#I'll try my best to write about my past fandom experience
guest2621 · 1 year
Inside out shipping side effect(my own side effect haha)
When that time I liked inside out, I hate seeing two colors that weren't my otp I will hate it sm
Like for example:If I had seen red and blue together I will hate it(but its a common color combination)
Also because Christmas some theme was green and red I was happy for the whole month LMAO
And because of inside out shipping I don't only see two people together, I can also see what color is together💀
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zepskies · 5 months
Hey, Zep! Here’s a hard question: which fic did you enjoy the most when writing?
Hey there, lovely!
Ooh, that's super freakin' tough. I've written quite a lot, and I have many "favorites" for different reasons. Like I answered another anon earlier today, I absolutely loved writing Smoke Eater, for example, but it did get difficult for me at times due to the complexity of the story and sometimes the gravity of the subject matter.
That said, I'll give you a short list of my favorites (series):
3. Take Me Home (Beau Arlen x Reader)
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Ah, the Big Sky fandom! This is the most recent series I've written, and I've had so much fun with it as I continued to learn Beau's character and navigate season 3 of the show, trying to fill in the blanks that the show left behind while adding my own spin to certain things.
Beau is my favorite cowboy sheriff, but he's not without his flaws, which made for a rich exploration of his character. ❤️
2. Midnight Espresso (Dean Winchester x Plus-Sized/Latina Reader)
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This is a collection of stories in the SPN fandom, and it's very personal to me! (I myself am both plus-sized and Latina.) Though I tried to make it so all readers, regardless of race/ethnicity or otherwise, could enjoy those stories as well.
It gave me the chance to pair Dean with a reader character who is also a giver like him, who looks out for and cares for him in the same way he cares for others, all while being a badass hunter herself.
From dramatic and angsty hurt/comfort to fluffy smut, I've tried to explore many facets of their relationship, while utilizing both my heritage/culture and my personal experience with body insecurity, body shaming, etc. 💜
1. Break Me Down (Soldier Boy x Reader)
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People probably know me best for this series. It was my first real foray into the complex, lovable asshole known as Soldier Boy (Ben).
And it was my attempt at creating a redemption arc for him through an "enemies to lovers" story, edgier than anything I'd done previously, thanks to the grittiness of The Boys world.
I've continued writing far past the original series because I just can't quit these two, and this version of Ben. (In fact, a new one-shot is coming for the BMD-verse on Friday called Calculated Risks, followed by a mini series in May! 💚)
And there are even more BMD requests in my inbox for when I'm able to get to requests again. So as long as people keep wanting to read about them, I'll keep writing about them! 😂
Thank you very much for this question! It was very difficult to choose. If you'd asked me which "one-shots/imagines" were my favorites, that would've been even harder to narrow down. 😅
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officially-other · 5 months
Intro post
Hello! My name is Frog. Don't ask me why I'm not frogkin, but my name is Frog, I don't know. /silly
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If you're coming from my main blog:
Yup, this is the "super secret" otherkin account of @tadpoles-and-daydreams. I decided to make a separate account and blog for dragonkin and dragon work rambles, since... well, to be honest I just wanted to separate my blog for witchcraft writing, tarot, etc. from this. This is a more personal blog in which I mostly reblog and post random little memes and tidbits, heavy UPG, dragon work, and what the hell does it look/feel like finding out your soul is draconic anyway?
And just in case: if you're coming from my main blog and are unfamiliar with any of the shit I'm talking about here in terms of otherkinity, dragonkin, being a dragon- please feel free to send in asks. I plan on writing more in-depth in a bigger post about what it is, what it's like, how I found out about it, etc. etc. but that will take a lot of time and energy that I currently don't have. Further down, though, I give the best TL;DR I can!
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If you have no clue what the fuck the main blog is:
I talk about my experiences as a witch and meme about the funny side of witchcraft over there. Go there and check out my tarot readings if you want a dragon to throw some cards at you, or if you want to hear more about my craft outside of dragon work! I write a lot as a witch over there so if you like my witchy posts here, it's worth checking out.
He/him pronouns
Trans, panromantic, polyamorous, just generally queer
My special interests include: Writing, Genshin Impact (I don't associate with most of the fandom they scare me), music, anime, the ocean, and "weird miscellaneous facts."
Dragonkin, specifically an amphitere.
local funny little witch man, I work with primarily with my deities and dragons and get bullied by a deck of cards a lot.
My familiar- though I hesitate to use that word due to its connotations as an "assistant" rather than a partner in my practice- is the one who kickstarted this by implying my energies were draconic in nature.
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For everyone, regardless of how you found me:
This is where I plan to blog about my experiences when it comes to working with dragons, and fucking being one apparently. I want a safe space to write about my experiences, no matter how much I change. I feel like I've only dipped my toes into a vast ocean, a whole new aspect of my identity and my craft. I decided that I wanted to be able to write completely transparently about it- fears, mistakes, flaws and all- without it reflecting majorly on my main blog/my professionalism as a tarot reader who's just starting out.
So expect it all; the funny, the cool as fuck, the ranty posts, everything. This is just as much a tumblr blog as it is a journal, for me. I heavily value transparency, and that's something I can't be in public as an otherkin.
So I'll do it here instead. ^-^
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Important posts:
A post I plan to update continuously of everything I know about my kintype:
The current closest reference I have for what I look like as a dragon, although admittedly not fully accurate:
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shoukiko · 7 months
Hi, you can keep this unanswered and not post it, but I want to help you understand the thought behind some of the points in your criticism post. Before I start I want to apologise if I come off as blunt and rude, that's not my intention and I'll try my best to show my tone as unthreatening but I'm autistic and not a native English speaker, which complicates things lol
*general you used throughout the ask
First, I want to start with this: they all are part of the army. You don't need to dig much to see you'll rarely see a "morally upstanding" person in the army, be it because they're cheaters, abusers, compliant with all that or they're (insert -ist/-phobe category here). UK military spouses are 3 times more likely to experience intimate partner violence (IPV). I'm not saying the COD characters need to be written like that, but it wouldn't be "unrealistic" if we take real life statistics into account.
Second, and maybe the most important thing, everyone writes COD characters OOC. The majority of the active fandom on Tumblr and tiktok have seen gifs and 10min out of context clips from the game at best. It's to be expected to not frequently find something actually in character for a lot of the guys. Especially with characters that are just operators like König, Nikto and Krueger. In their case everything is and isn't OOC at the same time because we just... Don't know these characters. We lack characterisation past maybe 1-3 traits about them. I'd argue that's why the fandom liked König so much, other than being masked, he's the perfect paper doll! You can dress him up in whatever characterisation you want and it probably won't contradict his canon (because he barely has one and what he has is quickly misinterpreted (anxiety disorder turning into shyness for example)).
Now specifically on your "How are you going to hc a victim as the abuser?" - simple, whether you like to accept it or not is up to you, but it's not far fetched for victims to become abusers later in life. Just look at serial killers statistics - 74% of US serial killers were psychologically abused and 42% were physically abused as children and later in life followed a similar pattern brought to an extreme. Or on the other hand, a tamer example would be generational trauma because that's how we get that (grandparent was abused and because that's all they know, they implement it in bringing up their child who, for the same reason, implements it in bringing up the grandchild and so on).
The final thing I want to say is, it's good to block people who you don't vibe with. Doesn't matter if it's because they wrote something that personally disturbed you or you simply don't like their blog theme or you see them too often in the tag. Personally curating your experience is key in fandom, utilise the tools Tumblr has given us. Of course as you and others have mentioned that's impossible without some assistance from the other side. Tagging is extremely important (tagging with the correct words without censoring!!! Or the filter won't catch! Rape, noncon, incest ✅; r@pe, n*nc*n, 1nc*st ✖️✖️).
I hope this isn't too messy or long aaaa
I really appreciate you taking the time to type this up and actually speak to me about this, your input is very appreciated. /gen
I do think I could've done better on that post since I wrote it in the heat of the moment, all characters are written OOC and it was ignorant of me to say
"Maybe read the characters backstories and actually take their past into consideration because you guys kinda look dumb for making these characters so OOC."
I hope ya'll can really take the time to see my POV, I did not mean. any harm, I've come across some gross things, but blocking and filtering tags so much as begun to be tiring.
My main issue is tagging, without tagging I am left with getting triggered by random posts because the first few sentences may include something on my trigger list.
That's all I want and also what a lot of other people want.
Writing is meant for anyone and everyone, a form of art and perhaps a for of therapy.
Please tag your work, you are not the only person on the internet.
Thank you for reading!
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alteon77 · 1 year
Updated Masterlist of Writing and Art
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About the writer/artist: I like to write and paint. My current obsession is Sandman, but I enjoy most fantasy fandoms as well as anime (I think I’m on season seven billion of One Piece right now 🤣). I'm also weird as they come (and awkward, too), so just please ignore my oddball (coughTERRIBLEcough) sense of humor.
On a more personal note, I have PTSD and suffer from severe manic depressive episodes. Writing and art are my most familiar coping mechanisms, and I need them like I need oxygen. Seriously, there were times in my life that knowing I had to finish a story or a piece of art was the only thing stopping me from ending up dead. So, I don't take part in fandom drama. Having my peace and protecting my mental health are very big deals to me, and I won't risk those for anything if I can help it.
As for my writing, it ranges from short one-shots to ridiculously long novel series. I use third person POV (on longer series) as well as second person (on shorter things). I also try to always exclude physical descriptions when writing main character OCs and assign them nicknames to avoid using Y/N. I love to read Y/N fics, but writing them makes me feel like I'm at work. And who actually wants to ever feel like they're at work when they're engaging in a hobby? Definitely not me.
Lastly, there's usually more stuff on my AO3 page than I have listed here, because I forget to post it pretty often. Oops. I'll get around to moving it all over one day. Probably. Maybe.
Feel free to leave an ask if you want or just drop by my DMs. <3
Artwork links are at the bottom of this list, so if you're here for those, that's where they are.
Sandman 'Verse
All the Precious and Fragile Things (so easily do they break)
After banishing his lover from the Dreaming for her betrayal, Morpheus learns that she is pregnant with his child.
And that she’s been captured by a revenge-seeking Alexander Burgess.
What the both of them are unaware of is that this will set in motion a cascade of unfavorable events, causing a chain reaction that threatens the whole of existence itself.
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PART I: All of This Past
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
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PART II: These Tender, Loving Mercies
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
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PART III: When It All Falls Down
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
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PART IV: The Dark of War
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Sometimes He's Sweet
Morpheus hates the holidays.
As excited as she seems to experience the mortal holiday, he's… less so. Much less so. With the entire collective unconscious contained within him, this time of year can be wholly overwhelming, a miasma of too much red and green, too much worry, too much loneliness, too much excitement, too many similarly themed dreams, too many similarly themed nightmares, and far far too many holiday songs. It all bleeds out from the collective unconscious into his own mind, sticks there like weeping sap to a tree until he feels half-mad with the unrelenting presence of it, with his inability to get free from its cloying trespass upon his very being.
This is just a little sweet fluff for the holiday season. It takes place between chapters 19 and 20 of "All the Precious and Fragile Things". No spoilers here if you've read that far!
The Dog Debacle (or how best to sneak a dragon into the dreaming)
Morpheus' daughter gets a new dog.
Well..... kind of.
That Familiar Feeling of Family (or how Hob Gadling ended up as an uncle to his stranger's oftentimes feral children)
It's a pretty universally known thing that families are just strange. As Hob is quickly figuring out, however, this little fact is magnified by AT LEAST a billion when the family in question is Endless.
(A lighthearted story in which Hob Gadling finds out his stranger has married, makes friends with a homicidal maniac/ruler, and manages to become an exemplary uncle to a pack of magically mischievous children. Really, now all he has to do is convince everyone to stop calling his and Dream's weekly meetups "playdates", and then his life would be practically perfect.)
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
The Maker, the Muse, and the Sundered Song
In his temple, what remains of Orpheus waits in trepidation. Something is changing. Something that he knows might alter the very fabric of the world as he understands it.
Finally freed from captivity, Calliope struggles to make any meaningful changes to the laws that saw her bound and taken in the first place. When the strange woman appears on Mount Parnassus and offers help, Calliope knows she would be a fool not to accept it. Even if she thinks that she's being lied to.
Meanwhile in the peace of the Dreaming, Morpheus grapples with guilt over his son's fate. As he basks in the love of his new children, he can't help but to regret his own failings where Orpheus is concerned.
And as for May, she's really just got a job to do. And her own traumatic issues to deal with. And if it's all hella awkward because she's having to work alongside her husband's ex-wife, she'll see it done anyway. There's even the small possibility that she might eventually admit to Calliope the truth about her identity. That is if she can ever actually work up the courage to say it aloud.
Chapter 1
Nothing in This Closet but Boots and a Boy
Morpheus is wildly protective of his daughter.
That's probably bad for the boy in said daughter's closet.
AU's and Other Stuff in the Sandman 'Verse
Of Exes, Hellhounds, and Waffle Fries
Morpheus shows up to rescue the woman he probably loves (though he won't admit it) from hellhounds and ends up getting roped into helping with her family. This is one of those extras that doesn't fit into the main story, but it's fun, so I'm posting it.
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The Bizarre Breeding Habits of Anthropomorphic Personifications
It's a tale as old as time.
Two idiots fall in love. Two idiots fall out of love.
Neither one of them is expecting a baby to come along and derail their unhappily ever after.
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Original Fanart
I like to play around with different styles and to try new things with my artwork. Sometimes it works. Sometimes it doesn't. I'm still learning, and I am so far from being a professional that it's laughable. But I only post things that I think look decent or that I think others might enjoy.
The Lover's Argument (Morpheus x oc)
Oneiros (Morpheus in Grecian garb)
Because I could not stop for Death, she kindly stopped for me... (Regency era Dream and Death)
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nbwriteschaos · 6 months
re: writing commissions.
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---- my writing commissions are OPEN! all info can be found within this post or in this google doc. please dm for any inquiry or request!!
!!!fiction, nonfiction, original works, smut, etc!!!
1 thousand words ♡ $10 USD
2 thousand words ♡ $12 USD
3 thousand words ♡ $15 USD
4 thousand words ♡ $20 USD
5 thousand to 10 thousand words ♡ starts at $25 USD
---- all payments are processed through paypal only. payments must be submitted first before i begin the commission. refunds are not available but i will rewrite a commission if you are not satisfied :)
more below ...
(this may format a little funny as i'm copying and pasting some info from my doc, sorry!!)
-- as for pricing
((I do not accept negotiations as far as pricing! I’ve priced my commissions based on what I think my time and effort is worth while also maintaining affordability. There are to be NO REFUNDS.  If you are unsatisfied with the result of your commission I am open to rewriting it once more to ensure your satisfaction. All payments are accepted through Paypal. I am working on opening some sort of website to provide the best experience for commissions as well, but for now, Paypal and Tumblr are the best I’ve got. 
Please let it be noted that although I am an experienced writer, I do not have the qualifications of a professional published author. I am simply a person at their laptop trying to build a future career as a writer :)
You will not be charged if I go over your paid word count!!
Custom word counts between 5k and 10k will be charged based on how I see fit. **It will not go over $60 USD** ))
-- as for boundaries
i will write mostly anything. even if it seems a little questionable, i'll probably do it. for example:
a super sad angsty character death probably nobody but yourself would want to read, that one coffee shop/tattoo artist au you've been wanting to read but can't find on ao3, or like, idk, a fantasy involving d*bcon, f*rry, p*ssplay, whump/whumpee, mpr*g, terat*philia (monster fucking), obscure s*xual organs, g*re (ask me about this one if you are looking for smut involving g*re), v*yeurism, size differences, or other common k*nks.
i do request some sort of age verification if you are commissioning for smut.
strict NOs:
No extreme depictions of SH or s*icide. No animal a*use, death or g*re. Nothing depicting extreme homophobia or transphobia. No politics or opinion-based pieces of writing. No depictions of child or adult a*use of any kind. No extreme drug use. No underage, fe*derism, sc*t/f*rts/underarms/feet/sneezing, be*stiality, n*ncon, age pl*y/massive age difference, inc*st.
i have a right to deny any commission for any reason!
-- as for fandoms
I can and will attempt to write for any fandom I am not familiar with so long as there is enough info that has been provided for it!! However, I can’t guarantee it will be perfect. Here are fandoms I am familiar with and will write for: 
Anime/Cartoons: Genshin Impact, My Hero Academia, Tokyo Ghoul, Toilet Bound Hanako Kun, Fullmetal Alchemist, Death Note, Chainsaw Man, Spy x Family, Jujutsu Kaisen, My Melody, Free!!!, Haikyuu!!!, One Punch Man, Mob Psycho 100, Demon Slayer, Hunter x Hunter, JJBA, Black Butler, Bungou Stray Dogs, Yuri on Ice, Kakegurui, Attack on Titan, Noragami, Adventure Time, Steven Universe. Probably more, just ask! 
Books: The Raven Cycle, The Dreamer Trilogy, Simon Snow Trilogy, The Foxhole Court series. Monstrous Series. Anything more obscure check out my Goodreads profile!! 
I am 100% down to write your original characters and plots!! In fact, I encourage it! For maximum accuracy, please provide as much information as you can for each character, plot, setting, etc! 
if you have any other questions feel free to send a DM or an ask and i'll get back to you as soon as possible! you can also check out the doc to see if it is answered there!
if you read this far, please feel free to reblog just to spread the love. i'd really appreciate it! thank you!!!
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acre-of-wheat · 3 months
Tagged by @spybrarian! Thaaaank you!
1. How many works do you have on Ao3? 
I have 26
2. What’s your total Ao3 word count? 
3. What fandoms do you write for?
I used to write Clexa, but now I just write Tanthamore
4. What are your top five fics by kudos?
Network Connectivity Issues (ahead by a lot)
A story I'm deeply in love with writing, due to its closeness to my heart and because of the novel way it's written-- which is live on a discord server whenever the mood strikes. Fanfic is typically serialized work, but this feels like...even closer to that immediacy, and it can be quite electric.
The Pieces
A collaborative collection of one shots in the Kinkverse universe (talked about below)
The Bite
Canon compliant fic about longing and how it can come out in your teeth.
The Stones
Essentially a sick fic with some fun world building
The Test
Long distance edging and denial. The fantasies were some of my favorite things to write.
5. Do you respond to comments?
I try to! Sometimes it takes me awhile!
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? 
Out of finished fics I suppose it would be The Beloved Prey, though I do have a handful of things I've written to continue that.
Unfinished it would be the unpublished sequel to My Own Echo.
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? 
I think maybe The Stones. Magic holding and accepting Jade because of Kit's love for her feels pretty happy.
Oh! And Network Connection Secure. The Cam girls having a proposal moment that's distinctly them? Very sweet and I wrote it for Christmas.
8. Do you get hate on fics? 
Not on these ones!
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind? 
Yes, yes I do. The majority of my work contains it. I think the weirdest I've written (so far) is probably Spare the Rod.
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
I'm not really big on crossovers, so this isn't something I've done. I'll go hard on an AU though.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
12. Have you ever had a fic translated? 
Nope! Translation is an art in itself-- I think I'd find the idea of someone doing that a little daunting?
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before? 
Kinda! @swashbucklery, @spybrarian, @commanderbuffy and I have all written pieces in what we call the Kinkverse. It was a brain child of mine that started with The Lesson, but has since become a collaborative writing world. It's been one of the most lovely experiences of my creative life. J has also written some supplemental material for NCI that I adore. @barmaid-anon and I brainstorm deranged plot ideas constantly, and she is my best/worst little gay graphic critic.
14. What’s your all-time favorite ship?
I'm going to need to say Tanthamore.
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will? 
I'm not going to speak this into existence. I'll say that there are a few fics that I have agonized over for a very, very, very, very, very long time.
16. What are your writing strengths? 
I think I get to the point pretty well. I keep action and development moving. I think I do some good figurative language. I trust my instincts on where a story needs to go next.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
The Agonies. The connective tissue between important scenes. Not knowing what to have characters do when they're on their own. Run on sentences. Too many WIPs and not enough commitment.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic? 
I haven't ever found it necessary? I guess I feel about it the way I feel about captions for another language. You know when captions will say "speaks in a foreign language?" Bane of my existence. Either translate it or get out of here.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Pretty Little Liars. I was a big Paily fan for awhile there. Those live back on fanfiction.net
20. Favourite fic you’ve written? 
The Past feels really good to write because it pulls together all these threads in my brain for the Kinkverse girls, and it feels very unifying for that vision. It's satisfying connecting the dots.
As for who to tag on this: @barmaid-anon, @commanderbuffy, @swashbucklery, @multiplefandommess, @vetiverriver, @onlyshestandsthere, @claymoressword, @kittanthaloselorashield
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askthefruitycorpses · 8 months
★彡 𝙄𝙣𝙩𝙧𝙤𝙙𝙪𝙘𝙩𝙞𝙤𝙣 / 𝙋𝙞𝙣𝙣𝙚𝙙 𝙞𝙣𝙛𝙤!! 彡★
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★.•♫•♬• ▀▄▀▄▀▄ 𝐖𝐄𝐋𝐂𝐎𝐌𝐄 ▄▀▄▀▄▀ •♬•♫•. ★
Hi!! Welcome to another Davesport ask blog. We had wanted to make one for some time but never fully thought people would care but we are happy to make one now! The one writing this post is me, @yui-lover-33! This is a blog that is run by me and my boyfriend @xe-the-void !! We co-own the account and general blog and will answer questions separately or together. Most of the time it may be together but don't get your hopes up as we balance our personal lives with this.
This blog won't be too different from many other davesport blogs other than the Dave and Jack are just me and boyfriends vers which just how our own personal projections and changes of backstory. The two aren't fully accurate as they have their differences from the cannon. You can ask them about it or not if you already know and have seen my posts on my main and twitter.
Whats the point of this pinned post?
It's just to better inform you on rules, characters, ownership of said characters, and creator stuff.
Side note: If you wanna know who is who posting or talking look for these indicators!! <:D!
Yui -🦎 Xe - 💜 Both - 💚💜
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★彡 ▀▄▀▄▀▄ 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐎𝐰𝐧𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐩𝐬 ▄▀▄▀▄▀ 彡★
As stated before this will clear up who owns what characters. (Yes, we own and draw specific DSAF characters.) It's not really owning them actually more so which ones we design and claim in the blog.
Keep in mind some are not designed and finished so some may come as a later surprise if you choose to ask them.
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Any characters not displayed such as the other Phoneys just don't have designs and may not be included for a while. This may change later down the line, but your stuck with Harry and Rebecca for now.
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╰☆☆ ▀▄▀▄▀▄ 𝐆𝐞𝐧𝐞𝐫𝐚𝐥 𝐠𝐫𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐝 𝐫𝐮𝐥𝐞𝐬 ▄▀▄▀▄▀ ☆☆╮
Is asking other DSAF okay?
Generally yes, you can ask whatever characters from DSAF you want here. Our main focus is just Jack and Dave but we will happily do the others if you ask them.
Just wanted to clear that general question up but I'll state the ground rules now
I of all people want to make this extremely clear as it pisses me the fuck off and I will not tolerate any shit like that. If ones like this are sent I can and will just instantly delete them. Me and my boyfriend are minors as of this post and will not do shit like that. Even if we turn 18 we will not do it due to a younger following!
Please keep stuff SFW and on topic with the blog
From our past experiences with ask blogs, It does nothing but irritate us when people try to insert their characters into the sk blog and do weird things. We both ask that you please stay on topic with the ask blog and account with the fandom and game we are doing please.
Please don't do weird magic Annon shit
We will allow magic annons but in no way any weird shit such as IDK fetish stuff, Possibly genderbending ( since Dave and Jack are trans ), turning characters into kids, and just general gender changing or any stuff like that. asks that discomfort us will always be deleted unless the habit is repeated then we will state it.
Please don't force your ver / ideas onto our versions
The vers we have are very personal to us and we please ask that you don't fetishize, change, be rude, or just generally try to switch them up. We ask that you respect the way we portray them as it is our preferred and most comfortable way.
» For more information on boundaries I recommend you refer to the carrd I made for em :P
Overall, this will get updates over time, but almost half the time we will take the responsibility and charge to delete asks we don't like or don't feel comfortable with asking. It's no harsh feeling but we state what the grounds are here for all of you to know. We just do what we think is best and we just ask that you respect that.
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So...I have an update I'd like to give on my big tma analysis posts.
As I'm sure anyone who's been following them have noticed, these posts have been on hiatus for quite a while now, and...there's quite a few reasons for that, which I'd like to finally share. I'll go into more detail below the cut, but...it is for these reasons that I have ultimately decided to quit putting these posts out in their current form. I'm not going to stop sharing my thoughts, feelings and analysis on tma alltogether, far from it, but...I am going to drastically change the way I share those thoughts, feelings and analysis with others. Here's why.
Also, I’m going to make this my new pinned post, so here’s a link to the old one containing all of my previous tma analysis posts.
I want to start off by saying that...overall, writing these posts over the past seven months or so has been a wonderful experience, seriously. With massive hyperfixations like this, it can usually be hard to properly express everything I think about them, especially given how I usually have very little people to talk to about my interests in the first place. But writing these posts...has honestly kind of fixed that. I've been able to say almost everything I want to about this amazing work of fiction, document my experience listening to it for the first time, and meet some really kind people who are into the same thing as me, and are always offering lovely support for my writing. It's one of the most emotionally validating experiences I've ever had, and I cannot stress how grateful I am to everyone's who's offered me support and encouragement. However, while I have no intention of throwing this all away...the way I've decided to write these posts has admittedly led to a number of not so great things for my life and psychological state, and I would rather do away with those.
Firstly, it's no secret to anyone who's been reading these that they have been getting progressively longer and longer, to the point where my previous post on the final 10 episodes of Season 2 was the length of a goddamn novel. But...as much as I've tried to deny it, that ever expanding length has been making it more and more of a slog to write these. Like...the currently work-in-progress post on the first 10 episodes of Season 3, which isn't even halfway done, is already at roughly 60k words, and...I feel like that's a bit too much. And the thing is...I absolutely love tma, truly, but...listening to it has basically become a chore due to the monumental task I've put upon myself, and...I don't want it to feel like that. I want listening to tma to be something I can do for fun, and this...isn't always fun.
The feeling I get when I complete a part of the post on a certain episode, or read a lovingly made reply is still one of the best feelings I've ever had, but...I really want to go back to being able to listen to tma as a leisurely and pleasurable way of spending my time, rather than a duty I'm obliged to. I want to be able to catch up and get the chance to listen to The Magnus Protocol alongside the rest of the fandom as new episodes come out, a goal that is becoming more and more unrealistic as time goes on given the amount of time it takes me to write about an episode, let alone mentally unpack it with how much is happening.
It...might not come as much of a suprise that as of now, the most recent episode of tma I have listened to is MAG 85: Upon the Stair. An absolutely brilliant episode that I loved for its amazing storytelling and use of The Spiral, but...also one where it feels like an impossible task to write something coherent about. I spent literal weeks trying to write something that I felt expressed my thoughts on this episode in a clear way, but...I just couldn't do it, and it became harder and harder to write the more I put it off. I haven't even felt like I’m able to listen to the podcast I'm writing about in the first place ever since, all because I've been trying to jump over this very mentally taxing hurdle. Now, I assure you that I am not canning this entire project simply because of one intentionally impossible to comprehend episode. If I wanted to, I could very well just...skip writing about the episode and then continue onwards. But...I mention this because ultimately, the episode highlighted a lot of problems with my way of putting these out for me. It made me reach a point where I could no longer deny the fact that...writing these posts was not something I was doing for fun anymore. Not because of the quality of the show or because of pressure being put on me from others, far from it. Let me be perfectly clear when I say that tma is just as good as it has always been, if not the best it's ever been, and all of you have been nothing but extremely polite and ridiculously patient any time I've mentioned my struggles with writing. Rather...I think that by chaining myself to a responsibility I created, I have made this task less fun for myself, and...I don't think I can make it fun again without heavily changing the way that I approach it. This is all a very long-winded way of saying that...I want to enjoy myself. I want to get back to listening to tma for fun, I want to at the very least be able to listen to the final season of tmagp for the first time alongside other people, and...I just want to feel a bit more free.
However, it's not just my self-destructive behavior that's making it harder for me to write these. As I've mentioned before, it's quite frequent that I'm prevented from writing these...simply due to general life circumstances, some more negative than others. Right now, I'm...at a point in my life where I'm figuring a lot of things out, both in terms of how I feel about myself and in terms of how I'm going to approach life going forward. . You see, if I'm being completely honest, the reason I've been able to write posts these long in the first place is because...well, for one thing it's my autism and likely ADHD that I'm trying to get diagnosed and medicated for, the latter of which is...one of quite a few big stressful things that have been going on these past couple of months. But that aside...I've been a mostly shut-indoors person with a lot of free time on their hands, both of which are gradually waning over time. Right now, I'm trying to get out in the world a bit more, make some new friends and try some new things, and the preparation I'm doing for my exams is getting more and more serious and time-consuming by the day, and...hopefully, if I can get through these exams, I'll be able to leave the currently online-only school I'm at and finally get back out into the open world. ...Ok that got personal real quick, but my point it...there's a lot going on in life for me, and as much as I really do cherish all of this writing and rambling about this thing I really like...even I can realize that there's a point where the line is drawn, and I have to set my priorities straight. Right now, I'm discovering my place in the world, moving on to the next part of my life, even trying out some new hobbies when I get the chance, and...that might just mean I have to put these posts to the side.
Overall...I really do hate to do this. Like...a lot. I understand that this is probably pretty disappointing, especially after nearly two months of complete radio silence, and believe me, it's disappointing to me as well. I...felt really confident that I would be able to do this for...what will one day become 290 episodes of Magpod. But...I think I've needed to realize for a while now that...the way I'm writing these posts isn't doing me many favors. With how full my plate is going to become over the course of the next year or so, and with how I've been feeling about this whole project...I think I have to unfortunately give it a premature death.
....Well...not exactly. ...Come on, you didn't REALLY think I was going to put my spooky podcast hyperfixation in the garbage like that, did you? No way. Not a chance in hell. As I've said, listening to this podcast and being able to talk about it with all of these amazing people is one of the best things to ever happen to me, and I am not about to throw that experience to the wayside just like that. I still want to find a way to post all my thoughts and theories on this lovely work of art, and talk about it with other people, just...maybe in a way that's not nearly as much of an expense of my time and energy. Because, like...as cathartic as it is to gaze upon my 80,000 word long wall of text, it...really doesn't give me much more than an ego boost and bragging rights, and...those are not nearly as valuable to me as all of the stuff I just mentioned. Hell, I don't think the overall format of my posts is necessary to get my points across...at all. Like, yeah, I think it has a pretty nice structure, but...I don't think I need to re-itterate myself nearly as much as I do, and...be honest, are the recaps of episodes REALLY all that needed? Because...like...I know that they can be helpful to anyone reading them who hasn't listened to tma in a while, but...sorry if this is blunt, but if you REALLY can't remember some miscellaneous detail I mention...honestly just google it. Like...I swear I am not going to try and gaslight you in my tma analysis posts, unless it's in a funny Michael-core way. Basically, all of this is a...fittingly long-winded way of saying that I'm still going to be posting my thoughts on tma, just...in a different form. Here's the plan.
Rather than release super comprehensive gigantic essays every ten episodes, I think I'm going to just opt to release short little...collections of bullet points, which will put out my thoughts, feelings and theories on the episode I just listened to (most of the time anyways, if I for whatever reason don't have the time to make one then I'll just put my thoughts alongside the post for the next episode), albeit in a much more informal, insane brainrot, freaking out all over the place sort of way. ...Ok, that's hyperbole, I'll still try my best to sound coherent. It might not be nearly as structured as my previous way of writing this, but it'll be way easier for me to write and much less time-consuming, while still hopefully managing to get everything I want to say out there for other people to see. Hell, doing it like this might make it so that it's easier for others to digest, and might display thoughts that are even fresher in my mind as well.
And...even then, I still want to put out the occasional big essay post here and there. Probably not as big as something like my last Season 2 post, but...just a lot more of a structured and well thought out script if you catch my drift. These won't be coming out on any sort of clear and discernable schedule mind you, just...whenever I both feel like it and have the time to write it. If there's an episode, character or concept that I feel really deserves a deep dive, or a big grandiose theory that I want to explain in great detail, then...that'll get its own dedicated post. I already know that I want to make a big post all about Michael whenever his character finally gets some more explanation, along with a post detailing my overall thoughts and feelings on the podcast both after I finish MAG 200 and for when The Magnus Protocol finishes, probably some retrospective stuff much later down the line, and likely a bunch of other stuff that hasn't even crossed my mind yet. Rest assured that...I am not stopping any time soon. I still want to use this blog to talk about this podcast in some way, shape or form as I make my way through it, I just...might need to change my method of doing so into something that's...a little bit nicer to myself. And hey, if you have any suggestions as to how I continue this going forward, please let me know. If anyone wants to see what I had initially planned for my first post on Season 3, that's still in my drafts and I'd be more than willing to post it, even if it feels a little bit anticlimactic. I just hope that the people who have enjoyed hearing my thoughts will be willing to stick around, even if I express those thoughts a little bit differently. :) ...And before anyone says it I am more than aware of the irony of writing an essay about why I refuse to write essays.
Well...thanks to everyone who read this. I hope that everyone's ok with my decision here. Ultimately, there is a part of me that will miss the feeling of being able to marvel at posts so big that I made, but...at the end of the day, if I can find a way to finally feel unconstrained by self-inflicted tasks every day without guilt, and make greater progress in my social, personal and academic life, AND still be able to share my thoughts on tma with others despite all of that, then...I think the essay format is a sacrifice I'm (mostly) willing to make. Maybe doing this might also allow me to share other creations of mine on this hellsite if people are at all interested. I'm trying to get better at drawing and would love to post some art for both tma and other hyperfixations when I'm feeling more confident, and maybe write things for other topics as well. ...I don't know how many people who follow me are familiar with Hollow Knight lore, but I've been replaying the game for a Steel Soul run after a good while of not having touched it, and...let's just say that I have made some interesting discoveries that I haven't seen anyone else talk about before. But...that's a topic for another time. Anyways, I'd just like to put out some special thanks to some of the biggest supporters of this whole project, even if it's earlier than I expected to do so.
@b100k, for introducing me to tma in the first place and being an overall great friend who always lets me incoherently ramble about an episode immediately after I finish it.
Both @theguiltinessisyours and @spookygiantturtleshoe-blog for always having left lovely replies on my posts ever since they discovered them
And finally, anyone who has taken the time to read, like, reblog or reply to even one of these posts at any point in time. As corny as it sounds, all of you really do make my day a little bit brighter every time I see one of you :)
Well...that's all from me. Once again, thanks so much for reading, and...I hope you'll enjoy whatever I make next.
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wondrouswendy · 3 months
Tagged by the incredibly kind @nanuk-the-bat 😊 Thanks for tagging me!
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
Currently 86 fics!
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
736,742 -- somehow it feels like this should be much higher, but there are several stories which haven't made it to AO3.
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Currently Alan Wake and Control. In the past, I've written for Hades, World of Warcraft, Overwatch, Star Wars, Dragon Age, Mass Effect, just to name the big ones.
4. Top five fics by kudos
The Coming of Butterflies - Zagreus/Thanatos, a Hades fic
Out of My Hands and Into Your Heart - Alan Wake/Fictional Alex Casey, an Alan Wake fic
Sometime Around Midnight - Majima/Makoto, a Yakuza 0 fic
The Water - Reaper76, an Overwatch fic
What We Leave Behind - Hanzo/the Cowboy, Overwatch fic
5. Do you respond to comments?
Yes. I try to reply to every comment because I really appreciate people taking the time to leave them. It's easy to just read a fic and drop a kudos. It takes more time to think of something to say.
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Well, Out of My Hands is a tragedy, so I think that qualifies as angstiest. However, I think several of my Trench/Darling fics are angsty given the nature of the pairing.
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
The Runaway Rabbit had a very uplifting ending, for being a sex pollen fic.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Not in recent years, but I've received 2 hate comments in the past.
9. Do you write smut?
Yep. E rated fics are my most common on my profile!
10. Craziest crossover?
I'm not a fan of crossovers, but I have some ideas being cooked up for my third installment of my Fictional CaseyWake story that are crossover-esque.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Thankfully not, I'd be extremely angry if that happened.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Yes, I've had a few translated, namely The Coming of Butterflies.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Yes, I've written several fics with @rangerzath. From OCs and beyond, we've written a lot together. We've recently started collaborating on comics, which has been a lot of fun!
14. All time favourite ship?
15. What's a wip you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
I don't know about doubting. I don't want to close the door on anything. I want to get back to Days of Thunder and Forever and Always someday!
16. What are your writing strengths?
I like to think I write characters in character really well, like I capture their voices accurately. So dialogue, then.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Finishing stories. Not becoming discouraged. Staying motivated. Resisting the urge to publish prematurely. Descriptions take a lot of time and thought. I try not to be repetitive, too, so it requires needing to get extra creative for said descriptions.
18. Thoughts on dialogue in another language?
I think there's a time and place for it.
19. First fandom you wrote in?
If we're talking about the original... then Inuyasha lol.
20. Favorite fic you've written?
Out of My Hands and Into Your Heart. I tried my best to write a story detailing Alan's life before Bright Falls, his struggles, his moments of joy. I really just wanted to explore what could have led to Alan killing off Casey in The Sudden Stop. I wanted to explore the Writer's Journey(TM) and all the victories and setbacks creatives experience, because that vicious cycle is very much at the heart of Alan Wake as a series. I think I'll always be proud of it for what it accomplished, and I'm very pleased it's a finished story under my belt too. I'll tag @rangerzath @pintsizeninja @pinkomcranger @hearts-are-connected and @star-spangled-bastard (if you've been tagged already, sorry for the spam!)❤️
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Hello everyone. I apologize for disappearing for a while. I know I promised to finish all the confessions and close them indefinitely, but with everything that has been going on in the past few months, I have just been reflecting a lot. After much consideration, I have made a decision:
On January 2, 2024, I am considering deleting this blog.
So with this said, I guess you might be wondering why, Well, I'll list the reasons. Been doing so for this long right?
I had been hesitant to admit it, but after some contemplation, I have come to the realization that this blog is becoming a negative experience for me. I've had to make confessions that I don't agree with and deal with anonymous hate for sharing confessions that I didn't even write. Trying to please everyone has also affected my own beliefs. Additionally, the lack of western magical girl shows has resulted in repetitive confessions. It's unfortunate, but my feelings about this blog may continue to fluctuate.
From then till now, I always said that not all the confessions made were by me, but I do admit that some of them were my own. I just want to be honest with all of you. I'm not proud of some of the confessions I made. Some aged like milk. Even though I know that I may still come across certain confessions that leave a bad taste in my mouth to this day, I just want to leave this part of my life behind me.
I have been a fan of several TV series, such as Miraculous Ladybug, She-Ra, Equestria Girls, My Little Pony, many others. However, some of the fans of these shows have given me negative experiences that I don't want to remember. Sometimes, reading these confessions reminds me of those bad experiences. Hence, I want to move on and forget about them. Nevertheless, I will cherish the good memories that these shows and their fandom have given me.
I need assurance that I won't be able to access this blog again, in case I give in to the temptation of making confessions once more. My desire is to move on and channel my energy towards other productive activities that will benefit me in my life. This has been a long-term aspiration for me, which I didn't do entirely.
I know I've said this countless times in the past, but I'll say this for the final time. I'm dealing with personal things that are just a real ongoing struggle, and I want to focus all my time and energy on them. Running this blog has started to feel like a chore, and I believe I've gotten all the satisfaction from it that I wanted.
Also, I've thought about moving on to focus on more original projects. I don't want to completely share these ideas publicly yet, but I've been having some ideas in mind.
Lastly, I'm just tired of constantly having to explain myself. I know that I don't owe anyone an explanation and I am not obligated to keep this blog active, but I did. I did it because I genuinely cared about you all and wanted to create something fun for fans of the magical girl genre. I wanted to provide a platform for others to express their feelings and thoughts without fear of being canceled. Unfortunately, I no longer want to do this…
Sorry guys for the redundant posts lol Let's just hope that this will be the last one until this blog closes (or goes inactive indefinitely). There’s no guarantee that I will delete this blog, but I’m just saying prepare for the possibility in the future. So if there’s anything that you would like to save or archive, then now’s the time to do so. I'm not entirely sure if I'm going to finish the remaining confessions in the box or not, because there's a strong possibility that I'll delete this blog anyway.
So if anyone has any thoughts or ideas or anything, feel free to say so. I have to admit, I'm going to miss this blog, but this is probably for the best.
Thanks again guys, and as always, stay magical.
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If you wish to reach me (the mod), my main account is @misssakurapetal27
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lea-khena · 5 months
for the ask game, 7 and 8 for javier :0
Ty for the questions!! Asks for my favorite blorbo deserve a little gif huehue
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7. What's something the fandom does when it comes to this character that you like?
Interpreting fandoms can be a bit hard sometimes because reactions vary depending where you're at? I feel like that's particularly the case for javier too, depending on which platform you look at or which part of the fandom youre from, if youre a casual javier lover or not, if youre from the oc x javier shippers or canon x javier shippers or no shipper club... So I'll try to do my best to give my thoughts about it but it wont be too easy.
I feel like in general the fandom here on tumblr at least seems to realise that hes more than just a villain (thats a whole other story on other platforms though like youtube or tiktok), they know he's suffered a lot of loss and traumas and take that into account for his actions. There's a few fans, mostly in the jovier nation, that really explore his character in depth, which is one of the main reasons why i enjoy the ship. That part of the fandom dont always make him all suave and seductive, they also make him awkward and human. I like the part of the fandom that gives him nuance but obviously thats not what i see everywhere.
8. What's something the fandom does when it comes to this character that you despise?
Once again, depends where you look at in the fandom but its pretty much the opposite of what ive stated earlier. When people put him as simply a villain and nothing more and talk about his "betrayal" to John and Arthur without understanding his motives behind, that's smt ive seen plenty of time on youtube but not so much on tumblr. Never fails to make me mad when i see these takes. I've also seen a lot of javier x oc where they write him kinda ooc, like i said all suave and seductive when hes more than just a mexican stereotype.
The one thing though that bothers me more is smt i wish was talked about more often about his character : the importance of his experience and past trauma as an immigrant coming from a country of violence poverty and corruption, and the importance of his love for his country and his past as a revolutionary. The fandom talks plenty about how javier suffered from losing his family twice, but its more than that, Javier is interesting for more than just that. Ofc its sad and it gives the feels to talk about family tropes and i love it just as much but javier is a man who's blood has been marked by the fires and violence of Mexico. A lot of his behavior can be explained to that, to this crooked root in him. I myself come from a country of war and extreme violence as a second generation immigrant though so that's maybe why for me that's something i particularly latch onto his character but i just wish it was more talked about.
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losersroom · 4 months
twenty questions for fic writers
tagged by @tetrapod7! thanks man, this was a fun one.
1. how many works do you have on ao3? 17 on my current account. there's more on my old one and obviously that doesn't count everything i published on other platforms (livejournal, ff.net) in the ancient days, lol
2. what's your total ao3 wordcount? again just on the wolfspider account, 168,153. i cant tell if that feels low or high to me
3. what fandoms do you write for? right now, just wild hrpf. in the past it's been mostly anime and various cartoons.
4. top five fics by kudos: i'm hitting the skip button on this because like. wrt my own work i think it's not a very good metric of EITHER how popular those stories actually were OR the quality of them; they're mostly the TUA ones and im chalking that up to that fandom being Huge when i was active. my most kudos'd fic of all time is still how much was mine to keep, though, and i think that one holds up.
5. do you respond to comments? i try to now. i went through a long phase of not engaging with comments due to Social Anxiety and also being kind of fed up with the hyper-combative culture in the fandoms i was in. like i wanted to just yeet my work out there and be done with it. in hrpf fandom i'm actually interested in the community aspect though so ive been trying to get over myself and respond as best i can.
6. what is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? the brodsfabes time loop fic, hands down. it's weird because as a reader i am um. not very into unhappy endings or unconsummated angst but every once in a while when i'm writing i'll get into a Mood and write something viscerally upsetting. anyway that one was pretty clearly me processing some grief that was happening in my real life, lol.
7. what's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? probably entangled, from my spiderverse days. ngl i kind of hate it now though so let's move on from this. i think most of my fic has happy or at least ambiguously-positive endings, though.
8. do you get hate on fics? only one time ever and it was someone complaining that a ship i tagged for wasn't present in the story after One Chapter so. we're discounting that one. i've been pretty lucky!
9. do you write smut? yeah. my relationship with writing pornography ebbs and flows, like. sometimes i'll be really into it but sometimes i'll just stick a sex scene into a story where i feel like it's the least interesting thing that happens because people expect it and aren't going to read a romance that isn't leading up to that. i'm a horrible pervert and building up to a sex scene is an easy way to give your story a climax (...in multiple senses of the word) though so. why not.
10. craziest crossover: i don't write crossovers but if i did it would be the insane one ive been thinking about lately where the minnesota wild are stuck in the dungeon from dungeon meshi
11. have you ever had a fic stolen? not to a degree that i can prove it but part of the reason i left TUA fandom was somebody, in my opinion, ripped off large chunks of one of my fics and did just enough massaging of the language to make it defensible as Not Plagiarism. ruined the whole experience for me though.
12. have you ever had a fic translated? no, i think that would be one of the highest honors i could receive as a writer though. i wish i knew enough of a second language to translate my own work, but i'm still at like a kindergarten level in japanese so that will. Not happen.
13. have you ever co-written a fic before? tried to once with someone i am no longer friends with, it was a disaster. never gonna do that again. i am just too much of a control freak to relinquish any amount of creative decisionmaking i think.
14. all time favorite ship? don't have one! i tend to like hyperfixate on one ship for anywhere from one month to a year and a half and then when the brain juice runs out im Done and i never want to think about this concept again. im giving check please jackparse a point for being a ship i can read about post-fixation without getting bored but other than that. right now it's 725, in the future, who can say.
15. what's a wip you want to finish but never will? [stares at my overflowing gdocs draft folder. stares at the camera] i do not see it
16. what are your writing strengths? i like my prose, most of the time, and i think i'm pretty good at descriptive writing and like, internal character voice. sometimes i can accidentally stumble into excellent pacing
17. what are your writing weaknesses? INTENTIONALLY good pacing. writing dialogue that sounds like a human said it and not a sitcom character. i'm decent at line-by-line editing but awful at structural editing. recently ive become aware that i tend to subconsciously reuse certain plot beats a lot.
18. thoughts on dialogue in another language? like anything else, there's a way to do this that's fine and interesting and a way to do it that's insultingly terrible and it all depends on intent and execution. like if you're peppering in phrases in a second language just to show off that a character Is Foreign, don't do that. try to do it in a way that's realistic for how people talk. do it purposefully, i suppose
19. first fandom you wrote in? god dude i do NOT remember this was literally 21 years ago but probably either naruto or fullmetal alchemist.
20. favorite fic you've written? probably one of the unpublishable ones tbh. or the time loop one again. honestly i really like all my hrpf work, ive been putting out some bangers lately. it's nice to feel like ive been growing as an ~artist~ or whatever.
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poisonedspider · 4 months
I saw in the tags of one of your post, you said your version of angel duat is intersex & has both parts.
(This is not a hate ask btw)
Intersex does not mean "both parts". Intersex people with ambiguous genitalia have a single set that is somewhere between male & female, but they do not have a fully male and a fully female set. Reproductive organs have a lot of homologous features (clitoris/penis, labia/scrotum, teates/ovaries), in general intersex genitalia do not have duplicate features as what would be required to "have both".
This is all just fanfic, but it's important imo because the "both parts" stereotype is really prevalent, and it's very inaccurate and causes us a lot of problems medically and socially. I'm an intersex person with a phallus instead of a clitoris, and labia instead of a scrotum. I personally refer to myself as "between male & female", because it's more accurate. I have no problems with people writing intersex characters in NSFW contexts, just please do so in a way that is respectful to us! If you do want to write a character with a fully male & fully female set of genitalia, I would recommend referring to them as salmacian, and not intersex. Try to avoid the word futa, as this is the shortened version of a slur for us. Same with herm.
Have a nice day!
I want to start this off by saying thank you, immensely, for starting by saying this isn't a hate anon. Based on past fandom trauma, I always panic when I see a big block of text, especially from an anon.
I'm also going to say that I can be really bad with words (I'm also at work right now shhh) so I hope this doesn't come off as bad/attacky either, because it isn't meant to be! I'm just going to kick it off by saying, I'm specifically a gender and sexuality counselor. So I work with all sorts under the sun. And I think that what can be the biggest struggle is that there are different variations of everything (if that makes sense?) A majority of my clients that are intersex do just say 'I have both parts' because I think that's what makes them most comfortable? I can't speak for them. But that's how a lot of them speak. Since I'm personally not intersex, that's just what I know. I do have one friend who is intersex who has completely male genitalia, but female internalized sex organs (ovaries, etc.) I have a client who has, per their very blunt words, 'a dick and a vag' (tmi here but like in place of clit they clearly have full phallus, but then a vaginal hole? slit? I'm so weird with genitals). I should also point out this is very similar to my Angel.
THAT BEING SAID. Again, everyone's experience is very different, and I am incredibly aware that this experience is not mine. I would never want to upset anyone, especially in an area that I don't personally endure. The best thing I can relate this to (and I'm aware this is a terrible comparison) is being trans and how people all view it very differently (I'm loud and proud about being trans, versus my ex refused to let anyone know and thought I was a 'performative trans' person for doing so.) This is definitely something I'm going to keep in mind, because this is really helpful information, and I can't project only the experiences that I have witnessed onto the experience of the whole. So I'll be mindful of that, and thank you for this. <3
Also haaaaa yeah no way would I use those last two words. Fun fact, I punched a kid in high school for using the herm word. I don't tolerate that shit. So don't worry. <3
But I definitely think moving forward I'm going to just say 'both parts' rather than intersex. I was just trying to drive it as straight forward to people in a way I figured they could understand, especially as things are starting to get smutty on this blog. But hey, demon anatomy is weird af, and probably dissimilar to most humans anyways so there's nothing wrong with having to explain it in depth in a way that might confuse people.
I appreciate your kindness about this, and willingness to educate. I know a lot about this stuff due to my job and personal life, but we are all always needing to grow and learn.
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pinepickled · 2 days
❄️ ⇢ what's your dream theme/plot for a fic, and who would write it best?
🥤 ⇢ recommend an author or fanfic you love
🌵 ⇢ share the link to a playlist you love
THIS IS HARD!!!! When I dream of a fic, I simply write it.... there is one genre of fic that I really adore but can't bring myself to write and it's daemon aus, as in His Dark Materials. I *adore* the sort of "spirit animal" concept but I just can't write it myself! And this AU is so rare I can barely find any fics for it, especially in modern fandoms!!! It's such a dilemma for me, I'm begging *anyone* willing to write it.
I find myself wanting existing fics to update more, though. For instance, Whumpbby has a couple fics they haven't updated in years (no hate obviously, that's just how the cookie crumbles sometimes) but their Reaper76 one and Voltron Gijinka ones are really good and I am BEGGING for more. [Linked below)
Well, I can't recommend enough! Aside from the ones above, there's:
want to see your animal side by blackkat (but blackkat has said they want to distance themselves from this fandom so.... sigh). It's a Naruto yokai au Kakashi/Zabuza fic that's deliciously spicy and builds on Naruto's lore nicely. This is the fic that inspired my own fic series In the Snowfields!
Pretty Hyung Who Buys Me Food by InBooks which is a S Classes that I raised fic, Sung Hyunjae/Han Yoojin ofc, where instead of regressing 5 years, he regressed 20 and lost his memories 👀 sweet and funny and adorable, highly recommend
Never Ever by LostOzian (their archive) is a Tiger and Bunny fic, Omegaverse bc that's how we roll, where Tiger hasn't smelled a compatible Alpha that he liked ever, until Barnaby came along. The tension is so tight it could be a yaoi uke's asshole. Highly, highly recommend if you like slow burn and forced-proximity
A World of One Color by The Big Roman (Hammocker) is a Roman Sionis (Black Mask)/Jason Todd fic series that I drool over every time I think about it. Sadistic yet caring Roman and a Jason desperate to be loved, muah. Chefs kiss. Honestly anything in the Jason/Roman ao3 tag is perfect.
Designation: Miracle by Umisabaku is a kuroko no basket fic with all the classic pairings (and a curveball with my favorite, Akashi/Furihata) which is a sci fi au of KNB. Her summary is the best so I'll just copy:
"It's been three years since seven human experiments, called "Miracles," escaped Teiko Industries, alerting the world to the presence of super-powered children. Now they're finally integrating into society-- going to normal high schools, playing basketball, falling in love-- and trying to find out if it's possible to truly escape their past."
I find it so difficult to get into plot-heavy fic, especially these days, but this fic is a downright masterpiece. I can't emphasize enough: if you're going to read anything on this list, read this. The plots emotional and technical beats never disappoint, and Umisabaku has a rich and wonderful range of OCs that are just as if not more interesting than the characters we know. They've also written stunning original fiction you can find on their Tumblr!!! @/umisabaku
Tear into your Soul by Nirejseki. Just kinky fucked up Hashirama/Madara/Tobirama goodness.
Phew, that last section got long. Believe it or not, I don't really listen to Playlists! I let YouTube Recommended decide lmao. Here's one I enjoy though: https://youtu.be/nGjtdh5T9II
Thank you for the asks <3<3<3<3<3<3 I love doing these!
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nyoomerr · 7 months
tagged for the 'fic writer interview' by @mikkeneko! thanks for thinking of me, hopefully i have something interesting to share in it 🙈
Fic Writer Interview
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
21! the bingplush fic this last week finally pushed me over the edge of the page limit, i no longer have only a single page of fic!!
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
3. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
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every time i post a fic i hope to somehow oust 'to love another' from that #1 spot... every time i know it'll never happen :'D
4. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
every one i get, for the most part! i never want to take for granted the people who support me, and making sure i actually sit down and take the time and effort to respond to comments is, i've found, the best way for me to do that.
that being said, there are exceptions. i generally don't respond to criticism, general negativity, comments that don't really seem to be... about the fic, or comments that have a grammar correction and nothing else 😅
5. What's the fic you've written with the angstiest ending?
'raised by winter winds' or 'you don't need poltergeists for sidekicks' - both have bittersweet endings, which is the closest i'll ever get to an unhappy end, LOL.
6. What's the fic you've written with the happiest ending?
discounting the short fics i've done that are just slice of life / domestic bliss for bingqiu, probably 'shallow water weather.' as happy an ending as any of my stuff, but with none of the angst to get there 😂
7. Do you write crossovers?
nope, and generally don't plan to. even the AUs i do, i prefer to put them in a generic or original world than the world of another story.
8. Have you ever received hate on a fic?
oh sure, law of large numbers and all that. the truly nasty hate, i just delete. generally i'd prefer to just ignore it, honestly, because i think deleting a comment is also a form of engagement with the hate that i don't necessarily want to give to the person who left it, but...
based on past experience, leaving the comment up and unanswered seems to invite other readers to engage with the hate in whatever way /they/ choose, and i really don't want to accidentally be the facilitator of a conflict :'D
9. Do you write smut?
nope, and i've learned to put that disclaimer in the notes of longfic i write 😅
10. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
ehhh not in this fandom (that i'm aware of), but i have had a translator go rogue - which is why i currently only allow translations of my fics to be posted on ao3 only.
11. Have you ever had a fic translated?
several times, + some podfics! outside of the odd occurrence mentioned above, they've all been wonderful opportunities. i have massive respect for everyone who spends time making fics more accessible to others!
12. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
no, and i feel like i'd be too picky to do so 😅 collabs in other ways - minibangs with artists, inspiration train games, etc - are all fun though, and i enjoy them!
13. What's your all-time favorite ship?
whichever version of bingqiu/binggeyuan ends up with lbh at his soggiest and most pathetic
14. What's a WIP that you want to finish but don't think you ever will?
i have a post canon bingliushen fic that's been sitting in my WIPs for... over two years? i like the idea of it a lot and think parts of it would be very fun!
unfortunately, though, i like bingliushen because i like bingqiu and i like liushen and i think that sqq has two hands. this does not lend itself well to writing fic where bingliushen get together, since every time i try to work on this WIP the focus keeps turning to trying to get lbh and lqg to coexist well enough to allow bingliushen... and sadly i'm just not really into bingliu :')
15. What are your writing strengths?
i think i do humor and dialogue well enough! it always makes me happy to hear that my fic made someone laugh :>
16. What are your writing weaknesses?
although i think i'm alright at writing angst, i do think i have a tendency to resolve it too quickly/easily. i personally really do not enjoy fics where angst gets dragged on for awhile, and i know that this preference affects the pacing of my own angst in a way that perhaps puts me too far on the other side of the spectrum, lmao.
17. What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic?
i'm not sure what this is actually referring to, honestly 😅 i guess i use italics for that...?
18. What was the first fandom you wrote for?
attack on titan (please forgive me for my crimes)
19. What's a fandom/ship you haven't written for yet but want to?
although i do have that aforementioned WIP, i really do want to actually finish a bingliushen fic... maybe i just need to give up and write a sqq harem fic like the old fandom days 😂
20. What's your favorite fic you've written?
generally, whatever fic i wrote 2-3 fics ago 😂 i tend to be offput by my most recent work, so work that i've had some space from but is still recent enough to reflect my current preferences and skills is what i always consider my favorite. right now, either rent a bingge or the sy!shixiong au!
and that's all the questions! i won't tag anyone 'cuz i'm a bit shy about that sort of thing, so anyone who wants to do it can take this as your invitation to do so!
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