#I'm back after a bit of a hectic day yesterday hopefully I can do two tomorrow to get back ahead before travelling
v-thinks-on · 10 months
As I stepped deeper into the dank, horrible chamber, I became aware of a strange, sticky sensation on my face and arms, which clung even as I tried to brush it away.
“There is something peculiar-” Holmes began to say, still bent over the corpse of young Hopkins’s late foe.
A sudden movement caught my eye and I interrupted with a shout of “Holmes!” as I saw a cluster of glittering lights emerging from the dark.
These lights were smaller and more tightly clustered than the strange glowing orbs which entranced us through the study window; they gleamed and glinted like as many little eyes in the lantern light. They were followed closely by an immense, dark shape which seemed to melt out of the very shadows.
An enormous shaggy spider loomed over us, its long legs like deadly spears, and its six little eyes winking lazily with the flickering light.
I stumbled backward and grabbed Holmes by the arm to drag him with me if needs must, as he still crouched beside the corpse.
“It’s impossible,” he murmured, slowly rising to his feet beside me, his eyes like mine transfixed upon the spider. “I wondered if we had been drugged, but…”
“I do not mean to wait and find out now,” I replied, perhaps too sharply, as the spider bristled.
To be continued...
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thmles · 1 year
| Betty.
- i don't know anything but i know i miss you.
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[warnings: a bit sad, a little angsty, just teenage love that i will never have, not proofread]
[a/n: i tried to do it in a sort of 2nd pov? i think it ended up pretty good? so... i might also try to write another miguel story? but i'm trying to figure out if it should be smut or angsty ]
All your life, you and Miles have been the best of friends. You were neighbors, classmates, play pals. You guys were never not together, whether it be skating or even going to his Uncle Aaron’s. When you got accepted into Visions Academy, Miles strived to get accepted just so the two of you can be together. His parents supported him in his decision thinking that it would be a great opportunity for him to learn more.
“‘I love you, dad.’” You mimicked Miles’ voice before laughing loudly. You guys were sitting in the cafeteria, surrounded by other students eating lunch. You could barely eat anything since you’ve been laughing at Miles the whole time.
“Yeah, yeah. Tease me all you want.” He groaned and slammed his head on the table. A few looks of concern came your way at the commotion. You stifle a laugh and rub Miles’ back.
“Don’t be so hard on yourself, Morales. It’s the first day of classes! Everything’s hectic, everything’s hard!” You told him with a smile. Miles groaned at the statement and propped his arm up and resting his head on it. He attempted to grab a fry from your plate before you smacked his hand. “Hey, I bought you your lunch. Don’t waste it.” You were quick to scold him and gave his tray a light shove. You took a sip of your Diet Coke Zero before continuing to eat your fries and bacon cheeseburger. “But your fries look way tastier!” He protested and made another move for your tray.
“Miles, I bought the exact same thing for you.”
“Well, stolen food is still better.”
You rolled your eyes. “How’s your first day? Hopefully not as eventful as mine.” Miles asked before popping more fries in his mouth.
“Well, I was late for the first class, then I went to grab some stuff from my locker but clearly underestimated how much time I need to go to the Physics Classroom which was on the other side of the building,” You sighed and grabbed fries from his tray and munched on them.
“Then I tripped going up the stairs, but some guy named Harry helped me up.” You finished and drank from your cup. Miles laughed at your story and his eyes lit up.
“Oh yeah, Uncle Aaron’s been asking about you! He told us to drop by sometime.”
You let out a laugh and shook your head. “I can’t make time this week, Miles. It’s only the first day and I have a lot of things to finish.”
He groaned and realized he had to finish things as well, especially the essay assigned by their physics teacher.
“Hey, Miles. Did you meet your Uncle Aaron last night? You didn’t text after you said you left your dorm.” You were quick to approach him in the hallway. “Wait, did you just grow a couple of inches? We were at about the same height yesterday? Or am I hallucinating?” You fired question after question and you failed to notice how each question agitated Miles.
“Look, I-I don’t know either, okay? Stop asking so many questions!” He stopped and yelled. The whole hallway became quiet as they gawked at the pair of you. You were stunned and hurt. “I-I was just worried, Miles. I didn’t mean to-” Before you could even finish your sentence, he bolted out the hallway and left you there. Other students stared at you before resuming whatever they were doing. You sighed and went back to class before you could overthink what was happening.
In the past days, it was revealed that Peter Parker was the man behind the mask of Spider-Man. Unfortunately, he passed due to the earthquake that day Miles stopped talking to you. For the past few days, you haven’t heard much from him, only knowing that he hung around a blond girl named, ‘Gwanda.’ His parents reached out to you hoping you knew what was going on with Miles since he hasn’t been talking to them either. They told you that his Uncle Aaron passed and the new Spider-Man was probably the one that killed him.
You figured you’d reach out to him by going to his dorm. You knew his roommate, Ganke, from your chemistry class and asked him where their dorm was. Later on that day, you knocked on the door, seeing a shadow moving around the room. You knocked gently and called out. With no response, you just talked. “Hey, Miles. It’s me. I-I know you’re probably busy there but I hope you can hear me. Something-Something happened to your Uncle Aaron,” You choked back a sob as tears began to form in your eyes. “I think it’d be best if your family told you about that.” You took a shaky breath.
“Miles, I don’t know anything but I know I miss you. I miss how we hang out and laugh at each other’s jokes. How we listen to each other’s music,” You heard a faint shuffle before you continued, “and how you make me the happiest person when we’re together. This is probably going to be the shittiest way I confess but I like you, Miles. I always have. You’re my best friend and I was always afraid I’d lose you if I said anything.” You leaned your head against the door.
“I know you feel pressured from your family and maybe even from me. But your family and I push you to do your best because we know you can do it. You are special, Miles. You have this spark inside of you and it is amazing. Just keep doing you and we’ll support you. We’re here for you, Miles.” A tear ran down your face and you were quick to wipe it away. You sniffed as you tried to hold back your tears. “We don’t have to talk soon. Take your time, okay? I’ll wait for you.”
Later on, you found yourself walking around Brooklyn to clear your head. The earthquake caused by the Fisk Tower got you shaken and felt the need to take a breather. You still haven’t heard from Miles. You looked at your phone for any new notifications and the picture of you and Miles on your middle school graduation looked back at you.
“It isn’t safe for young people to be out at night.” A voice pretending to be gruff and deep informing you. You looked up with a gasp. “Y-You’re that new Spider-Man! The one that just took down Fisk right?”
He let out a nervous laugh before continuing his deep voice. “T-That’s me!” You raised an eyebrow and observed his figure. You circled around him as he stood still. “Look, you have to get home before you-”
“Miles?” The lens of his mask grew wide.
“You remind me of my friend, Miles. He does this stupid deep voice thing when he makes fun of some older guys that annoy us.”
“Unless…” You put a hand on your chin as you began to think.
“How about I just get you home before something bad happens to you?”
The new Spider-Man swung you back at the Visions Academy. To say the experience was terrifying was an understatement. You were clinging to him like a baby koala. He made sure to gently land on the rooftop of the building and set you down just as gentle. He stood on the ledge, ready to leave and bid you a farewell, you cut him off.
“I know it’s you, Miles. I can smell your ‘unique’ cologne that I gifted you last Christmas.” You told him. You slowly approached him until you were on the ledge. You leaned against it as he sat down.
“Is that why you were avoiding us?” You asked him softly and looked at him. He took his mask off and looked down at the busy street below.
“Yeah. I was…trying to figure things out. I didn’t know who to talk to…” You let out a sigh and looked out at the city. The bright lights lit the city up like stars in the night sky. The wind was cold and you shivered through your thin sweater.
“I-I heard everything from earlier…about how you miss me and that you’ll support me and all of that..” You were thankful that it was dark as your face heated up. “And how you like me.” Miles finished and looked at you. “I-I meant what I said, Miles. It’s up to you but I understand if you don’t want to talk or be friends anymore after that-” You rambled nervously. Miles chuckled and wrapped an arm around your shoulder. “Don’t worry. I like you too.” Your face flushed red again as you hid your face in your hands. Miles laughed and gently tugged your hands out of your face. He got down the ledge and stood beside you, leaning against the ledge.
“How about a movie date at my place?” He suggested.
“How about we go to the Arts Museum then we watch a movie? Like Back to the Future?”
“Only if you buy pizza.”
“As long as you buy some ice cream.”
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