#I'll give the movie one thing though they got jazz right
saucy-mesothelioma · 6 months
Watching La La Land for my film class since I was sick for the in-class showing and I forgot how bored musicals make me. I mean, the lighting and use of color is beautiful, but the movie itself is just "eh". It doesn't do it for me. It combines one thing I'm disinterested in and very particular about (musicals) with something I hate (romance films). I'm trying so hard to keep an open mind, but good fuckin lord I'd rather watch something else.
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iheartchv · 7 months
Hi hi hi!! I really liked the concept of the matchup concept and I’d like to see who I’d be most compatible with to you.
I’d like to start with that im very recluse, very distant looking on the outside. It’s just a trait that i appear cold. I’m 5’8 and i wear heels and boots w heels mostly so i look even taller than that. I’m brunette, long brown hair big brown eyes and even longer lashes, slim-like body. I’m very feminine in my traits. I’m rational in decision making and I’m easily irritated I guess it makes me look grumpy and nonchalant sometimes too. I like slow jazz songs and trip-hop. I’m obsessed with fashion and scents, i have collections of bags and perfumes, and I have a bit of smoking problems sadly. My mbti seems to be intj but i don’t believe those tests to be true. I don’t know this gives ideas, feel free to ignore if you don’t want so. Have a nice day!!
🤔 I'll match you with...
Alex Keller
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I think Alex would be your match
He'd try to get to know you, get you out of your shell
And he'll do that by:
Spending as much time with you
Asking you a thousand questions, ranging from your opinions on things, personal beliefs and values, to your favorite food/movie/etc.
At first you'll find it a bit overwhelming
He'll notice though if he's overdoing it
"I'm sorry. I'm just... interested in finding out about you."
Oh but he's such a sweetheart
How could anyone stay angry or irritated at him forever?
Look at him 🥴😍
But deep down you'd feel flattered by his attention...
Alex will playfully tease you
"You're a bit quiet than usual"
"You sure are chatty today" 😉
Of course you'd soon come to know that he is only joking, trying to encourage you to be a bit more open to him at the very least
"You know you can always come to me for anything, right?"
That's an invitation as well as an indication
An indication that he cares for you
However long it takes, you two finally start a relationship together
He loves how you look, how you smell
"You're just gorgeous, sweetheart"
Oh he's such a romantic, such a gentleman
You'd think how you got lucky to be with him
"Actually, I think I'm the lucky one." He'd say
Soft sweet kisses would be exchanged
Holding your hands in his, holding them to his chest, to his heart
He loves you for who are and who you've become, and for who you will be
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nekupen · 2 years
#02 - Street Fighter III - 3rd Strike
Throughout the 90s Capcom was pumpin' out Street Fighter games up the wazoo. This includes two that sort of/kind of co-existed by the time they reached their peaks. Street Fighter Alpha and Street Fighter III, polar opposites in concepts and gameplay. Street Fighter Alpha focuses on the titular Street Fighters before SF2. Street Fighter III focuses on the Street Fighters way after SF2 (and SF4+5). I'll be talking III in specific as that game's my JAM.
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3rd Strike - A few years after the first two Alphas came out, Capcom began work on a new franchise called New Generation. However, out of low faith and with the introduction of artist Akiman to the team, it became a Street Fighter title, although one with only two returning characters. 2nd Impact was a little better, it added Akuma and introduced Hugo from the Final Fight series. Then Third Strike came and added Chun-Li. Despite the arguably lackluster SF2 representation I feel like the new characters give the SFIII series more of its identity, not that SFIII lacks identity to begin with. With the series and its updates coming out from 1997-1999 and it focusing on the future and a new generation of fighters it has more of a hip and cool and awesome direction, compounding this is the music featured in 3rd Strike, which is a co-effort between Capcom composer Hideki Okugawa and underground rapper Infinite, the music best being described as a sweet mix of jazz, hip hop and some breakcore adjacent genres like house
Another beloved part of SFIII is its spritework and graphics. It runs on the CPS System III board, allowing for fluid graphics and in the case of the first release, elaborate backgrounds. In an era where 3D games were thriving and 2D games were dying, Capcom stuck to their guns, which was to their detriment...at the time. One of the best examples of this fluid spritework is Elena's idle. It's so fuckin' smooth it hurts WHY DID THEY POP OFF ON THAT IDL
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The game started catching on some years later thanks to its technically deep and interesting gameplay. Capcom removed some features present in the Alpha series and replaced/tweaked others. No more air blocking, ya got PARRYING BAYBEEE. Press toward or down really fast and you do a fast ass parry that you can react out of immediately. Supers were tweaked into the Super Art system. Instead of having multiple super moves with strength depending on what button you use, you pick one Super Art when you're picking out your character. Sometimes it's a Denjin Hadoken kind of day. Other additions include quick dashes from Darkstalkers that allow you to just do a large steppy in the left or right direction and EX moves, a feature taken from Street Fighter: The Movie: The Game on the original PlayStation. (Important thing of note is that Akuma doesn't have EX moves but can use multiple super moves even though he only picks one at the character select screen.)
These tweaks paired with the game's slower speed compared to Alpha makes the game feel a lot more strategy based. The fluidity of the animations add a certain heaviness to all the attacks even if the attacks aren't that high in startup or ending lag. But it doesn't feel wrong, it feels JUST right and I think it perfectly compliments things like punishes or counters. It makes hitting that Shin Shoryuken all the more powerful, you feel me?
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One of the most powerful SFIII clips that has circulated around the FGC (Fighting Game Community) for over a decade is EVO Moment 37, better known as the Daigo Parry. Obviously, it happened at EVO 2004, EVO standing for Evolution. The date was August 1st, 2004, Daigo Umehara and Justin Wong were in the semifinals. Justin Wong was playing as Chun-Li and Daigo was playing as Ken, and Justin had Daigo on death's door. Justin figured "this fuck's gonna go down from my supah move even if he blocks!!!" and so he did his supah move. But Daigo just upped and decided to parry the entire thing and counter with a super move. He had to parry FIFTEEN TIMES!!!! If that didn't sell you on how ballsy that was, parrying pretty much requires frame perfect inputs, so there was little-to-no room for error, and no error there was!!!
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So what do I have to say about the game that hasn't already been said here? Play it. You can emulate it obviously but the quickest way to hop in and fight against someone online is with Fightcade; It's also been released on home consoles like the Dreamcast, PS2, Xbox, Xbox 360, and in the Street Fighter 30th Anniversary Collection . It is in my honest opinion the pinnacle of 90s fighting games and sprite-based fighting games in general.
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skelemira · 2 years
can i get a uhhhhh Grillby telling a tired y/n to get some sleep pwease
Absolutely you can, anon! I freaking love writing these ones, I have a lot of experience telling my friends to go to bed *stares at @lemon-lucid and @queeniesdomain*.
Anyway! Not sure if you wanted it to be romantic or platonic, but I'll try to write it ambiguously where Reader could just be a friend living with Grillby.
Mutual Exhaustion
Grillby wiped down the counter, waving at Sans as he left. With Sans gone, he looked around the empty bar, enjoying the soft jazz floating through the air from the jukebox. He absently noted that it sounded a bit staticky, so he probably should take a look at it later on. Something about the soothing music and the rich colours of the wood he was polishing just exacerbated the exhaustion he was feeling front the long day of work, and he finally set down the rag. It was clean enough, and Sans, despite his supposed laziness, always helped him turn over the chairs and mop. Well... He used his gravity magic to push the mop around, at least. Either way, it meant he could finally go upstairs and spend some time with the cute little human up there.
He locked up and headed upstairs, the thought of maybe watching a movie or playing cards with you spurring him through his exhaustion. Each step felt like walking a mile, but it got easier the closer he got to the door. The closer he got to seeing you.
When he finally pushed open the door, though, his eyes immediately went to you.... and closed with a sigh as he saw you in front of your computer, completely conked out. You tended to be a bit of a workaholic, taking on requests like crazy until you collapsed from exhaustion. Then when you were forced to take a break from work, you would deep clean the entire apartment and claim that it was relaxing for you. But the bags under your eyes told a different story.
The best days were when you both had a day off, and he could wrangle you into actually relaxing with promises of cuddles and snacks and movies.
But right now he had to do his Duty. So as much as he had wanted to spend time with you, he knew that the more important thing right now was getting you to bed.
You jolted awake as Grillby smoothed back your hair, startling him as well, but as soon as recognition sparked in your eyes, you reached up to give him a hug... and missed completely.
You totally misjudged where he was and almost fell flat on your face, but thankfully Grillby was slightly more awake and barely caught you.
Unfortunately, this didn't tip you off to the fact that you were exhausted. Instead, you seemed even more determined to stay awake, even though your eyes weren't totally focusing on him and you practically had a death grip on his arms to keep yourself upright.
When you slow-blinked for so long he thought you actually fell asleep, that's when he decided to just pick you up and carry you to bed. You protested, but your voice was so weak it didn't really do much to help your case.
He set you down on the bed, holding back a chuckle at how you seemed to sink into the mattress for a moment before remembering your protests.
"W...wait, Grillbs... If I'm... If I'm gonna... I'm gonna bed then at least... Let me.. uh.. my.. my glowy... thingy.... work thing."
He raised a fiery eyebrow, desperately trying not to laugh. "Given that you can't even remember the word laptop, I think that's a hard no, bunny. Get some rest." With that, he tucked you in and went to lay down next to you, hoping to keep you from trying to get up to go back to work. Not that you could, of course, seeing as your eyes could barely open. But it wouldn't stop you from trying if he wasn't there.
So he pulled you close and listened to your breathing slow, feeling your delicate heartbeat lull him into a peaceful sleep as well.
Well I hope you liked it anon!! Thank you so much for requesting! And just a reminder that you can make multiple requests!
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dameronology · 2 years
yellow (e.m)
summary: just mindless, plotless fluff. i was listening to yellow by coldplay when i was writing it lol.
warnings: swearing, heavy mentions of weed/getting high, no vol 2 spoilers
this is a retrospective apology for the angst i think i'm dropping later tonight oops. enjoy.
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Eddie Munson was a spitfire with the world's most severe case of undiagnosed ADHD.
He ping-ponged between two extremes; one was a golden retriever on narcotics and the other was a mellowed out, insightful man. When he was hyperactive, Eddie was always moving in circles around you - in your orbit, spinning round you the way the Earth did to the sun - barely allowing a breath between words. He got so excited, a white hot ball of energy, leaving a trail of scrawled campaign notes and half-written songs in his wake. It was pure chaos, but it was also warm and familiar. It was insane contrast to when he was high off his left nut, sat on the sofa with his blunt in one hand and guitar in the other. It was moments like that you were convinced he could be the next Jimi Hendrix, coming out with a combination of scarily insightful thoughts paired with a few chords and melodies. Then he would let out the world's biggest yawn, pass the fuck out and forget it all.
Today was definitely more of the hyperactive days. You were curled up in the corner of the trailer, your college work laid out in front of you. Eddie, meanwhile, was sat beside you, gangly legs just touching you. He would occasionally give you a kick and a smile.
"Baaaaaabe," his voice was a drawl. "Do you wanna watch a movie?"
"After this, Eds," you replied, glancing up at him. "I'll only be a few more hours-"
"- Jaws," he cut you off. "I wanna watch Jaws."
"Why don't you go down to Family Video?" you proposed. "By the time you're back, I'll be done."
"Nah," he grumbled. "I don't fancy seeing Harrington right now."
"But you're content sat here staring at me?"
"I love staring at you," Eddie grinned. "There are much worse things to look at."
"Like what?"
You let out a groan, turning your attention back to the notes in front of you. Just a few more hours, you thought to yourself. Then I can give him whatever the fuck he wants.
Eddie began wriggling on the sofa so that his head was closest to you now; there was barely a second before he'd whacked your notepad from your lap, promptly replacing it with a stupid grin and a tangle of messy hair. His big bug eyes, although dark, were lit up the evening sun from the window behind you. It was only in this light that you could see the little flecks of gold and amber amongst the brown.
"Edward," you said sternly. "This is why you haven't fucking graduated! We said we would have a study day-"
"- I am studying," he shot back. "I'm studying you."
"Oh my god. Could you be any cornier?" you replied, barely able to hide your eye roll. Still though, your minor annoyance didn't stop you softly carding a hand through his hair, gently organising the strands that had fallen over his face. "I'm on the last chapter. I promise."
"I have nothing to do!" he whined. "I'm so lonely without you-"
"- bit rich considering your head is in my lap, Eds."
"Yeah, maybe you're right."
"What do you normally do when I'm gone?"
Eddie peered up at you, grin widening. "Wait for you to come home. Sometimes I smoke weed."
"So go smoke then!" you suggested.
"I can't. I'm out and I'm not picking up from Reefer Rick until tomorrow-"
Pausing for a moment, you reached across to grab your bag. After rummaging around for a few minutes, you produced the half-smoked blunt you hadn't finished last night. It wasn't much, but you shoved it in Eddie's mouth with hope, in the same way a mother might sticky a dummy in the mouth of a crying child. He didn't respond until you stuck your hand in his back pocket and pulled out a lighter.
"Will this shut you up?"
"For a bit," he said with a wink, shoving the smoke to the corner of his mouth and taking an inhale. "This weed is awful. Who did you buy it from?"
You peered down at him, thinning your eyes. "I don't know. It was some guy Robin knows-"
Eddie sat up in the blink of an eye, brown eyes filled with completely unwarranted fury. You jumped back at the motion, barely avoiding your foreheads colliding. He twisted himself to face you, a gangly leg on either side of your lap as he pressed his face to yours with a scowl.
"You're cheatin' on me?"
You rolled your eyes. "Because I brought from someone else?"
"Yeah!" he exclaimed.
"You were at Hellfire Club!" you shot back. "Last time I interrupted one of those meetings you didn't talk to me for three days."
Eddie let out a tiny grumble. After thinking for a moment, there was a huff and then as if he had forgiven you, he burrowed his head in the crook of your neck and tightening his arms around your waist. Normally, you would have fought him off but the moment was just too soft.
After a moment like that, he pulled away and fell back onto the sofa, dragging you with him. You let out a yelp and collided with his chest, barely avoiding rolling off the sofa. Eddie grabbed you and steadied you, large hands holding your forearms as he propped himself up on his elbows. He had a huge grin on his face; it met his eyes in seconds, nothing but love and adoration and fucking pride because hell, he had just won the battle. Your notes were on the floor now, strewn with the spliff he had written off.
"What's with you today?" you softly asked.
"How'd you mean?" Eddie absent-mindedly replied, eyes not meeting yours. They were following his hands as they moved over your body; up your arms, down your back, and then to cup your face. Your gaze met his then, and he gave you a gentle smile.
"You're clingy, I know that much, but especially so today," you said. "Is something up?"
He shook his head. "No. I just missed you."
"I've been here all day-"
"- I know," he cut you off with a smile. "Maybe I got a bit jealous that you're spending more time with that textbook than you are with me."
"A bit jealous?" you teased. "Or are you just mad that you're not the center of my attention all the time?"
"Pffft, no," Eddie said. "That doesn't sound like me at all."
"All this from the man that ignored me for two whole days last week over a D&D campaign?" you continued to taunt, but his grin was as wide as yours. His eyes fell down to the shirt you were wearing - his Hellfire one, naturally.
"If you're going to keep giving me ironclad logic then I am not going to argue with you," he huffed, smile still not faltering.
"Good," you beamed. "I don't want to argue either."
Eddie leant down and pressed a kiss to your lips. He tasted of mint - he always had gum - and a little of cigarettes. It was intoxicating taste, one that brought you back to the first few days of your relationship. You'd been getting high under the bleachers in sophomore year and after months of pining, Eddie had finally kissed you. Almost four years had passed and it still hadn't gotten old. He was your home now; a tangle of curly hair and dark eyes that you could never seem to break away from. And why would you want to? Eddie was everything you could ever need; sweet, funny, your best fucking friend. He looked after you and you knew he'd go to the ends of the Earth to make you happy. Right now, though, your lives were tied together in the confines of the trailer park and you had absolutely nothing else to think about but each other.
"So we'll meet halfway and agree that I was right and you were wrong?"
"That is so not how that works, Eddie," you laughed.
He pressed another kiss to your lips before sitting up, hands grabbing your ass and keeping you on his lap and he turned to sit back on the sofa properly.
"So," he began. "Jaws?"
You let out a soft laugh. "Yeah, Jaws."
You hopped off his lap and leant down to pile up your scattered notes. Eddie followed suit - not without placing a slap to your ass as he passed - and began to rummage around for his keys. You caught his denim jacket in midair as he threw it at you, pulling it over your shoulders. He then tossed you your boots one by one, before pulling on his own and kicking open the door.
"After you, hot stuff."
You gave him a wink as you passed, tangling your hands with his on the way to the van. It took a few tries to open the passenger side door - y'know, on account for the fact that it was a rusting pile of shit - but as soon as you were in, Eddie was beside you with one hand on the wheel and one on your thigh. It was an unspoken rule that you always chose the music.
"Really?' Eddie quirked an eyebrow at you, brown eyes momentarily siding you. "Fucking ABBA?"
"You drive, I choose the music," you shot back. "That's how it is."
He let out a cute little grumble, but you could have sworn you heard him muttering the lyrics to Angel Eyes. Luckily for him, Family Video wasn't too long of a drive. Especially not when Eddie broke every speed limit known to man. It was funny how he did it so suavely, one hand holding yours and the other violently spinning the wheel every time there was a corner. He didn't let go of your hand when he had to change gear, instead just pulling your fingers with his as he reached for the shift stick.
Eddie halted outside the video store with a screech. He hopped out the van and jogged round the other side, opening the door for you and holding out his hand. He was a fucking cheeseball.
"Thank you, Mr Munson," you couldn't help but laugh as your feet hit the ground, leaning against him to steady the balance.
"Y'know, I think you might be a future Munson too."
Your eyebrows shot up. "Seriously?"
"I mean..." he trailed off, coming to stand in front of you. He took your hands in his, fingers interlacing with yours as he lifted them and aimlessly waved them around. "I could take your surname?"
"You're soft today," you murmured.
"Yeah, I am," he gave you a soft smile. "It's probably because I'm in love with you."
"You love me?"
"I love you."
You grinned. "I love you too."
His large hands found your waist, gently pushing you back against the side of the van. Eddie placed a kiss on your lips without a word; one hand on your ass, the other placed beside your head on the van with an arm caging you in. It was late and there was no one else around, so you didn't care too much about anyone seeing the PDA.
"I've always loved you," he admitted. "Ever since that day in freshman year that you told me my hair was stupid."
"That was six years ago-"
"- it took me six years to recover from it," he cut you off. "C'mon, let's go get Jaws."
You pressed one more kiss to his lips. "Let's go."
tags: @karasong @megmeg-chan @adamgetawaydriver @eddington-munson
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eddieslov3 · 2 years
Birthday's suck..
This one was requested by @thegreencanary and its so cute I needed to write this.
I didn't proofread so pls be nice and I hope you like it.
Content warning⚠️: talk of the upside down, hospitalized!reader. Birthday sucks. Mutual pining and fluff. Also steve blindfolds reader but its sfw. Also the ending sucks I'm sorry
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You hated this. Things have been worse but you hated this. You were sick on your birthday and naturally had to spent it alone since you were in the hospital. It made you wanna cry, since it wasn't the first time you couldn't celebrate your birthday on the actual day. You should have been used to it by now but it didn't make it any better. Since you hated being alone and it was even worse on your birthday. Crying the whole morning didn't make you feel better though. You didn't wanna cry about it but you couldn't help but feel lonely.
You had another week left, but since you had some type of weird sickness(the upside down had had its toll on you and the doctors thought it was contagious.. spoiler alert: they weren't) no one was allowed to visit you. So you couldn't be mad about no one visit, especially if Steve had made sure to show up anyway every day. You were thankful that your room had a window because that's where he stood every day at around 4pm but today he didn't show up. By 5:30 you had given up hope, silently staring at the wall hoping that the day would just end. You hated feeling this miserable.
Not even you book could cheer you up anymore at 6pm you tossed it aside groaning at yourself. Calming down by running a hand through your hair, sitting up. "God I hate this" you sigh and get interrupted by a nearly silent knock. "Hi hi birthday pal" a very familiar voice says. Looking up you can see Steve, hes holding a bouquet of flowers in one hand and a ballon in the other. Again, you start to cry, but this time out of Happiness. "I thought you had forgotten my birthday.." you mumble and walk over to the window. As you walk closer you see the others, the kids, Eddie, Nancy and Robin.
"you didn't think we'd forget you, right?" he reminds you smiling. "I did think that" you then reply honestly. Quickly wiping your tears away you smile widely. "Thank you guys" you say smiling. "No need to thank us, this was Steves doing" Dustin says grinning. Steve blushes slightly, not exactly hiding the fact that this boy.. this man was in love with you. Like really.
Naturally you start blushing too and wave it off. "Thanks you then Steve" you reply smiling. You smile.
They all stayed for an hour until they all had to leave, steve being the last one to leave. "I'll see you tomorrow then?" he asks rubbing his neck slightly. You nod. "Tomorrow sounds good"
And then he leaves, he has a hard time leaving you alone as he always does.
Steve was your best friend since diapers, you had seen him be a douche, a jock, be with nancy and all that jazz. You we're also relived when Henderson was responsible for his massive change, that made you like that lil guy more.
You had the staff give you the flowers and balloon so you could feel the love that they had brought you. This made the week you had left to stay less awful.
The week had gone by and Steve had been there every day. One day he had brought erasablemarkers to play tic tac toe on the glass of the window. "You're cheating Harrington!" you stated pouting. Slightly laughing he shrugged his shoulders. "I'm just playing the game, babe. I don't know what you mean" babes was a nickname he commonly used for you. Among other nicknames like sweetheart or love, you liked babe the most of you were completely honest. It made your heart flutter and your head turn red.
Two days after that he made the stuff roll out a tv with an vhs player so he could watch the goonies with you. You loved the movie. "Thanks for spending your time with me" you said during a quiet moment and leaned into the cold glass, he did the same but you missed the cuddles you usually got while watching a movie with him.
The day you finally got to leave the hospital had come and you packed your stuff and now are waiting for Steve to actually pick you up. The upside was that you got to leave the hospital already, waiting infront of it. Breathing in the fresh air and being more than thankful for the wind that's flowing through your hair. Slightly sighing und strech as Steve finally rolls by. "Hey Babe" he greets you winking at you, making you giggle. You get into the car. "Hi Baby" you say back making him rub his chin smiling. Your heart is making backflips by now.
"You look so good" he comments making you blush. "Thank you.. I felt like dressing up after wearing that stupid hospital gown for two weeks straight..." you mumble putting your seatbeld on while he turned the car. You didn't think much of it, since he said he was gonna drive you home. "You're welcome Babe.. you deserve to feel good about yourself after these idiots locked you in for no reason" he says leaving you all blushy not really paying attention where he was actually going. You two bicker about the doctors mocking them a little which makes you laugh. God hos much he loves your laugh.
When he took a left turn instead of a right you were confused but didn't say anything, he has his reasons. He then stops and looks at you. "So I have a surprise for you and I'm gonna put a blindfold on you, if you're okay with that" he says holding his bandana you definitely recognize. You look down at the bandana for a moment before you nod. "Yeah go ahead. I trust you" you then say. "Thank you sweetheart" he then mumbles, carefully putting the bandana on you. Slightly tickling you in the process making you giggle in his face. He blushes, turning crimson red. He was definitely glad you didn't see him.
"Is that okay?" carefully pulling the ends of the bandana into a rather tight but not uncomfortable knot. "Yeah thats fine.. thank you" you state smiling. You can feel him adjust himself and continue driving. He turns on the radio, humming along with the tunes until he stopped after what felt like years to be honest.
"so I'm gonna guide you, just let me" he says parking the car and getting out. You bite your lip and patiently wait for him. As the door opens he takes your hands. "Careful don't bump your head" he says putting a hand on your head while guiding you out of his car. The door slamming. You have no idea where you are but you can hear some hushed voices. Not really thinking anything of it while he guides you, what feels like, into a garden. "Okay.. we're here. Are you ready?" his calm voice, laced with excitement makes you nod. "Yes I'm ready".
As he takes off the blindfold a swarm of voices errupts and you have to blink a few times to fully grasp what is happening. "Happy late Birthday!" They scream along with you name. You can't help but tear up at this cute gesture. "You did all of this for me?" Your eyes scan the garden and you can see a grill, loads and loads of Fingerfood and baked stuff, beautiful decorations and of course your friends.
"I hope you like it" is all steve says while blushing. You nod and just look at him. "This was your doing wasn't it, Harrington?" you tease grabbing his hand. "Yes it was!" Max and Lucas confirm while handing you each a cupcake, both of you take them gratefully. "Thanks Max" you say and can't fully function as Steve suddenly pulls you closer. With a quick look at your lips he then dips his head in your direction, kissing you softly.
You gasp lightly before returning the favor and kissing him back. As you break the kiss all your friends are cheering and Eddie hands Dustin ten bucks. "Finally" says Dustin while Eddie mopes looking at you. "I thought you'd do it first!"
"I'm glad I did it though. Not even sorry about this one, Munson" steve says while kissing you again.
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postwarlevi · 2 years
Hi hi hi! Just swooping in with some random questions to get to know you :P do you have any pets? If not, what’s your dream pet? What is your favorite aesthetic? Do you have a favorite hobby? And finally, what was your motivation to start this blog? Have a wonderful day, hope you’re doing well!
Hi anon! Hope your day is well :) Thank you so much for sending me some fun stuff!
I do have pets! 4 cats! They're all in this post. Jazz is my good boy, Jinx is my bad kitty, Sidney still acts like a kitten even though he's grown, Jackson dislikes me because be associates me with Jinx who is a brat LOL
So, IDK about dream pet, but one day when I have less cats, if I'm in a good place to provide the care, I would like to take on a CH cat. Cerebellar Hypoplasia is also known as wobbly cat syndrome (although other animals can get it too) and it affects the portion of their brain that gives them balance and motor skills. There's different severities of the condition but really these cats can live a long, happy life!
Alternatively I lost two cats to FeLV, leukemia, and if I'm cat-less would like to open my home to some positive FeLV cats since it can be spread by close contact and there's no way to completely prevent spreading it. So yeah, more cats :)
Favorite aesthetic? Hmm, I don't know if I have an answer since I feel like I don't know a lot of them, at all haha. But my first answer would be the well know cottagecore. Simple, country style, gardening, baking, loose fitting flowy dresses. It's safe to say that's my favorite.
I'm not very exciting with hobbies. I like reading, baking, and watching old movies! I'm terrible at multitasking so I can't do all the things in one day, so some days I bake all day, some times I'll watch 3 or 4 movies. If I'm in a mood, I stick with it, and the others suffer for a little while. Oops.
My motivation was really trying to find somewhere to connect with other Attack on Titan fans. I don't do much with any social media platform so this was a big jump but it looked like the right one. I looked around a lot before posting and started following people and posting on their stuff, then sharing, and eventually was encouraged to share my own writing, which I really wanted to do! Waaay back when I started writing fanfic and AOT got me back into it! I'm thankful for this site and the people I've connected with :)
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thrilloffirstlove · 2 years
Man radiating pure malice "hangs out" with world's best distraction, INSTANTLY regrets it
I don't know I just want to see if I could write about Rick while the tone does what it wants. Enjoy
"Yeah well what if. I did the time warp."
"...Pardon?" Rick was starting to grow just a tad bored with Simms games. Sure, he was having fun watching it nervous and hoping that it was doing a good job. But did he really need to be putting this much effort into making sure it didn't try anything? As it was turning out, not really.
"Jump to left, right, bring knees in tight- and this is the kicker: pelvic thrust, in order to drive parents and whoever insane!" It was such a wide eyed little thing. A cog in a machine, in a literal sense. "Ta-da, there. Pelvic thrust is the kicker, and so that's why the emphasis is on that part."
"Hm. Cute."
"That's it? Wait, really that's all?"
"...You also forgot to point out the jazz hands at the end."
"Th- Those were not actually part of the dance, and therefore did not need to be called out." Simms tilted it's head with an audible crack. "But really, are you disappointed?"
"Like I said: Cute." Rick kicked at the ground beneath, for no other reason than to maybe signal Simms to action. "Though the stalling is starting to drag on a bit."
"I thought- Wasn't stalling my whole point? Like... I don't know. I'm still getting a headache from thinking about that part."
"Eh. It's best you don't think that hard about it."
"Oh?" Why Simms voice would heighten so much, Rick didn't know. "Oh? Oh? Oh? Oh? Oh?"
With each little 'oh' Simms voice got farther and farther away from where it started, not to mention how it's distance from Rick just seemed to randomly generate without losing any volume. A neat little trick.
When it's voice finally went back to normal, it was right in front of Rick. There was barely enough room to put one arm between the two. "What's that, Rickie? You gave me actual, helpful advice?? Oh, why that's just splendid and neat and-" Simms quickly devolved into a fit of jibbering and giggling, it's hands making a motion not unlike tickling.
"God, this is such a rare occasion, I- I don't know what to say, I..."
"Was the use of the word 'god' intentional?"
"No but uh- Oh! Quick, right or left?"
"What for?" Rick was one to smile a lot, but could you blame him when THIS was how Simms chose to act around him? It was like when a bee lands on your leg because your sock was bright enough. Simms would love that metaphor, he thought- or at least part of him did. He was trying to focus on more... important matters happening elsewhere, as fun as Simms was to watch.
"Ok uhmmmm, I'll just choose the right one!"
Simms pulled at his hand, bringing it closer to it's face. And- Good Lord was he not prepared for this.
Not that Rick had been seriously compromised, or that it would look like much to anyone other than him. It was just a little bit concerning how much eye contact Simms made as it kissed his hand. Complete with an audible- forced if you will- 'mwah' sound.
"...Well, that was a sweet gesture." He hated how much his voice cracked, it was making him sound so amateur. He shouldn't be this surprised by something this small, this inconsequential. "Why though?"
"I already- You're not normally that helpful- or reassuring take your pick- with words?? It's a thing people do in mobster movies to da big boss???"
Rick just kind of looked at it funny. How many times had it chosen to explain things by correlating it to media? Although it was not the worst thing Simms could do, it always took a bit to go and see what it was talking about. Just to make sense of the whole thing.
"Don't play that dumb."
"What, you mean I can't give big scary ice cream man a little treat for being nice???? Did you- not like it?"
"Simms. You're still holding my hand."
"Oh well- do you want me to stop or-"
"You would know if I wanted you to stop." Rick gripped Simms hand hard. Very hard, but just for the emphasis of threats. That was what this was, wasn't it? Like how brood parasites impersonate the young of other birds in order to feed off of the food the parents bring. Simms liked to categorize that under 'supernormal stimuli', where creatures evolved to favor certain traits will prefer unrelated and often invasive noises, sounds, plants... All due to said evolution.
...He should probably make sure that he didn't break it's hand. Just in case.
"Ah. That was scary."
"And you're still cute. I've said it before and I will say it now: You're cute. Don't let anything tell you otherwise."
"Erm... Ok. What the fuck does that mean."
"Do not catch me off guard again. I'll say that much."
"Should I remove my hand? I'm sorry I-"
"Nope!" Rick took a moment to properly lace his fingers in-between Simms's. It would be terrible, just terrible if it stopped trying to engage him now! "Didn't you have other things you needed to show me?"
"Uhm." Simms blinked, trilling in a manner that was as far away from trilling as you could get away with. "Yeah the bone thing. That's why I, y'know, started talking and whatnot. Not in general, just…"
"How about I lead and you just give the directions, eh?"
Simms nodded, whilst somehow looking towards the ground at the same time.
A good thing, he found it was weird when it made eye contact. It could be considered weird when anything wasn't "behaving the way it should". Of course, there were so many more specifics that could be added. That kind of definition, as it were, would make Rick fall into the same category as Simms just now...
He should focus on important matters more often.
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sanchoyo · 3 years
danny phantom 14-20 thoughts!! I finished up s1 :D these last few eps were actually really really good!!!
-did. did tucker really just say esperanto was a dead language only spoken as a secret code between geeks. google says around 100,000 people actively speak it. oh my god...it being an auxiliary language doesn't mean its 'just for geeks to speak in code' ...it helps bridge gaps between people who don't have a language in common...
-danny really isn't pulling punches when it comes to fighting the ghost-cop possessed people huh. like he SLAMMED KWAN INTO THE CONCRETE SO HARD. HE THREW PAULINA INTO A BILLBOARD. will that...I mean it WOULD carry over to their bodies non-possessed, right? like if the ghost piloting their bodies gets hurt?? itd be so upsetting to be possessed, lose time, then wake up covered in bruises (and possibly, broken bones??) real horror movie stuff im sure wont be addressed in any way
-tuckers parents seem nice! I like them :)
-WULF IS CUTE AND I FEEL BAD. im so glad the gang realized he was only causing trouble bc of the shock collar walker put on him and helped. also, him wearing that big hoodie with the hood on, and thinking its subtle. we can tell youre still a giant wolfie :) THEN GETTING SUCKED INTO THE PORTAL AAAAH :( anxiously waiting to see Him Again....
-DANNY BLASTING HIS PARENTS THINKING THEY WERE OVERSHADOWED LMFAO GET THEIR ASSES. maddie marking how many ghosts she gets with lipstick tallies on the side of her portal gun? kindaaa iconic tho. (ALSO, SHE WAS LIKE, 2 FT AWAY FROM HIM RIGHT AFTER SHE TRIED TO SHOOT HIM. HOW DO YOU NOT RECONINZE YOUR OWN SON??? like sure, he might have diff hair/eye colors. but like, if one of my family members dyed their hair, and was wearing contacts, its not like id be like 'wHO IS THIS STRANGER!!!' ...he still has all his facial features!! same everything!!! I hate it here)
-paulina being #1 girl realizing danny's a friendly ghost immediately. smart queen. lancer and kwan ran away right after he made this sweet baby face at them:
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which is hilarious.
-ok. im not saying his bullying is JUSTIFIED, but. dash looked so pleased with the (cute!) poster he just painted, and danny comes thru the wall and spills paint on his nice letterman jacket. his anger is justified maybe 65% of the time so far...(not the way he handles it, but STILL.) at least lancer is stepping in!! and them making a silly little bet was...cute?? until dash pulled out his GROSS UNDERWEAR AND SAID DANNY WOULD HAVE TO EAT THEM???? WHAT THE FUCK MAN. TUCKER WAS SO RIGHT ITS FUCKING WEIRD TO CARRY THOSE AROUND EWWW. THIS KID IS UNWELL. lancer was right, his animatronic setup was SUPER IMPRESSIVE?? hes actually pretty creative. danny meanwhile is stealing the fright knight's design...I hope dash is taking art classes or smth with his sports
-fright knight is the most bestest ghost so far i LOVE THAT DESIGN. I am biased towards knights, and characters with swords, but he fucks so severely. and should sue danny for copyright infringement for stealing his design for his haunted house. if some 14 yr old broke into MY house and stole MY sword, id also be pissed. his evil winged unicorn rules too with its FANGS. and he just CAN SHOVE THE PORTAL OPEN WITH HIS HANDS??? is he the strongest ghost weve seen so far? idk but hes my fav. SOUL SHREDDER IS SUCH A COOL SWORD NAME TOO. ANY NAMED SWORD ALSO FUCKS. 'flaming bedsheets of DEATH' funny king. ALSO he was polite to dash and tucker when just asking for directions and telling tucker 'oh maybe, just a suggestion, maybe be nicer to me and be more respectful :)' I LOOOVE HIM.
-I noticed this in the Ember ep, but jazz has an electric guitar in her room!! talent musical queen!! its cool to see hobbies just in the bg.
-fright knight's murder castle reminds me of the booby trapped murder castle in zexal!! another supposedly 'for kids' show with murder/trap castles! we love that. if you are a dp fan reading this, give yugioh zexal a try. its also got 13-14 year old protags and involves (alien) ghosts. the cardgame is just a vessel for the plot, which is really good. (I just want more people to watch my fav yugioh, man)
-danny. with a SWORD.
-danny doesnt NEED TO WIN this contest, dash didnt STEAL HIS DESIGNS AND STEAL A SWORD. he also got excited to hear lancer got sent to a dimension with his worst fears too just so he could win the contest? DANNY WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU!!! BRO MAYBE YOURE 14 AND HAVENT FULLY DEVOLPED YOUR WHOLE BRAIN YET, BUT...THATS FUCKED. this kid casually says the most deranged things, I do worry for my spooky son. once again, therapy needed. that judo toss was great tho. I wonder if he actually did pick up some martial arts stuff from his mom?
-danny can fly 112 mph!!! thats so fast! I love the lil montage of him and his friends testing his abilities and stuff, very cute and a good way to showcase what he can do by now and how much more proficient he's gotten from ep 1!!! I'm sure he's going to get more abilities :)
-im glad...maddie's at least TRYING this ep. I do feel for her because her husband is a man baby. but the fact it took 16 episodes to get a kinda semblance of any kind of real concern or attempts at bonding. hmm. jack's 'BACK OFF SHES A MINOR' @ the ghost trying to attack jazz. also was very funny. and him wanting to make an action figure of her? are the parents redeeming themselves to me? slightly. they gotta Work Harder
-fenton machete. but she doesnt carry a PHONE??? ???
-I mean I expected vlad when you namedrop him earlier in the ep, and also the title card picture, and dalv corp being fucking vlad backwards. but seeing him just pull up on a golf cart made me bust out laughing. WITH the gift baskets prepared. why wouldnt you at least be suspicious. also, if he wants danny to be his lil sonboy, why is he so fucking malicious?? dude you are going about this in such a bad way. stop it. get some help.
-maddie not even hesitating to drag danny out. fucking good. danny is so right, go on the internet to date. get a cat. how do you spend...how many years?? has it been since college?? at least 20, right, since the parents/vlad are in their 40s? hung up on ONE girl. my god, man. incel drama queen. her kung fu IS impressive, but dude. 'we both know hes a creep' SO right. it sucks but they do need a phone and shit being in the middle of NOWHERE. also, just stealing his helicopter was great. <3
-'you must be exhausted carrying the weight of that mistake you made years ago' 'well we all make mistakes. maybe I'll make one now!' WHY DID THIS EXHCHANGE SEND ME. AND VLAD WITH THE BREATH SPRAY EWWW BITCH. 'OLD BAIT BREATH' SOO RIGHT. both danny and his mom playing him HAHAH hes so dumb. or rather, I think he thinks with his emotions too too much and is...actually pretty gullible? lmao he believed danny was ready to give in SO fast. (which is sad hes that hopeful, like you have SO MUCH MONEY YOU COULD EASILY GET ANOTHER GIRL WHO HAS A KID. AND WOULD WANT TO BE WITH YOU AND BE SUPPORTED. GET OVER THIS (1) WOMAN ALREADY IM GETTING SECONDHAND EMBARRASSMENT AAAAH)
-GHOST BEAR GHOST BEAR GHOST BEAR. it was also in the title card, but I still got very excited. we love bears here
-SAM'S BAT SWIMSUIT COVERUP!!! her outfits are simply iconic.
-'i'd tell you to go to the mens room, but I don't think you qualify' top paulina transphobic moments. :( and him wearing a tanktop to the swim park? hmmm! (actually I think she was overshadowed by then, so, KITTY top 10 transphobic moments??)
-kitty just piloting paulina around makes me feel SO bad tho, paulina's gonna wake up and be like 'wtf do you mean I was dating this rando' like youre leading danny on to make johnny jealous, and also just POSSESSING POOR PAULINA. dude take your relationship problems ELSEWHERE. last time we saw them, they seemed like such a cute couple!! wtf johnny!! I mean, she sucks for trying to make him jealous, he sucks for looking at other girls...maybe they need a break, but Not Like This. or, you know, just. better communication...
-and the A-listers having a full packet and a stamp system. who organizes this. kwan fucking owning being the new danny though, this is hysterical. THE TUCKER/KWAN FLOWER FIELD TWIRL. UNIRONICALLY ADORABLE. and him giving it his all for the poetry slam. bless his HEARTTTT.
-Star owns. actually, all of the extra characters are shining this ep and I love it.
-johnny and danny bein friends and staging a fake fight (which danny takes too seriously, once again this child has aggression he NEEDS TO WORK OUT) I hope these three stay friends, I said it before but danny needs more friendly ghosts to hang with.
-at this point, Danny's ghost enemies are a lot like, I dunno, batman's rouge gallery is the first thing that comes to mind. they all have their own gimmick and unique designs, but most of them are easy to beat after learning the Moral Lesson. I still get excited when any of them show up again, though. 18 is another valerie episode!!!! :D skulker really said you two will get along if I have to handcuff you together <3 and the gym teacher really said, youre married now, have a flour baby! ngl, I'm not really watching this show for the shipping stuff (which I am very scared to look at the fandom for after I finish this watch through- I feel like there's probably discourse/arguing about ships...) but. I'm gonna put my opinion out there. valerie/danny > sam/danny. maybe I just really love the enemies to lovers trope. And the secret identity stuff adds Extra Flavor.
-SKULKER JUST HAVING THE BOX GHOST AND DANGLING HIM BY A STRING. HILARIOUS. and him watching them with binoculars and making his silly little commentary. AND MAKING THE SACK BABY CRY. LMAO. THIS DUDE IS A BABY KIDNAPPER. skulker is super fun
-danny, you just...collapsed the water tower. and then attacked the nasty burger machine...mascot thingy...out of anger..I KEEP SAYING HE'S GOT ANGER ISSUES BUT. HE REALLY NEEDS A LESSON IN MANAGING COLLATERAL DAMAGE!!! So does valerie!! They're both pretty focused on each other. I mean it's good of Danny to say he's trying to make sure PEOPLE don't get hurt, but... (I mean I guess it's not something 14 year olds WOULD worry about, but as an adult im like, who's going to fix that? how much money will that take??)
-TUCKER MAKING BANK. and sam and tucker being super emotionally attached to their flour baby and being pretty good parents. that's cute...also him just straight kissing her and being like. WAIT. O_O JDSKAFHD. his mom baking them into cookies was the funniest possible result. tbh I dont feel like this is on tucker, if anything the other kid's shouldve been more responsible! He was just taking an opportunity to get that $$ which I respect
-Danny being more understanding of Valerie's situation in the end (helping her at her job, too, and trying to keep that a secret for her!!!) And seeing them work together this ep, and also her letting phantom get her out of the ghost zone...was very sweet. LOVE that. more valerie eps pls
-me when I realize vlad's big stupid house exploded because of his own carelessness with changing the ghost portal ectofiltrator or whatever: *pointing and laughing*
-me when I realize it means he's gonna go make danny's life hell for it somehow: >:(
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-SCOOBY PARODY!!! I feel like there's gotta be some scooby doo/danny phantom crossover stuff, right? also, 'guys in white' men in black wishes
-'oh, that's right! dad married the love of your life! you're bitter and alone!' DANNNNNYY GET HIS ASS ONCE AGAIN WE ARE POINTING AND LAUGHING AT VLAD
-'jack, you captured the ghost boy!!' UMM. he did nothing <3 'we have a weapon's vault??' YOU HAVE A WEAPONS VAULT??? and jack didnt put a handle on the inside. of fucking course he didnt! why would you leave that to your son!! or expect him to clean YOUR LAB when its where you work with probably dangerous chemicals and weapons and hes 14!! give him normal chores, like, I dunno, vacuuming, laundry, dishes...CMON. I hate it here. But I'm glad Jack is more chill about danny while he's a ghost, and willing to work with him for this ep. AND. I DID ENJOY JACK PUNCHING VLAD IN THE FACE. AND GENERALLY JUST OWNING HIM. the ghost punchy fists are actually amazing. like yeah, just punch a ghost in the face. that rules.
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-ep 20 opens with the coolest fucking ghost lady design. her tattoos can come off and fight. MA'AM. I like ur nose ring and your cape maam hello 👉👈😳
-sam's grandma is hilarious and the most valid member of her family and I love her. thats my grandma now. and tucker covering for sam by dressing as her. thats true friendship <3 also skipping school to go to a goth circus. just bestie things! sam's parents are haters but for all the wrong reasons.
-'my family has controlled ghosts with this for generations!' WAIT. WAIT FREAKSHOW /ISNT/ A GHOST? I didn't expect that...he's just a fucked up guy controlling ghosts? anyway watching danny shoot at police cars and rob banks while mind controlled. its like, the most stereotypical 'bad' things lmao. (tbh an evil ghost circus troupe is a sick concept)
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this gives off big deviantart emo edit vibes
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(I'm going to assume evil circus reaper danny has a lot of fan content. people love an edgy au, except this one is canon (even tho its via mind control...having the protag go evil otherwise might be hard, I guess?) but au where he stays with the troupe...that has to exist, right?)
ANYWAY. excited to start s2!! lowkey surprised by how many notes some of these posts have gotten. I've gone back and tagged them all with 'dp thoughts' so they're easier to find on my blog! ^^ and I will probably possibly do (more) fanart on my art blog after I finish the watch of the whole show, so like. @sanchoyodraws follow my art blog :)
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karlajoyner · 4 years
Strawberry Lipgloss (Carrie Wilson x Reader)
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A/n: Hey guys! This is my first girl x girl so I hope the requester and everyone else enjoyed it! I'm also working on my first male x male so I'm excited for that! Definitely my first time branching out into doing a lot more with my writing so I hope you guys are liking it so far. I'm working on an Owen smut next and trying to get through my requests! So thanks for reading!!💙
Requested by: lonelygranger (Wattpad)
Warnings: Bullying (kinda sorta)
The final bell of the day rang signifying class was over. I stood up rushing out of the classroom knowing the hallways would be packed any moment with students trying to leave as well.
"Hey Molina" I heard a familiar voice call from behind me as I put my chemistry textbook in my locker. I sighed shutting my eyes. Turning around slowly.
"Carrie" I spoke through gritted teeth.
"Y/n. I just thought I'd remind you how much of a freak show you are like always"
"Thank you for that. Anything else?"
"Yeah. You should really keep your sister in check with her little hologram boy band. You know before she gets hurt" The girl said making sure to bump my shoulder as she passed by me.
I internally groaned hitting the locker behind me watching as she strutted away.
"Hey are you okay?" I heard my older sisters voice.
I turned my head to see her and her best friend rushing towards me in a panic.
"What'd that witch do to you now?"
"The same as always Flynn. Insult me bump my shoulder and walk away" I said using jazz hands to show the flatness in my excitement.
"I just don't understand why she has it out for me"
"It's all my fault y/n. I'm so sorry" Julie said as we walked out the schools front entrance.
"It's okay Jules. I'll be fine. You know I'll just continue to deal with Carrie for the rest of my high school years until you two graduate. I'll just continue let her to bully me. And I'll just continue cry myself to sleep every night because the pop princess that bullies the hell out of me also happens to be the girl I've had a crush on since my sister first brought her over the very first day of middle school"
I ranted watching my dads car pull up to the front of the school.
"We'll finish talking later" Julie said opening the front door and getting in.
"Call me if you two need anything"
"Thanks Flynn. See you later" Julie called after her best friend who walked in another direction.
"Bye Flynn!" My dad called after the girl as well.
"Mija are you gonna get in or am I just gonna hold up traffic all day"
I heard my dads voice from inside the vehicle. But my focus was on the blonde boy who had his arm wrapped around her shoulder. Her boyfriend. Clearly not wanting to be standing beside her while she chatted away with the rest of dirty candy.
"Hey get in weirdo" I sighed getting in the car, shutting the door behind me.
"What's your problem?"
"I'm not in the mood Carlos" I spoke to my little brother as we drove off.
"Ooo someone's a bit moody"
"Dad leave her alone. She's had a tough day" Julie explained.
"Nothing a little family movie night can't fix. What do you say kids?"
"I call dibs on picking the movie!" Carlos shouted before anyone else could call it.
I woke up the next morning with determination. Putting on my best outfit. Waking up extra early to do my hair. And I even put a bit more makeup than usual.
Carrie Wilson had been bullying me ever since her and Julie had that falling out and I was tired of it.
I don't know if it was the sugar adrenaline of the large amount of candy I had eaten the night before during the movie. Or if I was just that fed up with the girl but today I put an end to her once and for all.
I walked downstairs with a pep in my step. The smell of waffles hitting my nose.
"There she is my other beautiful daughter" My dad spoke handing me a plate of waffles.
"Hey dad"
"D-did you do your hair?" Julie asked as I took a seat beside her at the table.
"I did"
"Because my dear sister today I am a new person"
"A weird person"
"Carlos" My dad warned the boy.
"It's okay dad. Not even little Carlitos could ruin my mood today" I said pinching his cheeks.
Satisfied with his look of disgust I took a bit out of my breakfast.
"Okay who are you and what have you done with my little sister?" Julie questioned only earning a smirk from me.
"I'm only a year younger Jules but if you must know. Well your just gonna have to wait until lunch time" I spoke before continuing to eat.
Lunch time rolled around quicker than I expected. I had spent the whole morning mentally preparing myself until that bell rang.
Walking out of class I immediately spotted Julie and Flynn sitting at our usual table in the cafeteria. I smiled at them as they waved me over excitedly.
Slowly but surely I began to walk my way over to them with confidence only to be stopped by someone blocking my path.
"Well if it isn't the loner of the two Molina sisters. I mean seriously get some friends your own age y/n"
"I didn't hear you complaining before you and Julie fell out"
"Oh wow look at you. Finally sticking up for yourself" She smirked.
"And for your information I was just being nice. You were always annoying chasing after us" She spat. My heart breaking a little bit more than usual.
As if on cue Nick made his way towards us. Like many other times he tried to get Carrie to leave Julie and me alone.
But this time it was different.
I smirked at the girl in front of me taking her boyfriends hand. Pulling him close to and planting a kiss on his lips. Immediately hearing gasps from the people around me.
I pulled away watching Nicks face contort in confused daze.
And the look on Carries face was priceless. Her signature smirk was wiped off her face as her eyes glossed up.
I didn't get the chance to get a word out before I felt her grab me by the wrist and drag me away from the big scene in the middle of the cafeteria.
"Carrie let me go!" I shouted as she dragged me down the halls.
"Where are you taking me? Carrie!" I yelled as she opened an unfamiliar door shoving me inside.
Immediately assuming it was the music room. Noting all the instruments I turned back to the girl in anger.
"What are we doing here?" I asked as she shut the door behind us.
"Why would you do that?"
"Why do you think?"
"D-do you like Nick or something?"
She asked clearly ticked off.
"You think I like Nick? Seriously?" I asked as if it were the most obvious thing in the world.
"Well do you or not?"
"Of course I don't. I only kissed him to get back at you" I watched relief wash over her face as we stood there in silence before I spoke again.
"You know? I'm just tired of your shit Carrie. You've been bullying me since you and Julie stopped being friends. I just don't understand. We used to get along so well. Then all of a sudden you hated me" I spoke leaning against the wall.
"I don't hate you" She stated my eyes falling onto her.
She quickly made her way towards me stopping a few inches away from me.
"W-what are you doing?" I whispered watching her eyes closely to see them looking down at my.....my lips?
"Just don't say anything for a second" I bit my lip as she slowly leaned in.
Taking the opportunity I met her halfway. Our lips dancing against each other's.
The taste of her strawberry lipgloss making butterflies erupt in my stomach.
I wrapped my hand around her waist pulling her closer. Smiling into the kiss as she pushed me up against the wall behind me.
I was first to pull away seeing a pink tinge take over he cheeks. No doubt my face had a similar hue.
"Can I say something now?" I asked as she playfully rolled her eyes.
"Yes y/n"
"I like you Carrie. A lot. I've liked you since I first met you. And I know your with Nick but-"
"But I was gonna break up with him anyways. We've been having problems for a while now"
"Really?" I asked fidgeting with the ends of her cropped cardigan.
"Yes really. Look I know I've been putting up this mean front but truth is I've always had a crush on you too. I just thought you would hate me when Julie and I fell out. Especially since she's your sister. I just thought you'd side with her. So I did what I do best. I played the mean girl" She spoke her eyes glossing up.
"Hey don't feel bad. I understand everything now. I know you and my sister aren't in the best of places right now but I'm sure she's gonna support this 100% like she always has" I spoke caressing her cheek. Softly smiling as she leaning into my touch.
"You think so?"
"I know so" I smiled pecking her lips once more. A grin plastering itself on her face.
"Your so beautiful" I simpered.
"You are too Molina. You look extra beautiful today with your hair and makeup done"
"You noticed?"
"I always noticed. And though you look amazing now you look just as good with your everyday makeup look. And no makeup at all for that matter. Maybe you could show me how you to do it sometime" She suggested gazing into my eyes.
"I guess I could give my pop princess a few pointers. Though you don't really need them" I said intertwining our fingers.
"I guess I should go break up with Nick. You know before someone catches us"
"I'll be here waiting"
"You better be. We've got a lot of catching up to do"
"It seems we do" I spoke before kissing her cheek.
"Maybe you could teach me some of your dirty candy moves" I proposed as she leaned her forehead on mine.
"Or you could just join dirty candy and learn with everyone else"
"Let's get one thing straight here Wilson. You're the star. And I'm perfectly okay with being your loving supporting girlfriend from the sidelines"
"Girlfriend? I like the sound of that" She grinned.
"So do we have ourselves a deal?"
"Yeah. Just as long as I get to call you my girlfriend"
"Sounds good.....but"
"But?" She asked her smile slightly faltering.
"Can we hold off on going public for a while?"
"Why?" She pouted.
"Well it's just your gonna break up with Nick and I don't want him to think it's because of us"
"But it is because of us" She stated making me send her a pointed look.
"Fine. I'm sure he won't mind but if you wanna hold off on telling people I guess we could play the best friend card for a while. But not too long. I want to show you off to everyone"
"And you will. When the time comes" I said pulling her in for a hug.
"My house after school?" I nodded watching her remove something small from her school bag.
"Here. So you could think of me while your in class" She spoke pinning a custom made enamel pin that read Dirty Candy.
"I always think about you" I stated hearing the first bell ring.
"We should go" I said as we walked to the double door separating once we exited.
I spent rest of the school day with a smile plastered on my face excited to see my newly found girlfriend after school.
Up Next: Owen Patrick Joyner x Reader
Charlie Gillespie x Reader
Alex x Male Reader
Luke Patterson x Reader
Charlie x Reader
Jeremy x Reader
Charlie x Reader
Reggie x Reader
Charlie Gillespie x Owen Patrick Joyner x Reader
Charlie Gillespie x Reader
@lolychu @headheartbellarke @bookish0918 @kcd15 @ifilwtmfc @moviesbooksandfandoms @lovesanimals @lavender-writer @kaitieskidmore1 @morganayennefertyrell @iloveteenwolf @ghostofmgg @jammi13 @theravenclawlife
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paradise-creator · 4 years
Hellooo!! I love love LOVE the diamond box matchup you did!! You're amazing!! Your blog is incredible!! Now I'm here for a romantic haven box Haikyuu matchup pls🥺
Appearance: My name is Kay! She/her, black, straight, 5'1, I have a slightly athletic & curvy-ish figure (lol idk), short-ish hair(like mid-neck), dark brown eyes, shoe size 9, I like to dress comfy so I'm always in oversized hoodies, sweatpants, sneakers, sweatshirts and shorts. I like colorful clothes too, high waisted jeans and shorts and boots. I'm not very fashionable but I try lol.
Basics: infp-t, Hufflepuff, Taurus sun, scorpio moon, sanguine, chaotic good, ambivert.
Some positive traits: I'm optimistic, friendly, energetic, organized, enthusiastic, observant, happy, open-minded, loving, encouraging and inquisitive!!
Some negative traits: I'm annoying, perfectionist, insecure, forgetful, easily distracted, kinda lazy, argumentative, too nice at times and clingy.
I love learning new things!! Currently I'm learning Korean, how to draw, how to paint and songs on the saxophone.
When I'm up for it, I love fun physical activity!! Going for a hike, going to the gym, bungee jumping, mountain climbing, going camping and etc :D
Although I love going out, nothing beats lazy days at home. I can spend hours by myself and still be happy. When alone I usually sleep or watch a movie/anime or practice my drawing or saxophone or try and learn something new!
I have a horrible memory and can never remember important dates 😭 I've forgotten my own birthday a few times (rip) so people can get mad at me for missing appointments, forgetting birthdays and other important days. I try my best to organize everything necessary on my phone calendar so I can be reminded.
I love seeing people happy! Nothing can fulfill my day more than knowing I put a smile on someone's face! I usually try my best to help out anyone who needs it and to the best of my ability! This has led to me getting taken advantage of in the past but I can't help but try and make others happy. I've developed a thicker skin and some trust issues as I've grown up because of it.
I love hyping my friends/family up!! Do you need a boost in confidence? Here I am, ready to help you remember the absolute king/queen/royalty that you are!! I'm usually very energetic and enthusiastic about many things and I love spreading positivity around!!
My love language is physical touch! So touch is very important to me in my relationships. Though I am insecure so I tend to think that I smother the people I care about with too much affection idk lol. I live for hugs and cuddles and hand holding 👉🏿👈🏿 but because of that I feel like I'm very clingy and annoying skskfksjd
I'm introverted in nature so although I mean usually full of energy and love making new friends, I can't do it for too long lol. My social battery runs out really fast and I have to hide away and recharge before I can be fully social again, otherwise I won't be my best self. I treasure personal time and understand when people need time for themselves too.
I love spontaneity!! I love living in the moment and doing stuff just for the hell of it!! Wanna go on a road trip? Dance in the rain? Build houses for charity? Go to McDonald's at 2am? Go on a long walk? SIGN ME UP!!
I can also be lazy and unmotivated to do stuff. If something doesn't interest me, I'd find myself incapable of doing it or I'd do it with great difficulty. I'm one of those 'do something when inspiration/motivation hits you otherwise it'll be absolute shit' types.
But when I do have motivation/inspiration that's when my perfectionism comes in and I have to do it in the best possible way and anything less is an insult to me, my family, my ancestors and descendants lmaoo. Unfortunately I subconsciously set a very high bar for myself which can be overwhelming and stressful but when I manage to produce work of that quality, it's very satisfying and rewarding jshkshdhsj
I have more to add but I feel like this is getting way too long 💀 lemme just move to the next section heheheh
Hobbies: I LOVE listening to music, learning new things, watching movies/anime, sleeping, reading, writing, playing saxophone (I'm still learning tho lol), swimming, drawing, journaling, making friends, and cooking!
My music taste: any type of rock (punk rock, grunge, j-rock, metal), pop, KPOP, RnB, jazz, dubstep, lofi hip hop, rap, trap, krnb, anime OP's and bangers from: Elvis, the beach boys, Queen, Khalid, Ateez, Harry styles, Kendrick Lamar, p!atd, mcr, fallout boy, Nirvana, BTS, mxmtoon, Marianas trench, twenty one pilots, stray kids, Jay Park, crush, Dreamcatcher, Skrillex, MJ, troye sivan etc
Fun facts:
I'm more of a cat person but I live dogs and think they're adorable!!
I have four piercings and I plan on getting more soon!!
I'm a night owl, and get super grumpy in the mornings especially when woken up unexpectedly >:/
Although I love making friends, I only have like 1/2 super close friends and like 20+ acquaintances lol
I want to get a tattoo soon but idk what to get :(
I'm super addicted to coffee (rip) and if I don't take some for some time (like a week) I'll get the worst migraines and I won't feel better until I drink some coffee 😭
That's it!! I hope i wrote enough stuff!! Did I leave anything out? If you need more pls tell me and I'll send another ask :D Take your time!! I'm in no rush. I'll patiently wait even though you get writers block or have a large amount of asks 😌 pls stay safe and healthy!! Drink lots of water, sleep well and have an amazing day/night!! 💙✨
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Dream catcher loading...
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Hello and Welcome my Starlight!
The Haven box includes:
- Match up
- Sun drop
- Journal of Feelings
- 3 am shenanigans
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I'd match you up with
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Sugawara Koushi, Vice-captain of Karasuno
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Sun drops
- OKAY so like, as I read your description I thought of Akaashi or Yaku or Sugawara
- Me being the indecisive author I am had trouble picking
- But then I remembered that you loved to do spontaneous things.
- And that's when I realized that Sugawara is THE ONE
- You two would be deemed the "3 am couple"
- Or in the team it would be "Epitome of Chaos"
- He takes care of you
- He will alway remind you that you don't need to be perfect
- Insecurities? BE GONE
- Nagativity? BE GONE
- That's basically his motto
- He is both your mom and partner in Crime
- did I mention he will take care of you?
───✱*.。:。✱*.:。✧*.。✰*.:。✧*.。:。*.。✱ ───
Journal of feelings
- Once this man realizes that you LOVE physical affection. He will give it to you. EVERYTIME HE SEES YOU
Kay entered the gym to watch her boyfriend play. She tried sneaking in and so far it has been great. She thought she was off the hook but then felt a familiar arms wrapped around her waist. "I found you~" Sugawara said with a smile.
- You both would often plan pranks and majority of the times, it would succeed
"Okay okay, so what are we doing today?" Kay asked the silver haired male. "Oh~ maybe we can scare Asahi or anyone for that matter with a beetle?" Sugawara suggested. "That's--no," Kay responded.
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3 am shenanigans
It’s 3 am in the morning. Almost everyone is fast asleep or in their homes, well almost. The night sky is littered with diamond in the sky. The streets were silent but it was comforting. A few people walked here and there. And a few cars passes by there and here. “What are we doing up so late?” A silver haired man said as he yawned. “We’ll be going to Mc Donald’s! What else?” The female responded as she smiled at him. “Is it even open at this time?” He asked. “Koushi, darling, it is open,” Kay, the lover of our beloved silvered male man said as she smiled. Sugawara chuckled and held her hand, the smile on his face was evident. “You know, we should be sleeping by now right?” He said as he pulled her closer. “And so what? I wasn’t planning on sleeping early! I slept the whole day yesterday and missed the chance to hang out with you,” The girl responded.
A small blush appeared on the male’s face and he giggled. “That’s very sweet bu-“ He was about to say but was silenced by the girl. “That was very sweet but we could’ve done this later on or tomorrow. Well, sorry to break it to you, Love. But, we are here,” She said as she pulled the male inside the fast food chain. And soon enough, the two got their orders and enjoyed their meal. “I don’t know why but this hits different,” Kay said as she eat a French fry. “It really does. Especially since you are here,” Sugawara stated as he patted her head. Now, she was the one blushing. As the two chatted, the other customers and staff glanced at them every now and then. None of them were annoyed at their interactions. On the contrary, they enjoyed watching them,
Some felt envious of their relationship. Some dreamt to have something like that. And others remembered the times of old. The two were so sweet, it’s almost too much. Laughter and chattering echoed through the building from both the couple and the people around them. Then they were dub the “3 am couple” as the two would often venture in that restaurant at 3 am in the morning.
───✱*.。:。✱*.:。✧*.。✰*.:。✧*.。:。*.。✱ ───
Author's note
I'm so so sorry for the long wait! This week has been hectic. Anywho, I hope you enjoy this matchup~ and thanks for requesting!
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@ne-nene-ne said,
[1/2] Hi~ May I pls have a matchup? I'm a ♏, ISFP, 5'0 fem w/ medium length dark hair & eyes. I like wearing sweaters/sweatpants a lot! I love to draw & sing especially! I'd sing softly to my s/o if we're close & alone together. I often take endless pics of the sunset bc it's so pretty! Tbh I'm a loner. I'm shy, quiet, awkward and I like my alone time. I'm friendly and good-willing towards others nonetheless! I've been told I have a positive aura. I'm more chill, silly & playful w/ family!
[2/2] I can joke around w/ them! I have a short temper but I forgive just as quickly. I can be hard on myself bc I feel it's necessary to improve. I'm an appreciative person so I'll say "thank you" like 1000 times lol! I highly value family & honesty! My ideal s/o is someone family-oriented, devoted, and genuine. Bonus points if they're funny too! I'd like someone who I can slowdance to soft, jazz music w/. My love language is Acts of Service! Tysm! Take your time, stay healthy & stay safe! ❤
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✧ Thank you so much for requesting a matchup love. Tumblr is not letting me tag you so hopefully you’ll see this. 😔 I wish you well during this challenging time. Hope you keep safe as well! 😷
I’d match you with: . . .
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➜ HOW YOU TWO FIRST MET ; Juza Hyodo is that typical cold guy in school that everyone is lowkey scared of. That’s how he seems from outside anyway. You were asked by your biology teacher to borrow the books for the class’s current lesson from the library on the spot so you took a beeline for the shelves as fast as you could. But for god’s sake all the books were placed at the topmost part of the science shelves. You stood there for a good minute while glaring at the books overhead. You knew you were damned for good since there were no chairs nearby that were available and the librarian was nowhere to be seen. You stomped you feet in annoyance until you felt a looming presence behind you. A tall one. When you turned around, you saw Juza grabbing the books at ease and handing it to you. You thanked him quietly which surprised him because you actually didn’t quiver with fear or panic in his presence??? and you genuinely thanked him?? It was not usual for him to hear someone express their gratitude towards him. Even the cashiers from sweet shops he’d like to visit secretly we’re scared of him for heaven’s sake. After murmuring a little “‘S nothing.” he walked away. And that was the end of it. Or so you thought. The second time you met the purple haired boy was in a cafe. You were patiently waiting in the line for this so called Peanut Butter Pound Cake S'mores. According to your friends, it was one of the best desserts the cafe ever had. To test that theory, you decided to check the dessert yourself. Everything was perfectly normal until a young teenage boy of average height with fluffy pink hair and light blue eyes bumped into you, spilling a little of his drink on you. Yes, I’m talking about Muku. Baby boy was so scared and flustered, he apologized to you multiple times like crazy. Luckily it wasn’t anything hot so you didn’t burn yourself. Giving the boy a soft smile, you said it was fine and he shouldn’t worry about it. But he is a kind-hearted and modest boy with the motto "doing one good deed each day" so of course he offered you to give some of the Chocolate-Caramel Sandwich Cookies he had ordered before to apologize properly. Normally you would’ve reject the offer but with the way he was looking at you, you couldn’t find the heart to do so. While waiting for your order together, you learned what the boy’s name was and that he came here with his cousin. When you heard that the first image that popped into your mind was a soft looking person just like him you. After you got your order, the two of you made your way towards their table. And with that, your previous thought was thrown out of the window just like that. There he was, one and only Juza Hyodo, the person who helped you in the library, was sitting in a chair, quietly munching on one of the many sweets in front of him. When Muku announced that he was back, his eyes shot up to him and then shifted towards you. Yeah, it was awkward. Nevertheless, you tried to offer the tall boy a smile, which he just nodded his head, cheeks tilted pink to get his sweet tooth exposed to someone from school. After you sat down, Muku began to explain how he accidentally bumped into you and spilled some of his drink on you. Juza got the picture and said nothing. Though, gradually he started to become more comfortable. Before you knew it, you befriend the young teenage boy with fluffy hair. You told Muku how you two first met, which he only exclaimed how cool his cousin was and how the scene was just like from a shoujo manga. So yeah, your friendship with Juza started that day and slowly but steadily developed into something more. You would see him at school and chat with him, give him snacks to eat together on the rooftop etc.
➜ PERSONALITY COMPATIBILITY ; Let me just start of by saying that you two are really similar in terms of personality. A loner who is shy, quiet, awkward, likes alone time yet still friendly and good-willing towards others? Yeah, you get to point. When you're dating someone who has almost identical personality traits as you, reading them becomes easier. Juza is honest and critical of himself but is more than willing to work hard on it to improve himself and so are you. You two motive each other become better versions of yourselves, constantly pushing forward hand in hand ad I think that’s a beautiful thing in a relationship. You two have the same values. He deeply values his comrades and family so he would love it whenever he saw you getting along with Muku or Kumon. He’s very protective of those he holds dear, so watching you interact with them and care for them as if they were your own family would make him fall for you even more. The same goes for him as well. He’ d try his utmost best to get along with your family. Physical affection is OUT the window in the first start of your guys' relationship though. And when you guys DO start attempting physical contact, he'd be so stiff. Baby boy really hasn’t had a lot of experience in regards to how to treat others with affection outside of his family. 🥺 but deep down, Juza has a soft side. He’s a bit shy with showing his affections, but he tries his utmost best to convey his love to you― one of them being if you ever needed him support with ANYTHING honestly, he’ll always make it known to you that you have his full support and that he’s always right beside you through everything.
➜ SHARED ACTIVITIES ; With an delinquent-like appearance that often gives people a "scary" impression of him, I feel like Juza would rather spend time inside rather than outside. For those with a serious sweet tooth, baking, especially with a lover has a double benefit: It engages the two of you in an activity you probably don't do often, and you get to enjoy something delicious afterward. You two make an especially decadent dessert when you're feeling ambitious, or simply break out a boxed mix if you're short on time — or baking skills. At first times, there is a lot of trial and error and you guys end up getting covered in flour and such, a cheeky smile present on your face. These are usually the times where you get to hear Juza’s rare laughs as he joined in your joy. Feeling too lazy to bake something? Have a candy tasting. Satisfying your sweet tooth is a foolproof way to survive. Stock up on different colors of Starbursts, Gummi Bears or Worms, Sour Straws, Hi-Chews, and whatever else you are craving— and then eat your way through the rainbow together. Bonus points if you’re lounging off your sugar coma with a movie on the couch afterwards, he doesn’t particularly mind what kind so it’s totally up to you which genre you want to watch. This one is technically not a date but sometimes you, Juza, Muku and Kumon play board games. Depending on how competitive you are, this idea can be a little dangerous. (looking at you monopoly.) But it’s always a blast to spend time with people you love and cherish.
➜ ZODIAC COMPATIBILITY ; Juza’s birthday is on September 27, which makes him a Libra. When Libra and Scorpio come together in a love match, they tend to make a very emotionally connected and mutually satisfying union. Though Scorpio is a brooder who can get lost in the confusing welter of their own emotions, Libra’s proclivity for balance and harmony helps keep Scorpio even. Scorpio can return the favor to Libra with their characteristic powers of focus, a trait that Libra usually lacks. These two are very compatible due to their similar needs in a love relationship: Libra is the Sign of Partnership, and Libra is happiest when in a well-balanced and intimate relationship, while Scorpio thrives on emotional and sexual intimacy with their mate. These two Signs can make a very loyal, close and satisfying partnership. What’s the best aspect of the Libra-Scorpio relationship? The power they find in unity. They can accomplish a lot, whether they come together for a cause in the business or romantic sphere. They are both winners and they won’t give up, making theirs a relationship that takes care of business.
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saturn-in-autumn · 4 years
BRO your art and writing are both so good ajsbsjjs can I request a danny reveal to valerie? I would assume this would be a small drabble prompt but I'll let you choose how to do it and if you even want to do it in the first place whoops
ASDFGJHJK Thank you so much! 
Omg, first off I am SO SO Sorry this took me so long to get back to you! It’s actually so bad... But I finally finished your request!! It took me a while to figure out how to phrase everything and get my head around it but I ended up getting a little carried away in the end, I’m sorry... 
So here it is I suppose! I’ve also posted it to Ao3 here if you’d like to have a look, but it’s also under the cut if you want to read it on here! 
Thank you so much for your patience, I only hope it was kind of worth it? Idk. I ended up writing a short story/one shot rather than a drabble haha, I just didn’t expect it to get so long!  And thanks for the request idea! 
- Fire and Water -
Valerie sometimes thought Danny was like water.
He was so perfectly clear somehow, an undisturbed lake shining in the moonlight. His iridescent blue eyes sometimes felt like they could see right through her, somehow sense exactly how she was feeling, understand her deepest secrets.
That eerie calmness rippled and cascaded through him, so clear and tranquil, yet so incredibly dangerous.
He had a depth that terrified her to no end, a feeling that if she dove down too deep he would overflow, drown her with his power. As if his little lake held all the fierce might of the sea.
(In which Danny has a secret to tell Valerie, but doesn't quite know how to go about it)
“Ugh, what am I supposed to do Tuck?” Danny groaned, resting his head on his elbows in the grimy corner booth.
Tucker shrugged, patting his back awkwardly in what he hoped was a comforting manner. “I don’t know man, I don’t have a murderous ghost-hunter for a girlfriend.”
Danny sighed, looking forlornly across the crowded restaurant of the Nasty Burger. Valerie was still standing by the till, laughing with some customer as she took their order. She was gorgeous even in the grease-stained yellow of the fast food uniform. Silently Danny watched as she tucked a stray strand of dark hair out of her eyes and looked away. He was such a loser.
“Hey… but then again, it’s not really our decision to make.” Sam’s voice cut through Danny’s musings and he looked up at her dolefully. “Whether or not you want to share it with her is up to you.” She took another slurp of her slushie and frowned. “I thought you had sworn not to. Why the sudden change?”
Danny looked away, straightening to peer out the window at the passers-by on the street. “I don’t know… I just feel… like it’s wrong to keep lying to her is all…” Danny could feel Sam and Tucker’s eyes on him as he sighed again, “Look, we’ve been going out for almost a year… That’s, like more than I’ve ever been in a relationship my whole life! Plus, even if she doesn’t know it, I know her secret, but she doesn’t know mine, I can’t help feeling like I’m cheating on her or something weird like that…”
“Danny…” Sam started but he continued.
“But at the same time, I’m terrified that if she finds out she’ll hate me y’know? Like… I don’t want to lose her in the process…”
“Look Danny, as the current female representative at the table.” Sam said, placing her drink firmly on the table to look at him in the eyes, “I can safely say that telling the truth is probably your best option. If she finds out and it’s not from you, it’ll probably hurt her a lot more than just coming clean.”  
Tucker nodded, “You know, Sam’s right, if you really care about her what’s the worst that could happen?”
“The worst is that she’ll shoot an ecto-blast through my chest faster than I can say ‘Sorry’.” Danny moaned. “Or she’ll tell my parents or something… Then I’d really be dead meat.”
“And the best-case scenario is that she doesn’t mind.” Sam said with an eyebrow raised. “I’m sorry Danny, but if you guys really care about each other then keeping secrets probably shouldn’t be on the table. Valerie has a right to know if you’re hiding things from her, chances are she’ll figure it out sooner or later. Her aim’s getting better by the day.”
Danny winced, rubbing his upper forearm where the burn mark still stung.
Sam’s eyes softened and she reached over, taking his hand gently, “Danny I honestly think that anyone who knows you, the real you, won’t hate you no matter what you are. The real test is whether or not you think you can trust her enough to tell her and get away with it. She’s still the Red Huntress after all. I wouldn’t take this decision lightly.”
Danny nodded but smiled. “Would you guys mind though?”
Tucker blinked, “Dude, we’re your friends. If you want to date the most dangerous ghost-hunter in Amity Park we have your back. As Sam said, it’s you’re secret to share with whoever you want.”
Danny closed his eyes and stared at the ceiling, “Thanks guys…” he mumbled, glancing over to where Valerie was once again. It looks like she was packing up. “I think I’ll try and tell her tonight…”
At that Tucker’s eyes widened, “Wait, really? Like you don’t want to think about this a little more before you run in guns blazing?”
Danny blinked at him, “Well, I know it’s a little brash sure, but the sooner I do it the sooner I can sleep easy right? Whether she hates me or not I’ll at least know.”
Sam sat back, “You heard the man Tuck, if he’s stubborn enough he’ll do it.”
“Hey!” Danny said, sounding offended, “Okay maybe I’m not 100% on it, but I’ll feel better if I’m not lying to her. Besides…” He smiled slightly, “We’d kinda already had a date planned for tonight. I might as well make use of it…”
As if on cue Valerie walked over, she’d thrown a dark green jacket over the orange of her uniform that perfectly complimented her eyes. “Hey!” she said, arm raised and smiling, “You ready to go?”
“You bet!” Danny laughed, sliding past Tucker and leaving his money on the tray, “I’ll… talk to you guys later then?” He offered and Sam winked.
“Go get em’ tiger.”
Danny grinned, giving Valerie a quick peck on the cheek and the thumbs up to Tucker before the two of them walked out of the restaurant.
When they were gone Sam’s lips quirked into a smile, “He’s gonna die.” She chuckled, taking another slurp of her drink as she sat back in the booth.
“Wait what?” Tucker asked swinging his saucepan-sized eyes to her in disbelief, “What was all that about ‘accepting who you are’ then?”
Sam eyed him across the table, “You kidding? Valerie’s gonna stomp his heart into pieces with five-inch high stilettos, but even then, I doubt she’ll hate him for it.”
Tucker sighed and took another bite of his burger, “I don’t know. It’s just odd he has this sudden conviction to tell her everything. It’s a pretty big deal is all.”
Sam shrugged, “Yeah, but then again I guess it’s just a sign of how much she means to him. After all, he told us pretty soon after it y’know… happened…”
“Yeah but that’s different, we’re his best friends and you’re one of the main reasons he got his ghost powers in the first place. Plus, Valerie hated his guts on principle back then because she was still with the A-Listers… now she just hates him for different reasons…”
She scowled at him, but nodded, “Well then fine. Maybe he just wants to take their relationship up a notch. I don’t know why you’re having such a hard time with this Tucker, if Danny wants to go blabbering about his powers to people, he has his reasons for it. Despite appearances he’s not that much of an idiot to get caught by his parents or the GIW.”
“I know it’s just…”
“Ohhh,” Sam grinned, cutting Tucker off with a shit-eating grin. “Oh, I see, you’re jealous.”
“What!” Tucker shrieked, “Am not!”
“You’re jealous that Danny is opting to bring someone else in on the team, this was the same thing with Jazz! You’re too proud to admit that you like being a sidekick.”
“What!? Never. I’m Danny’s guy-in-the-chair! His wingman! His Q to his 007! It’s not like Valerie could—”
“Oh yeah totally, the Red Huntress with an arsenal of weapons and ghost-hunting experience would never take Tucker Foley’s precious slot as the guy-in-the-chair.”
“Fuck’s sake Sam.” Tucker spat, “I’m not jealous, and fine then, I don’t care who the hell Danny goes and talks to. Are you happy?”
“Fuck you.”
“Fuck me yourself coward.”
“I hate you so much…”
“I know. So… you down for Doomed later?”
He shrugged, standing up and throwing a few notes on the table, “Sure. I’ll catch you around 9.”
Danny hadn’t planned for this at all.
He mentally slapped himself as he and Valerie walked to the movie theatre, absentmindedly chatting as best he could about her day. The street was almost deserted at this time in the afternoon, couples walking to and from places, laughing as they held hands. Danny smiled. They were all so… alive.
Valerie said something and Danny watched her out of the corner of his eye. Her breath clouding in front of her face before hugging her jacket closer to her body and cupping frozen hands around a fresh cup of coffee to keep warm.
Amity Park in autumn was both beautiful and freezing with the golden brown and red of leaves staining the paths and parks like wounded soldiers on the fields of battle.
He would have shivered if he could.
As it was Danny looked away, the cold didn’t really seem to affect him in the same way anymore. A pang of guilt struck his chest as Valerie laughed at something, she sounded so happy. If only she knew who she was walking with…
After the movie, he vowed, after the movie I’ll tell her. She deserves to know.
“Hey! Are you even paying attention?” She asked and he blinked, startled out of his musings.
“Uh yeah, sure… what did you say again?”
She sighed throwing her hands up in exasperation, “Honestly, you can be so… distant sometimes. What the heck goes through your head anyways? Stuck in the stars again NASA boy?”
Danny laughed, “I guess you could say that…” Was he really that obvious?
“Well, I asked, what do you want to see?”
“Oh right!” Gazing up at the selection he paused, “I…” he bit his lip, his mind going blank, it didn’t feel right to choose… “I don’t mind, how about you pick?”
She looked at him sideways, “Man you’re acting jumpy today.” A gleam caught in her eye and Danny gulped, “How about a horror?”
“Uh well… if that’s…” Danny stumbled over his words.
“Great! Glad that’s decided. I want to get really scared tonight, two tickets to your most horrifying film my good sir!” She chimed to the guy behind the counter.
The guy looked them up and down but shrugged, “Cinema 5, have fun.”
Danny wasn’t really paying attention through the film.
Guilt was eating away at him, gnawing at the edges of his subconscious as Valerie laughed and jumped at the loud noises and crappy special effects that Hollywood perceived ghosts to be. Danny smiled absently, they really had no clue how wrong they were compared to the real thing.
She held his hand in the gentle darkness of the cinema, and Danny couldn’t help but look at her in the faint light from the screen. Her green eyes glistened with excitement and curiosity, taking in all she saw with such conviction.
He smiled, she was light, warm and comforting. Even as she gripped his ice-cold skin Danny couldn’t help but admire her. She laughed when she felt like it, got angry when she felt like it, smiled and danced in her own brilliant warmth. Danny’s eyes softened as he leaned into her touch, savouring this moment. Feeling her heartbeat through her skin.
She was dazzling.
Danny pulled away slightly, his eyes narrowing, but she was like fire to his ice. She melted him in ways she could never understand, but he was sure, he was frighteningly sure he was going to burn her irreversibly in the end.
But if that’s the way it had to be, then so be it.
“Hey Val?” He mumbled, leaning further into her shoulder in the gloom of the theatre, feeling her warmth against his cheek. She stopped gazing at the screen and turned to him, her eyes still dancing in that dull luminosity. Danny sighed, letting his dark hair fall into his eyes so she couldn’t see that he was on the verge of tears. “I’ve been… keeping something from you. For a long time now… I just… don’t know how to say it…”
He felt her shift under his weight, and he pulled away, looking in the opposite direction. She was looking at him, he could feel her green eyes taking him in and he felt his heart panged with annoyance. Annoyance at himself, at how weak he was.
“Danny…” Valerie started, and he looked at her, she was smiling softly in the light, “It’s okay, you don’t have to tell me anythi—”
“No, you deserve to know. But… maybe in a bit if that’s alright?” He grit his teeth and looked back up at the screen as the final scene began, he smiled sadly locking eyes with her. “I just… want this moment to last a little longer is all…”
Valerie sometimes thought Danny was like water.
He was so perfectly clear somehow, like an undisturbed lake shining in the moonlight. His iridescent blue eyes sometimes felt like they could see right through her, somehow sense exactly how she was feeling, understand her deepest secrets.
It was awe inspiring. Like Danny knew exactly where she went when she snuck out of class, knew her connection to ghosts and the other shadows of Amity Park. Knew who she really was.
But he never seemed to care. It was why, she supposed, she was so drawn to him in the first place. The eerie calmness that rippled and cascaded through him, so clear and tranquil, yet dangerously so. Pooling with something else.
A darkness. A depth that terrified her to no end, a feeling that if she dove too deep he would overflow, drown her with his power. As if his little lake held all the fierce might of the sea.
Why did that feeling surface now? That dread that crashed against the shoreline of her heart. Breaking the tension as Danny lead her out of the theatre and into the cool night air. What was this in her chest that felt like the pressure of being unable to breathe?
He laughed at something and Valerie felt a shift in the atmosphere as she looked at him in the light of the street, his blue eyes reflecting something she couldn’t see. Something beyond where they stood outside a bustling theatre.
“I want to show you something,” Danny said, there was a kind of relief to his words, like he’d been daring himself to say them. “But not here.”
He glanced at her and she felt that terrible drowning sense in her chest again as his clear-blue eyes softened in the moonlight. He looked… so sad, like this was somehow the last time she’d ever see him.
Danny stayed silent as they walked, weaving in and around the humdrum of pedestrians and life that flittered around them like moths to a flame.
She let him pull her along, feeling the familiar chill that buzzed between her fingertips of his skin brushing hers. He was so cold, so frozen in time. It gripped at her.
It was only now that she started to watch him in comparison to the people on the street. In his dark, navy jacket and worn jeans he stood out and blended in at the same time. Like he wasn’t meant to be there and was there all at once. It seemed unnatural somehow…
She shook her head, following him across the street to the park, letting the dull glow of the stars guide them along the cracked paths.
What was it he wanted to show her? And why did it feel like an ending and a beginning all at once? Her curiosity ate at her but if Danny was willing to show her, she would be patient.
The park seemed twisted at night time. The trees warped somehow in the dark, green grass glowing blue in the silver light of the moon.
Danny looked around and hurried on, pulling her up the hill to where a small crop of trees nestled between the undergrowth. There was no one around for miles but Danny seemed extra cautious, double and triple checking their surroundings to make sure they weren’t being followed.
“Danny, you’re scaring me you know that.” Valerie finally said, breaking the silence that had hung over them for so long.
He chuckled softly and came to sit next to her, looking out at the twinkling lights of the city spread out below them like a map. A perfect mirror for the stars above.
The throb of life buzzed about them, the shrieking of tyres, the chink of glasses and the laughter of people. The metropolis was a beating heart but here in this secluded tower, they watched it all in silence.
“I’m so sorry Val…” Danny finally said, and she looked at him as he laid back, staring upwards towards the sky. “I feel like I’ve been lying to you, from the very beginning.”
She wanted to interrupt, wanted to tell him what a mysterious jerk he was being and just to cut to the chase, but she said nothing, too entranced by the wandering lights that reflected in his irises.
“The truth is, that I…” Danny’s expression changed slightly, and his teeth gritted together. Whatever it was that he was trying to say to her, Valerie knew that it was probably something major.
“Danny… you don’t—”
“No, I do.” He said, pulling an arm across his eyes so that she couldn’t see him. “I have to tell you; cause otherwise you’re just going to find out from someone else and then I wouldn’t know what to do with myself.”
He sat up and turned to her, his dark hair framing his face as he gripped her shoulders. Her heart fluttered slightly in her chest; he was crying.
She watched as that perfectly clear water fell from his eyes, carving rivers in his pale skin. She felt something press against her lungs, that fear of drowning, and she opened her mouth to speak.
“I love you…” Danny said, cutting her off, his head bowing as she blinked at his words, numbly they settled on her like falling snow as she felt her heart lighten. “I love you so much… That’s why it’s not fair to keep hiding myself, the real me, from you any longer.”
“Danny I—”
“No, Val, please, let me finish.” Danny looked at her and she felt a pang of guilt cross her chest. He smiled, such a sad smile, as he continued. “Val, I love you. I didn’t think I would fall for someone so hard as I do for you… you’re incredible you know that? You’re so strong and dazzling to look at it hurts my eyes.”
She felt her eyes widen but he continued, “Ever since I met you, you’ve shown me time and time again how great you really are. And quite frankly, I don’t think I deserve you. But I wanted to tell you that I love you. Let you know how much you truly mean to me so that you don’t lose sight of who I am.”
Danny looked at her, “I’m an idiot you know that? I’m such a complete and utter loser that I take so much of what I have for granted. Sam and Tucker have always told me so and that’s why I want to stop hiding from you Valerie. Because I care too much for you to continue acting, continue pretending that I’m alright.”
Danny began to shake as he spoke and she shifted closer to him, wrapping an arm around his shoulders and pulling him in close to her as a smile lifted her face. “Hey. Look at me,” he lifted his eyes to hers and Valerie smiled, “You know, if you’re scared to tell me you don’t have to Danny. Cause…” She felt light, “Because I love you too.”
He blinked at her and smiled, “I was afraid of that…”
She laughed, “Oh yeah and why’s that wisecrack?”
He smiled but didn’t laugh. “Because of who… no that’s not right… because of what I am Val.”
She stopped laughing, he was dead serious, she gripped her chest, that tightness was suffocating now. The fun-loving idiot she had fallen for seemed to melt off him as his eyes narrowed, turning to her fully to look at her dead in the eyes. “Val, I don’t want you to think any less of me, I really and truly want us to continue being close, I want to hold your hand and laugh, go see movies and continue living like this with you for the rest of my life…”
Wait. What was he saying? What did he mean by…
“But, Valerie Grey. I can’t keep hiding forever. I brought you here tonight to tell you something about myself that I can’t share lightly with anyone. But you have to promise to trust me, promise me Val. Please promise me that you won’t think any less of me for it and that you won’t tell anyone else... please this is important.”
She felt the pressure in her lungs choking her now, but she nodded, why was she so scared? So utterly terrified that she might lose him? “I promise. I promise, whatever you want to tell me it’s okay Danny. It’s okay, you can tell me…”
Danny smiled and nodded, his shoulder’s sagging as he did so as if all the tension released from him in one motion. Like he had been waiting his whole life to hear those words. “Val… I…maybe it’s easier if I show you instead?”
She blinked but nodded, allowing him to let go of her as she sat back.
Danny looked at her, she was so perfect, sitting there patiently waiting for him to show her what he meant. He closed his eyes and looked to the stars, here goes nothing…
“Val, I’m so sorry…” he whispered, and triggered his transformation.
Valerie watched in mild horror as the light sparked around his mid-section, twin-rings expanding at his waist.
Wait what?
They broke and spilt, traveling over his body slowly as he stood there, changing him.
What’s happening?
Danny sighed at the feeling of relief, the cool sensation of weightlessness taking hold as the rings reached the base of his neck with a rush of adrenaline.
Valerie felt her hands fly to mouth to cover the shriek of shock as Phantom touched down lightly in front of her. His skin glowing in the eclipse of the moon, the black jumpsuit replacing the familiar jeans and jacket Valerie knew so well…
She stumbled, her mind racing a marathon as her heart banged so hard against her chest, she swore it was audible. No. No this couldn’t be right… Danny was… Danny was?
He looked at her with that same sad smile and she allowed herself to gasp. The clear blue of his eyes now glimmering green like emeralds against the sky.
He sunk to his knees and looked away; he’d ruined it hadn’t he? The curling white of his hair intermingling with the evening breeze. Looking down almost resentfully at the snow-white gloves that adorned his hands. “I’m so sorry…” His voice echoed across the space between them and Valerie inadvertently shivered. “I’m so sorry Val…”
Valerie just sat there, staring blankly at the scene in front of her as Phantom… no Danny, hung his head in his hands. She reached out, but paused, no this couldn’t be right… This was all a big misunderstanding, right? A joke?
She pulled her hand back, cupping it against her chest. But it felt so real, so obvious that she mentally cursed herself for being so stupid.
Danny Fenton, Danny Phantom, he’d barely even changed his name. She blinked, observing the shape of his face, the style of his hair, it was all the same, all exactly the same… But even then… Danny couldn’t be a ghost! Surely not… surely… and of all ghosts Phantom? The town hero? Her ultimate enemy? It couldn’t possibly be real; this couldn’t possibly be happening right now…
“You’re probably wondering what happened right?” Valerie snapped her attention towards him as he laughed dryly, the sound was grating, so completely alien to her, “That’s usually the first question I get asked…”
She nodded, she felt so numb.
“It was the Fenton Portal.” He smiled, the white of his hair playing on the breeze like snow, “Mum and Dad couldn’t get it working so I thought it was safe enough to look inside… I… it turned on while I was in there…”
Valerie shuddered, phantom screams of Danny being electrocuted rattling her skull as if she’d been there herself. That was how he’d died? Screaming and alone?
“I’m so sorry Val…” He said again, looking at her, she jolted at the green of his eyes, but he continued, “I’m so sorry you had to find out, but I couldn’t lie to you forever. I just couldn’t keep pretending it was all fine considering our… history…”
A sharp pain rippled through her heart as she realised that he did know. Of course he did. Phantom had known she was the Red Huntress from the beginning, and yet even after every fight they’d had, every insult and curse she’d flung his way… Danny still continued loving her, being around her even then. Even then…
She felt cheated slightly, like he’d known her deepest secret for so long that it wasn’t fair she didn’t know his in return. But she stopped, hadn’t that been the point though? What would she have done if she’d known earlier? What good would it have done to know?
She reached for him cautiously and he flinched as she touched his shoulder. He was so cold, so incredibly cold but she gripped him, feeling the static of ectoplasm under her fingertips as she turned him to her.
His eyes were wide, but she smiled slightly, pulling him down into her, drawing him into a hug.
He was like ice against her, buzzing with electricity and energy that was the only way he could survive. “You’re so stupid you know that?” She felt him twitch slightly against her but she smiled, “I can’t imagine what it was like… what you must go through every day Danny… knowing that there is this side to you that you can’t share with anyone…”
“You’re not scared? Or angry? You don’t hate me, do you?” He sounded so timid, like a frightened child.
She thought about it, sure, she was certainly angry. But not as much as she’d expected, she laughed slightly, she hadn’t planned on this when she finally had Phantom in her grasp.
“Danny… I… don’t think I do… You never told me the truth because I never gave you a reason for it. I was so completely bent on destroying you that I don’t know… I lost sight on what I was fighting… but I’m glad you waited until now to tell me…”
He pulled back from her slightly so she could see his face, “You mean that?”
She nodded, “If I had found out earlier, I might have blasted you to bits. But as it stands… I’m…” she grinned, “I’m really glad I got to know you, Danny Fenton.”
He blinked at her reaction, pulling back further so that they were at eye level. “I…” he started but she pushed a finger to his lips.
“Let me finish loverboy. I believed ghosts were… well monsters. Bent on destroying this world and everyone in it, senseless and unstoppable monsters and nothing more… I never let my guard down, never let anyone see me weak. Until you Danny. I let you in and now, you’ve let me in. And that means so much more than I think you realise. Don’t get me wrong, I’m pretty shocked, and it’s gonna take me a week to digest all of this… but I love you Danny. You, no matter what you are.”
His eyes widened and he laughed, the familiar sound tinkling against her making her smile.
Valerie didn’t exactly know how she found himself in the position she was in next, but all she felt was the soft press of lips against hers and she wrapped her arms tightly around Danny, feeling light as air. She slipped her hands from his waist to over his shoulders, pushing in for the kiss. Danny felt like his world had exploded into stars, she tasted like strawberries and sunlight mixed together in utter happiness. And Valerie smiled against him, he tasted like static but she didn’t care. Danny could’ve stayed like that forever, and he probably would’ve if Valerie didn’t slip her hands off of him and gently push away.
She smiled, the heavy fear had lifted from her chest and she sighed as it dispersed. The clear water moving in it’s wake.
“So what do we do now?” She asked and Danny blinked, smiling softly as he scratched the back of his neck sheepishly.
He looked to the stars, feeling lighter than ever, “I don’t know.”
“Well, Phantom, how about a truce to begin with.” She winked and Danny laughed, getting to his feet he took her hand and pulled her up with him.
“My my, the Red Huntress herself is offering a ceasefire? I never thought I’d see the day!”
“Oh hush, I can still shoot you.”
He gulped but nodded, a bright smile lighting up his face as he began to float slightly off the ground.
“Not for nothing,” she murmured, eying the space between his feet and the ground warily, “But how about you… uh… what’s the word you use? Switch back? Cause if you walk me home in that state, I think my dad’s gonna have to bring out a little heavier an artillery than a shotgun.”
Danny nodded, touching down without a word, feeling the rings of light split around his waist again as the world held weight once more.
Valerie gasped as Phantom fell away but regained her composure, “Somehow I don’t think I’ll ever get used to that…” she muttered, and he laughed, his blue eyes sparkling.
“Val… I’m… I’m really happy with how tonight went…” Danny grinned as they walked back towards the path, “But you’re sure that you’re okay with this whole… me being Phantom thing?”
She hummed in thought but nodded, “Yeah, but you’re going to have to answer a bunch of questions I have about yourself and the other ghosts. Plus,” she winked at him, “I still expect to be able to fight. Treat me as an equal ghost boy, I refuse to be your sidekick.”
Danny laughed but waved a hand, “Oh don’t worry, I think Tucker wouldn’t talk to me again if I let you have that role.”
“Then that’s settled then… shall we—”
Danny’s breath misted in front of his face and Valerie stiffened as a wave of static swept the park. “Oh no,” she mumbled, a sensor beeping quietly on her watch as she reached for her backpack, flicking the switch on the underside.
He speeder hit the ground and Valerie’s eyes narrowed as she pulled down her hood, snapping the butt of her ecto-gun against her palm as she whirled to Danny.
He was already in fighting mode, the human boy she’d fallen for melting away as the half-ghost hero Phantom stood by her side. Just as a massive, bloated figure rounded the corner ahead of them.
She looked at him a smile playing on her lips, “You ready ghost boy?”
He grinned, “You bet, partner.”
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