#I'll Hide it away In a cupboard. Slightly Scared of what it can do. I'm not Even sure of what it can do.
flohuman · 1 year
I wonder where This thing came from anyways. It's Strange but I find myself intrigued by it.
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aliceparrilla18 · 4 months
Home (is wherever I'm with you)
Prompt "15. If you don't know where to go, you can always come here" by @creativepromptsforwriting which you can find right here.
Posted also on ao3!
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Cody was on his way to his room after checking on the troopers when he saw Obi-Wan. The other man didn't notice him, too deep in his own thoughts, and, unaware of being watched, continued to slowly walk down the hall. It was already very late and he should have been sleeping instead of wandering aimlessly around the ship.
Cody sighed. He knew what day it was.
The anniversary of the death of Kenobi’s master.
He didn't get to meet Qui-Gon Jinn, and Obi-Wan rarely mentioned him, but Cody knew that even though their relationship wasn't the easiest, his General was deeply affected by his master's death and never truly stopped blaming himself for it.
Cody knew his General well enough to be sure that whatever happened, he had done absolutely everything in his power to prevent it. There was no doubt in his mind about that.
Only it wasn't enough. Not today.
Cody slowly approached Obi-Wan, taking loud steps so as not to scare him by sneaking up. When he finally noticed him, Obi-Wan smiled softly at Cody. His back was slightly hunched and his shoulders were slumped as if the weight he was carrying on them was threatening to drag him down, and his eyes lacked their usual spark. He was clearly tired.
“Hello, Cody,” he said. “What are you doing here at this hour?”
“I could ask you the same question.” Cody smiled sympathetically as he watched Obi-Wan desperately try to hold back a yawn. “Why aren't you in your quarters? It's late. You should be resting.”
Obi-Wan looked down and started playing with the sleeve of his tunic, making himself look like a child.
“I can’t sleep”, he answered with what Cody knew was honesty. “My quarters are painfully too quiet today.”
Cody felt a pang of guilt in his chest. His duties had kept him busy throughout the day, so much so that he had no time for Obi-Wan. He knew it wasn't his fault - he was a commander, the General's second hand, and he had plenty of things to do.
This logic, however, could not drown out the thought that on a day like this Cody had left Obi-Wan completely alone with his pain and grief. On a day like this, Cody should have been by his side to share this grief and offer some much-needed comfort.
Cody grabbed Obi-Wan’s hand.
“Come with me,” he said. He didn’t say anything else, and Obi-Wan didn’t ask, he just let Cody lead him.
The Negotiator's corridors were almost empty, only a few troopers from the night watch passed them along the way. Cody held Obi-Wan's warm hand firmly in his. He really didn't care if anyone was watching them. He didn't want to pretend anything. He didn't want to hide. The war had proven to him too many times already that life was too short for such things.
When they got to his quarters, Cody opened the door and dragged Obi-Wan inside with him. He looked at the other man and squeezed his hand.
“How about you go to bed and I'll make you some tea?” He always kept a box of Kenobi's favorite tea in the cupboard just for occasions like this, although he wished they could drink it under other, better circumstances.
Obi-Wan gave him a tired smile and squeezed his hand back.
“Okay,” he nodded in agreement and walked away.
While waiting for the water to boil, Cody removed his armor and placed it neatly in its usual place. By the time he had changed into much more comfortable sleeping clothes, the tea was ready. He took the cup in both hands, careful not to burn himself, and went to his microscopic bedroom.
Obi-Wan was laying on the bed, wrapped in Cody's blanket up to the tip of his nose. He wasn't asleep yet. Cody sat down next to him on the bed and handed him a steaming mug.
“Here, have a drink.”
“Thank you, dear.”
After taking a few sips, Obi-Wan placed the cup on the nightstand and moved closer to Cody. Cody lay down on the bed, getting comfortable on the pillows, and allowed Obi-Wan to partially lie on top of him. Obi-Wan buried his face in the crook of his neck and placed a hand on his chest to feel the beating of his heart.
“I'm sorry I wasn't there for you today,” Cody said, wrapping his arms around Obi-Wan. Obi-Wan's hair tickled his chin as he shook his head.
“It’s not your fault, Cody.”
“Still. I know it's been hard for you today. I wanted to be there for you.”
“I know and I appreciate it. I'm glad to be here with you now.”
Cody looked around the room, where the only source of light was a lamp on a small desk in the corner. His quarters were small, but he was lucky to have them at all. If he weren't a commander, he would be sleeping in one room with his brothers. Not that he minded much. Obi-Wan's quarters were in a different part of the ship. They normally slept far apart.
In a perfect world, they could live together and wake up next to each other every morning.
But the world wasn't perfect, at least not yet, and until the war was over, what they had would have to be enough - stolen, little moments in Cody's too-small bedroom.
“You know,” Cody ran his fingers through Obi-Wan's soft hair. “When something happens, anything, when you ever need me and I'm not around... If you don't know where to go, you can always come here. For me, this place is the closest thing to "home" and I want it to be your safe place.” At least until we can build our own home together, went unsaid.
He felt Obi-Wan move and looked down to meet his gaze. His blue eyes were still filled with sadness, but in the dim light Cody could also see gratitude in them, and something much more precious, that not so long ago he would never even dare to dream could be his.
Obi-Wan leaned down and placed his warm, soft lips against Cody's in a most tender kiss. Cody closed his eyes, kissing back, and placed his hand on Obi-Wan’s cheek, gently stroking his skin with his thumb.
When they pulled apart, Obi-Wan snuggled back into Cody, and Cody rolled over so he could hold him even closer.
A comfortable silence fell between them. Cody knew that if Obi-Wan wanted to talk, he would. For now, they could lie in each other's embrace.
It was all they both needed.
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faofinn · 3 years
BTHB - Anger Born of Worry
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When Fao left on tour, he seemed to take most of Harrison’s sense and stability with him. The younger wolf began causing issues almost immediately, quickly squaring up to Sheila and Fred. Even Steve couldn’t control him, or his wolf.
After a particularly vicious moon, leaving both Harrison and Fred bruised and sore, things took a turn for the worse. He’d started on Finn, rounding on him over breakfast. They’d scrapped over nothing, Finn ending up landing on the floor rather roughly. He’d yelped immediately, scrambling away as he tried to protect himself. Still, Harrison didn’t stop.
The Daniels were furious, struggling to believe Harrison would do that to Finn, the kid he’d always adored. He was kicked out, the rest of the pack watching him as he collected his belongings. It was clear he wasn’t welcome.
Theo took him in, let him crash on his sofa while Steve patched Finn up - while he’d done what he could at the clinic, but it was clear he needed their hospital. Harrison, being bigger and more prepared, hadn’t fared too badly; a few cuts and scrapes that would heal soon enough.
While Theo’s offer was kind, Harrison couldn’t stay. He wasn’t sure if it was couldn’t or wouldn’t, but either way, he had to go. He left notes, an apology to Finn and then the Daniels, a few notes he’d saved up included to pay for the broken plates and chairs; another to Steve, for taking the chance on him and him screwing it all up, like he always did; one for Theo, a quick explanation and a (polite) request to not throw his stuff out, not that he deserved it; and finally, one for Fao. He wasn’t sure if it was a plead for him to come home safely, or an apology for everything he’d ever done. A love letter of sorts, things he’d never say out loud, but since he wasn’t coming back, that didn’t matter. Fao might as well know.
He waited until Theo had gone to bed, the older man offering to stay up and chat, sensing something was off. He’d declined, lied until he was left alone. Despite the other wolf trying to wait up, he’d drifted off, giving Harrison his opportunity.
He’d taken food from his cupboards - old stuff, nearly out of date, things he’d heard Theo complain about. It wasn’t like Harrison to just take charity, so he left some money too, under his letter of apology. With nothing left to do, he shouldered his backpack, shoved his rolled duvet under his arm and slipped out into the night.
When Theo woke and found Harison gone, he called everyone he knew, panic clear in his words. Nobody had seen or heard from him. And then, he found the letters.
The pack was out searching as soon as Theo raised the alarm - Harrison was still part of the pack, even after his actions. Everyone was distraught, worried about him - it wasn’t the first time he’d ran off, but everything felt wrong. His letters held too much finality, too much goodbye.
When Fao came back from his tour, it was to the family and the pack in chaos. Harrison missing was worrying, and the letter Fao read made his stomach twist. He was exhausted, just come back from war, but he threw himself into searching. Of course, after he'd spent some time with Finn. Something about what Harrison had said in his letter sent Fao searching further afield than he usually would. He spent days scouring the woods as wolf, sleeping under bushes despite the cold and wind. He clung to every hint of a scent, desperate to find him.
Haarrison kept his distance, travelled North. He’d never been far from London, only ever travelling to the south coast on the ‘family’ holidays he’d had. There was nothing for him in the north, but that was part of the (pull) of it. He wasted most of his money on hotels, trying his best to find somewhere to stay out of the cold and rain. There wasn’t much he could do; he couldn’t work, had to be careful where he left his leg when he shifted too. He did his best to hide his scent, to keep the pack from finding him, not that they’d be looking for him anyway.
The food was gone quickly too, despite his attempt to ration and hunt when he could. The idea of fish had quickly grown stale, rabbit and pigeon following suit.
He didn’t dare to beg, though would often find some safety in sleeping in doorways in city centres, his duvet wrapped tight around him. He was caught out a few times too, woken up to someone trying to rob him and beat him up. Bloody lip and bruised eyes left him more suspicious, made him sit awake at night. His black eyes grew into dark bags under his eyes, his tiredness past exhaustion.
With the days slightly warmer, more crowds flocked to the streets. His usual sleeping places disturbed by foot traffic and prying eyes. As much as he tried to sleep during the day, every instinct in him begged him to keep moving, to try and evade any search efforts that might still be going on. After all, he’d caused so much trouble within the pack, they’d surely still be out for blood.
It took Fao a long while to even get close to finding him. But his letter kept him going, scanning over each word to try and find any hint of where he was. It took him much further North than he expected. He lost the scent, and had pretty much given up as he headed into the town, very much human, in search of a hotel room to stay in and get cleaned up. But then he caught a scent again, and whilst he couldn’t be sure, it certainly seemed like him.
And there, curled up in a shop doorway, was Harrison. He was curled under a filthy duvet, and he smelled sick, but it was him.
Fao stopped dead.
“Harrison? Tomcat?”
He didn’t move at first. There was no way Fao had found him, not this far away. He sniffed quietly. Well, shit. Not one to give up, he pulled the duvet further over his head, trying to hide.
“It’s only me.”
He sat up slowly, breathing deeply as he tried to check if it really was just Fao. The others wouldn't be too far away. “Fao.”
“Hey, stranger.”
“What do you want?” He got stiffly to his feet, backed in the corner.
“Wanted to find you. Came back from tour and you’d gone.”
“I've missed you, Tomcat.”
“So what have you come to do?”
“Came to find you. Your letter… Well, I…”
“I said what I said.”
“I was scared I'd lose you.”
“I’m not coming back.” He frowned. “If you’re going to kill me, just get it over with.”
“I'm not gonna kill you, don't be daft.” Fao said. “But I swear I've been wolf for like a week, I was gonna get a hotel room, grab a shower and some food? Wanna come?”
“So you can tell the others where I am so they can get me? Yeah, sure.”
“They don't know I'm here, and I'm not going to tell them. I won't tell them I've found you, if you'd rather not. But nobody wants to kill you.”
“Of course they do.”
“They don't, Hars. They're all really worried about you.”
He shook his head with a bark of a laugh. "Don't be daft."
“They are. Sheila's a wreck.”
“She hates me.”
“She doesn’t.”
“They’re not my pack any more.”
“They’re always going to be your pack, Hars.”
He scoffed. "They kicked me out. I deserved it."
“They told you to leave the house. That doesn't mean you're gone from the pack.”
“As good as.”
“Not at all.”
“I’ve said what I said, Fao. I’m not going back.” He squared his shoulders, clenched his jaw. “Just leave me alone.”
“Come on, let’s at least grab a shower, some hot food and sleep in a real bed tonight.”
He shook his head, though his heart desperately wanted to. “No, I’m not...I’ve got to go now.”
“No commitment. Have some food, a soft place to sleep. And then if you still want to walk away… I can’t stop you.”
“So you can kill me in my sleep.” He laughed drily or dryly whatever. “Yeah, sure.”
“You don’t trust me anymore?”
“I trust that pack will come before I do.”
“They’re not coming. I can’t even tell them, my phone is dead.”
“You can charge it.”
“Why would I tell them? I’m just here for you.”
“Because you all want me dead.”
“We don’t.”
He couldn;t allow himself the hope. “No.”
“I swear, tomcat. Swear on my life.”
Fao wouldn’t lie to him. “No, mate. It’s okay.”
“Come on, let’s get you warm and fed, eh?” Fao said, offering him a hand.
He flinched away; his back hit against stone and he groaned. “I’ve said no.”
Fao frowned, and stepped back. “I’m not going to hurt you.”
“I know, I know.” He wrapped an arm around his stomach, protecting himself. “I know.”
Fao dropped his gaze, wolf body language taking over by default. “I’m just here to help you.”
“Honest. I wouldn't lie.”
He hesitated, almost giving in. “I’ve not got any money.”
“Let me worry about the money.”
“I’m not taking charity.”
“Do I look like a charity? You're family, shut up and let me take care of you, tomcat.”
"I'm not family." He spat.
“You are to me.” Fao said, folding his arms over his chest. “Don't snap at me.” His tone betrayed where he'd been for the past few months, a hangover from his tour.
"I'll do what I want."
Fao raised an eyebrow at him, but didn't say a word.
Harrison's lip curled. "What are you going to do?"
“Dunno. Figured I'd just wait for you to stop being an ass.
"I'm packing my shit and going." He all but snarled, starting to roll his duvet up.
“Okay. You want a hand?”
"Does it look like I want a hand?"
“Well, you seem to be making this a big thing. Bit dramatic if you ask me, all I did was offer you some food and a warm bed.”
"You only offered so you'd have the chance to hurt me."
“No I didn't. I don't want to hurt you.”
"You have to."
“No I don't.”
"An eye for an eye."
“Nobody cares about any of that crap.”
“Don’t lie.”
“I'm not lying.”
"I'll pay you back." He softened.
“If you want to.”
“I will.”
“Come on then. Food, a shower and sleep in a real bed.””
“I’ll sleep on the floor.” He said. “Nothing I’m not used to.”
“No, come on. We'll get you a good bed.”
He could fight it later. “Okay.”
Slowly, Fao offered Harrison his hand again. “Come on, then.”
Harrison shouldered his pack, then reached for Fao's hand. "Thank you."
“I've missed you.”
"Don't be daft."
“I really have!”
He didn't say anything. He still wasn't sure where he stood. There was no sign of ill intentions with Fao, but he couldn't be too careful.
Fao sighed, but didn't push it. Harrison was going to take time to trust him again. But he lead him to the hotel he'd planned on staying in, and managed to reserve a double room. They'd both have somewhere proper to sleep, hot water, and food that night and the next morning.
Harrison hesitated again. “Can I grab a shower?”
“Of course. You got some clean clothes?”
“Clean enough.”
“Grab some of mine, they're clean. And we can buy some more for you.”
“It’s fine. I can wash them in the sink.”
“No, Hars. We’ll get you some nice clothes.”
“I’ve got clothes.”
“Clean clothes.”
"They will be once I've washed them."
“I told you,” he said gruffly. “I’m not taking charity.”
“I know. But there's a difference between pity and help.”
“And I don’t think you know the difference.”
“Of course I do.”
"Then stop pitying me."
“I'm not pitying you. I'm just trying to help.”
He scuffed his feet. "Feels a lot like pity."
“But Tomcat, you think anyone who's trying to help is pitying you.”
“Because it’s the same thing.”
“It's not.”
“No?” He raised an eyebrow. “Could have fooled me.”
“Yeah, I know.”
“How far is the hotel?”
“Not far.”
“I’ve had enough walking.”
“It's not too far. But I can carry some of your stuff?”
He jerked away. "It's mine."
“I'm not gonna take it. Thought it might just make the walk easier if you didn't have so much to carry.”
“I always have to carry it. Otherwise someone would nick it.”
“I'm not gonna nick it.”
"You might." He shrugged his backpack on again. "It's fine."
“Okay.” It hurt that Harrison didn't trust him any more, but he didn't know what else to do or say.
Harrison could sense the pain from Fao and he sighed. "It's filthy anyway, I'm better off carrying it."
“Whatever you're comfortable with.”
"Not fair on you."
“Not like I'm not fit.”
He huffed. "Yeah, that's true."
“So I'm happy to carry if you need it.”
"It's okay."
“Let’s get going, then.”
He sighed. “Yeah, sure.”
Fao led the way to the hotel, trying to keep a slow pace so Harrison didn't have to rush.
Harrison hesitated outside, turning to Fao. “They’ll kick me out again.”
“No they won't. They've been paid enough.”
“Still, they’ve seen the state of me.”
“You look fine, just a bit scuffed up.”
“I look homeless.”
“Well, Hars, I hate to break it to you, but you have been living on the streets.” Fao attempted to joke. “Come on, take my hoodie.” He pulled it over his head.
“You think I don’t know?” Harrison snapped at Fao.
“Sorry, sorry. Stupid joke. Come on, just take the hoodie, it’ll be alright. You’re clearly with me, so it’s fine.”
“And what about my shit?”
“I’ll carry it.”
“They won’t let you in.”
“Give it here, I’ll shove it in my bag?”
“Let me carry the bag though?”
“Sure, so long as you don’t break it.”
“I’m not going to.”
“Good.” Fao shrugged his bag off and rolled Harrison’s duvet and other crap up to shove it inside. “That’s alright?”
“Yeah, that’s fine.” He swung it onto his back. “Thanks.”
“Let's go, then.”
“Right.” He nodded. “After you.”
Fao led the way inside, glancing back at Harrison to make sure he was still following.
"I'm not going to run off. Don't give me that look."
“But you thought about it.”
“No.” He lied.
Fao raised an eyebrow, but didn't say anything. They got inside, and spoke to the person at the desk. He shot them some slightly odd looks, but Fao spoke in a way that dared him to give them shit, and nothing was said. They were given keys, and directions to the room. They headed up, and Fao unlocked the door to let Harrison inside. “Here we go. Much better.”
“Yeah, definitely.”
“Do you wanna grab a shower?”
“Yes please.”
“Go on, then.”
He glanced at Fao before heading into the bathroom, backpack still on. “Won’t be long.”
“Harrison. My pack, please?”
“It’s got my stuff in.”
“Take your stuff out?”
He shoved his pack towards Fao. “I’m getting a shower now.”
“Yeah, go ahead. Enjoy it.”
He headed back into the bathroom, dumping his stuff on the floor before stripping. He ran the water hot, used as much shampoo and bodywash as he could, and just stood under the stream. It was a stark difference from his previous attempts at a shower, a hurried wash in the mcdonalds toilets. After washing his hair and body, he slumped down, sliding until he was sat on the shower floor. His head in his hands, he let himself cry, all his emotions coming to a head.
Fao gave Harrison plenty of time in the shower. He deserved his privacy, and it was no doubt the first shower he'd had in far too long. He sorted through the other wolf's stuff, only to neatly fold it for now. He'd go through and wash it later for him. Even the duvet could be washed, he was sure. Of course he wanted to bring Harrison home, but if he chose to keep living this way, the best he could do was make him more comfortable.
Harrison eventually emerged from the bathroom, hair still dripping and a mess on his head. He was in slightly cleaner clothes, his others having also had a wash. When he saw Fao, his lip curled.
"I told you not to touch my stuff."
“I just folded them for you.” Fao said, guarded. “That way you can pick out what wants washing and if anything needs fixing. It didn't seem right, just leaving it in a pile on the floor. It's all there, you can check it for yourself."
"It's not yours to touch."
“Look, sorry. I was only trying to help.”
"I didn't ask for your help!" He shot back, his wavering voice betraying him. "I didn't ask for any of it."
“Look, I don't know what the fuck happened back home, I don't care, but I'm your pack and I'm your family and we help eachother out when we end up in the shit! I'm not long back from fucking Afghanistan, and yet here I am with you, because I'm not just going to walk past and leave you to suffer. So get your head out of your ass and just let me help, for fuck's sake. It's not pity, it's not charity, it's me helping a friend. And I'm sorry I touched your stuff, I am. But I was only trying to make your life easier!”
Harrison didn’t say anything, visibly shrinking back on himself, his lip trembling. He turned away, grabbing his clothes and stuffing them haphazardly into his bag.
Fao softened, and stepped back. He'd gone too far, he knew he had, but Harrison was just so frustrating. It didn't help just how worried he was about him.
“Look, Tomcat, I'm sorry…”
He shook his head, his wet clothes shoved on top. "Don't."
“Don't go. I'll leave you be, the room is yours. Don't have to see my stupid face. But take it, sleep in a real bed, eat real food. For your own health.”
"It's fine." He tried to slink past Fao. "I'm fine."
“No, Hars, you're not fine.”
"I am."
“You're so far from fine it hurts. I read your letter, I really thought I was never going to see you again. I thought I'd lost you. Please, don't go…”
He stopped, finally looking at Fao. "You weren't meant to find me."
“And yet I did.” Fao said, stepping closer. “Come on, don't throw it all in now.”
"I can't." He shook his head, clenched his jaw to try and stop the tears that threatened again. "It's already over."
Fao couldn't help himself, he pulled Harrison in for a hug, crushing him against his chest. “Oh, Tomcat, nothing is ever over.”
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the-fiction-witch · 4 years
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"I'm going to find you" the little voice giggled making me laugh a little too as I hid myself away among the coats and old shoes "Timothy…" she giggled and I heard her little footsteps run past my hiding place "Timothy where are you?" She giggled 
I laughed a little but instantly realized my mistake as the door flew open and a hand grabbed mine pulling me out the cupboard "I found you!" She giggled 
"Well done y/n" I laughed 
"I win, I win, I win" she smiled jumping up and down in her little dress, I sighed and gave her a little kiss on the cheek making her giggle even more. In some ways I kinda loved little y/n, she was one of the cooks here at schools daughters her youngest I do believe, and she often comes in with her mother and helps her work as well as sneaking away with me, we often plaid kiss chase, and hide and seek in the school while I was skipping classes and in some ways I found her irresistible mostly because she was adorable 
"Y/n!" Her mother called from the kitchens 
"Oohh see you later Timothy" she waved running off down the halls to go help her mother I sat on my bed as she left and began reading my book as the other boys came back from class 
"Where have you been?" Harrison
"Around" I shrug 
"What were you running around with that dirty little kitchen girl again?" 
"What's it to you?"
"I don't know why you hang around with her so much, it's not even like you can fool around with her" 
"There's other stuff you can do with a girl then fooling around"
"Like what?"
"Like having a conversation? Playing games? Reading?" 
"Sounds dull" he sighed "still not too long is it? A little while and she'll be nice and ready" he smirked 
"What are you talking about?"
"Well her birthdays coming up isn't it? A little while longer and you'll...you know, be able to-"
"Are you actually suggesting what I think you are?" I asked a little discusted and he nodded "I'm not going to have sex with her, she's not old enough, she's still a child" 
"Only for a little while longer, after that you two can do whatever you want"
"I'm not having sex with y/n!" I argue 
"Make love whatever" he sighed sitting on his own bed with his book 
"I'm not going to have sex with y/n! Not now not ever!" 
I sat a little in my own head everyone was so happy to be coming home, of course I was happy to be home too however I knew knowone was there waiting for me, I knew what had happened to my family while I was away I'm all that's left now so I knew there wasn't much point in celebrating all that much, all I had where the few friends I had made and the fee boys from the school who are still with us. Once we arrived I jumped off trying to hurry away not wanting to see everyone running to the arms of loved ones. The village seemed so small now even if I once seemed infinitely large to me I saw the school on the horizon as misted and haunting as it ever was I tried to look more but someone jumped and hugged me tighter then I had ever been hugged before their arms around me tightly squeezing me i looked down seeing the y/h/c girl nuzzled into my chest I was a little unsure what to do about it 
"I'm so happy your home" she smiled
"Uuuhhh…. Thank you" I nodded patting her head "uuuuuuhhh, who are you?" I asked she moved away and gently giggled fiddling with her hands and fixing her little light blue dress 
"I guess it has been a while, I hardly recognized you" she smiled "don't you remember me at all?'
"Ummm no, I'm sorry" I told her 
"Timothy it's me" she smiled and I was none the wiser "y/n?"
"Y/N!" I said in shock looking at her 
I have been gone a while! She was beautiful, no longer the little girl I used to race around the school corridors with...she was a lady now and a very beautiful lady too. She had matured not just emotionally but physically too and it hell had grown! I thought I grew in the four years we've been apart but whoa… she grew more in some uhh much better places too
"It has been a while hasn't it" she giggled
"It has, I'm so sorry I didn't recognize you" I told her hugging her close 
"Aww it's alright Timothy I hardly did either, you grew like a weed" she giggled pulling away but still holding my hands 
"You uhh… I don't even know where to begin" I smiled and she blushed innocently hiding her face away "you're beautiful,"
"Aww Timothy that's so sweet" she smiled "ohh I have to go I have work to do, maybe I'll meet you at the village hall later at the party?" She asks and I nodded "okay" she smiled giving me another hug "welcome home Tim, see you later" she smiled giving my cheek a kiss before she moved and began heading off somewhere "save me a dance" she smiled waving me goodbye as she went so I smiled waving back even if I was a little in my own world 
"Hey harrison?" I asked as she headed over having greeted his family
"Yeah?" He asked confused what I was doing
"You remember a few years ago… we were talking about y/n?"
"And I said…"
"I'm not going to have sex with y/n not now not ever?" He quoted 
"Yeah… I would uhh id like to retract that" 
I stood outside the village hall having a cigarette as I had picked it up while away, watching the night sky, for once being calm and quiet I had almost forgotten what that was like. The only sounds were the whistle of wind through the trees, the odd sounds of birds and other animals around this time of night and the music I could hear coming from inside. I strangely missed the sounds of war like the quiet made me uncomfortable.
"Good evening" a familiar voice smiled I turned and saw y/n In a beautiful blue and purple dress her hair done up perfectly even a little make up I was in awe of her a moment 
"Uhh hi" I smiled flicking away my cigarette "I uhh I didn't think you could get any more beautiful… I stand corrected" 
"Awww Timothy you're such a sweetie" she smiled holding my arm and giving my cheek a little kiss "so… did you want to dance? Or we could just stay out here and watch the stars" she smiled holding my arm tightly
"I don't mind," I shrug so she laughed and tugged me inside where almost everyone else in the village was dancing and drinking she held my hand and tugged me close to her and it suddenly hit me "wait y/n...I uhh I don't know how to dance" I blushed 
"Aww it's okay Timothy, I can teach you" she smiled she took my hand and rested it on her waist I was a little shocked, she took my other hand holding it rather tightly I was a little scared being his close to her I haven't been so close to her in years especially as… a couple of things where preventing us from being any closer. She slowly moved slowly showing me what to do even if I tripped up and almost dropped he at one point, I forget how many times I stood on her feet which made her laugh as I always started apologizing like a idiot I started to get into a bit of a rhythm and stopped treading on her feet even managing to spin her out and back in without messing up
"Aww see your getting it" she smiled "but don't look at your feet" she laughed pushing my chin up "look at me" she smiled
"I uuuh I want to… but I uhh I trip if I'm not looking at my feet" I blushed 
"You'll be fine, trust me" she smiled so I did my best not to look down at my feet even if I got distracted a lot and crashed into a table at one point, I did like dancing with her, holding her close in my arms keeping her safe, looking at her sweet smile grow wider and her face flush red when we messed up. We must have danced for hours and I didn't really care, even if we messed up and even if I don't think we were ever in time with the song being played I was the happiest I've been in years.
We ended up with both my hands on her waist, hers on my shoulders, her head against my chest and my chin on her head I don't even think we were really dancing anymore just gently Swaying together almost everyone had gone home now just us a few others only two other couples still dancing I knew she was getting tried as every so often she would let out a adorable little yawn. But I didn't want to stop, I can't remember feeling so happy, I just wanted to stay like this with her in my arms forever. 
"Uuummm Timothy it's getting late" she smiled 
"Uuummm.." I hummed back 
"Are you ignoring me?" She giggled
"A little" 
"I thought you didn't want to dance?"
"Ummm… well now I don't want to stop"
"Okay, one more song Mr Latimer" she smiled squeezing me a little tighter so I held her a little tighter too we danced for one more song and as soon as it was over she moved away slightly her hands still on my shoulders but mine had moved her hips were she moved away I couldn't help Looking at her lips I know she saw me looking having flushed a bright red blush looking innocently at the floor till I picked her head up gently pushing her chin with my hand 
"I missed you" I smiled 
"I missed you too" she smiled a single tear rolling down her cheek
"What's wrong? Why are you crying?' I asked wiping the tear away 
"I don't want you to go away again" she said "if you go I might lose you forever next time"
"Y/n…" I cooed "I promise you, I'm never leaving you behind again" I told her pulling her sweet face to mine and kissing her beautiful lips she kissed back happily, I didn't ever want to stop I wanted to kiss her till the end of time itself till she slowly pulled away her smile wide and her face so adorable as she realized everyone here just saw us kissing "y/n… will you marry me?'
"Ooh Timothy!" She smiled crying again hugging me tighter than ever pressing kisses all over my skin...
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