#I'm a littttle bit late but technically I did finish it on the fifth
filletedfennysnake · 1 month
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Arthuriana August (1-5): Blood or No, @caer-gai
The Orkneys have arrived at the tourney! Time to fear for your life!
Some design notes and reference under the cut
First up, the armor: since I hate drawing plate mail I like the aesthetics of 13th-ish century armor the most, that's what I went with here.
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(This is from Knights by Andrea Hopkins)
Gawain's armor is more 14th century-adjacent, which means a nicer hauberk and scabbard for him. Being uncle's favorite has its perks! This definitely will not cause any feelings of resentment or jealousy whatsoever
Gaheris is just here to hold his brother's stuff, I seriously doubt he plans on fighting. His outfit is referenced from this 12th century English guy who was absolutely rocking it:
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(From What People Wore When by Melissa Leventon)
Also some quick Orkney design thoughts. Because my god do I have Orkney design thoughts
Agravaine: I think he's the prettiest Orkney, but most people don't notice since he isn't as eye-catching as Gawain, and it's difficult to get past his shit personality. He's also the spitting image of Morgause (I say this because it makes the Agravaine x Lamorak propaganda That Much funnier) and unconsciously grew his hair out to mimic her (their hair is black with purple undertones. btw). Tallest of the Orkneys.
Gawain: Ach, this horrible little man. I have such a clear picture of him in mind yet am never pleased with how he turns out on paper. Kind of stocky build, I think– he is strong and can move deceptively quickly. Of the brothers he probably comes the closest to being an actual redhead, though I imagine him having lots of gold and copper highlights (like the suunnnnn. Because's he the s– yeah you get it). Ice blue eyes. Perfect amount of freckles. Everyone desires him carnally, or at the very least he has good reason to think so. Shortest of the Orkneys by a LOT.
Gaheris: Well since it's Gaheris, obviously he's the most boring-looking out of all the siblings. Light orange hair and greyish-blue eyes (he tries to style it like Gawain but it just limply hangs). Suuuper scrawny and befreckled. He's smack in the middle height-wise, just like in everything else.
Gareth: Oh I am sorry to say it but he is not beating the dumb blond allegations. He looks like a ken doll gone woke and that is all. Second-tallest Orkney.
Mordred (last and least ahaha): He can actually pass for Lot's son since both Lot and Arthur have freckles and light hair, but there are some pretty clear tells. He has a Pendragon nose, classically handsome build, and more heart-shaped face. And heterochromia; one eye is blue and the other is light brown. Second-shortest Orkney.
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