#I'm a bit flustered to post this ngl I'm not super used to rambling but I really adore these two sm so πŸ‘‰πŸ‘ˆ
michirikapchiyyy Β· 9 months
hey wait a second. something's not adding up. in what universe do galahad and percival make out. what in hades.
Ok so
Percival and Galahad from arthurian legend do kiss in the Holy Grail quest! I worded it as making out as a joke, they don't make out-
It's meant to be a platonic kissy obvs similar to how in Kirby you kiss when healing but it does happen
The text is actually multiple, as there are so many versions of the grail quest itself
"When the two companions had tarried there until the hour of prime and had seen enough, they left and rode until they came to a forest.
Being about to enter it, Perceval said to Galahad: β€œTo day we must separate and each go his own way. So I commend you to Our Lord’s keeping, and may He grant that we soon meet again. For I have never found a man whose company seemed so sweet and agreeable as yours; so this parting grieves me much more than you may suppose. Yet it must be so, since it pleases Our Lord.” When he removed his helmet, Galahad did the same, and they kissed at parting, for great was their love for one another: this appeared clearly in their death, for one barely survived the other."
The Quest of the Holy Grail W.W. Comfort's translation, page 220
You might find this kiss too in other more popular books such as Le Morte D'Arthur book XVII chapter XII
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And there's other kiss later on in book XVII chapter XXII
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If you pick up the physical book there might be a chance for the word to have been changed to "embrace", but some versions of it don't touch that word.
Ramble about the grail quest below, I finally have a perfect excuse to let out all my thoughts on the story and the grail knights hehehe
Percival and Galahad in general can switch to multiple dynamics based on authors, as arthurian legend is basically a bunch of people who inserted their knights ocs into this other story and then others recreated those oc's stories to make it cooler or fit in with those times. So Percival and Galahad can go from being the same person, friends, family and other things depending on what the author chooses. This applies to all characters in Arthurian Legend, there are no actual things set in stone. The canon is messy which is why sometimes u might see people hate a character but refer to it as "I hate Lanval's Guinevere" instead of the character as a whole because there are MULTIPLE versions of that character.
I'm gonna give a basic ramble about some of the story and show interactions I like between these two from multiple books after the ramble
HOWEVER I should warn and add a CW/TW that there's character death and implied su*cide (Galahad's death), the second one being more complicated due to how it's handled as Galahad wishes and asks for death and when it comes it's more of a "guys look he ascended he is now with Jesus Christ yippeee, what a cool act don't you wanna pray now" WHICH IS HMM KINDA BAD
I should also say that some parts of the Grial Quest are quite problematic as it puts down other religions and those who follow it as "sinners" or not worthy.
The grail has multiple interpretations as to why there has to be a quest for it, to spread religion, to heal the land and multiple others. Galahad is brought to the round table and does some cool stuff such as pulling out a sword from a stone similar to King Arthur and sitting on the Siege Perilous (a seat who kills anyone who sits there unless you are the chosen one). The Quest is related in some way to Joseph of Arimathea from the bibleβ„’ and in some interpretations the grail knights meet Jesus Christ himself. After achieving the grail Galahad asks God for death as he thinks he's lived long enough (he's like, VERY YOUNG??? AS IN HE IS KIND OF A LITERAL C H I L D??). Galahad seems to just inmediatly throw himself at objects that could kill him and is very careless which is kinda sad because even if he is supposed to be a character who we admire as God's knight he is also a kid who doesn't have the best parents and barely has friends, quite literally raised and born FOR the prophecy so it's no wonder he doesn't exactly know what to do after completing his "only purpose". I personally find the grail quest quite tragic, as I love Percival who's biggest dream was being a knight (he's also a babieβ„’) and Galahad's death affects him enough to fully retire from it. Even if it's portrayed as him being "inspired" by Galahad's death enough to convert even more to religion. Not to mention he dies soon after anyways.
Now that u know some of it I can throw some interactions at full speed at you ohohoho SOME ARE ANGSTY OTHERS ARE CUTE AND FUNNY-
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That's all tumblr is allowing me to show, also sorry Camachine for using your ask as an excuse to ramble about these two /lh. I'm big on Arthurian Legend and always wanted to ramble about it.
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