#I'm a dave filoni HATER and I don't care who knows it
beskad · 6 months
Not to "back in my day" like a fucking boomer, but
I've been HYPER fixated on star wars since I was five fuckin years old (so, TWENTY FIVE YEARS) and my dad made the mistake of letting me watch the OT with him (only good thing he ever did for me tbh). I just moved recently and unpacked boxes and I own 255????? (more, probably, in boxes I haven't found yet????) Legends/EU books (and a handful of Disney ones that I haven't read).
And, like????? Nearly everything Disney has been churning out since the acquisition has been complete dogshit, at least in terms of their shows and movies. (The high republic is fun and has good stuff but it's so poorly marketed and disorganized and hard to follow.)
Mando season 1 with Din "what's a star war" Djarin worked because he was just Some Guy, but they promptly ruined it with cameos and tie-ins and crossovers and increasingly shitty writing.
The Ahsoka series? HOT FUCKING GARBAGE, SORRY not sorry
And now DAVE "FELONY" FILONI has been given a movie for theatrical release fucking hell 😩
Please, god, I'm begging. Stop puppeting around the corpse of a franchise that drew its last breath the second The Rise of Skywalker hit theaters.
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