#I'm a fucking dumbass and yet I can write Vel easy the fuck
dates-with-the-void · 4 months
Void Bois During Shark Week
Got some time before work, so figured I'd make this since this has been on my mind for a bit (considering I started this blog during it AND also sick with the flu) might as well get it out now. Dedicating this to all the AFABS out there, and the ones who actually go through this since not everyone with a uterus does.
I'll do the Gals probably tomorrow, cuz I know I won't have time today AND I don't wanna try with posting on phone
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He wasn't really concern at first.
He noticed you were far more emotional lately, things seemed to get you upset faster and you got overwhelmed too quickly at times
He thought it was something normal with your species, like when he gets far more hungrier than usual and it'll pass soon enough.
Which you do frequently eat snacks so he really just chalked it up to when he gets periods of intense hunger.
When you mentioned pains, that's where the concern starts to show up.
He'd do his best to help, and while all you ask for is for heating pads, hot compresses or just comfortable places to rest for the time being. He feels like you need more than just something hot and a bed.
Waking up to smelling blood was not an immediate cause of concern, the smell lingers in the air even after his rampages.
Except he's been by your side this entire time, and there shouldn't be blood. Especially when that smell is coming from you.
You both know there's nothing you could do to really phase him, but you giving him a hard smack where his 'nose' would be for the rude wake up did make him stop for a second.
Finding out this was normal for AFABs of your species was reassuring, while also concerning at the same time. Since his species doesn't do that. Especially for a whole week-ish there's going to be blood in the air
He's more on guard with you during this time, mainly because of the fact there's other creatures- as well as other voidborns that enjoy the smell of blood as well.
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He noticed your slight change in behavior early on.
He figured something must be affecting your mood, and when he questions you don't really give a solid answer. Not yet anyway.
He's so sensitive to change, he picks it up before you realize, so you have to play catch up with yourself to figure out what he was referring too.
Which doesn't entirely help when you get annoyed easily right now.
You eventually realize what he meant when the cramps started to kick in, and knowing how protective and possessive he is of you- you need to prepare him quickly before he smells it.
Which was a good idea, hearing that soon enough you're going to be bleeding due to your breeding cycle was going to freak him out and attempt to hunt down anything that just hurt you.
But because you are going to be bleeding soon, his senses and instincts are going to be thrown a-wall around you.
He's going to be far more protective of you, and willing to do whatever you need of him.
Heating pads, hot compresses, snacks. If you want it he will get it no matter what he has to do.
You're just going to have to compromise that he's going to be holding on to you majority of the week you're bleeding. Ensuring you're safe and nothing tries to harm you.
Aside from being even more protective and clingy, he does get a bit more affectionate as well.
He'll restrain himself until you give him consent, even if the self-restrain becomes unbearable at times.
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He's disintegrated plenty female specimens of your species, so he is completely unphased when you hit that point in the cycle where you're flushing unfertilized eggs from your body.
This was actually part of when you two first started dating, when he was being overly observant of you.
He wanted to see when and if you hit that period, so he could prepare everything in advance. As well as your general mannerisms and behavior.
This was slightly more of challenge when you turn out to be irregular, but he still somehow managed to predict when you'd hit the shark week.
He will give you a heads up whenever you don't notice it yourself.
He'll have everything prepared by that time, everything you need and use during this particular period of time.
He'll even have things you don't normally or usually use on stand by, because of the rare times you do request those things.
He seems completely in control and unbothered by your cycle.
He's actually just really good at hiding his concerns and worries for you, since he's aware of the complications that could arise as well.
He takes special care of you to ensure this process is as smooth as possible, and he'd catch anything complications to you before its too late.
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