#I'll edit that character blurb later its 1am as I write this
monstrous-fusion · 5 months
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Rue / LOZ + AOL / he/fae / 19 years old
It's hard to get a read on this young man. He keeps to himself and never voices his own opinions, never gives you a foothold. In spite of his lack of presence, he carries a different presence; a near inhuman aura of magic seems to cling to his skin. He's crafty and unpredictable.
Some fun information under the cut <3
Rue is midverbal, and mainly signs rather than speaks. In faer youth, he didn't really talk much and that definitely carries over into adulthood.
Rue is extremely resourceful and a natural survivalist. He's a very good liar and very good at detecting scams; gotta get good at rooting out suspicious people when your monsters can disguise themselves as Hylians.
Rue wears a cowl and a sash as a quick disguise to use when he goes in villages. Fae would throw the hood over faer head and draw the cowl over their mouth. Messages simply don't travel in his Hyrule, so not many knew what the hero looked like.
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