#I'll most likely tag it as smut or lemon. or Nsft
sixsixtwenty · 7 months
Scp 049 x Reader
It was a calm evening in the foundation more calmer than you expected really, you thought you were gonna have to do more tests with researchers doing Experiments on you.
But to your luck they didn't, they let you rest and have a nice calm evening all to yourself. But you knew you're never alone
Those damn cameras in your room always bugged you, you felt like you barely have any privacy because they wanna study you 24/7 you thought.
You were casually laying on your bed staring at the ceiling thinking of what to do, you missed your friend 049. You never knew his real name but it didn't matter to you apparently.
You really appriciate his company even though of his well. Hobby. But you just let him do what he wanted, if it'll make him happy and he doesn't attack you it's all good you thought.
You started to twiddle your fingers together deep in thought as you suddenly hear one of the chamber doors opening as you saw one of the guards entering your chamber.
"Y/N L/N, you will be visiting Scp-049 again, it was requested by the higher ups because you both seem to get along quite well and he has no intentions in 'curing' you. Now get up and follow me and don't do anything stupid."
You simply nodded got up and followed the MTF to 049's chamber, well he wasn't wrong about those statements you both did get along pretty well you think. He was all chill and calm around you.
Soon you arrived at 049's chamber along with the MTF, you can already see a researcher inside the chamber as if he was awaiting you eich he probably was.
"Ah miss L/N, you're finally here. You already maybe know why you're here, so just go inside 049's chamber and interact with him"
You sighed and nodded, you were kinda tired because you hadn't gotten too much sleep the past days those tests with other scps just took a bunch of energy out of you wich just makes you wanna plop down onto your bed and hope you can sleep
With your all will power you walked inside as the door closed behind you eich cought 049s attention and looked to you giving you a small wave and greeted you.
"Greetings my friend, how are you today?" He said in a calm voice as he laid the cutting knife down that he used on one of his patients before to perform surgery.
You ignored that and simply just replied back in a calm voice aswell keeping things cool.
"I'm doing fine 049 just a bit tired, i didn't get that much sleep lately"
He then slowly walks to you and without thinking he just quickly hugs you making you flinch and panic, his hands are deadly and kill anyone who gets touched by them.
Wait, you were still alive? How? You didn't even know what to say as you look over at the researcher and MTF who were behind the glass window who were observing you.
The researcher was frantically scribblings notes down all fascinated as the MTF stared at you big big eyes as they looked to each other and then back at you again
It took even 049 a second to realize that he hugged you as the quickly backed off from you and his hands back behind his as he stared at you.
He was just as surprised as everyone was as the gently took his shaking hand back and carefully touched your forehead, nothing happened.
You both realized you couldn't get hurt by his power as you just pulled him into a bone crushing hug that took 049 to a surprise as he quickly hugged you back.
You were still under a bit of shock but happyness, truth is you haven't gotten many hugs in your past and nowadays you were quite touch starved.
So just suddenly getting and giving a hug just pulls out all your happyness knowing you're finally in someones arms again.
As you felt 049 hugging you tighter your face felt wet, you came to the thought it was tears but your eyes were dry. And then you realized. Those tears weren't yours but 049's
You quickly looked up at his mask where his eyes are exposed as you can see faint tear drops falling and trailing down his mask as more tears are forming at his eyes.
"049?! W-why are you crying? Are you okay? Did i do something wrong?"
"N-no my dear. I'm just so happy you didn't die.. and that. That i can give you the hug i wanted to give you before!"
You were in awe seeing him in happy tears after that nuztling into his neck as the puts his bird mask beak on your head simply just resting there.
"You're Amazing Y/N, you're quite the smart woman and you can't let yourself be stepped over just by some researchers. You're worth more my friend and i am willing to help you by protecting you and being there for you."
049 says to you still with a bit of tears in his eyes
"I-id like that 049. I'd like that." You reply with a warm smile still being a bit worried for your friend. But you knew he was somewhat fine.
In the end you both stayed there in a hug until the MTF had to pull you away until you meet again.
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