#I'd say Victor got the best deal from Father Winter with that new grill
victorluvsalice · 2 years
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-->...the same giant karaoke machine they’d already gotten last year. Clement. Clement, buddy. There’s only so much karaoke one vampire can do. *sigh* Well, THAT particular present is getting sold for its cash value!
-->However, the Winterfest traditions mean you can’t just get gifts from Father Winter -- you must open gifts from under the tree too! (Seriously, getting a present from Clement Frost only fulfills HIS tradition, not that one.) So, before Alice completely lost herself to the Fury, I had the trio quickly gather around the tree and open some more gifts. Smiler got a Schmapple brand coffee maker; Vilctor, another Barely Better digital camera, and Alice a packet of Farmer’s Veggies and Herbs. ...I think Smiler came out the best in THAT particular round.
-->And with that, I decided the holiday was “over” enough to send Victor to bed and banish Alice outside to keep her from freaking anyone out should she succumb to the Fury. Smiler hung out chatting with Clement until he disappeared, then greeted a surprise VERY late night guest in the form of Angela Pleasant! What are you doing here around midnight, girl? O.o Well, her presence was appreciated nonetheless, as it allowed Smiler to do a final gift exchange -- they gave Angela the cardboard “Hip To The Max” dance floor they had in their inventory, and she gave them a free drink in return. XD Hey, it’s all consensual!
-->Meanwhile, Alice did in fact fall to the Fury after I tipped her over with a few bits of werewolf stuff, but once again she had a pretty chill rampage -- again, mostly just digging in the garden to see if I could find anything cool, before quickly getting control of herself in the midst of the pet obstacle course. (That being said, I now wish werewolves could run those -- it’d be funny. XD) She promptly slunk up to bed, no worse for wear.
And so this absurdly long update ends with Smiler enjoying some quality time with the pets and the gang having had a very successful Winterfest! I hope you enjoyed and didn’t mind the rambling. XD Next time -- we have a GUARANTEED shorter update of the gang chilling out post-Winterfest and getting back out into the wider world again. See you then!
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