#I'll need to double check how we're getting to the concert but THE TICKETS HAVE ALREADY BEEN PAYED FOR LETS GOOO
I think part of the reason that I love The Crane Wives so much is that they helped me find my voice again
once upon a time when I was but a small child my parents (mostly my mother) used to always record me singing. Secretly. No matter how many times I asked them to stop.
So I stopped singing.
And then I started listening to TCW, and my god I was bursting from the seams with music until I just started singing again
I usually still don't sing in front of my mother if I can help it but I do hum in front of her which is a good improvement
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xxkellsvixen19xx · 4 years
Spotlight: A Life Of A Troubled Celebrity Heartthrob Ch 7
Word Count: 3,437
Colson continued to be sick as the night dragged on. Dr Lander had warned of the side effects and advised Colson to keep hydrated. Tired of rushing him to the bathroom, Y/N called room service and requested a bucket filled it with sand and put it at Colson's side of the bed; in case he had another bout of nausea-which he did, for most of the night.
"I'm so sorry baby..sorry for putting you through this," Colson mumbled repeatedly.
"I got you babe. Don't worry... I'm here okay?" she cooed soothingly.
Y/N patiently wiped his face or mouth whenever he dribbled and held up the bucket for him when needed. She constantly made trips to the bathroom to wash the towel; to wipe the sweat off to keep his body cool. Colson was delirious until his fever broke, which was the point they finally got to rest.
Colson's phone kept buzzing on the night-stand until Y/N reached over and answered it; because she couldn't take it anymore. "Hello," she said groggily.
"Good afternoon Y/N," Byron said, "Any chance I can talk to your husband?"
"Hmmm.." Y/N groaned, "No can do By."
"Why? He still asleep or..? It's way after lunch-"
"Rather you come over and see for yourself," she croaked in her sleep deprived voice.
"Is everything okay?" Byron started to panic.
"See you soon By. I need to go back to sleep now so-bye," she hung up and went to the bathroom. Then called room service and ordered breakfast for herself since Colson was still knocked out.
Colson was still sound asleep so she tiptoed around as she cleaned up the bedroom. She flung the windows open and the fresh air that invaded the room was a welcome intrusion. The curtains she kept closed so as not to wake him. Colson's phone rang again and she rolled her eyes before answering.
"Hi Mrs Baker! How are you this fine afternoon?" Jax said with enthusiasm.
"Jax," Y/N groaned.
"Everything okay there? Anything I should know?" he inquired.
"Just get here and you will find the answer to all your questions," she sighed as she cut the call.
"Hey-is Colson around?" Slim asked.
"Hey Slim. Yes but he's still asleep," Y/N said for the umpteenth time.
"We have a sound check at four so was wondering-"
"It's not going to happen," she said flatly.
"I'm coming over," Slim saved her the trouble of hanging up.
The phone wouldn't stop ringing. She was almost tempted to switch it off.
"Hi Mrs Baker this is Dr Lander..from last night at the hospital?"
"Oh hi Doc," Y/N said, "I'm going to get the driver to bring you tickets right away. Take care."
A few minutes later she heard a loud knock on the door; when the door swung open Slim, Jax and Byron were waiting outside. Y/N glanced at them and grunted a greeting before walking back into the bedroom. She had thrown on decent PJs and tied her hair in a messy bun. They trailed behind her quietly and stood at the door waiting for her to allow them to get in.
"Colson is sick," she stated in a flat tone, "I took him to the hospital last night but he seemed better and then he got worse. Fever, nausea-all of it," she leaned against the headboard and rubbed her forehead.
"Why didn't you call us?" Slim asked.
"He insisted that you all needed a day off and he was against the idea of calling any of you," she dug her hands into her luscious long hair as she pushed it back. Slim stared openly and shook himself before anyone else noticed.
"Let's not have this discussion here, we might wake him up. He needs his rest and so does Y/N," Byron led them back into the living room.
"So today is the last day of the tour and Colson seems out of it," Byron rubbed his chin worriedly.
"What do we do?" Jax asked as he sat down.
"We can improvise.." Slim suggested.
"How?" Byron asked in a low voice.
"We can give him a little pick me up.." Slim smiled slyly "it works like a charm.."
"No!" Jax said adamantly as he rose to his feet.
"Look-it's the last concert guys c'mon. We can't be refunding fans that got tickets already. Need I remind you it was a sell out show?" Slim whispered defensively, "Besides everyone in showbiz does it."
"What you're proposing will do more harm than good," Jax whispered fiercely.
"Guys let's take five shall we? Deep breaths everyone.." Byron raised his hands, "That's it.."
"Don't tell me you're in agreement with him??" Jax turned to Byron, shock registering on his face.
"Well..I.." Byron looked around in discomfit.
"You can't-" Jax looked distraught.
"I don't really need anyone's permission besides Col's. So I'm going to ask him what he thinks when he wakes up," Slim challenged.
"Why would you want to put him through that again? He's been clean and it should stay that way...Don't do it Slim," Jax glared at Slim, "Just because you're beyond redemption doesn't mean you should take Colson down with you."
"Well, we will have to see about that the, won't we?" Slim sneered and walked out of the hotel room. It was time to put his plans in motion..with a little help from unsuspecting friends of course.
"Hey Slim," Ashleigh opened the door and let him in.
"Hey Ash, listen..I think you need to take Y/N out of the house or something. She seems like she could use a friend right now you know?" Slim said with concern.
"Oh..is she okay?" Ashleigh asked as she sat on the couch opposite Slim.
"I think you should just go over and suggest lunch or shopping or whatever it is you girls do to de-stress," Slim shrugged as he leaned forward.
"Okay, I will do that..maybe Sommer can join us?" she said brightly.
"Yeah, that would be great. It will give the boys a chance to bond," Slim stood up and made to leave, "I'll go and tell Sommer to get ready, so long."
"She can just come over to Y/N's once she's done," Ashleigh said as she walked him to the door.
"Thanks Ash, you're a great friend," Slim said as a parting shot. He smiled to himself as he walked back to his hotel room. All the pieces were falling in place. He would get his revenge before he left and he wasn't going out without a fight. Colson would pay.
"Hey Byron..have you sorted out the venue for the after party? The Banquet Manager just sent me a text that there was a mix up with the booking," Jax looked at his phone and frowned.
"What? I thought she had sorted out the issue with the double booking??" Byron stood up and raked his hand through his hair in frustration, "this is just what I need! I need to get this thing sorted before Colson finds out," Byron grabbed his coat, "please make sure he's on time for the sound check," he said before he rushed out,
"Checkmate," Jax grinned as he made his way to Colson's bedroom. He knocked softly and Y/N's melodic voice told him to come in.
"Hey Y/N-we need to get Colson out of here. I'll explain later," he hurried over and effortlessly lifted Colson over his shoulder, "please get dressed quickly."
"What's going on? Is everything okay?" Y/N furrowed her brows as she threw the covers aside and grabbed her shoes.
"That's what I'm trying to do-make sure everything is okay..including Colson," Jax made for the door, "Let's go-hurry please!" he implored.
Jax hoped that they didn't bump into anyone as they escaped from the hotel room. There was no way he would allow them to manipulate Colson-they would have to kill him first. Jax had vowed to Colson's father to protect him at all costs and he would; no matter what the cost. He would deal with Byron and Slim later. He was actually disappointed in Byron, he didn't expect him to go along with Slim's pea-brained scheme. Clearly Byron was all about the dollar signs and didn't care about Colson's well-being.
"Please open the door for me?" Jax asked when they got to the car.
"Sure-sorry let me get it," Y/N ran forward; opened the back seat of the SUV and then jumped in from the other side. She cradled his head an her lap and he began to stir. Colson's eyes fluttered open and then he fell asleep again, oblivious to what was going on around him.
"So we're going to hideout at a guest house close to Genval Lake until this whole thing blows over okay?" Jax drove away quickly but cautiously.
"Are you going to tell me what's going on now?" Y/N pursed her lips in a grim line as she stroked Colson's soft platinum hair.
"I will but you're not going to like it..just promise me you won't confront anybody?" Jax stared at her through the rear-view mirror, "promise."
"Fine," she sighed.
Jax filled her in on the whole debacle and Y/N went from shocked to super-pissed. Jax had to tell her again that confronting the perpetrators was not an option. She argued with him until she was red in the face but Jax was adamant.
"Let me handle this," he insisted; then "please?" in a gentle voice.
It was inevitable that Colson would wake up because of the heated discussion that was taking place, while he was half-asleep.
"Stop the car!" Colson shouted as he scrambled to sit up.
Jax didn't hesitate he slammed on the breaks by reflex. Colson threw open the door and barely made it out. He spewed his guts as soon as his knees hit the ground. Y/N grabbed a box of Kleenex and a bottle of water then went after him. Jax was crouched close by rubbing his back with a concerned look on his face.
"I'm sorry sweets. I know you didn't sign up for this," Colson croaked as Y/N dabbed his mouth and wiped the sweat of his face.
"I said I do didn't I?" Y/N jabbed at a joke.
"Guess you did," he gave a lopsided grin and drained the water from the water bottle.
"I feel like a third wheeler," Jax grumbled as he stood and dusted his jeans.
"Nothing new," Colson muttered and Jax punched his shoulder playfully.
"You're ready to go?" Jax asked.
"Yeah..just give me a minute," Colson leaned on the car as another wave of nausea seized him.
"I've got your meds in the car. Should I get them? They kind of helped last night.." Y/N suggested.
"Baby, I can't tell you how sorry I am.." Colson said dejectedly; his face filled with shame and remorse. He pulled her into his arms and leaned his forehead against hers.
"There's no need to apologize..I know you would do the same thing for me," she kissed his forehead then pulled his hand, "Let's get out of here."
"Are you good to go?" Jax started the car.
"Yeah," Colson replied, "what were you two arguing about earlier on? The truth please?" Colson put emphasis as he held Y/N's hand.
"Well..if you really want to know.." Jax sighed deeply; his hands tightened on the steering wheel.
"I do," Colson stated firmly.
Jax told him about the discussion that went on while he was in oblivion and didn't leave anything out. Colson clenched his jaw and didn't say anything until Jax was done talking. They even arrived at the house but Colson remained in the car and told them to go ahead without him, he would follow.
The house was a beautiful cosy villa consisting of an entrance hall, a bright living room with a wood stove and beautiful bay window overlooking the lake, a fully equipped kitchen with a breakfast corner, the floors had a sumptuous studio and its adjoining terrace. It had four large bedrooms, including a master room with a dressing room, two large bathrooms with bath and shower. A haven of peace, in a quiet close with outdoor parking included.
Y/N went straight to the shower and afterwards proceeded to make brunch but Colson had beat her to it. He was busy cooking up a storm with the help of Jax. She stood at the door and just observed for a while before they noticed her.
"We're almost done here. Maybe you can help set the table on the terrace or the garden? You can choose," Colson turned back to the stove and busied himself again.
"He'll be fine. Don't worry okay?" Jax startled her and intruded her thoughts. He set the steaming, delicious food on the garden table, then put his hand on her shoulder, giving it a gentle squeeze.
"Yeah..of course," she gave him a stiff smile and proceeded with him back to the kitchen.
"I think we're all set. I'll take the coffee outside and you kids can bring the toast once it's done," Jax said.
"Have you taken your meds?" Y/N asked Colson as she leaned on the counter.
"Yes mum," he teased, "stop worrying okay?" he kissed her on the cheek and smiled, "can we go and eat now? I'm staving!" he tugged Y/N's hand and pulled her back outside.
They made small talk as they ate and Y/N noticed that Colson seemed to be in a better mood. Either that or he was a very good actor..come to think of it-he was. He even had an Oscar to prove it..
"Sweets-please stop worrying! I'll be fine okay," Colson reassured his wife for the umpteenth time, "beside you will be right with me on the stage-isn't that enough?" he chuckled and cupped her face. She tried to focus on his hypnotic blue eyes instead of his enticing well-toned body. He had just stepped out of the shower with a towel loosely tied around his waist; smelling so fresh and looking too sexy. His golden locks were still dripping with water that slid slowly down his neck and coursed down his chest. She had never been so turned on by him as she was at this moment. He could literally make her do anything right now and she would be more than willing to oblige.
"Alright, alright," she said weakly when she remembered that they were supposed to be having an argument, "but if I feel that you are straining yourself then I will be forced to do something about it," she was bit her bottom lip.
"Gees sweets! You're beginning to sound like a typical nagging wife!" Colson laughed and she broke out of his embrace. Y/N couldn't get over his laugh. He looked so young and carefree. His beautiful features really stood out whenever he was happy; which was very rare.
"Cut it out Baker," she swatted his arm and folded her arms.
"I'm just teasing Bambi," he pulled her closer and kissed her softly. Unable to resist him as usual, her lips melted into his and they became one. The kiss ignited something in them and it went from being a mere spark to an uncontrollable inferno. Without breaking contact, Colson lifted her and gently placed her on the bed. Her hands were deeply buried in his hair; his hands were tracing every contour of her body. Their bodies fit perfectly together and they were lost in each other. Caught up in a world of their own where only two of them existed and their need for each other was the main purpose of their existence.
"I need you Y/N," Colson whispered as he pleaded with his intense arctic eyes that bored into her very soul. She could see the need in them and she needed him almost as much as he needed her. He turned up the music on the iPod when she silently gave her consent with a silent nod. He was sure that things were about to get a bit loud and more heated.
He was bound to lose control once he got a taste of her because he had wanted her from the moment he laid his eyes on her. She pulled him back to possess not only her lips but her mind, her body and her heart.
𝑰 𝒕𝒓𝒊𝒆𝒅 𝒕𝒐 𝒃𝒆 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒍𝒐𝒗𝒆𝒓 𝒕𝒐 𝒚𝒐𝒖𝒓 𝒏𝒊𝒈𝒉𝒕𝒎𝒂𝒓𝒆 
𝑳𝒐𝒐𝒌 𝒘𝒉𝒂𝒕 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒎𝒂𝒅𝒆 𝒐𝒇 𝒎𝒆 
𝑵𝒐𝒘 𝑰'𝒎 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒉𝒆𝒂𝒗𝒚 𝒃𝒖𝒓𝒅𝒆𝒏 𝒕𝒉𝒂𝒕 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒄𝒂𝒏'𝒕 𝒃𝒆𝒂𝒓 𝑳𝒐𝒐𝒌 𝒘𝒉𝒂𝒕 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒎𝒂𝒅𝒆 𝒐𝒇 𝒎𝒆 
𝑳𝒐𝒐𝒌 𝒘𝒉𝒂𝒕 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒎𝒂𝒅𝒆 𝒐𝒇 𝒎𝒆 
𝑰'𝒍𝒍 𝒎𝒂𝒌𝒆 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒔𝒆𝒆
𝒀𝒐𝒖'𝒍𝒍 𝒏𝒆𝒗𝒆𝒓 𝒌𝒏𝒐𝒘 𝒘𝒉𝒂𝒕 𝒉𝒊𝒕 𝒚𝒐𝒖 
𝑾𝒐𝒏'𝒕 𝒔𝒆𝒆 𝒎𝒆 𝒄𝒍𝒐𝒔𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒊𝒏 
𝑰'𝒎 𝒈𝒐𝒏𝒏𝒂 𝒎𝒂𝒌𝒆 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒔𝒖𝒇𝒇𝒆𝒓 
𝑻𝒉𝒊𝒔 𝒉𝒆𝒍𝒍 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒑𝒖𝒕 𝒎𝒆 𝒊𝒏 
𝑰'𝒎 𝒖𝒏𝒅𝒆𝒓𝒏𝒆𝒂𝒕𝒉 𝒚𝒐𝒖𝒓 𝒔𝒌𝒊𝒏 
𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝒅𝒆𝒗𝒊𝒍 𝒘𝒊𝒕𝒉𝒊𝒏
𝒀𝒐𝒖'𝒍𝒍 𝒏𝒆𝒗𝒆𝒓 𝒌𝒏𝒐𝒘 𝒘𝒉𝒂𝒕 𝒉𝒊𝒕 𝒚𝒐𝒖  
𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝒅𝒆𝒗𝒊𝒍 𝒘𝒊𝒕𝒉𝒊𝒏 
𝒀𝒐𝒖'𝒍𝒍 𝒏𝒆𝒗𝒆𝒓 𝒌𝒏𝒐𝒘 𝒘𝒉𝒂𝒕 𝒉𝒊𝒕 𝒚𝒐𝒖
(Credit: Devil Within by Digital Daggers)
Jax checked his watch and noticed that Colson would be late if they didn't leave soon. There was no sign of either him or Y/N and by the sound of the extremely loud baby-making music streaming downstairs from their bedroom; he knew they were definitely not playing Karaoke.
Jax sighed as he made his way upstairs. He didn't want to disturb them but he had to. Nonetheless he still felt bad. He raised his hand and pounded on the door and got no response until the third knock. The music was turned down considerably and Jax could hear movement.
"Go away Jax! We're almost ready," Colson called out.
"Don't let me come back again," Jax called, "you have exactly one hour to get ready," he said before turning to leave.
"I wish we didn't have to go," Colson groaned as he brushed his lips on Y/N's neck.
"The show must go on Baker," she pulled the covers over her exposed body and sat up.
"Do you regret it?" Colson asked as he furrowed his brows.
"Never," she said with pure conviction.
"Neither do I," his face broke into a smile, "I just wish I could do you all day.."his skilled hands started to rove again.
"Colson.." Y/N gasped as his lips found her weak spot.
"I love it when you say my name like that..it makes me want to take you over and over again.." he trailed her body with feather-light kisses and once again she was at his mercy.
Jax checked his watch again and shook his head. It's a good thing he told them they had exactly an hour to get ready instead on two hours. He knew they would disregard his warning. He stood outside the door and pounded on it once again. The door flew open and Colson stood there fully dressed but cussing him with his arctic orbs.
"That scowl on your face tells me that you're happy to see me," Jax grinned, "it's a good thing you're ready though..where is that dangerously gorgeous wife of yours?" he peered over Colson's shoulder.
"She's almost done," his face softened, "can we go and talk downstairs?"
"So what's on your mind?" Jax sank onto a nearby couch and stretched out his long legs.
"Did you make doubly sure that security will keep Slim out? I don't want him anywhere near the stadium," Colson stressed.
"Yeah I did. We got everything covered. It's under control okay?" Jax reassured him, "if you can step outside, you will see that we have beefed up the security around you as well."
"Good," Colson nodded and ran back up the stairs.
"I didn't know what to wear so.." Y/N shrugged as Colson gave her a once over. She was dressed in full white- ripped jeans, t-shirt and matching converse sneakers.
"You look good baby..you always do," Colson stepped forward, "except there's one little problem," he undid her messy bun and her beautiful, lush hair came tumbling down her back, "I prefer your hair like this," he kissed her nose and smiled.
"If it pleases the master," Y/N bowed her head and they laughed.
"Let's get out of here before the master throws you back on that bed," Colson jerked his head towards the bed.
"Not if I do it first.." she purred as she traced her finger suggestively down his chest. With that she exited the room without another word.
Colson stood there gulping down his own drool; every fiber of his being on fire...
Tagged: @kellysimagines
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timelessstorms · 5 years
KimeBLOG [190411]-[190412]
11th April 2019 05:00:00
[From Staff] 13th April, LIVE Concert “Liar” same day tickets & FanC,ub same day entry special song & warning/precaution facts statement/description!
Finally, it's this weekend!
The opening of the live concert “KIMERU LIVE 2019 “Liar”” is on 13th April
Here is the information to get in on the day.
On-the-day tickets for the live concert have been confirmed!!!
The perks for FanClub members has also been confirmed!!!
● Advice regarding the live concert
-about hand luggage
-about the use of penlights
-about presents
● Information about on-the-day FanClub entry (there are perks to coming in on the day!)
It will list some essential information.
And also a review of what items are for sale ♪
For anyone coming to the event, please check it out before you go!
“KIMERU LIVE 2019” ”Liar”
Date: 13th April (Saturday) 18:00/18:30
Venue: Kichijoji CLUB SEATA
Details of the live concert are here! (http://www.kimeru.com/news/181215_000669.html)
☆regarding on-the-day tickets
We will be selling on-the-day tickets for standing room only
=on-the-day tickets=
Standing room ¥6000-
* Tax included, drink not included
Sale time:18:00~
Please go to the venue’s ticket window if you want to buy on-the day tickets.
As soon as the tickets sell out, sale of them will end.
Advice regarding the live concert
[regarding hand luggage]
▪ place your hand luggage into standard coin lockers etc
In order not to cause annoyance for others around you, please put your things under your seat.
● VIP seats, S-seats
Please store your hand luggage under your seat.
If your luggage is big and needs more room (carry cases, etc), please leave them in a locker or the cloakroom.
● Standing room
In order not to cause annoyance for others around you, please leave them in the cin lockers or cloakroom, or even on your seat.
There are lockers in the venue.
Furthermore, there is also a cloakroom to look after your items in the venue, please make use of it.
KIMERU's live concert will have everyone jumping and hopping.
Please co-operate with each other in order not to become a nuisance to others around you.
[Regarding use of penlights]
You can only use your penlights for the Bakumatsu Rock song.
During the concert, KIMERU will let you know how to use them.
Please refrain from using the penlights at any other time.
Please enjoy yourselves and try not to bother the people around you when using the penlights.
As hand-fans can block the view of others, the use of items with the exception of the penlights, is prohibited.
[Regarding presents]
Please put presents and letters for the performers in the BOX that has been installed in the venue.
Please write on the outside of the presents and letters so we know who they're addressed to.
Furthermore, we advise you to please restrain yourselves from sending perishables, etc as presents.
• During the live, please turn off your mobile phones, alarms, and other devices that emit sound.
• Except for authorised persons, any photography or recording of audio/video is strictly prohibited.
• Please refrain from wearing hats or excessively large hair decorations, as this would block the view of those behind you.
• Please understand that, due to circumstances, there may be last-minute changes to the contents of the event or the items on sale.
• The responsibility of any personal luggage or heavy items are the responsibility of the owner.
• When entering, please co-operate with the people inside and do not gather in the vicinity of the entrance.
• Please follow the staff's guidance and announcements .
•Please be aware that if you do not follow instructions, you may be required to leave, or entry will be refused.
☆ Venue layout
The seat numbers for the VIP seats and S-seats have now been released.
Furthermore, please be aware that changes may be made on-the-day without prior notice.
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(* The layout is not drawn to scale. Please be aware that there is also the possibility of last minute changes being made.
Standing area - You will enter in according to your reference number.
Priority seating area - * Only those who enquired previous will be lead to this area.)
☆ Fan Club “Shining”
[Regarding Fan Club entry]
On-the-day, there will be a space for special sales at the Fan Club admission reception desk.
For those wanting to join, please ask the merchandise sales staff.
* Those joining on-the-day can have <a personal item signed>!
There is also the Fan Club exclusive trip event in July!
Please make sure you take this chance to apply ♪
You can read about Fan Club “Shining” here (http://www.kimeru.com/login/index.html)!
From here is information that has been posted previously,
A review of the items for sale ♪
☆ Sale of goods
[merchandise sale lineup]
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→ an introduction of the items according to KIMERU can be found here (https://ameblo.jp/kimeru-days/entry-12449589059.html)!
* If you bought a copy of the “Liar” CD at the venue on-the-day,
For each CD, you'll get one handshake meeting ticket after the end of the show!
Let's share the excitement of the concert with KIMERU ♪
[Sale times]
18:00~ until after the end of the show
* Items will be being sold during the main part of the live concert.
* Items can even be bought by those who don't have tickets.
● For those who arranged reservations of sale items
Please stats your Shining member number” and “name” at the venue sales booth.
Please pay for the merchandise when you receive them on-the-day.
Please be aware that you can only get your items during the above stated sale times.
The special Liar poster is available for everyone!
As the posters don't fit into the lockers, you can get them after the end of the show.
After end of show, those who want to receive the poster, please take a coupon.
Furthermore, please come to receive your poster within about 30 minutes of the show ending.
[warnings about sales]
• Sales will end as soon as merchandise sells out.
• People without tickets can still purchase items.
• The sales corner inside the venue can only accept cash. Please understand this in advance.
• Also, after purchasing, before leaving g that area, please double-check your change and items
When you leave, even temporarily, we're unable assist as proof is difficult to obtain.
Review the above advice in advance,
Let's all mind our manners and enjoy the concert!
Our hearts will be waiting for everyone to attend!
12th April 2019 08:00:00
[From Staff] Appearance in the new production of 『Katekyo Hitman REBORN!』 the STAGE has been confirmed!
Kimeru will be performing in the June shows of 「『Katekyo Hitman REBORN!』 the STAGE –vs VARIA partⅠ-」!
From the start, he'll continue to play the role of Lambo!
『Katekyo Hitman REBORN!』 the STAGE –vs VARIA partⅠ-
■ Original work: Amano Akira 『Katekyo Hitman REBORN!』 (Shueisha Jump Comics)
■ Director Scriptwriter: Maruo Maruichi (Shikagoroshi Theatre Company)
■ Cast
Sawada Tsunayoshi:Takenaka Ryouhei
Gokudera Hayato: Harashima Motohisa
Yamamoto Takeshi: Yamamoto Ryousuke
Sasagawa Ryohei: Uesugi Teru
Hibari Kyoya: Kishimoto Yuuta
XANXUS:Hayashida Kohei
S・Squalo: Takasaki Shungo
Lussuria:  Takagi Katsuya
Belphegor: Oomi Shouichirou
Leviathan: Yamaki Takanori
Mammon: Kai Chihiro
Gola Mosca: Yokota Ryou
Dino:Yamada James Takeshi
Colonnello: Fukazawa Taiga
Sawada Iemitsu:Kawai Ryunosuke
Basil: Maeda Taisho
Yamamoto Tsuyoshi: 
Sasegawa Kyoko:Ishida Yoshihisa 
Miura Haru:Motonishi Sakiho
And others
■ Performance schedule
[Tokyo] 14th (Friday) - 23rd (Sunday) June 2019, Theatre 1010
[Osaka] 27th (Thursday) - 30th (Sunday) June 2019, Kashiwara City Cultural-Riviere Hall
■ Ticket information
Premium tickets (*) ¥10,800 (tax included)
General tickets ¥7,800 (tax included)
* The performance pamphlet (for sale) and the premium ticket exclusive goods (not for sale) will be given in a set as a present.
Official advance tickets (lottery)
From 12:00 on 13th April (Saturday) to 23:59 on 22nd April (Monday)
Pre-request advance tickets (lottery)
From 12:00 on 27th April (Saturday) to 23:59 on 7th May (Tuesday)
General sales (first-come-first-served)
From 12:00 on 19th May
Lawson Ticket: http://l-tike.com/rebo-s/
■ Official Homepage: https://www.marv.jp/special/reborn-the-stage/
■ Official Twitter: @stage_reborn
■ For enquiries regarding the performance :
Marvelous Inc. User support
TEL: 0120-577-405 (open 11:00~17:00, excluding Saturdays and holidays)
© Amano Akira/ Shueisha
© Katekyo Hitman REBORN!』 the STAGE production committee
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12th April 2019 09:03:41
Tomorrow is the live concert! Also, the RiboSute [*1] performance has been confirmed!
I'll be performing in RibSute in June♪
I'll continue to play the role of Lambo-san.
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At last, the “Liar” LIVE concert is tomorrow!!
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Don't forget to bring your penlight and towel!
It will be an intense show.
For anyone in the standing area, in order not to cause any danger, please leave your bags in a locker, etc.
Let’s enjoy the concert~♪
My sakura bonsai has another 2 buds now, but I have feeling that it'll be in full bloom tomorrow
The live concert will be in full bloom! My bonsai can really read the atmosphere♪
[*1] RiboSute = Reborn Stage (like TeniMyu)
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Opening Up
Clare: thought that made sense so she nodded. “Do you think I’d like this manga? Some of the adult books I read have mature content but it’s less of an issue with books than it would be with magna.” Pictures were harder to skip over. She didn’t want to be caught reading anything like that. Clare’s blush could be dead give away. “Yeah on second thought, maybe not. They probably save that for advanced cooking classes. I’d like to learn how to use one for stir frying….eventually. I need to start out with simple recipes for food such as egg rolls, wontons, potsticker dumplings.” Clare listened to Kota’s description of a host club and tried not to be put off by the wording. He wasn’t going to be an escort, not exactly, and the game sounded great! “So it’s similar to auctioning off bachelor's for a date? Only on a bigger scale.” She doubled checked. “A little harmless flirting isn’t going to make me go into a jealous rage.” Clare rolled her eyes. “Kissing other girls on the mouth, I make no such promises about.” She smirked at Kota. “Okay. I know I get carried away making big plans before I hear all the rules. Next time just stop me.” Her face flushed in embarrassment. “Whatever they come up with will be just as fun. I’m sure there’s plenty of things I can participate in. I’ve got drama experience.” Clare shrugged at the mention of boys with long hair. “I figured there would be. Making me look masculine might be more challenging without a drastic change, that’s all.” Sure her hair was only shoulder length but she had curves. Drawing people’s attention towards a made up face seemed best. “A ponytail isn’t going to make you look girly. You have muscles and your facial features aren’t soft.” She explained, reassuring him she didn’t think it was weird for an everyday look. “Most of the kids coming with us from Degrassi are my friends and would be hard to convince.” Clare finally admitted. “They’d only believe you’d had sex...not me. Of course people change during a semester abroad. Away from their controlling parents.” She wouldn’t tell them anything. Except Alli. “It could be years before I’m ready. I don’t believe so strongly in waiting for marriage anymore, however, I wouldn't have sex unless it was under the right circumstances. We’d have to be together a long time with no breakup on the horizon. If I have sex with you, it will be because we’ve really gotten to know each other and still love each other very much.” Clare knew everything came down to timing. “Right, and that’s all the more reason to wait. I’m not going to be happy if I have to change my plans for college.” She said honestly. “I couldn’t ask you to follow me to New York either. With Emi and a baby? And no one to help us out?” Clare shook her head, laughing. “Emi deserves your full attention for as long as possible. You know if she stays with you until she’s 18...that’s not a deal breaker for me. Either way, I’d want to wait until we finished college before having our own baby. At the absolute soonest. We’d have to try to be super careful.” Clare nodded seriously. “Not if I’m 18. Though I’m not sure how that works with insurance. If she’d be notified. She couldn’t do much about it. She’d still be a nightmare.” She smiled at Kota and gave him a kiss. “I’m good with cuddling and making out for as long as you are.” Clare murmured happily. “Then there’s other stuff. We can save going all the way for much later.” She giggled and kissed him again. “No I definitely couldn’t recognize California since I’ve never been. Kota, I’d consider having the same fictitious taste as Melanie Martinez a major compliment.” Clare felt floored. What had Kota gotten mixed up in now? Not that she was complaining and just going along with him today had worked out well. “Next Saturday? As in our second to last day here? This better be epic. I’m booked up through Friday night, don’t forget we have a secret bon voyage party to attend. Which is only going to leave Sunday for my parents.” They were supposed to leave the following Monday so they actually had a long weekend, no classes on Friday or Monday. Clare laughed a little realizing everyone was expecting her to show up for things no one wanted her to ask questions about. It was like a fun conspiracy. Of course Kota didn’t know everything either. “You have more famous friends than Kota, right Melanie? I’m beginning to wonder. Does he go to Hollywood premieres?” She teased Kota in the elevator. Clare curiously looked out into the lab and smiled at Yohio. She didn’t do anything to further disturb him from his work. But she silently watched Yohio through the window for a couple of minutes to see how perfume was made. “I don’t have a preference, everything here is interesting to me.” This was nothing like visiting her dad’s office.
Kota: looked at Clare when she asked about the manga. "My Lovely Ghost Kana? No, I don't think you'd like it. If anything I'd think you'd get uncomfortable reading it. It's like watching a soft porn in my eyes. I mean I don't know if they show the genitals or not on soft porn, but that's the only thing they hide in the manga. Kana's breasts are fully drawn even when she's topless." he explained the best he could. A soft chuckle fell from Kota's lips when Clare mentioned egg rolls being a simple recipe. "Sorry, but you'll need to learn how to make sushi before you make an egg roll. While they're entirely different, making them is exactly the same aside from one getting deep fried. If you deep fry your egg roll and it's not rolled tight enough it comes apart when you take it out of the fryer due to the juices being able to get inside of it. Hearing Clare mention auctioning them off made Kota shake his head. "Not exactly. I mean there's no auction at all. It's mainly a first come first serve basis and girls there can be vexing. A girl tricked Yohio into kissing her. She pretended to drop her napkin and knowing that he was going to look at her when he gave it back, she inched her face closer that way when he turned towards her their lips would meet and that's exactly what happened." he explained and nodded. "I'll try to stop you next time. No promises." he smirked at her. "They really don't make you look that masculine. I mean they just put you in a male uniform, matching shoes, tie back your hair, and you're done. With us my chest will still be flat. They just dress us in dresses, put wigs on us, do our make up, and we're done." he shrugged. "You being able to do multiple things, isn't really why you'd be a cashier. It's the fact that other schools will be coming to our school when we do the Cultural Festival. We'll be getting students from local schools and not all of them know English." he explained honestly and listened to her mention sex and kids. "I feel the same way, though I'd follow you to New York if you did get pregnant without having you to ask me. If we did decide to take that step before college and you did get pregnant, I'd follow you without even needing you to ask. It'd be easier that way. I'm actually going to apply to several colleges all over America, here, and a few in Japan. I already promised Jimmy Fallon that I'd stop in New York to see him when I'm in college along with a few other friends of mine. They'd kill me if I told them I wouldn't visit. Some of them are already mad at me for keeping Emi away from them. I really don't want to make it worse and I already promised Luca that I will bring Emi to see him in the near future." he assured. "I'm also happy Emi isn't a deal breaker and if we're in America and you get pregnant there, they just send the bill here and Canada takes care of it." he smiled and kissed her back. "I like that." he smiled against her lips and opened his eyes when she spoke. "When we get to that step, we'll talk first." he smiled and kissed back. He nodded when she mentioned never being to Cali and smiled when she did. "It's going to be epic. You'll love the concert and trust me if you don't go you'll regret it. I have no choice but to go since I got us epic tickets and if you don't go I'll take Alli. I'm sure she wouldn't mind back stage passes." he shrugged. When Clare asked Mel the questions she looked at him, then her. "Well, I'd like to say I know more famous people than Kota, but I don't. Some how he gets into all the good shows, he's been to what was it, two premiers?" she asked. "No one, I couldn't make it to the second premier. The first one was only because Betsey needed a date." he shrugged and smiled as both girls watched through the window. "Well, there's not too many places I can actually take you." he said honestly and lead them to the elevator. "I mainly stay in my office when I'm here." he added. "Can we eat? I'm starving." Mel asked and he laughed. "Are you hungry Clare?" he asked.
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