#I'm a sucker for Bobby acting like a dad
moldymeat · 22 days
Some thoughts I had while playing Psychonauts 2 for the first time that I wanted to write down somewhere because I cant just keep info dumping to my dad. :]
Spoilers, duh
TL;DR this is my new favorite video game :D
I cringed so much through the whole process of turning Hollis into a gambling addict, I know Raz is just a kid and that they make up afterwards, but its so hard for me to play a video game and the character you play as does something I'd never do.
the music that plays in Hollis' Hotstreak reminds me of something from The Incredibles for some reason. Side note, I ADORE both PN1 and PN2's soundtracks and I do listen to them just as background noise. my favorites are all the circus tracks, Meat Circus, Flea Circus, Aquato Family Caravan
Me first hearing the main bad guys name was Maligula at the beginning of the game: "haha, Maligula kinda sounds like Amygdala, the part of the brain that controls emotions, especially fear! I sure love all the punny names in this game! I'm sure this will have nothing to do with this characters lore!"
In my head video games and film are kind of in separate categories, so hearing Jack Black and Elijah Wood, very prolific film actors voicing characters in this seemingly random video game was kinda jarring. I know now that Jack Black is friends with the creators of PN and has acted in other double fine games, buts its still kinda weird to me. (I still liked them tho)
In the Psi-Kings Sensorium, Helmut says "My Bobby" about Bob and my immediate thought was "something a little fruitys going on here" and then later on they show Bob and Helmuts marriage and stuff and I was like "oh something a LOT fruitys going on here". I think I was just so prepared for any kind of relationship for Bob and Helmut to have to be only subtext that I forgot this game came out in 2021 and they could show gay if they wanted to.
Psi pops are definitely sour grape and green apple flavored and dream fluffs are little condensed balls of cotton candy.
In hindsight, Gristol was totally trying to mail his own body to himself for safe keeping, but also he was the only mail worker so how did he think the package was going to get him? he didn't know he was going to get an intern and its not like he could walk down to the mail room as Truman without blowing his cover. My mans did NOT think this through.
The conversation Raz has with Dion is really sad and stuff, but when you're idling around Dion one of the things he says is "look at me and my psychic goggles!" and I literally laughed out loud when I heard that.
"Hey why do all these lice have little signs lol" "Lucy those were peaceful protesters!" "OH, UH OH."
I really loved Comptons Cookoff! it was way different from all the other regular old platformer levels, and I'm a sucker for timed cooking games. I only wish that you could replay the actual game show part in the collective unconscious.
In Cassie's Collection there are all the little paper fairy tale characters right? Well two of them, Shakespeare and a dragon, are played by the same actors who played Snorpy and Chandlo in bugsnax, so hearing the paper characters talk I was like "hey, I know those guys!"
Its a little pet peeve of mine when a character in any media is supposed to come from a specific country and they don't have that country's accent. Obviously Grulovia isn't a real place, but Nona has a nondescript eastern European accent, so why wouldn't the other Grulovian characters? I guess Augustus could have trained it out of himself or something, but Gristol? As much as I like Elijah Wood as Gristol, he's the gzesarevich and loves his country! there's no way he would train himself out of the grulovian accent. I've heard some other people say Gruman has an accent when Maligula was released but eh, I don't hear it all that much.
While finishing the game I (only!) shed a tear three times, once when Maligula was holding Marona's dead body, once when Raz got his junior Psychonaut badge, and once when the credits starting rolling.
i think Cosmic I and Welcome to my Mind are going to be stuck in my head for weeks.
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bisexualbuckl-y · 5 months
so, i've been doing a random rewatch of 911, where I basically use a generator to select an episode number and i rewatch it... I though i'd rank the episodes I watched and give a quick opinion on them.
Today's rewatch includes:
Ep 66 - "Brawl in Cell Block 9-1-1"
Ep 13 - "Help Is Not Coming"
Ep 24 - "Broken"
Ep 13 - "Help Is Not Coming": On number three we have 2x03 not because it's bad but because the other two are sooooo good. I do have to say my girl hen shines in this one, and god that bit where she makes the vn saying bye to karen KILLS ME all the time. Also honorable mention to the bit where buck calls ali "abby" lmao OH MAN and also OFC another great bit is buck driving eddie to christopher's school and we get that wholesome hug between eddie and chris and buck watching at what's going to be his future familyyyy, i'm not crying again
OH, also, Bathena here kills meeeeee, when bobby calls athena and she picks up the phone saying "How's my man doing?" GODDDD THE THOUGHT OF ANGELA BASSET SAYING THAT TO ME OVER THE PHONEEEEEE, PETER KRAUSE YOU ARE STRONGER THAN ME! But also when bobby's like: "I need to see you, i'm at the front of your house" like ok ok we get it bobby you're a man in love <3 i'm in love with them
Ep 66 - "Brawl in Cell Block 9-1-1": On number two, one of the most rewatched 911 episodes i believe. This one's so good, but my favorite bits are of course 'pretty boy and the kid', getting to see more ravi getting involved in their emergencies and the last part where he goes to have breakfast with bobby, hen handling that surgery like the badass she is and eddie in distress when he's held hostage in the ambulance. Man what an episode! Honorable mention to bruised and stressed buck, he gets hit with the a gun, pushed to the floor and handcuffed, he thinks his partner was shot and he only gets a tiny bandaid in his forehead lol I LOVE HIM
Ep 24 - "Broken": My number one! I have to say i'm a sucker for the episodes where we see dispatch going out of their usual ways to help the people, and this one, where they have to handle everything manually because their system is down? oh man, it's just chef kiss! My favorite bits, aside from everything done in dispatch, was the pregnancy call, so emotional, so intense, we get invested hen and a millisecond of buck holding a tiny baby, eddie emotional as well and buck calling the whole bit where the simple act of a mother holding her baby SAVES HER LIFE, a MIRACLE! i'm crying once again! Also, eddie going all spiderman saving a kid from a fire, chimney helping his team even from afar and A SUDDEN barely there but super important reappearance of TOMMY, saving the day!!! that tommy's soooo cool *sighs*
Honorable mentions for broken: Madney breaking my heart over their shared trauma after the whole doug thing... and michael and bobby struggling with the issues of raising their kids as dad and stepdad. Love it, love them all, love this fucking show soooo much!
Now onto my next one, which is 3x06, aka Monsters
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station-118 · 5 years
The First Words We Say, Part Two
Soulmate AU!!!!!! Because I’m a sucker for them honestly!
Evan Buckley x Reader x Eddie Diaz
Y/N: your name
Summary: everyone has a soulmate, some even have two. You just happen to be one of the lucky few who have two soulmates. But you don’t see it as luck, no you’ve only ever seen it as a curse. And now you’ve come face to face with one of your soulmates!
Part One Part Two Part Three
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It had been several weeks since Buck found out that you where his soulmate. And honestly, things hadn’t been going well between the two of you. Buck was beyond hurt, and he didn’t understand. You’d listened to him talk about how much soulmates meant to him, and how much he wanted to meet his soulmates. And the whole time you’d been his soulmate and hadn’t said a single thing to him. He just couldn’t figure out why. He’d even asked Bobby about why you’d kept it a secret. But Bobby had told him it wasn’t his place to tell and that he just needed to talk to you. But he just couldn’t bring himself to approach you.
He just felt so hurt and betrayed, and by his own soulmate no less. He couldn’t help but wonder if you hadn’t said anything because he just wasn’t good enough. Was there something wrong with him? Was he such a bad person that even one of his own soulmates couldn’t stand him? It was driving him crazy, but he refused to be the one to go to you. You where the one who ignored him, so you needed to come to him.
Meanwhile you where feeling just as bad as Buck was feeling, maybe even worse. You felt just awful about how upset Buck was. But you just couldn’t bring yourself to talk to him. You where a mess, and you just weren’t good for him. He was better off without you. And one day he would meet both of yours other soulmate, so he didn’t need you.
So the past several weeks had been spent with the two of you ignoring each other. The whole team was worried for the both of you, and on numerous occasions had tried to force you guys to sit down together and talk. But it was no use. You both where stubborn as hell. Bobby was getting annoyed beyond belief. He understood how you felt, and why you felt that way. But he knew how happy Athena made him, and he just wanted that for the both of you. But no matter how much he talked to you, you just couldn’t get past your self-loathing and your fears.
Then one day a tv crew had caught you and your team saving a bus full of kids. The bus had blown a tire, causing the bus to flip on its side. The 118 had been called to the scene to pull the kids out of the bus and check them over. And there just happened to be a news van driving down the highway behind the bus, so they caught everything on camera. And the rescue had made it onto the news, hell the story even went national.
Honestly you didn’t really think much of it. You didn’t do this job for the recognition, you did it to help people. So you just ignored the story, when really you shouldn’t have. When you left home at 18, you didn’t tell your parents where you where going. You wanted to get away from them, and never see them ever again. They’d made your life hell for years. They’d beat you, and treated you like crap your whole life, so of course you never wanted to see them again.
But they just so happened to watch the story on your team saving those kids. And they’d instantly recognized you. And then they’d heard the name of your captain, and the name of one of your coworkers. Both of them remember what your soul marks had said, so they knew that Evan Buckley was one of your soulmates. Neither of them was happy that you’d found one of your soulmates. To them, you should have stayed alone for the rest of your life. So they decided to take a plane out to LA to see you, and see what they could do about getting between you and your soulmate.
But you hadn’t known they’d seen the news story, so when they showed up at the station a week after the story aired, you were surprised beyond belief. You’d been walking towards the stairs to the loft when the two of them had walked into the station.
The voice caused you stopped dead in your tracks. You’d recognize that voice anywhere, and it caused a cold spike of dread to wash down your spine. You turned slowly to face the entrance of the station and stared wide eyed at your parents as they approached you. They both where smirking down at you, and it was almost like no time had passed since you’d last seen them. They could still make you feel two inches tall just from a single look.
“Mom, dad. What are you doing here?” You questioned, hating the way your voice cracked.
“We saw the news story about you and your team saving those kids, and thought we come and see you. It has been several years since we last saw you after all,” Your father stated.
Your first instinct was to cower at the look in his eyes. That look had always promised pain when you where younger. But you weren’t that same small child anymore. No you were an adult now. You where a firefighter. You routinely went into burning buildings to save lives. You could face down your parents. You squared your shoulders, straightening up, and frowned at them.
“Yeah, well there’s a reason for that,” You stated defiantly.
Both your parents scowled at your statement.
“Y/N, is everything okay here?” Bobby questioned, coming to stand next to you.
He hadn’t heard you call these people mom and dad, but he’d seen the way your face had gone pale when you’d first seen them. Then he’d seen how you’d flinched when the man had spoken. And he didn’t like it one bit. No way in hell was he going to let someone come into his station, and mess with one of his firefighters.
“This doesn’t concern you” Your father growled, glaring at Bobby.
Bobby scowled at the man.
“I’m the captain of this station, and these are my firefighters. So yes it does concern me when two people come in here and try to intimidate one of them!” Bobby stated, anger seeping into his voice.
“We’re their parents, and this has nothing to do with you. So butt out,” Your mom ordered.
Bobby felt rage course through him. These where the people who’d hurt you so much. These where the people who made you feel like you were worthless and undeserving of love. And they had the nerve to come in here and try to act like they had a right to be anywhere near you? Not on his watch! He stepped forward in front of you, blocking you from your parents sight.
“You’re their parents?! And you have the nerve to come in here after everything you’ve done to them?! Get out! Get the hell out of my station, before I call the cops, and have you arrested for trespassing!” Bobby shouted.
By now the rest of the station had gathered around you, drawn in by the obvious tension between you and the two strangers. Everyone was unsure as to what was going on, but the absolute hatred in Bobby’s voice as he spoke to your parents shocked them. And made them wonder just what they’d done to piss Bobby off so much.
“This isn’t over!” Your dad stated, grabbing your moms arm and pulling her out of the station.
Bobby watched them leave, and once they where gone he turned to face you. You couldn’t help but stare at him in shock. No-one had ever stood up for you like that, no-one had ever protected you from them.
“You okay?” He asked, pulling you into a hug.
You melted into his chest and nodded your head, tears coming to your eyes. Now that they where gone you could let your brave façade fall away.
“I’m okay, just a little shaken up. I can’t believe they just showed up here like that,” You whispered.
“They’re not coming anywhere near you,” Bobby stated adamantly.
“Thank you,” You muttered, finally pulling away from him.
He really was like a surrogate father to you, much better than your real father anyway. You caught sight of Buck over Bobby’s shoulder. He was staring at the two of you in confusion. He didn’t understand anything that had just happened. But he could guess that your parents weren’t good people, and that they’d pry hurt you. He felt a twinge of anger at the thought that someone had hurt you. He may not know you, or even be on good terms with you right now, but you where still his soulmate. Bobby followed your line of sight to Buck and frowned.
“You two need to talk, now! You need to tell him Y/N,” Bobby ordered gently, pushing you towards Buck.
You sighed but nodded your head. You knew he was right, Buck deserved an explanation, and it was about time you gave it to him. So you grabbed his arm and pulled him towards the locker room. But once the two of you were alone you faltered. How did you even begin to explain to him what was wrong with you.
“Are your parents the reason you didn’t want to let me know you where my soulmate?” Buck asked suddenly.
You turned to look at him, tears falling from your eyes, and nodded your head.
“All my life, they told me there was something wrong with me. That I’m a freak because I have two soulmates instead of one. And after a while, I started to believe them,” You pulled your shirt back enough to show him the scars on your chest.
He stared at the marred skin in shock, eyes wide.
“When I was seven my dad tried to burn them off with a branding iron… Buck, I’m not good for you. I’m a broken mess. You shouldn’t have to be tied down to someone like me,” You stated.
He stared at you for a moment, before pulling you into a hug. His arms wrapped around you protectively, and you felt yourself relax in his hold. Bobby’s hugs where nice and comforting, but there was just something so soothing and special about a hug from your soulmate. The two of you fit perfectly in each other’s arms. He pulled back from you slightly after a moment, cupped your face in his hands, and stared into your eyes.
“There’s nothing wrong with you! You’re not a freak okay. What they did to you was wrong. And you’re not some kind of burden. You help people every day, you run into burning buildings to save people. You’re amazing, and I’d be the luckiest person in the world to get to spend the rest of my life with you,” Buck stated, using his thumb to wipe the tears off your face.
You stared into his eyes, seeing the honesty in them, and you couldn’t help but smile. Maybe he was right, maybe you weren’t a freak undeserving of love. And just maybe it was okay for you to fall in love and be with your soulmates.
“And anyone would be damn lucky to have you as their soulmate. I’m sorry I kept being your soulmate from you. It was a mistake,” You replied.
He smiled down at you, and then you both where kissing. It took your breath away, and made you feel complete for the first time in your life. The sound of the alarm bells ringing pulled you both out of your first kiss, and you both laughed.
“Come on Buckaroo, we’ve got some people to help,” You stated, moving towards the locker room door.
He followed after you, a giant smile on his face. The whole team smiled at the both of you knowingly as you both climbed into the truck. But no-one said anything. They where all just happy that the two of you had finally worked out the problem between you. Now all you had to do was find your other soulmate…
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