#I'll be back another time with a compilation of my favorite things from this manga btw πŸ˜€πŸ’•
star-prophecy Β· 1 year
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okay, so, after seeing someone mention that they had to reread all of the warriors books due to not being all caught up with every book, i felt much better about my own lacking in relevancy. so after stalking for a while, i'm making a blog to talk about everything i want to regarding murder-cats!
here are some things you should know about me:
call me chase, i'm 18 & white (also tme & singlet)
i am an autistic transmasc butch bisexual sapphic(/lesbian)
i am inclusive! i do not tolerate harassment or bigotry against common good-faith identities at the center of discourse, including "contradictory" labels such as "bi lesbian"
my favorite warriors character is needletail, and i don't currently have a favorite book
i have a 5-years-old sona, stormchaser (where my chosen name derived from btw!), and i'm working on developing another oc, asterspark!
this is my reading progress thus far (a list for myself):
i am now reading leopardstar's honor; next i'll read onestar's confession, squirrelflight's hope, and TBC (ideally, if i can find the motivation of course)
i'm working on completing my collection of physical copies. right now i own DOTC (6/6), TPB (6/6), TNP(6/6), PO3/POT (6/6), OOTS (6/6), AVOS (6/6), TBC (6/6), ASC (1/3), super editions (15/15), three-parts novella sets (7/7), guidebooks (4/6) (including enter the clans double compilation), mangas (1/20). i have yet to acquire ASC (as it's released over time), replace old vintage series covers with new versions, and replace hardcover super editions with paperback so they'll fit on a shelf.
i have read TPB, OOTS, AVOS, and just started TBC. although i have not read TNP or PO3/POT, i know of the canon events. i do not plan to read DOTC as i have heard it will be boring, but still have yet to learn the canon events of it. the super editions i have not read (assume the rest are done) are skyclan's destiny, bramblestar's storm (not looking forward to it but whatever lol), squirrelflight's hope, graystripe's vow, leopardstar's honor, and onestar's confession. i have not read any mangas and only six novellas; hollyleaf's story, tigerclaw's fury, leafpool's wish, dovewing's silence, mapleshade's vengeance, and spottedleaf's heart.
in total, i have read including individual novellas & guidebooks, excluding enter the clans & mangas: 36/86. all of this information (+ above) is based off of this page.
i don't really want to have a set DNI list. this fandom, from what i've seen, is probably chill enough to feel safe in with any takes i may have, even if they're disagreed upon.
i'm happy to be mutuals with anyone who follows me (i'll follow back from @storm-speaks)
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sparklingpax Β· 2 years
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and need I even say, TINY MANNNN πŸ₯Ί
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aot-snk-4238 Β· 4 years
SNK Meta Part 1: Historia
After listening to the latest YHBG podcast, I thought I'd add a few miscellaneous thoughts of my own regarding where the rest of the story is headed, how I feel about Historia, and Ymir's fate. I'm going to start with Historia since I've had a lot on my mind about her that I haven't figured out how to put into coherent words until now. I'm going to split this post into three parts so it doesn't turn into a novella, so expect my thoughts on Ymir's fate next, followed by how I think the rest of the story will go based on where we are right now.
To kick things off, I agree wholeheartedly with what Puppet said in the beginning of the podcast about how even if Historia is given a decent ending, the wait leading up to that has made it not worth it either way. This whole pregnancy plot has been dragged out and dangled just out of our reach for far too long and I'm sick and tired of it. It's been my least favorite plot twist in the whole series by far and I just don't understand what the point of it was. I've been wondering for a long time whether the whole idea of her getting pregnant was something that Isayama had in mind for a while and planned out in advance, or if it was more of a last minute decision because he didn't know what to do with her anymore. If it's the latter, then no wonder it's been so poorly done. But hey, now I finally understand how Annie's fans felt having to wait 8 years for her to make her return in the manga. That's another thing that was mentioned in the podcast; Because Annie's character had been sidelined for so long, the hype and the excitement was just not there when she finally woke up. I remember not feeling as excited as I thought I would, despite being happy to see her again. That doesn't mean there was no hype at all, it just means that people's reactions were watered down from being too weary of the unbelievably long wait. This is how I feel about Isayama's handling of Historia throughout this final arc. Too drawn out, too confusing and just too boring. To wrap up my point, here's a compilation of every appearance that Historia has made post time-skip:
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Five. Over the course of 2 years and 4 months, we have seen Historia in the present time a total of five times. And once you've viewed them all in order, you'll notice that nearly each time she appears, it's always for just one panel. Not to mention she hasn't spoken a single word. The last one implies screaming, but not even that gets a speech bubble. We don't know what the other women in the room are saying to her and we don't know what she was thinking when she opened her eyes for a brief moment. Finally, you'll notice that in two out of these five appearances, we can't even see her face. Her reaction to Eren's announcement is the only one that remains completely obscured and at this point I'm not sure if we'll ever get to see it. Looking forward, I'm worried that the next time we see her post time-skip will be the last. She will have had her baby, we see one or two panels of her holding her/him, and that's it. Still no dialogue, still no knowledge of her current thoughts, just nothing worth making note of. It would be great to see her happy and finally proud of her life again, but it still wouldn't make up for her prolonged absence that's given people very little to talk about other than, "WHO'S THE FATHER?!" I don't even think the anime can fix this one. There's just not enough to work with. Isayama had set up plenty of opportunities to re-introduce her throughout this arc and actually give her a voice, but they were always passed up. The first one was in chapter 111:
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I was led to believe that Nile would be sent out to check on Historia and that's how we'd see her again, but we all know how that turned out...
The next instance was in chapter 115, where it was thought that Hange would end up on Historia's farm after rescuing Levi and swimming away with him. Nope. Okay...
The last instance was chapter 125 where everyone had split up and was heading in different directions. We were hoping that one of those groups would run into Historia, but that didn't happen either. Nobody has ended up on her farm, which means no one except for Eren has interacted with her in a long time. *Sigh* Do you see why I'm frustrated? Now with all of that being said, this hasn't ruined Historia's character for me completely. She still had a great role to play in Clash of the Titans arc and the Uprising arc, and I'll always enjoy those parts of the story. Isayama is certainly not a terrible writer, on the contrary he's quite talented. But like every other writer out there, he has his flaws and to me personally, this is one of them. And like I mentioned earlier, I'll be okay as long as she finds happiness in the end, but I'll always wish that she could have had a more active role to play in the final stretch of the story rather than...this. Literally anything other than this would have been fine with me and I know there are plenty of others out there who feel the same. To those who do, I feel you. All we can do now is sit back and enjoy the rest of the story, and that's just what I plan to do.
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