#I'm also operating by the idea that the miraculous magic prevents them from realizing their identities based on appearances
stonesparrow · 3 years
Wha- WAIT!! you have an MLB Dr Stone au?? That's so freaking cool!! Give us some snippets!! Who's ladybug? Cat noir? Will senku get piercings? (Sorry this is me projecting lol) tell meeee...
Well two days ago I was scrolling through some mlb (btw I always read that as Major League Baseball it’s a legit problem) reblogs by my mutuals (two of them are pretty into MLB and one of them recently did a ranking of all the villains), and even though I haven’t watched any of the episodes, I was like lmao what if superhero (I like the concept of kwamis and superheroes).
Also I was literally writing Episode 1 when I decided to check my tumblr lmao, should I try not to spoil it? Ok here’s an idea - I’ll give the whole Episode 1 summary under the cut, but above the cut will be the “pitch” I wrote for it. (For all of my fanfics, I write a short pitch at the top of the planning document labeled PREMISE, which I usually later use for the summary in ao3)
Ogawa Yuzuriha is a mild mannered 15 year old girl in her first year of high school with aspirations of being a fashion designer, when one day she meets a tiny red creature named Tikki who wants her to be a superhero! As Carmine, Yuzuriha must rise up to be the protector of Tokyo alongside her new partner, a mysterious yet caustically witty boy her age called Kurodora who seems...familiar, somehow. Together the two of them will defend Tokyo from the villainous machinations of the enigmatic Sphinxmoth. Can Yuzuriha find a way to balance the duties of a superhero and a high school social life? Find out in Miraculous: Adventures of Carmine and Kurodora!
SEASON 1 EPISODE 1: Origins (alternatively titled Lioness)
On the first day of school in April 2019, in the city of Tokyo, Japan, Yuzuriha rushes to meet Taiju and Senku at the train station so they can commute together like they always have. Except while she’s on the way there, she spots an elderly man who has fallen down at the side of the road, and stops to help him up, even offering to call an ambulance if he’s seriously hurt. The old man simply thanks her and tells her she should probably get to school, and as Yuzuriha walks away, he smiles after her.
Yuzuriha catches up to Taiju at the train station - apparently Senku is running late on the first day of school. They’re not surprised - Senku does have a bit of a reputation for staying awake long past the time he ought to be asleep (mood, Senku. Mood).
What they don’t know is that Senku is actually only a few blocks away - in fact, he’s just stopped an elderly man from walking directly into the street! After angrily asking if the old geezer is losing it, Senku waits with the man and despite being a little abrasive about it helps him cross the street when it’s safe (fun fact apparently Japanese crossing lights play the tune to a children’s nursery rhyme when it’s safe to cross go google it). The old man thanks him and says to himself, “A little rough around the edges, but I think he’ll do fine.”
Luckily Senku manages to catch the train just as the door closes, with both Taiju and Yuzuriha gently admonishing him for not learning his lesson about staying up too late in middle school. They make it to school, where they meet their homeroom class for the first time. In their class, we meet Hoseki Kohaku and Shizaki Chrome (workshopping these names rn), as well as Takara Amaryllis, who just moved into town.
Kohaku is recognized as the sister of Hoseki Ruri, the most beautiful girl in school. This becomes a problem when later Kohaku spots school brute Magma forcefully asking her sister out, while also gifting her a pretty lapis lazuli pendant. Kohaku confronts her sister and Ruri admits that Magma has been hounding her to go out with him for a while now, and she hasn’t reported his harassment to the teachers out of fear. Magma steps in and tries to push Kohaku away, causing the spirited girl to attract an oddly colored butterfly floating nearby...
After lunch, Yuzuriha’s class is just chilling waiting for the next period to start when suddenly there’s a huge commotion and a bunch of people start screaming. Loudly. A young woman in an amber colored outfit with a fluffy boa around her neck is holding Magma hostage, and seems to be taking him down the street, leaving a path of destruction in her wake and police cars chasing after her.
Students start freaking out, and in the chaos Yuzuriha, Taiju, and Senku get separated despite their best efforts to stick together. Taiju ends up going into the bathroom to call his grandparents and make sure they’re safe, while Senku runs to the roof to get a better view of the situation and Yuzuriha finds herself hiding in the school library.
As Yuzuriha tries to gather her thoughts and begins to text Senku and Taiju in their groupchat to ask where they are, she notices a box sitting on the table next to her that definitely wasn’t there before. Curiosity gets the better of her and she opens it, of course.
Out pops Tikki! Yuzuriha momentarily freaks out before Tikki manages to explain a few things about the situation. Unfortunately however, when Yuzuriha says “I can’t be a superhero! I don’t have time to change into a suit or learn how to fight or anything!” Tikki replies with a placating, “Oh don’t worry it’s easy! You just have to say ‘spots on’ and-” “Spots on?” “WAIT I DIDN’T FINISH-”
Thus Yuzuriha is left transformed in the school library without the detransformation phrase and armed only with the knowledge that: 1. Tikki is a “kwami” from the Ladybug Miraculous; 2. The Miraculous will give her the power to stop the villain rampaging outside. 3. She will be paired with the chosen wielder of the Black Cat Miraculous. Her outfit is a very fashionable looking red jacket over a black long sleeve shirt and leggings, with a red skirt decorated with black spots, and black boots and gloves. The final adornment is a spotted headband that takes the place of the white one she wears normally. [also, she’ll get a new, cooler outfit in season 2, because I like the concept of evolving outfits that reflect character growth].
After falling out of the library window in an attempt to get out without being seen Yuzuriha discovers her enhanced physical abilities and takes a few experimental leaps across buildings before trying to locate the villain. Luckily for her, she actually starts to get the hang of it - right before a boy dressed in all black crashes right into her from behind screaming bloody murder.
The boy apologizes and helps her up - his pale green hair is tied back in a ponytail, and he’s dressed in a black trenchcoat over a vest with a tie, along with boots and gloves. And cat ears, of course. In Yuzuriha’s fashionista opinion, he looks like a cross between a noir detective and a mad scientist.
When she asks his name, the boy tells her that they’re not actually supposed to know each others’ real identities or they risk getting their Miraculouses stolen - didn’t her kwami tell her that? Yuzuriha flushes red and admits she didn’t get a chance to learn everything. The boy says they should stick to codenames - she’ll be Ladybug and he’ll be Black Cat.
“Wait, you just want to use the names of the Miraculouses? That’s kind of...bland, isn’t it?”
“Well what do you want then, miss fancy pants?”
Yuzuriha looks the boy up and down and then says, “How about...Kurodora?” He blinks and then tilts his head curiously. “Like...kuro and dora, for dora neko? I...I actually kind of like that.” (kuro - black. dora neko - stray cat. Totally coincidentally, it’s where Doraemon gets his name.)
“Great, Kurodora it is! Then for me...” -cue loud crashing sounds-
No time to waste! The heroes leap into action to fight the akuma, who introduces herself as Lioness, predator of predators. She’s holding Magma hostage at the top of Tokyo Tower, and threatens to bring the whole thing crashing down unless the heroes surrender their Miraculouses to her so she can bring them to her master, someone called Sphinxmoth.
Throughout the battle Kurodora refers to Yuzuriha by experimental nicknames, which she reacts to with varying levels of enthusiasm.
“Hey Red, on your left!” “Red? Kind of simplistic, don’t you think?”
“Watch out, Spots!” “That’s so silly!”
“Headed your way, Bug Girl!” “Ack, just go back to Red!”
Lioness tries to convince Yuzuriha to join her, since they’re both women and surely Yuzuriha knows the frustration of being victimized by men and feeling powerless, right? Yuzuriha says that doesn’t mean she wants to hurt people, and successfully distracts Lioness so that Kurodora can grab her necklace and destroy it, with him instructing her to purify the akuma with her powers (He was very meticulous and made Plagg explain everything in detail).
After Miraculous Ladybug returns everything to normal, Kurodora raises his hand. “Nice job, Red.” They high five. It is epic.
Ace reporter Minami Hokutozai then appears on the scene to interview Tokyo’s newest heroes, asking for their names on live television. Kurodora gives his, and when the microphone is put in her face, Yuzuriha thinks for a moment before answering.
“Carmine, like the shade of red.”
Kurodora smiles, and Tokyo cheers.
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