#I'd want to dress as Mondo too maybe on a different day of the con
Ooooh I just bought a Taka cosplay outfit, since I'm going to TwitchCon next month and I wanted something to wear! I'll have to get a black spiky wig from a costume store to go with it, but I have knee high black boots that I can just stealthily attach temp white shoelaces to to complete the look. It'll be awesome! It won't be arriving until I get back from a trip to Vancouver in a week and a half, but it hopefully will be here before the con.
I've wanted to get a Taka cosplay for ages, but feared I wouldn't have anywhere to wear it, since I can't exactly wear a Danganronpa Halloween costume to work. I can imagine the parents calling my supervisor like "uhh yeah, why is my 5-10 year old child talking about a video game where the students murder each other???" Though, I did have an eight year old girl once who was OBSESSED with the Danganronpa anime. And these kids are into some messed up stuff. But still, not taking that chance, ha. But this was a good excuse to buy the costume, and maybe I can convince my brother to dress up in the Mondo costume and we can do a photoshoot together, ha.
Anyway, I just wanted to share my excitement!! When I told my mom and brother, my mom was all "who was Taka again???" and was still confused even after my brother and I explained, even though she watched him play all the games. SMH, mom. I'll post pictures when it gets here. ^-^
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