#I'll always thank C for getting me the last book
light-miracles · 7 months
Please share some fav frelma moments or headcanons? The fandom is so quiet ahaha
Canon from the books trilogy (spoilers duh) (shot out to my friend Clei for getting me the books)
1) When Daphne makes Velma accidentally admit she has a crush on Fred and her reaction is just 'Damn Velma I didn't know you were so traditional'
2) When they dance together in Shaggy's house in the second book
3) Fred shamelessly flirting by touching her hair at school and Velms' almost heart attack.
4) Really, Velma's pining in the books is delicious.
5) The almost kiss in the third book.
6) When Fred almost dies in that fire and Velma just starts to cry out of pure relief when she sees him alive
7) Fred telling the journalists next thing he's doing is asking 'the girl he likes' out when he leaves hospital.
8) Their last scene together at the end. Which lives rent free on my head. I even wrote a little continuation/expansion of that scene in a drabble.
(Overall, the books aren't perfect. The focus is Daphne and Velma's friendship and that means too little focus on Shaggy and Freddie. But it was absolutely worth it. It was like the best Frelma fanfic but actually canon in its verse. Clinging to those books forever)
Honorific mentions of other versions: the "DORKY CHICKS LIKE YOU TURN ME ON TOO" line in the live action (lmfao) (Linda Cardellini and Freddie Prinze's chemistry was awesome), Fred going all the way to show her he appreciates everything she does in Be Cool Scooby Doo, and their scenes together in The Mystery Begins. Also every moment they share the screen in 'Mystery Incorporated: Welcome to Coolsville'. That version of the characters was the best one in recent years.
Headcanons now:
1) Has anyone watched that animated short horror video parodying the totally awful Velma show? The one with eldritch monster Scooby? Yeah they're together the next time Scooby reboots reality. Both of them are aware of what's going on and try to scape the time loop (confusing if you don't know the story of the video 'Velma Meets The Original Velma' on YouTube, plz watch it)
2) Moving on to greener grasses, eventually they have twin boys, Ricky and Roger (named after Fred and Shaggy). Obviously Daphne and Shaggy are the godparents.
3) Shaggy let's them adopt 3 puppies from the Doo family years in the future.
4) Scrappy lived with them for some time. Velma was the only one who could boss him around. Fred spoiled him.
5) Velma sends him food to his work out of nowhere because sometimes she's sure he's forgotten to eat. He does the same plus flowers. Both of them are right: they forget to have dinner. Shaggy never shuts up about it.
6) (I usually go with Archeologist!Fred and Astronomer!Velms. They travel a lot) (The kids are homeschooled until they can leave for a boarding school)
7) Ricky and Roger are mama boys
8) Fred does the taxes. Velms always forgets.
9) Shaggy is a chef (duh) and Daphne a private detective and they're never too far away. Their kid is a little older than the twins but they hang out a lot. Sometimes Velma refers to Daphne as 'her sister' so the boys don't figure out Daphne isn't their 'actual aunt' until they're older.
10) Velma has a photo of him on her wallet. Fred is the little spoon.
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russellsppttemplates · 4 months
We don't know anything about girls! (Oscar Piastri)
Lucas and Jack take the job of protecting their sister very seriously
Note: english is not my first language. Another Oscar piece, and this time it's dad!Oscar 🥹✨️🤍
Thank you so much to everyone who likes and reblogs, your feedback is appreciated 🤍 and I'm taking requests so if you have any ideas or concepts you want to share, feel free to do so as I'll try to get to them the best I can!
my masterlist
Cw: reader is pregnant, childbirth, postpartum
Tag list: @myloverjk-blog @hiireadstuff @c-losur3
"Daddy, we have a question for you", Lucas said as he and Jack sat at the table, ready to have lunch.
"Sure, what is it you want to ask me?", Oscar offered as he served up their plates with some broccoli, pasta and salmon.
"Mummy is the one that had us, right? We were both on her tummy - not at the same time though - and then she had us", Lucas wondered.
"Yes, mummy was the one that grew you in her tummy", Oscar smiled as he remembered both of your pregnancies. He knew it wasn't comfortable all the time, and there were many instances where you didn't feel so good, but he would spend the whole time in awe at you and what your body was doing for your family.
"Okay, so we have to talk to mummy", Jack reasoned with Lucas, who nodded back at him.
"Why do you need mummy, was my answer not enough?", Oscar wondered.
"It was enough, daddy, don't worry! But if we want a baby brother or sister, we have to talk to mummy first", Lucas stated as if he was saying they were going to ask you to change their bedroom curtains.
"You want a sibling?", Oscar questioned them both, wondering if they had been eavesdropping on you and him.
When one of Oscar's sisters had her baby a couple of months ago, you and Oscar both felt like adding another one to your flock, discussing it in bed that night. It wouldn't be so bad, especially now that both your and Oscar's careers were settled and your schedules were far more predictable. The boys seemed to think the same.
"Yes, do you think mummy will like the idea? She always said her feet hurt a little when it was towards the end", Lucas tsked, "and you, daddy? Would you like to have a another baby?", he wondered.
"Yes, I would - I'll tell you what, when mummy gets home from work, we can ask her about it, okay?", Oscar suggested, seeing the boys agree before eating the food in their plates, smiling to himself at the possibility of your growing family.
By the time you got home, you were just about to catch Oscar putting the boys down for the night, "night night, boys, I hope you have sweet dreams", you kissed both of their foreheads.
"We need to talk to you tomorrow, mummy, we have something to ask you", Lucas offered.
"Okay, it can wait until tomorrow, buddy - sleep tight!", you combed his hair with your fingers.
Closing the door behind you, you walked up to your bedroom, starting to get rid of your work clothes, "Osc? Can you help me with these buttons, please? I can't even lift my arms", you groaned, "I'm so tired".
Your heard your husband's feet pad out of the ensuite bathroom and approach you, his fingers undoing the buttons at the nape of your neck so you could take the shirt off.
"There you go, love", he offered, leaving a kiss in there.
"Thank you - both for this and for doing the nightime routine with the boys, I'm sorry I couldn't be home earlier, but the last lady had this nasty contracture that wouldn't go anywhere no matter how much I pulled and worked every trick of the book", you sighed as you grabbed your pyjamas from under your pillow so you could put them on.
"Don't worry - it was all fine", Oscar assured, "you did miss the quesion they wany to ask you tomorrow though".
"Is it something for school?", you wondered, getting up from the bed with only one leg of your pyjama pants on.
"No, it's not - you can't do anything about it, not now anyway", your husband chuckled as he watched you quirk your eyebrow.
"Do I want to know what it is about? You're scaring me a little", you mused.
"The boys want to ask you for a little brother or sister", Oscar stated, "they checked with me to know if you were the point person they should go to".
"Because I'm the only one?", you giggled, adjusting the sleeves on your shirt so you could wash your face and brush your teeth.
"You grew them in your tummy, and Lucas remembered how much your feet hurt so they want to know if you would be comfortable with having another one", Oscar offered, getting in the bed and pulling the comforter up to his waist.
"You're saying that as if it only takes me to make a baby", you spoke after spitting the toothpaste on the sink, wiping your mouth on the towell to get rid of the remnants.
"They said it like that, not me - but to be fair, they did ask if I would like to have another baby", he added.
Rubbing the cream on your cheeks, you walked back to the bedroom area, turning the light off with your elbow before you sat down next to Oscar, "it's cute, though, that they don't want to just go and ask for a sibling because they understand it's not like that", you said as you snapped your fingers.
"Would you? We talked about it a while ago, but then you had the check-ups and the doctor advised us to not go for it yet until we knew for sure you were all good", Oscar mused, grabbing your hand and playing with your fingers on his lap.
"Yes, I think I would. We know I'm all good and all my parts are working just fine, so I'm in if you are", you replied back.
"I'm in too, I miss having a little baby and the sight of you carrying our baby", he smirked, "and the process of making a baby is very fun".
"Oscar!", you swatted his chest.
"We're always telling the boys they should always tell the truth - was I supposed to lie?", he defended himself.
"Don't fall asleep, Jack, okay?", you said as you noticed your son nearly falling asleep on his car seat, "we're almost home, love!".
"I wasn't falling asleep", he admitted, blushing at having been caught with his eyes closed and his cheek on his shoulder.
"I know you weren't, but I just wanted to check anyway", you winked through the rearview mirror, playing along with him.
On the days Lucas had violin practice, Oscar was the one to take him there from school and then back home, which meant you only had to pick Jack up from pre-school before going home, which also allowed each of the boys to have one on one time with you.
Encouraging Jack to stick to his routine, you watched him hang his jacket and leave his shoes on the wardrobe by the door before he took hi backpack to the kitchen so he could empty the snack box.
"Are you not feeling better, mummy?", Jack asked you as he walked inside the kitchen, noticing the bag from the pharmacy on the counter, "did the doctor give you medicine to take?".
"I'm feeling so and so, but the doctor at the pharmacy told me something else", you crouched down so you could be at the same level as your son, "can you keep a secret?".
Jack nodded eagerly, showing you his ear so you could only tell him the secret before he realise you two were alone, "Oh, we don't need to whisper, and this way you won't tickle my ear", he admitted with a blush, "tell me, mummy!".
"Mummy hasn't been feeling well, and when I spoke to the doctor at the pharmacy, she seemed to think that maybe I have a baby in my tummy", you smiled, "I need to take a test to know for sure".
"A baby? The one me and Lucas asked you and daddy for?", he beamed.
"Yes, that one - should I take the tests now?", you grabbed the boxes from the bag.
"Yes, mummy, yes! How do you do it?", he wondered.
"Mummy needs to go to the bathroom", you tapped his nose, "I'll open the door as soon as I'm done, okay?", you offered before stepping inside the service bathroom by the stairs.
"Are you okay, mummy? Do you want help?", Jack asked as you could hear him walk along the corridor.
"I'm nearly done, Jack, just need to clean a little mess up I did here", you offered, doing what you needed to do and complying with all the instructions.
"It's okay, mummy, I also make a mess sometimes and you always tell me that as long as I clean up after myself, it's okay", he comforted you.
Giggling to yourself at his words, you washed your hands again before opening the door, revealing Jack waiting for you.
"When do we know?", your son asked as he looked at the plastic tests by the sink.
"In a few minutes", you answered.
"Will you be sad if it says you're just sick?", Jack muttered.
"Well, you and Lucas asked for a sibling some time ago and it would be nice if it was actually the case, right?", you tested the waters, now wondering if it was the right move to tell Jack what you were doing. You felt like you could deal with the negative result should it be the one to come up, but maybe your little boy wouldn't.
"I really want a baby brother or sister, and I know Lucas also wants one a lot, but we can wait", he offered, almost sounding like a grown up while he grabbed your hand.
Once the timer on your watch beeped, you turned the tests around checking for their validity before looking at the result.
"Are you pregnant or are you sick, mummy?", Jack questioned, looking at the tests on your hands, "what does it mean?".
"This means I'm pregnant, Jack", you smiled before setting the tests down once he jumped on your arms.
"I'm going to be a big brother!", he squealed, hugging you tightly.
"You are, buddy - are you excited?", you mused.
"I am! I can't wait to tell daddy and Lucas!", Jack smiled back at you.
Setting him back down on the floor, you grabbed the tests, "we could surprise them with something funny - what do you think?", you suggested, heading with him to the playroom so you could get started on it.
Oscar and Lucas arrived just as you were finishing the last touches of the surprise, calling your names.
"We're upstairs in the playroom!", you called back before turning to Jack, "you have to wait for Lucas or daddy to read your t-shirt, okay?".
Lucas was the first to get to the room, coming up to you to hug you and kiss your cheek, "and the teacher said I did really well!".
"That's amazing, buddy!", you congratulated after he told you all about his day.
"Hello, guys!", Oscar greeted, and judging by the bottle of water on his hands, he has stopped by the kitchen before he joined you, "how was your day?", kissing Jack's cheek.
"We didn't do anything special - it was like every day that mummy picked me up while Lucas was at his lessons", Jack told in a nonchalant way, earning a wondering expression on your husband's face as he looked you.
You shrugged your shoulders and kissed Oscar's lips, letting him press his lips on your forehead right after.
"Do you feel better? You don't look so bad anymore", he reasoned as he rubbed your cheeks with his thumbs.
"Geez, thank you, Oscar", you chuckled, "but I feel good now", you smiled.
Lucas looked intrigued as he looked at Jack, "why does his t-shirt say he has an expiring date? What's an expiring date, daddy?", he asked as he pointed.
"I'm no longer the little one!", Jack yelled excitedly, leaving Oscar and Lucas a little lost.
"We know you're grown up, buddy - It's when something is not good anymore or when it has an end date...", Oscar offered.
"No, daddy, you're not getting it! I'm no longer the little brother of the family because mummy has one inside her tummy!", he clarified.
Lucas gasped before he ran to you, hugging your legs and resting his cheek on your tummy, "is it true?".
"Yes, love - we're going to have another baby in the family!", you smiled, brushing his hair with your fingers before you felt Jack hug your side.
"I guess there's only me left then", Oscar gestured, hugging you from your back and resting his hands on your tummy, "we're having another baby, Y/N, I love you", he kissed your cheek, hugging you tightly.
Once Jack pulled away, Oscar finally got a proper glimpse of the t-shirt that stated the announcement, reading at the "Little brother: expiring date in some months!" t-shirt the little boy wore.
"Did you do this just now? Since when do you know?", Oscar mused, now finally getting ti hug you properly since the boys had let you go.
"Mummy took the tests when he got home, and then we came here to cut the print and iron letters", Jack offered.
"Yes, not long, I'm not sure it has settled in yet", you mumbled, "another little one, Osc, I love you", you kissed his lips.
"Boys, remember what we told you, okay? People are healing and resting, so we have to be quiet and be on our best behaviour, okay?", you checked with them as they got out of the car.
"We will, mummy", Lucas assured you while he held his hand with Jack's, keeping him close as he held Oscar's hand with the other one.
You registered yourself in and then were led to the right exam room, following the orders to lay on the bed and lift your top.
"The bump is bigger, isn't it?", Jack asked as his curious hands touched your skin, stroking it and taking the opportunity to leave a few kisses there.
"It is, little one is growing very well!", Oscar offered.
A knock on the door alerted you to it, seeing the technician step inside the room, "Good morning! How is everyone feeling today?", she asked.
"Hello! We're here to see if we're getting a baby sister or a baby brother!", Lucas offered as he swung his legs on the chair.
"That's right! Are you ready, Y/N?", she asked you with a rub on your shoulder before pulling the kart with the ultrasound machine and laptop with her and sitting on the stool next to your bed.
"Yes, very ready and very excited", you smiled.
"Which one do you think they are, baby brother or baby sister?", the technician asked your boys while squeezing the gel on your tummy.
"Come here, sit on daddy's leg instead of mummy's lap so we can see the baby on the screen there", Oscar explained to Jack.
"I don't know, we're both boys, what is that thing that nana always says? It's like there's always a third", Lucas tapped Oscar's arm as he sat next to them.
"Nana always says that there isn't a second without a third", Oscar clarified, "usually means that when there is a second one, there's always a third one".
"So you think it's a boy?", the technician hummed, moving the wand around, "well, your mummy will still be outnumbered by you guys, but she'll have a little friend to help her! You're having a babygirl!", she smiled, showing you the screen.
"A baby sister?", Jack looked at the screen, "wow, she's so tiny - is that her nose?", he pointed.
"Yes, that's her nose, then these are her legs - they look really strong!", she showed him while Oscar winked at you with a big smile on his face.
"Woah", Lucas mused as he looked at the screen, "how long until she comes out of mummy's belly?".
"That is still many weeks away, Lucas - she needs to stay inside to grow healthy and happy!", the technician explained as she wiped the gel from your belly, "I just sent the scans to the printer down the hall - if you'll excuse me, I'm just going to get them".
After she closed the door behind her, the boys jumped on the bed, hugging your sat up body.
"Can you believe we're having a little girl? A mini you?", Oscar stated as he followed your kids, standing up in front of you so he could kiss your lips.
"These two look like you - I deserve a mini me", you giggled, "Oh My Goodness, a little Piastri girl".
"Uh oh", Lucas said, making you look for any issue or trouble.
"What is it, Lucas?", you wondered.
"We don't know anything about girls!!", he said in a concerned tone.
"We're both boys!", Jack followed in agreement.
"You know Tilly and Lottie pretty well, it's not like you haven't been around girls", Oscar reasoned, not wanting them to feel dismissed as you tried your best to contain your laughter.
"We have to ask Fraser the next time we are all at a race - he definitely knows what to do!", Lucas pointed out.
"At least she's comfy - one of us is, anyway", you sighed as Oscar's hands helped you settle in a better position on the examination bed.
"I know we've discussed this with you before, so you probably know that this is the time we talked about. Little one is fully developed now, and she seems like a big girl from our calculations and scans, so I think that now, more than ever you should really think about inducing", your doctor stated.
With Lucas and Jack, the birth was pretty straight forward. The waters broke at home, you went to the hospital when the contractions were closer together and after some pushes, you were happily holding your baby boys.
Your baby girl seemed to have other ideas.
"We wanted to wait for her in her timing, but we understand that that option is no longer viable", Oscar nodded. The team had gone over your exams and they all agreed that induction was looking like the best option so both you and baby Piastri could be happy, safe and healthy.
Squeezing your hand in his, Oscar gave you a reassuring look before you spoke, "we've talked about it, but at the end of the day what matters is that we are both okay, so we'll do the induction. When can we do it?", you asked.
"Well, since it's early and you've only had breakfast, if you go up now, we can settle you in and start the process while your husband gets your things from home if you'd like - your baby is in a good position and we don't foresee any issues to a vaginal delivery", she smiled soflty as she signed a few papers, before handing them to you to sign too.
"Might as well get this show on the road, hm?", you looked at Oscar, "I'll call my parents to let them know".
"Okay, sweetheart", Oscar said before he kissed your forehead, "I'll meet you upstairs, okay? And you, little miss, don't show up before I'm back, okay?", he left a kiss on your baby bump.
"I think it's established that she isn't in any sort of rush", you chuckled, kissing his lips one last time before you parted ways.
While Oscar went home to grab the hospital bags you had prepared, you went up to the labour ward with your midwife Lisa, who happened to be on shift that day.
Checking you in your room, she helped you get comfortable before starting the induction process, "like we talked about, for some women this is a quick process and for some it is a long one. Any way this goes, though, we are all here to help you", she smiled soflty.
Someone knocked on the door, making Lisa look at all the supplies she had and checking if anything was missing until she noticed it was Oscar.
"Hi Lisa, how are you?", he greeted her with a hug before he came to check on you, leaving the bags in their designated area.
"Hello! I'm good, excited to help your little girl come into the world", Lisa smiled.
"And you, my love, are you doing okay?", he asked, looking at the monitor on your bump.
"I'm good, so far so good, and better now that you're here", you pointed a finger on his chest as he approached you.
Chuckling, Oscar kissed your forehead before sitting in the room you made for him, mindful of all the wires connected to you, "did everything get sorted out with your parents?".
"Yes, they'll pick the boys up and look after them - dad told me not to worry about anyone else but me and little princess", you smiled. In the last two births, the first person your father looked for when he stepped into the room was you, claiming that he looked for the person that was already there from before and that he needed to know his daughter was okay.
"I can't believe that this is happening soon, that we're going to have our baby girl in our arms", he said as he did his best to rub your bump despite the wires and monitors that were ensuring you were both doing well.
"Seems like it was yesterday that I was taking a test with Jack on the other side of the door asking me if I needed help", you giggled, "but I'm very excited to have our baby and see who she takes after - I may be too hopeful, but I have a feeling that she might look a little bit more like me", you snickered, "I did all the hard work for nine months and a bit - three times now! I think it's about time this baby comes out looking a little more Y/L/N-y and a little less Piastri-y".
"My genetics have proved to be quite strong, if we are being honest, but I'm also hoping for a little you", Oscar offered as he felt your tightening taut skin under his hand, "was that a contraction?", he said looking at you.
"I think this is the water breaking, do you remember that prickle feeling I told you about in Lucas'? It's like that - oh!", you gasped, "there it goes".
Oscar helped you get up from the bed so you could dry yourself before removing the disposable liner Lisa had laid down for that purpose.
Helping you change into the hospital gown, your husband called the midwife like she had asked you to do, "the waters have broken already? This is good news, means everything is going like it's supposed to, especially ", she said when she looked at the graphs for the CTG machine, checking your vitals too before she left the room again once everything was fine.
When contractions started picking up, Oscar was quick to tend to your every need, walking with you when you felt like movement would do you good before you settled in swaying your hips, your back against his chest while you almost danced around the room, "this is like that time Lando made us dance at the McLaren party", you muttered in an attempt to lighten the mood.
"We're much better now, I think - and you look even more beautiful", he mused, kissing the top of your head.
"Oh, there's another one", you said as you felt the tension on your bump, making you stop and somehow turn around before it got too bad, the new position allowing you to face Oscar as your arm stretched around his neck, your hands lacing at the nape of his neck so you could drop your hips to relieve the pressure from the intense feeling on your torso as you waited for it to pass, your husband's kisses and words of encouragement doing a good job at distracting you from it.
"Do you feel comfortable here or do you want to move to the bed, love? I don't want you to tire yourself more than you are", he expressed his concern as he held you.
"Can I stay here? I like being on your hold and standing up helps, I think", you looked for his approval as you felt his arms ease some of your weight on his neck.
Oscar nodded his head as he kept swaying you around, "Of course, I'm here for you, whatever you need I'll help", he prompted as your neck stretched slightly so you could kiss his jaw, mumbling an I love you to him before concentrating on your breathing again.
Knocking on the door, Lisa excused herself inside and asked how you were doing before checking your dilation, "You're doing really well, Y/N, you're 6 centimetres dilated already! This is going quite quickly I must say", she said and you smiled.
Oscar placed a proud kiss on your forehead while you heard Lisa tell you what to expect in the next few hours, "Do you want an epidural?", she asked.
"I think I'm doing fine without it, but I'll call if it gets too bad", you replied before she nodded and left to tend to the other birthing patients.
Hours later, Oscar had now turned to apply pressure on your lower back with his hands when it started getting a bit harder for you, your elbows on the mattress as you rocked your hips side to side, the interval between contractions now so short you barely had time to rest between them, "I feel like I need to push, my body is telling me to push", you said to Lisa and the nurse that were checking you.
"Why don't you sit on the bed so we can see how things are progressing?", one of them offered as your husband helped you lay down, his hand never leaving yours, "You're crowing, Y/N! It's time to meet your baby!", Lisa announced as she got in position.
"All good, Y/N? I know it hurts, but I also know you have got this", your husband whispered as he positioned himself so he could be right by your side.
"Y/N, when you feel the urge to push, do it okay?", the health professional urged you as you nodded, "your babygirl is ready to come out and everything looks good for her!".
Holding Oscar's hand and squeezing it, you cried and grunted slightly, hearing Lisa announce that the head was out and you needed to do a big push for the shoulders, "this could be a good sign for mini me - my mum always said I had a big head", you groaned.
"C'mon, Y/N, big push", the nurse encouraged as you felt Oscar's lips by your ear, "I know you can do this darling, just two more pushes and our baby girl is here", he said and you did what your body told you, pushing and breathing until your baby was out in the world.
Sitting back against the pillows, the nurses lifted the little girl and after a few taps on her pink cheek, she let out a high pitch scream both you and Oscar were sure to remember for the rest of your lives.
"She's here, Y/N, congratulations mummy and daddy", Lisa said as she placed the baby on your chest.
The baby girl your's and Oscar's love, along with the one from your family, produced was finally here. Pushing your gown to the side, you uncovered your chest as they placed her down, the skin to skin contact soothing her cries immediately, "Hello my love, I'm your mummy", you said as tears gathered in your eyes, your finger coming to stroke her pink chubby cheek as you admired her.
"She looks a lot like you, I think we've nailed the mini you, love", Oscar said between tears.
"That is daddy, I'm sure you recognise his voice too", you cooed, "we've been waiting for you for so long, and you're finally here".
Oscar kissed the top of your head before kissing the top of the little girl's head.
"Hi princess Isabella, we're so happy you're finally here", he said tearfully as he stretched his finger so your daughter could grab it between hee much smaller ones.
"Now we're gonna need to take little Isabella - such a beautiful name - to check everything while you deliver the rest, okay?", one of the nurses said and you extended your arms so she could grab her.
Oscar looked over to the nurses' station as they measured and weighed the baby before he looked down to you on the bed, "Thank you for making me a father again, I love you both so much, my love", he said with loving and still a bit teary eyes, grabbing your hand in his and kissing them before touching your forehead lovingly.
"I love you so much, Oscar", you whispered and you kissed his hand that was caressing your cheek, "there's no one else I'd be a parent with".
After delivering the placenta and having your baby girl back in your chest, Oscar couldn't stop the overwhelming surge of feelings in his chest. He was so happy and grateful for you and at the prospect of the life he had yet to fill with memories with your family.
When you were finally able to bring Isabella home, the boys were the best behaved you had ever seen them. They weren't troublemakers, and from what you heard the other parents share whenever you waited for the kids outside the school gate, they definitely were a breeze compared to the stories you heard, but this was new.
"I'll fill this up for you, mummy", Lucas stated, grabbing the water bottle you kept near you ti make sure you were drinking enough and helping your milk supply.
"Thank you, buddy", you smiled, adjusting Isabella's head so she could have a better latch.
"Here are the nappies for Isa", Jack offered as he carried the unopened packet he offered to get from the nursery so you could refill the caddy you kept in the living room.
"Thank you, Jack, that's very helpful", you smiled as Oscar sat next to you, "they're being so helpful, it's so cute", you mused.
"Before you came home, they helped me and your parents tidy up and they promise your dad they would be on their best behaviour", your husband mused, kissing your shoulder and looking at your daughter as she suckled on your nipple, never getting tired of watching her beautiful face.
"At what time did Lando say he was coming to visit?", you asked, squinting to look at the time on the TV.
"He said he'd be here in an hour or so, and then his wife and the kids would come later after she got them from school", Oscar mused, "here, let me burp her", he said.
Wiping the corners of Isabella's lips, you kissed her forehead before letting her go to Oscar's arms, watching his tap her back to get all the wind out before she looked ready to fall asleep.
"Mummy is going to have a shower, so you two be good, okay?", you told the boys before you headed up.
Oscar was resting his eyes when his phone alerted to who the car he heard outside belonged to, making him get up and open the door to find Lando.
"Well, hello there, Oscar, and little Isabella, hello darling", he cooed, stepping inside and closing the door behind him.
"Uncle Lando!", the boys cheered quietly, hugging his legs and letting him ruffle their hair.
"Where's your mummy?", Lando asked, "I brought this goodie bag with all things for postpartum fun! We got one of these from my sisters when we had Lottie and it helped a lot".
"She's upstairs, she said she was going to have a shower and my bet is that she's taking a nap", Oscar added, letting Lando sit before he could pass the little bundle of joy to his arms.
"Hello, little princess, aren't you a cutie", Lando said as he looked at the youngest Piastri.
"You have to support her head, like this", Lucas advised the father of three - soon to be four.
"I know, buddy, thank you for your help", Lando smiled at his protectiveness, letting the boys sit on either side of him.
"She doesn't like when her hands aren't covered - let me fix it", Jack offered before he pulled on the blanket around his sister's hands.
"They're both like this all the time?", Lando wondered as Oscar nodded.
"They don't let anyone else touch her without them being near - only me and Y/N get to keep her to ourselves", Oscar chuckled.
"Oh, she's fussing, daddy!", Jack alerted him.
As if on cue, you walked downstairs and into the living room as Lando was up, trying to soothe the little girl, "it's alright, uncle Lando is here, Isabella", you heard him tell her gently.
"Hello", you greeted as all eyes landed on you.
"Yeah, that's your mummy, babygirl", Lando assured, "and you want her, don't you? I can't compete with your mummy, can I?", he said as he walked closer to you, giving your daughter back so she could cuddle into your chest before he squeezed your arm.
"Thank you", you smiled, "you met uncle Lala, babygirl?", you mused, stroking her cheek and feeling her cries soothe down.
"Just about, yes - your boys surely have the protective older brother thing down", the british driver giggled.
"They're already the best big brothers and she has only been with us for a couple of days", you smiled.
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writerswall26 · 7 months
My Sweet Cairo (Part 1)
Synopsis: The Ravens' Soccer team Captain fell in love for Cairo Sweet
Warning: Slight cursing, other than that, none that I know of (but feel free to correct me)
Words: 3.1k
Masterlist | Next Part
A/N: This is the first time I'm posting here, I hope you enjoy it. Happy Reading
Final year of high school was somewhat a bliss for a student athlete like Y/N. Everything should be perfect from then on. Grades, soccer games, even soccer practice needs to be perfect. If she wants to go to her dream university in California, she needs to do everything by the book. Be a model student, win games as a Captain of the soccer team, be everything. Being strained in a small town in Tennessee after moving a couple years ago, she did not expect to be where she is in life right now. It's too early to tell but she knows what she wants and she will get there however means necessary.
She was not rich by all means but their family got by. Her mom inherited a huge house in Tennessee from her father, then an incident happened and next thing she knows, she's flying from Australia to a place she's never heard of.
"Great job, guys! That's all for today, now go wash up and go to your class." Coach Boris Fillmore dismissed them.
Y/N was the first to the locker rooms. She has literature with Mr. Miller and she's somewhat excited when it comes to that class so she did not want to be late. Unfortunately for her, she's a few minutes late.
"Good Morning, Mr. Miller. I'm sorry I'm late." She said, panting while she sat beside her classmate Winnie Black, a girl from last semester.
Their teacher, Jonathan Miller turned to her with a smile.
"I was just starting, Ms. Y/L/N." He said, and he started the class.
"You smell nice." Y/N heard Winnie whisper beside her. This girl has always been a flirt, especially with their coach.
She turned to Winnie with a smile before flicking a paper in her face. "Stop hitting on me, you creep." She joked, hearing the girl giggle before their attention went to the front to focus on whatever Mr. Miller was teaching them.
"That's all for today's class, I expect your reviews on my desk first thing in the morning before our next class." Mr. Miller dismissed them, clapping his hands together to remove the remnants of the chalk that were stuck in them.
After Y/N finished putting her things inside her bag, she stood up and went to the front to speak with their teacher.
"Hey, Mr. Miller?" Y/N called out, making their teacher turn to her with a smile, he was always smiling.
"Here's an excuse letter for all the soccer team. Game's on the night before passing. I can pass the assignment earlier." Y/N said, handing out a paper to Mr. Miller who scanned it.
The older teacher nodded as he raised his head to look at her. "I'll be here. You can pass it before or after you win us that game. Good luck."
"Thanks, Mr. Miller. Have a great day." Y/N said before she started to walk back when she bumped into someone, making their things fall to the ground.
"Holy shit, I'm so sorry." She apologized but immediately stopped when she saw who she bumped into.
Short girl, tanned skin, freckles on her face, brunette hair, and her captivating brown eyes. Cairo Sweet.
"I'm sorry." Y/N said once again before she stooped down to grab all the books down the floor.
She heard a small giggle before Cairo stooped down to help her pick up the books that fell. "Better watch where you're going next time, superstar." Cairo said, smiling as Y/N handed her the books.
Y/N couldn't help but smile. She's had the biggest crush on Cairo since she's first seen the girl walking to school. Their houses are just a few blocks away. Since then, she would always ride her bike to school, hoping to catch a glimpse of Cairo before she got to practice. And without fail, she would pass by Cairo on the road and that would make her entire day.
"We have a game on saturday night. Do you think you could come and watch?" Y/N asked, getting all shy.
Cairo smiled. "I'll check in on my schedule."
Y/N nodded before she walked back, still smiling as she stared at the brunette girl and ended up bumping into someone again. Y/N immediately apologized before turning to Cairo who was already giggling.
"See you saturday night, Cairo." She reminded before she ran off to save herself from further humiliation.
"You're all smiles and shit." Jasmine, a friend from her soccer team said as she sat down in their physics class, taught by their coach Mr. Fillmore.
"I finally talked to her." She informed her friend, her smile not leaving her face.
"With who?"
"Cairo Sweet."
Jasmine howlered before slapping her hard on the arm which made her groan as she rubbed the soar place. "You finally did it!"
"I finally did, huh?" She said, grinning like a crazy love sick girl.
"Y/L/N, Smith, eyes up front!" Coach Fillmore called which made them straighten themselves up, but their knowing looks were there.
Before saturday, Y/N is back in Mr. Miller's classroom to pass her essay. She wanted to be a good student and not take advantage of being a star athlete. Her father always told her to focus more on being a student than being an athlete and she kept that in mind until now.
"You're early." Mr. Miller greeted her as soon as she stepped inside his classroom.
"Good morning, sir. I'm gonna pass my essay since Coach would excuse us the entire day for training. It's semis and it's a huge deal." She said, handing the teacher her polished essay.
Mr. Miller nodded. "Make sure you win us that championship or I'd fail you and tell Coach Boris to do the same in your physics class."
She chuckled. "No, you won't."
"Yes, I will."
"No, you will not."
"Yes, I will."
"Nah, you don't have the balls to do it, sir." She jokes which got her a howler from the incoming Coach, with coffee and biscuits in hands, and a laugh from their literature teacher.
"Training starts in ten, what are you doing here Y/L/N?" Coach Fillmore asked, handing Mr. Miller his coffee and laying down a biscuit on the front table.
"Mr. Miller here is threatening to fail me if we lose the championship, he's dragging your ass out to do so."
Coach Fillmore gave his friend a look before laughing. "That's not gonna happen."
"That's what I'm saying. Because I'm gonna make sure we win that championship and wave that cup in Mr. Miller's face together with my MVP cup." She said confidently and jokingly, making the two older men laugh.
"You're a cocky one, get your ass out here." Coach Fillmore said to which Y/N nodded. "And get a biscuit on the way out, you're gonna need that."
Y/N did get a biscuit and smiled at her two favourite teachers. "Later, Mr. Miller. Be ready to be humiliated when we get that championship."
"She's still not done?" She heard Coach Fillmore say.
"I'll be waiting here in my classroom." Mr. Miller followed.
By Saturday night, Y/N's nerves are on the roof. Their opponent is one of the strongest in the high school league and they're legacy. They've won 4 back to back championships and they were hard on Y/N since she came.
"I'm gonna go get some air before we start." Y/N told Jasmine who nodded.
While she was out praying and pacing, she felt a small tap on her shoulder. And what greeted her made her forget the nerves, only her smile and the presence of the person mattered from here on.
"You came... and you dragged Winnie with yah." Y/N said, glancing at Winne who had a teasing smile as she waved her fingers.
"Actually, Winne dragged me here with her, I did not intend to come."
"Why are you here?" Y/N asked Winnie who rolled her eyes.
"She wanted to watch Coach Fillmore in action." Cairo was the one who answered.
Y/N turned to Cairo with furrowed brows. "Coach Fillmore's not playing."
"But he will be out there frustrated and hot." Winnie finally spoke, making Y/N roll her eyes.
"Lay off him, will you? He's happy, contented."
"He hasn't had me yet." Winnie said with a flirtatious grin, her brows wriggling.
"That's disgusting. How about I hook you up with some of my jock friends? That's more appropriate."
"Mm-mm." She heard Cairo, making her turn to the brunette. "She doesn't like smelly cocky jocks."
"They're all rough and sweaty. I want something delicate and gentle."
Y/N made a face of disgust. "That's incredibly disturbing. And you're public enemy number 1 for me."
Winnie snorted. "You're just saying that because you don't want Cairo to have the same thinking as me."
Y/N kept quiet about that statement. But Winnie just laughed. "Oh boohoo, everyone in this school knows you're whipped for Cairo. Since sophomore years."
"Hence the reason you're public enemy number 1." Y/N said, not caring if Cairo's staring at her with this new found information. The shyness and shame is far out of her body at this point.
"Whatever you say, superstar. Go back in there, I can see my man looking for you." Winnie said, staring at a distance.
Sure enough, Coach Fillmore is out there seemingly looking for her.
"I gotta go. You two look for seats. Thanks for coming, Cairo." Y/N finally said, starting to jog back to the dugout.
"You're whipped!" She heard Winnie shout.
"And you're on my hit list!" She shouted with a smile.
"Good luck!" She heard Cairo saying which made her giddy inside.
"Where the hell have you been?" Coach Fillmore said as soon as she got to him. "Get your ass inside."
The two of them walked back to the dugout for a motivational speech from the coach. When Coach Fillmore was done, she got her stage.
"One thing, I got a girl I really really want to impress seated in one of those stands. And if we lose, I will make you all regret it." She threatened, which got her a whistling and howling from her teammates.
"That's not our problem, Cap." One of her mates said, chuckling.
"Oh, but it will be. If we lose this game, you're gonna get it from me." Coach Fillmore said, making everyone groan. "Now, get your ass out there and get us that win."
"How come you have coach on your side?!" Jasmine whined as they got out to start their game.
Y/N just shrugged as they focused. The announcer called both teams to the field and even without going out, they could hear the loud cheering and stumping. They all lined up side by side with the opponent team to have the anthem before the game started.
The first 30 minutes was a play of getting the ball and staying on the field for sheer amusement. It was boring for most people but for some, they can feel the heat starting to as the halftime comes.
"Y/N!" Jasmine shouted and passed the ball towards her. It's a free goal, she got the ball, ran her ass out and kicked it for the goal.
"And that's the first goal of the night from the Ravens' team captain Y/N Y/L/N!" The commentator shouted as the stands erupt in cheers.
She slid her way and did her celebratory dance with her teams, the cheering getting louder.
"Come on, come on!" They heard Coach Fillmore shouting as well.
The rest of the first half was them defending their post until halftime.
"That's was a great job, guys!" Coach told everyone as they cheered on the locker room for their ten minute halftime.
"They're seething. I saw them glaring at us before we went back." Y/N told their coach who nodded.
"That is why you're gonna be subbed out." He said.
There was a series of complaints but the Coach blew his whistle and they all shut up.
"Coach, you can't let her sit this second half down, they're gonna chew our asses out! We barely managed to defend them!" Jasmine said, as a matter of fact.
"Do you trust me?" Coach asked them, looking at them one by one.
There was a series of humming and yesses.
"Then you have to let me do what I do best. That is to coach you." He assured them.
"We're gonna get our asses handed to us in the second half." Y/N told their coach who walked to her.
"Do you trust me?" Coach Fillmore asked one more time but Y/N turned her head away from the older man. "Do you trust me, Y/N?"
The Captain looked at this coach, reading him. Then she nodded. "Yes, sir." Her Aussie accent coming out.
Coach Fillmore nodded as he tapped her shoulder. "Now, this is going to be the longest 40 minutes of your lives. They're gonna play whatever play they can to win and get back that point. And I want you all to give it your best shot to defend that goal post and that point you all so painfully got."
They did their team hands before they went back to the fields where Y/N sat her pretty ass down, or not. She was standing beside Coach Fillmore, watching her teammates struggle to defend the ball.
"And that is a goal for the Sharks! Great play from their team captain Trish Hudson!" The announcer exclaimed which Y/N groaned in annoyance. It was an easy goal.
The team was right, they did get their ass handed to them not less than 20 minutes in the game. Y/N was pleading to their coach but it fell on deaf ears.
"And that's another goal for the Sharks!" The commentator said.
Y/N was about to go all Lucifer on it when she noticed something from the other team's captain.
"She's limping." She said, making Coach Fillmore turn to her.
"What?" He asked curiously.
"Their star scorer, she's limping. Look." She said, nodding at the other team's captain and sure enough, she was celebrating but she was limping on her right leg.
"You're right. Why is that?" Coach asked, turning to her with furrowed brows.
"Someone rough housed her."
"One of our own? Why do you think so?" He was sceptical
"I know so. They're kinda holding out on a thread out there. An accident maybe?" She said, shrugging her shoulders.
"What did I tell yah?" He said, smiling widely at her.
"Call for the time out, then." She said with a smile and he did call for a time out.
"Alright! We're subbing Y/N back in." He informed their team with a smile.
"Finally!" Jasmine cheered as she let her head fall back.
"What made you change your mind, coach?" One of the teammates asked.
"She's limping." Y/N answered.
"What? Who?" Someone asked.
"Hudson, she's limping. Who rough housed her?" Y/N asked, looking at them one by one. "Come on, no one's blaming yah, she's a machine."
"How would we know? They're boxing us out, if we happened to kick their sheen, it would be an accident." Jasmine reasoned.
"Point taken. Now, go get us that win!" Coach said after the time out and in goes Y/N again.
She was defending the other team's captain and when the ball got to her foot, she immediately ran to the post, was about to kick the ball when she felt a sting on her left leg, making her fall. It was a bad slam.
She immediately stood up but it was still stinging from the cleats. The player got a yellow and a free ball was given.
"You got this Y/N/N!" She heard her team shouting as she closed her eyes, focused on the post, AND GOAL!
"What a wonderful hat trick from the Raven's captain Y/N Y/L/N! This seemed like an overtime coming up!" The commentator said as they celebrated.
"Let's go!" She shouted despite the aching on her left sheen but she did not mind that one bit.
Then the game continued, with 3 minutes remaining on the clock and everyone was doing their hardest to keep the ball alive, no one scoring and the defence was tight.
It was in the Ravens' possession and they were trying hard to get to the post but they were being boxed out. So when Y/N found a hole, she got the ball from her teammate and ran it like there's no tomorrow. She was being chased by 2 players but she mind nothing. The next thing she knows, her left leg was being slammed on, her face was bleeding and the ball was in Jasmine's possession...
"And goal! Right before the clock! The Ravens' take the win for the semi finals! What a goal from Jasmine Smith!" The stands erupted as everyone cheered.
Cairo has been holding her breath since the last five minutes, she's seen how the other team was playing dirty and they're aiming at Y/N. Her heart almost stopped when Y/N fell to the ground right before Jasmine scored. Even with the loud cheering and all, her eyes never left Y/N who pushed herself up and limped to her teammates, her face bleeding.
"That seemed like a bad cut." Winnie said worriedly, but Cairo still never left her gaze on Y/N who got body slammed by her teammates.
When everything was calmed, Cairo pulled Winnie with her to the lockers to check on Y/N and sure enough, she was just done getting patched up.
"That looked like a bad fall." Cairo said, walking towards Y/N who had an ice bag on her left leg and a few butterfly band aid on her right eyebrow.
Y/N's face immediately lit up as soon as she saw Cairo standing in front of her.
"Hey. Did you like the game?" She asked, fixing herself.
"It was boring." Cairo answered with a shrug.
"She was holding her breath the entire time you were out on the field." Winnie chimed in, making Cairo glare at her.
"You were?" Y/N asked, her smile widened at the thought.
"Don't be all cocky, now." Cairo rolled her eyes.
Winnie let out a playful gagging sound before she walked out. "I'll leave you two lovebirds in here while I go find Coach Boris."
"Lay off him!" Y/N shouted again but it fell on deaf ears.
Y/N shook her head before she turned to Cairo who was watching her with a small smile.
"So this is what you do huh?" Cairo said, walking towards her until she was in front of Y/N who was looking up. Despite her sitting down, she's still almost as tall as Cairo. What an adorable sight.
"Since I could remember, yeah."
With hesitation, Cairo held a hand on Y/N's cut, caressing it gently. The taller girl leaned in to the touch, her body relaxing despite her heart pounding in her chest, she thought it was gonna jump out of her body any time soon.
"Is it bad?" Cairo asked softly, making her open her eyes to look at the lovely brown eyes staring at her.
"Nothing I can take." She whispered.
Cairo smiled sweetly before she let her hand fall on her side as she stepped back. Y/N was disappointed and aching to bring that warmth back but she stayed quiet.
"Congratulations on the win. You did great out there." Cairo said with a smile, her cute dimples showing leaned down to give her a sweet kiss on the cheek.
Y/N watched as the brunette turned around and started walking. "Will you be watching the finals? I could use a little energizer."
Cairo turned her head to her with a smile. "I'll think about it." She said and she was out the door in a blink of an eye.
"You're gonna be the death of me, Cairo Sweet."
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rieamena · 2 months
the first date!
a continuation of my ino has a crush on you post wc: 0.6k honorable mention: that special nonnie who motivated me to write this
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ino who waits patiently for your shift to end, seated at a small, corner table near the café’s counter. his outfit—a soft gray sweater and dark jeans—is casual yet thoughtful, a reflection of his nerves and excitement. he watches you with admiration, noting the way your smile brightens the room as you interact with customers. as the clock ticks closer to the end of your shift, he can barely contain his anticipation
ino who greets you with a wide, relieved smile as you finally clock out. he stands up, the bouquet of flowers he’s holding looking slightly wilted from his nervous grip. "hey, beautiful," he says, trying to keep his voice steady. "ready for our date?" he presents the bouquet with a shy smile. "i thought these might brighten your day after your long shift." "oh my god, thank you! they're so pretty." you reply, your smile genuine. you glance at the wrapped package in his hand. "and what’s this?"
ino who looks slightly flustered but quickly regains his composure. "oh, it’s just a little something i thought you might like," he says, looking away bashfully, placing the mystery gift in his bag. "but the real surprise is the location. follow me." he takes your hand and leads you to a charming rooftop garden tucked away from the hustle and bustle of the city
ino who set up a cozy picnic in the garden, the area softly lit by fairy lights and adorned with comfy seating. as you both arrive, you see a table set with a spread of assorted pastries, fruits, and a bottle of sparkling cider. "i wanted to create a relaxing atmosphere since working at the cafe can get a bit hectic," ino says, nervously arranging the last few items. "i hope you like it." eyes sparkling with appreciation, the crinkle of the bouquet's packaging was heard as you set it down on the table. "like it? i love it! it’s incredible!"
ino who, as the evening progresses, grows more comfortable and opens up about his own interests. "i’ve always admired people who can get lost in a good book," he says, laughing softly. "i tried writing a short story once, but it ended up being a total disaster." you laugh along with him, taking a sip of your cider. "oh come on, i’m sure it wasn’t that bad. maybe one day you'll let me read it!" "maybe…"
ino who surprises you with a gift towards the end of the date. "i remember you mentioning your love for journaling," he says, pulling out the wrapped box from earlier. giving it to you, you tore off the wrappings, revealing a beautifully crafted book. "i thought this might be a nice place for you to jot down your thoughts or sketches." you take a moment to admire the journal’s intricate design before looking up at him, "you really didn't have to." "i wanted to."
ino who walks you back to your place, making sure you’re comfortable and safe. as you reach your front door, you turn around, "takuma," he looks at you with an unreadable expression. something between, nervousness, confusion, and anticipation. "i'll be planning our second date. let's say a week or two from now?" "what?" "second date. you. me. together."
ino who can’t help but grin widely. "YES! i mean, uh, awesome," he says, his excitement poorly contained. "i’ll be looking forward to it." "and so will i." inching closer to him, you gave takuma a quick peck on his cheek, squealing and running into your home immediately after. "goodnight!!!" "goodnight sweetheart…" he mutters, brain still processing everything. as he walks away, hand planted his cheek as if to protect the kiss you gave him, he reflects on the evening with a satisfied smile, already eagerly anticipating your next date
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I LOVE YOU INO TAKUMA!!!!!!!!!!!!!
jjk taglist
@blendingcaramal @gzchaos @theamazingrain @woah-girlz @voloslobotomyservice
@kyozvy @obessionofagrl @bubybubsters @gojosbrat @raindropsonrwses
@c-moon20-12 @saltynanobeanie @theamazingrain @synthiiiiis @ghostlyluminarycloud
@poopyyy @supernatrualqueen @bxrbie-jadeee @lailuv21
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jeleynai · 3 months
Hey there, I adore your art, thank you for sharing it and joining us on tumblr. Your Ghoap art makes me feel so soft.
I am curious about your rendering process. I like how your pieces are textured and coloured and the 3 dimensionality of it, is there a chance you'd be open to sharing some of the steps you take to get from sketch to the finished product? For example what methods (if greyscale, selection tool, etc.) and brushes you use? How you pick your colours?
No pressure in answering this of course, I am just glad to see what you'll be up to in the future.
Hellooooo thank you so much for your kind words!! I've actually been getting so many nice notes from people, I'm so sorry that I haven't responded to them much, I promise I read every single one and shed a little tear of joy at how nice you all are!
Now to the question!!
I made a little step by step image of one of the portraits I posted here for you with a bit of commentary underneath! I'm sorry if it's the ramblings of a mad-woman I'm a bit all over the place sometimes haha (I'm so sorry if there's typos, please ignore them)
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I'll also answer the direct questions here since I don't think I addressed them TOO directly in the image.
Methods: I work with soft brushes and the lasso tool for 90% of my process! I introduce textures as well obviously but I try to let my soft brushes do most of the work. A lot of that 'soft' look people tell me my art has just comes from subtle colour shifts and general softness achieved that way over working with harsher textures. I generally like to limit my layers somewhat, especially with simple pieces like the one above. That image is actually just a single layer after step 2! It helps me not get too stuck on one area but I also just... draw on the wrong layer very frequently even if I name them so I don't use them unless I'm working on pieces with different layers of depth (fore-/mid-/background etc.) I do check my values *constantly* (I use the colour-proof setup in photoshop) but I don't work directly from greyscale. I go straight into colours from the sketch.
How I pick colours: I do try to keep my colour palette cohesive and a bit more neutral to start with. I try to avoid extremes at the start so I'm not locked into that too early since it makes that 'subtlety' harder to achieve otherwise. For those colour shifts I talk about I just pick whatever base colour I put down and then shift the colours accordingly! Brush modes/layer modes can also help but I definitely recommend looking a bit into colour theory before relying on them TOO much! Otherwise using them will also end in strange results. There's no direct 'formula' I use when choosing colours since every light scenario is unique and will affect colours differently. I would definitely recommend James Gurney's book on Colour and Light!
Last but not least! If you're more of a visual learner and my rambling is a bit much in written form (I'm so sorry, I'm very chatty I know) I also have a few painting processes up on YouTube c: So if you want me to shut up and just watch me struggle instead then here's a link to the painting that started it all, the OG ghost soap piece I did over a year and a half ago: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D76X0MT4W5U
I hope that all makes sense!! I'm still super new to Tumblr but I'm always happy to ramble on about art so! Thanks for reading my rant haha
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M/c hears Ominis grunting and moaning slightly by lifting something for someone and it makes them slightly turned on. Ominis notices you breathing a little heavy and asks you what's wrong.
OMG I love this, anything where Ominis is vocal is my *chef's kiss* favorite. I hope you don't mind that I wrote it as a female MC, you didn't specify and that's just my go to. This doesn't get too spicy but I hope you enjoy!
Sexual Themes - Minors do not interact
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"Thank you Ominis, just one more." You could hear Amit say in the library that afternoon.
You looked up from your parchment and saw Amit struggling on one of the ladders to the higher bookshelves, Ominis down below, passing him books. Your eyes lingered on Ominis, the ever tall and perfectly groomed Slytherin boy, who had been the secret object of your desires lately. Even though you were close friends with both him and Sebastian, you kept it at that, but you supposed your little crush started in History of Magic class. It was the only class you had alone with Ominis. Professor Binns was droning on about his ever so popular goblin rebellion topic and you could feel your eyelids getting heavier by the minute, that's when you felt something warm bump into your side which startled you and the person it belonged to back to reality, it was Ominis, who usually fell asleep in this class. He was jolted awake so fast that he latched onto your thigh accidentally to steady himself. It sent a shiver up your body at how his large hand gripped you roughly and your mind immediately flooded with lewd images.
Back in reality, you hear Amit again, "Be careful with that last one Gaunt, 'Theory of Space and Gravity', it's uhh very heavy."
"And I suppose we can't just use 'Levioso'?" Ominis quipped. His usual snark, ever present.
"Madame Scribner's rules; doesn't want books being flown around again, she says it messed up her whole organization process."
"Very well, just a moment." he reached down, feeling for the old leatherbound book and...heaved. Your eyes shot open as Ominis grunted as he struggled. Suddenly something akin to a lightning bolt was traveling from your brain straight down to the area between your legs, igniting something in you.
"D-do you need assistance?" Amit nervously asked.
"N-No ugghhh," he moaned out and you believe your panties just flooded. "Nearly got it."
You could feel your face heat up as Ominis wiped his brow that dripped with sweat after finally handing the book up to Amit, who nearly fell off the ladder. Then he made his way over to your table and you internally screamed.
"Ah, hello Y/N. Getting some homework done?"
You were thankful he couldn't see your face as you were sure it was beet red at that point. You managed to choke out an "Mmhmm", but your breathing was definitely ragged.
"Is something the matter?" Taking a step closer and you were sure your heart might explode. "Your breathing, it's heavy. Are you feeling well?" He brought a hand up to feel your forehead and you nearly shot out of your seat.
"Y-yes! I'm fine, sorry, I uhh have to uhh head back to the common room!" You tried to book it but he grabbed your arm to stop you before you could.
"Well, you feel warm. Please, allow me to walk you back." He offered. Of course, always a gentleman. "We wouldn't want your fever to get worse."
"Well, if it isn't my trusted companions!" A beaming, freckled face came into view, it was Sebastian Sallow.
"Ah, Sebastian, we were just heading back to the common room, Y/N here, isn't feeling very well." Ominis explained. "A fever, I believe."
Sebastian looked her over and could see her blushing face and the way her thighs were practically clamped together and chuckled. "A fever eh? Ominis...I'll let it slide because you can't see her but -" you were furiously shaking your head at him, 'No!'
"Ok, ok...relax" Sebastian put his hands up, still grinning. Ominis looked confused, you internally sighed and started making your way towards the library exit. What you didn't catch was Sebastian whispering in Ominis' ear and you only whipped back around when you heard him gasp.
"Y/N are you...aroused?!?" a blush creeping across his face, and at that you took off and you didn't think your fully upgraded broom from Spintwitches could fly faster.
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lizzieislife94x · 9 months
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Professor Maximoff (w.m)
Wanda G!PxFem Reader
legal age gap y/n is 22 and lizzie is lets say 28
Just a little update to keep the book updated requests are open always Also over 10k reads holy shit I didn't think that many would see this 😳 but thank you (the fact this was the 10k read mark originally and then the whole book got removed at 700k reads still hurts my heart lmfao)
 Y/ns POV: 
"Hey can I have an iced coffee please" I say to the woman serving me "that will be $4 please and ill get your coffee right away" I smile and hand over the money as I wait for my drink after a minute she hands me my drink I smile and say thank you as I head out the store I pull my phone out to check the time and notice I'm later for my first class fuck I have professor Maximoff this morning I've already been later twice this week she's gonna kill me, she is intimidating but I can't help but drool over her every day in class she's fucking perfect and always wears these suits that do things to me I'm snapped out of my thoughts by my phone dinging I quickly look at the screen and see a text from my best friend Natasha. 
Nat<3: Dude you better get here ASAP maximoff is looking at your empty seat with an annoyed look, youre gonna be in so much shit get here like now! 
Fuck fuck fuck 
Me: Shit I had to get coffee I'm on campus ill be there in 5 minutes try and stall for me make up an excuse or something on my way. 
I take a few sips of my coffee and throw it in the trash as I run through the halls like a madman towards professor maximoffs class after a 2 minutes of sprinting I pull the door open and bend over trying to get my breath back "I'm...so..sorry I'm late professor " I say panting as I walk towards my desk I hate being in the front she's gonna stare me down "miss l/n this is your 3rd time late this week I'm not impressed you have detention" she says in a cold tone "I'm I'm really sorry my alarm didn't go off" I lie with a whisper looking down at my desk "no excuses y/n you're a grown girl youre big enough to make sure you arrive on time, open your book to page 60 and read ill deal with you later" she hisses as I pull my book out and start reading I can't help but feel sad for some reason as if I've let her down
looks like I'll actually be reading today I can't bare to look at her I don't wanna see the disappointment in her eyes, I continue to read until professor maximoff hands some tests out "pop quiz I hope you guys took in what we learned last week" fuck of course I didn't I was drooling over her I'm in so much shit "Nat you have to help me I can't remember what we where studying last week" I whisper leaning over to Nat "you need to stop having little fantasies about maximoff and start paying attention in class y/n but I'll try my best to help" she whisper shouts at me great Nat is pissed at me maximoff is pissed at me I sigh and grab my pen as I begin to read over the test paper "A, C, C, B, A, A" Nat whisper as I quickly circle the answers half way there I can do this "miss romanoff can you go to room 336 and get the books for next week please" I hear professor maximoff say out loud as I look up at her then at Nat with a pleading look "of course professor" Nat says as she stands up to leave, fuck fuck fuck I'm screwed I just have to guess the last 6 after 15 minutes I put my pen down and sigh as I lean my elbows on the desk and over my face with my hands "miss l/n get your work done no time for breaks" I move my hands slightly and look at her "I'm done professor" I say with an icy tone full of attitude "less of the attitude miss l/n and bring your test over anymore of that and ill give you detention all next week do you understand me" she states blatantly
I walk over to her desk and hand her the test "I understand professor maximoff I'm sorry" I say looking down "go and sit at your desk quietly don't disturb the rest of the class" I nod and walk back to my desk and sit for a bit as the bell rings I go to get up to leave "y/n sit you have detention for the next 2 hours" wait how did she know she's not even looking up she's marking the tests "yeah of course sorry" I say as I sit back down the classroom soon empty "grab a chair and come sit beside me you can help sort this paperwork" I just stand and grab my chair walking to her desk as I sit she looks at me for a minute studying me "what's going on with you why are you late so often, why are you giving attitude in class" she says as she places her hand on mine making me freeze "I uh I um I've not been sleeping great I'm sorry and I snapped because you where being rude and im tired I'm sorry" I say looking down she grips my chin pulling my face up to look at her "you need to start behaving y/n" she says with a tone I haven't heard, I feel my heart pound as a little moan escapes at the action she just did "I fuck..I'll um try professor"
she bites her lip as her thumb gently rubs my chin slowly moving up to pull my bottom lip slightly "you can't be making those cute little sounds y/n or you'll make it harder to keep my cool around you, you have no idea how much I wanna fuck that attitude out of you" I let out another moan feeling the pool form in my panties I don't know what came over me before I know it I'm climbing into her lap straddling her "maybe that's what I need someone to fuck the attitude out of me" I whisper into her ear making her groan I slightly grind into her to get comfortable but feel something hard forming, uh fuck she has a dick the thought alone makes me drip in an instant I'm bent over her desk with my skirt up around my waist "fuck y/n you drive me crazy it's been so hard to keep my cool I can't help but watch you walk around in these little skirts day In day out" she whispers into my ear as my panties are pulled off "fuck professor maximoff I've been so naughty I need you to fuck me hard" I whimper as I hear her pants being unzipped she spreads my legs and moans at the view I can't help but feel a little shy as she stares at me my cunt dripping I quickly cover my mouth and scream as I feel her sink deep inside me "uhhh fuck princess so tight for mommy" I moan and nod looking round "fuck to big mommy I I can't" I breath out as she leans over making me moan at the sudden movements "you can do it kitten shhh you're being so good for mommy I promise it will feel good in a minute" she moans rubbing my shoulders as I feel her thrusting slowly I can't help but moan "so good so good" I whimper as her hands run down my body to my hips as she increases her thrusts "uhhhhh fuck fuck fuckkkk"
I moan louder as she starts to pound into me harder slamming her full length deep inside me hitting my gspot repeatedly "if I ever hear another bit of attitude coming from that pretty mouth I'll fuck it out of you kitten" she moans thrusting harder "well looks...like...I'm gonna have an attitude..every...everyday" I moan out as I feel my orgasm approach "I'm gonna I'm uhhh" I scream as I cum making professor maximoff groan at the sensation she doesn't stop she only gets faster pounding my cunt relentlessly "fuck this pussy is mine do you understand " she moans I lay spread across her desk unable to form words as she pounds me over and over I feel the second orgasm hit me as she groans "fuck kitten your walls are  squeezing me so fucking good you're doing amazing give me one more" she moans as she keeps her thrusts going I can't help but whimper and drool all over her desk it feels so fucking good but I swear I'm gonna pass out "gonna...cum mommy...I " my eyes roll as she slams deep inside me cumming deep inside me as I cum all over her cock she leans her body on mine moaning into my ear "fuck kitten I've never came like that before you're such a good girl for mommy" I whimper and nod "only for you mommy" I pant trying to get my breath back as she slides out and I stand up fixing my skirt as I feel my legs shaking "I'm keeping these" she smirks holding up my panties putting them into her pocket making me bite my lip "I can't wait for monday" I smirk as I walk away on shaky legs not saying anything else. 
AN: I think I'm going to do a part 2 of this in the next hour of the events of the weekend requests are open haha stay hydrated people word count is 1.6k 
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hyacintheros · 3 months
Suspended In Gaffa
|| (Regulus Black x Fem!Reader)
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Main Masterlist
Word Count: 1.9k
P.S: Had a little idea in mind, hope this will come to please c:
“There's an old muggle myth… every star in the sky, no matter how small or large, are people who've passed on in life. I don't think it would be so bad, being a star” The girl says, leaves rustling in the wind around them, the nightly autumn weather nipping at their cheeks.
Regulus turns his head, still laying down on the grass, looking at her with a glint of amusement, plucking a stray leaf that has fallen into her hair. “You're already a star, mon étoile”
Looking back at his life now, Regulus would have laughed in your face had you told him he'd be living in the Welsh countryside after graduation. The thought unfathomable to him, unreachable.
“Darling, can you grab the cherry tomatoes from the garden?” His girlfriend comes out of the kitchen, sporting an apron Hope Lupin had gifted. Regulus looks up from his book, marking the page then heading outside, giving her a quick peck on the cheek on the way to the door.
She fries up his egg, sunny-side up, and sprinkles a dash of asiago white pepper, her secret ingredient. To this day, Regulus has never found out what made his eggs taste so good.
The wavy haired boy returns back a small, hand-woven basket filled halfway with cherry tomatoes. “Could I make you a coffee, love?” he asks the girl, currently obsessed with his brand new Italian moka pot.
She laughs, allowing him a spot on the stove to start brewing his coffee. They rest in easy silence, accustomed to their routine for breakfast. She sets the table with her ceramic dining set, ones she got at the morning market a few months back, decorated with small little snakes.
Regulus sets the coffees at their respective seats, digging into their breakfast. An owl arrives as they dine, pecking at the window. “I'll get it!” The girl brightly says.
Offering the owl a treat, she grabs the letter attached to its leg. “Regulus, love, it's for you” she hands the boy the letter, he wipes his hands in his napkin, opening the letter. 
“I've been invited to a ball at Rosier Manor..” Regulus trails off, looking at the date of the ball. “S'for tomorrow!” He jumps up in a panic, briskly walking to his closet.
“What's got you in a hurry?” The girl says, worried he hadn't finished breakfast. He looks back at her, a very rare shyness taking over him. “Not sure if I've got my dress robes..” The girl smiles, going to the spare room.
She hands him one of his dress robes, all washed and pressed, kept in one of those muggle garment dust covers. Regulus thanks his girlfriend, gingerly taking the robes from her and inspecting them. 
Evan and Barty always had a tendency to leave things last minute, this invitation obviously one of them. He looks back at the letter, being told to bring a plus one if he wished. Going back to his girlfriend, he asks, “Will you accompany me to the ball?” 
She kisses his lips gently, knowing how hard it is going to be for him to see all the Pureblood families again. “Of course, mon ange” Being a Pureblood herself, she knows the pressure he's putting on himself, though her parents were much kinder and more accepting of their move to Wales.
“D’you wanna match? I can finally wear that emerald green dress I bought in Paris!” He looks at her excited state, lazily grinning. Regulus would do anything she'd ask of him, even if it meant his own demise.
“I'll get the green bow tie then.. Oh I should probably owl them back, just to confirm our attendance.” Regulus grabs a  quill and sits on the extra desk in the spare room. He hands the letter to the girl, asking if she could send it with their owl.
She pulls him with her back to the dining room, trying to get him to eat again. “Come on love, food's gone cold.. Would you like me to heat it up?” He shrugs it off, saying it's fine and continues to eat his eggs, not wanting to bother his darling girl.
Finishing up her coffee, she says to him, “We should get them a gift! It's rude if we show up with nothing.” Regulus ponders on this for a little while, thinking of the best thing to get Evan and Barty. Finally, he says, “We should make a trip to Diagon Alley.” 
After cleaning the kitchen up and fluffing the couch pillows, the two approach the fireplace, grabbing the lustering green floo powder. She goes first, giving Regulus a small peck, then disappearing into the fire. The steel-eyed boy follows her actions, dusting his suit off at his destination.
“So, where are we off to then?” She locks her arms with his, her Mary Jane's clicking as she walks, doll-like. “Well dolly, let's head to the Magical Menagerie. Got a feeling they would appreciate a little pet..”
“Don't they already have an owl? They don't like cats, nor rats, or even bats!” She rhymes on, giggling. Regulus smiles, finding her behaviour quite adorable. “No dovey, you'll see.” He brushes her chin with his rings.
Pulling the girl into the store, they browse around. Regulus already knows what he wants to get for their two friends, but he knows how fascinated his girlfriend gets by animals. “Reggie…look at the cat!” She points towards a tabby orange cat.
“Darling.. you have me! Why do you need another of me?” He pouts, referencing his animagus form, a black cat with steely grey eyes. She chuckles at his oddly jealous stare. “Come on, what are we getting them?” She's curious as to what he has in mind.
He pulls her to the snake pit, pointing at a beautiful black snake. “Behold, the Elaphe obsoleta.. Evan always wanted a snake” Regulus gently picks up the slithering snake, the black bodice wraps herself on his arm, coiling around him.
His girlfriend hums contently, agreeing on his choice. Walking to the counter, the lady packs the snake away safely, providing a small container of snake feed for them. They walk out with the gift, grabbing ice cream before flooing back. 
“Reggie, darling? Can you tie the strap of my dress?” She calls out to him from the bedroom, voice strained as she struggles to do the bow at the back. Regulus pops into the room, fingers coiling his waves with his favourite curl cream. 
He washes his hands in the bathroom quickly, drying them so he doesn't get any cream on her dress. Brushing his nimble hands across her back, sending shivers down her spine. “Behave,” she turns her head into his neck, laying a gentle kiss. He quits his teasing, finally doing up her bow.
He turns her around, gazing at her like a piece of art hung up in a museum, stars painted with precision on the night sky adorned by him, the moon which watches the stars.
Tucking his matching emerald green pocket square, she fans it out elegantly, fixing collar. “Are you going to wear your jewellery? I like the silver chain you put on your trousers.” He chuckles, grabbing the chain from a bowl of his jewellery, clicking it into place.
“Should I wear silver or gold? You're wearing silver, I should wear silver too.. Barty would throw a fit if I wore gold again too!” She grazes her fingers over his beautiful silver rings, stopping at a special one, engraved with the Black family crest.
“Your parents will be there, are you sure you still want to go..? We can always retire for the night, feigning ill,” she holds his hands, wanting to comfort him. Regulus puts on a brave face, tightening his hold on her hands and smiling, “I'll be okay. Knowing Evan and Barty, they'll probably take us away into the forest halfway through.”
She pulls away, touching up her makeup while Regulus grabs the gift, the beautiful Elaphe obsoleta. His girlfriend fixes the little curl on his forehead, then grabs a silver clutch to match with her jewellery and shoes. “Ready?” She grabs onto him, responding, “Ready.”
He apperates them a small distance from the manor, wanting to calm his own emotions before arriving. Sensing this, his girlfriend interlocks their hands, swinging them as they walk. “D'you know what? I think Pandora invited Dorcas, we surely haven't seen Dorcas in a while.. Should invite everyone over soon before we leave for Italy!”
“Oh really? You'd want to house all the Slytherin Skittles and the Marauders in one small cottage in Wales? How'd you think that's going to end up, love?” He snickers, swinging his hand in hers.
They approach the Rosier Manor, knocking on the huge gothic doors, probably built during the Victorian era. They are greeted by a house elf, small and malnourished, terribly afraid by the sheer amount of Pureblood presence in attendance.
She welcomes them in, bringing them to the living room with all the other guests. The couple goes to greet the hosts, Pierre and Seraphina Rosier. “Darling! It is so good to see you, how has it been in Wales?” Seraphina greets the girl, kissing her cheeks and giving her a hug. 
“We have been wonderful, Lady Rosier.. Thank you for having us! Goodness the manor looks gorgeous, who decorated?” The girls go off, chit chatting about little pieces of art in the house, leaving Regulus to greet Lord Rosier.
“I assume Evan invited you? Do try to keep yourself straight tonight, I'd hate for your poor girlfriend to be embarrassed by you.” Lord Rosier snarks to the boy, clearly being influenced by Orion and Walburga. Though he seems to have no issue with his date, being that their families are extremely close.
Regulus thanks him for the ‘advice’, walking off to find Evan and Barty to deliver their gift. “Regulus! There you are, you sod! Beginning to think you weren't coming. Poor Barty was sulking! Come in- where's treasure?” Evan pulls him into his room, wondering where his girlfriend was.
“Well ‘treasure’ got locked with your mum looking at a lamp, and I got dunked on by your father!” Regulus sits on the bed next to Barty, holding his head in his hands. “Oh come on, you know how weird my father is with yours,” Evan remarks. 
“Hey! Awe- where's treasure??” Barty pouts, looking at the door, hoping Regulus’ girlfriend will walk through. “Your boyfriend's mum.” He says, very deadpanned and tired. 
“We brought you a gift.. thought you guys might enjoy it,” Regulus hands off the carrier to Barty, encouraging them to open it. Barty lets out a literal squeal while Evan slowly takes it out.
“Is that a.. are you really gifting us a snake..? That's the most romantic thing you've ever done for us!” Barty teases, faking tears in his eyes. Regulus rolls his eyes and clicks his tongue, secretly enjoying his friend's antics.
In the midst of all of this, someone raps on the door. “Treasure!” Barty jumps onto her like a flying squirrel, giving her a big hug. “Barty! Barty please! I can't breathe,” she tries to escape from his grasps. “Oi Junior! Get your hands off my girlfriend!”
Regulus has to pry him off of the poor girl, being reminded of their years at Hogwarts, looking back at all of the adventures and hardships, now finally feeling like he fit the last piece of a puzzle into his life.
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i-know-geography · 2 years
Yandere Kiyotaka Ayanokoji when his darling gets beaten up
Requested by:@michellealvidres
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Yay,some more yandere headcanons of this cool motherfucker :D
At first i thought in make a one shot but i didn't found enough inspiration.
So stay with this headcanons/ Scenario
Kiyotaka always knows when something is wrong with his darling.
After all,he can read you like a book and knows every single thing about you.
So he does notice that something is wrong from the moment you entered in the classroom that day.
He saw how different your body language was,how you seemed to be in pain but was trying to hide it.
After classes,he takes you to his room so you both can talk about it.
"[Your name],who did this to you?"—He calmly asks,like he knew all the situation,typical of him.
"What do you mean?"—You questioned,trying to act normally.
"You know what i meant,you are hurt,i want to know who did this to you."—He got closer of you,calmly holding your hand.
"...Some guys from class C,they've beaten me up and threatned me to not tell anyone about what happend or it would be worse for me."—You confessed,seemed kind of scared.
"...I got it,don't worry,they'll not hurt you anymore."—He granted you,looking deep into your [eye color] eyes.—"But would you please name them for me?"
And then,you named the boys.
If you aren't able to treat your wounds,he'll treat them for you,after all,if you don't treat your wounds in the right way,it may get worse.
He would do something you like with you to calm you down and make sure everything was okay.
He would take you to your room and then go away to take care of the "issue".
When he finds the boys who hurted you,well...
Let's he gave them a taste of their own medicine.
But he did...really worse
Let's say that it became a kinda bloody mess.
With almost all the boys beaten up in the floor,unable to stand,watching as the boy who gave them the ideia to beat [Your name] up,gets more and more beaten up by Kiyotaka.
"Do not mess with [Your name] ever again,or i'll do worse to all of you,understood?"
The boy nods,scared for his life.
Kiyotaka punches the boy a last time and then look at the mess he made,just for a simple person...
[Your name] really does have something special,huh?
Kiyotaka simply left the room,staring his bloody hand and clothes.
It doesn't sounded like himself to do something impulsive like that,but he didn't cared,it was for [Your name] after all...
In the next day,Kiyotaka came to your room so you both could walk together to school,like always.
When you both got into the elevator,he noticed that you still seemed scared,probaly because of the threat,Kiyotaka calmly hugged you and whispered in your ear.
"I dealed with them,they won't bother you anymore."—He said in his typical calm tone.
You trusted Kiyotaka,after all he is your boyfriend,so you just smiled.
"Thank you,Kiyotaka-kun."
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I found a transcript of the Jan 98 Q interview but it won’t let me post a link
https:// groups.google .com/g/rec.music.beatles/c/7clhNbsz3jE/m/stFmXJnzJSMJ
Maybe see if you can view it by removing the space between google and .com. If not I can screenshot and send you pictures
Oh wow, amazing!! thank you so much! this is an old usenet post from December 1997 and the user named Alison Fiddler kindly typed it up 27 years ago :)
I'll post the full transcript (and a bit reformated for legibility) below the cut for everyone.
Paul McCartney Interview for Q Magazine, January 1998 edition
Q. When you first wrote a song with John Lennon, did you realise you would play one of the biggest parts in rock 'n' roll?
(Michael McConnell, Crawley, West Sussex)
Q. If John Lennon could come back for a day, how would you spend it with him?
A. Obviously not. But even with all the so-called "historical" events that followed, you're just too inside it all, too busy doing it to realise anything's "historical". You just get on with it. I'm not a great ponderer. Some people would say that's a mistake but it's just the way I am. It's quite cool not to always get the overall picture because it leaves something to be found out. The musicologists get paid to discover the differences between me and John. I'm only just beginning to see it now, based probably on their analysis. So John is often one note, I'm often more melodic. (McCartney is thinking especially of Ian McDonald's book Revolution in the Head, where he describes the ace partnership in contrasts: Lennon's method is "harmonic, dissonant", McCartney's that of the "natural melodist".) It might sound amazing but we never spotted that when we were writing. We just did our thing. But it is kind of apparent when you bother to analyse it.
(Mark Wilson, Deeside, Flintshire)
A. In bed.
Q. Were you ever envious that Brian Epstein didn't fancy you?
(Nick Gibson, London)
Q. What were the last records you bought?
A. No, I didn't mind. We just used to go to these clubs at night and wonder why there were so many men. It was OK. Brian was very cool about his side to things. I think the nearest any of us got to it was the John-going-to-Spain thing (it inspired the movie, The Hours And The Times) and I'm not sure what the strength of all that was. I think it was power play on John's part. But Brian kept his private life aside. He kept it out of our faces (pause, possibly for effect). He kept it out of mine, anyway.
(Chris Timms, Harrogate)
A. The Prodigy's The Fat Of The Land, Radiohead's OK Computer and Chopin's Nocturnes.
Q. How do you feel about all the animosity between you and Oasis right now?
(Christina Vellano, Syracuse, New York, USA)
A. There is none as far as I'm concerned. What happened was I'd said, Good group, good singer, good songwriters. But people asked me about it so much that one time I decided to take it further and say that they don't mean anything to me. I am not related to Oasis. I wish them good luck and everything. But my kids mean something to me, John Lennon means something to me, but Oasis ....
Q. Who would you pick to play with in your dream six-piece band?
(Alan Thatcher, Essex)
A. Dream? So we're into fantasy, aren't we? Ringo, John, George, that's three. Me. Jimi Hendrix. That makes lots of guitarists, so Little Richard on keyboards.
Q. With Wings, did you feel pressurised to live up to The Beatles?
(Andrew Williams, Neath)
A. Yes, it was a case of "follow that!". Impossible to do. Looking back on it, it's a lot better than I thought, though some of it is just not PLAYED as well as The Beatles. My son (James, co-worker on McCartney's last pop album, Flaming Pie) plays a lot of Wings, so I'm re-listening, and there's good shit that I'd forgotten about. A lot of the lyrics were off the wall, drug stimulated. Things like "Soily - the cat in the satin trousers says its oily". What was I on? I think the answer is stimulants.
Q. Do you still support the legislation of cannabis?
(Grahame Woods, Northwood, Middlesex)
A. I would make a distinction between legalising and decriminalising. I'm in favour of the latter. The problem is that jails are stuffed full of kids doing what a lot of people do. Why stuff the jails with young kids? Plus it's one of the best places to score. I remember when I got busted in Japan, nobody made the slightest effort to rehabilitate me (laughs). Just stuck me in a box for nine days. Obviously you come out and you are fairly resentful.
Q. Do you roll a wicked joint?
(Steve Kline, Bury)
A. I have nothing to say in answer to that question, m'lud. I wasn't even at the venue.
Q. The critics have been harsh on your solo work. Did this ever
(Robert Hemauer, Madison, Wisconsin, USA)
A. Yeah, sure, but you don't let it kill you. It's a difficult one, because it's never cool for someone to tell you you're shit. Many people through history were damned by the critics of their own time - Cezanne, Van Gogh, Stravinsky, all great painters! Ha ha!
Q. We'd like to see your paintings but can't get to the exhibition in
Germany (McCartney unveils his work for the first time in Siegen, Germany, next year). Any thoughts about putting your paintings on "tour", or publishing a book of them?
(Kathy Goodman, San Diego, CA, USA)
Q. You've done so many things - classical, films, music, art, drugs - is there anything left you might have a go at?
A. A difficult one. If you're a so-called celebrity - like Bowie, Anthony Quinn, Tony Curtis - and you exhibit any art, inevitably, people are not going to think of you as a real painter. Gallery owners come up to me and offer to give me exhibitions. I say, You haven't seen my pictures, and they say, It doesn't matter. Well, it does to me. Otherwise, it's just trading on the name. However, this guy from Germany came over, looked at all my paintings, seems to like them. He's telling me what they're all about.
(Tim Bowler, Swansea)
A. The thing is how reluctant I've often been to have a go. I think we were brought up pretty repressed. Brought up to be seen and not heard, to stay in your place, particularly a working class thing. And I think - I hope - with The Beatles, we got rid of a lot of that. With the painting, for instance, it was Willem de Kooning who liberated me. I used to go to his studio, took in one of my paintings, said, Hey Bill, I hope you don't mind but can you tell me what it is? (Affects American drawl) "Oh, looks "like a couch." Well it looked like a purple mountain to me. And he says, "Well, whatever." Here's one of the greats, his works go for one million, and it was great to see how little bullshit he was bringing to it all. It's really important to explode these myths that surround the arts, music, painting. It's Wizard of Oz time - so many myths, and it's often just a little man behind the screen. The paraphernalia that surrounds them gets in the way. Often you meet leaders in their field and they have none of that. I remember asking a great painter - Peter Blake, maybe - for some advice once, and he said "Just paint a lot". Similar to my approach to music.
Q. How do you know when a song's finished?
(Joyce Slavik, Palatine, Illinois)
A. It's full up. You've answered all of your questions. Normally, I start following a thread: "Eleanor Rigby picks up the rice ... " The thread might come out of nowhere, and I follow it and complete it, like crossword puzzle. When the crossword is full up, the song is finished.
Q. What's more embarrassing: writing Hi Hi Hi or Say Say Say?
(Tien Vu, Costa Mesa, California)
A. (Weighs up pros and cons). Say Say Say.
Q. Why did you give such extensive interviews for an authorised biography (Paul McCartney: Many Years From Now) instead of writing an autobiography?
(Deena Hochberg, Southampton, Pennsylvania)
Q. I'd like to know if Sir Paul sings in the shower, and if so, what does he sing?
A. I don't think I'm a writer. I've never been moved to do it. You have to have a pretty big fire in the belly to do something as big as that. I fancy music more. I'm happier writing in songs rather than in prose, or poetry. Though I wrote something that was never published about the time I got busted in Japan - for my kids. Because I knew one day they'd say, "Hey dad, what was it like, nine days in a Tokyo jail?". So I had a mate of mind, who did all our printing, knock up a few copies, one for each of the kids.
(Jennifer Nash, Bursville, Minnesota)
Q. As a kid you used to play pranks at school by throwing balloons filled with something "worse than water". If you had one of those balloons right now who would you like to hit with it?
A. It's normally the bath. I prefer a good bath. And the answer's Firestarter - "I'm a firestarter, de-de-de-de-dera."
(Brett Yuskiewicz, Leipzig, Germany)
A. Jonathan King. He's a prat from way back.
Q. Which football team did/does each Beatle support?
(WC Chan, Maryland, USA)
A. None of us were big footie types. We weren't very sporty, unlike other groups who were always having knock-arounds. My dad was an Everton fan, which I was most of my life. But then Liverpool started playing well, and Everton didn't, so I took the unprecedented move of supporting them both. It's not allowed, I know, but there you go.
Q. For years, you've claimed it's you in the Walrus costume in the Magical Mystery Tour film. But watching the footage shows that for it to be you, you and John would have had to exchange all your clothes. Are you winding us up, or have you not watched the film in 30 years?
(Dorothy Northcutt, Tucker, Georgia)
Q. What is the quality of each of the other Beatles that you like(d) the best about?
A. The big one. Very good question. I tell you what it was. In the stills we had taken, I was the one with the Walrus head on – in the film it's different. So John then immortalised it in Glass Onion, "I've got news for you all, the walrus was Paul". Obviously at the time you don't care, it's just a Walrus head. You don't realise years later people like our friend from Georgia will analyse it.
(S. Breggles, Richmond)
A. All of them – musical talent. All of them – honesty. Ringo – funny, and kind-hearted. George – straightforward and open. John – witty with a soft centre, or maybe hard with a soft centre.
Q. Do the copulating beetles on the sleeve of Ram (1970) stand for F**k The Beatles?
(Luc Van de Wiele, Wemmel, Belgium)
A. It happened to be a picture Linda had taken. We couldn't resist it just because of the way it looked. She'd caught these two beetles f**king, and then the significance hit us. We saw that pun, yeah, thought why not?
Q. Was there ever a third Lennon song for Anthology 3?
(Jake Lennington, Rush City, MN, USA)
A. There was, but George didn't like it. The Beatles being a democracy, we didn't do it.
Q. I have a Beatles t-shirt which I bought from The Grapes (celebrated Liverpool pub). I was told the band are pictured in their favourite seats - adjacent to the Ladies where you would often catch a glimpse of the girls changing for an evening at The Cavern. True?
(Alan Tomkins, Goring, West Sussex)
A. I hope so. It SOUNDS true. Had there been an opportunity to spot the girls changing, I'm sure we would have sat there.
Q. If you hadn't been a musician, what do you think you would have been?
(Tony Carter, Manchester)
A. The only thing I could have probably qualified for was teaching. So I might have been an English teacher.
Q. Does it do your head in - stuff like the handwritten lyrics to Getting Better selling for $249,000 at Sothebys?
(Peggy Robinson, Trinant, Gwent)
A. It's the price of fame - literally. You scribble them on the back of an envelope, and it gets to be famous. People want it, so it becomes a desirable object. Like Mozart's bog paper, which is another highly desirable object, apparently. More valuable obviously if it's been used.
Q. What is the inscription on the ID bracelet you wear?
(Rachel Hyland, West Harford, Connecticut)
A. It says Paul - for when I forget who I am.
Q. How does it feel to have a star named after you (the christening courtesy of American astronomy fans)?
(John Sales, Barry, Glamorgan)
A. Really cool. The good thing is that as you get on, your fans get on too. And some of them are pretty swotty. Like the people who started Apple, they were just Beatles fans, hence the name. You don't sit around looking at the sky, trying to find it, but it's like getting a very nice birthday present. I'm not religious, I don't believe in any one system - I sort fo think the universe is basically benevolent and we f**k it up - but I am spiritual. I saw Stephen Hawking on TV the other night, and he was saying that we are made of the same stuff as the stars. Which is great. We are all stardust, luv.
Q. What do you want written on your gravestone?
(Tom Mangold, Exeter)
A. Here lies Gracie Fields. Anything to keep people away.
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fluffthecloud · 11 months
Their Soulmates
Weasley Twins x Reader
pt. 1 pt. 2
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Summary: TBH I forgot the summary
Genre: Fluff
Warning: N/A
Notes: Sorry for the long wait, but I'm back now, so enjoy, again this is male reader, not female reader people label your damn stories not everyone assumes it's a female reader, there aren't just females who enjoy x reader fics, also as a little self indulgence reader loves herbology class.
Tag list: @jasperthechaosgremlin @flynnr2d2 @glitchyaiko @smol-book-nerd @iwannabeinthesequalmrghostface @peachesgaeass
"Oh yeah we share Herbology and Charms class!" Fred said with a big smile looking over at Y/N with a big smile.
"Yeah I loved learning about herbs when I was younger, and I know I'm just going to love that class!" Y/N commented super excited about the class.
"I can tell, you sound excited about it." Percy let's out a soft laugh at Y/N's excitement, "I'll let you find the rest of your classes now, bye." Percy waves bye and walks away from the three to let them find their classes together.
For the rest of the day the three have been walking around, getting lost at some points. After they find all their classes it was late and around dinner time so they all made their way to the great hall where they finally parted ways to sit at their respected tables. The twins were talking to each other about Y/N and how cute he had been all day, especially when they kept getting lost.
"He is so precious, I hope we can keep him around." Fred whispers to his twin, while keeping his eyes on the laughing Y/N.
George hums in agreement, taking his eyes off of Y/n to look at his brother, "you think mom and dad will like him?" He asked a bit worried, though why wouldn't they like Y/N Percy already did.
"I hope, you know how picky they can be about our friends." Even though all their friends had been quite like them, prankster, and chaotic neutral.
"They have a good reason to...." Fred said remembering the last time they brought a friend over, they had to scrub out red paint out of the carpet for hours on end after the friend left(was kicked out).
At the Hufflepuff table Y/N was laughing and getting to know his new housemates, his E/C eyes were watering with how much he's been laughing with the others. "I'm sorry he did what?" He asked trying to not laugh so much.
"He jumped out the car window, on to his teacher, and broke both of their noses." The house mate said laughing, as this happened years ago, "he had detention the next day when he went back to school." At this point Y/N was dying of laughter struggling to eat his food thanks to how much he was laughing.
The twins smile at Y/N, before going to socialize with their house mates, hoping to make some more friends.
Notes: Sorry if I put Nico instead of Y/N please let me know if I did, I always automatically read Y/N as Nico, also E/C is eye colour!
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carlos-in-glasses · 5 months
The Notorious C-I-G
💌 🍄 📚 🏜️ 🐝 (you don’t have to answer this one if you don’t want, I already know it’s me 🤭)
💌 ⇢ how many unread emails do you have right now?
Darn you for making me look! 248!
🍄 ⇢ share a head canon for one of your favourite ships or pairings
Answered this one here and here but here is another: After Andrea met TK and really started opening up her heart and mind to Carlos being gay and in love with another man, she began seeking out queer art, books, shows, so she could learn more about the community her son is a part of. Carlos recommends and lends her things! I touch on this in my fic Wrestling Angels.
📚 ⇢ what’s the last thing you wrote down in your notes app?
I didn't have to say anything. He knew I was shaking.
🏜️ ⇢ what’s your favourite type of comment to receive on your work?
I love it when an aspect or overall theme leads a reader to discuss something and it gets a bit more personal and chatty. Fire Island and Sweet Dreams and Flying Machines led to comments in which people shared their memories and feelings about the AIDS crisis and about 9/11 respectively. I guess it makes it seem like the fic has a bit more 'social impact' in a way. It's quite amazing when that happens.
🐝 ⇢ tag your biggest supporter(s) and say one nice thing about them
Haha @lemonlyman-dotcom... right? You have been so supportive and friendly from the beginning - the beginning being pre-tumblr when you were leaving such lovely comments on my fics. When I saw you'd set up your tumblr I was so happy to be able to interact with you on here too. And now look!
And @thisbuildinghasfeelings - you were one of the first people I spoke to on here and your kindness and enthusiasm not just towards my writing is just incredible and I feel very lucky you're here.
@heartstringsduet your comment on Afterglow of a Supernova basically changed my life in that it made me instantly more confident in my writing, like it represented a turning point in how I felt about it, and you've always been in my corner. And you've made art for my fics???!!!
@goodways you have been so lovely about my fics I feel like I can never thank you enough and your comments always make me laugh and make me think. Your feedback always means the world to me.
@herefortarlos your enthusiasm for my fics, all fics and this fandom is a thing of beauty and so inspiring.
@welcometololaland you were one of the first people to ever tag me in anything and I remember it vividly because I couldn't believe it haha. Your comments are always so hilarious and make me feel like I've done something right, and without you I wouldn't have written I Was Thinking About Your Mouth, so I am forever grateful for that and for you being such a good sounding board when I complain about work!
@cold-blooded-jelly-doughnut mate, you are divine and the fact that you spend any time beta'ing my fics when they are still kinda hot messes is wild to me. Thank you as well for your kindness and generosity!
@im-overstimulated-and-im-sad you are a delight and your comments are like a balm to my soul!
@reyesstrand Also from really early on you were leaving such encouraging comments on my fics and including me in WIP tags and things and I'm so grateful and forever awestruck.
@paperstorm I always cherish in particular how incredible you were about Fire Island (and When Soulmates Swim recently!), and how you helped so much in my hour of need when the whole scary situation around Afterglow of a Supernova happened. Thank you!
There are other people too of course but I worry I'm banging on a bit too much like I'm at the Oscars and the music is going to play over me talking so I just want to wrap up by saying thank you to everyone who has read my fics and commented and left kudos - I've said it before and I'll say it again, it really does blow me away that you're giving your precious free time to my stories in that way.
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timextoxhajima · 1 month
Sonder: Part V [Final]
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Parts: I II III IV V
member: enhypen heeseung! x oc! woo ki yeom [3rd person pov]
genre: coming of age, slice of life, angst, romance
w/c: 4k
taglist: @missychief1404 (i had this chapter written out months ago, but you're the reason why i decided to post it! thank you for reading <3)
warnings: topics on religion, distressed relationships, mental health (I want to leave an a/n here that I grew up with my maternal family being Buddhists so what I've written is based off what I researched online and the way her family practised Buddhism. I'm personally a free-tinker and this narrative is not in any way meant to offend nor support any particular religion.)
synopsis: after being kicked out of her home, Woo Ki Yeom is forced to live life on her own. struggling to find herself in the midst of her chaotic life, she meets lee heeseung, who, like her, can't give any more fucks to life than she does.
"n. the realization that each random passerby is living a life as vivid and complex as your own."
Author's Note:
Before you embark on the closing chapter of Sonder, I would first like to offer you a virtual hug! <3 Sonder is a love letter to all lost relationships (be it familial, friends, romantic). In the last few months of 2023, I lost a couple of friends whom I trusted. I'm still in the midst of healing and recovering from it.
Sonder started out as an angry rant when I felt anger from the falling out, but I couldn't bring myself to continue because at some point, I felt like this wasn't the right way to cope. I was still angry and hadn't come to terms with it. But the longer it took, the more I realised I just wanted to heal, and that things truly just happened. No amount of anger was going to undo what was done. They had apologised for the things they did, but I reacted by cutting them out, and I'm not sorry for it.
The chapter has ended, but the book doesn't.
I hope you have found comfort in Sonder, be it through the eyes of Ki Yeom who represents my anger and process of healing, or Heeseung, who is lost in life and has no direction. Perhaps through the eyes of Ji Yeon, who simply did what she thought was right but yet it wasn't, or Ki Yeom's father who had neglected to care for something when it was in need. Last but not least, Ahn Yoo Hyeon, who is my innate desire to be my own person, but cannot, due to the things that naturally bind her to her purpose in life.
I'm not sure when I will write again, or if I ever will, but if I were to leave one last story for my readers who have been with me for the last couple of years since my Capital Letters and Hostis days, I thought it was appropriate to write Sonder.
My ask is always open and I still do check Tumblr every day. I'll try my best to respond if any. I hope that my words, stories, and characters stick with my readers for years to come.
Writing for everybody has been an absolute pleasure.
With Love,
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"So this is the million-dollar book!"
"She'll kill you if she knows you touched it."
"Have you?"
"I didn't touch it but she showed me once."
"Yeah, go through my things while you're packing," Ki Yeom pushes her way into her apartment, a folded box in hand.
"Jun Yeol touched it first."
"I was curious," He closes the book and places it on the table. "It doesn't kill to be a little curious where all your ideas are stored, is it? I can't believe you've shown it to Heeseung but not us!"
"In my defense, I'm rarely curious about her shit," Heeseung raises his hands in surrender and shrugs.
"Then how did you get her to show it to you?" Soo Min squints at him.
"I caught him snooping around my stuff so I caved and let him see it," Ki Yeom finally gets the folded box into shape and pulls out the tape.
Her colleagues' jaws drop as they scream 'unfair', rolling their eyes as they pick up the book to flip through it again.
Ki Yeom can hear their whispering as she packs her newly bought pot-and-pan and kitchenware, and it cracks a little smile on her lips, knowing that she would miss their voices and their bickering in the years she will be away.
In truth, she doesn't know if she would even be coming back.
They must think she's selfish for taking up the offer that their boss had offered her elsewhere and overseas, but even if they did think that, it's not her problem, is it?
She gets the box taped up and she stands up straight, turning around to see that they've gone back to helping her pack the rest of her things. But Heeseung was still, backfacing her, head looking down and his arms barely moving from where she could see him.
So, she walks over and tiptoes, trying her best to look over his shoulders without letting him know she was right behind him.
"Hard to believe this was six months ago."
Ki Yeom relaxes, rolling her eyes as she walks around him.
In his hands was the letter her father wrote her, with the wrong unit number written on the envelope.
"What can I say, time waits for no man," Ripping the letter out of his hands, she crumples it into a ball, playing basketball with it into the trash bag they had by the door.
As the ball of paper lands in the plastic, Ahn Yoo Hyeon appears by the door, purse hanging from her forearm and sunglasses pushed onto the crown of her head.
"I was wondering if they had taken the day off to come help you."
"Honestly, a waste of time!" Jun Yeol dramatically replies. "She has nothing."
"It's good to travel light where you're going anyway," Ahn Yoo Hyeon takes a deep breath and looks around the apartment. "Let me know if you need anything before you fly. I'll see you on Sunday at eight."
Then she turns around on her heels and leaves.
The funniest thing about the last six months is that Ki Yeom wondered how different it would have been if her 'arcs' had been spaced out or in the wrong sequence. How strange was it to have all the events lined up almost one after another?
Sometimes, just for fun, she would imagine if she hadn't met Heeseung, and her father hadn't written the wrong address. She wouldn't have met him because neither of them cared enough to talk to each other.
Imagine if Ji Yeon hadn't showed up. Ki Yeom knew for sure that nothing would've changed. Ji Yeon would still be texting her every now and then, begging her to hang out when she didn't want to.
Imagine if her father hadn't showed up either - Ki Yeom sometimes wonders if he's going to come back again, find out she's moved away, and think about where she's gone.
Then again, that's not her problem either, is it?
"You left a tissue in your machine last week, you know?" Mr Hsien nags at her the moment Ki Yeom appears in his line of sight.
"Sorry!" Placing her laundry bag down, Heeseung helps to push a token into her machine first. "I'll make sure to check this time round."
"You better. Else I'll charge you two times next week!"
Ki Yeom glances at Heeseung. A knowing smile.
"You're not gonna tell him?"
"What for?" She loads her clothes in, fingers digging into the pockets as she does. "He'll be more than happy I'm no longer using his washing machines. Besides, you'll be here to tell him."
"I'm not gonna have a conversation with him telling him where you've gone and why you're gone."
"Well, too bad."
After the washing machine starts its usual humming and vibrating, Ki Yeom sits next to him on the row of seats, listening to the TikTok and Instagram Reels play on his phone while she looks through the digital documents that the art organisation had emailed her.
Ki Yeom hadn't thought that four years of isolation and loneliness could be undone in just six months. Maybe 'undone' is the wrong word.
Though she must admit, she didn't know what she was waiting for. In hindsight, she wonders what it was like to aimlessly tear through each day. It wasn't even that long ago, so she does remember that feeling of emptiness. She wonders if that's the exact same feeling that Heeseung has been dealing with, and probably will have to for longer.
She considers herself lucky. That for her, this four-year chapter is coming to an end.
But it's bittersweet. There's nothing attractive about being in constant fear and worry of having someone unwanted showing up at your doorstep or leaving you messages, but it reminds you that someone out there is still looking for you. This knowledge that someone still gives a shit about you... that's the thing that's addictive and hard to let go of.
Sometimes, she wonders if this is a good thing. Even though she has closed the chapter with her parents and Ji Yeon, it meant that she no longer had a reason to be interlinked with them and vice versa. Her parents are just her parents now. Ji Yeon is now an ex-best friend.
She looks up from her phone and ever so slightly, turns to Heeseung, whose soul is quite literally in his phone screen.
There wasn't enough time.
To explore. This friendship.
Or whatever you called it.
Ki Yeom had never crushed on anybody. She wonders what it must feel like. She always does. She had watched Ji Yeon entertain the boys that ogled over her at school, but she never had one herself.
She recalls the first time she met Heeseung. She was uncouth. Rude, cold and nonchalant. Which boy would like that kind of girl?
She snickers to herself.
"What?" Heeseung asks without looking up from his phone. "The video wasn't even that funny."
"Nothing," Ki Yeom shakes her head. "Though, can I ask you something? Feel free to ignore me or change the subject if you can't answer."
Heeseung hums in response. He scrolls.
"What is it like to have a crush on someone? What's it like to... be in university?"
Such simple questions.
But Heeseung feels stumped. He knew Ki Yeom didn't have the luxury to attend university, but he never thought she would think and ask about it.
He stops and turns down the volume first, then locks his phone and puts it down in his lap.
"The second question's easier to answer. Depending on the crowd you hang out with, university is either a four-year-long party before you go into the working world or... where you go through your existential crises before you go into the working world."
"So either way, it's kind of a shitshow, just whether it's on the fun side or the depressing side?"
"Bingo," Heeseung snaps his fingers and points at her. "The first question, however... I think it's different for most of people. A crush could mean many things. Like an eye-candy, or just a periodic infatuation just 'cause the person's cool or pretty. Or it could be some love-at-first-sight shit that's genuine."
"Do you believe in that? Love at first sight?"
"No," Heeseung shakes his head and puckers his lips in thought. "I mean when you're younger, yeah. I had a crush when I was a kid. Liked her for a couple of years, even though she rejected me right at the start. But my perseverance got me a short run with her."
"'Short run'? How short?" Ki Yeom smiles.
"Like... three months."
"Wow," She laughs and scratches the back of her neck. "Three years for three months?"
"That's exactly what a friend of mine said."
"But you said that was when you were younger. What about recent times? Has it changed for you? I never... had the chance to like someone. When I was in high school with Ji Yeon, I was so caught up in finding myself... with my art and dealing with... being poor. Then not being able to go to college pretty much sealed the deal. My last chance to be a student and a kid and meet people and fall in love and have break-ups was in high school and I didn't know."
Heeseung squints at her. "I don't think that going through all that in high school is advised. I mean, yes, that's when everybody goes through all that, but like... usually it's stupid and messy."
"At least they have the privilege of going through something stupid and messy and not have to worry about... other things. I thought that's what being a teenager is about. Being obnoxiously ignorant about everything else... only thinking about the guy or girl you liked and whether they would ask you out on a date."
He tilts his head at her, eyes looking away as he thinks.
"I think you were destined to... lead a life that the regular person doesn't get to experience. I know how terrible and shit it sounds because it just sounds like I'm trying to comfort you, but I do think you're special. In a resilient and talented type of way. That you were pulled off the average, regular path, and forced onto a better, more rewarding one. Albeit tough."
"Risky game."
"I don't think that if you had spent just a single minute thinking about a guy or a girl... it would've been worth it. It's like asking a God to worry about what color I should dye my hair."
A pause. Ki Yeom nods, a gentle smile on her lips.
"Thank you. For putting it that way."
Another pause. Heeseung was thinking. Then he parts his lips, a breath coming out before a word does.
"For me, I take awhile to like a person. It doesn't come easy nowadays, especially that I'm busy trying to find life fun. But I think right now... I wouldn't know it. I think I would've liked someone without knowing, and then something would happen that made me realise I liked this person."
"So like, 'never knew it until you lost it' kind of concept?"
"Something like that."
Ki Yeom hums in response.
"What about you? I mean, hypothetically, what do you think you're like? If you had a crush?"
"Hm," She rests her elbow on her crossed leg, chin resting on her folded fingers. "I probably have a curse of some sort. All that talk about me being on a more special path would give me tunnel vision, to the point that even if I did like someone and I knew, I don't think I'd stop my life to entertain it."
And just like that.
For some reason, it felt like they had a whole other conversation without even having it. There's a strange, bubbly feeling in Ki Yeom's stomach when she realises how quiet it's gone, on top of the machines' whirring.
She turns to look at him, whose eyes are a little bit sad, like they had heard something he knew was coming, but didn't want to hear. They were flitting between hers, as if waiting for her to say something else.
He blinks, then turns to look at his hands, thumb running over the mild callouses that have formed from playing the piano. Then Heeseung turns back to her, head tilted and eyes unable to focus.
"In an alternate universe... maybe we'll meet in school. And... you'll be the nonchalant, quiet, I-don't-give-a-shit-about-anything girl, and I might find it in myself to be curious about you... In a life that you didn't have to worry about your friends or the way you reacted, about your family or money. In a life where you could be 'obnoxiously ignorant'."
"In a life where I'd be your only problem. A crush that you wouldn't know how to fix or solve. Or maybe leave you with a heartbreak that would change your perspective of life and become a better person."
"I'll admit that I was worried. That I'd be the heartbroken one after you leave, knowing that you bought a one-way ticket and have no plans to return. But I'm no longer worried, because... I think I'd rather be heartbroken while you're still here."
By now he's looking at her, eyes slightly widened and glistening.
Ki Yeom's insides have been stretched, crushed and wringed, like towels on a spring cleaning day.
This gut-wrenching feeling felt all so familiar, and yet, so different.
Heeseung blinks and takes a deep breath, stretching as he leans back.
"I watched you fight your way out of your own life. Your own problems came knocking on your door and you somehow pushed through all those chapters and mishaps and everything. I was not going to be the person who confessed and made you feel like you had to stay."
Then he turns and looks at her, eyes still full of wander despite everything he's seen her go through.
"But now that I know how you feel and what you think, I'm thankful that... You care about yourself. I'm glad that you are the I-don't-give-a-shit-about-anything girl."
"You know sometimes I hate being that girl, don't you?"
"I know you do, but you are, and there's nothing wrong with it."
Ki Yeom frowns, trying to accept it; trying to accept herself; trying to accept that some chapters were never meant to be written. Some arcs were never meant to happen.
Perhaps this acceptance was an arc of itself.
In another life.
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On the day Ahn Yoo Hyeon met Woo Ki Yeom, she was having a particularly horrid day. Coming from her, that was unusual. She would never know if it was fate or some kind of sign, but it was the first time in ten years that it rained on her brother's death anniversary.
Just earlier that morning, she had to brave the rain to get to the florist to pick up the flowers she had ordered. But not only was she almost completely drenched by the time she had gotten there, the florist had lost the order form and forgotten to make the bouquet.
Half her day had already been ruined, and she wasn't even at the cemetery.
But her brother's best friend, showed up like an angel, to the florist as she was making the bouquet in a frantic manner. It's normal to see people freeze and get uncomfortable when they meet Oh Jihoon, for he was absolutely covered in tattoos. This included his face, his ears, the inside of his lips and into corners of the body you couldn't see.
"She giving you a hard time?" Yoo Hyeon remembers him teasing her to the florist.
"My apologies! I lost the order form, but the moment she stepped in- I remembered that she had ordered it-"
"Take your time! We're not in a rush."
Yoo Hyeon turns to him, brows furrowed. She lifts her sunglasses and glares at her with those angry orbs that her brother had as well.
"What?" He sits on a nearby stool, holding his phone between his thumb and index finger and gestures out the shop. "Take a look at the weather, would you? You're gonna make her wrap the bouquet up nicely then let it soak and drown in the rain?"
She huffs, wanting to retort but having nothing to say.
"How's the parlour going? Last you told me, you hired a couple of youngsters?"
She glares at him once more, then puts her glasses back on when she decides that he's right.
"The girl's a tomboy gangster and the boy's a gay unicorn. Funnily enough, they seem close."
Jihoon laughs boisterously. Yoo Hyeon can hear her brother's laughter in his.
"You sayin' that he's gay because you know for a fact?"
"He's got bright pink hair dyed down to his roots, and he talks like a girl."
"Hey, now," Jihoon raises both palms and chuckles.
"I think I know when I see a gay man. Plus, I say that with zero offence. What's wrong with calling someone gay if it's just an observation?"
"Ah- There's the education talking," He pauses, finger playing with the piercings on his ears. "You sound like your brother."
"You know, back in the day-"
By the time Yoo Hyeon had finished rolling her eyes at Jihoon's throwback, the florist had finished wrapping up the bouquet and apologised for the hundredth time. Initially rejecting the payment, Yoo Hyeon knew better than to refuse the service, handing her a hundred dollar bill and telling her to keep the change.
Jihoon had given her a soft 'ooh' in a bid to praise her coolness, and honestly? Yoo Hyeon could barely hide the smile.
The cemetery was about a thirty minutes drive out of the city.
"I always wondered what he'd be doing. Like what would he be working as? Would he be married and have kids?"
"No clue. But, honestly? Maybe zookeeper," He places both hands on the steering wheel as he turns down the winding path, rain drenching the windshield despite the wipers clearing it every second. "Suits him. Not having to wear office attires or deal with people. Married with kids? Not sure. Depends on whether he knocked someone up by accident."
Yoo Hyeon smiles to herself, eyes watching as the trees blur past and the city's skyline blending into the mountains behind.
"Anyway, your interview. You just had one recently, didn't you? For a touring art organisation?" She turns to him.
"Yeah. I'm still waiting on the results but I think I'm gonna get it."
"And when you do, you would have to move?"
"Seasonally, yeah. I guess I'd be spending months overseas, at a time."
"So, you wouldn't be here? On some years?"
Jihoon goes quiet. "Maybe. But you know I'll try my best to come back."
She hums in response. "It'd be different without you here."
"I know, but you know... One of the last things he told me was to never look back. He always told me that the damage had been done, so what for writhe in your own shit and cry about it? Don't think he'd be all that pleased if he knew we were fussing about him. In fact, sometimes when we visit him... he might not even be there."
Now, Yoo Hyeon can't stifle the laugh that comes out.
Later that day, Jihoon had wanted to drop her off at home, knowing that she was drenched that morning and knowing that it wasn't an easy day for her. But something in her told her to go back to the parlour. For whatever reason it was, she would never know.
But grief works in strange ways.
Yoo Hyeon knew that, to some, it was a stretch to think that her brother was the one who led her to Ki Yeom, who was starving and had obviously cried her eyes out when she found her down the street from the parlor, hiding herself from the rain.
But she will always think it was, because it was comforting to think that perhaps, her brother was watching over her, and even the people who might need her help.
She doesn't know why she hired Ki Yeom so quickly. She doesn't know why she felt the need to help her find accommodation. She doesn't know why she felt like she saw something in Ki Yeom, that would lead her to this very moment.
At the airport. Seeing her off. Into Jihoon's care where she will most likely blossom into a whole other person artistically.
"Jihoon's abit weird when you first meet him, but don't mind it. He's covered in tattoos and that's the only thing that's scary about him. Otherwise, he's a loser," She pulls off her glasses and folds the arms inwards.
Ki Yeom smiles and nods, hugging her jacket in her arms.
"Thank you, Ms Ahn. For taking care of me, ever since we met. I really wouldn't be here without you. I mean it. And it's true. Nothing can refute it."
The older takes a deep breath and raises a brow, "You have my brother to thank for that. He's dead, but I'd like to think he was there the day I found you on that street. Jihoon will tell you more when you get there."
Something in Ki Yeom turns sad and sour as she processed Yoo Hyeon's words. She purses her lips, offering a small smile.
"If you ever come back, I expect you to return."
"Of course."
Yoo Hyeon nods with intention, and slides her sunglasses back on.
Ki Yeom turns around, in her peripheral vision, noticing Soo Min and Jun Yeol getting into another bicker as Heeseung approaches her.
He sucks in a deep breath and shoves his hands into his pockets, shoulders shrugged up to his ears.
"New arc, new season."
She smiles, turning to look at the gate into the departure hall.
"It was nice... being a character in one of your seasons."
A knowing exchange of looks. Ki Yeom doesn't know what to say. Heeseung doesn't either. What else is there left to say?
"Will you hate me if I end up treating you like Ji Yeon?"
Heeseung parts his lips and frowns, then a smile creeps up on his lips. "Maybe. But you know what? I don't think I'd blame you. I'm just... a character in a season."
Ki Yeom takes a deep breath, and reaches out to wrap her arms around him, pressing her head into his collar and shutting her eyes.
"You'll be the character that everybody shipped me with, but never got together, and would write fanfics or canons about us if we happened."
She can hear him chuckle in his chest as he returns the hug. He intentionally lowers his head and nearer to her ear, "Accurate canon."
For the first time in Ki Yeom's life, she felt truly free.
Free from all the things that kept her here, free from all her worries and concerns. She was now going to live the life of one of those girls online, talking about how they moved abroad to work and explore a new culture and lead a new life. Ironically, she worried if she was going become one of those girls.
But even if she did, it's not her problem.
Is it?
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angelsanarchy · 1 year
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Glass Houses: Jack Thurlow x Y/N Series CH 06 -> CH 07
"Can I trust you to not kill my mom's dog?" "Yes?" "I hate how that sounded coming out of your mouth."
Tagging: @roryculkinluvr @thatsthewrongwallcraig @icarus-star @cc-luvr @madamemaximoff06 @shady-the-simp @quicksilversg1rl @s-0lar
Jack spent another day trying to balance between cleaning out another room, taking writing breaks and chain smoking cigarettes. He managed to skip napping throughout the day so sleeping wouldn't be such a chore once the sun went down but now that he was finally showered, reheated pizza in his belly, he was ready to curl up with his laptop and work on some more of his book. He sat down on his bed, laptop in his lap ready to write when he was startled by pounding on the door downstairs.
"Jack! Jack are you home?!" Jack could tell it was Y/N and tossed his laptop onto the bed, running down the stairs and flinging the door open. Y/n looked panicked, like she had been crying and was clutching Ace.
"Hey! Are you okay?" Jack looked her over to see if she was hurt anywhere but she looked to be in a long shirt like pajamas and flip flops.
"C-can you please watch Ace? Mom took a fall and I have to get her to the hosptial." Jack opened the door wider seeing how upset she was. Usually he wouldn't bother entertaining anyone else's distress at such a late hour unless they were Shanda but he remembered what Dr. Carty had suggested and wouldn't mind adding Y/n to the short list of people he called friend.
"Yeah of course. Is she okay? Do you need anything?" Jack could tell that Ace was concerned by his furrowed brows and his helpless look as he stared between him and Y/n. Rusty had a way of knowing whenever Jack was upset too. Dogs had a way of sensing those sort of things.
"She's sitting up but she's not really communicating so the ambulance is on the way. I just didn't want him to be left alone in case they decide to keep her for observation. I would have called but I realized we haven't actually exchanged numbers yet." Y/n took a deep breath and Jack could hear sirens in the distance.
"I don't have any problem taking him. Just let me know when to bring him back." She handed Ace over to Jack who put him on the floor and let him roam around. He immediately walked to the bottom of the stairs like he was ready to be carried upstairs to Jack's room.
"Can I trust you to not kill my mom's dog?" Jack looked confused by the sudden question.
"Yes?" He answered watching Y/n let out a stressed laugh.
"I hate how that sounded coming out of your mouth." Jack remembered he had told Y/N he had killed his dog last time they spoke and she assumed he was joking. I guess his lack of dog made her question the joke.
"I'm not sure what I can say to make you trust me. I mean I'm still a complete stranger to you but I do like having Ace around if that helps you feel better about leaving him. I can promise you that my friend Shanda removed all the sharp objects in the house before she flew back home and I'm too heavily medicated to get enough energy to do any harm with my hands." Jack shrugged holding his hands up. He didn't want to come across threatening in any way and risk losing the opportunity to hang out with Ace. He also kind of wanted Y/N to trust him.
"Well just know that if the moment hits and you feel like murdering him, I have specific knowledge on how to paralyze someone without it leaving any sort of trace. I will also torture you...slowly." Y/n pointed and Jack cracked a smile.
"You never know, I could be into that sort of thing." Jack teased. Y/n surprisingly returned the smile.
"Thank you for this. Seriously, you're a lifesaver right now. Here is my cell number. I'm not sure what time they might release her but I will try not to text too late." Y/n handed Jack a slip of paper with her phone number on it and he pocketed it.
"I don't sleep much so don't worry about texting late. I'll always answer." Jack tried to reassure her. The ambulance was coming around the bend and parked in front of her house.
"It's going to be okay. I got him. You just take care of your mom." Jack offered and Y/N gave him another long look before throwing her arms around his neck giving him a tight hug.
"Thank you Jack." Jack didn't have time to hug her back but he did realize that no one other than Shanda had hugged him in a long time. She released him and ran towards the house waving her arms. Jack watched as they loaded her mom up in the ambulance and take off down the road.
Jack shut the door and locked it up before grabbing Ace up from the front of the steps and carrying him up to his room. Ace took his spot on his bed and curled up. Jack sat back down on the bed, making sure to add the number to his cellphone in case she tried to call later, he didn't want to miss it.
As soon as he closed the contact, he was alerted to a new profile on social media that "You might know..." Out of curiosity, Jack opened his Instagram account to see who it might be and Y/N popped up. He opened her profile and immediately started cyber stalking her profile. It always baffled him when people had open profiles. There are far too many scammers and weirdos in the world to put your entirely life on the internet and not have it privatized. Not that anything on the internet is secure but Jack didn't spend too much time thinking about it as he ran across some boudoir photos that made his chest grow hot. The caption read: "Felt sexy, might make you horny later."
Jack glanced over towards Ace who was staring at him through the hair covering his eyes. He would have to continue his cyber stalking at a later date without the eyes of judgement boring holes into him.
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heymeowmao · 9 months
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2023.12.17 - https://weibo.com/l/wblive/p/show/1022:2321324979512155701380
Carnation Music Festival 3.0!!
LYN: Hallo everybody, good evening. We are the Modern Brothers! There are so many people here, right? LYN: Can you hear the laugh track, though? That's the most important thing. Very important. // You can? Ok. LYN: Welcome to our 3rd Carnation Music Festival~ It's been a long time since our last one, so many friends were missing it. The reason why I decided to hold it today was in order to thank you for all of your support/protection.
C: Where are the carnations? LYN: WE are the carnations!
C: Sit down! LYN: No. Let me tell you- I'm going to spend this whole thing standing. Today's proceedings will be like a true music festival. We've done this twice already, so this time we need to upgrade. I'll do this whole stream standing. LYN: All the other ones I was sitting and singing, so this time I have to be standing. So I can show you something new. But somehow it seems like I'm about to hit the ceiling. I'm about to make a slam dunk. /looks up/ Oh? Why are the top lights on? Those make me look ugly... Well, it's okay. I'm ugly enough. It doesn't make a difference.
LYN: Today is nice. It'll be fun. This is Da Fei, our keyboardist. A lot of people ask me why I'm called "Modern Brothers" Liu Yuning. Where are my brothers? Did they run away? No. This is my keyboardist, Da Fei. He is a member of the Modern Brothers. And this is my guitarist, Ah Zuo. We used to be a small band; we were working our butts off every night singing in the bar. Then one day we finally made it- we debuted. LYN: But lately because I've entered the acting industry, their work became less. Now it's hard for us to meet up. But YNGS is about to finish airing, so I figured we could get together again after such a long time away. It's a small reunion. C: Da Fei-ge got rounder. LYN: Yeah, but Ah Zuo is not any better off. He's standing further back so it looks like he's thinner, but he actually gained a lot. LYN: Anyway, today we're just going to be singing. I hope you can spend a relaxing and wonderful night with us. The equipment is a little lacking, because we're just in my house. The camera broke, so we're making do with what we have- the quality might not be as good. But we're just going to have fun, so don't expect too much from me and consider this a concert. I want to say, though- my concert definitely won't look like this. If you're expecting to come to my concert next year, please don't let this lower your expectations.
C: I need to go to class! LYN: Many of you are busy. If you're busy you can do your thing. There's always the playback. You can watch it then.
LYN: Let's start this off with a song! And let me also warm up my voice! Friends- it's like this. I wrapped up at 12a last night and I came back home and we were rehearsing until 5a. You thought we just moved the instruments and were ready to go, but no- we were rehearsing until 5a. We are offering this concert up to you. It was made for you. My voice is so fricking tired; it's hoarse. So please be magnanimous if the results are not too good. Let me sing a small song first and we'll test out the sound. Earlier, before we started the stream, the computer just died. We were all flustered.
LYN: Let's do a small song first, and see how it goes. This is a benefit- a gift for all of you. This- I want to sing while standing, but it makes controlling the computer more complicated... LYN: Look at these- we prepared a lyrics book, too. We're being serious, today. Okay. Let's try it. - /Ah Zuo starts playing the first notes/ LYN: ! Wait! Ah Zuo hasn't been in a stream in so long he's anxious to start. He can't wait to get the song started. LYN: Don't panic. Don't panic. Because I am already panicking. - /tells Ah Zuo to stand more in the front bc he's gonna block him from where he's standing/ C: Ah Zuo's excited! LYN: No, he... he's just got a rushed personality.
LYN: Thank you! Thanks for your support. C: I'm excited! LYN: You are? I am too. When I was singing I also started shaking a little. My hands started shaking, because it's been a really long time since I've properly sung a song in my stream and especially as the whole band. I'm a little flustered but it's okay. We have a long time for tonight. I'll spend a long time with you tonight, okay?
C: There's a glare on the mirror. LYN: The mirror? What mirror? Oh, you mean my glasses? That's the way it's supposed to be. A singer can't let you see their eyes clearly. That way you'll think they are mysterious and you'll desire to see into their inner heart. It's on purpose.
C: Why is Ah Zuo wearing slippers? LYN: They're my slippers, what's wrong with that? Do you want to steal them away?
C: How long do you usually stream for? LYN: I usually start with around two hours. I'm not like a lot of other artists out there who only stream for an hour at most. Here with me, I make sure you're full. That you've had enough. I start with two hours. To this day the longest I've streamed is around four + hours. My livestream is more like a security monitor- I leave it on for hours so you can come once in a while to look at me. I want to make sure you have enough. People in Dongbei have big portion sizes.
LYN: The next song is one of mine- it's called Fall in Love. When you heard I was going to do 3.0, did you buy light sticks home? Did you? No? LYN: I just saw a comment that read, "Ge, I have already put my makeup on and gotten my nails done. Now I'm ready to watch LYN's stream." You don't need to be so polite. You put on makeup at home, in order to watch my stream? That's a big honor. C: I bought snacks. LYN: Oh, you bought duck necks and snacks in preparation to watch my stream? C: I don't have light sticks, I have a small sun. LYN: Wow. That's warm. LYN: Anyway, this song- Fall in Love- if you're watching on your phone, then turn on the flashlight! When you're watching my stream, you can dance along. We want an online-offline experience. Okay? Sway along. C: I have Harbin sausages. (stick-shaped) LYN: Wow, amazing. C: A cat toy. LYN: Okay- I don't really care what type of "棒" (stick) you have, as long as you move along with me. This song is called "Fall in Love."
Fall in Love (remix)
LYN: How is it? C: He gave me a heart! LYN: Yes, I'm just that greasy.
C: Where are the people? LYN: You must be lagging.
LYN: This /gestures at DF/- yes, this is LYN. He's gotten fatter lately.
LYN: Hold on, let me make some adjustments. // We don't have such refined stage design like different angles or anything. I thought if I had the follow-effect it would bring the mood up. Right? It makes the room look much more lively. LYN: Let me introduce myself again. I am Modern Brothers Liu Yuning. If you like us, then please subscribe. Thank you to everyone who has come to watch my stream today. LYN: It's our Carnation Music Festival... ! Oh- we didn't set the logo up. Hold on a second. I need to advertise this. - /making the logo/ LYN: Red looks festive. How about that? Isn't it fashionable? I think this design is worth 200RMB, what do you think? C: Looks tacky. LYN: Let me tell you the origin of the Carnation Music Festival. Why is it called that? One day we were singing and streaming and it just so happened to be Mother's Day; so we named the music festival "carnation", because that's the flower you gift to mothers. LYN: Is it too tacky? When something is tacky to an extreme it becomes fashion. // Let me see if I can change the font. Which font do you want? - /taking audience input and changing the font/ LYN: This isn't any better! C: What about yellow? LYN: Yellow isn't eye-catching. /changes it/ This isn't any better! It doesn't matter. Then, let's make it smaller. I'll put it on DF's face. Isn't it suitable? // Let me find somewhere to put it... C: You don't have an artist on your team? LYN: What team do I have? My "team" is just a small studio- it's only a few people. LYN: Let's just leave it somewhere it won't get in the way. (bottom right) Here is fine. Let's not worry about it anymore. LYN: It may look tacky, but it's what's at the core that counts.
LYN: Is there anyone watching who is studying graphic design? You can come to my company to work. Your job will be to make the Carnation Music Festival logo. C: How much is the salary? LYN: 30k(RMB) a month. But the probation period is five years. In those five years you'll spend it "learning." After five years, your benefits will be one month's worth of salary. C: The probation period is three years? LYN: No. Five years. Even worse. That's a black-hearted boss right there.
LYN: These few days- because everyone knows I was going to hold the festival- so I looked up songs that you all requested. There are some I always sing, but since you keep requesting them I figured we would try to reminisce back on those times. So now I have a bunch of songs I used to sing before. I even made lyrics sheets for today- how professional is that? LYN: These music stands- I bought them yesterday. I tried to buy them and couldn't find a single one in all of Hengdian. In the end we found an instrument store- you'd think a place that sells musical instruments has music stands, right? They didn't. So I asked them if they could sell me any second-hand. But the owner said, "If I sell these stands to you, what about my students??" I told him, "I don't care!" XD In the end we bought each for 50rmb. 150rmb for three. But the owner said, "I'll sell you two, and let you borrow the third. Return one to me and I'll return you 50rmb." Deal. So we bought these at the last minute and they're a little rough.
LYN: Let me introduce myself again, because there could be a lot of new friends here. You might have seen my drama, and I hope that through this stream you can get to know me better. People always ask why I am called "Modern Brothers" Liu Yuning. It's because we used to be a group- a small band, even though we weren't very famous. We were called the Modern Brothers, so I always say I am Modern Brothers' Liu Yuning. This is Modern Brothers' Da Fei. This is Modern Brothers' Ah Zuo. They are my keyboardist and guitarist- very cool. Now because most of the time I'm shooting dramas, so they are out of work. They're at home just idling.
C: Are there any benefits for new fans? LYN: You mean how if you buy an iQIYI membership for the first time you get a bit of a discount? Is that what you mean? Are there any benefits for new fans...? Yes. This next song is just for you. You don't have to think about the meaning behind this song. I am just forcefully saying that this is your gift. This next song is for all the new friends who have just "won" (learned about) LYN. If you haven't subscribed to my weibo yet, please do so.
LYN: Okay. We've sung some faster songs, now let's move on to something more gentle. There were a lot of songs people really liked, but we never could find the accompaniment for them. But now I have my band, so now they can help me play the song. Now I can sing all the songs you want to hear and I want to sing. Don't worry- I have a lot of fun things planned. We were rehearsing until 5a! So I want to thank all of you who come to watch my stream on time. Thank you all.
C: I want to hear 赤. LYN: Ok. If I'm in a good condition, we'll try it. Don't rush.
C: Can you take th logo away? LYN: How much do you hate our Carnation Music Festival logo?? This is! The soul of our music festival. Without this logo, this whole thing would lost its strength/meaning. Don't hate it.
LYN: This next song is something a lot of you requested, and I did sing some of. But I didn't do a good job then, because the accompaniment was for a woman's key.
LYN: I want to remind you again- if you're watching my stream it would be best to do so with headphones. We're all wearing earbuds, so what we hear is pretty much what you hear. If you're just playing through phone speakers it might lack a little.
C: There are no lyrics... LYN: You want to sing along with me? We don't really have the complete equipment. Because the accompaniment is live, so there are no lyrics. I'm sorry. But later there are some songs for which I will play a track and those WILL have lyrics. I can't turn the lyrics on. C: You can't remember the lyrics? LYN: ... LYN: There's nothing we can do, because the track is live.
C: I'm broadcasting it to my tv. LYN: Nice. If you're watching my stream and your equipment allows, watch with headphones. We want surround sound- Dolby sound effects.
C: The volume of the music is a little low. LYN: Are you serious? It's low? Is it because you're not wearing headphones? LYN: It probably is a little low. When we first started, the computer froze a bit. So now it's... It's not low? Ok! Try to wear headphones if you can, though. This stream is a little rougher because we didn't have a lot of time to test the equipment.
C: Ning-ge, do you have a lottery today? I want soybean oil. LYN: /sigh/ It's been so long since I streamed, and you bring that up? But thanks for mentioning it, because it IS a shame. I should have prepared some real benefits- gone to the market to buy ten jugs of soybean oil to raffle off. I'll admit it- that was my lack of oversight. I really should have made this stream full of benefits. The grand prize would be ten bottles of oil. Ten jugs. Bottles are a little small. LYN: Many of you may not know. If you check in to my Super Topic- it's called Modern Brothers- when you check in for 300 days you can win a jug of soybean oil. 1000 days and you can take away a bag of rice. We'll send it to your house. No eggs, though. Those things are too easily breakable. C: Ning-ge, I've checked in for more than 500 days now. LYN: Let us owe you. It's like this- one day if you see me on the street you can say, "Liu Yuning! Give me my soybean oil! You owe me soybean oil!!" How incredible would that be? You've chased stars to the extend that the stars now owe you. That's impressive. LYN: Our main theme is "owing each other".
C: Ning-ge, can you sit closer? I can't see. LYN: Send me your address, I'll go to your house. Send me your address, I'll grab a plane ticket. No matter where you are, I'll go to your house. I'll send the goods straight to your door. If you can't see me clearly, send my studio your address. I'll go to your house. I'll let you see me clearly.
LYN: The next song is another slow one. /to AZ & DF/ Is everything okay? I've been talking for five minutes, waiting for you. Did you forget the sound? It's okay. You can take your time to look for it. Based on my skills, I can hold out another five minutes for you. business abilities have degenerated so quickly. Let's leave him some face and allow this mistake today, alright? I won't dock his pay for this. We'll look for it together. LYN: /sighs/ ... /snores/ - /lets them figure it out while he preps more coffee/
C: Why don't they have chairs? LYN: I'm bullying them. No- they have chairs, look. I'll be standing later when I'm singing, too! I was planning on giving them chairs to sit on while I stood, but then I thought that if I were standing and they sitting, it would look like the didn't have anything to do with me. Look- Ah Zuo has a long seat he could sit on. I'm sitting now but later I'll also stand. It's all to make the mood. You think their legs aren't numb??
C: What are you drinking? LYN: Coffee. So I can maintain my levels of excitement. C: If you drink too much you'll need to use the restroom. LYN: At concerts they even give me five minutes to change outfits! You're really not planning on letting me stop?? It's like you're afraid. "Ning-ge, don't drink water or you'll need to use the restroom." I get five minutes to change my outfit during my concerts. This is just a small livestream.
LYN: Hold on, I'm not ready. YOU are, but I'm not. What key is it? LYN: See? I gave them time and now they're turning it around and rushing me. LYN: It's alright. I'm joking.
LYN: Isn't it amazing? This keyboard can even play the sound of a pipa. Our musicians are so professional~ It makes Da Fei look a lot more handsome. Play it again. I haven't heard enough.
LYN: Ok. Let's move straight into the next song. What did you think of it? It's a song I wanted to sing a long time ago and it's something you really like. So this time I asked them to make an accompaniment so I can sing it. Just listen for entertainment.
C: I don't dare go to the restroom. LYN: You can take your phone in there with you, okay? It doesn't matter. Don't think that if you take me into the restroom it would be an insult to me. I'm not afraid of being insulted, at the moment.
LYN: Anyway- this next song has unexpectedly become hot again. Wait- it's always been hot. Excuse me. But! You've heard my cover of it and thought it sounded nice, so... I'll use the Carnation Music Festival 3.0 to sing it again. It's a song I sang many years ago, but it seems like my audio has been circulating around the short video platforms. It's called 等我先说. - /AZ revs up/ LYN: /who just took a sip of coffee/ !! Wait a minute. Don't rush. Let me recover a bit. These two... once they're familiar with the song they're ready to go with it. 等我先说. It's a song I did a cover of before. - /warms up his voice/ LYN: My throat hurts a little.... /sigh/ Let's do it.
LYN: It's been a long time since I sang this. But I was going through it when we were rehearsing and I found out I still remember how to sing it. So... we can use it to reminisce. I know that you've requested a lot of songs, but I can't sing them all. This one, I felt, was more meaningful. So I decided to sing this one.
LYN: The next one is called 乌兰巴托的夜 (Nights in UlaanBaatar). It'll be a little difficult for me, since my voice condition is not very stable. But I hope- you don't have to use your light sticks. For this song you can close your eyes, and listen quietly.
C: You even rehearsed? LYN: Of course! I wrapped at 12a, we came back to eat a little, and it wasn't until we rehearsed until 5a that I let them go. THEN I was removing my drama makeup and washing up. It was all for presenting to all of you a good condition and relatively more complete performance. It's my first time singing this song, so... you all can just listen for fun.
- /promptly drops his lyrics sheets/ LYN: Look at this- a 50RMB music stand is just basic. It doesn't even have a sheet clip. We need a bottle of water to hold the papers.
C: I'm lagging. LYN: Is it lagging? There's nothing I can do about it, since my stream today is a little more popular than usual. Many of you might be watching me in YNGS, and came to check out my stream. I want to thank everyone who is supporting YNGS and hope you continue to do so. Thank you. If you haven't subscribed to my weibo yet, you can do that too.
LYN: The next song is 茶底世界. It's something you've always been requesting. I don't think I've sung this song since my debut. But it's also a very nice sounding song. I saw you requesting it again, so I decided I would sing this rock n' roll style song for you. - /warming up/ C: That scared me! LYN: Oh, did I scare you? Sorry.
LYN: Thank you. Oh- I suddenly thought of a song. 花房姑娘. We haven't sung it in a while. It's not in our song list, but it's okay. I just remembered that you liked when I sang it, before. LYN: /to DF/ Give me a key. Let's see if I can still sing it. - /tries to sing 恋语1910 instead/ LYN: No, that's not it right? - /gets the right one/ LYN: Ok. I can try it. Let's go. LYN: Hold on... I want to fake-play my guitar. I just want to make myself busy. - /the strap is not on, so he asks DF is he can squeeze it on there/ LYN: ? I think I have another strap there?? You can take it first, see if you can get it on.
C: Ka-ka. LYN: /grabs his kazoobie (kazobo??)/ Kaka will always be here. Kaka will never lose an opportunity to present itself. If I don't show it off, then I bought it for nothing. - /starts playing Offer (奉上) & Don't Dream of Cold (别梦寒) on it; then My Heart Will Go On/ LYN: I can play anything. It's unbeatable.
- /DF comes back/ LYN: Does it work? It's a little unstable? Ok. Even if this hundreds of dollars guitar gets smashed today, this stream would be worth it. LYN: For the sake of this stream- - /tries to put the guitar on but the strap is too short/ LYN: Can we make this longer? I'm too tall. - /makes it longer/ LYN: Now it's too long. Whatever. I'm fake playing anyway. LYN: ! Where's my phone? I need to look up the lyrics. LYN: I'm so busy. I feel like I'm going to die. But it's okay- every good performance comes with some sacrifice. C: You look pretty rock and roll. LYN: Do I? Great- that's the look we're going for. You don't have to think about what sound it's making- it's just for looks. Now, where should I put this (kaka)? /laughs/ As if I weren't busy enough! Should I hang it off my belt/pants? I'll just put it here (on the music stand). I can just grab it and start playing. Okay. LYN: You go first. ! Wait- my lyrics!! How do I make the screen stay on for longer??
LYN: I almost busied myself to death. The main theme of my stream is to be busy and bustling. But it's alright. LYN: Do you like this type of mood, friends? If you do, we can... do another. LYN: How does 一块红布 go? // Hmm. I won't sing this one. Let's sing something gentle. We got a little hyped up, and we'll still be later but I want to be gentle and warm right now.
LYN: This next one is a song I really really like. And- /confirming the key/. Sometimes when I'm emo I'll listen to this song and it will make me happier. Or rather, it will make me even more emo. XD But I really like this song. C: What song? LYN: You'll know when I sing it. I'll have to sooner or later. I don't think we did this one well in rehearsal, so I've forgotten how it goes.
C: I'm sleepy now. LYN: Then go to sleep! If you can't stay up, then go to sleep. Thank you. Friends, if you're sleepy, you can go. I'll never force you to stay. If you're sleepy you can go rest. If you're not, then keep me a little company while I stream. LYN: I was planning to sing this one next- 熬夜 (Stay Up All Night). But now you're telling me you're sleepy?! I was planning to sing this song next, but now I don't really want to. Will it seem like I'm forcing you? LYN: I'll let everyone rest. DF & AZ can go out and play. I'll sing Stay Up All Night for you. Hold on- let me find the track. ~ 我熬了一整 YEAH! (夜)~ LYN: Now it's a happy song. For all the friends who like to stay up at night. C: It's just past 6p and you're sleepy?? LYN: It's good- sleeping early is good for your health. // Young people nowadays... start getting sleepy at 6p? /smh/ Alright then. What are you doing in the morning?? Are you going to climb a mountain? Go jogging? If you really have such good habits, then it's okay.
LYN: This song is called Stay Up All Night- its one of my singles, I guess. If you like it, you can go give it a listen. C: You really can stay up all night... LYN: Right?
LYN: Anyway, this stream is to thank everyone who might have come to know me through a drama. I'm very happy and honored to become your friend. Today is our very amazing Carnation Music Festival, version 3.0. I took a look the other day and the last one was in 2021! We took two years to get this even up and running again. What we're aiming for is... longevity. Since 2021 was so long ago. LYN: Our stream today is to give back to my family, all my good friends and fans, to the people who like LYN- or even if you don't like me, those of you who came to check me out. This stream is for you. I hope this stream lets you have a relaxing, happy, and wonderful night. Okay?
LYN: This next song is a relaxing one- it's called 撞地球 (Earth Collision). There are some lyrics in it that I really like. ~ Sometimes I don't want to live anymore, but then I think that there are others more deserving of death. ~ LYN: I started liking this song just because of one lyric. I think the mentality of this song is really great. LYN: Oh, this song- am I worthy of picking up the guitar for this one? But is it really that rock? If it's not, then I won't hold it. As long as it's a little bit rock, I can hold it. But then, does this (kaka) go to waste? I can't use it, right? - /setting up/ LYN: You know- we make all these adjustments as an excuse to stall for time. Because I feel like we're running out of songs! So I need to rely on these tactics to stall. XD - /starts but then stops, bc he feels like he's singing too low of a key/ LYN: Sorry, friends. You got hyped up a little too early. We made a mistake. You've already started dancing, but then suddenly we stopped.
LYN: Thank you. Oh hey- is my speaker all charged up? That speaker? Friends, let me go use the restroom. And then... do you want to sing DF? He doesn't want to. Then, Zuo-ge...? XD LYN: We'll do a 3 minute intermission and I'll play a video. We have all sorts of tips and tricks, here. How about this- Zuo-ge can solo a little. - /gets distracted by staff/ LYN: Wait a minute, hold on. I need to go to the bathroom. I need to pee, what am I holding on to this (the mic) for?? LYN: Let Zuo-ge, my guitarist, do a solo while I use the restroom. They were going to bring the speaker over to me!! I'll go and come back. Wait for me a sec. It's a straightforward stream today, I'm not going to give excuses.
LYN: Wait, friends- there are a couple customers down here who are fighting. They're throwing water bottles. I need to go take a look. // Oh? The lights reflecting on my glasses is so interesting. I look like a robot. :) // There are customers fighting off stage. Let me go take a look.
AZ Guitar Solo!
- /LYN comes back advertising for collecting old washing machines with his speaker/ LYN: Why is the sound so low?? - /tests it and there's feedback. LYN: 😨!/ LYN: Now the sound is too loud. Then- we'll also just use it as a prop. I won't turn it on. But my computer can imitate the sound. :)
LYN: ~ Walk on, walk by, but don't miss out. Everything here is 10yuan, friends. 10yuan.~ C: Are you 10 yuan, too? LYN: Wait a minute! Wait- let me take a breather. // Don't you all say that I am your "baby"? How can you take me home for just 10 dollars?? You all say that I am the most precious to you, but apparently "most precious" is only worth 10 dollars. /sigh/
LYN: /is tired/ Let me... sit a while.
LYN: Once again I want to thank all of you who have come to watch my stream today. If it's your first time watching, please subscribe to my weibo, okay? Thank you, thank you. It's not shameful to follow me. Thank you. You can follow my small/lowly weibo. I'm just a... a small singer, who is trying out acting. I hope you can support me. LYN: Thank you!
C: Watching your stream makes the rice go down! LYN: Am I a savory dish? Am I shredded pork with garlic sauce (yu xiang rou si)?
LYN: Right now.. YNGS should have already been uploaded. It's 7p now. It should be up. I was planning to stream from 5-7p- a two hour music festival. Self-proclaimed music festival. I thought it would be enough time, but it looks like we've messed up the timing.
C: Watching you stream makes me do my homework faster. LYN: You're not just writing nonsense are you? You're watching my stream while doing your homework, and you end up writing down the lyrics to the songs I'm singing as the answers?? It's asking you- "what's the principle behind the atomic bomb?" and you write "Because... Offer. I'm willing to take a thousand difficulties and dangers on my soul."
LYN: Normally I'll stream at least once month. I used to stream a lot more but lately I haven't had the time so... if you really like to see me then you can subscribe to my weibo. Sincerely. That way when I stream next, it will notify you. LYN: I really want to thank everyone who is in my stream and spent such a long time with me. Really, thank you. I especially want to thank those of you who are watching me in YNGS and have now come to my stream. Thank you for your support. I'm very brave, and I'm also very strong (minded). Thanks for your support and I hope we continue to head the same direction.
LYN: I have one last song. It's one that I absolutely must sing. No matter how tired I am, I have to sing it.
LYN: Thank you! LYN: It's about time. Again, thanks to everyone who has spent the night with us in this stream. Of it's your first time watching the Modern Brothers you can subscribe to our weibo. I hope in the days to come we can meet again. Thanks for watching and participating by leaving me comments. Thank you to the fans who always protect me, and those of you who are watching the drama and protecting me there, too. I don't want to say too much. In any case, I am grateful for your support and protection. LYN: I hope you had a relaxing, happy, and wonderful night. It was great to have you, and I hope you enjoyed yourself. Let's meet again at the next music festival, friends! Good night everyone!
LYN: YNGS has new episodes out, now. Go watch the drama! Check in to iQIYI and search for YNGS. You can check out our drama. Thanks for your support. Bye bye!
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silly-l1ttle-guy · 9 months
Head Over Heels
i got bored
"Giogio... get out of bed..." Fugo sighed, trying to push Giorno off him. "You have a meeting in two hours..."
Giorno simply groaned and clung tighter to his boyfriend. He really didn't want to get out of bed. He always hated mornings, which is ironic, considering that his name quite literally translates to the word day.
"I stayed up till 2am last night, let me sleep," the blond mumbled, yawning as if to emphasize his point.
He did have a healthy sleeping schedule at one point, but it quickly fell apart once he took over as the Don.
"C'mon, goldilocks, you need to get ready," Fugo said tiredly as he sat up, which also forced Giorno to sit up.
"Pannaaaa..." this guy really didn't want to get up, and he expressed this by whining to his lover until the latter pushed him of the bed, which definitely woke him up.
Giorno immediately shot up, whipping his head around to stare at Fugo with the most offended expression the red eyed boy had ever seen, which caused him to immediately burst out laughing.
"C-come on, amore mio! Don't be dramatic!" Fugo said between laughs, as Giorno stood up and turned away, crossing his arms.
"I cannot believe you," he huffed, pouting as Fugo laughed his ass off behind him.
Moments after, however, Giorno seemed to give up the offended act and his pout cracked into a grin. The boy giggled and hopped back onto the bed, sitting in front of Fugo and holding the Italian's head in his hands.
"You're so cute, cutie pie~," he teased his lover affectionately, before placing a chaste kiss to his lips.
Fugo grinned wildly and wrapped his arms around his neck. "You've got it all wrong, pretty boy, you're the cute one here!"
Giorno laughed and kissed his pale lover again, who quickly reciprocated the kiss.
"I love you, Panna," the green eyed blond said softly, resting his forehead against Fugo's as they both pulled away from the kiss.
"And I love you too, my Giogio," the albino closed his eyes, just sitting there in his lover's embrace for a moment to appreciate him.
The cute moment was then promptly cut off by Mista bursting into room and almost tripping over one of the books lying on the floor.
"WAKE UP SLEEPYHEADS!! IT'S MORN-" Mista immediately cut himself off, as he saw the two teens turn to glare at him. Giorno was visibly playing with Fugo's hair to make sure he doesn't let his anger take control of him.
Mista, with a slightly scared-for-his-life expression, chose the smart idea and slowly backed out of the room, closing the door behind him.
Giorno sighed and turned back to Fugo, smiling at him. "I'll go get ready for that meeting, thanks for waking me up."
The white haired boy smiled and kissed his boyfriend's cheek, before letting go of him. "You're welcome, sunshine. I love you."
"I love you too, baby," Giorno kissed his forehead, before getting off the bed to go get himself ready for the day.
Fugo also got out of bed, deciding to water Giorno's plants for him and feed all the animals that Giorno insists on having. Some of them he created, but most of them are just strays he picked up off the streets.
It almost reminded him of how Bucciarati took him in off the streets, in a way. Fugo smiled solemnly at the memory of Bucciarati, before wiping his eyes and watering the plants.
About an hour or so later, whilst Fugo was playing the piano, Giorno entered the room and walked over to him. "I have to go now, I love you."
Giorno kissed the top of his head and quickly left, with Mista trailing out after him. Fugo sighed and smiled, taking his hands off of the keys to feel his face, which was warm and blushing. He was head over heels for that boy, that was for sure.
As Giorno left, a small, black dog ran up to Fugo, yapping excitedly.
Fugo chuckled and pet the dog, which was lovingly named Citrus, because Giorno gave it part of the orange he was eating when they had found the poor little thing on the streets.
Citrus jumped up onto the stool Fugo was sitting on, looking up at him and wagging his little tail happily. What Fugo really took notice of was the dog's eyes, however.
They were purple, and they looked just like Narancia's.
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