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everypanelofizuku · 7 months ago
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Chapter 96 - Home Visits
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lizzyscribbles · 7 months ago
I've been thinking about the AU where Inko finds Tenko after her kills his family and saves him and let me tell you...I love it. 100/10, she could've saved them. But, that's also made me think about an AU where Inko is pretty young, like early to mid 20's, and encounters the full-grown league of villains and they go "yeah, alright, this'll work for now".
It's after Magne dies, so the group is sorely lacking in a big sister/any other older female figure, and you cannot convince me these men know how to look after themselves, much less a teenage girl, so all of them combined have a total of like, three life skills and almost kill each other the second Kurogiri vanishes. So, when younger Inko comes along and maybe gives one of them advice at the store on not buying a bag of half-rotten produce or just does something to endear herself to Toga or one of the other members, they just pick her up off the street and take her back to their hideout. It's kidnapping, really, but they need a big sister and this one seems good yeah.
I don't know where Izuku is in all of this because obviously he wouldn't stand for his momma getting kidnapped but also, the ages don't quite line up. I'm thinking maybe she either had a teen pregnancy or she adopted Izuku young because he was the son of a sibling or a relative, idk, but I think it'd be hilarious to have something like this:
Izuku: (Panicking, sobbing, running around like a chicken with his head cut off with the rest of UA because his mom is missing and someone saw her get swooped up by one of the league members and they still haven't gotten a ransom note yet) She must be so scared! I'm sorry mom!!
Inko: (Exasperated) No, Spinner you can't cut a tomato like that, you'll lob your fingers off.
Spinner: (grumbling) Isn't cooking supposed to be a woman's job?
Inko: (Brandishing a very sharp cooking knife because dull knives are more dangerous than sharp ones)...you want to try that again?
Spinner: (gulps) Yes ma'am. Sorry ma'am.
Inko: Cooking is a life skill and something everyone should be able to do, here, let me show you again.
...Anyway, I think it'd be super funny and cute and I kinda want to write it.
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marsssbarrrr · 2 years ago
hold you (k.bakugou x reader x i.midoriya polyamorous)
inspiration: Freaks by Surf Curse
oneshot where fem!reader in a secret poly relationship with our fav boys gets kidnapped by the league to be used as leverage or smthn idk
reader has no specified quirk, reader does NOT attend UA, reader and bakygou/midoriya are childhood friends. this is purely self-indulgent bc i cant find any story like this anywhere on the internet and i need to feed my delusions
WARNINGS: sewerslidal reader, SH(mentioned), abusive parents(mentioned), eating disorder(mentioned), reader is homeless (briefly). THIS IS SOME DARK SHIT BUT IT ENDS GOOD I PROMISE
the day started as usual for midoriya and bakugou. wake up, bicker, eat a quick breakfast, bicker, walk to class, bicker, iida yells at them to stop bickering, and they bicker some more.
nothing seemed off for the first few hours. sure, neither of them had gotten the usual good morning text from [name], but she had some crazy midterms coming up. it wasn't all that unusual for her to stay up late and sleep in, forgetting to text them in her rush to get to class on time.
but when lunch rolled around, and still neither had received a text, they started to worry. their classmates had noted the lack of bickering in the second half of the day, and the constant checking-of-phones. their anxiety wafted across the suddenly cramped classroom like midnight-sensei's quirk. slow and suffocating. everyone felt it.
neither noy had noticed the worrisome glances their respective friends shot back and forth. they were too wrapped up in their thoughts. they spent all of class texting back and forth.
b.k: what if her parents found out about us?
i.m: she would have found a way to message us if that were the case.
i.m: i'm more worried she did something to herself. i think one of us should drop by her place after classes.
b.k: you go. i'm better at shutting these morons up anyways. i'll tell them you're visiting aunt inko or smthn.
i.m: thanks kacchan.
b.k: fuck off.
it was no secret to the boys that [name] was suicidal. nor that her parents were homophobic, abusive pricks. throughout their childhood, her parents made that very clear. she'd mention to them sometimes how both boys were cute, and the result was more often than not purple and blue marks poorly covered by the sleeves of her elementary school uniform.
by the time they'd reached middle school, those poorly hidden bruises turned into thin lines.
[name]'s parents didn't believe in medication, nor in therapy. for a long time, her only comfort was in the homes of bakugou katsuki and midoriya izuku.
after izuku was deemed quirkless, her parents wouldn't let her be around him anymore. so the trio spent most days hiding out at the bakugou's place. it was there that she confided in the boys about her parents. it was there that the three of them became an offical polyamorous relationship. it was there they had their first kiss.
inko and the bakugou parents were more parent-like than [name]'s parents ever were to her. she trusted them with everything.
after classes, the boys sat in the dorm common room with the rest of their class.
neither boys' constant glances at their phones were lost on their classmates. every flip of the screen and refresh of the page was caught by the other students.
every notification prompted a glance. that included the shared ding of both boys' phones.
[fn].[ln]: i need you.
[fn].[ln]: please.
i.m: where are you
[fn].[ln]: (location sent)
b.k: we're on our way.
neither boy stopped to grab a jacket or umbrella before shoving their shoes on and bolting out the door of the alliance building. neither boy said a word to their classmates, or even spared them a glance after the last text was sent.
as soon as they were out of the building, the class went to alert aizawa, who followed suit in a similar fashion to the boys.
he followed them through the heavy downpour as they turned off the main road, midoriya yelling out directions while bakugou dragged him along, both moving faster on foot than aizawa had seen them move before.
after the fifth turn, they stopped.
katsuki was quick to crouch down in front of you, and izuku sat against the wall behind you. you lifted your head from your knees, tears standing apart obviously from the rain on your face.
katsuki pulled you into a hug, and you sobbed harder.
"they kicked me out," you muttered into his shoulder, "they found out about us."
katsuki's face fell, and izuku's hardened.
"i'm calling sensei-"
"no, please, god izu, please don't."
izuku dropped the hand holding his phone, sighing. "[name], the first thing they'll do is look for you at one of our places. they'll realize what they did and decide to deal with it on their own. we all know they will."
katsuki pulled back, cupping your face in his hands and rubbing his thumb along your cheek. "[name], please. let him call aizawa. you'll be safer at the school than you will be at any of our places."
you sniffed, looking up into katsuki's eyes.
the fight had been ugly. your parents searched your room while you were at school the day before, and found letters between the three of you. from before you had phones. from before you learned how to be discreet.
your father was quick to lay hands on you as soon as you got home, yelling about what a slut and a whore you were. your mother just leaned against the door frame, arms crossed and head shaking in disappointment.
they kicked you out with nothing but the phone in your pocket and uniform on your body.
you sniffed, leaning into katsuki's touch. "...okay."
izuku picked his phone back up, and katsuki held you close. before the phone could ring even once, aizawa dropped from the roof above. "just what in the hell is going on here."
you tensed, and katsuki held you closer, whispering sweet words and comforting phrases into your ear as you shook from fear and the icy coldness of the rain around you.
izuku stood, making his way over to the teacher in front of him. he explained the situation the best he could, staying as calm as possible.
but his girlfriend was falling apart in front of him damnit, and there was nothing he could do out here.
"sensei, please. just for the night."
aizawa sighed. "she can stay for the night. i can't promise anything more than that, it's ultimately the principal's call."
"thank you, sensei."
izuku moved back over to where you and katsuki sat, and croushed down.
"hey, we have to get up [name]."
"i can't..."
"c'mon, [name]. you're so much stronger than you think you are. we just have to get to the school, it's only a couple blocks. then you can rest, alright?" katsuki stroked his hand through your hair, forehead resting against yours.
"i can't..."
izuku sighed, making eye contact with katsuki. the blonde nodded, standing and picking you up with him. he held you close to his chest, your knees folded around one arm and back resting against the other. you held on tight around his neck, sobbing into his shoulder.
izuku stood, turning to face aizawa. and you started the trek back to the school.
you sat on the couch an hour later, blanket around your shoulders and head resting on katsuki's shoulder. you were sound asleep, thank god.
the situation had been hard to explain to the boys' classmates. they didn't know either boy was even in a relationship, let alone with each other and another person.
eventually everyone went back up to their dorms, except for you and your boys. izuku and katsuki sat whispering to each other while you spelt in the blonde's arms.
they'd keep you safe and keep you away from your parents.
no matter what that meant or what it would cost them in the long run.
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steveisagay · 3 years ago
MHA Family hcs part 1.
Part 2
Characters: Midoriya, Bakugou, Aizawa
Warnings: Angst, Alcoholism, Abuse, Homophobia, the F slur, getting kicked out, bullying, death
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This family has always been a little rocky
Inko had Mitsuki and Masaru to help support her and izuku
I personally think that Hisashi was abusive and an alcoholic soooooo yeah
When Izuku was really little he'd be away for long periods of time, most of the time coming back drunk
But when he started to get more physically abusive Mitsuki had to step in
She practically kicked him out herself
The Midoriyas and the Bakugous have always had some sort of connection
I hc that Inko and Mitsuki met in middle school, Mitsuki bullying Inko for her quirk and basic style (not to the extent of Katsuki and Izuku.. Sheesh)
In highschool the two actually started to hang out after being assigned partners for a class and they just... Clicked.
Inko met Hisashi in highschool as well (probably so she could "fix him") and they ended up being pretty on and off
That was until the pregnancy
It never crossed his mind that he would actually have to stick around until the third trimester
He got a stable job but when little Izuku showed up he couldn't take it
So he faked that he could
Eventually that got taken out on Inko
But ever since then the Midoriyas and the Bakugous have been one big family
Holidays were spent together
Mitsuki always felt bad but the past is in the past so she can't change anything
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As said before Mitsuki and Inko met in middle school
But Mitsuki also met Masaru then too
You know the saying "The way to a mans heart is through his stomach"
How they fell in love is kinda like that
Masaru said something about studying for the exam coming up and she just "Well then you should come over to my house!"
So the next day they study at her house
And when lunch comes around she offers to make lunch
After it's close to failing Masaru steps in, of course not without objection from Mitsuki
And after that it's history
Then when little katsuki's on the way it's "Let's fuckin' get married"
Both Mitsuki and Masaru spoiled him
Especially after getting his quirk
And they never thought to go "hey, don't make fun of kids who aren't as powerful as you."
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I'm sorry, did someone say something about not wanting angst? Cause I didn't hear you.
Shouta was always a somewhat sheltered kid
Like Izuku, I hc his dad to be an alcoholic, as well as a toxic christian
On the other hand his mother was gentle, caring and supportive
Even though she knew how his father could get, she always thought that if she was on her own with a kid it'd be worse
Take note of the past-tense
She died from a car accident when he was twelve
He was at home alone at the time
I'm gonna start crying
Since then he wanted to be a hero, prove his father wrong, prove everyone wrong
But after the death of his mother, his father took up drinking more often and started to abuse Shouta more often than ever before
When he was old enough to register to UA he did
After getting third place in the sports festival he transferred to class 2-A
The first person he met was Shirakumo Oboro, along with his best friend Yamada Hizashi
They even started inviting him to eat lunch with them on the roof.
After a few months Shouta had invited Hizashi to his house, when he thought his dad wouldn't be home
After some talking, laughing and just generally enjoying his company he leaned in and kissed him
Much to his suprise the blond kissed him back
But then his dad opened the door
Screaming about how he wasn't raising a f@ggot
About a month later Shouta ran away to Hizashi's house
When the cops got there Hizashi's mother tried talking sense into Shouta's father but all he did was scream that if she wanted to raise a f@g she could have another one
From then until both the boys graduated from UA Shouta lived with the Yamadas
In this I wanted to include Mic/Hizashi and the Iidas but it ended up taking longer than I thought.
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pocketramblr · 3 years ago
Reading a lot of Deadpool fics lately, so how would you write an Izuku with a high-level regeneration quirk?
I'm afraid if I gave izuku a regen quirk I don't think he'd end up very Deadpool, but, here goes:
- Izuku gets taken to the clinic when no obvious quirk comes in by his fourth birthday. He definitely has one, and is told to try different foods or skills until it arrives, especially like his parents.
- nothing works until his classmates, thinking his stalling is a lie, that he actually has no quirk, take it out physically on him and then see the damage heal before their eyes
- back to the clinic, for registration. Tsubasa-Sensei says it's a powerful healing quirk, but to be careful until they can test the full extent of his cells, because the length of his chromosomes' telomeres will inform how many times his cells can split before being unable to regenerate anymore. They need to test his chromosomes, but also his stem cells, which wouldn't have any limit. In the meantime, he's told to stay away from anything that would damage his muscles and organs, though blood, bone, and fat will have a high enough concentration of stem cells to be safe
- inko is worried about him still, because he still hurts when he heals, and organ damage could still debilitate him for a while, and memory loss could occur, and cancer could just be so awful in his body. But she lets him keep his hero dreams, and just makes sure to catalog injuries and keep anything even vaguely carcinogenic away from her home. Izuku goes though so much All Might Sun Screen SPF 90.
- izuku helps his classmates with their quirks because he has no self preservation- "Here, Tsubasa can practice carrying me while flying" , "Here Kacchan, let's see how much stronger your explosions have gotten" ' etc etc. Katsuki eventually decides to chase the classmates who don't have good enough heroic quirks away, since they don't need to be hogging Deku and wasting his time with her could be doing more important things like helping Katsuki and his future agency. Izuku says of he's going to do that then he won't help Katsuki either anymore. Katsuki gets mad at the implication that he is the one that needs izuku, and says he doesn't. Izuku grows up with fewer friends than he'd like, but more than he'd otherwise have. Two or three close classmates who are sure he'll get into UA, but don't care much for heroics themselves and who tease izuku to not be too much of a fanboy of his hero classmates
- I'm not sure he goes under the bridge alone, but All Might may see him trying to help his friend who got stuck by Slugey while the third friend is frozen in fear. All Might commends him and gives a wink when he wants to go to UA.
- All Might offers OfA to Mirio. Mirio says "No thanks!" All Might offers OfA to Nejire, who asks a million questions before saying "Nah, I'm good." All Might offers OfA to Tamaki, who says "Hell no." Nedzu asks him to watch the first-about-to-be-second years and entrance exam for candidates. Toshinori does, and sees a familiar green hair boy getting rescue points and tanking a few one-pointers. He just scrapes by to get in, but Toshinori agrees to teach the first years and see if he can find a choice there.
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some-thirst-here · 5 years ago
Would you check on him? Deku x Reader
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Well this was .. awkward. A few months ago you and your mother moved into the apartment next to the Midoriyas. Your mother and Inko got along great quickly becoming friends. You and Izuku on the other hand have said hello to each other twice, maybe? Anyways with your mom and Inko going out tonight Inko asked if you would check in on Izuku. Just to make sure he ate dinner. Apparently he was studying for a test and often forgot to eat while doing so. The thought of having the apartment to yourself was to good to pass up so you agreed.
So far its been twenty minutes of waiting at Midoriya's door. You've been knocking almost the entire time and nada. Glancing down the hallway to be sure no-one was around. It wouldn't be weird if you tried the door knob right? You really don't want Inko to be disappointed. She's such a nice lady.
Taking a deep breath to calm your nerves you grab the handle. A soft click and the door popped open.
"Uh..h-hello?.. Midoriya? Hello?", you asked. You peak around the door. No answer. Not a soul in the living room either. Maybe he went out? His shoes and jacket are still by the door so he must be here right? You walk fully into the room closing the door behind you. Looking around you just pick the first door you see and go for it. You gently knock and whisper a hello. Again no answer. Quietly you opened the door.
The only light in the room is coming from a computer screen. Midoriya is just sitting in front of his computer. It looks like he's writing down notes. Pencil in hand and everything.
You clear your throat," Uh hey? Midoriya?"
No answer again. Maybe if you go tap him on the shoulder? You try to push aside the creepiness as you take quiet steps up to his chair. You lean forward to get a look at his face.
Midoriya is dead asleep sitting straight up. How did you not notice his light snoring before? At least he's in comfortable clothes. A white t-shirt and some shorts.
"Hey Hey Hey Midoriya? Hey?", you shake his shoulder. Just as you move your hand away your wrist suddenly felt like it was in a vice. Gravity escapes you for a moment until you feel the hard floor on your back. You look up eyes wide. Midoriya is leaning over you. He has you pinned to the ground holding your wrists above your head. You take a sharp breath. He knocked the wind out of you. His chest is pressed hard on yours. Midoriya stares down at you slowly blinking his eyes.
You look up at him a little frightened. He's gripping your wrists hard. Your heart is pounding.
"M-Midoriya?", you ask quietly.
His face is burning red. His eyes are as wide as yours. He looks fully awake now.
"(Y/N)! Oh god! I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to do that!" Midoriya just keeps apologising. You wiggle your wrists a little trying to get some relief. Damn his grip was firm.
Midoriya notices your discomfort. He instantly lets go and leans back. His eyes started to water. He threw you on the ground and he's the one about to cry.
"Your..your wrists.",said Midoriya. You bring your wrists to your chest. Wow they're bright red and aching. You had no idea he was strong enough to do this. Now that you're so close to him you get a really good look at him.
He's more muscular then you realized. No wonder his chest was like a rock. He's straddling you. His knees on either side of your hips. It's hard not to notice his muscly thighs right there in front of you. Now your face is burning. You look back up to his face and damn his freckles are cute to. Checking out a guy who just tossed you to the ground like a sack of potatoes.
Midoriya gets up and holds a shaky hand out to you. You hesitate a moment before taking it. He yanks you up a little to hard making you fall on to his chest. Queue the apologizes.
Midoriya's brain is racing a mile a minute. What's (y/n) doing in his house?
"It's ok. it's ok", you say trying to calm him down.
It doesn't seam to with how fast he pulls you into the kitchen. He feverishly digs threw the freezer stopping when he finds a bag of peas. Midoriya turns back to you. Both of your hands rest in one of his. He gently sets the bag of peas on top of your wrists. It dulls the ache.
"I'm sorry.Iveneverdonethatbeforeidontknowwhathappened!"
"Its..it's ok really. I surprised you", you tell him.
Catching sight of his hands you lose your train of thought. They feel so rough. All the scars make his hands feel uneven. You remember Inko telling your mom about Izuku getting into the hero course at UA. Is this what hero training does to you? Midoriya clears his thoat.
"So uh not to be rude but ..why are you in my house?", he asks.
His voice snaps you out of your hand trance. You face flushes.
"Oh your mom was worried about you eating dinner. She said you study right threw it", you tell him.
His face goes pink as he lets out a nervous chuckle. He must do this often. Midoriya gently leads you to the couch so you can take a seat. He walks back into the kitchen.
"Did you eat yet?",he asks you.
"Oh heh I guess not. I wanted to make sure you did first." You admit. After clunking around in the kitchen for a few minutes Midoriya comes back into the living room with a couple of bowls. He sits next to you handing you one. You take it placing the peas on the coffee table. He apologizes for only having noodles. You tell him you don't mind seeing as he didn't have to give you any food at all.
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dominaecaede · 6 years ago
Tomorrow Never Comes
Chapter 2 results: 75% chose to go with Todoroki
The following story will have themes such as blood, gore, situations that may cause anxiety and major character death. If you are sensitive to any of these, please do not proceed.
Chapter 3: The Hospital
Midoriya blinked. The words that fell from his friend's lips spat a tone of preparedness with a vivid hint of intimidation. The boy should've known better than to think Todoroki would run head first into a world where they both knew it was dangerous. Who was he to judge his determination, knowing full well that he wouldn't listen no matter what he chose?
That's when his eyebrows furrowed and he glanced an equally determined expression.
"I'll go with you," Midoriya spoke. "But we have to make sure we're prepared first."
Todoroki sighed. "Alright."
The half-toned boy got under his sleeping bag and turned his back to get a little sleep. Midoriya grinned just a little bit and went to do the same. At least the tension was lifted a smidge.
As Midoriya dreamed, the atmosphere was bright and warm. He was six years old again and wearing his favorite All Might onesies. A TV program played; he remembered it well. That was his favorite show. Watching his hero idol giving positive messages to the young made the world feel like it was back to being peaceful.
"Izuku, lunch is done!"
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He knew that voice. His mother was okay?
The little boy ran to the kitchen and struggled to get on the chair with his tiny legs. The sound of his mother's giggle was sounding off right behind him as he felt her hands help him up. It was his favorite meal, he knew he recognized the smell too. He stared at the bowl as if it was the Holy Grail.
"Izuku, honey, you're drooling," Inko chuckled. "Dig in. You must be hungry!"
Midoriya smiled and yes, he indeed was. It was like it wasn't a dream, but was back in the past. He swore he could taste the chicken on his taste buds... the softness of the egg brushing on the roof of his mouth. He loved this. It was like the world wasn't broken. Izuku could feel his mother's gentle hand caress his small emerald locks. Inko beamed a loving expression in her eyes.
"Stay strong, sweetheart. No matter what happens, keep moving forward."
Wait, what? Why did his mother say that? Everything began fading.
"...doriya. Midoriya, wake up."
He blinked his eyes open and found the dark ceiling and snoring around him. He was back to reality. He frowned and felt a rush of sadness.
He turned his head to see who woke him up, but of course it was Todoroki.
"C'mon. It's time," he whispered.
Midoriya didn't respond. He slowly sat up and stretched, and quietly rose from his sleeping bag. His tie felt a little tighter around his neck, in which made him wonder why he was still wearing it in the first place. It's not like he was a student of UA anymore. With hurt eyes, he untied it and tore it off, letting it fall on his pillow.
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As both boys left the pharmacy, they moved as swiftly and quietly as they can. Midoriya was creeping beside Todoroki while being cautious with each step.
"Okay... We're going to need weapons of some kind. Maybe some clothes to better conceal ourselves, too? The teal on our uniforms will give us away and even if we did, we'd need weapons that aren't loud enough since that'll give away our--"
"OI. I can hear your damn muttering from here, nerd."
Midoriya jolted and looked behind him. Was that who he thought it was? Yes. It was his explosive childhood friend with his upbeat red-headed classmate. Even without quirks, he's still as explosive as ever.
"K-Kacchan? Kirishima-kun? What are you doing here?"
"We should ask you the same thing," Kirishima blinked. "Your shoes weren't as quiet as you thought."
Bakugou sneered. "Now what the hell are you two doing out here?"
"We're saving my mother," Todoroki firmly answered. "And you're not going to stop us--"
"We're not trying to stop you, dumbass," Bakugou snapped back.
Kirishima smiled. "We're going with you!"
Midoriya widened his eyes. "B-But you're going to get killed!"
Bakugou was already walking towards Midoriya while the greenette spoke as Kirishima followed behind. The blonde's hand took ahold of Deku's face and pushed him to the side.
"And you're not? You act like we don't know this'll be dangerous, but we wouldn't have come if we we weren't aware. Now shut up, nerd."
Midoriya knew none of his words would stop the two spiked haired boys, especially Bakugou. Still, he knew that his childhood friend wanted to help, he just said it differently. And so, the four pressed on, staying close to the walls and hopefully out of sight from those things.
When they arrived at the hospital, it looked like an abandoned insane asylum. There were no lights, the windows were cracked and it looked like death was written all over it. The sound of screeching could be heard inside, very faint yet unmistakable. It sent shivers down their spines and the boys were hesitant to even get to the steps.
"I... I don't think this is a good idea...," Midoriya gulped.
His words were just mutters, but everyone still heard them. No one replied because deep down they all felt the same. Still, Todoroki wasn't going to back down. Bakugou took a deep, shaky breath and his eyes wandered around. He began walking towards the side of the building, found a pipe and yanked it out from beside a window. The screeching sound coming from inside seemed to get louder but there were no signs that the creatures heard him. Bakugou quickly backed up and held the pipe close to him.
"Good thinking," Kirishima commented. The redhead began searching around, which only prompted Midoriya and Todoroki to do the same.
Midoriya ended up finding a shovel that was hidden in a bush and Todoroki found a long thick piece of metal he found nearby. Kirishima looked in the same area and found a similar baton-shaped piece and held it close. Even though they all held something to defend themselves, they still felt a little defenseless. The screeching was distant in the building but it sounded like it came from behind them. Todoroki gripped his weapon, closed his eyes tightly, and took a deep breath.
"Let's go."
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Upon entering the building, they walked slowly and quietly.
"It's so fucking dark in here," Bakugou whispered. "I can't see a damn thing."
Midoriya looked around. "Maybe there's a flashlight somewhere?"
"What if those things see it?" Kirishima questioned.
Todoroki shook his head. "No... Those things didn't have any eyes the last time I saw them. Maybe the office has one. It's just right here."
The rest of the group followed Todoroki towards the direction of the office, but as they approached the door to the room, there was a scratching noise coming from it. Kirishima gulped.
"Okay... Maybe we should just move forward. I'm not trying to die today. There has to be a flashlight somewhere else..."
"And walk in the dark? Are you out of your damn mind? What if we bump into one of those things?" Bakugou barked in a hushed tone. "The room is right there."
Should they:
• go inside the room?
• or keep walking?
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