#I'm a scarletvision writer okay XD
feeling-weirdy · 3 years
Bidding For Attention Pt. 1
AU request from @carouselunique and her friend <3
Tony has a bachelor auction and Hope Van Dyne bids on Vision to upset her dad for fun and then Hope and Vision hit it off and keep hanging out which makes Wanda realize her feelings for him have changed.
Part 2 coming soon <3
"And our next Avenge-A-Bachelor is one I know many a lady have has their eye on...the one, the only, accessories included, The Vision!"  Microphone in hand and with a long swipe of his hand, Tony introduced the synthezoid who stood begrudgingly beside him.
Vision stood stale-faced, eager for this night to end. He had unwittingly been roped into this Win A Date With An Avenger charity auction or whatever Mr. Stark had coined the event.  He had preferred to skip the experience altogether, but apparently Stark had other ideas.  Dressed him head to toe in one of his old suits and placed him in front of this crowd that looked none too pleased or willing to bid on a mechanical man.  Had he been human, this little charade would cause embarrassment.
Things had been going well with Wanda, yet despite his desire to move their relationship further, Wanda seemed hesitant.  Even in the crowd, she avoided his eye contact, happily keeping her attention glue to Miss Romanoff beside her.
Mr. Stark wouldn’t have heard his pleas even had he tried to explain the situation.  It was all “for the children” or whatever creed they had decided on.  Vision cared little for this type of charity.  They were superheroes, not dolls.
“Oh, come on ladies!”  Mr. Stark egged them on.  “Who wouldn’t want their own personal vibrator, eh?”  He laughed, tightening his face when he glanced over in Vision’s direction who was not amused by the comment.  Yet again, his thankfulness for being anything but human knew no bounds.
The crowd was silent, nervous glances shot back and forth.  The only chatting came from Wanda’s table, who was still thrilled at the conversation she was sharing with the others who surrounded her.
"$500.”  A woman’s voice rang out above the others.  The bright lights in his eyes shielded her face, but he was certain her voice sounded familiar.
“Coming in with a bid.  Way to go, big guy.”  Stark smacked Vision’s shoulder, once again receiving a look in response.  “Any others?  Once, Twice, sold to Miss Hope Van Dyne, our very own The Wasp.  Be careful with him now, might need to keep the oil handy.”
Vision quickly disappeared behind the curtain, anxious to be free from the prying eyes of the attendees.  He had heard of Miss Van Dyne before, but he was certain they had never interacted before.  Mr. Stark kept ample tabs on everyone he deemed entertaining, so he had certainly gone through her file as he studied his comrades.
With a heavy sigh, Vision made his way down the stairs, ignoring the comments thrown his way by those tending the curtain.  He just wanted to get this date over with and be done with the whole event.
Hope stood waiting for him in the corner once the bidding came to a close. 
“You’re...Vision, right?”  Hope trailed off, her eyes narrowing.  It had clearly been a formality after spending so much on a date with him.  She had to have known exactly who he was.
“Indeed,” Vision answered respectfully.  “It’s a pleasure.”
“Great.  I hope you don’t mind.  I honestly could just use someone to help get back at my dad.  Plus you looked upset.”  She frowned, pouting playfully up at him as she looked around at the guests that had suddenly started to crowd around them.  Several women with their awarded dates had already begun pulling them out the door and none of the Avengers looked all too thrilled by the arrangement that Mr. Stark had set up for them.  Even more so as he mysteriously wasn’t on the docket himself.
“One word kinda guy, huh?  Great...great.”  She nodded her head, her eyes scanning the crowd.  “Well, I did pay for a date.  If you’re happy to go ahead and do that now, that’ll help ease some stress.  I don’t know, you just looked like someone I could talk to that wasn’t some stuck-up asshole like your friend over there.”
Hope nodded toward Tony who was shaking hands and continuing his inappropriate comments towards each of the bachelors he had auctioned off.  They had put together a solid amount of money, with himself being the lowest bid.  The concept being utterly ridiculous seeing as how his pinky finger cost more than 10x times the amount they raised during the event.
“It is interesting that he did not put himself up for auction with his ego.  Though I would assume Miss Potts had more to do with that than some may realize,” Vision chuckled.  He caught Wanda’s eye as he scanned the room, though she quickly turned away upon the occurrence.  Vision frowned, turning his attention back to his supposed date. 
“You’re right about that.  He seems pretty wrapped around her finger.”  Hope folded her arms, her eyes focusing in on the couple who had somehow made their way back onto the stage to perform their next bickering act.
“You have no idea.”  Vision took a deep breath, a light chuckle escaping him as he smiled down at her.  “Well, Miss Van Dyne, shall we be off?”
“Please call me Hope.  That just sounds like a mouthful and it gets old fast,” she scoffed.  “I’d much prefer we be on a first name basis with you, if that’s alright.”
“Very well...Hope.“  Sliding her hand into his outstretched arm, she smiled up at him.  “This actually gives me the perfect opportunity to pick your mind.”
“Oh?”  Her eyebrow raised a grin spreading along her face as he began to pull her down the hallway.
“Your suit is absolutely fascinating.  I was told you and your father crafted the shrinking technology used in both your suit and The Ant-Man, is that correct?”  
“We certainly did.  And here I was worried we’d have nothing to talk about.”
Wanda leaned forward, trying to keep the two in her line of sight for as long as possible.  Once they turned the corner, however, Vision and Hope disappeared.
“They hardly know each other and she’s already hanging all over him.”  Wanda frowned, turning back around in her seat with a huff.
“Doll, I don’t know what to tell you,” Natasha started, twirling the straw around in her drink.  “You could have bid on him if you were going to be this torn up about it.”
“Yeah, but then we’d have to actually go on a date...”  Wanda huffed, pushing up against the back of her chair as she nibbled on her bottom lip.  She hadn’t expected to be so worried about this.  She knew full well this was going to happen the moment Tony brought it up, so what the hell was wrong with her?
“That is kind of the point.”  Raising the glass to her lips, Nat tried to hold a steady conversation with her, but even Wanda could see that her mind had been elsewhere.
“It’s just not that simple.”
“Seems simple enough, but that’s on you.”  Standing up, Natasha gave Wanda a pat on the shoulder.  “You sit here and wallow, I have my own fish to fry.”  Wanda watched as she disappeared in the crowd, the swagger in her step telling the young witch all she needed to know.  She had her own date.
“Good luck...”  She stated reluctantly.  Wanda sighed, her eyes peeking back toward the corridor where the pair had disappeared.  She hadn’t expected anyone to actually bid on him, hoping desperately that they would go home together and could spend another gabbing about whatever they could think of.  It was her own damn fault, really.  She could have easily won that time with him and since she hadn’t, she would have to suffer the consequences.
Consequences sucked.
Wanda pushed herself to her feet, taking one last sip of her drink as she turned to make her way out of the event hall.  Bidders and their Avenger dates had been paired off, as if she needed anything else to cause her any more pain.
The men had all dressed up nice for their dates, their nerves easily seen even from this distance, but the girls who bid on them didn’t care.  It wasn’t every day that they got a date with an Avenger and who could blame them?  
“Hey...”  Clint stopped her, grabbing her wrist suddenly.  “You heading out already?  There’s a whole lot of party left.”
“Y-yeah.  I should really be getting back.  I think I’d just put a damper on the party if I stuck around, so...”
“Well...if that’s what you want.  I can walk you back to the compound if you’d like.”
“Pretty sure you have your own date to tend to.”  Wanda winked, nodding back towards the table with the brown-headed woman.  She seemed eager to have Clint come back to the table as she ran her tongue along the toothpick to the two olives that were speared on the other end.  The woman kept constant eye contact with Clint, a move that clearly worked as he found himself unable to look away.  “Don’t do anything I wouldn’t do,” Wanda chuckled, leaving him behind to fend for himself.
Wanda walked out, slowly making her way back to the compound on her own two feet.  While flying would have been the preferred option, the cool night breeze ran along her skin in a way that teased and clouded her mind.  It gave her the perfect opportunity to take her time getting back home, allowing her mind to wander and think about the relationship she had formed with Vision.  
Clearly, whatever they shared between the two of them had blossomed in some way, but she was scared, worried that was going on between them would shatter at the first opportunity.  Just as it had time and time again throughout her lifetime.
Making her way into the front door, she stopped in the kitchen to pour herself a cup of coffee.  Why was she so bothered by the fact that he had a date with her?  He didn’t even know her.  It wasn’t like they were going to form some romantic connection within the past hour they had spent together.  It didn’t make sense.  Raising the cup to her lips, she allowed the hot liquid to slide down her throat.  Regardless of how she tried to swallow her feelings and push the notion that nothing was going to happen out of her mind, the thought remained.
Vision was charming, sweet, and almost other-worldly in the way he spoke to you…any woman would be a fool to pass up that kind of opportunity.  
Her hand fell, resting the cup back on the table as she stared off into the vast windows on the other side of the room.  Wanda’s mind had wandered so far off that she didn’t even hear Vision’s light chuckle from the other side of the door.  She froze hearing the woman’s laugh following swiftly behind his.
“It’s just absolutely fascinating to me just how much you were able to accomplish,” Vision prattled on, completely engrossed in their conversation.
“Yes well, someone had to pick up the slack from my father.  He was certainly able to put together the foundation, but the rest was practically up to me.”  Hope genuine excitement seemed to flow out of her as she continued their conversation as they entered the room, the woman still latched onto his arm.  Hope’s eyes widened upon catching her standing silently in the bathroom.  “Oh, hi there!”
“Hello,” Wanda responded quietly, taking another sip of the cup she daintily held between her fingers.  Her eyes unintentionally shot up to Vision, offering him a small smile which he returned wholeheartedly.
“Hi...”  Vision’s voice fell, his eyes softening as they locked eyes for the first time since she could remember.  She had tried so desperately to stay out of his way during the event, that she had nearly forgotten that they hadn’t spoken.
Rather than answer, Wanda pursed her lips, her eyes falling back down to her cup.  
Check out my other drabbles here or feel free to request some!
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