#I'll be in the front row with the popcorn
dribs-and-drabbles · 1 year
The Jungle
I wasn't too taken by the original trailer but this one makes the series look better.
I'm hoping...strongly...that, even though it seems to centre around a group of predatory men (not that there's anything wrong with casual sex if both parties are consenting), the show will actually be about a group of kick-ass women who work together to bring those men to their knees (and not in the good way).
Maybe the retaliation starts with this murder...
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that Nanon 1 might have committed...
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pretending to be Nanon 2.
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Yes, ladies. Play those men at their own game. Make them fall in love then discard their sorry asses.
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Fuck those men up.
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Hoo boy it's gonna get messy.
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Yes, babygirl, drown your sorrows after letting a good woman go.
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With Nanon, and Off, and Krist (yes! I'm a Krist fan now!), and all the other actors and actresses in the show, I think I'll watch it for the drama...but also for Mix as the potential sage archetype (or leader of the pack, who knows).
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vivalgi · 3 months
RIP Choices
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Regarding the news about Nexon selling off the trainwreck of Pixelberry to some fresh AI startup, here's what that Rho game engine is supposedly capable of doing:
"We can generate textures, backgrounds, meshes, sound effects, scripting, character, designs, story narrative, whatever it is."
So, basically everything from technical to creative processes can and probably will be taken over by AI. I am not going to support this 🐂💩 in any way. Why should we pay for it if the AI has been trained on copyrighted content scraped off the the internet?
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Come on, you know you want to, give us the character bingo for Viktor.
don't mind if i doooo
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#ask me#okay there's a lot going on here but first things first#viktor has transcended the favorite character tier where I want to protect him or whatever#like yeah he did that shit! I support him but I also don't! the more trouble he gets himself into the happier I'll be!#do you feel me#like one of the things I love most about Viktor is that I feel so much sympathy for the circumstances he's in that are out of his control#but he has so much agency in his own story that everything he's gained and accomplished are because he makes choices#and GETS HIMSELF places#and now the same thing is happening with his BAD choices and I find that just as delightful if not moreso#he is the agent of his own salvation and his own destruction and I will be in the front row seat with popcorn for both or either#so writing him is mostly me studying him under the microscope poking him until he does something untoward it's very fun#I only hesitantly say that Viktor is like me but the Balkan ties and the grumpy-but-kind and obsessive personality#and the strong opinions about a chosen STEM field#are inescapable okay#mommy issues is not circled because I have mommy issues but bc I have convinced myself that Viktor WILL have them#if Nikola Tesla is anything to go by#the jayce-mel-viktor trifecta is ruled by mommy issues and i will stand by that claim#also viktor is more interesting with no therapy - with as little therapy as possible would be my preference#WITH THE EXCEPTION of the lonely genius shit that Singed planted in his head#that is absolutely the lie that Viktor believes that he MUST discard in order to progress as a character and I am excited for it#I genuinely think that Viktor will be happier and more eccentric as [REDACTED] but it won't last#he will hit a VERY LITERAL -if thy right hand offend thee cut it off- situation and then he'll have peace but he won't call it happiness#I can't say that I'd hate anyone who hurt him because that is half of why I'm excited for s2#but I will probably lose it at any scene where he loses to [REDACTED] for rivalry reasons#I genuinely do want to see Mel completely own his ass as [REDACTED] though like can you imagine the banter#and both of them secretly having fun with it
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If the Van der Linde Gang went to the Movies (Modern Au)
Modern RDR 2 headcanons because they make me laugh, so I'll write one.
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Definitely ends up driving everyone to the movie theater.
Also, the designated member who buys everyone's snacks and drinks (except Pearson).
He gets cranky when this happens, but stubbornly does it.
He would like action movies and Western films for he understands the cowboy world.
If Arthur had TB in the modern world, he would annoy everyone with his coughing but not give a damn.
He's obsessed with Popcorn.
One of those people who munches and slurps too loudly.
He probably sits alone.
I imagine he would get an extra-large popcorn but don't even think about him sharing.
He would also get a large soda.
Maybe some candy on the side.
He would unconsciously eat and gets really sucked into what's going on in the film, drowning out all the noise around him.
Mary Beth:
One of those girls who's super into Romance films with a twist of Historical fiction.
She would definitely be one of those people that cry in the theatre.
She would probably like something like "The Notebook"
Likes to go with Tilly & Ms. Grimshaw
Dislikes Horror and Sci-Fi Films that the boys always go to
Always asks Arthur for a small popcorn
Always sneaks a bottle of alcohol into the theatre under her coat.
Likes to sit with Sean. The two of them have a ball
Karen always ends up getting drunk. Will start talking nonsense with her words slurred. Sean thinks this fucking funny.
She will yell at the screen
Never stops talking during the movie
Gets a little too intimate with Karen sometimes
Usually shares the bottle of Alcohol with her too
Tries to sit next to Arthur sometimes
Likes to be with Arthur, Charles & Javier
Abigail tells him he needs to take Jack to a movie that's PG.
Gets annoyed at this and ends up watching something like "Despicable Me" or "Inside Out"
He once left Jack in the theatre all alone and sneaked to the other movie
Probably would enjoy a horror film every once and a while
Usually goes with Jack to watch a kid's movie for John is incapable.
Sometimes she goes with the other female gang members.
Almost skinned John alive for taking Jack to a horror film that gave the child nightmares for weeks
Finds a way to upgrade himself to a recliner seat
likes foreign films
Likes popcorn with no butter
Probably has a home theatre in his house
Doesn't know which movie he's ever going to
ends up taking a nap on the bench in the hallway
In the theatre he is the one who falls asleep and snores loudly
Says the seats aren't good for his lumbago
Stays home and doesn't have enough time to go to the movies
Probably would enjoy a Sci-fi movie
Likes to wear 3D Glasses
Sits way too close to the screen in the very front row
Never understands fully what's going on
Always ends up spilling the popcorn on the floor
Likes action/Adventure movies.
Will scream at the screen
Enjoys gore
Likes mystery
Always regulating everyone's snack intake
Tells Pearson he eats too much
Likes to control Tilly & Marybeth in their choices
Hates sitting too close. The back or middle of the theatre is the best
For sure a popcorn stealer
Likes western films also
Gets excited when people speak Spanish in the movie
Reverend Swanson
Usually walks out halfway through the film
Makes weird noises during the film
falls asleep
Likes calm movies especially those about animals
Likes to go with Mary Beth & the girls
Gets excited when there is a horse in one of the scenes
Is happy to go with Jack to see an animated kids' movie
Probably would go to something like a documentary
likes to only be with Hosea
Has molly tailgating him sometimes
Tries to con the person who sells the popcorn & Food
Will go to see whatever Dutch sees
only drinks water
Likes funny kids' movies
Probably likes Pixar
The only normal person at the movie theatre
Never cries
sits with Arthur
goes with the flow
just watches what everyone else watches
sits alone
probably likes the worst rated movies
laughs during sad scenes
Arthur refuses to get him food
Likes what Mary Beth likes
Probably a historical fiction type of gal
Always commenting about the movie to Mary Beth
Always giggling
Likes to follow Dutch to whatever he goes to see
Gets bored
complains about Dutch's choices
tries to separate him from Hosea
Brings her makeup
Think's Dutch's movie preferences are terrible
likes movies that are based on books
doesn't make a lot of noise
likes sno-caps and gummies
Any of your own ideas are welcome...
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finniestoncrane · 4 months
I'm here with my boyfriend, Nick Valentine. Romantic Comedy. Front row.
I'll have salted popcorn, banana ice cream, and a cup of ranch.
Thank you so much
(God lord I'm sorry the order sounds stupid. Also I'm sorry for my stupid message about really old monster movies. I gave you like... 12 messages on just that)
HOORAY!! my first nick valentine fic!! i love this old man so much ;-; (also don't worry all the orders sound a bit nuts, there's only so much cinema food i could add before i had to start putting in condiments lmao) 💚🩷 cw: just pure fluff here 🔞minors dni🔞 send a request • masterlist • kofi link • tag: finnie2k (to follow or to block)
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"I think I've got this thing working. Took a lot though. It's a bit of an antique, and a rusty one at that."
"Takes one to know one, huh?"
Nick looked up from the projector, his degloved hand still fiddling with the dials, his eyes narrowing as your playful teasing registered with him.
"You're lucky I put up with you, kid."
He shot a quick smile in your direction before he heaved himself up, walking towards the pile of film reels to take a look through them. You crouched down by the second pile, searching for a horror, as if there wasn't enough of that in your day to day life.
"Well, well... what have we here?"
You turned to Nick who was as giddy as you'd ever seen him, presenting you with one of the reels.
"A noir detective movie? Really?"
"Don't knock it before you've tried it. This one was my favourite."
"I don't know... I'm more in it for a horror movie."
"You don't think we live through enough horror movies as it is?"
Scoffing, you folded your arms.
"You don't think I live through enough noir detective movies as it is?"
Nick tossed his film to you, catching you off guard and causing you to drop the one you held in your hands.
"You got a piss-poor negotiation style, kid, you know that?"
That was it. Argument over. But given how excited he had seemed, you couldn't help but go along with it. And once you had the film in the projector and made sure it was showing on the decrepit screen, you followed him back outside to a rusted car. He opened the door for you and then walked around to the other side, sitting on the bench seating beside you and lighting up a cigarette.
The seat creaked below him, a spring bursting out and pressing into him. You giggled a little, standing up and pulling him over to your side before sitting down in his lap.
"Is this really comfortable? We could try another car."
"I like being close to you, Nick. Makes me feel safe."
He smiled, just a quick expression before he coughed and distracted you both from that sweet sentiment.
"This is a great way to waste an afternoon. I promise, you'll love it this movie."
And you did, if only because it reminded you so much of Nick. If only because as you sat in his lap you could feel his excitement. It was soothing, to watch him experience some joy, some relaxation. Soothing enough that you hadn't quite realised that you were falling asleep until Nick shifted you awake.
"Hey, you're going to miss the ending."
"It's ok, I think I figured it out. The detective saves the day and the world feels better for having him around."
"How did you know?"
The sarcasm in his voice was evident, but you chose to ignore it as you buried your head back into his chest and tried to go back to sleep.
"Just a hunch."
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nb-octopus-writes · 1 month
once you’re in the hive, the other bees assume you’re supposed to be there
Chapter 3: A Series of Unintended Events
Wordcount: 1.3K
The pancakes are delicious, light and fluffy. Virgil only has two, because he did already have cereal and unlike Remus his stomach is not a bottomless pit into which he can pour an unending stream of nutrients. But they're delicious, and he's glad Calico convinced him to try a bit.
After breakfast, Virgil helps with the dishes because Remus still isn't up yet, and neither is Janus—probably still curled around him like a hot water bottle—and he has nothing better to do.
Princey meanders in after him, and despite having just demolished an entire stack of pancakes and a decent amount of scrambled eggs, starts rooting around in the fridge. He emerges with a plastic-wrapped plate of tiny pumpkin pies and leans against the counter to eat them directly off the platter, clearly pleased that the party having ended means he can have the leftovers.
“So you're the reason the chinese buffet has a twenty plate limit,” Virgil teases after Princey eats several in a row without pausing. Virgil had a few of those tiny pies last night, so he knows they're good, but Princey is absolutely chowing down on them.
“Hey, that was not my fault!” Princey protests. “Besides, a place that calls itself ‘all you can eat’ shouldn't even have a limit.”
“It shouldn’t,” Virgil agrees. “But I've never hit the limit myself, so I thought it was reasonably high. I suppose that a buffet operating in the same town as twin black holes would need to be cautious to protect their profit margins though. How much did you two pack away before they asked you to stop?”
“Wouldn't you like to know, weather boy,” Princey says. “Anyway, it really wasn't us.”
Princey sighs. “No, Count Woe-laf,” he says. He is just too much fun to tease. “If my father is to be believed, it was actually him and a couple of his college buddies.”
Virgil laughs. “Oh, so it's definitely genetic, then!”
Princey chuckles, popping the last tiny pie into his mouth and setting the plate on the counter. Virgil takes it and rinses it off so he can put it in the dishwasher with the others. “Yeah. Dad says they absolutely cleared out the seafood section, and most of the mac and cheese, and ate a sizable portion of pretty much everything else. If you get him going, he'll give you a very long and probably quite embellished retelling of the many courses they had. They never got kicked out, but the next time they went, they were told that there was now a limit to just how much they could eat.”
“Ah, alas,” Virgil says. “I bet it was a fabulous feast, though.” He finishes loading the dishwasher and checks under the sink for soap. They have pods, which is very convenient for measuring, or rather for not having to do that. He pops one in and turns the machine on.
“So, if I'm Count Olaf antagonizing you, which Baudelaire does that make you?” he asks. “Not bookish Klaus, surely. Maybe Sunny? I think she could demolish a plate as quickly as you, though her small stomach wouldn't have the same capacity.”
Princey's eyes light up and he leans forward. Instead of answering the banter, he says meaningfully, “I have the full series on dvd.”
“I'm not doing anything right now,” Virgil says. Princey beams.
“Great! I'll make popcorn!”
They have a dedicated home theater. The tv is large, the seats are comfortable, and the speakers are crisp and clear without being too loud. Princey made a bucket of popcorn for each of them, and Virgil isn't very hungry right now considering he very recently had breakfast, but he munches idly on it as they watch, and comment, and theorize. Princey is fun to watch tv with, and doesn't mind Virgil talking while they watch.
They're in the middle of an episode when Remus appears in the doorway.
“Hey Emo,” says Remus. “I gotta get home and feed my cat before she figures out how to unlock the front door and hunts me down. I was gonna take you home on the way, but it looks like you're in the middle of something.”
Virgil considers. He looks at the screen, where Lemony Snicket is explaining that if you're allergic to something, it's generally best not to put that thing in your mouth, especially if the thing you are allergic to is a cat. He looks back at Remus. “You swear you'll come back for me?”
“On my favorite dildo and Janus's two cocks,” Remus says with feeling, and Virgil can't help the chuckle that escapes him.
“I'll be okay,” he says. “Go get Diesel Fuel her lunch.”
Remus salutes him and disappears.
They finish the episode and Remus hasn't come back yet, so they go on to the next one. During the theme song though, Nerdbot appears to inform them that they too need to eat lunch.
Virgil thought Princey might protest, given how invested he's been, but he pauses the show and gets up. “C’mon, Tall Dark and Stormy,” he says to Virgil. “If we skip lunch to watch tv all day we get a lecture about why proper nutrition is important.”
“You do,” Nerdbot confirms. “Points of note include the necessity of proteins and vegetables in addition to carbohydrates.”
“Is popcorn a vegetable?” Virgil asks.
Nerdbot raises an eyebrow. “It is a carbohydrate, actually. It is also primarily air.”
It seems that all the other guests have gone home, so it's just the four of them now. The table is back to its smaller size, and Princey has Virgil sit at the corner beside him, so they can keep talking. Nerdbot sits on Virgil’s other side, and Calico sits at the head, across from Princey.
Lunch is baked chicken and a vegetable dish that Virgil doesn't really expect to like, but he takes a polite spoonful anyway because he's sure Nerdbot is capable of a very powerful ‘eat your vegetables’ lecture, and he doesn't feel like hearing it right now.
The vegetables do not taste bad. Virgil’s not sure why he's surprised anymore considering everything he's eaten in this house so far—with the possible exception of the cereal, which doesn't count—but the vegetables are the opposite of bad.
“Why are you such a good cook,” Virgil says to Calico, who brightens. “I need to come eat your food more often.”
“He has a magical tongue,” Princey says, making heart eyes across the table at him.
Calico blushes slightly (not nearly as deeply as he had last night) and clarifies, “I'm very good at tasting, and I have a lot of practice combining flavors. I'm also not afraid of fats and salt, and that helps.”
Virgil has two servings.
Remus still isn't back yet when they finish lunch, and Virgil is starting to get concerned.
Don't forget me, he texts, and goes into the room with the couches to wait.
This couch really is comfortable. And Virgil got barely any sleep last night, between staying up late and waking up so fucking early, and also probably never actually falling into a deep sleep at all since there were other people in the room. And his stomach is full and warm. And the couch is so comfortable. 
He barely has time to notice how heavy his eyelids are becoming.
Virgil wakes, briefly. The room is dark. Someone has covered him with a blanket. He finds his phone and checks it. There's a message from Remus, about half an hour after Virgil’s last text.
came to get you but you were very asleep, it says. text me when youre awake and wanna go home
Attached is a selfie, with Virgil in the background passed out on the couch.
Virgil groans. fucker, he texts back, and falls back asleep.
Chapter 4: The Second Morning
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thatharringrovehoe · 2 years
I'm thinking of an AU where Billy wasn't involved in the shenanigans/horrors of season three at all. He worked at the pool, picked up extra shifts ever since Heather stopped showing up, went to scoops every chance he got just to see Steve Harrington's fat ass in those tiny shorts. He has a night off for once and decides to go and see that new sci-fi movie playing at the mall. Near the end he swears he can hear Harrington laughing like a lunatic with some girl down in the front row, but when the movie ends Billy doesn't see him in the que to leave, just the girl he works with huddled around a bucket of popcorn and giggling to herself while she wanders towards the water fountain. He needs to piss, so Billy makes his way to the bathroom, stopping short outside the entrance when the sound of someone wretching up what must be all of their internal organs filters through the door. He debates just going home, but he actually *really* has to go. So.
Billy pushes open the door, ignoring the painful vomiting sounds three doors down and takes care of business. It's not until he saunters up to wash his hands that he notices a pair of very familiar Nike's sticking out across the floor. And there sits Harrington, hugging the toilet like a lifeline and panting into the crook of his elbow.
"Harrington? Shit, you alright?"
And normally he'd poke fun. Pretty boy is obviously on something, evident by his blown out pupils and glassy stare. But he's also sweating buckets and shaking, tears and snot running down his face. And Jesus ever loving *fuck*, whoever worked over pretty boy's face wasn't pulling any punches.
Steve squints, eyes traveling slowly from Billy's boots up to his face. He smiles, dopey and high and Billy winces at how it pulls the purple black swelling of his cheek.
"Yeah, I feel way better now."
Which. *Okaaaaay*.
"I'll bet. What the fuck happened to your face?"
"I was integrated-..inter...interror-...I was tortured by Russian spies"
Billy snorts, amused despite himself.
"Oh yeah? That why you weren't at the counter today, sailor?"
Steve scrunches up his nose, and damn, Billy's gunna have to ask Harrington what he took when he's a bit more sober. It's some potent stuff if he's not even flinching moving an obviously broken nose like that.
"You know my shift schedule?"
*Shit*. Billy feels the tips of his ears go hot. Clearing his throat awkwardly as he glances down at his boots.
Time to change the subject.
"Why were you being *interrogated* by Russian spies, pretty boy?"
Steve sucks his teeth.
"Cuz the monsters came back and Robin cracked Dustin's code and then we went under the mall in an elevator to a secret Russian Army base and got caught and then they beat me up and shot me and Robin up with truth syrup and-...umm....I think that's it."
Billy blinks.
And. *Huh*.
"That right?"
Steve nods, swaying dangerously forward before catching himself on the stall doorway.
Whatever he's on, Steve obviously *believes* what he's saying. There might even be something to that 'truth serum' element considering how he's answered all of Billy's questions so easily. And Billy never once in his life claimed to be a good person.
"Why were you with my sister at the Byers' house last winter?"
Steve's head shoots up, eyes wide as saucers and for one horrifying moment Billy's sure the guy is going to start crying. Thankfully he doesn't, just slumps even heavier against the toilet with a sigh.
"Because there are monsters in the dark. And I was supposed to protect them. I *had* to protect them. Hopper said to *stay*. And then you showed up and Max said you were gonna kill her and I was supposed to keep them *safe*"
Billy tries to parse through whatever make believe bullshit Steve is spouting before getting caught on the whole *killing his sister* part.
"What, and you believed her?"
Steve gives him a considering look. Barring the rest of *whatever the fuck* Steve is talking about, Billy isn't sure he wants to hear the answer the guy is obviously mulling over.
Finally, he settles on "I don't anymore", and something sharp and hurt in Billy's chest settles.
"Hmm. Alright. If you've been *shot up with truth syrup*" Billy huffs a laugh "tell me a secret. Something you specifically don't want me to know."
Again, Billy's never claimed to be a good person.
Somewhere under all that blood and bruising, Billy thinks he sees a flush creep up Harrington's neck.
"I'm the one who keeps stealing your photo from the pool corkboard"
"That's-. Uh. Not what I thought you were gonna say."
Steve shrugs, embarrassed and looking anywhere but Billy. And Billy *has to know*. Has to ask.
Harrington looks up at him, not a trace of a lie in his eyes.
"Cuz every time I go to the pool to ask you on a date I chicken out."
Billy can't feel his fucking *face*. He has no idea what to say.
It's at this exact moment one of Max's nerd friends kicks down the bathroom door, holding Scoops girl by the shirt while Sinclair's little sister levels Billy with a challenging glare that has shame curling hot and acrid in his gut.
"STEVE! We've been looking *everywhere* for you! C'mon buddy, we have to get outta here before the Russian guys find us."
These hicks are fucking insane.
After helping Steve up to rinse out his mouth in the sink, Billy walks out of the bathroom with Harrington hanging off his shoulder when a bullet whizzes past his nose to embed itself in the cement wall.
Henderson is screaming "Shit, they found us!" while two men in black combat gear come charging up the escalator, armed to the teeth. They bark orders out in what is obviously Russian before a show car *flies through the air* and crushes them against the wall.
After Billy is introduced to a little girl with God damn *superpowers*, he's given a bare bones explanation while Steve plays with one of Billy's stray curls like it's the most interesting thing in the world. And monsters are real and there's a spider made of people out to get them and apparently Heather is possessed and all Billy can hear is
***Cuz every time I go to the pool to ask you on a date I chicken out***
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thebisexualdogdad · 1 year
John Constantine x male!reader x Zatanna Zatara headcanons
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*Matt Ryan as Constantine and Jade Tailor as Zatanna*
● 3 magicians/occultists sure make for a hell of an interesting relationship
● traveling around the world keeping the paranormal and supernatural at bay
● and always enjoying a good drink at the end of the day
● or before noon if it's just that kind of day
● which it often is because exorcisms can take a lot out of you
● going to Zatanna's magic shows and proudly cheering her on from the front row
● and always volunteering yourselves when she asks for audience participation
● John still gets a kick whenever she cuts him half
● when you or John annoy Zatanna she just casually drops a spell to turn you guys into rabbits
● "what did we do this time??"
● "you guys ate my leftovers again that I clearly labeled were mine!"
● Zatanna also has to stop you and John from doing stupid shit like when you drunkenly dare each other to try on doctor fates helmet
● "come on Z we weren't really gonna do it… again"
● Zatanna is extremely protective of her boys
● you've seen a lot of scary demons in your day but none are more terrifying than Zatanna when you or John are in danger
● John taking you and Zatanna to punk shows
● Zatanna pushing John into a mosh pit as a joke but he actually had a blast
● "bloody hell loves did you see that! That was awesome!!"
● stealing John's trench coat to mess with him
● "I would be mad because no one touches my coat but damn do you look good in it"
● and then one time you did a spell to swap John's and Zatannas outfit
● John was loving it "I mean it's a little tight on the boys but my ass sure looks good" he says as he's proudly checking himself out
● you've been banned from pretty much every movie theater because of John talking during the movie
● "he's the killer it's so obvious" he says as he throws popcorn at the screen
● "how can I be disturbing the other guests when this movie is bloody garbage!" He yells as you three are being escorted out by the usher
● it's not uncommon for one of you to find your partners surrounded by old books
● "what are we dealing with this time?"
● "not sure yet but in the last month there's been four mysterious deaths in Louisiana that we need to go check out"
● "I'll call Abby to see if she and alec can meet up with us, maybe they've heard something"
● "not that bloke again, he smells like a damn swamp"
● "John..."
● taking turns on who gets to be in the middle when you sleep
● but John always has to be the little spoon
● he refuses to be anything but the little spoon especially after sex
● and damn is the sex good
● using spells to make sex last all night long
● along with magically enhanced sex toys
● like self binding scarves
● magical wax that alternates between being hot and cold for the ultimate temp play
● or John being able to feel you inside him while you're fucking Zatanna
● Zatanna chanting spells that makes your bed float into the air
● you and John are sure to keep Zatanna thoroughly satisfied
● and Zatanna knows her way around a strap whenever she's in the mood to top you two
● John loves it when he gets a good pounding from both you and Zatanna
● and he will happily take one of you in his mouth while the other rails his ass
● lots of adrenaline filled sex after jobs go wrong and one of you nearly dies
● and pulling over to the side of the road to have sex in your car mid road trip to your next job after two of you have been fooling around in the backseat or one of you teasing the driver from the passenger seat
● so much sex around your magical safehouse in Atlanta
● which occasionally results in the unleashing of evil spirits when you accidentally knock over an mystical artifact
● "Oh that could have been really bad"
● "yeah we really dodged a bullet there but can you get back to going down on me now"
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canirove · 6 months
In The Name of Love | Epilogue
Author's note: And we've made it to the end! 😞 Thank you very much to everyone who has read this story and for all your support and comments, they mean a lot! 💜 Especially when I'm writing for someone new and I don't know how people will react 😅 Hope you like this chapter and that've you've enjoyed the story as a whole, and again, thank you very much for the support! Hopefully there will be more Pedri in the future 😁🫶🏻
Previous chapter
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"Pedri, are you ok?" Eric laughs.
"Better than ever."
"Then why can't you stop moving?"
"I'm just excited about going out and play" Pedri says. "First game of the season, you know?"
"Yeah, first game of the season" Gavi snorts.
"Umm… what did I miss?" Eric asks.
"Nothing" Pedri says.
"Everything" Gavi laughs.
"You two aren't making any sense."
"Wait until we are outside" Gavi says before walking into the pitch for their warm-up, Pedri behind him.
"Outside?" Eric says to himself, following them.
As they leave the tunnel, Pedri turns to look to his left, a big smile on his face when he waves at someone on the stands. 
"Bro, move" one of their teammates says after bumping into Eric, who had stopped walking and was blocking the entrance. 
"Sorry, sorry" he says, his eyes still fixed on the stands, on the person Pedri had waved to, the one smiling at the pitch while her eyes follow him as he runs and jumps around: Val.
"Ouch!" Pedri complains when Eric hits the back of his head. "Why did you do that?"
"Val is here."
"I know" he smiles.
"Are you guys back together?"
"We are."
"And why did you tell Gavi and not me? I thought we were friends!"
"And we are. But he came to visit me unannounced the other day, Val was with me, and…" Pedri shrugs.
"Does anyone else know? Ferran?" Eric asks him.
"Only her friend Silvia because she was present when we made up.”
“Present? How?”
“It's a long story, I'll tell you later. But no one else knows. We've wanted to keep it for ourselves for a while."
"After today it won't be like that anymore."
"We know. But we are ready for it. This time we truly are" he says, looking at her.
"He is going to score. I can feel it" Marina says.
"Are you sure that that thing you are feeling isn't all the popcorn you've eaten?" I chuckle.
"You are so not funny, Val" she replies, rolling her eyes. "But I had missed it."
"Feeling full because you ate too many popcorn?"
"Your mean comments" she says, hitting my arm. "You say these things when you are happy. And you are very happy, aren't you?"
"Very" I smile.
"So very happy that we are back to sitting front row with the other wags!"
"And you are loving it."
"So much" Marina grins. "Oh, corner! This is his chance."
As she says that, the ball gets to Pedri and…
"Goal!" Marina and I scream, getting up from our seats and hugging.
"I told you! I freaking told you!"
"You did, yes" I laugh.
"Val!" I hear someone call from the pitch. "Val!"
"What?" I say, letting go of Marina and turning around. 
"Val! Val, that was for you!" Pedri yells. "I love you!" he says before doing my celebration, the one he hadn't done in months.
"I love you too" I smile, feeling my cheeks on fire and the eyes of everyone on me, some definitely taking photos and videos. But I don't care anymore. "Now go back to the game and lose it."
"So mean, Valeria!" he laughs before joining his teammates, most of them teasing him about what he just did.
"Thank you for losing."
"You are not welcome" Pedri replies while hugging me.
"Rude" I laugh.
"As if you weren't loving it."
"Just a bit" I reply, wrapping my arms around his neck. We are alone in the middle of the Camp Nou, only a few staff members who are working on the pitch or cleaning around the stands making us company.
"But it was worth it. Because now the whole world knows that I love you and that I'm not afraid of saying it."
"We aren't afraid of saying it" I correct him.
"Exactly. They aren't going to hurt us, because we are stronger than ever." 
"And it's all in the name of love" I sing.
"We should make that our song."
"It is our song."
"Since when?" he laughs.
"Since I ended up with no voice after singing it in Ibiza that night."
"You mean the night that we said I love you for the first time" he smiles.
"The very same, yes."
"Sing it again."
"Sing it again."
"Why not?" Pedri shrugs.
"You are crazy" I laugh.
"For you? Yeah. Completely bonkers. But c'mon, Val. I wanna testify…"
"Scream in the holy light…"
"You bring me back to life…"
"And it's all in the name of love" I sing.
"I didn't hear you, Val" he says with a teasing smile.
"And it's all in the name of love" I sing a bit louder.
"Nope, nothing. C'mon, Val. It's just you and I. You bring me back to life…" he sings.
"And it's all in the name of love!"
"In the name of love, name of love! In the name of…"
"Love" Pedri says before kissing me. A kiss that, a few minutes later, ends up being everywhere because someone has seen us and taken a photo. But we don't care about those things anymore, about what people think or say. 
We just care about us, about our love. One that isn't going anywhere whether they like it or not. 
Because this love is one of the special ones, one of those that happens once in a lifetime, one of those you think only happens in romance books and movies. One that is forever. 
━━━━❃━━━━ FIN ━━━━❃━━━━
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Movie Night
This is part two of my childhood best friends-to-lover anthology. I utterly hate this installment, but once again, I have to get it out, or it will stay in my drafts forever. The first people to get the reference can drop a request into my inbox for any character in my pinned post.
Contains: Fluff.
2.2K words
Your movie night tradition leads to more than popcorn.
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More terrifying than The Exorcist. The Curse of Blackstone Lab."  
Sean huffed and pulled your attention from the shop front toward the bus stop poster. "What do you think about that y/n?" 
You shrugged. "I don't know. I'm pretty sure I've heard that slogan a million times." The picture did its best to keep everything a mystery, containing only a photo of a long, dark, dirty hallway, the tagline, and a title in blocky white letters.
"I heard they needed doctors at the test screenings." He often revelled in his ability to be in the know, to know the right people to get whatever he wanted, and this time was no different. "I know the producer, I think I might be able to get us an advanced copy."
Being back at the top had its benefits; the last time, it was front row seats to the latest opera. "I thought we were going to watch Red Eye this weekend?"
He gave you a look, it was full of mischief and affection. "You're not scared are you?"
You rolled your eyes. "No, I'm not. I've haven't be scared of a horror movie in years. I just don't want you getting caught up when we have to go buy you new suits." You could tell it was already too late, the wheels in his head were well and truly turning. "Sean, you are shit with colour, and I have a date tonight; you're not about to make a phone call."
He looped his arm around yours and yanked you to him. "Alright then, I can't have you late for your Monday night date with Mr tall, dark and boring."
There was a hint of something to his voice that gave you pause, a mix of annoyance and snippiness that let you know he disapproved. "Not boring, he's nice."
He huffed, and his mouth opened and closed like he had stopped himself from saying something before he took a deep breath and shook the thought away. "Well, when he bores you half to death you know where I live."
You nodded. "Thank you, Sean, I'll remember that. Now we need to hurry up."
He grinned and pulled you towards the store. "Whatever you want, I would be lost without your stylistic talents."
You sat at the restaurant waiting for your date, but seven turned into eight and then into eight-thirty, and it was clear he wasn't coming. You thought about going home, but Sean would be calling anyway, and there was no way he was going to let you marinate in your embarrassment all by yourself, it would be quicker and easier just to head right to his place.
Billy opened the door when you got there and pointed you upstairs. "He's been expecting you." You sighed and began your walk of shame, but Billy stopped you. "Are you good?"
You nodded. "Yeah, why wouldn't I be?"
He titled his head. "Because Sean wanted to take the car and make sure your date went alright."
You shrugged. "You know Sean, he's always been overprotective of me. I'll tell him off when I get up there."
Billy nodded. "Like that will change anything. You look lovely by the way."
You gave him a smile. "Thanks Bill."
The door was open when you walked by, and Sean beckoned in with a smile. "How did your date go? Not well, considering that you're here."
You sighed. "It didn't, I got stood up."
There was no "I told you so." No, knowing smile or smug arrogance, he looked angry. "What a fucking coward, bastard doesn't even have the decency to call you, and you look so nice in that dress."
You put a hand on his bicep in hopes of soothing him. "I know" You took a deep breath before continuing, half to plan what you would say next and half to steel yourself from the pushback you knew you would get. "And Billy told me that you wanted to go and keep an eye and I've told a million times before I can look after myself."
He crossed his hands over his head, there wasn't an ounce of shame on his face. "I know that, but you're my friend, and like I said to you before, I didn't really like him all that much."
You smiled as he pulled you into a hug, his warm hands clutching you close. "Don't rub it in Wallace."
He chuckled softly, it was filled with warmth and affection. "You're better off anyway." You felt the hug tighten as the air changed. "Nevertheless, it's a good thing you're here, I have good news."
He broke from the hug and all but skipped to his desk, pulling out a non-descript disk. "I made a call just after you left me this afternoon and it was here by courier an hour later."
Your failed date was forgotten in an instant. "You got it?"
He nodded. "I did, and the producer said it's the scariest movie he's ever seen. So this Sunday, you, me, and a bucket of popcorn with the world's best butter?"
He was always so eager to spend time with you; it was hard to say no, even if you wanted to watch the other movie more. "Of course, it's our tradition."
You decided to stop by the bakery and get some cupcakes for tonight, and you felt a tap on your shoulder and spun around to see Billy standing behind you. "Hello."
You gave him a wave. "Hi, you look well."
He smiled shyly. "Yeah, things are good. What are you doing here?"
You pointed to the cupcakes inside the long glass display case. "Cupcakes for tonight."
He pressed his lips together, clearly trying to figure out if he should share the thought swirling in his head. "You got time for a coffee?"
You nodded. "Sure, I've always got time for you Bill."
It didn't take long for the coffee to brew, and you took your boxed cupcakes over to the table with him and sat down. "Now, what's on your mind?"
"Sean's in love with you. I'm pretty sure he has been since you guys were sixteen." He sipped his coffee like he hadn't just dropped a bomb the size of London on your head and nibbled the dry skin on his lower lip. "And let's be honest with ourselves y/n, I think the feeling is mutual."
You blinked, unsure what to say and taken aback by how blunt he was. "Wow, what makes you say that?" You were met with a raised eyebrow and a pointed exhale. "Yeah, ok, so I've been doing a shit job at hiding my feelings since everything that happened with Elliot and the crown, but he's back at the top, and I'm not going to complicate his life anymore by spilling my guts."
He nodded, almost to himself, wrapped his hand around the top of his cup and stood up. "Good talk y/n."
He was walking away before you could respond, and you yelled after him. "Are you just going to leave me here to sit in it?"
He turned his head towards you, still moving away. "Yep."
"It doesn't matter anyway, I have a date next week and I'm going to it." If he heard you, he didn't let on.
You pulled the white bakery box from your bag and smiled. "Are you ready to be terrified?"
He grinned and took the box from your hand, placing it on his desk before opening and looking over the sweet treats. "They look delicious." He handed you the one with the most icing and lifted his own.
He leaned back in his chair, glanced from the iced cake to you and back again, then picked it up and held it aloft, "To friends in high places."
He removed the wrapping from your cupcake and placed it in the empty box along with his own, then threw the box in the trash. Sighing, he stood up and said, "Would you like to stay the night? Mum's making pancakes in the morning. You don't need to leave when the movie's done."
There was no reason to say no, one of the many guest rooms was basically yours, housing your clothes and toiletries, even monogrammed towels that you received as a birthday gift one year. "Sure."
The position you were in was a common one, next to Sean on the couch in the movie room with a blanket thrown over your laps as he set the movie up. "I have another date next week, not with the same guy, and this one has an interesting job."
He pressed his lips together and nodded. "Ah, well I hope this one goes better."
You shrugged. "Who knows, if this one doesn't the next one will."
The lights in the room dimmed as the movie started, and you leaned into him as you started in on the popcorn. It started slow, the steady building of dread and the total uncertainty of whether the villain was a person, a demon or all in someone's head. They were right, it was scary, and Sean seemed to enjoy the way you slowly pulled the blanket closer to your face as you squished yourself into him. 
The second you thought you could relax, the thing hiding in the shadows the whole time finally came out, and you jumped out of your skin to his amusement. "Are you scared?" 
You shook your head. "No, it was just a loud noise." 
He laughed and shot you a look that told you he didn't believe you one bit. "You sure?" 
"Positive." You took a deep breath and sat up a little straighter, turning back to the screen as his arm pulled you impossibly closer. You did your best to relax, but it was nothing short of impossible, if this thing didn't win Best Picture at the Oscars then horror didn't stand a chance because the moment you thought you were safe, it was right back to the terror. 
You managed one more scare before you flinched again, and Sean was pausing the movie with a sigh. "You are scared." 
You sighed and twisted in his arms to face him. "So maybe I am just a bit." 
He smiled softly. "Don't worry, I won't let the monster get you." 
You nodded. "I know, I know you'd never let anything happen to me." 
There was a shift in the air, like the first change in the wind before a storm, and he went to say something else, but something stopped him. Your hand was still curled in his shirt from when you grabbed him, and as he looked at you in the blue lighting from the film, a feeling grew inside him. "What?" You gave him a look and a light shove and repeated yourself. "What?" 
He wasn't sure what to say, he couldn't tell you how he was feeling, that the butterflies that seemed to live in his chest whenever you were around had suddenly started to flutter so violently that he was sure they were bruising the fascia of his ribs.
You shoved him again to no effect, and he laid his hands on top of yours, they were warmed and calloused, and he was looking at you strangely. "Don't go on that date." 
You tilted your head. "Why?" It was such a sudden change of tone, but before you could press for more, his expression set firm like he had finally made an important decision, and then his lips were on yours. 
Oh, that's why
The moment you got over the shock, you sunk into the kiss, his lips were plump and soft, and he kissed you the way a drowning man begged Thetis for air. You broke from the kiss, and his lips followed yours as you backed away until you placed a hand on his chest. "What are you doing?" 
He pecked you again, and you couldn't help but let him. "I love you y/n." You wondered if Billy had talked to him like he had spoken to you. "I love you, so you can't go on that date or a date with anyone else who isn't me ever again because I don't know if I can survive the thought of you with anyone else." 
You lifted your hand to his cheek and ran your thumb over his freckled cheekbone. "Ok, but only if you kiss me again." He was happy to oblige, and you found yourself slowly moving onto your back as the kiss deepened. 
He was smiling against you, and his teeth found your lower lip in a soft bite before he pulled back. "Does this mean you return my affection?" 
You laughed and kissed an apology on his cheek at your lack of reciprocation. "Yes, it is returned whole heartedly. I love you Sean." 
He sat up and took you with him, and you wrinkled your eyebrows, but before you could say anything, he turned the movie back on and yanked you back into your previous position against him. "I would like to finish the film." 
His eyes were glinting with mischief, and his hand was slowly making its way up your leg. "You're being a tease." 
He leaned in close, his eyes still on the screen as he whispered into your ear. "Consider it payback coming here on Monday in that dress." 
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@daydreaming-belle @lovemissyhoneybee @darklydeliciousdesires
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archoniluthradanar · 1 year
An Overnight Camp out with the Volturi Masters
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First up in the Summer Fun with the Volturi Masters, polled story series results.
Winner and story number one
An Overnight Camp Out with the Volturi masters.
It's Summer in Volterra. It's also very quiet, except for a few trials that were over and done with rather quickly. The defending party was determined early on to be guilty, making the process very simple. You feel restless, wanting to go somewhere. Anywhere. You tell Aro about the trips and vacations you used to take back home. Intrigued, he asks you for examples.
"We used to camp out at the lake, go fishing, check out the theme parks, or visit to the state fair. Sometimes we'd go watch a baseball game more than once in a season," you explain to him while sitting at his feet on the dais.
"This camping. What does it involve?" Aro asks, interested.
You're surprised at his question. "Haven't you ever been camping? Surely when you were a human in ancient times, people camped all the time. I mean, there were fewer hotels and Airbnb's around back then."
"If I have, I've forgotten it. Much of our human lives becomes foggy after so long a time, my dear." Aro thought a moment. "Let us do this camping thing. Buy whatever you need for all four of us to go."
"Well, you three will not be needing much. It's I who will be needing a few things. I'll see to it right away, Aro."
You decide to go shopping for a few necessary supplies, and decide to take Felix along since he is the strongest of the Volturi Guard. "Felix, we'll need to go a sporting goods store. Do you know of one around here?"
He drives to the one store he is aware of that sells such things. You explain the camping trip, and ask if he remembers camping out. He answers in the affirmative and tells you a story about him killing a bear, bare-handed, when it tried to take away his roasting venison. "The beast dared to steal it, but I grabbed him by the throat and broke his neck. Fortunately, he didn't have enough time to begin to eat the deer meat and I was able to retrieve it."
You look over at Felix, the so called executioner of the Volturi, and mentally picture that amazing moment he killed a bear without any weapons, and when he was human. You still don't fear him, but now you know who to have around should you ever get attacked by a bear.
Walking around the store, you peruse tents because you're not exactly the roughing-it type. At least with a tent, you'll have some place to change and sleep. The masters don't sleep, but might enjoy having a place to sit and talk during the nighttime hours, out of any bad weather.
Next up is finding a small gas grill, a pot to brew coffee in, and a small folding skillet to cook meals in, again something the masters don't have to think about. You throw one set of portable dinner-ware into the cart. The last things needed were a few easy-to-cook emergency food packs and Pop Tarts. Healthy eating is not a consideration for a weekend camp out, so you throw in a few Jiffy Pop popcorn tins. You grab long matches, an LED flashlight, and three large LED lanterns, bio-degradable TP, and wet wipes.
Finally, you pick up several containers of water and one bottle of water-purifying tablets, just in case. You apologise to Felix for choosing the heavy tent. Luckily they needed only enough for the weekend, but everything could be re-used later on. Perhaps the Guards would like to indulge sometime, you tell Felix.
Once you reach the castle, Felix carries the tent, still in its box, to sit at the back door. He goes to the garage and brings around the larger SUV, storing the tent box in the back. before putting everything else on the third seat. Caius is going to drive, although he doesn't know about the trip yet. Aro will sit in the front passenger seat because he likes being up front, while you and Marcus will sit in the second row. You really hope the other masters agree to go. You like to snuggle up next to Marcus when driving since it makes you sleepy. He never seemed to object.
When Caius and Marcus were told about the camp out, they balked at first, but after you tell them about the fun it can be, they relent and agree to go.
The next morning, everyone climbs into the SUV, and you give Caius directions to a lake park where short-term camping is permitted.
Once you find the perfect spot at the lake's edge, you and the masters get out the tent and the accompanying equipment. You pull out the instructions and read them aloud.
"I can be of help securing the stakes." To demonstrate, Caius takes one, and holding the tip to the grass, pushes it deeply into the ground with his hand. He completes securing each stake until the tent is firmly in place.
"It looks perfect, thank you Caius. You are a wonder sometimes," you say, praising his ego in all sincerity.
He looks at you, offended. "Only sometimes?"
You smile, putting your hand over your mouth. You walk into the tent, and examine the large back room, then come up front to check out the front room and the outer area where people can sit under an overhead canopy. You love this! The back room is all yours to use since the masters do not need it. With the dividers in place, you'll have complete privacy.
Since this area doesn't permit open fires, you set up the LED lanterns, two out front and one inside the tent. You're hoping to catch a few fish on which to use the gas grill, but without gear, you're not sure this is even a viable idea.
You stand near the edge of the lake, noticing fish swimming in the water. You wish you had a pole, but wonder if the masters have a talent for fishing by hand, what with their speedy reflexes. "Can any of you fish with your bare hands?" you ask.
Caius agrees to try, proud of his vampire skills. He removes his shoes and rolls up his jeans, as do you. He steps into the stream, holding out his hand for you to follow him in. The water is cold, and you envy Caius for being resistant to extreme temperatures.
He bends over in the water and peers past the sun reflecting off the surface.
"Oh look, over there!" you shout, pointing a finger at a passing fish.
Caius is as still as a statue, his hands waiting close to the water. When the fish swims past him, his hands shoot out and grab the fish, then he tosses it onto the bank where it lies flopping on the grass.
You grab his arm, whooping it up, knowing dinner will be fresh fish tonight. You turn to Aro and Marcus, who are watching. "Sure you don't want to try?" you ask them. Aro responds by making a face, and Marcus waves a hand indicating he is more interested in watching. You turn back to Caius, your hands on his back while you cheer him on as he stalks another fish.
"Two should be enough, " you tell him. "Maybe three."
Caius waits patiently, then grabs for another fish, and again, throws in onto the bank. "One more," he asks, seeing you smile and nod your head.
His hyper-vision sees another coming their way. After a few minutes, he reaches out and grabs it from the water. He readies to toss it onto the bank, but is not in the best position, and loses his footing. You try to hang onto him, which is a bad mistake, and you both fall into the water. Aro and Marcus rise from their folding chairs, and flash to the lakeside, reaching out their hands to help.
Caius looks like death hunting for a victim, but soon begins to laugh. You are laughing and freezing, your teeth chattering from the cold. Caius picks you up and hands you up to Marcus, who takes you to the tent to change out of your wet clothes. Caius takes care of that outside the tent, then places the fish in a metal pail you had earlier filled with water.
Dressed in dry clothing now, you leave the tent to sit on the ground next to the masters chairs, to let the warm sun dry your hair.
You are reminded of the fish in the metal pail, and turn to the vampires. "So who is volunteering to clean my fish?" You rise to go fire up the small grill you bought at the sporting good store and wash the skillet in some of the bottled water. When you hear only silence, you turn to the trio. "Please, Aro, I don't like cleaning fish. Too much blood and guts. You guys love blood and guts."
"The human has a point, brother," Caius says.
"Caius, please? And...'the human'? Seriously?" You give him a nasty stare, wondering if it was a joke or a slip of the tongue.
"Don't antagonize him, child, or you'll be eating Pop Tarts for dinner," Marcus warns.
You roll your eyes, then turn back to Caius. "Please, Master?" You rarely call them by that term because they never demand it of you.
Caius comes to you, and dances his fingertips over your shoulder and down your bare arm. "And what do I get in return, little human? I firmly believe in quid pro quo."
You shiver at his touch, but you know he's just playing a game with you. You hope anyway, so you decide to play along. "And what would you want in return?" Since that day in the park, the masters seem to delight in showing you the relationship between you all has moved up a notch, even if only in fun.
"Just this." Caius leans in to kiss you, his tongue moving over your lips, then he backs up.
You swallow hard, saying, "I think I can give you that." Not that it matters, since he'd claimed his payment already.
Caius heads for the pail. Not needing a knife, he slits the fish bellies with his fingernail and removes the guts, washing the fish in the pail of water. Bringing up a bloodied finger to his lips, he tastes the creatures' red fluid. As soon as he swallows, he gags. The small amount of fish blood is expelled from his mouth along with a good portion of venom. "That is awful!" he cries out. "Wretched animal drinkers. How do they stand such deviant behavior!"
You go up to the poor sick vampire and thank him with a kiss to his cheek, before going to prepare to fry your fish.
By the time you've cleaned up after dinner, the sun has nearly set. You put out the two lanterns, more for yourself than the masters. You tell them camping tradition dictates ghost stories be told. You offer to go first.
You tell them about a young couple, who fall in love and marry. Caius sighs, uninterested in romance stories. You hush him and continue. The couple live a happy life together. But the husband has one question. Why does his wife wear a red ribbon around her neck, never taking it off. He asks her once and is told it's not important, as long as they are happy. He never asks again. Many years later, when the wife becomes ill due to her advanced age, he asks the question one more time. The wife says before she dies, that he may finally remove the red ribbon. When he does, her head rolls from her neck, falling to the floor at his feet.
Aro, the intellectual, frowns, wondering why her head had been removed in the first place, and then temporarily mended with a red ribbon. "How could she possibly live all that time?" he scoffs.
Marcus is quiet, thinking about Didyme, his own lost spouse.
Caius laughs. "Priceless," he says, chuckling loudly.
Everyone takes turns telling macabre stories, but you have a feeling the Volturi are sharing true reminiscing from their over-long existences.
It is late now, and you are yawning. Before you get ready for bed, you grab the lantern, some TP, and the wet wipes, and start to leave camp, heading into the trees.
"Aro, I have to go take care of some...personal business. I'll be right back." You start to go but a hand restrains you.
"We will go with you to protect you," Aro says.
"You will not!" You stop and turn to face the three vampires, holding up your hand, palm open to them. "This is private personal business. Something you three don't have to deal with anymore."
"We hear animal noises out in the woods," Caius said gravely.
You hear nothing, but know they have hyper-hearing as well.
"It might be a bear," Aro cautioned.
"It could be a wolf," Caius suggested.
"Suppose it's a mountain lion," Marcus warned.
"It's probably a raccoon!" you counter. "Why are you trying to scare me?" You stand with one hand on your hip, glaring at the trio of vampires.
"It's not safe, my dear, to wander around in the darkness," Aro states in reply.
"I won't be wandering around. And I have a flashlight. Look, sirs, this is private, do you comprehend? Private, as in using a tree as a shield for toilet duty!" You blush bright pink in the darkness you know the masters can easily see in. You watch Aro slowly grin, grateful he finally gets it.
"Now don't follow me. Just keep your ears open for any more animal sounds or Bigfoot or whatever, and if I scream, then come running."
"We will be ready to protect you in an instant, child," Marcus says before you smile at him and leave for the cover of darkness to tend to your business.
By the time you are ready for bed, you're so sleepy, you can barely keep your eyes open, so you bid the masters good night. They will stay outside, talking or whatever else they want to do. You kiss and hug each in his turn, then go inside the tent and light up the lantern on the floor of the tent's back room. You undress and slip on your sleep shorts with the matching sleeveless tank top. You brush your hair and use some of the water to tend to your teeth. Once you've done all that, you lie down on the opened sleeping bag, the room a bit too warm to sleep inside the closed bag.
You're lying on your side, when you hear someone enter the tent. Then you see Marcus peek his head through the divided canvas "wall" between the back and front rooms. Looking up, while you rest on one elbow. "Marcus, is something wrong?"
"No, child. I just wondered if you wanted any company until you fall asleep."
You smile, knowing it's Marcus who wants the company. You hadn't meant to sadden him with your ghost story. "Please," you say, scooting over. "Do you want to lie here on the sleeping bag? It's a bit warm and your body will cool me."
"Shall I undress then?" he asks in all innocence. "To cool you down."
"No! No thank you." All you didn't need was a naked Marcus lying next to you.
He quietly lies beside you, and peers at your beauty, a beauty he feels you don't realize you have.
You turn off the lantern and lie back down, your head resting on a small travel pillow. "Are you enjoying yourself, Marcus?"
"It has been a pleasant day," he replies.
"Perhaps next time, we can find a long term camp ground." you suggest.
"Or perhaps the guards would enjoy going, next time."
"Gotcha." You smile and lean in to give Marcus a kiss on his cheek.
You lie next to the tall master, remembering the day in the park, and how he had taken care of you after all three masters gave you pleasure by having sex with you. You reach out and touch his cold cheek.
Marcus takes your hand from his face and kisses the palm.
You lean in when he does this, tentatively kissing his cold lips. "Marcus, did Aro ask you to come in here?"
You can almost make out a smile on his face in the dark, now that your eyes are more acclimated. You scoot closer to him while he lies on his side. The coolness of his body feels good in the warmth of the tent. You hear no breath from his nose or mouth. You feel no rise and fall of his chest. He is a monster to some, a killer. You do not fear him, however. Nestling closer, you exhale, relaxed and feeling safe. And cool.
The next morning, someone comes into the tent and sets a cup of hot coffee next to you. You open your eyes to see Marcus gone and Caius standing over you. "Thank you, and how do you know how to make coffee?" you ask.
"I've learned a few things since your arrival." He pulls a package from his pocket and hands you Pop Tarts. "To go with your coffee. Then up you go. Aro wants to leave in a few hours."
"Of course." You smile at him as he leaves, then open the Pop Tarts and eat them in between sips of coffee. You wash up with some of the bottled water, and brush your hair and teeth. Finally you dress in shorts and an over-size T-shirt.
When you leave the tent to tend to your morning 'personal' business, the masters do not tease you this time. They merely watch you walk away, your legs highlighted by the shorts you're wearing. Knowingly, you yell as you go, "You guys need to get out into the world and mingle with modern women." Then you laugh.
Once everything has been packed away, all four of you climb into the SUV, and leave for Volterra.
"I hope you all enjoyed yourselves with a sample of camping out."
Caius and Aro agree, albeit unenthusiastically. Marcus drapes his arm around you, and whispers he enjoyed the time he spent with you last night.
Impulsively, you hug him. You wonder how you will ever leave this family you had accidently been inducted into. Actually, they probably won't let you leave, and that makes you happy. They have not killed you yet, so there must be something about you they like. You nestle against Marcus and watch the scenery pass until you reach Volterra, and home.
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doobnnoob-tf2 · 1 year
HELLO DANIEL, how ya doing today? i’ve been reading your mercs headcanons for the last, uh, two days and they ARE SO SWEET, SO AMAZING, I’M COMING BACK TO MY TF2 BRAINROT BECAUSE OF YOU 😭
anyway, i'll get right to the point: i was watching the episode of bluey where bingo and bluey go to the cinema with their dad, and i was thinking, "how would each merc act on the cinema?". you'll get it if you watch the episode, but how does each class act in the movies? if you are unable to respond right now, please do not worry. i just wanted to express my admiration for you. alright, i’m leaving 😭🙏🏻
Scout: he either is the worst person to watch a movie with, or the others completely forget he's there because he was so quiet the whole time. there is no in between. if it's not something that catches and holds his attention, he'll be that obnoxious person people complain about the whole time. but if it does, he's glued to the screen. he constantly says horror movies don't bother him but the others see he leaves his lights on at night after seeing one
Soldier: he's banned from the local movie theater after receiving too many noise complaints. it doesn't stop him from showing up however. and every time he's reminded he can't enter, he goes on a long speech to the poor worker while they direct the line to just go around and ignore him. he just doesn't stop shouting at the characters about how poor their decision making skills are
Pyro: snacks galore. it's almost as if they just cleared out the entire concession stand. they always make sure they have one of the seats next to them as well to put all of their snacks.. that they won't be eating until they get back to the base and to their room
Demoman: he's super picky about seats. he wants fourth row and center seat. if he can't, he may be a bit grumpy during the whole movie. don't ask him why he's that serious about his seating, it always ends with him going on a rant about how he's tested every section of the theater and that's just the best
Heavy: he loves going to the movies, for any kind of genre. he has things he likes and dislikes about each. he mostly prefers going with at least one other on the team rather than by himself, but he will if he can't find anyone to go with him. he's usually the only one who can consistently get Scout to shut up and sit still during a movie
Engineer: he prefers hosting movie nights on the base rather than going out to a theater. it feels more like a group activity that way, rather than a stressful outing where they have to pay way too much for snacks and then everyone sits all around the theater rather than in a group anyway. he hosts weekly movie nights during the summer and they rotate who gets to pick what movie each week
Medic: he frequently gets invited to - and agrees to - going to see movies with the others. mostly Sniper to go see horror movies together because he wants to hear about how bad the gore is from a medical standpoint. the problem is, he forgets every single time and then busies himself and can't go. the only time he watches movies is when the whole team gets together to watch things on the projector together
Sniper: he frequently goes to the movies by himself. however, he always plans it on days where he knows there won't be that many people. both so he can happily prop his feet up on the seat in front of him, and so he can avoid dealing with people other than the concession staff. he isn't afraid to pelt the back of someone's head with popcorn kernels if they won't shut up during a movie
Spy: he prefers watching movies on the base. that way it can be paused and he can go step outside to smoke, or he can open and window and do the same while he keeps watching. if he really wants to go to a theater, there's always a point where he gets up and leaves for a few minutes. the others assume it's to have a smoke break, which is only partly true. the real truth is he's buying himself one of those jumbo bags of popcorn to take to his car and hide in the trunk for later
I feel so bad it took me forever to get to this I'm so sorry. I really appreciate that you enjoy (enjoyed? lol) the blog so much!
Admittedly, I'd just had a huge stint of hyperfocusing on my sideblog, @ask-the-tf2-mercs lol. It got a lot of attention all at once and I was getting a fuckton of asks over there so I neglected this blog to focus on keeping up with asks there. C':
But seriously, thank you and everyone who still enjoys this blog for enjoying it! It makes me happy that people like my goofy lil headcanons.
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shelbgrey · 2 years
Suspicious minds(Sodapop Curtis)
Chapter 4:
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The next day me and the boys head to the drive-in. We quickly snuck under the gate of the drive-in and ran around the screen to the empty chairs that was near the concession stand. I made my spot between Dally and Pony. "jeez it cold" pony shivers as he sat down.
"why didn't you bring a coat stupid?" Dally spat as he lit his cigarette.
"you want my Jacket Ponyboy?" I asked shrugging off my red hooded jacket. Before he could protest I covered his shoulders with it. "thanks y/n"
About ten minutes into the movie two soc girls came and sat in the row of chairs in front of us. The red head complaining about her boyfriend as she made herself comfortable. I had enough socs for one week so I stood up. "I'm getting some popcorn, you guys want anything?"
"I'll take a coke" Jonny said sweetly.
"get me one too will ya" Dally said. I turned to pony next. "just some popcorn please" I nodded and left my group. As I walked the noises from cars and the movie filled my ears. I looked around as I walked being aware of my surroundings. I didn't see any danger (thank God) all I saw was people sneaking in by the trunk of their friends car or gate. I also friends chasing each other around or making out on the hood of their car. That kinda pda made me slightly sick but at the same time jealous.
I finally made to the concession stand the lights finally making it easier to see were I was going. I shoved my hand in my Jean pocket digging out some money when I heard whisperers.
"no one will see us here" an all too familiar voice said. "don't know Sandy, I don't want to get in rumble with your boyfriend" an other voice said and this time it was male. My eyebrows knitted together as I pressed my back to the conner trying to listen without being spotted.
Sandy scoffed at the guys comment. "Soda doesn't care about me. He doesn't cater to my needs" the guys voice was now muffled and I looked over and saw her practically eating his face as he was pressed to the brick wall of the concession stand. My heart broke for Soda. I wanted to pound her in the face for not being faithful to him. Soda gave everything to her and worked hard to make her happy and she treats him like trash.
I tried to walk away without being seen but I failed. I took a wrong step and snapped a stick making Sandy and her boy toy break apart and stair in my direction. "who's there" she said almost trying to acted tough.
"I knew you were a bitch but I didn't think you'd soop this low" I said when she realized who I was. "who the hell are you?" the guy asked.
"you tell soda your dead" Sandy snapped. I smirked "you and what army?" before she could through one of her hissy fits and walked in to the concession stand to get the drinks and popcorn. Thank god I didn't take long and was able to grab the stuff and head back to my spot. When I got there Dally was leaning over the red heads shoulder messing with her. I rolled my eyes not really caring what happens to her but I spoke anyway before it got ugly.
"be nice Dally" I said handing him his coke and a candy bar.
"I'm never nice little bird" he smirked and sat back in his chair. I sighed hating what I just saw. What would I tell Soda? And would he even believe me?
"what's wrong birdie?" pony asked nibbling on his popcorn. "I just saw something I wish I didn't"
"what was it?" Jonny asked. "I saw Sandy making out with a guy... And it wasn't Soda" pony looked said but he didn't look surprised. We all knew what kinda bitch Sandy was.
Anyway that didn't matter because we had a different situation. Dally wouldn't stop bugging the Soc in front of us. The red had had told him to stop a couple of time but Dally didn't care. One thing led  to another and Dally got coke through in his face.
"Dally leave her alone" Johnny said after Dally started grabbing her. It cought Dally off guard and Johnny quietly backed up almost falling into my lab. I cought him keeping him steady.
"wise ass" is all Dally said before walking off. The red had sighed in relief. We had maybe five minutes of peace. Before she looked over her shoulder at us. "you guys gonna start in on us too?"
I raised my eyebrow at her giving her a questioning look. "that all depends" I replied. Pony shook his head. "no no we won't"
"well none of you guys look the type" she said softly. "what are your names?" she asked.
"I'm birdie and this is Ponyboy and Johnny" I said. "you guys have some original names" she said kindly to me and Pony.
"yeah my dad was an original person" pony smiled. "I even have a brother named Sodapop and it even says it on his birth certificate"
"I one the other hand" I laughed. "birdie is just a nickname, my real name is y/n"
"I'm Cherry, people call me that because of my red hair" she smiled.
"don't we have a science class together... Or use to?" Her friend asked and I nodded.
"wait don't you and soda work at the DX station?" cherry asked and I nodded. "have you guys been working there full time? I don't think I've seen you guys around the school lately."
"we're drop outs" I said kinda ashamed. I only felt bad for myself I neve once tried to my soda feel dumb or bad for dropping out. "I had to make some extra money to take care of my sister and brother" I said kinda harsh without meaning too.
"well that's nice of you" cherry's friend said. I slightly smiled. Pony and Johnny continued to talk to the girls and I started to zone them out
"BOO!" my brother shouted and Grabbed me from from behind shaking me from my thoughts. I jumped and clung to Pony's arm. Two-bit knew better than that to sneak up on me. He's probably drunk.
"sorry sorry kid" he said with remorse but with also a giggle. I pushed him away and he moved over to the two Soc girls. "well who's this?"
I rolled my eyes at my brother flirting with the girls. My thoughts were cut off when Tim Sheppard came up behind us. "where's Dallas?"
"he left Tim" pony said.
"hey I know he slashed my tiers" Tim snapped. Tim wasn't part of our gang so him a Dally always had this riverly for some reason. "we haven't seen him" I said then I looked at Ponyboy for back up.
"she's right" she then leaned over and looked at the others. "you guys seen Dally?" everyone was quick to stay no including the girls which surprised me. Tim walked away in a huff.
"birdie, does Dally have a blad?" my brother asked. I shook my head. "I'm not sure... I think he lost it the last time he got thrown in the cooler"
"that's good, it'll give him an alibi" Two-bit said shaking his head.
<Next chapter>
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finniestoncrane · 5 months
🩷🍿 Finnie's 2k Follower Event 🍿💚
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🩷💚🩷 EVENT NOW CLOSED 🩷💚🩷 hello and welcome to my silly little cinema 🩷💚🩷💚 this time around i've got options for moodboards, mini playlists, character pairings, and as always, ficlets and headcanons!! as always my little beloveds, read my rules, & send your requests in (and include reader's gender/pronoun/genital info where needed!) i don't know how many requests i'll do (edit: i'll be doing 50 requests for this event, there are still plenty of spaces!!) and i'll try to avoid similar prompts!! (normal requests are still open just now but i won't be writing them or posting them until after the event) along with the drabbles and headcanons, i'll also do a little giveaway of sorts with some commissions, so anyone who asks off anon will be included into a little draw for a free 500 word commission, and i'll pick some winners just to express how much love i have for you all ;-;💚 🔞minors dni🔞 • masterlist • kofi link • tag: finnie2k (to follow or to block)
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hi welcome to the cinema!! are you ready to purchase your tickets?
i'll let my date decide [tell me a bit about yourself for a character pairing!]
yes!! [please scroll for options and prompts!]
if you're not here for a date, please choose from the options below and let me know which character you want!! (pick literally any character from my "will write" list! 1 for x reader, 2 for ships)
no more requests for btaa!scarecrow or zero year!riddler, please! their egos will explode lmao
where would you like to be seated? (pick 1 option)
right in the middle [movie soundtrack - mini playlist based on the character]
aisle seat [movie poster - i'll make a little moodboard based on the character]
front rows [short fic/drabble - scroll for the next options!]
back rows [headcanons/short form - scroll for the next options!]
which genre of movie would you like to see? (pick 1)
science-fiction [smut/pwp]
horror [dead dove/something dark]
action [hurt/comfort - physical]
drama [hurt/comfort - emotional]
romantic comedy [tooth rotting fluff]
thriller [angst]
and what would you like in your snack box? (pick up to 3, also yeah whatever my theatre serves fries and burgers!!)
🥤 soda [praise kink]
🧋 bubble tea [posessiveness]
🧃 fruit juice [touch starved, tensing up when shown affection]
🍹 cocktail [acts of care]
🍷 wine [confessing feelings]
🍺 beer ["i didn't mean it... it was an accident"]
🍕 pizza slice [dry humping]
🍔 slider [begging]
🌭 hotdog ["they'd/you'd never feel that way about me"]
🌶️ nachos [comforting through a breakup while pining]
🍟 fries [pet play]
🥓 jerky [oral sex/rimming]
🍿 sweet popcorn [sex as a tension release]
🧂 salted popcorn [watching a movie together]
🧈 butter popcorn ["look at you, you're dripping all over yourself"]
🧀 cheese popcorn [rough sex]
🥨 pretzel [roleplaying]
🍩 donut ["i think i love you"]
🍪 chocolate cookie [biting/licking/sucking]
🌈 rainbow cookie [clumsy first kisses]
🧁 cupcake [cnc/noncon/dubcon]
🍎 fruit cup ["you're going to ruin me"]
🍫 chocolate bar [voyeurism]
🍬 candy ["keep your eyes open, i want you to look at me"]
🍭 lollipop [choking]
🍧 frozen yoghurt [blushing in front of your crush, who finds it cute]
🍨 sundae [blind date]
🍦 vanilla ice cream ["that feels nice... it feels right"]
🍌 banana ice cream [sitting in their lap]
🍑 peach ice cream [spanking/impact play]
🍒 cherry ice cream [a kiss, then a slap, then a returned kiss]
🍓 strawberry ice cream ["your hands are so soft"]
🌰 trail mix [facefucking/face riding]
🥜 peanuts ["you're doing such a good job"]
🧅 grilled onions ["i want to smell myself on you"]
🥒 pickles [humiliation/degradation]
🥬 slaw [memorising the scars/marks on their body]
🔴 ketchup ["you said you'd never be caught dead doing something like this"]
🟡 mustard [piss]
🟢 ranch [feeling safe enough to fall asleep in each others' arms]
🥛 sour cream [cockwarming]
🥚 mayo ["let me show you"]
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i-didnt-hate-it · 1 month
I didn't hate Alien: Romulus. It was awesome! I said it with Borderlands, and I'Il say it again for Romulus: your expectations will determine your enjoyment of content, so check your expectations at the door.
It seems like many people were expecting this to somehow be as brilliant as the original Alien, but also different and unique, and now they're frustrated that Romulus pays homage to the original films while also telling it's own story.
I honestly thought it did a good job of bringing the energy of the other films in the series while also having its own flavor. It really feels like an Alien movie, but I also didn't feel like I was just watching a remake of the original.
I'll admit, there were a few moments of "hey, that's from the other movies!" that I'm sure were forced by the studio, but Alvarez also did a good job of taking some good ideas from "weaker" entries in the series and giving them new life (iykyk).
All-in-all, Alien Romulus was an awesome IMAX experience (front row, as always), especially with the facehugger popcorn bucket, Xeno-mug and Weyland-Yutani patch keeping me company.
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demonscantgothere · 2 years
I feel like I need to get some popcorn because I just love reading everything you've post on Galadriel and Halbrand. LIKE YES DOOM SHIP DOOM SHIP!!! Ahem sorry Ill leave now !
Omg, let's be friends! I can't stop talking about it. Every Friday, I'm rushing to sit down and watch The Rings of Power like, "What clues will they give us this week?"
Halbrand is the only original character deeply tied into two huge Sauron-centric canon Tolkien stories, both Númenor and the title card story regarding the forging of the rings of power. No other original character has been pulled into the rings of power storyline but Halbrand now that he is going to meet the Elves, nor has any other original character been pulled into Akallabêth, the story of Númenor.
Not only that, but Sauron came willingly to Númenor as a prisoner in Akallabêth. And what happened to Halbrand when he arrived in Númenor with Galadriel? He was imprisoned.
And Sauron came . . . For he perceived that the power and majesty of the Kings of the Sea surpassed all rumour of them, so that he could not trust even the greatest of his servants to withstand them; and he saw not his time yet to work his will with the Dúnedain. And he was crafty, well skilled to gain what he would by subtlety when force might not avail. Therefore he humbled himself before Ar-Pharazôn and smoothed his tongue; and men wondered, for all that he said seemed fair and wise. But Ar-Pharazôn was not yet deceived, and it came into his mind that, for the better keeping of Sauron and of his oaths of fealty, he should be brought to Númenor, there to dwell as a hostage for himself and all his servants in Middle-earth. To this Sauron assented as one constrained, yet in his secret thought he received it gladly, for it chimed indeed with his desire. —J.R.R. Tolkien, The Silmarillion, Akallabêth
Y'all, we literally already got that scene in the show. Episode three. Did Halbrand not humble himself before Ar-Pharazôn and Queen Míriel and accept being their hostage guest?
Boom. I can keep going. A red herring is one thing, but Halbrand's entire story is canonically Sauron's story, and they have crafted it very carefully on purpose.
Is someone gonna tell me that was an . . . accident in the writing room? Pfffffft. Are you gonna be there with me when this tag becomes Sauron/Galadriel? Because it's gonna happen. It's gonna happen. And a lot of people are going to be jumping ship like, "I didn't sign up for this!" and I'm going to be over here like Halbrand,
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"This ship ain't going down! I'm coming for you!"
I know, I know. I didn't say, "I'll rescue you." Pffffft, he ain't gonna rescue her. He's gonna plot to kill her husband and try to figure out how to bind her to him always. Bwahahahahaha. I'm so here for it. We got front row tickets, baby, let's go.
I'm almost done with the Galadriel/Halbrand bedside bonding fic I promised yesterday. Unless it spirals away from me and gets more complicated because writing Sauron!Halbrand gets complicated like that with this warring duality he undoubtedly has going on inside of himself. "Oh, you're so pretty and fiesty. How cute. I must possess you." Ahem.
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