#I'd say it's sus that no one took it yet but it was posted today. within the last few hours even. bc the site said january 3rd
daz4i · 9 months
started looking for apartments like as a haha goofy thing to pass the time (and bc i wanna move out soon so may as well) and Hm. found one that seems almost too perfect for its price. like the only downside for me is that it's not in a neighborhood i wanna live in but it's still considered a good area, and it's the neighborhood i grew up in so i know the area well (like literally, 2 minutes walk from my old house) which is a bonus. one of the sites i found it on said the owner also signed some guarantee thing? which is a good thing apparently ig idk real estate terms. i kinda wanna go look bc i'm scared someone else will take it lol but i. am too scared to take any step there. Sad!
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kanmom51 · 2 years
Not only did I miss it all, well most of it, but the whole post I wrote about it is gone.
Crazy crazy night.
As per usual, nothing new, shouldn’t be upset or surprised about it, everything goes down when I’m sleeping.
I managed to watch Suchwita, and off to bed I went.
Dreaming, hoping, beyond hope, that JK will come to us live.
And then it all unfolded.
And I missed it. 😭😭😭
So, I wake up, see it, vent to you guys, try to save my beautifully worded venting, and effing Tumblr just poofed it all away.
I’m so friggin frustrated.
So, here I am now, trying to re-write, not very successfully (so if this post sucks blame Tumblr), my thoughts for this morning.
After Suchwita JM posted.
A little while later JK replied.
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Kind of makes you wonder who JM was missing, seeing he just spent time with army at his pre-recordings. Same goes with JK. Who you miss JK?
And then JK came live.
And he did a whole JM centered live.
A whole “this one is going to be about JM” friggin live.
He watched JM’s songs.
He watched JM centred videos.
He listened to love songs.
God, I do have my work cut out for me.
But before I’m off back to work (I’m sitting here re-writing my post in between calls and meetings instead of working for a living), I do want to mention one wittle point.
JM Suchwita. Cute, happy, interesting discussion.
And I know what y’all are gonna ask me. Letter. Right?
Well, how do I say it?
I’ll make it sweet and short.
I think I will word it like this:
Suga didn’t know about the song, didn’t hear it either.
JM said he wrote this song to deliver HIS emotion to the fans. All this while serendipity is playing in the background.
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(Notice the reaction to Serendipity playing in the background while talking about Letter. Karmy see it all...)
And he moved on.
The speed JM moved on from that, he left road runner in the dust behind him wondering where JM was off too so fast.
Now, if indeed this was a song about army, for army, the biggest gift JM could have given army in his first solo album, kind of strange how little he wants to talk about it, don’t you think?
Also, the whole album JM doing without the members, it’s his solo album after all. And for this gift of his to army, something that’s supposed to be so personal/intimate (the song is so intimate), and he has JK join him? For background voice which he did oh so well ¾ of the way through the song?
Oh, btw, Face off not a breakup song. Just wanted to throw that in, by the by.
And then we have JK.
The man that came to us the morning before. Guitar ready. All to give us that spoiler to the song he sang with JM. The song that he didn’t play the guitar for, but learnt it to be able to play it for us.
The man that took part in this song.
This supposed song for army.
Not a word.
I mean he came and played the guitar for us telling us about this song.
And now he isn’t singing it? Talking about it? Listening to it?
For a HUGE gift for army, those two are acting pretty sus at how much they are avoiding it.
Anyway, I’m off back to work.
We have a great day coming.
JK CK dropping today.
Of course you’ll be getting a full rundown of the live. You know me.
It might take time though.
So I’ll leave you with a couple of little gifts for you to get the gist of the mood of this live we got, a droplet in the sea yet to come...
And I thought I'd be leaving you with that, lol.
Look what our Jiminie replied to his Jungkookie...
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And I wouldn't be surprised the actual translation is cuter than that. Will keep you updated, of course. 😘
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