happy playing alone?”
He nervously looked to the sides.
“Well, sorry for bothering you then,” he said as turned like he was about to run away before I grabbed his arm. 
“Hey, I was just kidding! I would love to play with you, um…” I trailed off.
He perked up, “Oh, it’s Namjoon.”
I held out my hand for him to take. “My name’s Y/n! Nice to meet you,” I said, shaking his hand.
We must've been playing for quite a bit of time before our parents called to each of us, saying that it was time to leave. We both groaned, but promised that we would play again when we saw each other. My parents called me again and I started to jog over to them before stopping and blowing a kiss to him. Something I saw my parents do a million times to say ‘bye’.
“See you later, Namjoon!”
two. - I remembered doing it again when we were 13.
“Aren’t you nervous,” I asked as we entered the underground cafe where the rap circle was bound to take place after checking in.
He shook his head as he marveled at the people gathered in front of the stage and the stage itself.
“Nope, why would I be,” he asked looking at me. I gave him an ‘are you serious right now’ face.
“Um, because… I don't know… You’re going to perform in front of people who have been doing this way longer.”
He chuckled, “The way I see it, I’m here to learn, not teach. Those who teach should be the ones that are nervous.”
He smiled brightly, showing off his dimples. I nodded as I took a deep breath.
“Are you nervous for me?”
I shook my head, “No, there’s just a lot of people.” 
“I think you are,” he teased as I looked away.
He placed hand on my shoulder, garnering my attention.
“Y/n/n, there’s no reason for you to be nervous. I’ll be just fine. I have you here to support me and my amazing mind.”
I rolled my eyes, smiling. “Okay,” I nodded.
Moments later, someone on the loud speaker announced, “Coming up, Runch Randa!”
I started clapping with the crowd and looked over to Namjoon, who wasn’t clapping, but smiling and that’s when it hit me.
“Wait, that’s your stage name?”
He nodded.
“Are you gonna keep it when you’re older?”
“Is it bad,” He questioned.
“No,” I shook my head as he chuckled.
“Don’t worry, I’ll come up with something better later, but I’ll keep using this one for now. Plus, I’m not sure I’ll like doing this,” he said, gesturing to the stage.
I watched the person currently performing on stage.
“I’m sure you won’t get enough,” I smiled.
As they finished up their song, we walked over to the stage.
“Thank you for being here.”
I smiled.
“Of course! I wouldn’t miss this for the world! You’re gonna kill it, Mr. Randa,” I cheered.
He smiled before he took the stage. He took the mic and then looked over to me. I blew him a kiss for good luck before he looked forward with determination and started his song.
three. - Another time when we were 19 and he was about to debut on the big stage with BTS.
“I’ve gotta visit more often,” I said, walking into the green room.
“Y/n!” The guys called out as Namjoon turned away from the wall to look at me.
“Happy debut day, you guys! I’m proud of you all,” I said as I walked around and gave them all a hug.
I saved the best for last and stood in front of Namjoon.
“Congrats on debuting, Joonie! I got you something,” I said, holding up the gift bag with black tissue paper sticking out.
He took the bag and looked at me with a confused face.
“It’s nothing too big! I just wanted to get you something,” I said as he placed it on a nearby table and started to open it.
He pulled out a leather bound notebook with a leather strap wrapped around it to keep it closed.
“Y/n/n…” he trailed as he looked at me. I smiled at his reaction.
“If you open it, there’s something written on the inside of the cover,” I pointed out.
He did as instructed, pulling the strap apart and opening the book.
He read aloud, “‘To: Namjoon, Wherever we are, no matter how far apart, I will always be rooting for you! - Y/n’.” 
I looked at him expectedly, “Do you like it?”
He quickly pulled me into a hug.
“I absolutely love it, thank you,” he whispered, nuzzling into my neck.
We pulled apart after a moment and I watched as he put the notebook back in the bag and set it by his things before walking back to me. 
“BTS, you’re on in five minutes,” one of the stage managers called.
All the boys got up, ready to perform.
“We gotta go, but I’ll see you later,” he said and I nodded as he started to walk over to the other members. 
Right before he was going to walk out, “Namjoon!”
He looked back and I blew him a small kiss.
“Good luck out there! I’ll be watching from the sides.”
He smiled and nodded before leaving with the others for their debut.
four. - Again when we were 22 and they were leaving for their Wings world tour.
“I’m not late, am I,” I asked running up to the group that was about to leave for their Wings tour.
Some of them were giving the managers their bags, so they could put them in the trunks and the others turned to look at me.
“What’s that,” Taehyung asked, pointing to the three bags I was carrying.
“Oh right! I brought you guys some food because I wasn’t sure if you’ve eaten since it’s really early,” I said, handing a bag to Tae, Yoongi, and Jin as the rest gathered around.
They all said their ‘thank you’s as they started to dig through the bag, taking out some of the food I packed for them.
I smiled, “Of course! I wanted to see you guys off, but I can’t do it at the airport so I had Namjoon text me when you would leave for the airport.”
I looked at him and he nodded.
“Aww, that’s sweet,” Hobi exclaimed as he brought me into a hug which led the others to hug us effectively making a group hug. 
“Take care of each other and have a safe trip! I’ll see you at your last concerts,” I said, pulling away from the group.
The managers let them know that they would have to leave soon and that they should get ready to leave. 
We all said our ‘bye’s before they started to get into one of the cars.
That left me with…
“Y/n,” Namjoon said, grabbing my attention as I turned to look at him.
I hummed in response.
“Thanks for coming to see us off.”
“Yeah, I wouldn’t miss this for the world… Though, it’s super early,” I said through a yawn.
He smiled.
“Plus, who’s gonna remind you to make sure to not lose your passport.”
He laughed, “That was one time!”
“Doesn’t matter! Knowing you, you would probably lose it again so make sure to give it to Yoongi or Jin,” I teased as a smile grew on my face.
“I’m gonna miss you,” he said, pulling me into a hug.
“I know, but I’ll see you when you come back.”
I pulled back, holding both of his hands and looked at him.
“Look at you, going on your first long-term tour! I’m so incredibly proud of you, Joonie,” I smiled.
He pulled me back into the hug, holding tightly. “I’m really gonna miss you, Y/n/n,” he whispered.
I tightened my hold on him, too, “I’m really gonna miss you too, Joon.” 
We stayed like this for a bit before Jin yelled, “Namjoon, the managers said we have to get going soon!”
He quietly groaned in frustration and I laughed as I pulled away because I know that he rolled his eyes.
“Please be safe and stay healthy. If you ever need anything, I’ll always pick up, okay?”
He nodded.
I nodded too before sighing, “You should get going.”
He nodded once more before he started walking toward the cars with the other members. He was about to get in when he looked back at me. He waved to me and I smiled as I blew him a kiss and waved before he got in the car and closed the door.
five. -  The last time was when we were 25 and I had to leave for a while.
“Are you sure that you’re going to be okay,” Namjoon asked, taking the last bag out of the trunk and placing it on the ground.
I smiled at his concern.
“I’ll be okay, Namjoon.”
“I’m just making sure.”
“Trust me, I’m not one to lose my passport unlike some people,” I teased.
“You’re never gonna let that go, are you,” he rolled his eyes, but smiled nonetheless. 
“Nope,” I shook my head and he sighed, accepting his fate.
He walked up to me, rolling the suitcase over and handing it to me. I placed my bag strap over the handle and let it rest on the top of my suitcase.
“Remind me again, how long are you going to be gone,” he asked. 
I rested my hands on the handle of the suitcase as I thought, “Hmm… two, three years maybe.”
He groaned, “That’s so long…”
I chuckled, “It’s not that long. Three years can pass in the blink of an eye.”
He nodded and sighed lightly, “I know, but I’m gonna miss having you around all the time.”
I pushed my suitcase to the side and walked up to Namjoon, pulling him into a hug which he immediately returned.
“I’ll be back before you know it. I promise,” I whispered, nuzzling my face into his neck. 
We stayed like this for a few more moments, then I gave him one last squeeze before pulling away from him and taking out my phone to check the time.
“I should get going before I miss my flight,” I said as I grabbed hold of my suitcase.
“Would that be such a bad thing?” 
I smiled sadly at his question. It wouldn’t be a bad thing to stay here, with him, but my job had offered me an opportunity that I couldn’t pass up so I agreed with the clause that it wouldn’t be a permanent relocation. 
I started to back up, so I could put some distance between us.
“I’ll text you when I land, okay?”
“Okay,” he nodded.
With that, I turned and started to walk away. I was about to go through the doors to the airport, but stopped and turned to face Namjoon before blowing him a kiss and waving goodbye.
He smiled as I turned to leave him for a while with a promise that I’ll return soon.
It had been two and a half years since I moved to the US. 
Namjoon and I haven’t kept in contact as much as I thought we would. When I first moved, we always made it a point to text each other a couple of times a week, but we both started to get really busy so we couldn’t talk as much.
Now here we are, barely talking to each other unless it’s a holiday or birthday. Though, I always made sure to keep up with what he was up to and that meant watching his lives. 
I saw the notification when I opened my phone once I put my stuff down after I got back from work. I tapped it to open it up as I placed it on the kitchen island and propped it against the closest object.
I went to the fridge to grab the leftover take-out from the other day and proceeded to put it in the microwave to heat it up. At the same time as me starting the microwave, the live finally loaded and I could hear Namjoon talking.
I watched him just talk for a bit before the microwave beeped, signaling that the food was done heating up so I walked over and took it out, then went to get a fork out of the drawer before going back to the island so I could start eating. 
After a while, I saw a specific comment: Oppa, why do you blow kisses at the end of your lives?
He must’ve seen it too because he answered, “Because you guys ask.”
I smiled and he continued, “And because someone very close to me did it all the time for me, but I never did it for them. I haven’t seen them in a while and I kind of regret not doing it back all those years, so now I do it for you.”
After a bit, he started to say ‘bye’ to Army before blowing a kiss and turning off the live. I smiled sadly as I pressed the home button and turned off my phone, thinking about what he said earlier.
I sighed when I got up and put my dishes in the sink, ready to go to bed, hoping that I would be done with my job in America soon, so that I could go back home…
~ Two months later ~
“Congrats, Y/n!”
I looked up from my computer to see Lyn standing over my desk, grinning like a maniac.
“What do you mean, Lyn,” I questioned, tilting my head to the side.
“Well, you know how you always say that you want to finish up here so you can go home? Now you can!”
I shot up from my seat once those words left her mouth.
I looked at her in disbelief, “What, really?!”
She nodded happily, “Yep! Everything was finalized earlier today and they just sent out an email stating that everyone from the Korea branch is good to move back starting next week.” 
I smiled brightly at the news. I finally got to go back home, where my family and friends were, where Namjoon was.
one. - When we were 28 and he finally blew one back to me.
I was walking with a staff member through the halls of the concert venue that Namjoon was set to perform within the hour. It took a few minutes before we arrived at the “Artist Room”.
The door was open, seeing that there was staff frequently going in and out of it so I peaked my head in.
He was sitting on the couch, hunched over, and writing in a journal with a frustrated expression on his face. I quietly chuckled when he shook his head and scribbled over what he just wrote before sighing. 
My gaze fell to the journal and after a few moments, I realized that it was the journal that I gave him all those years ago. I remembered that he once told me that he explicitly uses it to write lyrics, which makes sense watching him right now.
“Do you always write lyrics before a performance,” I questioned.
His head shot up to look at me and he dropped his pen, whatever he was writing was forgotten. I smiled as I walked further into the room, stopping a few feet in front of the coffee table as he stood up. 
He quickly rounded the table, scooping me into a hug and spinning us around. I laughed at his excitement before he stopped and set me down.
He backed up and looked at me with a small smile and surprise in his eyes. “What are you doing here?!”
“Well, I couldn’t miss my best friend’s first solo concert, now can I?”
He pulled me back into a hug before he said, "I'm sorry."
“For what,” I chuckled confusedly.
“For not trying harder to keep contact with you.”
I hugged a little tighter, “It’s not your fault that we were both super busy. Plus, our timezones weren’t exactly the nicest.”
He pulled back, “Wait- ‘weren’t’? Does this mean…” 
I happily nodded.
“Yep, I was cleared to move back last week so some of my things are still on they’re way, but I’m back for good!”
A giant smile made its way onto his face, showing his dimples as I told him the news.
We just stood there, looking at each other until a staff member tapped me on my shoulder and told me that I should head out soon for the performance. 
I nodded and sighed, “Well, I should probably get going. I got front row tickets, so I’ll see you after your performance.”
I started to back away from him, but grabbed my hand right before I was about to leave. I looked at him with curiosity.
“Will you go out with me,” he blurted out. 
My eyes widened in surprise at the question, “What?”
“You leaving for so long made me realize how much I like having you by my side. It was hard not being able to call you just to talk about random things or accompanying you to get ice cream at 2 a.m. because you were craving it, but didn’t want to go alone. It broke my heart when I let you go, but I don’t want to make that mistake again so… will you go out with me?”
I looked at him and saw nervousness overtake his face, but there was still hope in his eyes.
I couldn’t say that I didn’t feel the same way because I did. I couldn’t imagine not having Namjoon in my life and the time that we spent apart made me realize that I wanted to be with him, too.
So after a few seconds of deciding I smiled and nodded, “I would love to.”
He smiled and was going to say something, but I held up a finger in front of him to stop him.
“BUT right now you have a performance, so we’ll talk about this afterward, okay,” I raised my eyebrows.
He nodded. “Okay, I’ll see you after the show,” he said as he let go of my hand.
I backed up a bit, ready to take my leave before a thought popped in my head.
“Oh right!” I blew him a kiss, “Good luck out there, Joonie!”
With that I turned around and almost through the door, until Namjoon called my name.
I looked back at him and he finally blew a kiss back.
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petite-madame · 4 months ago
I just found again your account. I first saw your art when I was a teenager. And its been a while. Your art has felt like coming back to a brewed coffee and some pastries. Winter wind blowing against the coffee shop windows.
It feels like coming back home to fandoms i used to adore. And look at it fondly, in a nostalgic lense. You've worked very hard and honed your skill. I'm proud of how long you've been drawing and how you provided such joy and excitement in so many people. Heck even just sparked a glint in their eye whilst being on the internet.
Tu est merveilleuse. Tu as tellement contribué pour les fandoms. Merci énormément ♡
Hi anon ^^
First, I apologize it took me so long to answer. Messages kept piling up and it took me time to reach yours. 😳
This is one of the kindest messages I ever received. Not that other messages are not kind or sincere, or that I don't enjoy receiving or reading them but...you see what I mean ? 😳 Comparing my art and the feeling it brings you to "coming back to a brewed coffee and some pastries. Winter wind blowing against the coffee shop windows." is so...so poetic ? And strong ? And it talks to me, you see ? The nostalgia, the feels. 😭
It's really funny because I received a message from another anon who told me they hadn't "seen (my) art for years but it randomly came across (their) dash and (they) recognized the style right away" and I compared the experience to finding out that an old restaurant you used to go to as a kid was still open. That's me, I'm the restaurant, this little coffee shop that still tries to bring you good pastries. 🥳Sometimes, the menu changes a bit but it's still the same recipe and the same owner, who starts to get a bit old, but who is still enthusiastic about the new cakes available in his tiny shop.
I'm proud of how long you've been drawing and how you provided such joy and excitement in so many people.
I've always drawn, I think I will carry on as much as I can. And even if I draw for me (almost like a compulsion, a need), it's messages like yours that makes me carry on sharing my art on the internet because even if I have a "successful coffee shop", sometimes, I can't help thinking about some drawings I do "Nah, nobody's going to care about this one". 🤓 I forget about it but then, sometimes a few weeks later, I post the art and I receive messages from people telling me I made their day, that they were having a bad time but that my art cheered them up. It's incredible, right ? Someone is having a bad day in Milwaukee or Jakarta and me, and my stupid little "bakeries" helped them smile (*) for a couple of minutes. I think it's fantastic. So even if as an artist I love to share what I do, sometimes when I think that "nobody cares", I think about some random people and the possible positive outcome that my art can produce.
(*) Sometimes, I make people cry too because of death art and pretty angsty illustrations but that's another story. You're welcome, by the way 🤓
Of course, my artworks are not masterpieces, I'm not starting a pictural revolution, it's just TV show and movie characters doing "random stuff" but if these artworks that will be forgotten in 10 minutes will make someone smile just a couple of seconds at some point in time then, it was worth it. I guess. I hope so. (And sometimes, it's more than a couple of seconds because some people put my art as their desktop wallpaper or phone background. How awesome is that ? 🤩🥳)
Anyway, I'm rambling. 🙃🙃🙃 Thank you so much for this amazing message and for enjoying my art all these years. (Because I write, I write but I didn't even thank you!!)
I wish you a great weekend and I hope that you'll stop by my coffee shop again. 💗
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