#I'll look for the link if anyone demands it tho
unicornpopcorn14 · 4 months
One of the best teen!skk fic I've read is of both of them getting their wisdom tooth removed and I can't help but giggle every time I rmr it-
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hi, i have three questions:
1) where did you learn about all the typo stuff? i am new to this hell and you seem reliable and honest;
2) how does visual typing works? how do you type someone even based on their blogs vibe? it's fascinating;
3) how old should one be to be typed?
that's all, thank you if you decide to answer 💫
1) i've been into typology for a good decade now, i don't even remember where i got all my knowledge from anymore. once you get the basics down, you observe the people around you more and read less theory anyway
Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI)
it was developed by Isabel Myers and her mother Katherine Briggs based on their work with Carl Jung's theory of personality types and tries to offer an explanation on how people of different types process information and make decisions differently. since i'm way too lazy to actually explain this theory in detail, i'm just gonna refer you to Em's crash course here. on that note, also check out her posts where she contrasts the different functions. i like her explanations because, unlike other sources, they aren't accidentally mixed with enneagram theory
it attempts to explain people's personality by identifying core fears/desires. Riso & Hudson are pretty solid and you can check out their website
the only thing i'm missing there is the distinction between phobic (p) and counterphobic (cp) 6. the theory goes that since 6's core fear is fear itself, 6 has come up with two different strategies to deal with it: either by running (phobic) or by "confronting" (counterphobic)
there exists also the tritype theory by Fauvre which i - more or less - subscribe to so i'm gonna link to her website too
don't bother with anything related to Chestnut or Naranjo. they don't offer anything of substantial worth to the discussion and their books are only good for kindling
Instinctual Variant (IV)
another tool to type people, the enneagram institute site i linked to also talks about the three instincts briefly. iv is usually the aspect of typology people grapple the most with because the descriptions are pretty vague because they try to sort people into only six categories. i still have an anon sitting in my inbox asking about my definitions so you can watch out for whenever i find the time to answer that ask. in the meantime you can go through my #iv tag. i also have tons of other good resources saved in my likes that i will try to reblog in the coming days (the pain of having to go thru 8.000+ likes tho, rip)
to wrap this up, all tests suck and anyone who calls themself a "typology expert" and demands money is trash. instead i'll recommend you some blogs who are actually reliable sources and know what they are talking about
@istj-hedonist Marri, an ISTJ with excellent use of dom Si. she offers good insights, nice aesthetics, as well as visual typing information
@ill-be-istj-if-no-one-else-is Em, another ISTJ. she offers to type people via a description. her dom Si does a solid job at identifying people's type
@mbtiguy-archive Sarah, an ESTP who is inactive, but her archive is still around. her dom Se offered some really good observations and she was also pro typing by ~vibes~
2) visual typing works on the assumption that people with the same personality type have the same physical features. while there have already been past attempts by other people to identify these traits, Marri is the one who actually offered a clear and comprehensive guide on what to look for. you can go through her #visual typing tag for more information
typing based on vibes operates on pretty much the same principle. people of the same personality type have the same kind of... vibe/air/feel/temperament/whatever you wanna call it, to them and you can tell that pretty well in person, but it also works on tumblr because of its nature. people of different types are drawn to different aesthetics, relate to different posts, and word themself in a specific way that you can pinpoint to a certain type
typing based on visual cues/vibes is pretty much just either Si recognising a pattern or Se excelling at reading people
3) if you're talking traditional typing à la self-typing based on understanding the theory, reading up on functions, identifying behavioural patterns, etc. i'd say it's best to type yourself once your brain has fully developed (~25) and you are recognised as an adult. it's infinitely more valuable that you actually experience life, work through your issues, improve your skills, and do some introspection in order to develop as a person outside of typology. the nerd stuff can definitely wait
however if you are talking about at which age you can reliably visual type, that's different. i think that one is born with their mbti type and first instinct, so you can already type toddlers if you want to. the second instinct probably develops somewhere around your pre-teens and is (mostly) dependent on your environment. as for the ennea core, i'd say it's a mix of nature and nurture. depending on your mbti/natural disposition and the sort of environment you grow up in. it probably develops roughly around the same time your second instinct forms. also, if you buy into tritype theory, you have to consider that certain fixes will be more prominent at certain stages. an easy and obvious example is the heart-fix. when you are a teenager, you will be mostly preoccupied with your image/issues involving shame. for that reason i wouldn't type anyone who is still in their teenage years because the heart-fix will be naturally more prominent and might be mistaken as the core when it's maybe not
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itsmeizumine · 3 years
so, i searched high and low for a post i swore i made talking about why i wanted to make a naruto oc and had this initial blurb and everything that i just intended to add on, but since it disappeared somehow, i'll start again
it's going to be long, but feel free to tag along the ride under break!!
so, i know anyone who has followed me for a while might have caught up to the fact that i’m on my own naruto nostalgia personal hell right now. it has been dragging for a few months in and out since my lil sibs started to watch the ENTIRETY of naruto franchise just because (we’re talking about all filler eps, all arcs, all ovas, all movies; they’re real champs like that). we all are stuck in the same rooms with each other and nowhere else to go so there was really no way to escape this even if i wanted too, which… i did, in the beginning, not gonna lie (i can’t handle second-hand embarrassment guys, i just can’t, and kid naruto is– oh my god); but then i kind of settled on this constant utterly mortified state so deeply nothing else phased me enough to stop watching the damned thing with my sibs, and here we are.
(and pls, don’t get me wrong. i love naruto, it was important to me as a kid and i still feel echoes of its impact on me even now in my life; it’s just– watching it with my kidsie sibs and parents in the same room with it dubbed in my native lang and them having no context to most things anime, just… no lol)
and god, as much i like the series, rewatching it made my heart ache too. kid naruto had an awful life, dude. for real. it just made me want to swoop in, adopt him and get him somewhere else asap the whole time we watched classic. it was devasting blow after devasting blow since day one, and it took too long for him to find support and bonds (as flimsy as they were) he could cling and lean on (and even then he was left/had to leave behind some).
idk guys, i might be overthinking this but kids in precarious situations always make me emotional af
so i thought: my mojo is making ocs, okay, that’s how i dive into fandoms and such, maybe i could make someone he could call a friend? even if it’s just to comfort him and myself a bit?? yeah, let’s go with this
and like, i wanted him to have someone to goof up with and be silly and talk freely and not have to appear awesome to with that false bravato of his (because he uses that when he’s not comfortable, and i really really really need him to be, for once) but i also wanted him to have someone he could fall back whevener he wants, no questions asked, and that could take care of him if things came down to it, but couldn’t strip naruto’s control over his own situation as an adult would (because that’s terrifiying thing to feel, no control over what’s gonna happen to yourself; now imagine that as a kid that has to live and tend and watch out for their own well-being themselves or else they might as well die in a ditch and no one - in naruto’s mind on the very beggining of classic - would bat an eye?? yeah, no good indeed); so an older kid it had to be. older sibling figure or whatever.
and since i wanted this older kid to approach naruto amicably, they couldn’t be a kid native to konoha, even if they were there from on and beyond. or else they’d first think of naruto in the preconceived notions leaf-civilians kid thought (as a vague monster/demon their parents made of him), or as leaf-nin kid thought (a dumb numbskull, disgrace of the academy).
so before i even started on the kid themselves, i had to settle on a place out of konoha to start the deal (hahaha going through naruto wiki pages on my dying computer was so much fun guys, you have no idea)
i didn’t find a location that made sense in the wiki so i came up with something on my own. it turned out really cool actually. i’m going to link a post talking about this location in particular because this post is too long already, but what you need to know about shokinin daichi is that it was a completely civilian-based settlement. no one was prevenient from a ninja clan and married out of it for peace and quiet, no one had a second cousin that once dreamed about shinobi life as a kid or anything. i know it seems unfathomable in naruto’s universe to such a place exist, especially with how the world is exposed to us on the anime at least, but believe me, it’s more likely than you think. there’s far too much empty space on naruto’s geography and petty, small 1x1 feuds between clans for it not to. shokunin daichi was a place civilians were relatively content with their lives, and if one of them was more ambitious they’d aim for bigger things, yes, but it wouldn't usually scale so far as to become ninja.
my kid, kawarake, was the same. his family made up one the cores of the sanka clan, but since no one was looking forward to taking the clan head’s position from the main family anytime soon, they all lead relatively quiet lives with their own thing going on. the sanka clan run the ranch of shokunin daichi, and each of its cores took care of one kind of animal. kawarake’s family core took care of horses, and he spent most of his days since he was five tending to them or taking care of his littler cousins who wanted to tend them. if he wasn’t on the stables, he’d be strolling in the settlement’s main square to talk to and help all his extended family, or he’d be in his little hide-out by the river farther south from it. he was looking forward to start an apprenticeship under kakka’s clan on metalwork once he was bit older to have the excuse to go out of the settlement more often, but there was no rush on his part still. he was fine like this.
one seemingly random night, with most of the settlement preparing to lay down for the day, a group of nuke-nin found the place. no one knew how, nor who they were; and whoever was left after that disaster could only guess why, but as soon as the rogue shinobi caught sight of the quaint little thing that was kawarake’s home they started to set things on fire. they pillaged and ransacked and destroyed everything in their wake and soon it became clear that there was little to no thing the civilians could do to defend themselves, even with their mattocks and sickles and ropes and wooden planks and the strongest men and women there. smoke and heat enclosed around all of them, and people that had lived their entire lives there together were forced to leave with no plan or direction, just the clan heads’ ultimate order to grab who they could in their way out and survive. hope against hope that they’d find each other again.
kawarake had managed to find his nephew, and be found by his mom before they had to leave the remains of their burning, collapsing ranch behind. with stingy eyes and searing burns and scratches and soot here and there, they made their way out of the settlement to find kawarake’s dad and a distant cousin by chance, but couldn’t manage to reach a group - their people - running in the distance before they too dispersed each to some direction in search of safety. between the kawarake’s mom, dad and cousin, they decided that their best bet would be to seek refuge in konoha for now; and there they fleed to through forest and packed dirt as the night went on.
i don't think it's confirmed in canon but i've seen it around enough in fanfiction to think it might have been implied somewhere. the politics of seeking refuge in a hidden village might change from country to country but i think there's a consistency on the treaty: it has to be compensated for the risk it takes in accepting the refugee, either by trade if the said refugee can has capital to start producing right away or by demanding a shinobi from the refugee's household.
kawarake then becomes the first gen nin of his family, in order for them to stay in konoha and under it's protection. he's the best conventional candidate because of his age; his cousin and parents at too old for the academy, and his nephew too young. he's uneasy in the beginning, he's surrounded by ninja that can, with a few hand seals, create a catastrophe as big as what happened on his settlement just because they felt like it, and that's disconcerting af, but once he realizes that he's also gaining this power, and he's also also learning how to counter it, he manages to ease up a little bit. he even starts to look forward to the possibility of making missions out of konoha in the end; that way he can look around for all his family, and warn them they have a safe place to stay in konoha.
his family arrives two years after the uchiha massacre, and he graduates as a genin on team 3 the same semester as neji, tenten and lee. here's what i have of him and his team, intend to post more soon
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he's a nice kid, guys, but he really shouldn't run around with a kunai like this
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here's him, isako (also oc, gotta write stuff for her) and shiyoka (same, tho y'all have seen art of them and kawarake together already), their sensei is dope too and deserves her own presentation just because.
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