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doctor-octiddius · 8 months ago
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Another day, another slay Sid sketch
(Malik from Spy(ies) you will always be my favourite... sigh...)
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butchdiaz · 11 months ago
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ask for essays on tommy's nerves have essays on tommy's nerves delivered directly to your doorstep!!! sorry in advance for the length and incoherency of this ask because lou's acting choices genuinely make me feel deranged, we are so lucky to have him.
exhibit a: the hand on the chin when buck opens the door. he's thought about this so carefully you can tell from the moment he enters the scene. and i don't even mean the kiss. i don't think tommy knew that was going to happen until approx. five seconds before it did. but he wants to get this conversation right.
exhibit b: the fucking breathlessness when he says "we can talk" (yes we're still not even in the loft yet). like that is the breathlessness of a man seeing whom he assumes is his emotionally unavailable big boy crush and realising he's going to have to smooth things over between him and the man most likely making him unavailable to tommy. (it's also just tommy seeing big beefy tank buckley and getting a little flustered methinks)
exhibit c (moving actually into the loft now): obsessed, deeply deeply obsessed with the way buck removes the obstacle of the kitchen island between them and tommy immediately crosses his arms over his chest like he's trying to put it back between them subtly because he still doesn't think he's allowed to Want.
exhibit d: the way he literally cannot look at buck as buck starts moving in closer quite literally makes me want to rip my hair out. like baby, you're allowed to look i promise, i swear.
exhibit e: the breakout of the laugh to full seriousness as he commits to the "i'm renowned for my fake mouth static" is so special to me because. i have done that. i have committed to a bit that was perhaps a bit too revealing/suggestive with my heart pounding as a way of testing the waters. and then the relieved amusement of his "cmon hey" when buck plays into it.
exhibit f: the way tommy looks at buck when buck's giving his little "threw in with us no hesitation" speech is so. that man is ANCHORING his eyes to buck's eyes. he's still not allowed to look, he is being respectful, he is overcompensating, he is FIGHTING for his life.
exhibit g: his tiny little smile when buck mentions the tour. you wanted to see me? 🥺
exhibit h: the fucking recoil when buck says he wanted to get to know him. the disbelief. the oh. the maybe i can have this.
exhibit i: the slow drop of his smile the more time buck spends mentioning eddie (which btw why is that line so long fuck off buck stand up!!) thinking oh never mind.
exhibit j: "i could teach you" with that bashful little shrug of his shoulders. i could teach you if you'd let me.
exhibit k: the realisation that sinks in after buck says about flying lessons. he wants to spend time with me, he's moving closer. oh shit, i'm allowed, i'm allowed, i'm allowed. the seriousness. the i have to make him understand i want him. the first time he lets his eyes drop to buck's lips.
exhibit l: my attention? one last check. one last check just to make sure. i can want this, i can want him.
exhibit m: his little kind of glassy-eyed smile between "i did maim my best friend" and "my sister". he is not listening to a word buck says. he is making a decision. a terrifying decision, but he's already made it.
exhibit n (typed through tears lol): the way he squeezes his eyes shut as he pulls away. buck is opening his but tommy squeezes his shut harder. he doesn't want to see the disgust on buck's face. he's bracing for rejection. he's hoping, hoping, hoping.
exhibit o: the breathlessness of "like that?" please tell me that was okay, please tell me that's allowed, please please please. the clench of his jaw as he waits for buck's answer, the slight nod like he's confirming something to himself.
exhibit p: the smile when it sinks in that buck wants this. the smile before the immediate "so that was okay?" just needing that verbal confirmation for buck, yeah, but also for himself.
and then for me it's the complete shift in tommy's demeanour after buck confirms it's okay. he goes from this quiet, hesitant, reserved tommy to this confident, flirty, little bit sensual tommy the moment he's allowed. cross town traffic 🫦 came in a car this time 😏. it's just such a wild switch up but it makes so much sense because the nerves have gone. he's allowed to want. (jesus got halfway through the alphabet sorry)
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fluffypinkpillows · 11 months ago
I'm reaching 2k words already for my (what's supposed to be a) short two-shot. So, in celebration of reaching 1700 words so far here is a short excerpt from the fic! Also this isn't proofread yet.
(BTW, I do plan to post the fic on AO3 so that way my account on there can get some love too <3)
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One Last Cup of Coffee (Sneak Peek 1)
Thankfully, the waitress came by with your coffee, asking you to enjoy your sugar with your coffee. This made you groan in disbelief and throw your hands up in the air.
"I told you, Tiff, it's not like that!" The remark made Lucifer crack, laughing wholeheartedly. "Oh, shush it, you!" You say in response to Lucifer's laughing before grabbing the steaming hot cup and putting it to your lips and taking a sip before immediately recoiling in pain, sticking your tongue out. This made Lucifer start to laugh even more.
"You do that every time!" Lucifer manages to get out as he wipes tears from his eyes. "What makes you think you wouldn't immediately burn your tongue after just recieving your drink?" He asks genuinely between bouts of laughter from you waving your hand at your poor burnt tongue.
"It's the best way to drink it," you say. "That's when the taste is the most flavorful."
"I don't think you can even taste it at this point," Lucifer jests. "I'm pretty sure you have a cat's tongue from how sensitive you are to heat."
"I am NOT a cat, I'm a rabbit!" You retort, slapping your hand on the table, causing the cups and their respective spoons inside of them to clatter. "Is it not obvious? I have rabbit ears for Christ's sake!"
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rosesocietyy · 1 year ago
Brilliant people have said everything that needs to be said about this much much better and I don't got anything substantial to add but I just have to get this off my chest cause y'all I'm still in disbelief
like this is a grown ass person btw oh I simply have to laugh😭
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this perfectly exemplifies literally everything cringe af and wrong with these "assigned welcomers". this is just my scapegoat but there are way worse I've seen
First of all, get a job. how, at your fossil age, do you have time to spend all day scrolling through every single iwtv related post and arguing with people who say anything even slightly damning about lestat (which mind you, is literally just objective facts about things he did). I'll dm you a McDonald's application hell I'll even put in a referral for you out of the goodness of my heart.
Second, Lestat is not a real person. he's fake, a made up character, the figment of someone's imagine, non-existent, people hating him will not affect your life in anyway shape or form. He didn't assign you as his PR agent I promise you'll live. "They'll never accept him" ok and?!?
Question, and I'm genuinely asking, is this their first time in a fandom? why is someone having a different opinion about a character they love enough to send them into hysterics like?? 13 year olds on anime twitter have a better grasp on reality that y'all do get a grip!
And like the above posts have talked extensively about, I most definitely noticed whose posts a specific bunch of them love to go under to share their dog shit "explanation" that nobody asked for. When a black person sees Louis being brutalized by his white lover what do you expect their reaction to be? oaur wow this white french slut is so pussy cunt slay period queen? "but louis is flawed too" do you hear yourself? do you listen to yourself when you speak? can you activate the barest hint of brain activity to understand why we would react differently to what we're watching than you would and that knowledge of the source material has nothing to do with it? Just because you read those shitty books and posses no empathy for black people in media doesn't mean you gain some higher understanding of "gothic romance ".
"No but the thing is you don't understand this is a gothic romance and they're supposed to be monsters and lestat has suffered saur much and he's also the real main character so you must love him" so now how exactly does that negate their point about him being an abuser? quickly! sit the fuck down and shut the fuck up when black people are sharing their thoughts on the show cause who the fuck are you fr and what convinced you that you have the right to argue with them about THEIR experiences. that tweet that said white people act like God left them in charge, yeah.
Funny enough, half the people that are so gung ho about him now didn't even fw him at all when they only read the first book. wow it's almost like you were allowed to sort out your feelings about him on your own without insects disguised as people in your mentions calling you slow for not licking his feet.
I despise so much in this fandom. From the bottom of my heart I really truly do. I don't know what I was expecting, I guess more common sense and maturity because the average age in the fandom is quite high compared to other fandoms I've been in but nah, just mfs screaming and crying bc ppl don't jump up and down and scream yipee! everytime their white fav commits abhorrent, disgusting crimes.
I was so caught up in the euphoria of an anne rice property finally being given to skilled creators who'll pick it apart and say something poignant with it that for a moment, I forgot I lived in a world where majority of its audience would sadly be the anne rice crowd.
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hedwig221b · 3 months ago
OH MY GOD IS THIS WHY PREDATORS IS MY FAV RIGHT AFTER THOA (this is the thao anon btw) I’m in disbelief because I can’t believe I never made the connection lmaooo but yess it’s essentially the angst and Stiles leaving Derek for Derek’s own good and Derek being like hell no! Sometimes I particularly read jus the reunion scene in thao I’m also giggling now but yes yes and “oh my what big eyes you have” from predators lives in my mind rent free lol! Like Stiles was so worried but Derek dgaf! Derek loves Stiles sooooo muchhh he’s everything to him, nothing Stiles does can sway him be it murder or cannibalism lol. And idk much about twilight except for the obvious popular lore so I’m v excited! Especially about this new moon au after? Because I know nothing about it but if there’s going to break up angst/ make up reunion I’m going to sitting the fuck down with my popcorn hehe! Also side character and loud love also deserve special mention because I be eating up these fics all the time best believe when I say they’re all on rotation! Thank you for replying 😁
Ah!!!!!!! Had to find that part in Predators to remember what it was and AHHHHHHHHH 💗💗💗💗💗 I love Derek in that one, he's so obsessed and unashamed about it
Don't worry, even if you don't know Twilight, I'm gonna take your hand and gently guide you through it with sterek-colored glasses 💗 (only to crackle your heart like a Kinder egg in my hands (I find a sqeaky toy inside)). Genuinely, I think about the New Moon au and my heart is physically aching already. Also, you don't have to know the lore to enjoy the fics, I promise you that!
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ani-n-snips · 10 days ago
Captain America: Brave New World review
(unserious ahh review btw, a lil spoilers, and TL;DR its mid, not a don't watch but only if the tickets are half off)
i mean its aight ig
It was basically Winter Soldier but significantly worse, but Winter Soldier was also peak fiction so it was just kinda ehhhhh. I really do like Sam as Captain America in like the comics and in TFATWS, and I know a lot the "not my cap" is really just "boooo black people", but they literally just threw Anthony Mackie to the wolves here, there was nothing bro could do 😭 But this is just another Multiverse of Madness, where you have the lead character in a movie that he kinda feels shoehorned into, so do with that what you want Stuff I liked:
-Most of the the performances were really good. Carl Lumbly and Harrison Ford especially, maybe its bc they experienced but I GENUINELY felt something from them, and that was a pleasant surprise, especially that convo between Isaiah and Sam in the prison cell... that hit diff icl
-Red Hulk going GRAHHHHHHHHH, and tbh not just that but the fight choreography was really freaking good (even if it made no sense how do you a shockwave that cooked the White House but not a damn axe from gus fring)
-Was expecting a little more political stuff like TFATWS (which I actually liked there) but because Disney's virtue signaling is so eye-bleaching it feels like anti-representation I liked that they went pretty bipartisan here (also because you can't get people complaining about wokeness like they did last time)
Stuff I didn't like:
-Samuel Sterns is so not scary compared to like Baron Zemo and shit, like who tf is this bruh
-Widow Clone very clearly meant to be Natasha Romanov but not Natasha. And not as good at it either. She was pretty fire in the first act but she was kind of just there the rest of the time.
-I mentioned this in fight choreography but the amount of plot armor Sam has in this movie is UNHOLY. Like DAMN. I can't even get to every instance where he should either be dead or the guy he's fighting should be dead and its even, like he's getting whooped by some random thug or a two guys with lil tickle tasers one second and is batman taking on 2 fighter gets or 20 people or THE FKING RED HULK and winning, and all this with NO serum.
-I think the main thing I dislike about the movie is how many things happen for the plot. The actors are great, the yapping is fine, the action is cool, and honestly the base plot isn't even that bad (even if it's just another winter soldier/civil war political mastermind style movie.) But the movie HAD to be longer, like significantly, because some shit js HAPPENS that makes no sense. Like the reason Samuel wants to kill Captain is because... he took a 20% chance instead of an 80% chance???? Or the trained army vet Joaquin Torres just forgets to remember that "trust me i got it" means "trust me i got it" and not "bro does not have it 💔"??? Or Notasha just randomly switches sides on a literal dime (she's ex widow)??? Or samuel has such terrible doors that a guy with a knife can open it in 15 seconds??? Or... I could keep going on and on and on about the plot holes in this movie, or the things that are added just because the story HAS to advance. If the movie was longer, maybe some of these things could have been explained, but they already reshot the movie 7 trillion times so i dunno
-marvel please help your green screen people because the suspension of disbelief felt more like a slight delay of skepticism 💀
Some Changes I Would Make:
-A new villain. Like Madame Hydra or something like that. I honestly do like Red Hulk, but not so much Leader
-If we WERE to keep Red Hulk and Leader, I would have liked for Ross to be an already established Hulk, and that to actually be a selling point of his plotline. I think he should have been elected and allat DESPITE the Hulking out, but still keep the "I'm trying to change" persona (but he's actually lying), maybe even have him helping out on the first mission or the fighter jets or smth. Have Sterns try to manipulate the whole situation, but have him not anticipate Ross realizing what he's doing, and have Ross kill him after the Jets. Then have Sam find out, and now they have their big showdown, with Sam eventually convincing Ross to turn himself in (because realistically thats the only way he lives 💀). This way, Ross becomes an Anti-Hero from a villain, instead of an Anti-Hero (but not really) to a hero. Overall:
5/10. It really hurts because it had the potential to be so good, but at least I went out with all my expectations being met. It's fading into obscurity tbh, but i bet everything on thunderbolts soooooooo
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rogue-durin-16 · 2 years ago
This is a fun idea that I’ve had rolling in my head for a while, but you don’t have to do it if you don’t want to! What if the reader likes to draw, so obviously, when surrounded by those snackable men in East company, she draws them! She puts little notes next to the faces (ex. Thinks he’s gods gift to women, or sweetest man alive), and maybe how some of the Easy boys would react to flipping through the sketchbooks and seeing the notes? With Toye, Luz, Bull, and Shifty?
A/N: I drew them for no reason. In like half an hour. I am so stupid somebody sedate me. Btw I actually read this when you sent it and thought omg I love it, and then completely forgot it existed. Enjoy these super delayed headcanons? <3
Warnings: none
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"Hey, whatchu got there?"
Bad start.
You halfheartedly let him flip through the pages and this man's slack jawed.
Keep in mind that, while Joe knows you sketch in your free time, he has no idea you sketch them.
Double shock when he gets to his face.
Doesn't process the silly notes at first because something's not clicking.
You drew him. Him. Out of- him?
Tries his best not to blush
Genuinely doesn't know how to react
This man cannot hold back a little smile of endearment when he reads 'toughest motherfucker' because that's a big ass compliment.
Specially considering he thinks he's a dud.
'an actual sweetheart' this man choked on his own words. A SWEETHEART. HIM. A-
"Do you... Like it or...?"
"It's— yeah no, I-I love it. They're really good huh..." Tries to act cool while he hands it back.
He can't look at you in the eye for a hot minute because you made his brain shortcircuit with a quick sketch.
Tough and a sweetheart. No one had ever called him a sweetheart.
Toye knows he's got a soft side to him, but it's buried so deep he never thought someone would notice.
Bot you did, and it keeps him up at night for months I'm not even kidding.
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George is bored. He's very vocal about it.
You don't care. You're very vocal about it too.
Well too bad because Luz wants attention so he's going to annoy you until he gets some.
Verbal vexation doesn't work because you're currently focused on sketching Malarkey, so he switches to plan B; snatching the sketchbook away from you.
Immediately teases you about drawing Don while you chase him through the house you're billeted in.
Flips through the pages without actually seeing shit because initially he just wanted your attention and he got it.
But then he catches a glimpse of his face and sudden he's actually interested.
A boyish grin lights up his gaze.
He's way too happy about a damn sketch and he knows it but he can't help it.
You drew him and he looks handsome. He has never thought of himself as handsome but apparently you did.
Shoves you away to read the notes.
'Easy's source of joy'. THE REASSURANCE HE FEELS-
He snickers at the 'human lucky charm.
Then his head snaps at you in disbelief.
"SHORT?!" He's FLABBERGASTED. It's your turn to laugh.
Also run because George is so chasing you.
He's not sure what he's gonna do when he gets you. Probably hit you with the goddamn sketchbook. Probably kiss you idk he'll see.
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Bull knows you sketch them for fun.
He's caught a glimpse of a couple of drawings here and there but never said anything, not even to you.
But now you two are sitting by each other's side at a bar in silence and he's adamant about making a conversation with you.
He bumps your arm, tilts his chin at you and then at the sketchbook peeping from your bag.
"Can I see 'em?"
How are you gonna say no to this absolute darling? To be fair you forgot about the little notes on his drawing.
He nonchalantly flips the pages, occasionally nodding and making quiet comments.
"You got talent, Y/n/n."
He's got the book wide open so you can see what he's seeing. And you see his drawing. And the notes.
Bull's heart swells at the sketch. It shouldn't surprise him— the fact that he's got his own page, but it does.
He reads the first note and the corner of his lip twists up. HE READS THE SECOND NOTE AND SNORTS.
He quirks a brow at you. "Anything you wanna tell me?"
You're mortified. He assures you he's completely kidding. Congratulates you on the drawings. Gives it back and watch your every move.
Husband material huh?
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Shifty makes eye contact with you while you're sketching him. Thrice.
First time you give him a mortified smile and he doesn't get why, but he returns it.
Second time he knows something's up. He sees the sketchbook.
Third time he walks up to you.
You attempt to uhm pretty much run away because you just finished so there's no need to stick around anymore.
He cuts through and get to you before you can leave.
"What were you drawing?" He asks, but he means 'were you drawing me?'
You show him and his eyes light up with joy.
He struggles with words but his visage is a very telling sign that he actually loves it.
He goes through everybody's sketch and asks if you were gonna add any notes to his.
The fact that he seems so excited about it dims your embarrassment and gives you a little bit of courage.
So you take back the sketchbook and scribble the notes before giving it back.
'certified guardian angel' HELL YES, HE'LL KEEP YOU SAFE ANY DAY.
'lovely but deadly' he wants to kiss you. Much like Toye, he's not used to people seeing both parts of him, but... You do?
"Could I... Maybe... Keep it?"
You're surprised no one else has asked for the drawing. Maybe they assumed you wouldn't give it away.
Shifty's eyes widen momentarily when you rip the page and hand it to him.
He'll cherish the sketch forever.
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Band Of Brothers: @francois-ceverts @chubbypotatoepie @tvserie-s-world
Permanent taglist: @elia-the-bibliophile @randomparanoid @karlthecat15722 @thebutchersdaughtersblog @amourtentiaa @comfort-reads
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beesmygod · 2 years ago
I'm glad you watched another playthrough of the devil in me bc sgfs run made it look so bad I wondered if he had missed some absolutely crucial game choice but no I guess it really is just like that
the shit makes no sense. im going to "spoil" it rn but like. you can't spoil this game. theres no twist theres just a fucked up guy who walks at you. the killer was killerman. you win prize money.
like lets do a quick list of what was good ("good") and what wasnt. most of these are just going to be moments or isolated plot elements
it wasnt as accidentally funny as their previous games. accidentally funny i mean.
it had the audacity to end with someone picking up the h.h. holmes mask (not a thing that exists btw. no one is making these except like custom on etsy. its so fucking suspicious) like "oooh hes going to do it agaiiiin!" but he got chopped up by a boat propeller. no he isnt
the areas and parts where certain players were "supposed" to die were REALLY telegraphed and detrimental to the pacing of an already artificially bloated plot
why was there a dog that hated the murderer living on the island waiting to bite the shit out of him. whose dog was that. why was there dog. cheap emotional fodder tossed in at the end.
the opening kill is legitimately unpleasant to watch. they forgot that the kills are supposed to be gruesome and not stomach churningly sadistic or remind me of holocaust movies
the characters are genuinely awful and boring people who hate each other. not a single lifeline to be had. even the dog shows up too late for you to establish any kind of friendship
the reason why no one has cell phones is because a guy who is tricking them into taking his place as the murder victims just takes them as part of the "experience". they're a fucking film crew lol. theres no way
i legit thought it was going to end up being a team of people bc he was somehow everywhere at once doing the slow jason walk
instead it's one man, an ex-FBI agent who was abused by his mom and gets talked into doing serial murder by the single lamest serial killer monologue ive ever heard in my life. its just a guy who decided to try something different one day. and then i guess he built a murder hotel after faking his death so he could do more murder. this sucks. i dont care about this.
the plot elements are completely random. the animatronics made out of PEOPLE (they apparently did not get the news that they were beat to this idea by a solid near decade) have nothing to do with anything at all. not h.h. holmes, not murder hotel. they're just there for no reason. they barely even get used.
and they had the audacity to show him MAKING animatronics OF THE 5 FILM CREW MEMBERS after they arrived on the island. this game takes place over the course of one day. he did not do this. there is no way. this game stretches the player's suspension of disbelief too far.
the writing on the mom and the serial killer is pathetic lol. its rough to see evil attempted by people who can only conceptualize it in terms of physical violence
oh great another taxidermy guy. thanks
it was just some guy
the ending is so bad that its ballsy. it cuts to a news reporter talking about how they are still finding bodies in the hotel where 5 person groups were tricked into staying so that they could be murdered. the ppl watching the report are interrupted by their friend who tells them her viral video won a contest (dog its 2022 lol) and the prize is that 5 of them get to stay in a mysterious hotel owned by a man with the same name as the guy they were just talking about.
then it zooms into the email the girl got telling her that she won and that one image of h.h. holmes is just in the window
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did he make the little graphic announcing she has won? did he deliberately include himself? did he not notice somehow that he was in the picture. did he set up a timer and run up to the top floor so he could be very spooky and mysterious
HOW could he POSSIBLY afford another murder house. the invoice for the first one on the private island is IN THE GAME and its an eye popping amount. he does NOT have another house like where is he getting the money? or getting it zoned? or tricking ANOTHER construction team into building death traps that are suspiciously like the ones on the news
theres a part where a woman is stuck in a closet having an anxiety/asthma attack and the scary murder man gives her her inhaler. for some reason. this is never explained
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why did he have ultra specific recordings of his mom commenting on what time he arrives and what page of his baby book he looks at. or what time it is.
theres phonographs and creepy music playing everywhere and no one turns them off like "what the fuck!!!" they're just like ooooh no im being menaced SSOOOO much
why was one of the crew members friends with someone who was strangled by "the campus strangler". as far as i can tell this adds nothing to the story, it just freaks her. as the player i dont care bc the the killerman just finds this out somehow and finds a copy of the paper where they used a photo taken of her, her friend and the strangler. guess which one is the strangler:
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how could they identify his fake dead body from "dental records". they explicit say this. did he fucking glue a set of teeth into the guys mouth. is he toothless throughout the whole game. is he wearing fake teeth. im laughing just typing this up. what the fuck
he pulled an hh holmes on the construction crew after they built a hh holmes themed murder hotel for him.
the murder counter. why does it exist. how does it know to update.
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im now thinking about how funny it is that he put in a 4th digit. get real dude! no WAY
the director being baited into an obvious trap with cigarettes like he was being hunted by wiley e. coyote was insane. my dude you are being murdered. you know you are at this point. why did you go into the room with only one entrance!!
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it was just some guy
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zuffer-weird-girl · 5 years ago
There was a anon asking for a sweet moment on my Chisaki Family au... how could I refuse something like that? Also btw I really dont know if out there is still snow but this scenario just begged for it so Im sorry have a bit of fluffy my fellas
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He groaned internally when he heard two pairs of feet running down the halls.... even despite his daughter only having almost one year, the kid was a fast learner just like her older brother and himself.
It was early still... those brats... curse him for having a light sleep... he just wanted to forget his responsibilities for one day... is that too much to ask?
He burried his nose on your hair, sighing in bliss at receiving the warm of your body, his nose was almost frozen if it wasn't for his angel.
The best part is that he knew you had taken a shower before bed, a proper one since he was in the same as well...
You groaned at the sudden contact with his cold hands directly on your skin and his nose on the back of your neck.
"Asshole... you're cold..." you mumbled from your sleep receiving a slap on your bum while you yelped gigglingon your pillow.
"Shut it. Is not my fault that you're a human heater."
"There are people who has fire quirks though-"
"Dont ruin my morning angel." He growled in irritation but still didn't got even a inch apart from you.
"When did it get so cold?" You mumbled before feeling the sleep come back to you again.
"I will buy better sheets... these one are clearly shit." He smirked in your hair at the surprised gasp that left your lips.
You squirmed on his embrace to look up at him with a disbelieved face but smilling no less.
"Who are you? My husband don't just swear out of no where."
"Is still morning I have the rights on being at least more... flexible."
"Is still Kai Chisaki swearing though."
He went to answer back with a small smartass coment of his if it wasn't for the quiet hushes of his son and his dad quiet baby giggles.
You both sighed, you loved those deviants bjt quality time between you both was always appreciated.
"Maybe if we pretend that we are asleep they will give us some more time?" You suggested before Chisaki glared at you and closed his eyes again, pinching a bit on your side for you to do the same thing.
He heard the door creaking open and conttolled his urge to scoff and tsk at his children actions, still pretending to be deep asleep with his wife.
Which he really wanted actually...
He felt the bed shift for a momeng before the sheets seemed to tremble for a bit as a tiny body crawled towards the middle of both of you.
"No Kin, you won't wake up them in this way!" Kaito's whispered at his sister before wiggling a bit to maintain his balance "Watch me! This will make both literally jump out of there!"
"No it won't, and I will suggest for you to not even dare to jump on this bed brat." He zaid in irritation bearing his son yelp and feeling that he had falled to his back but thankfully still on the bed.
He scoffed while you giggled, getting up and crawling your younger baby that was already making grabby hands at you.
"Good morning Kin and Kaito..." you said still sleepy, geunting at the forcw that your son used to give you a hug.
"Didn't you brats have anything better to do?" Chisaki growled while picking his gloves and mask from his nightstand "Like brush your teeth or other things that I teached you both?"
"Already done daddy. You and Mommy that just spend too much in bed." Kaito said monoustly staring up at his father whose glared down at him.
"Is five in the morning Kaito..." he linched the bridge of his covered nose when his son merely shrugged.
What a way to start the day...
"But I woke up first because its snowing outside!"
"Snowing?" You and your husband said in union, clearly confused before Kin made a happy noise while squiming out of your embrace to follow her big brother, whose was telling you and Chisaki by hand gestures to follow him.
"Well..." you got up and flinched the slightest at feeling the cold ground on your bare feet "You're coming?"
Chisaki arched a eyebrow at you before getting up to both of you follow your energetic son and daughter.
"You brat don't even got outside, you just pretended is snowing... so what is so important?"
The kid look up at him before picking Kin carefully in his arms.
"Is Kin's first snow! And I'm sure there is outside, because tonight it was really cold!"
"He kinda has a point there." You giggled while your husband scoffed.
"Is just snow for God's sake."
"Aw, is her first snow Kai! Kaito was the same thing, didn't you remember the joy on those serious baby's eyes that still are way too similiar with yours?"
"He has your eye color. Stop talking nonsense. Kids are fascinated by anything, even if is not something that impressing or simply ridiculous." You pouted at him playfully and he rolled his eyes at your actions.
"Open open!" Kaito gleamed at the japanese door for both of you open to the yard.
Kai sighed in irritation before pushing one side while you pushed the other, getting surprised at seing the yard completely white with snow.
"Ha! Told you!" Kaito pointed a fi ger towards his father, dodging when his gloved hand went to slap away.
"Pointing is rude brat."
"Whatever. Come on Kin!" Kaito beamed while pushing his sister onto the snow, Kai's muscled tensing while his golden eyes darkened.
"Kaito Chisaki both of you will get a cold, get back inside right now and put something at least!"
You giggled at seing both of your children smiles, Kin golden eyes widening at her brother when he picked a small amouth of snow fo show her closerly, poking the point of her nose with it, emmiting the most cute yelps and giggles from the girl while her brother laighed along.
"That's it. Kaito you-" he widened his eyes in disbelief at seing you stepling in on the snow as well, actually throwing yourself at your children and hugging them closely while laughing aling with them.
Kai's eye twitched in anger and disbelief at the scene before he sighed in pjre annoyance and turned his back to get inside to at least pick the coats.
Well... that was the plan before he frooze at the sudden cold and rather hard hit on his back.
He knew exactly what was that, and slowly tuned his head a bit to send a one side eye death glare at the three angels faces.
"Who?" He said in a dark tone of voice. Deadpanning internationally at seing that Kaito pointed at his sister, while Kin had pointed to Kaito... you just stayed still with that infuriatingand adorable smile, looking up at him.
He slowly turned to be at least glaring with both eyes at the three of them. You gulped before getting up, already knowing that you might will have tto calm down your husband.
"Kai... hon calm down" you said gently before you dodged a snowball that you swore tbat you didn't even saw Chisaki making it!
Although that snowball hitted Kaito straight on the face.
"Strike." Your husband said monoustly while you gasped his name out loud in disbelief.
"NOT FAIR!" the kid yelled while his sister errupted in giggles.
You runned towards the inside of your home with everyone coats, smilling devilish at seing your husband still debating with Kaito, the back of his neck in full view to you.
"How many times will I have to say it that if you did the first move than I get the rights o- (Y/N)!" He shouted your name in anger while flinching away from your colds hands at his neck.
You handed the coaches to your children before showing your husband the timer on your cellphone.
"A little bet than my devil? 10 minutes of a small war?" He grabbed his coat and zipped up before placimg your phone near the exit of the door.
"I won't say anything besides that-" You tikted your head in confusion before you saw your husband crounching down again and throing a snowball at his son... poor thing didn't dodged.
"That brat is going down."
"Alright then." You threw a snowball at him, running away while laughing at his disbelieved face.
"(Y/N) Chisaki you will pay for this." He growled before crounching down on the ground and placing both of his now bare hands, smirking devilish at seing the wave of snow coming in your direction.
He got distracted though when his son and daughter threw weakly two snowballs at him.
"Alright then. The three of you will pay for this." He said monoustly but still hated that fact that he couldn't stop smilling underneath his mask.
"I can't believe what my eyes are seing." Pops chuckled lowly at seing Chisaki catching you by the waist while turning you around in the snow, cleary chuckling along with your laughter as his grandson carried his grand daughter by a pig bag ride.
He smiled genuinely at seing the look of pure adoration and happiness on his sucessor face when he looked down at you, scrunching up your nose and pouting at the huge amount of snow he had just throw it on your head and face.
It was still a miracle to see that Chisaki was... like he is today. He was always worried about Kai's behaviour, sure, the feeling of paying him back for taking him in and the violence was still there... but the worst he owned to you for simply had drifted away.
He closed the door with a chuckle before making his way to the kitchen, hearing the whines of the kids when a cellphone ring went off.
"Maybe a bit of tea for the four of them would be nice on this cold."
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nemirutami · 7 years ago
Excuse me for being a weirdo who backreads people's blogs, but I had a small additional question regarding your answer to this ask here: /171315404167/ Do you also hate Alcor? If so, I'm incredibly curious to know why, since never harbored any ill will towards humanity and genuinely cared for the protagonist. (I realize I'm a little biased as I ship them together, but that's beside the point) I do agree most of the characters' motives and views were pretty selfish though.
I’m glad ppl are reading them bc sometimes I feel like I’m yelling directly at a wall and my opinions are just bouncing right off, but I have an answer for that. 
I think the game did Alcor disservice in how he was represented. He would have benefited more from being impartial (but he isn’t impartial- and I’ll go more into detail about how he meddles to tip the scales) but I will admit anime!alcor was worse and just a sloppy attempt at making a NGE reference- but I won’t go into that because I could write an essay about how shitty the DESU2 anime is (I think everyone can- no one that played the game liked it and I can’t blame them).
The characters I actually can’t stand are: Yamato and Ronaldo. Because they’re actually the ones that actively go out and wipe out even ALLIES for their own benefit, not gonna lie- I might hate Ronaldo just a tiny bit more because of Makoto’s fate events, even if Yamato is just as bad if not worse. On top of that, they’re both awful hypocrites and unlike Yamato where I can kinda see the appeal, Ronaldo is completely unlikable. Even so, I can enjoy ships with Yamato in them. Tho I ship absolutely no one with Ronaldo because why would you evoke that kind of suffering in anyone. 
Everyone else is either bordering on annoying, bland, or just a mean spirited asshole. I feel more sympathy for Keita than I do for Hinako because at least Keita calls everyone a piece of shit, whereas Hinako seems to single out Daichi to shit on... on Daichi’s own route. Fumi also talks down to everyone, but in this case, Daichi’s just caught in the crossfire. Similar with Airi, she hates EVERYONE apparently, and will even punch Jungo. Hinako tho seems to specifically target Daichi on his route like... what the fuck is your problem? You called him an idiot twice in 1 battle Hinako holy shit, go chill??? I will never let this go because BOY was just BREATHING and she went “UGHHH YOU’RE SO STUPID” LIKE LET HIM BREATHE HOLY SHIT IS HE NOT EVEN ALLOWED THAT ANYMORE? 
Anyways, onto Alcor.
There’s a lot of plot holes and inconsistencies surrounding how the summoning app actually works (Alcor invented it after all, and gave it to us to use) and all these inconsistencies just make Alcor look bad from a writing standpoint (more of that below). He could have been a good character had he not been written poorly (Much like Yamato and... like 99% of the cast really. Even Daichi suffers from shit writing and I’ll never forgive them for this.) and had the plot not fucked him in the end and basically had him destined to die even on Daichi’s route (which sucks but is understandable since he is a septentrione) perhaps I’d have actually liked him. 
I tend to love characters that obsess with the protagonist, and they’re usually my absolute FAVORITE characters. I’m really surprised I didn’t jump on Alcor’s ship with the protag because it HAD the setting I absolutely adored for relationships to form? Especially the alien/human dynamic since I came into DESU2 right after exiting NGE so I was IN THE MOOD. Alcor in and of himself was just. Not satisfying to interact with (bored me to tears too) because of his cryptic messages that (more than anything) just waste time and bring the player nowhere unless they rank up to like 4 right before Yamato basically THROWS EXPOSITION AT YOU AND EXPLAINS THE ENTIRE PLOT ON THE 2ND LAST DAY (it’s even worse and comes even more out of nowhere if you haven’t interacted with Alcor at all in his fate events. More disservice. They should have made Alcor’s fate events more intimate and given Alcor more plot relevant lines within the plot itself instead of his events. Much like... Daichi really. They fucked up with Daichi by making his fate events more relevant to his character growth than the actual plot. I guess they did the same for Alcor but truth be told, I remember so little about Alcor because more than anything Alcor just bored me. Never quite pissed me off. Just bored me.) 
Ok, but onto the cake. The things that made me iffy on Alcor’s character in general.
Alcor supposedly gave humans fire and culture and blah blah. Already this is telling me to practice immense amounts of disbelief since it’s well documented how these things came about, but I suppose if no one actually knows the history then they can accept this at face value? I wasn’t tho. He acted responsible for it and it put me in disbelief and just made me think he sounded like an idiot. It also made him seem very arrogant, because it implied people NEEDED to be given culture, and that we just didn’t develop culture and diversity on our own. It implies we were all lifeless husks until he came along and granted it to us. Which is insulting.
The fact he’s a septentrione isn’t foreshadowed well and is very obvious from the second we see him floating and talking to other demons/septentriones since he clearly knows what they’re saying. Not really a character-specific issue. Just more problems of bad writing. “Who is he...” Daichi have you seen a HUMAN float in space like that god fucking damn it i love you but why u so duMB WHY YOU ALL SO DUMB IT’S CLEARLY EITHER A DEMON OR A SEPTENTRIONE, THE REAL QUESTION IS- WHY IS HE HELPING US?
Btw that’s another point. Why is he helping us? Oh, right, because he messed up.
He doesn’t want Yamato’s world, but he gave Yamato the power to reform society. Then, when Yamato tries to do what Alcor granted him the means to do, he’s like. Hm. Well. Shit? This guy’s a fucking psycho. Time to place my bets on the protagonist instead (which he does favor a lot- which doesn’t make him impartial really since he clearly favors explaining things more to Hibiki/Protag than anyone else in the game, and it puts everyone else at a disadvantage when a GOD LIKE ENTITY is behind the protag boosting him to make the “right” choice for humanity). I know Alcor was fascinated by humans and wanted them to live (which is fine), yet he didn’t bother to warn the MILLIONS that died (and remained dead in one of the endings- thanks Alcor) due to his negligence. Knowing about it and at least not issuing a warning is cruel. Sure, he gave people the demon summoning app, but the app was considered a “prank site” (nice advertisement, Alcor) as Daichi said at the start of the game (which i hate more than Yamato himself. Daichi. This. This idiot. This idiot signed his best friend up to a DEATH SITE just cus LOLS- the writing is bullshit, and I really disliked early Daichi, too. I disliked some of later canon-Daichi too because he was just rendered to a joke outside his Fate Events). The writing is really unfair on everyone, and it doesn’t help that the app doesn’t work the way it’s advertised to work anyways, seeing as Alcor can twist it to do what HE needs it to do at any time.
For example, the app is said to send death videos regarding people you’ve made a bond with, but clearly that’s all bullshit considering Alcor manually sends Hibiki a warning (and only Hibiki alone) of Otome’s death video so that NO ONE BUT HIBIKI CAN SAVE HER. This implies he can manipulate the death videos personally and exclude others from receiving videos. This. This is not kind. Not at all. I know he was testing Hibiki, but at THIS RISK? Losing Otome can FUCK YOUR PERFECT RUN and outside game mechanics, ELIMINATE ANOTHER HUMAN LIFE. If he wanted to, he could kill characters he actually doesn’t like this way by basically not sending the videos out to people, which, if you don’t go to save Otome right away- will be the end of her. He’s putting all his bets on you alone and testing you by cutting off everyone else from the app- potentially hindering backup to save Otome. Sure, you save her but you can just as easily kill her. I can’t say this wasn’t a sleazy test because he was basically playing with Otome’s LIFE and showed no signs of remorse. Some love for humans you have Alcor. Shit dude. This isn’t kind at all.
But I guess these are my main qualms about him- at least the ones I remember- but take everything I say with a grain of salt bc I tried to avoid confrontation with him completely in my 2nd and 3rd run so I have vague memories lingering. I don’t hate him? I can actually like him if he’s written well by other people, but given how he is in the game, I can’t say I ever enjoyed interacting with him. He didn’t annoy me other than the 2 times I’ve stated above, where he basically talks down to us about how we got to our culture and how he kinda lets Otome PERISH if we don’t respond quickly enough. I know it was a test to the protagonist’s will, but aren’t the septentriones a test enough of my conviction, Alcor, honestly. Unlike Airi, Hinako, Keita, and everyone else, Alcor doesn’t annoy me at all. Io annoys me more, if not only because the game wanted Daichi to be plot relevant only for Io to get all the spotlight. Io is genuinely maybe the better written character- it’s just such a shame they flipflop on her as a lead when in any other game, she could easily have been a lead. Her love triangle kills any enjoyment I get from her at all tho and just makes me bitter. More bad writing- who would have guessed.
Tho from a shipping standpoint? You can ship Alcor with Hibiki for good reasons, obviously. There’s a clear connection and fascination there that doesn’t surprise me people flock to (because I would have been there too had they just written him better). I don’t really mind the ship itself. When I say “i don’t mind it” I just mean I don’t feel anything for it and I’d probably not draw it for myself. There are really no ships I hate or really... dislike? There’s just stuff I don’t ship, but I can definitely ship Hibiki/Alcor if it was for a plotpoint of some kind in a fic or art or whatever. It depends on the idea really. 
I guess it’s too late to say something like this so far into the post, but I like to believe that ANY ship works if the construction/buildup to it is good enough. I believe you can make any character do/say anything under the right circumstances with the right motives without it being OOC or feel out of place. I’d like to think talent is wicked like that- a double edged sword of risky ideas that can either make or break your interpretation/perception depending on how you build it up. Though, that takes effort. Something DESU2 sadly lacks in a lot of ares, but it’s still a game worth playing for the experience and I wouldn’t not recommend it for the good parts that are (while few) really, really good.
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luciana-galvez · 7 years ago
GIRL, I WAS WATCHING THE FINALE AND I KEPT THINKING ABOUT THIS BLOG AND I WOULD LIKE TO HEAR YOUR THOUGHTS ABOUT THE FINALE.. That's if you've see it yet, of course. Sorry for all caps btw I'm just shook-
GIRL, I GET YOU. Also, you thought of me when you watched it? I love you, that is so cool! 
And thanks for avoiding spoilers! (Even though I stayed away from Tumblr until after I had seen the episode, but still.) I’m in Europe so I actually only got to see it this morning, because it airs like 3am or 4am my time. I don’t really understand American TV schedules haha. :)
Anyway, under the cut you’ll find my two cents about the episode, because I feel like this is going to be a bit longer:
Speaking strictly from the perspective of an objective viewer, I really liked the episode. It wasn’t the strongest one of season three, but it made for a satisfying season finale imo, especially with the dam crashing at the end. Now, as an emotionally invested viewer that’s a whole other story but I will get to that in a minute. 
The one thing I didn’t really understand is why Alicia gave up her lone wolf mission after two minutes and joined the thugs and just left her new friend like that? I mean I get that the writers needed a way for her to reunite with her family but I feel like that really undermined the moment two episodes ago where she took a stand and said she needed to be alone, which I really liked. Was there some kind of explanation that I missed for why she abandoned that plan right away?
Anyway, the elephant in the room: Troy. Man, I have very conflicting thoughts about this. On the one hand, if he had to die, I feel like the way they did it was beautifully done. If anyone had to do it, it had to be Madison. I’m pretty sure I would have been upset if anyone else had done it. There was this little moment after she hit him for the first time where he looks up at her and there’s this short moment of genuine surprise and disbelief on his face, a nanosecond of ‘how can you do this to me’, which really got me. Daniel Sharman played that beautifully. Just in general the conflict that they had was bound to happen and I thought it was very telling that she hit him right after he said ‘you understand. you understand and you see thing’ (something along those lines). Maybe I’m reading to much into this but as much as Nick and Troy shared the same self-destruction, Troy and Madison shared more than she would like to admit as well. Growing up with alcoholic parents, an abusive father. If you disregard the whole racist-parents-and-isolated-environment situation, I think Madison might also see a small glimpse of herself in Troy, of what she could have turned out to be if she wouldn’t have been able to get out of her situation by killing her father. Because after Jeremiah died we didn’t only see Troy upset, but also relieved (that whole ‘he was a drunk’ scene at his grave with Nick). And the moment Troy reminds Madison of how alike they are, of their shared ability to make the hard calls, she kills him. I just think story wise that was the best way to do it. 
But that being said, obviously I had hoped that they would keep Troy alive. Listening to my morals it was hard to root for him when he brought up that the ‘Indians’ did not deserve the land, but as a viewer, I would have loved to see what the writers would do with his character in the next season. Troy was by no means the good guy, but no good TV show consists only of good guys. You need conflict, and having an arch for Troy next season (even if it’s not a redemption arch) would have definitely given the viewer interesting conflict. I feel like every single scene with Troy was interesting to watch, mostly because Daniel Sharman did such a wonderful job with the character (I’m actually convinced 80% of the sympathy for Troy stems from just how great Daniel Sharman plays him and how much charisma he brings to the role, at least that’s the case for me. I didn’t even know Sharman before, so I started season 3 hating Troy’s guts haha). I loved the dynamic between Madison and Troy, and I loved the dynamic between Troy and Nick even more. I feel like Nick and Troy understood each other in a way that Madison or Alicia would never be able to, just because they are so alike. And I feel like (that was also something they touched on in Talking Dead) Nick had been given so many chances every time he fucked up that he wanted to give Troy a chance too, you know? If he could manage to help Troy redeem himself, maybe he could be redeemed as well. Saving Troy and saving himself by proxy, basically. I think they could have both been good for each other, especially now that Troy was away from the ranch and the toxic environment there, so I’m mostly sad we don’t get to see that. 
Also, writing for his character so much I also realized that I had become much more attached to him than I had expected, so even though I expected him to die I was surprisingly hard to watch. I just hope that with my stories I can turn him into someone worthy of a redemption arc.
Speaking of, what I really, really loved about season three was how well all the characters were written. Contrary to season two (or one even) there was so much ambiguity and morally gray areas. It’s the apocalypse, and I love how they don’t have clear bad guys (except Jeremiah, he can choke) and good guys, because that’s just not how an apocalypse works. As opposed to TWD where you have the Governor and Negan who are the all time evil villains, season three gave us Walker, who we thought was the bad guy and then turned out to be the one in the right. And Madison, who is arguably the main protagonist and the ‘good guy’ of the show manipulates and kills and does things that would technically define her as the bad guy. I absolutely loved that because it was so much more interesting to watch. If you’re in the apocalypse, who’s to say who is the bad guy and who is the good guy? Everyone is just trying to stay alive, and I think FTWD has portrayed that amazingly this season. 
I also really like Madison. I know there is a lot of hate for her going around, but I just think her character is so interesting. I loved her development from season 1 to now, and for me it’s so refreshing to see a female lead that is not portrayed as the lovey-dovey good guy, but as a survivor who can make hard calls but who we still get to see soft moments with (how much she loves/protects her children, even though I think we can all agree it’s clear who’s her favorite lmao). That scene with Nick after she had killed Troy was amazing and so definitive for both of their characters. When Nick questioned/stated that she would put even him down if she had to. What an amazing moment. And again, it also made me wish Troy would still be around, because just as much as Nick loves his mother and feels he owes her, you can tell how hard it is for him to be around her for long periods of time. With Troy he seemed almost at ease, like he could be himself without having to pretend to be strong and responsible all of the time (like he feels he owes Madison).
Anyway, I have rambled on for quite a while now, so I’ll stop. Thank you for asking! I would love to hear what you thought of the episode as well, none of my friends watch FTWD so it’d be nice to discuss it with someone! :)
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im-always-fangirling · 7 years ago
Eager - Park Jihoon
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A/n: Lolololol heyy there, here’s a random scenario (that’s why some things may seem unexplained) ❤️ I wrote this one in bullet form heh. but anyways, let me just say that park jihoon is indeed bae. ;))
Summary: you manage to muster whatever courage you have to ask for a dance from the one and only park jihoon.
Words: 1621 words.
Genre: fluff
soon, you found yourself standing in front of the group that jihoon was standing with.
the boys all looked at you, including the breathtaking winkboi himself.
you instinctively smile to relax yourself but somehow that didn't work because jihoon's beautiful sparkly eyes (cringeworthy, but hey, there's truth to this) were still on you.
"can i dance with you?"
after popping the question, you swear that your heart was going to burst out from your chest.
you even thought of masking it all as some kind of a 'dare' that your friend gave you because even though there's not much of it, you still want some of your womanly pride left
he agreed not long after and you wondered whether this was a dream or not.
apparently the look of disbelief and surprise on your face was quite obvious.
but that was all immediately replaced with joy when you see jihoon smiling at you in such a polite and shy way.
the boys that he was hanging out with gave suspecting smiles towards jihoon, who merely told them that he'll be back.
he stepped out from the circle that he was in and walked towards you.
when he was close enough to you, he offer out his hand,  and you instinctively take it.
the two of you head to the dance floor and at that moment, a slow song was playing.
you stiffly place your two hands on jihoon's shoulders and you try to appear less nervous by making eye contact with him.
however, after only one second of looking at him, you couldn't take it and looked away.
then, you feel two hands on your waist.
"hey, if it makes you feel better, i'm actually nervous too."
with those words being said, you look back up and finally noticed that the boy's face was a little bit more red than usual.
"wow." you couldn't help but feel amazed at the fact that he might be feeling all the butterflies that you are.
he gives you an assuring smile, "yeah, we're nervous. but we might as well enjoy this."
and with that, the two of you start to sway along to the music and somehow the awkward distance that you guys had at the beginning of the dance had decreased.
both of you spent quite an amount of time talking to each other and getting to know each other while dancing to those slow songs.
"you know, i saw my grandparents dancing to this very song in the living room while they were babysitting me. they even switched on those yellowish lights and had rose petals around them."
"what, seriously?"
jihoon nods and you couldn't help but let out an 'awwwwwww'.
the image of two couple dancing together made your heart melt.
"that's really romantic."
as you two maintained eye contact, you realize that your heart was beating in a faster pace than usual.
with an unsure look on his face, he questions you "so, are you enjoying the dance?"
"are you kidding me?" was your first response.
then, with a genuine smile, you try to make your point clear as possible
"park jihoon, i love dancing with you."
not long after replying him, you realize how straight forward you were and how RED jihoon's face was getting.
still, the two of you maintained eye contact and proceed dancing in a somewhat comfortable silence.
after a moment of dancing in silence, jihoon speaks up, "you know-"
he paused for a moment and you were confused at his sudden stop.
he keeps silent for a while before blurting out the words, "i love dancing with you too."
and you really can't help but smile at his words.
because this is all so unreal for you.
not long after that, the two of you stopped dancing and actually decided to just sit outside and chill.
jihoon actually went back in after to get you a bottle of mineral water from the vending machine, fearing that the water served might be spiked.
"here", he offers you the bottle after opening the lid for you and you didn't forget to thank him for it.
after quenching your thirst, you decide to break the silence, "you're quite a good dancer."
he smiles, "yeah, but it's mostly because have a good partner to dance with."
"stop, you're spoiling me with all these compliments."
he chuckles and you really take your time to admire his laugh.
he looks at you and smiles, and that was the moment you ask him, "is it alright if i get your number?"
and once more, you were thrown in a roller coaster of feelings.
your sudden forwardness surprised jihoon, but he got his phone out from his pocket anyway.
"yeah, sure."
and the two of you passed each other your phones.
you wondered whether you should save your number with a special name or not, and so you did.
you passed it to him and was surprised to see he saved himself as 'dance partner ;)'
he stares at his phone and now you're starting to somehow regret a bit on saving yourself as 'your admirer :P'
he smiles and questions you in a tone close to teasing, "your admirer?"
somehow you were glad that he didn't feel disgusted or whatsoever, "yeah, you're an admirable person."
he nods, then with curious eyes, he questions you, "why do say so?"
"i notice how you're always so diligent and i admire that. not to mention, you're one of the most gentlemen dude i know and that's really hard to find in young people these days."
he was listening to everything you said intently and you somehow feel embarrassed after blurting everything out.
"it's funny how you say 'young people these days' like you're an old lady." he teases.
you pout, "aw come on, i was so cheesy for you and you chose to notice that part?"
the two of you let out small chuckles and then continue talking about other random stuffs.
overall, you two enjoyed talking to each other and got to know a lot about each other.
when the event was almost over, the two of you head in.
"yah park jihoon! c'mere bruh."
a boy who you know as one of your classmates pulls jihoon over and literally starts twerking in front of him.
jihoon looked like he wanted to bleach his eyes from whatever he was looking at and you couldn't help but felt a small amount of pity for him.
still, you decide to just sit back and watch jihoon, who was now taking up the role of a 'pole' in pole dancing, on the dance floor with his friend.
you found yourself staring at how handsome he is despite all the cringing his face did.
just before the whole event ended, jihoon somehow managed to escape his friend.
"well, wasn't that a show you guys put on"
he awkwardly smiles and scratches his head, something that you thought was adorable to watch.
the friend who literally dragged jihoon to dance with him called out among the crowd and jihoon could only sigh
you realize that slowly, people are starting to leave the place
"uh, i guess we should get going?" you suggest, though you wished the night could last forever
"yeah, i guess so. but um-"
before he could continue on, the dude who had a dance with jihoon starts pulling him away.
he stares at you apologetically while trying to pull away from the dude.
you smile, "it's alright. we still can see each other on monday, right?"
with that, jihoon's face lightens up as he smiles too, "yeah, we can."
then, jihoon allowed himself to be pulled away by his friend
when you got back home, you took your time to wash up
then, lie on the bed and end up checking your phone, smiling when you see 'dance partner ;)' in your contacts.
you contemplated to text him something and thought for quite a while
you end up typing and sending, 'seriously though, you're a great dancer. thanks for dancing with me, i appreciate it. hope you rest well and see yaa.'
and surprisingly, you received a text almost immediately after you sent it.
'i enjoyed myself tonight, hope you did too. nights ;)'
the text was short and sweet
still, it manage to have an effect on you because your heart pinched a bit when you saw the wink face.
you deducted that somehow jihoon also thought of sending you a text because you literally received his text a second after you sent yours
and you knew your deduction was right when you receive another text from him
'hahahahaha glad you think so. its funny how we texted each other at the same time.'
you couldn't help but smile as you reply him, 'nahhh i was totally earlier than you heh xD'
not too long afterwards you receive a reply, 'i blame my wifi hahahaha.'
and before you could continue to text him, you see him sending in another text, 'hey, i'm gonna sleep now because i'm visiting my grandparents tomorrow and i'll have to take the morning train.'
'you mean the ones that used to slow dance together in the living room?'
'hahahah yeah, and they still do btw.'
'awww, i still can't get over the fact that they're so cute and sweet. hahahaha, goodnight btw. :))'
'sweet dreams ;) talk to you tmr.' he sent and once more you found yourself smiling widely.
your heart melted at the fact that he mentioned about talking to you tomorrow
with that, you fell asleep almost immediately, eager for a new day.
little did you know, park jihoon shared the same eagerness.
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