#I'm a really messy sketcher
soerdinan · 8 months
I have never had an actual sketch book before, I usually draw on printer paper. But I have been feeling stuck with picking up a pencil, so I thought, why not try out getting a sketch book for just random doodles and nonsense and not like have any expectations for the quality or making something out of them.
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I talked about drawing some dragons again a while back, so here we go. I tried a basic pencil instead of a mechanical one for a change. I didn't remember how much messier it is.
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This dragon & bard pic turned out really cute, I might actually clean it up at some point.
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deadbydangit · 1 year
hi , i usually never request but i love your writing so i'm gonna give it a try ! how would the killers react to a S/O that draws ? like they have a sketchbook and after the trials they just spend their time drawing :) you can choose the killers btw
Oh my gosh, you read my mind! I was literally just about to write this exact prompt! Absolutely, thank you for your support. Please enjoy and request away.
With a Reader who likes to draw.
Deathslinger, Trapper, Doctor
He does some sketching himself.
Although it really isn't anything fancy.
It was just blueprints.
But, still drawing.
He'll often silently look over your shoulder while you're drawing away.
He enjoys all your pieces.
He particularly likes anytime you draw another person.
Sometimes, when you aren't around, Caleb will go through your drawings.
It's not malicious, he just really loves looking at your work.
He's a naturally curious individual.
If you draw a picture of him, he'll stare at it for almost an hour.
He looks like a normal human.
Almost handsome.
You really see him like that?
He isn't used to drawing people, but he'll take a shot at it.
He'll try to keep it a secret, but he's drawing you.
He's a perfectionist, so it's going to take a while.
But once it's done, he'll leave it in a very obvious place for you to see.
"I uh, I've been trying to draw you. I saw you drew me so..."
He was really nervous about it.
But the picture was very well done.
Let him know that.
From that point on, he'll doodle with you whenever he has time.
He will not admit it, but he's a bit of a sketcher himself.
His father saw it as a feminine hobby, so he was forbidden from doing so.
He remembers the first time he showed his father a picture he drew of a deer.
It was shredded in his face and followed by a harsh slap across his face.
He hadn't drawn since.
Evan had drawn blueprints, but doesn't really see that as drawing.
It's more work for him.
But seeing you drawing reminds him of how much he enjoyed it.
He'll try is hand at it again.
It's messy, but it brings him joy.
A hobby that doesn't involve blood.
It's relaxing.
One day, he'll sit beside you while you're sketching.
He won't say anything, he'll just watch you.
Then, he's going to start drawing himself.
His art tends to focus more on nature, but occasionally he'll try and draw you.
"You looked nice that day. I wanted to remember it."
Like it's something common.
Sometimes he'll hand you drawings he thinks you'll like.
Flowers, animals, once a picture of the both of you.
Talking is hard for Evan, but it's very easy to tell how he's feeling based on what he draws.
Whenever he draws you, it's easy to tell how much he loves you.
Hmm? You like drawing?
He isn't a fan of the arts, but everyone has the right to a hobby they enjoy.
Herman is a very curious individual.
So, one day when you aren't around, he'll look through your sketches.
Huh, interesting?
He doesn't care if you walk in on him looking through your things.
"You're very good at this."
He wants you to do something for him.
And you probably won't like it.
"I need some drawings of a human brain. Would you be able to do that for me dear?"
Not a big deal.
Until he holds up an actual human brain.
"Thank you dearest."
He's giving you that sweet loving look.
You can't say no.
He'll praise you like no tomorrow once the picture is finished.
He'll gift you lots more drawing supplies after that.
Anything you'd like.
Because he'll ask you do it again.
With various other disgusting things.
He only trusts you to do so.
Herman isn't using your talents by any means.
The pictures are much more special because they're drawn by you.
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littlemisscreator · 1 year
How I would play Constance Blackwood (inspired by @pushing-daisies-deceased )
- I am going to imply that Ricky and I are Besties. Like we have some inside jokes that no one else gets
- I am GIGGLING whenever Ocean gets insulted
- but the SECOND Ocean looks at me I'm like 'oh no yes that insult was very mean'
- I constantly look I want to tell Ocean 'hey, I don't like how our friendship is going. I don't like how you treat me or other people.' but I'm too scared to, because she's still my best friend.
- I keep shifting away whenever Jane approaches me
Jane: Do you want to brush my dollies hair?
Me, skuttling away like a crab: Maybe later, sorry.
- Actually I'll imply me and Ricky are also bff's with Mischa. We're dancing close together in 'This Song Is Awesome.' I go to high five Mischa after, only for him to go 'My rage has subsided. I am vunerable now' and I slowly lower my hand like 😐
- I look semi-annoyed when Jane says 'My turn' before her song, before slowly turning to pity as it's revealed Jane has no identity and Karnak can't tell her who she is.
- I will start crying during the Jawbreaker monologue. I was so ungrateful for my life and for what.
- I let my hair loose during 'SugarCloud', and that's when I REALLY start getting happy and into it.
- Then I get this really cool poofy skirt and sparkly top hat and jacket and they're pink and blue and gold
- I will play that flute HORRIBLY. But in a fun way
- I have Confetti too btw
- I hug the heck out of Ocean after the song.
What I'd wear:
-Whatever the is for the production I'm in
-my hair is in a loose ponytail and messy to show I'm kind of a mess
- I have little charm bracelets.
- And a half-heart BFF necklace (possibly matching with Ocean's actor. Or not, maybe to imply Ocean sees herself as more grown up now)
- Actually I also want light up sketchers during SugarCloud please
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strawberry--bride · 4 years
// Working on some art of Sharon and @mini-strawberry-blonde​ <3
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ceilingcow · 3 years
How do you colour your stuff? (If you don't mind telling👉👈) because your art looks so nice, it looks traditional but also digital at the same time.
Hey, thanks so much for the question! I love traditional art, but for various reasons digital is a lot more accessible to me now, so I try to bring my traditional process to digital as much as possible. I tend to really build up layers in traditional mediums, and digital can very conveniently mimic that.
I'll deconstruct my layers because this is more or less the sequence I go in.
One of the most important things to me was finding digital tools (brushes) that felt like the traditional tools I liked most. When you find one that just clicks, it's a tangible feeling. I'll list my favorite brushes at the bottom of the post. Putting a cut here because it's a long post, but I like sharing information when I can because hey maybe it'll be helpful to somebody!
I always start with a blank canvas that already has a paper-texture overlay applied to it. I tend to sketch in a couple different colors to keep things straight. A holdover from traditionally inked pieces where I'd sketch in non-photo blue pencils. I keep it rough, especially in faces. I do my final layer of pencils or inks over that.
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Once I have my lineart, I establish the tone of the piece with a background color or gradient. I do a bit of underpainting where I know I want to build on top of colors other than the background.
I tend to start focusing more on the face here. Throughout working on the piece I'll come back to the underpainting layer and add colors as I see fit.
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I fill in the base colors next, keeping things messy by using a brush with some texture and flow that varies with pressure. I really like having the background peek through in places and the background color is key to how I mix colors. I never bucket fill areas of color on a piece like this. For Benny's jacket I use two separate layers to keep the checks easier to work with, and layer masks to erase away sections to create a hatched effect. This is one of those places where I love digital art because I can do things more efficiently than what I would've done traditionally.
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I do these next steps kind of concurrently, because they both solidify the overall colors of the piece.
I go back and add colors to the background as I work. Above the more opaque paint I've already done on the figure, I start doing "glazing" layers using layer modes in Photoshop. The most important one for me is Hard Light. I use the background colors to add pops of color on this layer and do some shading. I find that doing shadows in Hard Light first makes them a bit more interesting. I used pinks, reds and greens on the Hard Light layer.
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I intensify the shadows in places using a Multiply layer and add a bit more color variety in places on a Color Burn layer using magenta, purple, coral and red.
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While I'm using layer modes a lot in this process, I started doing this because it mirrored how I used to work with markers traditionally and build up colors in layers, sometimes using unexpected combinations.
I add a few details over top all the layers and it's done!
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Brush talk time!
My absolute favorite sketching pencil is the "Grease Pencil 8B" from Alex Dukal's "Pencil Garden" set. It has a soft-yet-dark, smooth feeling that reminds me of the "Caran d'Ache Sketcher Non-Photo Blue Pencil", which is really just the tops when it comes to traditional sketchers. Seriously I love those pencils. I did the final line art for this with the "German - 45px" brush from the same pencil set, but duplicated the line art layer to make it darker. I do this on many "painterly" pieces because I like how pencil lines and messier paint look together.
Everything else is a Kyle T. Webster brush, which can be found here and downloaded if you've got a subscription with Photoshop. I have a little folder with my favorite of these brushes because there are a lot of brushes. Some I've modified to my likings. The "Oil Background Crusher" is an absolute MVP when it comes to filling in large sections because the color varies based on pen pressure. The "Impressionist" brush is also a huge favorite, and I've done entire pieces before pretty much just with that brush, though I didn't use it for this piece. (Old example, but seriously I've loved this brush for years.)
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I've been using a lot of KTW's Gouache brushes lately and most of the painting on the above piece was done with those since they have a messier feel than some of the oil-specific brushes. The recent Victor piece was 100% the KTW Gouache brushes except for the sketch.
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Oil paint brushes have a much denser feel and I go for those when I want a more precise feeling. This one was done mostly with the "Impressionist" brush to bring the ghoul skin texture alive, the "Ultimate Oil thicker", "Big Wide Softy" and the "Creamy" brush.
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As for color inspiration, I either generate my own palette on Adobe Color or draw inspiration from Impressionist, Post-Impressionist, or Vienna Secession movement paintings, since they tend to have a color palette with the traditional painting feel I'm going for. Right now Toulouse-Lautrec is my painting inspiration.
I hope something in here might've been helpful, though I know it's a bit long. I'm always down to answer questions or talk shop or even chat about art history. =]
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artistsfuneral · 4 years
Hi! May I ask what materials you are using for your pictures? Do you have a favourite paper and/or pencil/pen brand/wieght?
Let me tell you, I've been going through soooo many sketchbooks, it's embarrassing. Not because they're all filled, but because I never found the right one. So I still have like 6 or 7 empty or started and never continued sketchbooks lying around. I (annoyingly) have a high sense of perfectionism when it comes to my creative stuff, including notebooks, pens, etc. and I'm currently working on that and it's super hard, but having the right materials does help a lot, so:
As for sketchbooks, I found out that I prefer ringbooks instead of actual books, because 1.) you can rip out a page without destroying the whole thing, whether it's a hate page or a i-want-this-on-my-wall page 2.) flipping the lid over, so you don't have a giant akward object in your hand 3.) the pages may not be connected, but they lie perfectly flat on every surface without you having to out a heavy object on one side
I would recommend:
the canson xl series, they come in soooo many different varieties! no matter which size or media you prefer, they do have something for you - I have a really big square paperpad from them that I use for big drawings, like my lo-fi pictures
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Though currently I am using this a4 ringbook sketchbook by perfect ideaz and I LOVE it! They also come in different sizes but the paper structure is primarily for pencils and stuff, the pages are perfectly fit (not off white!) and do hold up a good old I-hate-everything-about-this use of a rubber, and I do believe they also withstand markers, might not be good for aquarelles though
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Concerning paperweight I would say at least 60g is a must. I prefer thick paper, so I might be biased, but a good sketchbook has to have thick pages
80g is good
100g is better
200g is perfect
But again that does depent on the materials you're using and your personal preferences.
As for pens I'm not that picky :D
I have a generic set of 8H - 8B pencils, though I prefer B pencils, because I'm a messy sketcher. Recently I finally started to use my..... (what's the name? graphic pencil??) mars micro 0.5mm pencil by STAEDLER with a (I think) 2B nib and it took a while getting used to, but I do like it
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And for outlining things I use fineliners by Faber Castell that I buy as these two sets, depending on what I need:
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And just to round it all up:
For digital art I use OpenCanvas on Steam, which is preeeeetty okk, but also super expensive and I truly believe there are better options out there
And the less-expensive wacom intous graphic tablet in blue :)
Sadly it doesn't have a screen (because who has 500€ for that sh*t, not me) and it took me a looooong time getting used to, but I finally started to like it, so there's that
Aaaaanyways XD Thank you so much for the ask it was nice to ramble about this for a while! But remember that printer paper and a ballpoint pen are also a good start! (yes i know that's a stupid thing to say, but it's more about the moral behind it and you know that too)
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sweetnsaltypotato · 5 years
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@trashbincats Oh. My. Goodness. This took so long. Holy crap- Thank you for your patience and thank you for letting me draw this. Sorry for the flat color. Also @thatsthat24 :)
Here are some sketches before the final finish:
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I'm a really messy sketcher :/
And here's Deceit without scales (I almost uploaded this one whoopsie)
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soulless-bleach · 5 years
Once I get access to my painting supplies all of the sketches I just posted will be more fleshed out (I'm a really messy sketcher oof)
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machine-gun · 10 years
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