#I'm Travis going through every stage of joy
otterlyart · 1 month
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"A voice to the side goes, 'And Grogory shouldn't have been drinking before this meeting.'
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bitchiswild · 10 months
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Huh Yunjin x F! Reader
Warnings:None, Fluff
Word Count: 3k
A/n: Travis Barker and Kourtney Kardashian WHOO???? 🗣️
Yunjin POV
The energy at my concerts was amazing, filling me with life and excitement. But even in the midst of all that joy, there was a big hole in my heart - the absence of my wife, Y/n. I've been touring for two months, going from state to state to share my music with people. But throughout it all, I've felt like something important was missing - her.
Gosh, I miss her like crazy. It feels like It's been forever since I've seen her sweet smile, held her close, and been intimate with her. I swear, it's almost like I'm going through withdrawal because she's my everything. Even with all these cheering fans and bright stage lights, I can't shake this feeling of longing for her.
She's more than just my better half; she's my muse. Every song I write, every melody I play, it's all thanks to her inspiration. Her absence feels like there's this huge gap in my life that not even the loudest applause can fill. She's my comfort, my spark - being away from her feels like a big chunk of my heart is missing.
I can't stop thinking about the last time I held her close. I ache for her warmth, her presence, her giggles that light up my world. Every day without her feels like forever, and I'm counting down the seconds until I can wrap my arms around her again.
As the tour goes on, every night ends with this achy feeling. Despite the amazing shows and the music, what I miss the most is her laughter, her unwavering support, and that special connection we share. She's not just the missing piece; she's the heart of the whole picture.
"Dude, are you okay?" Chaewon, my bandmate, asked, concern etched on her face.
I let out a sigh, sinking deeper into my thoughts. "Just missing Y/n," I replied, my gaze fixed on the lock screen of my phone displaying a picture of us, captured in a moment of pure laughter.
"Call her, maybe it'll help," Chaewon suggested with a reassuring smile. Taking her advice, I navigated to my contacts, fingers hovering over the familiar entry labeled 'LOML<3'.
The phone rang, and after a few moments, a groggy voice answered on the other end. "Hello?"
"Hi, baby, did I wake you up?" I spoke softly, a hint of guilt tugging at my heart for disturbing her sleep. Checking the time, I realized it was midnight in New York, forgetting the time difference from where I was in California.
Y/n's voice softened, a mix of sleepiness and warmth. "Hey, it's okay. Is everything alright?"
"I'm sorry for calling so late," I apologized, feeling a twinge of regret for not considering the time difference. "I just... I miss you. Can't seem to shake off this feeling, you know?"
There was a gentle chuckle on the other end. "I miss you too, silly. It's okay, hearing your voice is nice. Tell me how's tour going on so far."
And just like that, as I started sharing the mundane yet cherished details of tour and my day on the road, her voice became the remedy for the ache in my heart. Despite the distance, her presence, even through the phone, made everything feel a little lighter, a little brighter.
As I spoke to Y/n, a faint sound of gagging reached my ears, causing a knot of concern to form in my stomach. "Are you okay? Are you feeling sick?" Worry laced my words, not wanting her to endure any discomfort while I was miles away.
"I'm okay, Jen," Y/n reassured me, her voice trying to sound steady despite a trace of unease. "I probably ate something that didn't agree with me earlier. It's nothing serious, promise."
The worry didn't dissipate from my mind. "Are you sure? I can catch the next flight home right now. Your health is more important. I don't want you to be sick without me there."
Y/n's voice held a gentle firmness. "No, Jen, it's okay. You have a concert tomorrow; you can't miss it. I'll be fine, really. It's just a passing thing. Take care of your show, and I'll take care of myself here."
I hesitated, torn between the urge to be by her side and the responsibility of the upcoming concert. "But what if you need something? What if—"
Y/n interrupted, her tone warm and understanding. "I promise I'll call someone if I need help. You focus on your music. I'll take care of myself until you're back."
Reluctantly, I nodded, feeling a pang of helplessness at not being able to rush to her side. "Okay, but if anything changes, if you feel worse or need anything at all, promise me you'll call immediately."
"I promise, Jen," she replied softly. "Just give an amazing concert tomorrow. I'll be here waiting to hear all about it." And with that reassurance, I forced myself to focus on the concert ahead while keeping a watchful eye on my phone, ready to fly back at the slightest hint of need from Y/n.
Y/n's yawn echoed through the phone, prompting me to glance at the time. It was nearing 2 am in New York, and exhaustion seeped into her voice. "Y/n, baby, it's getting late. You should go to sleep," I gently urged, concern evident in my tone.
"But I want to talk to you," she murmured, her words tinged with sleepiness and a hint of longing.
"I promise we'll talk more tomorrow, okay? Get some rest. I love you," I said softly, my love resonating in the tender words that escaped my lips.
"I love you too," Y/n murmured back, the weariness in her voice indicating she was already drifting into slumber.
Reluctantly, I ended the call, my heart feeling heavy with the distance between us. All I wanted was to hold her close, to feel the rhythm of her breathing as she slept beside me. The ache in my chest was palpable, longing for the comfort of her presence.
One Month Later
"Three more months," I whispered to myself, a vow echoing in my mind. Three more months until I could wrap my arms around Y/n again, until I could finally call her home. The countdown began, each passing day marked by the yearning to be back in her embrace, to find solace and warmth in our shared space. Until then, the miles that separated us felt like an eternity, but the promise of reunion kept me going.
"It's been a month already, just two more to go before I'm finally back in Y/n's arms," I muttered to myself, the countdown almost a lifeline in this whirlwind of touring. Despite our daily calls whenever we managed to catch a break, it never felt like enough.
"We've got two more months of tour, Yunjin. Hang in there," Chaewon chimed in, her voice carrying a tone of encouragement.
"I know, but I just want her here. Why didn't she come on tour with us?" I vented, frustration creeping into my tone.
"You know how demanding her job can be," Chaewon explained, trying to soothe my irritation.
"She should just take it easy. I'd take care of her forever," I retorted, feeling a pang of helplessness at not having her close during this extensive tour.
Chaewon leaned in, her expression conveying a sense of understanding. "She's a hard worker and independent. She doesn't want you to carry the load alone. Marriage is about being a team," she said, raising an eyebrow as if to emphasize her point.
Her words struck a chord within me. I nodded in acknowledgment, realizing the truth in her statement. Y/n had always been fiercely independent and dedicated to her career, a trait I admired endlessly. Yet, the longing to have her by my side during this journey was undeniable. The ache of missing her was profound, but Chaewon's reminder of our partnership brought a sense of reassurance, reminding me that love wasn't just about being physically present but also about supporting each other's aspirations and dreams.
"Chaewon, Yunjin, you're on in 5," a member of the backstage crew informed us before hurrying away to attend to other tasks.
"Ready to rock and roll," Chaewon exclaimed, mimicking playing the guitar with exaggerated enthusiasm.
I chuckled at her playful antics. "Let's rock and roll," I humored her, joining in the light-heartedness.
We shared a laugh as we made our way toward the stage. Unbeknownst to Yunjin, a heartwarming surprise was in store for her this evening, orchestrated by Chaewon and Y/n. For the past month, they had been planning this moment. Y/n was going to surprise Yunjin at one of their concerts. Chaewon had discreetly kept Y/n updated on Yunjin's well-being during the tour, and the idea of surprising Yunjin had blossomed from their conversations.
Chaewon suggested the idea of Y/n surprising Yunjin at one of their concerts and offered to purchase the ticket for her. Y/n, touched by the gesture but adamant about not letting Chaewon pay for the ticket, agreed to the surprise plan. And so, here they were, on the brink of the surprise unveiling.
Moments before stepping onto the stage, Chaewon seized the opportunity to confirm the presence of Y/n to their manager. With the affirmative nod from the manager, it was all set. Y/n was seated in the front row, clutching a sign in her hands, eagerly waiting to surprise Yunjin. The anticipation of the heartwarming reunion infused an extra spark of excitement into the upcoming performance.
3rd POV
The buzz of anticipation surged through the stadium as the tour's introduction set the stage ablaze with excitement. Among the sea of eager faces, Y/n anxiously awaited Yunjin's appearance, clutching her sign, which was yet another surprise in store. Though recognized as Yunjin's wife by some fans nearby, the presence of bodyguards, courtesy of Chaewon and their manager, dissuaded any intrusion, allowing Y/n to immerse herself in the electrifying atmosphere.
Surrounded by enthusiastic fans, Y/n reciprocated their waves with a warm smile, acknowledging their recognition. However, her focus was soon captured by the first strum of the guitar, signaling Yunjin's imminent performance. As the stadium erupted into thunderous cheers, Yunjin's voice filled the air, crooning one of her most beloved songs. The crowd, seemingly in perfect sync, sang along with fervor, each lyric resonating throughout the venue.
For Y/n, it was a moment of sheer awe. The rush of emotions flooded back, reminiscent of the times when she and Yunjin had first connected through their shared love for music. The nostalgia of hearing Yunjin's live performance stirred a whirlwind of memories, from their initial meetings to the moments that cemented their bond. The song carried not just melodies but a story of their journey together, sparking a surge of emotions in Y/n's heart.
Lost in the music and the undying adoration from the crowd, Y/n found herself transported back to the beginnings of their love story, reliving the magic of those cherished memories while witnessing Yunjin's electrifying presence on stage.
The electric energy of the performance reached its pinnacle as Yunjin drew closer to the edge of the stage, pouring her heart into the lyrics. As her eyes met Y/n's in the crowd, an unspoken connection sparked, bringing tears of overwhelming emotion to both their eyes. Chaewon, standing beside Yunjin, caught sight of Y/n, acknowledging her with a playful wink, prompting a grateful smile in return for her pivotal role in orchestrating the surprise.
As the first song concluded, Yunjin and Chaewon engaged with the crowd, marveling at the sea of eager faces.
"Wow, so many people tonight!" Yunjin exclaimed, genuinely taken aback by the turnout.
"So many people," Chaewon echoed, sharing the sentiment.
"Thank you all for coming out tonight. I hope you have an amazing time with us," Yunjin expressed her gratitude, her eyes glinting with excitement. Her gaze then shifted to Y/n, a warmth and love evident in her expression.
"And we have a very special guest with us tonight, my wife, Y/n!" Yunjin announced, pointing to the large screen where Y/n's face appeared. The crowd erupted into a thunderous cheer as Y/n waved, a radiant smile lighting up her face.
"Isn't she beautiful, everyone?" Yunjin beamed, her love for Y/n resonating in her words, inciting an even louder cheer from the fans.
Seizing the perfect moment, Y/n lifted up a sign, and the atmosphere crackled with heightened anticipation. The crowd's volume skyrocketed, Chaewon gasped in disbelief, and tears cascaded down Yunjin's cheeks in a torrent of emotions.
On the sign, in bold letters, it read: 'Yunjin, I'm Pregnant!'
Tears flowed freely down Y/n's face, mirroring the ones streaming down Yunjin's cheeks. Without hesitation, Yunjin leaped off the stage and rushed towards Y/n, enveloping her in a tender yet exhilarating hug, careful not to squeeze too tightly in her overwhelming joy. The crowd erupted into a collective roar of excitement, their elation matching the emotions of the two women sharing an immensely intimate and life-altering moment amidst the exhilarating concert atmosphere.
The stadium erupted in a cacophony of cheers and applause as Yunjin, overwhelmed with joy, announced the life-changing news.
"I'm going to be a mom!" she exclaimed into the microphone, her voice filled with excitement and happiness. Without hesitation, she pulled Y/n close, sealing the momentous occasion with a passionate kiss, a celebration of their love and the impending addition to their family.
Breaking away from the kiss, Yunjin gazed into Y/n's eyes, her own sparkling with love and adoration. "I love you so much, and I already love our baby," she declared tenderly, her heart overflowing with emotions. The words reverberated through the crowd, sharing the intimacy and boundless joy of this unforgettable moment with everyone present.
With an air of exhilaration and boundless energy, Yunjin regally returned to the stage, her eyes locking briefly with Y/n, a playful wink passing between them. The glow of their shared secret lingered in the air as Yunjin addressed the crowd once more.
"With this profound news, I've got an endless supply of energy! LET'S HIT IT!" she exclaimed, her voice carrying a contagious enthusiasm that reverberated throughout the stadium.
The band swiftly picked up the rhythm, launching into the next song on their setlist. The pulsating beat and electrifying melodies ignited an even greater fervor among the audience. The crowd, already stirred by the monumental revelation, erupted into a deafening roar, their excitement and anticipation fueling the atmosphere with an unparalleled euphoria.
Yunjin's infectious energy, amplified by the band's lively performance, turned the concert into an unforgettable celebration. Each note played and every lyric sung became an anthem of love, joy, and the thrilling anticipation of the new chapter ahead for Yunjin and Y/n. The energy in the stadium soared, echoing the exhilaration of this momentous occasion, etching this night into the memories of all who were present.
The final song crescendoed, bringing the concert to its euphoric conclusion. Yunjin and Chaewon bid their farewells to the cheering crowd, exchanging appreciative smiles and heartfelt thanks for their unwavering support throughout the show. Meanwhile, Y/n waited in the green room, anticipation thrumming in every heartbeat.
As soon as the concert ended, Yunjin dashed towards the green room, her determination evident as she maneuvered through the bustling crowd, propelled by the sole desire to reunite with Y/n. With an urgent fervor, she entered the room, her eyes instantly seeking out her beloved.
Spotting Y/n standing there, her heart soared, and without hesitation, Yunjin surged forward, enveloping Y/n in a warm embrace. Lifted by an overwhelming surge of emotions, Yunjin lifted Y/n effortlessly, spinning her around in a whirlwind of joy and elation. She set her down gently, their eyes meeting in a silent exchange that conveyed more than words ever could.
Unable to contain their overflowing emotions, Yunjin pulled Y/n into another passionate kiss, the depth of their love and the magnitude of the moment imbuing the kiss with an unspoken promise of a future filled with joy and togetherness. The room seemed to fade away as they immersed themselves in this cherished moment, reveling in the warmth and intimacy of their embrace, sealing the unforgettable night with the most heartfelt display of love.
Their embrace lingered as the weight of their revelation settled in, the enormity of becoming parents washing over them in waves of disbelief and joy.
"I can't believe we're going to be parents," Yunjin sighed, her voice carrying a mix of wonder and amazement.
"I've been wanting to tell you, but I thought surprising you would be even better," Y/n replied, her eyes shimmering with affection as she gently caressed Yunjin's face.
"When did you find out?" Yunjin inquired, curiosity evident in her voice.
"Remember that call we had, and I gagged? I went to the doctor the next day, and she said I was already two months along," Y/n explained, a smile tugging at the corners of her lips.
"So, I knocked you up before I left," Yunjin chuckled, a playful grin lighting up her face.
Y/n playfully slapped Yunjin's arm, sharing in the lighthearted moment. "Yeah, you did." I chuckled.
"Well, I'm so happy and excited. I'm so ready to start this new chapter with you," Yunjin expressed, her voice filled with affection and anticipation.
"So am I," Y/n replied, her gaze filled with unwavering love and excitement, affirming their shared readiness for the journey ahead. In that moment, amidst the laughter and love, they embraced the thrilling prospect of embarking on this incredible journey together, united by the bond of their love and the prospect of welcoming a new life into their world.
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wenchofthescullery · 7 years
Hello there! Do you have a top 5 must read books? I'm looking for something to pick up 🙃🙂.
Hmmm. My favorites vary by context and interest levels. How about some favorites from various categories?
Technical Nonfiction: I have an abiding passion for Michael Pollan’s A Place of My Own: The Architecture of Daydreams. I found it fascinating from nose to tail. He decides to build a writing studio, and he takes you with him from figuring out the purpose of the building, where to site it (looking at the mechanics, the feng shui of the location, how to think through changing light of the day), on through finding an architect and a builder. And then the technical questions, such as – how do you design a window frame to keep out rainwater? Why does brick “like an arch”? 
Cooking: If you like writing about food, there are classics like M.F.K. Fisher’s How to Cook a Wolf, as well as some amazing forgotten cookbooks for the novice cook, such as A Cookbook for Poor Poets and Others, by Ann Rogers. Alton Brown is always doing serious science made accessible, and you can’t go wrong with anything of his. But for the joy of the thing, I always return to Joe Fiorito’s Comfort Me With Apples. Fiorito is a storyteller as much as a cook, and every essay is infused with the sorrow and joy of being a human being.
General Fiction: I get drink on Mark Helprin, particularly some of his older works. My favorites are A Soldier of the Great War and Memoir From Antproof Case, the latter of which carries transcendent rants against coffee, which made me laugh until the story fully revealed itself. But oh, Winter’s Tale – the movie did not do it justice. It could not. “Winter then in its early and clear stages, was a purifying engine that ran unhindered over city and country, alerting the stars to sparkle violently and shower their silver light into the arms of bare upreaching trees. It was a mad and beautiful thing that scoured raw the souls of animals and man, driving them before it until they loved to run. And what it did to Northern forests can hardly be described, considering that it iced the branches of the sycamores on Chrystie Street and swept them back and forth until they rang like ranks of bells.”
Mystery: Give me an old, creaky house, a pot of tea, and Agatha Christie, of classic Conan Doyle, or whatnot, and I’m a happy chick. But for that punch to the gut, goddamn-how-do-you-write-like-this, it’s got to be John MacDonald’s Travis McGee series. He’s a south Florida beach bum “taking his retirement in increments;” that is, he lives a 60s bachelor lifestyle (it’s an old series) with wine, women, and song on a houseboat won on a bet. When funds get low, he works as a private eye (a “salvage consultant”), with the fee being half of the value of what he’s hired to recover. It works for him. MacDonald is painfully honest about men, women, economics, climate concerns, and politics at times. And hey, The Deep Blue Good-by is likely to come out as a movie soon!
Romance: I give you not a book, but a reference which will give you so much more. Check out Smart Bitches, Trashy Books at  http://smartbitchestrashybooks.com . You are most welcome. :)
If more details on any of the above would be helpful, or if you narrowed it down to a topic (erotica? don’t mind if I do), send a message.
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