#I'm a lazybones that doesn't write hnnnngh
raynellalaria · 7 years
Captain Raynell A’laria
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[Name]: Raynell A’laria
[Nickname(s)]: Ray, Cap, Nelly
[Age]: 102
[Species]: Sin’dorei
[Religious beliefs]: Agnostic - Falls roughly within the Eternal Sun sect of Thalassian religion, but does not directly worship any deity or “The Light”.
[Sins]: Lust / Greed /  Gluttony / Sloth / Pride / Envy / Wrath
[Virtues]: Chastity / Charity / Diligence / Humility / Kindness / Patience / Justice
[Primary goals in life]: The preservation and defense of Quel’thalas. The restoration of Silvermoon City and the plague-stricken woodlands of Eversong and the Ghostlands. The promotion of the Sin’dorei within the Horde. 
[Languages known]: Thalassian, Common, Dwarvish, Orcish, some conversational Draenic, a little Darnassian, and currently learning the Suramarian dialect of Darnassian, or “Shalassian” for lack of a better term.
[Secrets]: Kept behind lock and key of one Agent Shadesworn.
[Quirks]: Habitual sigher and sometimes breaks out into random overhead stretches and shoulder rolls.
[Savvies]: Vineyard keeping, athletic training, horseback activities, surfing, and jewelcrafting.
[Height]: 5′7″
[Weight]: 140 lbs.
[Scars/ birthmarks]: Too many to mention, although most are very faded and virtually restored through healing magics. Most prominent one is a violet, varicose-looking mark across her left eye that stretches across her cheek and below the neckline, all the way down to the middle of her left oblique.
[Abilities/ Powers]: Combat prowess and abilities based upon the Light. A certain degree of elemental fire magic, and light use of Arcane cantrips.
[Restrictions]: Her right eye has been replaced by a magically enchanted false eye. She maintains full range of depth and vision, but not up to 20/20. Sight enhancing alchemical mixes are often used to make up for this, and at times, she’ll wear a pair of square framed black glasses out of combat.
[Drink]: Whiskey, straight.
[Pizza topping]: From her brief forays into Goblin cuisine? Her favorite toppings are fried calamari, tomato, and spinach. She also prefers pesto over red sauce.
[Color]: Black, Red, Gold
[Music genre]: Bardic tales of heroism, instrumental lute, and “Elite Tauren Chieftains”.
[Book genre]: Romance, ranging from soft harlequin to outright smut. Also will occasionally read historical tomes and books of wartime strategy and philosophy. Secretly enjoys Pandaren Illustrated Novellas.
[Movie genre]: “The goblins sure do know how to make action movies, -especially- ones with lots of explosions.”
[Season]: Summer
[Swear word]: “Bollocks!”
[Scent]: Steelbloom, whiskey, sea salt, but mostly sweat and dirt. Being a soldier’s dirty work, yeah?
[Quote]: “Ashal Thori’Anore!”
[Bottom or top]: “I suppose it all depends~.”
[Sings in the shower]: Of course!
[Likes bad puns]: Only the most punishing
[Morality]: Lawful / Neutral / Chaotic / Good / Gray / Evil
[Build]: Lean / Scrawny / Bony / Fit / Athletic / Herculean / Babyfat / Pudgy / Obese / Other
[Favorite food]: Grilled Salmon or Swordfish
[Boss theme music]: King Katschei’s Infernal Dance
[Their opinion on the mun]: “If they stay motivated, there is nothing they cannot accomplish. Stay strong, friend.”
I just sorta borrowed this from @vcloudbreaker and was like “sure, why not”. If you haven’t done this yet, do eet.
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