#I'll get to more stuff tommorrow XP
ravenwitch45 · 2 years
Hey! I’ve been obsessed with Crimson since the latest HB episode dropped and I’ve been reading all the x readers I can find and I just found your page. Could I request Hcs for a lonely/outcast s/o please :))? Thanks so much!
I truly did not expect such love for this guy but glad you like my stuff. Sure thing! Coming Right Up!
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Crimson with an SO who's an Outcast/Lonely a lot of the time.
Hell was Hell, so of course it had it's fair share of outcasts that were ostracized for usually bullshit reasons. And to some Crimson could be seen as one, being an Imp and all.
While the disrespect was annoying Crimson saw the ways he could use it. Outcasts were more vulnerable and often bitter, perfect as recruits and otherwise as long as they stuck to their buisness, he'd stick to his.
So when one of these so called outcasts stomped into his office so quickly even his guards were caught off guard. And so was he.
You weren't armed so he gave you the time of day to listen why you were here, as he was honestly curious. Turns out you were a friend of one of his men, and came here to inquire of his whereabouts after not hearing anything for a few days.
Unfortunately he had perished in a shootout, and Crimson gave you the half truth of him being killed while working as security, a ruse he often used when outsiders inquired into his buisness.
This essentially gave him a front row seat to you breaking down and blowing up, ranting at him for not informing his loved ones, info of your friends burial and the like and particularly yelling at him for not even showing any emotion when telling you that your late friend, who was pratically all you had was gone forever.
Usually he would have anyone who got testy with him dragged away but he called his guards off, explaining to himself that it as too much effort when you knew nothing, but internally impressed with your attitude and bravado for berating him in his own home.
Eventually the angry ranting turned more to lament over your loss, and you took your leave, wiping tears out of your eyes as you walked out.
Over the next few weeks Crimson found himself oddly thinking of you, and no matter what he tried, his mind wandered to the memory of your short encounter, to the point he would daydream while he was supposed to be working.
He reluctantly decided to try to get some closure (Why he needed it, only Mammon knows why.) SO he found you, which was easy in his line of work and decided to surprise you.
Well imagine your surprise finding that guy you yelled at at your door with a bouquet of black roses as an apolgy.
He admitted that he could have handled the whole thing better, and should have taken feelings into consideration. Your suspicous, but with little energy you let him inside, taking the roses, fondling the dark petals somberly.
He notes how much your late friend must have meant to you, you explaining that he had been the only one to stand by you no matter what, even after your family disowned you and such.
Crimson briefly thinks of his own family but his attention is drawn back to you when you say your all alone now, admitting how much a mess you have been ever since your mourning began, trouble sleeping, eating and exercising. Noone stopping you as you haven't seen another soul since you first spoke with Crimson
And all that makes Crimson make the most spontaneous decision he has in years. Offering you to stay with him, internally cursing as he assures you'll be cared for.
Your even more supiscous now, but with little in way of better idea or prior engagements, you'll say you'll try it if it's free.
So you start living with him, Crimson always making sure someone is with you as you peruse the Manor, Your given room and bath being your only real privacy but you don't mind, it's nice to feel like someone is looking out for you again.
Crimson despite being often busy, tries to see you every day to check how your faring under his hospitality. Happy your doing better, looking better as your sleeping better again too.
Eventually, long after you could really call your stay a trial run, you ask him why he took in essentially a stranger. He for once gives you the whole truth, that it was multiple reasons he's come to realize, he felt bad for you, feeling partially responsible for your plight, and admitting part of it was that you just seemed interesting to him.
You tease him on what kind of interest it was, earning a blush and making him stammer, before fully silencing him with a peck to the cheek.
While you don't feel alone anymore, you wouldn't mind 'being alone with him' in your room in the evening, which he is very much down for, whatever you mean by that.
I am SO sorry that this turned out so long! XP I just had an idea and it just turned out long to get all I wanted into this. Either way I hope you enjoyed it, can't believe I've done four of these now XD
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