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wetgrasslump · 8 months ago
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My apolocheese
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randomfoggytiger · 2 years ago
Inbox being weird again, had to repost (sorry, anon!)
What are your thoughts on IWTB? It’s now on hulu and I am like 15 minutes in to a rewatch (I’ve watched FtF a truly offensive number of times but have only seen this once, when it first came out) and am absolutely incensed already. I’m having trouble making sense of their characters, they seem so OOC to me — even with the understanding that they are (possibly both) depressed and life on the run has really jaded and hardened them. Also its so weird to me that Amanda Peet reaches out to touch Mulders cheek bc he cut himself shaving? Just bizarre behavior all around!
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It is a truly bizarre movie. I've not seen it; but I have done extensive research on it, if that makes sense. I think it can be summed up by this one Tumblr post I saw (and lost, someone help me find it!) that noted Mulder requested a helicopter for himself and Scully to, essentially, walk a few street blocks to the next location. Because CC wanted a helicopter in his movie and he was going to get it, somehow, someway.
Below is a tragically long post filled with article links for more enjoyment~.
(**Note**: Will edit this post later, brb.)
TLDR: A movie/tv series worth its salt is well-written, end of story. It doesn't matter how excellent or in-character the themes or motifs or etc. are if the characters are badly written or act out-of-turn. You cannot have a god-tier theme about fighting back the Darkness and seeking for the Truth if at every opportunity the characters themselves reject the message continually in ways that make no sense, especially when they have a history of stellar characterization and well-thought-out opinions and actions. This movie is a prime example of that.
There are numerous blogs here that have already (rightfully) griped about IWTB, so I won't go into plot nonsense or whatnot. But I DO have interviews that show how roughshod the movie making process was before it even hit theatres, so....
I first heard about IWTB's flaws peripherally through this article (that trashes the Revival, highly recommend. Written by a CC fan, too, so it's not a bash-sesh against the Creator.) It spoke endearingly-ish about IWTB, believing it to be more in-character than the Revival (yup.... unfortunately.) Then I started perusing fan opinions... and everyone pretty much agreed it was awful in most parts and shippy in others.
TBH, shippy doesn't mean squat to me. Maybe it's how I'm wired, but I was drawn to The X-Files because the romance is so unspoken with very light kisses. I 100% get Chris Carter's restraint perspective; but I also get the fans' perspective, that it's gone too far to ignore or take back. An example: the movie sets up a "gasp, really??" mystery that Scully is a doctor with a life separate from Mulder, driving over to him to try to get him involved in the FBI manhunt. It's taken back almost immediately when Mulder later springs up beside her in bed, but it's those little touches that start to confuse the message. And then throw in Scully insisting Mulder join the chase while Gillian Anderson acted her completely opposite to what she was saying and you start to see the mess unravel. Then Mulder tosses aside his loyalty to Scully-- something that is KEY to his character, having formerly left his life's work for her and even left his newborn son when she told him to-- to chase the very monsters she begged him to chase but is now begging him not to. There is no reason given other than "It's who I am", which is NOT who Mulder is: he is a man willing to sacrifice who he is and what makes him tick over and over for Scully's sake. This not only breaks his character in-movie, it nullifies all his actions and choices in the original series, stripping them of their consequences and weight.
The movie, I believe, was supposed to be about Mulder and Scully scrabbling against the Darkness while also lost in confusion: they're together but Scully feels threatened by Agent Whitney, Mulder no's the case before getting wrapped up into it, Scully supports then withdraws her support (and LEAVES??), both rely on the word of a pedophile priest (a similar alliance to Luthor Lee Boggs but creepier and less redeemable... and even Boggs wasn't redeemed), and finally Scully casts aside her doubts to get back in the saddle and save Mulder. It seems a compelling story, no? ...No.
An example of the "confusion" theme of the plot: When Mulder meets up with the other agents to discuss terms (I suppose), the camera briefly pans to random people walking past him in the hallway-- one of them is the actress who played his little sister in the OG series; and the camera makes it a point for Mulder to notice that fact... but so briefly and quickly it never made an impression on him permanently, a.k.a. a seeming callback. BUT when Scully yells at him (before? after? I dunno) about always looking for his sister, this is the scene that was supposed to back her up? In which case: dude, we all saw the Samantha Agent. She did, indeed, look like Samantha; and she had NOTHING to do with this case. The only explanation Scully had for her tasteless remark was that she thought Mulder was full-on delusional or so stubborn he was projecting his own demons onto this case. Y'know... the case he didn't want and only got more involved in to SAVE LIVES. In which case, it doesn't fit with the themes of the movie at all: Mulder was right here, Scully was wrong; but the movie stated that SCULLY was right, or at least half-right, and Mulder was at least half-wrong. It's all nonsense.
The dialogue is atrocious. Absolutely appalling. Which makes sense to an extent: CC and Spotnitz had this movie written out right after the series ended as an attempt to gain back the studio's attention. No such luck; and when FOX was finally interested to make more money, the script notes were accidentally lost; so CC and Frank blitzkrieged up a final draft in just a few weeks (very not good.) This and this article breaks down how Spotnitz (in his own words) watched CC battle FOX from the sidelines for the movie, then scramble with him to complete a draft in time for filming; and it explains (but doesn't justify) the stilted dialogue, horrendous pacing issues, and disjointed theme. To summarize:
""Frank Spotnitz: ...The pressure in television is incredible because you’ve got to keep coming up with another script, another script, another script. The movie was completely different. We started work on the story in 2003, and then got derailed for four years by deal-making and the threat of a lawsuit. Then when we returned to it in 2007, we’d lost our notes.
Lost your notes?
Frank Spotnitz: We’d put them on note cards to pitch the studio, and we couldn’t locate them. At first, we were very unhappy, but it ended up being a blessing in disguise. We remembered what the case was about, but the emotional beats, the personal beats between Mulder and Scully, we had to start from scratch, and we had changed."" 
Frank Spotnitz claims it was effortless to get back in their characters' heads; and, while that may be true, it was certainly not effortless to put them down on paper.
The messaging of the movie was so confusing that Mark Snow, the composer, didn't read all of it correctly (which is important for the person composing the score for each scene):
""Now the plot of I Want To Believe has characteristically remained a secret – I don’t suppose you can tell us anything about what we can expect from this film?
Well the interesting part was, when I read the script the first thing I got out of it was deep, dark complexity and I spoke to Chris Carter afterwards and he said ‘what do you think?’, I said ‘man, it’s so complex and dark and mysterious’, and he said ‘and it’s a love story with religious overtones…’ Okay! He said ‘just keep that in mind’ and you know I re-read it and I got what he meant, and then seeing the movie I certainly got what he meant. Besides the Mulder and Scully relationship there are some other very very emotional, intimate if you would, moments there that do add spiritual and religious weight to it...."" 
This article does well at picking apart the claims (some ludicrous) for and against the movie But, for time's sake, let's skip to the summary of the very sloppy (and downright goofy) climax of the movie:
""The biggest shortcoming may be that the case is solved by both Mulder and Scully independently and simultaneously, and thanks to coincidences on both their behalf. Mulder’s investigative skills lead him to the villain thanks to a simple visit to a local store; stem cell research for organ transplants and for curing Christian allow the two storylines to cross, but Scully having a revelation by finding the villain’s research on the internet through a non-related search draws the odds extremely. There is little actual investigation and the case is wrapped up too quickly. All those are little things — but they pile up to too much.""
Both the actors had "notes" and "questions" (read here) about their characters when they first got the script, with Gillian Anderson admitting how hard it was to find her character (post here)--
""Gillian Anderson: I had a similar experience. This feels so weird. Summertime. I didn’t have all the running around that David had to do, but I did have my own unfortunate beginning which was starting with one of the most difficult scenes for Scully in the film where it’s later on in the script and she goes through a range of emotions in confronting Billy Connolly’s  character. I just had a really time for those first couple of days that that scene was. I had a really hard time just finding her, finding her voice. I think I must’ve gone through ten other characters in the process of trying to get to her when I had assumed that I would be able to show up on the first day and it would just be there. It wasn’t until I think day three when we got to work together, not just necessarily in a familiar environment which it really wasn’t, but in the environment of each other and the relationship and that it kind of felt natural and familiar and I felt like I’d landed this time."" --
but it was David Duchovny who was surprisingly the most honest to the press about his (measured) thoughts, as he's usually the most reticent. He always wanted to do a movie series, liking the scope and freedom it would give him with acting and scheduling; but he mentioned, once or twice, that he wished IWTB had been a bigger action film in the vein of FTF. Further, he admits to an interviewer about his thoughts and his (slight) dissatisfaction with Mulder's out-of-character element here:
""Since The X-Files: I Want to Believe may not have been the huge blockbuster that everyone was hoping for, we’d like to know: What is your own measure of success for the movie?
Duchovny: I guess it’s always the first time I see the movie. What’s my feeling when I come out? I always felt like the subject matter of this particular movie was limiting. It was dark, and it wasn’t going....
I’ve only seen it one time, and I was sitting in Chris’ editing room. I watched it on a little screen. I guess I missed the chance to see it on the big screen, and that’s too bad, but when I left that initial screening at Chris’ house, the film was pretty much almost done except for some special effects. I just felt like it was really strong and kind of a strangely moving piece of work. Still dark, and still, I thought, limited, but the way that the movie performed did not surprise me so much, and I think that if we do get a chance to do another one … what I always really liked about the show was that it had a dark vision, but at the heart of it being driven by Mulder was this real optimism or wonder or sense of belief, and then it would kind of open out. Most of the best shows that we did would open out into real wonder at the end, if only because you didn’t have an answer, which was the mystery of it, but the wonder.
Mulder’s quest, to me, is a very positive one. If we get a chance to do another one, I think because in this movie Mulder kept getting reinvigorated, Mulder was in a down place for much of this film; he wasn’t driving the way he drives, the way he drove everything before that. In a way, the nature of how we had to get back into the show, which was to take the guy out of his job, also deprived the movie of some optimism and wonder and enlightenment that occurs when you’ve got this unhinged guy trying to prove wonderful crazy things.""
And while DD defended IWTB's box office failings as having to compete against Batman, one of the previous articles I linked had the savvy to tackle that reason and debunk it:
""The defenders of IWTB will endlessly complain about the budget (but look at what a feast Darren Aronofsky did with $35 million: “The Fountain” (2006)), the fact that it’s low-key ‘intellectual’ and not blockbuster-like (so is “There Will Be Blood” (2007), $25 million, and countless other generally agreed upon masterpieces), the lousy promotion (but look at what good word of mouth can do with a movie few believed in in the beginning: “The Matrix” (1999), $65 million), the unforseen success of “The Dark Knight” as competition (hardly an argument) or trends in selfish cinema critics (as if a bad reception is the sole result of a conspiracy).
However what will remain in history is not the whys and hows but the what: the final product itself. And the truth is that if IWTB featured characters other than Mulder and Scully, this would be a not very memorable movie.""
Needless to say: the entire movie's a mess, and it's down to the roots. While beautiful visually and musically-- all the reviews and cast and crew had nothing to say against that-- the characters and the script and the plot were a horrible mishmash that highlighted its weaknesses and smashed down its strengths.
Thanks for giving me the opportunity to ramble; and sorry if this didn't do what you needed! But you did inspire me to find all the old angry IWTB discussions/posts on Tumblr (archive hopping, heheheh) and put them all in one place. So, look forward to that sometime in the future, I suppose~!
Disclaimers: I do not like canon after S8; and that's only because they get a happy ending and, even though it has garbage canon decisions, the characters were able to save most of it and forget the rest. But I will treat IWTB as its own thing devoid of my personal opinion.
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sh1-n0bu · 1 year ago
MOMMY NOBUUUU /p i need someone wise’s advice !!!!
i like to make silly looking “art” (i don’t even consider it real art, it’s more like memes/doodles) (like the ms paint art style, that looks a bit like pixel art and also looks sketchy and simple) and i CAN’T DECIDE if i should make an account to post it??? i really want to but i know NOTHING about ig and its algorythm (even though i did use to have disney and anime fanpages with a decent amount of followers when i was, like, 14). i don’t wanna end up with an account with like 2 followers cuz what if affects my self esteem and the way i view art hsjsg ???? i like my cringy artstyle but.. idk im probably overthinking this AGHH
yk it’s just that when i was a fan account it wasn’t my art so it’s not like i got offended if people didn’t like/comment/save. with things i created it would be different i think??? i’ve been wanting to make an art account for YEARS and i just got into the artstyle (i had a “normal” artstyle before) but wait wait lemme try to link the pics
(hope they work)
so this is the first thing i’ve ever drawn in this style https://drive.google.com/file/d/1-AJt9jSnPo1Enyg4B8Dnm0HMYeFIhxYX/view?usp=drivesdk
and then it just kept going. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1-I8x_U-9_ZVwpPE6aDAWlW0ApEuJ2r5Z/view?usp=drivesdk
and going (yes that’s a gyaru trying to talk to a golfball and yes it’s a remake of this meme https://www.reddit.com/r/memes/comments/d6udnl/why_wont_it_move/)
and then i saw this. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1-1qO6MbBOo51PK-jhMltsnpfCb0yTGV2/view?usp=drivesdk
and i went “this is so hsr main trio” https://drive.google.com/file/d/1-5MwpEQLIFx_iLdif6R9o66Xc2HW5vjw/view?usp=drivesdk
this is cursed, i’m aware.
then i started making these https://drive.google.com/file/d/1-60FA9_FROx2c0SQrzh1RXOXxm7tFl5G/view?usp=drivesdk
you have NO IDEA how many of these i’ve made. because idk either. all i know is that in three days i had made 20+ of them (which may sound like it’s not much, but for me and how little i used to draw it’s a lot)
and now i REALLY want to make the account but i’m TERRIFIED bc what if no one likes that kind of cringy stuff?????
i’m literally so sorry to bother you with this /gen it’s just me overthinking stuff as always :/ don’t feel pressured to answer me ofc!! <3 also i rlly rlly hope things are going better for you! sending love and support <33
gratefully yours
breaker anon~~<3
first, those arts are fucking GORJUS my sweettums. as someone who has lost the ability to draw, that is beautiful. i used to think of becoming a free style painter or to learn how to draw digital but somewhere along the way i just gave up and decided to simply settle on writing instead. even now, when i see art tiktok or recommendations of compilation videos on yt, i feel a bit of an ache in my chest. its just there, y’know?
second, i think you should do for it. maybe try opening up an account on a platform ur incredibly familiar with. perhaps tumblr? or even ig? or even tiktok works too! just any platform you feel safe and comfortable and know how to navigate is good.
and yeah, i can def say felt to the “it will make my mental health worse if i only get 2 likes or smt” bc same same same. i try to write good and capture the characters’ personality correctly while keeping the fic ‘alive’ only to end up with like,,,, hundreds of likes but no feedbacks or reposts or smt LMAOOO
as for a single tip i would give is to expect everything. not everyones going to like ur content and they will suddenly crash into ur inbox talking abt how they hated this fic or smt of yrs bc it was disgusting or not their thing. that has happened to me like,,,, 3 times???? i think?????? and and!!! be sure to do a bit of research beforehand, me thinks. see what kind of attention you would get when u start to post on ur page or account.
honestly, i started this blog as only reposting blog. but then one day my very first 🦝 anon came and i decided, why not write a thirst thought i had with friend and see how it goes? and it just spiraled from there.
main thing is, have patience and love what ur doing. don’t burn urself out over it too much or else what u used to love will end up being what u hate and take good care of yourself sweettums<3
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starseungs · 3 years ago
➳ when you fall. bc
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pairing: bang chan x gn!reader
When you fall in love, there are things they never tell you until you experience it yourself.
genre/s: angst, a pinch of fluff maybe, boyfriend!chan
warning/s: break ups, not much more other than pain
wc: 1.2k
note: here's a short angst i whipped up impulsively;; theres an optional bonus fic for this at the end too for ppl who don't like sad endings // also i was thinking of winter falls while writing this... istg that song is so pretty but so sad
2022 ⓒ starseungs on tumblr. do not steal, repost, or edit.
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When you fall in love, they say it’s the sweetest taste you will ever experience in your life. That love was the most beautiful symphony anyone could ever hear. Something that you will dearly miss once it’s gone. A feeling that will constantly follow you until you desperately crave it again.
And from your experience, they weren’t entirely wrong. 
When you fell in love, it did feel like the heavens had blessed you as their favorite child. The sensation was so strong, you were left wondering how such a powerful thing could exist. Its influence invaded your mind like poison, and you soon shocked yourself at how you started to look forward to such simple and mundane things in life that you never put too much focus on before.
Moments like when you realize that the heat of the sun that kisses your skin doesn’t burn as much as you used to think it did. Or when you found yourself feeling energized enough to wake up in the morning for the first time since leaving your childhood days behind. All of which were results from dating your current boyfriend.
And for that, you believed that being with Chan was a gift.
He was endearing and attentive, constantly caring for you whenever he could. Your relationship was viewed by other people at your shared university as one of the best. The couple that everyone loved and rooted for. And you agreed with them. 
Chan was everything you ever wanted in a partner, the man of your dreams. He made you feel the way you were told love felt, and so you knew you did love him. After all, falling in love with him was something he made too easy—so you decide to let yourself completely dive in.
But when you fall in love, there are also things they don’t tell you.
They never seem to say that it’s the best of both worlds. That in happiness, there will be pain. It was then that you discovered love was also a sacrifice—not only a blessing you could just get without giving back. It was a journey you had to take on your own, and yet even with that discovery, you still managed to find out about one more thing: 
Falling in love isn’t the only way to fall.
"It's not your fault. I’m so sorry Y/N... I hope you understand," were the words that echoed throughout your room, shattering your glassy heart that you had left under his once tender care.
Yet, there was nothing you could do. 
It was normal to go through breakups at your age. Sometimes you love too hard and then fall out. You couldn’t blame Chan for being honest with his feelings—however, you never saw this event coming any time soon in your relationship. 
The two of you were fine yesterday, so what changed so suddenly?
Through shaky breaths, you managed to force out a response, "Thank you for telling me Chan... I—I, uh, appreciate it." You knew he could hear your muffled truth even through the phone, but he chose not to comment on it.
"I didn't want to hurt you if I kept going with it. It's better this way," Chan explains apologetically through the other line.
In a desperate attempt to keep yourself grounded in reality, you squeezed your eyes shut and gripped the metal railing of your balcony. Breaking up over a phone call was not how you expected things to end between you and Chan, but fate seems to have other plans.
There were rustling noises from his side, indicating that Chan was probably on his bed. "Well... do you want to talk more about it?" He asks out of consideration for you.
Unfortunately for him, you wanted to be out of this conversation as soon as possible. The pieces of broken shards you once called your heart were starting to crumble quickly into dust. You didn’t know how much longer you could hold on until you started breaking down, showcasing your sorrows to the man who broke your heart completely for free. "Not really... I get it, Chan. Don't worry." 
Lies. You wanted to scream out the agonizing pressure that was trapped inside you, but the silent ambience of the night kept it sealed.
"There will be another one, I promise. Someone better for you," he tries to converse—but at that point, you were no longer feeling control over your voice.
He sighs. "You okay? No hard feelings, right? We could stay as friends." 
Friends? In theory, it could still work—and maybe it will. But for the current moment, you want nothing to do with him. Still, though, you figured you could at least end it with the same decency he’s trying to portray. It was better to have a friend than another enemy.
"Yeah, I'd like that, Chan." There was a short silence that came after that. 
For a split second, you felt utterly alone. It was then that you finally realized how empty the streets surrounding your house were; the only remnants of human occupation being some of your neighbors’ room lights that were still open. And even then, you still felt lonely. You were surprised the sky didn’t decide to rain out of nowhere and hide your tears like it did in dramas.
More faint noises came out of the speakers of your phone before Chan spoke once again. ".... Should we call it a night?" He suggests, snapping you out of your spiraling mind. 
Is this goodbye? For now? What would happen next? You two still went to the same university, and you would be seeing each other around campus once your short break was done. But you guess this really is the end for the two of you now, so you better make the most out of it.
"Chan," you call out hesitantly, nervous about the favor you want to ask. Perhaps the sudden news was still not quite sinking in with you yet, and that’s why you were desperately trying to cling on to any more chances you had to be his.
"... Yeah?" 
You took a big breath for support. "Can—can I say it? Just one last time?" 
Chan paused, and you could hear him take a sharp intake of breath, seemingly taken aback by your request. He takes his time to think about it, which worries you that you may have overstepped a boundary. But, to your surprise, he responded back shortly. "... Sure." 
This is it—your final chance.
"Chan... I love you," you say for the very last time. Chan chuckles softly from the other side, acknowledging your feelings.
"Thank you, Y/N. Sleep tight." 
The line cuts off a few seconds after he utters his last words to you. Looking up at the starry sky, you finally let the tears fall without stopping, silently sobbing until the pain fades to a stinging ache.
When you fall in love, there are things they never tell you until you experience it yourself. These are lessons that you have to learn on your own and help grow your sprouts into beautiful budding flowers. You knew you had so much more to learn, but at least, now you knew that one of the things they never tell you is that there are two ways to fall.
Because if you could fall in love, then you could also fall out of love.
➳ bonus !
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mastertag 🏷️ : @h0neydewmoon @straydestiny
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etherealino · 4 years ago
too early, but not enough — l. minho
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synopsis: after a year of his services, minho receives the name of his last client when usually a grim reaper’s service takes for five centuries. also, why the hell are you early?
genre: grim reaper!au, fluff and angst, a bit of incarnation
warning(s): foul language, mentions of death and flinching. let me know if i missed something
word count: 11.6k (be proud, thanks)
note: from one of my blurbs. also, happy minho day everybody !! 3rd repost bcs its not showing in the tags. :)) i love it here
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one. — october five.
“I’m sorry?” Minho pardons as he looks at Chan with confusion in his eyes. When getting the list of names that grim reapers would fetch, it’s always mailed. Minho would just go inside his office and ta-da, the envelopes are there neatly placed on his desk.
Minho has gone through his series of weird events during his service of being a grim reaper. And he like it being weird, otherwise it wouldn’t be fun. But this is yet the weirdest and one that he doesn’t like. It’s too... early.
“Final client?” Minho repeats Chan’s words.
A chuckle falls off of Chan’s lips as he goes around his desk, leaning in front as as he looks at Minho. “Are you not happy about it?” Chan asks as he crosses his arms on his chest.
Happy? Should he be? This is honestly too... sketchy? Hm, I guess. Minho is just so confused. It’s only been a year since he started his service why is he already going up? It should take at least five centuries before he goes up, so why so sudden?
Minho clearly remembers when he started his service, he didn’t want it. So, he should be happy. Even though it’s bit suspiscious as to why is that. He even honestly thought he was called in Chan’s office because of the rules he has broken. Out of 50 rules, Minho thinks he has broken 49 of them.
“I am!” Minho says, looking at the ground then back at Chan. “It’s just that... it’s only been a year and I kind of broke... um—”
“You broke most of the rules, we know that.” Chan cuts him off and Minho sheepishly smiles at the boy in front of him. “You’ll find out soon why you’re early.” Chan smiles at him, turning lightly to his desk to get the envelope then back at Minho, extending his hand to give it to him. “You’re lucky you’re going up already. I still have a century left.”
Minho gets the envelope with both hands, bowing as he takes it. “Who would take your place then?” Minho asks and Chan shrugs.
“Changbin most likely. Or maybe Hyunjin. It is yet to be decided, and for now, don’t think about it too much. Just enjoy your remaining weeks here on Earth. You’ll go upstairs with your last client.” Chan says and Minho bows once again as he smiles at Chan.
“Thank you, Chan. I’ll be going now.” MInho says and Chan nods.
“Take care.” Chan says. “Even though you’re not gonna die again.” Minho chuckles at Chan’s witty remark as he leaves the higher’s office. He closes the door, stuffing the envelope inside the pocket of his trench coat.
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“Congratulations.” The taller boy who Minho is friends with ever since his term has started greeted him as he takes the seat across Minho. Minho looks up at Hyunjin, a bit taken back that he knows.
Ah, everyone must’ve known already.
“Thanks,” Minho says. “But don’t you think it’s a bit too early?”
Hyunjin lets out a chuckle, sipping his coffee. “You should be happy. I’d kill just to be you right now.” Hyunjin says and it was Minho’s turn to chuckle. But Hyunjin is right—of course, he is. He’s been here longer—Minho should be happy at the fact that he’s finally going up after serving as a grim reaper. But it’s too weird that it’s only been a year since he started his term.
“I am.” Minho nods and Hyunjin pulls a boyish grin that every girl dies to see. “But others go upstairs after five centuries. How come it’s only been a year and I’m finally going up? You’ve been serving for three centuries and you’re still stuck for another two centuries.”
Hyunjin knows why. Everyone knows why, except for Minho himself.
As far as Minho knows, he has broken most of the rules and he should have been punished because of it. But why is he going up already? Is this his punishment? It couldn’t be, right?
“You finally got your last envelope?” Hyunjin asks and Minho nods, fishing it out of his trench coat’s pocket. He opens the envelope to see the details. “Can I know?”
“Uh, (full name), October 25, 8:37 pm.” Minho says, voice trailing off as he looks at the side to think—the name was so familiar—and Hyunjin nods. “Do you know them?” Minho asks and Hyunjin shakes his head ‘no’, shooting his friend a smile. “You want to go now?”
Hyunjin nods, standing up from his seat as he fixes himself. Minho does the same thing while sitting. When Minho stands up, he sharply turns around with his coffee, the early ‘graduation’ still in his mind when another figure bumps into him.
Minho’s eyes widen as the person gasps, mouth gaping open as they look down at their clothes with spilled coffee all over them. Minho looks at the person, finding himself being shocked at who he is facing.
What day is it today? Minho looks at his phone, as it lights up. October 5.
“You’re early.” is what Minho says which leaves you very confused despite your whole body burning (and Hyunjin being the dramatic friend, rolling his eyes wanting to slap Minho upside down).
“I’m... what?” You ask and Hyunjin nudges Minho again, this time with more force. Minho panics, palming his pockets to look for his handkerchief, but none. He turns around to face Hyunjin, taking his friend’s handkerchief.
“Hey!” Hyunjin exclaims, but Minho is already turning around to lightly dab the handkerchief on your chest. Minho sighs, frowning deeply as he keeps on working. Minho takes the cup from you, taking your wrist, drying them as there were tiny droplets that spilled there. But especially on your other hand. Minho lets go of your hand, flipping the handkerchief to another side that is still clean, then getting your other wrist and cleaning it.
Oi, Minho. What are you doing?
Minho freezes, his hand still on your wrist. He slowly looks up at you as you stare back at him. Your eyes screamed for softness as you stared at him. No confusion, just admiration. Minho clears his throat, softly dropping your wrist. “I’m sorry.” Minho mumbles as he holds the handkerchief out to you.
You take it, nodding once as you continue to clean your hand. “It’s okay.” You softly said. You zip your jacket close and bow to the two of them. You were about to take a step when Minho suddenly speaks up.
“Wait,” Minho says and you turn to him. “Let me give you a spare shirt, at least.”
“Oh, no,” you gently declined as you tried to find the right words. “I was just about to—”
“Please, I feel bad.” Minho cuts you off. You took a deep breath, pulling your lips into a thin line as you nod at him. You look at Hyunjin who just smiles at you and Minho starts to walk with you and Hyunjin following him suit.
When Minho is finally in front of his office—holy shit, wait. Minho just brought a stranger whose soul is his final client to his office because he spilled coffee all over her. Is he sure about this? Minho holds the door knob, looking at it as he just realized how much he fucked up.
If this was in the list of rules, the higher officials above would probably have second thoughts about his early ‘graduation’ here on Earth because this is probably the 50th one.
“Minho,” Hyunjin calls and Minho blinks, snapping out of his thoughts as he looks at Hyunjin. Minho shakes his head, turning the knob and stepping aside to let you in first. You step inside, the small office giving you a homey vintage vibe as you look around. There was even an old telephone on the side.
“Does this work or is it just for the theme of the place?” You asked as you pointed at the telephone, but your eyes roamed around the place. Minho smiles as he rumages through the small cabinet at the corner.
Oh, it does work. But he’s not gonna tell you that. “It doesn’t. Just for the aesthetic.” Minho says. “Oh, and where are you going today, by the way? Somewhere formal or—”
“Oh, please, just give me one of your old shirts. I’m just going to a friend’s house.” You said as you looked around a bit more. You like this place.
“Here you go, Y/N.” Minho says as he walks closer to you, giving you his shirt. Hyunjin who was behind you, gestures dramatically at Minho as he palms his face. Minho squints his eyes in confusion and Hyunjin rolls his eyes as he turns around.
“How did you know my name?” You ask and Minho shifts his eyes on you, widening once again. Minho looks over at Hyunjin who just rolls his eyes, but still walks towards you.
“Hey,” Hyunjin says as he places a hand on your shoulder. “You’re probably burned lightly underneath your shirt. Follow me, the bathroom’s this way and here’s another towel to clean yourself, okay?” Hyunjin instructs as he takes the shirt from Minho and leads you to the bathroom.
Now, a reason. Think, Minho, think!
When Minho hears the door close, he turns around to see Hyunjin walking back to him with a frown on his face. “First, you tell her she’s early. Second, you bring your last client here where she will be on her last day. Third, you stupidly say her name? Minho, what’s happening? You’re never this distracted.” Hyunjin says with a quick chuckle on the end.
Hyunjin’s right, Minho’s never this distracted. But why does his client make him go all over the place? Not to mention, he even went as far as cleaning you up as if he’s known you for so long. Does he? Why are you so familiar?
“She’s so familiar.” Minho says and Hyunjin scratches the back of his neck.
“Don’t mind it.” Hyunjin says, shrugging. “She’ll probably forget it.”
Minho sighs, nodding as they wait for you to come out. Seriously though, he swore he heard your name around town and has at least seen you once. That’s quite impossible, though. Minho would forget a face he only saw once and he never had a friend this close except for Hyunjin.
Minho hears the door open and close gently. He looks up seeing you in his shirt that was oversized to you. But you managed to pull it off, tucking it in your high waisted jeans. Minho feels his heart flutter, breath knocking out of his lungs.
You just took the grim reaper’s breath away.
“Um, thank you for letting me, uh, change and clean up.” You say and Minho nods, smiling lightly. You look so beautiful in his shirt—Minho, focus!
“Sure.” Minho smiles and you smile back.
“I’ll be going now. Thanks, again. Um, what’s your name again?” You asked and MInho smiles, standing up straight as he composes himself.
“Minho,” Minho says as he holds his hand out. You smile brightly, reaching a han—
“Minho!” Hyunjin exclaims and Minho drops his hand, turning around to Hyunjin, confused. Minho looks at him with questioning eyes and Hyunjin just looks back at him. Huh? Oh. Oh.
You clear your throat awkwardly and Minho turns back around. “I’m gonna get going. Thanks, again. M-Minho.” You say and Minho nods, smiling at you. You turn around, walking to the door as you finally exit the office.
“Take care, Y/N.” Minho softly says and you smile, closing the door of his office.
Minho was so distracted. He almost broke the 50th rule that he’s always been careful and the easiest for him not to break.  He almost touched a person’s hand when he wasn’t supposed to. He almost broke into her privacy—into her memories.
Minho’s just thankful the last time he would see you again is when you die.
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two. — october six.
Minho, you can do this. You can do this without Hyunjin. You can do this without messing up. Just focus.
“What brings you here?” Minho asks as he opens the door wider for you, yet you stay in your position. You shook your head politely.
“I’m just here to bring your shirt back and your friend’s handkerchief. I washed them already.” You said with a sweet smile on your face. Minho nods, taking them from you.
“You sure you don’t wanna go inside?” Minho asks and you shake your head ‘no’ with a kind smile. Minho doesn’t want to admit it, but he would like to spend time with you. But, to save himself from another series of embarrassment, he holds himself back from asking you.
“Thank you for your kindness yesterday. I really appreciate it.” You say and Minho chuckles, nodding.
To be fair to the reaper (which you’re not aware of), your heart flutters just as much as his does. You aren’t this shy, but you just grow conscious around Minho even though you only met him yesterday.
“I’m gonna go now.” You say and Minho’s smile lightly falters, but he holds it. This is better, at least he’s sure he wouldn’t make a fool out of himself.
“Wait, do you wanna go somewhere for coffee or something?” Minho asks. What? Minho, you’re so smitten! Minho facepalms himself inwardly as he lets the words roll out of his mouth. Sigh, Minho. Sigh.
You look at him, pulling your lips into a thin line. “I... I can’t. I got this thing—”
“Ah, no worries.” Minho says with a smile as he lightly waves his hand. You smile up at him. “No pressure. Sorry.” Minho says and you nod, turning to your heel as you start to walk away from him. Minho watches you, a soft sigh escaping his lips. Why does he keep on gravitating towards you?
“You know what, my thing isn’t even due until next week.” You said as you turned around to face Minho. You took a deep breath as you looked at him. Are you sure about this? Hm, after all, the moment you got home yesterday, you immediately washed Minho’s shirt just so it would be dry and you could come back here.
Minho smiles widely. The first ear to ear smile he broke into the moment he became a grim reaper. Why didn’t you come into his life—grim reaper term, rather, earlier? Chan said to enjoy his remaining weeks on Earth. Why not spend it with his final client? Minho, how would you tell her that you’re the one who is assigned to take her to her last destination? Minho shrugs his thoughts off, Chan’s words are the only thing in his mind... and you.
“Let me just put these away.” Minho gestures at the fabric in his hand and you smile ever so brightly at him. The brightest smile he ever saw even if the others smile from ear-to-ear and you don’t.
You nod and gently, you say, “Okay.”
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“Minho!” You coo, a small pout on your lips forming as you gentlycup the cat’s head, nuzzling your nose against his. “He looks like you.” With this, Minho lightly laughs. “Seriously, you have cat-like features.”
Minho smiles, patting the cat’s body. You smile at him as you look at his sharp but very beautiful features. How the hell did he manage to create a soft spot in your heart?
A kitten suddenly jumps at your lap, sitting as he made himself comfortable, mewling lightly as he snuggles. You smile, bringing your hand up to scratch his head lightly as he started to close his eyes. You put your hand beside you on the ground, supporting yourself.
And Minho.. gosh, if someone was to judge at the two of you, they would think Minho and you are in a relationship by the way he would stare at you with a gentle smile on his lip. It was like looking at someone who just found a treasure that barely anyone knows about which makes it very special.
Minho then suddenly just reaches a hand out but a cat suddenly put his head underneath his palm. Minho snaps out of his daydream-y smile and looks at the cat. He was just about to hold your hand. Tahnk God, the cat suddenly became clingy.
“Minho?” You called as you turned to him. “Wanna go grab lunch?”
Minho stares at you and you smile at him to which he returns. He nods and you stand up, his eyes still on you as you fix yourself. He couldn’t help but feel like it was ethereal being with you.
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Yesterday, Minho was wondering how come you were so early. Today, Minho wondered why you never came earlier. Right, Minho never really socialized, even with his fellow grim reapers. Minho has been around the town, and he wished he knew you way earlier. Sucks.
Minho has honestly expected that you and him would just spend time together for at least an hour or two, not the whole day. But here he is, in the playground siting by the swings as he listened to your stories about college at 8 in the evening. Minho finds himself staring at you fondly, smiling to himself as he watched you push yourself back and forth lightly with your foot on the ground. You stared at the ground, sighing.
“And then, that’s it.” You said with a soft sigh. “And that was not the last time I went to an early class with a hangover.” Minho laughs, boyish giggles rings through the empty playground as he looks up above the skies, the stars littering, some making constelations, some were just being a beautiful sparkly mess. You shift your eyes to him, smiling as you watch him admire the skyline. It is beautiful, just like him.
“Do you ever regret that you were such a rebel?” Minho asks and you chuckle lightly as you shake your head ‘no’.
“I don’t.” You answer and Minho looks at you with such soft smile. “Ashamed, after the second I did them, but suddenly I don’t know. I’m happy I did them. We only get to live life once—I mean, of course, we get to have another life, but what I mean is, at least I got to do it at this life. Who knows? Maybe I’d be a boring up-tight girl in my next life. It’s better that we do everything even if we’re reluctant. At least, we won’t have any regrets.”
Minho looks down, finding interest at the ground.
“So, you,” you said as you looked at him. Minho looks at you, humming as a response. “You should smile more often.”
Minho chuckles, “What’s the connection?”
“No correlation or anything.” You said. “You look good. But you shine when you smile.”
But you didn’t know, you were the reason behind it.
Minho chuckles, a soft smile invading his lips as he stands up, walking towards you. “Come on, let’s take you home.” Minho offers and you stand up, shooting him a smile. You both walk at a slow pace, not wanting the night to end. It’s a bit too fast, Minho admits. And he doesn’t know what’s making him do these things. It felt as if you two have been together for the longest time already.
“You should go,” you said to Minho as you stopped at a convenience store. Minho frowns as he looks at the road ahead. It was too dark for Minho’s own liking for you to walk through it alone.
“No, it’s too dark—”
“I’m meeting up with a friend.” You cut him off with a smile. “He’s already inside. We need to talk about work.” You said, jabbing a thumb behind you to point at the convenience store. Minho frowns and you chuckle.
“Okay,” Minho says in defeat and you sigh.
“Text me when you get home.” You say as you wave at him. “Bye, take care.”
“Take care, text me when you get home, too.” Minho says and you nod, waving at him. Minho crosses the road to to his office as you watch his back. Should he go back? Minho! You’ve only met her yesterday. Stop obsessing. Minho shakes his head as he made his journey to his office.
You sigh as Minho went out of sight. You pull your lips into a thin line, breathing deeply as you turn around, pushing the door of the convenience store and stepping inside. You immediately spot your friend at one of the seats provided and sat down with a huff. You covered your face with your hands as you thought of Minho.
“This is too hard, remind me why am I even doing this? I should’ve just declined his offer yesterday. Why didn’t you stop me?” You asked as you looked up at him. “I should’ve just waited.”
He chuckles, sipping at his coffee as he smiles at you. “Do you ever stop drinking coffee?” You asked the boy in front of you as you snatched his americano and sipped on it.
“Honey, am I even Hwang Hyunjin if I don’t drink coffee?” The said boy asks with a chuckle escaping his lips. “Before, I knew Minho was in love with you, I really do know that. But yesterday? Stumbling all over the place? That was the first time I ever saw him like that for five years that we’ve been friends.”
You released a sigh, looking down as you returned his americano to him. “Why did I have to remember?” You mumble and Hyunjin’s eyes soften at your question. He remembers how miserable you were at Minho’s death. He remembers how much you cried because Minho can’t remember you. He remembers how much you love Minho. He remembers how much you’ve resisted for a whole damn year just to not get near him. But all failed when the happenings yesterday occured. “Why didn’t you stop me yesterday?”
“You’ve suffered enough for the whole year, Y/N.” Hyunjin softly says. “Those sleepless nights you went to me just to cry over Minho over and over again, it was really saddening as your friend. But seeing you with him after holding back? It was nice because you were genuinely happy once again. You were such a jolly person, but when you started to remember what actually happened, that was tough for you.” Hyunjin sees how your eyes got glassy due to the tears pooling in your eyes. “Besides, I needed a break from you.”
You pout and Hyunjin breaks in a laugh, you joined along soon anyway. Hyunjin was a great friend and you love how he always watched out for Minho. Hyunjin had his own share of problems with you as well and just like him, your shoulder was there for him.
“But you know what sucks?” Hyunjin asks as you both calm down. Hyunjin never told you, but you know it and he knows that you do.
“When Minho remembers and he realizes his sacrifice was for nothing.” You looked down as you said, chewing on your lower lip. And that’s what you have to do. Do everything to not let Minho remember even if it sucks. “And this was actually his punishment.”
“Can you?” Hyunjin softly asks and you look up, smiling at him as you nod. For him, you would. You sigh, shaking your head as you cover your face with your hands as you took in a deep breath and releasing it.
“Anyway,” you said as you dropped your hands to the table. You smile widely at Hyunjin. “Tell me how your day went.”
“Oh, no, no.” Hyunjin shakes his head as he smiles. “You tell me. How was the day?” Hyunjin asked with a grin like a best friend that was supportive of his friend like she got her first date... more like a mother, actually. “Tell me everything.”
You sigh, smiling as you thought about Minho, elbow resting on the table as you placed your jaw on your hand. “It was just exactly like our first date, Jinnie.”
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three. — october ten.
Stubborn. Lee Minho is stubborn. You insisted for him to not to come with you shopping flowers for your grandmother, but Minho insisted more. So here you are, in the flower shop with Minho following around. Minho stops by the small white flowers on the side as you go to the counter. The flowers are really pretty, it reminded Minho of you for some reason. Minho looks at you as you as you talked to the florist on the counter.
Minho sees you nodding, smiling at the florist and then you turn around to look at the flowers, admiring all as you looked at their names. Minho looks back at the  white flowers, wanting to give you. Minho looks at the name of it, baby’s breath, “I wanna stay with you forever.”. Does he feel that way? All he knows is that he just wishes you arrived earlier and not 20 days before—
Minho lightly jumps, turning around to look at you. “Yes, flower?”
You stop, looking at him. “What did you say?”
Flower. He always called you that. Does he remember?
Minho looks nervous, shrugging as he tries to look cool. “I just.. I was thinking—”
“Right, right.” You said, shaking your head as you walked past him. Minho looks at you, watching you as the sun rays cover your skin and you protectively hold the flower arrangement on your hands. It feels so right to call you that. Minho smiles lightly and taking a small stem of baby’s breath with three branches that blooms tiny flowers, looking at the florist who was just smiling at him.
“Take it for free. It’s just a stem.” He says and Minho bows with a big smile, saying thank you. Minho turns around chasing you.
“Hey, flower, wait up.” Minho calls and you stop, turning around to him. He gives you the stem of baby’s breath and only did he realizes that it was a bit... lame.  “I-I was going to give you a whole boquet but you.. you’re, um—”
“Do you know what the flower means?” You gently ask and Minho nods.
“I wanna stay with you forever, flower.” Minho says and you bite your lip, fighting off the smile that threatened to take over your face. You take in a deep breath, calming yourself from the giddiness you’re feeling. “This was stupid, I’m sorry—”
You take the stem, tiptoeing as you kiss his cheek. “Thank you, I appreciate it.” You turn around continuing to walk as you let the smile out that you can’t get rid of. Minho smiles gently, a chuckle escaping his lips as he tries to ignore the fast beating of his heart.
“Flower, you really got to stop making me chase you!”
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four. — october fifteen.
Minho frowns as he watches you from afar. You pinch Hyunjin on his arm as Hyunjin squeals and laughs. What? When were the two of you friends? From what Minho remembers, it’s just you and him who became friends after that incident in the café. Hwang Hyunjin, back off! She’s mine. Minho looks at the side. Is he actually jealous? Minho, she’s not your girlfriend. Calm the fuck down. Minho shakes his head, a pout evident on his face as he makes his way towards you two.
“M-Minho!” Hyunjin calls, surprised—lowkey, nervous—as Minho looks at him with a pout. You turn around seeing the other reaper as he just looks at Hyunjin.
“W-When did the two of you become... friends?” Minho, what the fuck? You sound like you’re her fucking jealous possessive boyfriend. Minho was about to open his mouth, ready to take his words back when you spoke up.
“He was passing by and he thought he knew me. And I’m like, ‘Hey, you’re the dude with Minho in the café.’ and then that’s it.” You explained, lying through your teeth. “Turns out, he was talkative as I was.”
Hyunjin awkwardly smiles. Hyunjin was just thankful that grim reapers don’t have the power to read minds. Or else, you and him were doomed.
“Anyway, I gotta get going.” Hyunjin says and you nod, turning to him. “Min, see you later.” Hyunjin looks at you one last time as you look back at him and turns around as he makes his way to... wherever because frankly, he doesn’t know either.
You closed your eyes, breathing out the breath you held when you were lying. That was so fucking close. You opened your eyes, turning around to Minho with a wide smile on your face. “How are you?” You asked him.
“Fine.” Minho mumbles and you chew on your lower lip. But a smile comes up on your face as you watch him. Typical Minho. He was just the same as he was before when he gets jealous. The pout on his face was still evident. The pedestrian light turns green and you both start to walk. You walk closely beside by Minho as he started ahead of you, but your eyes were shifting on him, the ground, the road in front of you and... his hand.
As your hand was on the air around Minho’s you immediately halt your action as you remember that you shouldn’t. Minho would always forget it, tempted to hold your hand but thankfully, you have your own dumb excuses that he managed to believe.
When you reached the other side, you both turned to left to walk to your destination. God, you were so tempted to hold his hand. Wait... the rule was holding hands, palm to palm contact, right? So... it wouldn’t hurt if—
Minho stops (which makes you stop as well) as he looks down at his hand, your pinky curled with his. Minho looks at you as you nervously look at him, teeth chewing on your lower lip. How did Minho not think of this before?
Too nervous at his staring which was really hard to decipher up until now even though you’ve known him for half of your life, you uncurl your pinky from his to pull away—
Minho locks his pinky with yours quickly before you could even pull away and looks down as he starts to walk, leading the way as he left you a few steps behind. A grin takes over your face and you follow him. Minho, himself couldn’t hold the large grin that took over his face.
“Hey, good day?” Changbin who was ahead of Minho’s way says as his fellow reaper notices how unusually big his smile is. If Changbin recalls, Lee Minho never smiles. Minho only gives a nod and a soft expression of respect.
“A great one.” Minho answers as Changbin gives him a friendly pat on his shoulder. “Hope yours is, too.” Changbin smiles as Minho passes by him, his eyes following him and then he sees you, blushing madly which makes Changbin’s smile falter. Changbin looks at yours and Minho’s hand, pinkies linked and Changbin chuckles as he sees his intuitions were wrong.
“Why didn’t I think of that?” Changbin mumbles to himself and he continues on his way.
Yeah, this is way better than hand holding.
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five. — october seventeen.
You folded your arms on the table, chin resting on your arm as you frown. It’s raining hard today and that’s okay that Minho was held back because of it but it’s been an hour and half, and Minho would text you. You’ve shoot him texts but he hasn’t answered even once.
“Hey, Y/N,” the kind waiter, Felix who was also your friend greeted. “You okay?” He asks as he places a hand on your shoulder. You sat up straight, smiling at your friend.
“Yeah, don’t worry about me, Lix. I’m fine.” You say and Felix nods, not wanting to pry anymore. “Would it be okay if I stay a bit longer?” You ask and Felix chuckles, nodding.
“Until I close down, if you want.” Felix says and you grin at him.
“Thank you.” You smile and Felix nods as he walks off to entertain the customers. You turn around, looking at the door, praying that Minho would finally come. The bell above the door rings once again, but no, it still wasn’t Minho. Where is he? Not holding back anymore, you grabbed your phone and dialed his number, chewing on your lower lip in anticipation as you pressed your phone against your ear.
Minho turns around to the table as he hears his phone ring. He looks at Hyunjin who was sitting across him with a worried expression on his face. “Minho, just answer her.” Hyunjin gently urges, but Minho shakes his head as he grabs his phone and flips it over. “What did Chan tell you?”
Minho looks at his friend who quite distressed over the situation. “Enjoy the remaining days I have here.” Minho mumbles his answer as he looks at the ground.
“Everyone sees you’re enjoying. Changbin even mentioned to me how you were grinning so wide the other day when he ran into you.” Hyunjin says and Minho sighs, placing his hands on the table as he hangs his head low. “And why is that you’re enjoying?”
“Y/N,” Minho whispers.
“So what’s stopping you?” Hyunjin asks.
“Fucking dammnit, Hyunjin!” Minho snaps, pushing the chair in front of him to the side. The reaper in front Minho freezes, surprised at how he reacted. Minho really does love you, huh. Hyunjin remembers, this was not the first time Minho has snapped at him. But Minho doesn’t remember. “Don’t you fucking get it? At first, I feel bad for her because she’s so young and she has to die. I’m the one who is assigned to fetch her so we can go up together.” Hyunjin only watches Minho, not able to say anything. “But now, I want to do something. I don’t want to go up yet. I don’t want her to, either. I want to spend more time with her. I’m not ready to let her go. Too fast, I know, but—” Minho cuts himself as he looks at Hyunjin with a pained look on his face.
If only Minho knows, it’s not too fast. It is too early. Hyunjin felt sad for his two friends, he couldn’t do anything for them.
“What do I do, Jinnie?” Minho asks. “It’s not like I can take her place and die again.”
Hyunjin sighs, smiling up at him. “Exactly, Minho.” He says. “You can’t do anything about it and you have to accept that.” Hyunjin says and breathes out. “Go to her, spend the reamaining time you have together.”
Minho licks his lips. Hyunjin’s right, what the hell is Minho doing? Minho shouldn’t have dwell about the short time that was given to them. At least, they were given time. This was better than just a few hours. This was better than nothing.
Minho takes his phone, stuffing it inside his pocket and walking to the coat rack to get his coat and umbrella. Without a word, Minho opens the door and his umbrella. He starts to walk to the café where you both first met. Minho finally arrives and he closes his umbrella as soon as he got under the roof. He pushes the door open with a smile and steps inside. But that smile quickly falters when he sees you at a corner with someone else, laughing like you were the happiest at the very moment.
Minho pulls his lips into a thin line, turning around to leave the café with a heavy heart. Hyunjin was right. You should spend your time with someone important to you. Minho was just someone who you met two weeks ago who spilled your coffee to you because he was being a ditz. You deserve someone who you’ve known your whole life.
“So, why were you here all alone?” Jisung asks.
Jisung has been your best friend ever since you entered college. He was the reason why you met Minho and Jisung was the one who you’d go to whenever you feel like talking about Minho.
“Uh,” you trailed off, chuckling. “I got stood up.”
“Oh?” Jisung asks. “Like... date?” You nod and Jisung’s expression remains surprised. “I... I’m proud of you, Y/N. After what happened with Minho, you’ve been miserable and—is it alright to talk about him?”
“Of course!” You said, shaking your head. “Continue where you left off.”
“Are you sure?” Jisung asks and you nod. “How have you been since Minho’s accident?” How have you been? Miserable, as fuck. Especially now since you’ve made the mistake of being close to him again. Oh, yeah, and, uh, dying on the 25th of October.
“Good.” You answered. Minho’s back to your life, except he doesn’t remember you at all. “It’s been hard without him, but great.” You trailed off, feeling your voice waver. Jisung notices, of course.
“Let’s not talk about it.” Jisung says as he looks down. You took a deep breath, smiling at your best friend.
“I love that you caught me here, but I have to go, Ji.” You say and Jisung nods, fully understanding you. But no, he doesn’t understand what’s been happening lately, and you don’t plan on telling him. “Bye, Ji. Take care. Let’s do it again some time.”
“Take care, Y/N.” Jisung says and you stand up, taking your umbrella with you as you finally go home.
It’s been a bad day today. But you wish, Minho just told you why he stood you up.
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six. — october twenty-four.
Minho hears muffled giggles as he stands in front of your apartment. “Jeongin, stop! I will fucking throw you out of the window, I swear.” Your giggles were loud, making Minho’s heart swell. It hurt. You’re so happy today, not knowing tomorrow you won’t be here anymore.
“Do it, I dare you!” A boy answered with laughter. “Is that what aunty and uncle taught you how to treat your younger cousin?” You only answered with laughter. “Hey, it’s almost seven. I should be going.”
“Right,” you said as you walked through the apartment. “Do you want me to walk you to the lobby?”
Then, the door opens. Minho’s eyes widen as he came face-to-face with your younger cousin. Jeongin was about to smirk when he realized the man in front of him was oddly familiar. Minho bows in respect and Jeongin does the same but with little reluctance. He was so familiar.
“Hey, uh, you don’t need to.” Jeongin calls as he turns away from Minho. “You got a visitor, by the way.”
“Oh? Who is it?” You ask from your room and Jeongin faces Minho again, gesturing for his name.
“Minho.” The said boy says and Jeongin smiles.
“Jeongin.” The younger says as he holds his hand out to him. Minho almost grabs Jeongin’s hand when he remembers. Sigh, Minho. To the hundredth power. Minho lowers his hand as he tries to look for a stupid excuse.
“My hand isn’t really clean right now since I... uh, played with a stray cat along the way.” Well, Minho wasn’t really lying. Jeongin chuckles, nodding as he lowers his hand.
“It’s Minho, Y/N.” Jeongin calls and a thud erupts, Jeongin laughing immediately as he shakes his head. “Come in, sit by the couch.” Jeongin instructs for Minho and he follows. Jeongin walks inside your room, ready to tease you on how excited you are until his eye catches your Minho’s picture at your desk. Jeongin frowns and he looks at you as you got the picture frame and hid it in one of your drawers. “Y/N.”
“Yeah, Innie?” You said, not facing him as you fixed the mess that you made on your desk in a way that looks like you’re panicking. Jeongin sees your hands visibly shaking as you paused for a moment, looking at your desk thinking of what to do.
“M-Minho.” Jeongin says. “That Minho looks like your Minho and they have the same name. H-How did you even know him?”
“Long story,” you said and you breathed in as you turned around with a smile. “A bit insane, huh?”
“Creepy, yeah.” Jeongin answers and you laugh lightly. “Does he know about your Minho?”
You shake your head, laughing lightly. “Come on, Innie. He... He doesn’t have to know everything. He’s just a friend.” You say and Jeongin nods. He shakes his head and you smile. “Take care. Tell your mom and dad I said hi, okay?”
“Yeah.” Jeongin says and you walk him out to your door. “Bye, Y/N.”
“Sure you don’t want me to—”
“Y/N! I’m not a baby.” Jeongin laughs in an exasperated way. You laugh, opening the door for him. Jeongin then turns to Minho, bowing at him lightly and he finally goes out of your apartment. “Have fun, Y/N. But not too much!”
“Shut up!” You laugh and Jeongin kisses your forehead. Your cousin finally leaves and you close your door. You take a deep breath, facing Minho who was already walking towards you. “What brings you here?” You ask him as you lean back at the door.
Minho stops at a distance, looking everywhere but at you. “I... I’m sorry I stood you up the other day. I was feeling—”
“It’s okay.” You said, nodding. You know what’s really up. Hyunjin told you everything and you forgive him. But something in you right now doesn’t want to be around him. “Is that all?”
“Remember what you told me in the playground?” Minho asks, his voice small as he feels so nervous right in front of you just like the first day you both met. “That we should do everything even though we’re reluctant of it?”
“What about it?” You ask and Minho takes in a deep breath.
“I love you, flower.”
Your head snaps up, looking at him. Did he just..?
“I know, too fast, but...” Minho trails off as he tries to look for the right words. “Something just keeps on gravitating me towards you, flower. I... It never felt like I was getting to know you. It felt like I was remembering you. It sounds insane and I just—”
“I love you, too.” You answered which left Minho speechless. Minho felt he was insane—you two are insane, but Minho doesn’t care. You do crazy things when you’re in love (Hercules and Meg were right). “Always have, always will.”
Minho marched up to you, cupping your cheeks and pressing his lips against yours. You were taken aback, but oh, it felt so good to taste his lips again. You kissed back, holding on to his wrists as you felt your knees weaken. Minho pulls away, looking into your eyes as you opened them.
“There’s something I need to tell you.” Minho mumbles and you shake your head. “Flower, listen, I’m—”
“Minho,” you cut him off, thumbs running circles against his wrists. “You don’t have to tell me anything. Don’t tell me anything right now. Please, just... whatever you have to tell me, don’t.”
“But, flower, you don’t understand.” Minho says. “You’d hate me once you find out.”
“I won’t.” You whispered, assuring him. How could you? You close his wrists together, hands wrapping around his closed ones. “I could never hate you. I love you, too much. More than anything.”
“Y/N, flower,”
"Trust me, my love. Never.” You whisper and Minho pulls his hands away from your, wrapping his arms around your waist as he pulls you impossibly closer, resting his chin on your shoulder.
Minho’s heart remembers you and that’s more than enough for you.
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seven. — october twenty-five.
Minho has his hands shoved inside his pocket as he waits for the bus with you. You were to visit your parents tonight and even though Minho knows what is bound to happen, he still couldn’t help but grow anxious.
“You okay?” You ask as you lightly nudge him by the arm. Minho nods, forcing a smile to you. You know it, it was a fake one. Should you just tell him? No, telling him would make things even worse. “Promise?” You ask and Minho just nods, pulling his hands out of his pockets and pulling you into an embrace. You giggle, wrapping your arms around him.
“I love you, flower.” Minho mumbles and you pat his back, mumbling those three words back to him. Then you see the empty bus, coming your way. Your heart grows heavy and you move, pulling away from Minho. You hold him at arm length, smiling widely at him.
“Whatever happens is not your fault, okay?” You say and Minho grows confused. But Minho nods, anyway. The bus finally reaches you, stoppping in front of you. You breathe in, smiling at Minho. “Bye, Min. I’ll see you.”
Literally and figuratively.
Minho pulls you back by your wrist, cupping your cheeks as he presses his lips against your lips. You kiss back, lips dancing together as you wrap your arms around his torso. Minho pulls away, pursing his lips as he forces a smile again. “I love you.” Minho mumbles.
“I love you, too.” You answered. “So much. And I’m so thankful you came back.” You pull away, walking off to climb the bus. Minho was even more confused at your words as he watches your back.
The bus starts to move and you turn your back to him, instead of looking. Minho looks at the ground, frowning as he waits for the sound of the crash. He has to accept it, he has to accept that it was the only time given for you two. Minho clenches his fists as if trying to hold back.
But this is you. He doesn’t hold back when it comes to you.
So, Minho breaks into a run, chasing your bus. He wasn’t a fast runner, everyone knows that. But how the hell did he managed to catch up with the bus? Simple, you. Minho slams his fist thrice at the side of the bus, signalling the driver to stop. Minho slows down as the bus does, running inside and face you as he grabs your wrist to pull you out of the bus.
“Minho, what are you doing?” You say, but Minho stays silent, dragging you out of the bus. Minho drops your wrist as he manages to drag you away form the bus. You look around and slowly, time stopped.
Minho, not aware that you were able to move, pulls you into his arms hugging you and not wanting to let go. Minho takes in a deep breath, tightening his grip. You pull away, looking at Minho and sighing. Minho’s eyes widen.
“H-How could you..?”
“Minho, stop it!” You raised your voice as you glared at him. “Don’t you understand that we can’t do anything about it anymore?” Your tears started to stream down your face as you kept on speaking. “Please, I’m going back to the bus. Don’t stop it. This was meant to happen.”
You sigh, wiping your tears off and turning around to go back to the bus. But Minho was stubborn. He looks at your hand and grabs it, making sure to have a palm to palm contact, pulling you again and everything finally comes to him.
Minho shoves the envelope against Hyunjin’s chest as he read the details. “Not a good joke, Hyunjin.” Minho says and he shoves past Hyunjin as he looks at the envelope.
“Minho, I... you’ve been a great friend to me.” Hyunjin says as he turns around to look at Minho who only had his back turned to him. “I just thought... you deserve to know.”
Minho turns around, shaking his head. “What can we do?” He asks, tears welling up in his eyes as he looks at Hyunjin with hopeful eyes.
“Nothing, Minho. There’s nothing—”
“Well, we have to do something!” Minho raises his voice and Hyunjin winces at it. Minho never does that. He’s a happy person who never gets mad. “Hyunjin, that’s my fucking girlfriend. Dying on my fucking birthday.”
Hyunjin sighs, feeling bad for he can’t do anything. “Minho, time will freeze if you try to stop her from riding that bus. We can’t do anything. I’m so sorry.” Hyunjin says but Minho is stubborn. He will do everything just for you.
(Full Name), October 25, 8:37 pm. Cause of death: truck ran into her bus.
Minho looks at his watch. He still has exactly an hour to do something. Minho passes by Hyunjin, runnning his way to the station where you would be. Hyunjin could do nothing but sigh at his friend, following slowly.
Panting, Minho arrives at the bus stop. He sees you with a paper bag on your hand, earphones plugged in your ears as you wait for the bus. Suddenly, a bus stops in front of you and Minho runs to you, and before you could step on the steps of the bus, Minho grabs your wrist, pulling you back.
“Minho!” You exclaimed when you see him. “I was just about to go to your apartment, what are you doing here?”
Minho looks at you, panting and you look at him. “Baby, what’s wrong?” You ask as you grab his hands. “Baby, what happened?”
“N-Nothing, can we just walk the way to my apartment?” Minho asks and you frown, looking at the bus. “Please, flower, for me?”
“Okay, but when we get to your apartment, you tell me everything?” You asked and Minho nods. “Promise—” You stopped moving, offering him your pinky halfway in between your bodies. Minho looks around, seeing everyone has stopped moving just like what Hyunjin said. Minho grabs your other wirst to look at your watch, looking at the time but it has stopped. He looks around, tears pooling in his eyes. He lets out a quiet sob, hugging you tightly as he places a gentle kiss on your forehead.
You have so many things you want to do, especially with Minho. He only wanted for you to reach those dreams because it would make you happy. But how would you if you’re gonna ride this bus? An idea pops in Minho’s mind and it makes him hug you even tighter. Minho sighs, peppering kisses all over your face. MInho slowly lets go, looking at you.
“I love you, flower.” Minho mumbles, kissing your lips one last time. Minho looks at the bus, walking towards the entrance as he stands by the entrance, looking at you. Minho closes his eyes, repeating “Please, work.” phrase over and over again. Minho suddenly feels the bus moving and he opens his eyes, looking at you.
You blinked twice, looking around for Minho. Then you see him on the bus, he smiles at you, waving and you grow confused.
Hyunjin, who followed Minho was on the corner, watching the scene unfold right in front of his eyes. Hyunjin immediately fishes his pocket, pulling the letter out. It was still your name on it, but you were at the side watching. Hyunjin hears a crash and suddenly your name was changed to Lee Minho.
Hyunjin looks up, the bus laid on its side as the truck collided with it. Hyunjin turns his gaze to you, hands covering your mouth as you were unable to move. And that was when Minho’s punishment started.
You pull your hand away, looking at Minho. “No, no, no, no.” Minho mumbles, looking at you. “This isn’t...” Minho trails off, you come forward cupping his cheeks and you shake your head, closing your eyes. Minho rests his forehead against yours and you draw circles on his cheeks with your thumb.
“Flower, I..” Minho mumbles and you shake your head, bringing his lips forward to yours. Minho kisses back, pulling you impossibly closer by your waist. You pull away, Minho hugging you by your waist as he rests his chin on your shoulder. You let out a shaky breath, pressing your lips against his cheek. “I’m so sorry, I didn’t know. I couldn’t do anything to stop this.”
“It’s not your fault. It’s supposed to happen.” You mumble gently as you try to soothe Minho which was quite successful as he closes his eyes. “You did everything you could, alright?”
“But you had your dreams, you have a lot going on, wanted to do things you never did.” Minho says and you sigh, pulling away. You smile at him, wiping Minho’s tears off.
“And so did you.” You said and you sighed. “But, baby, this is what’s suppose to happen last year. Next life, we still have each other, right?”
Minho’s hands come up to your wrists, mumbling, “I don’t want to forget you again, flower.” And you sighed, smiling up at him.
“Minho, you didn’t.” You said. “You forgot your memories, but you kept on gravitating towards me. We’ll find each other again, I know it.” Minho sighs, bringing his hands down, arms cricling around your waist as he buries his face in your neck.
“I love you.” Minho mumbles and you wraps your arms around his shoulders, leaning your cheek against his head.
“I love you more.” You mumble and Minho pulls away, grabbing your hands and lifting them up to press his lips against your knuckles. You slowly pull away, cupping his cheeks, tilting his head to kiss the top of his head.
Then, you pull away from his touch as you walk towards the bus, climbed up and everything started to move.
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a little ways down the road (or maybe longer).
Seungmin grumbled as he looked at you who was walking towards him in the office. “Just because you’re the boss’ favorite, doesn’t mean you can come in late.” Seungmin glared at you as you kept walking towards your desk which was beside his. Clumsily enough, you pulled your swivel chair out and placed your bag down on it. Seungmin started to grumble things out about being always late and having to cover your ass out from the snotty assistant of your boss. Having enough of it, you hand a cup of coffee out to Seungmin who brightly grins as he takes it. “You’re the best.”
You chuckle lightly, sitting on your chair as you begin to work on the paperworks that has been dumped on your desk way before you arrived.
“By the way, Y/N,” Seungmin calls and you look at him. “Boss gave us the half day, he’s going out later to spend the rest of the day with his mother who arrived from.. somewhere.”
“Oh, nice.” You mumbled. “That reminds me as well, I have to pick up flowers for my dad.”
Seungmin looks at his phone then back to you. “Happy anniversary to your parents.” Seungmin says and you mumble a small thank you as you look at your papers but your mind somewhere else. What flowers should you get this time? When your mother and father were on their boyfriend and girlfriend stage, your father would always plan something for the anniversaries until it became a tradition for them. And when you were born and would always admire flowers, your dad suddenly asked you if you could always be in charge of the flower boquet that he would give to your mother since he quite sucks at that part.
“Seung?” You call and Seungmin looks at you with a smile. “What flowers should I get this time?”
Seungmin turns to you, smiling. “What’d you get them last year?”
“Daisies.” You said and Seungmin nodded, thinking of what you should get.
“Too common.”
“Got those last two years ago.”
“Um, no, I’m not feeling it.”
“Baby’s breath?”
Your head snaps up at the mention of the said flower, looking at Seungmin. Why.. did your heart suddenly felt.. heavy? You breathe in, lightly patting your chest, above your heart as you sit up straight. “What does it mean again? The flower.” You ask as you start working again, ignoring the heaviness that suddenly settled in your heart.
“I wanna stay with you forever, I think.” Seungmin says and you nod.
“Thanks.” You say.
“Sure.” Seungmin says as he goes back to his own work. You eye Seungmin who pokes his tongue out to you playfully, making you laugh lightly. And just like that, time passed by like a blink of an eye and here you are, fixing your things to finally go. When you’re done, you and Seungmin walk side by side until the exit of the building.
“Hey, Y/N, I have to go now. I have something to take care of.” Seungmin says and you nod with a smile.
“Take care, Seung.” You lightly smile and he gives you a grin as he takes the other way. You walk to the opposite direction, the bus stop to wait for a bus that would take you to the flower shop.
You sigh, looking around as you didn’t see that much people around. It was probably like this around this time, people being busy with either school or work. And you honestly kinda like it since it’s not crowded, but it feels like a ghost town.
Finally, a bus stops. Two or three people climbs down and you climb up, walking down the aisle as you want to be seated by the center. On the process of walking down to your designated seat, you lock eyes with a stranger and there it was again—the heaviness in your heart. You ignore it, continuing down the aisle as you finally get to your seat, getting comfortable on it.
Unlike any other day that you would ride a bus, you sa by the aisle looking at the stranger whom you locked eyes with. He was a stranger, but he felt familiar. And your heart never grew heavy like this. It would always get heavy at randome things, baby’s breath—just like Seungmin mentioned earlier—, cats, coffee, random people that you woul catch linking pinkies together, name it. But this one felt the heaviest.
You immediately moved to the window seat as you see his head turning around, but you were positive he caught you. Whatever. It’s ot like you two would see each other again anyway. You sigh, your eyes looking at the other side’s window and you see a long-haired man sitting on the side of your seat with a gentle smile who had a cup of coffee on his hand. He shakes his head, smiling as he clears his throat. “Is that your handkerchief?” He says as he points by your foot.
“No, not mine.” You awkwardly say, the shyness in your voice could not be hidden as your cheeks started to go light red. God, you were not good with interacting with strangers.
The man nods, standing up as he feels the bus stop. “Bye, Y/N. Take care.” He says with a smile as he walks down the aisle, not waiting or your reply. You watch him as he climbs out of the bus, meeting with a friend who was slightly shorter than him who has the same black trench coat as him.
“You, too.” You mumble and the bus finally moves. Soon, the man who knows your name gets off of your mind and you sit there at the bus with your earphones plugged in your ears as you watched the buildings that you pass by and soon, your stop comes. You stand up, keeping your phone and earphones in side your bag as you feel the bus stop. When it fully stops, you walk down the aisle and slow down as a lot was coming off.
Slowly, your head turns around to where the stranger you locked eyes with was seated but he wasn’t there anymore. You sigh, turning your head in front of you as you climb out of the bus and walk straight to the corner of the flower shop.
“Hi, Y/N,” the owner of the shop, Felix greets with a sunshine-like smile. “As expected, every year. So, what flower do you have in mind?”
Felix was your friend from college whom you met through Seungmin since they had another mutual friend. Felix was the boy who was an absolute sunshine to everyone, smiling at you even if he doesn’t know you. And you just absolutely love him.
“Um, baby’s breath. What do you think?” You ask.
Felix hums in approval. “I’ve been waiting for that name to get out of your lips for years.” Felix says as he gets ready to arrange your flowers.
“Why didn’t you just suggest it to me?” You ask with a laugh.
“Because that would be cheating, Y/N.” Jisung, Felix’s co-owner and his best friend says as he walks out of the room at the back with a watering can on his hand, walking past you to go around and water the plants. “We had a bet about it and I lost.”
Felix grins as he keeps working on the boquet. “We always have a bet on what flower are you gonna get every year.” Felix informs you and you chuckle, shaking your head. These two dorks, I swear.
“And he always, always bets on baby’s breath.” Jisung says as he looks at you with a shrug. You chuckle, looking at Felix.
“Why baby’s breath?” You asked and Felix shrugged.
“Don’t you remember your dreams, Y/N?” Felix asks and you raise an eyebrow at him. “Remember when we were together at the library and you fell asleep when you were supposed to help me?”
“You’re never gonna let that go, are you?” You laugh.
Felix laughs as well, shaking his head. “Not the point, Y/N.” Felix smiles as he holds the flower up, fixing some fallen flowers or branch or something. “I heard you mumbling in your sleep ‘I wanna stay with you forver, too.’ and then when you woke up you told me that you were holding a stem that had small white flowers on them but you couldn’t remember why.”
You tilted your head, trying to remember. But that’s weird. Why would you dream about it? You’d always forget that flower exists until Seungmin mentioned it today. What was it with that flower? Why did your heart grow heavy at the mention of the flower earlier?
“Here you go.” Felix says with a smile and you take the small boquet in your hands. You pay Felix and when you hear the sound of the cashier, you wave at Felix.
“Thank you, always.” You say. “Bye, Lix. Bye, Hanji.”
“Bye.” They both said with a smile and you turned around to exit the shop. Felix watches you through the glass panel and when you came out of sight, he turns to Jisung with a smirk.
“Where’s my 20, loser?”
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It was beautiful. The tiny white flowers that bloomed made you smile as you just watch the whole time you were riding the bus and it honestly made you almost miss your stop. You went to your parent’s house, giving your dad the boquet he asked you for. With a kiss on his cheek and and I love you that was said by both, you went off to go back to go to your apartment, wanting to sleep the day away since you don’t have to wake up early tomorrow morning since it’s your day off.
You came home to your cat sleeping at the top of your bookshelf and you couldn’t help but chuckle. He would always pick the most uncomfortable places to sleep on. But hey, who were you to judge? You’re not a cat.
Yes, even though cats made your heart heavy, it didn’t stop you from getting one. You just love them so much and you always wanted one ever since you were a kid.
If one was to see what you would always do with your cat, they would assume that you probably planned your life living it alone already. I mean, come on, you’d always cuddle your cat, tell him about your problems and worries and especially about your heart growing heavy at most random times, and if you were being completely honest, you’d dance with him sometimes—but that’s a secret—but honestly, you just treat your cat as if it was your child.
So, here you are again.
“Hey,” you said as you move around to fix yourself. “I saw this stranger at the bus and we stared at each other. It was nothing, but I can’t shake the feeling that I know him from somewhere.” You said as you collapse on your couch. “And then another guy knows my name who smiled at me but I don’t know his name.” You said. You were honestly bothered. Who the hell was he? You sigh, biting your lower lip as you look at the ground. “But the first guy, he looks like someone, he’s so familiar. I just can’t name who the hell looks like him.”
Your soulmate, most likely. He looks like your soulmate but that was the last thing in your mind.
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“So, Felix and Jisung would always bet on me every year on what flower I would request.” You say as you sip on your coffee. Seungmin across you just laughed, shaking his head at your two friends. “Did you know? Is that why you suggested baby’s breath?”
Seungmin shakes his head. “You just look like a baby’s breath person. Plus, it wasn’t the first suggestion.” Seungmin said and you nodded, shrugging. “Felix told me years ago you had a dream about—”
“Yeah, he told me yesterday.” You said with a smile.
Seungmin is your best friend. Ever since college, he was your ride or die. He loves to tease you, but when others do it, they better run away.
“So what did you do yesterday?” Seungmin asks.
“Not much. Just the flowers and then I went home and go sleep.” You said and Seungmin nodded. “How about you? Where’d you go yesterday?”
“You know my friend, Jeongin, the one who was still in college?” Seungmin asks and you nod. “He called me yesterday because he said he had an emergency. And when I went there yesterday he said it was all fixed and since I was there already, I chould hang for a bit.”
You laugh lightly. “He must be missing you.”
Seungmin looks at his phone and sees the time. “I should get going, I promised him yesterday I would help him with his papers.” Seungmin says as he stands up. “How about you?”
“I’ll walk out with you. I just came here because I had nothing to do, so now, I’ll be going back to my apartment.” You say as you fix your clothes, dusting non-existent dust off and when you’re satisfied, you grabbed your coffee. You move to the edge of the seat, standing up and sharply turning, coliding with someone’s chest. The person takes a step backwards as your coffee spill all over the person. You look at him with wide eyes as his eyes were down on his clothes, a small frown on his lips.
“Shit, I’m so sorry.” You mumble.
“It’s fine.” He mumbles and you palm your pocket to see if you have a handkerchief, but no you don’t. So you look for table napkins but it looks like you ran out of. So, you looked at Seungmin who was looking at you as you looked at his hand. Bingo. You snatched his handkerchief off and turn around to the poor stranger you accidentally poured coffee all over at as you placed  the empty cup on the table.
You lightly dab on his torso, frowning ligthly as you continue your work. You gently grab his hand cleaning the spilled coffee off. You let his hand go, unfolding the handkerchief as you flipped on the clean part.
And then you stopped.
Dude, what were you doing?
You sigh, feeling the redness on your cheeks spreading. Suddenly, you feel something on your back pocket being pulled out and you looked at Seungmin who just holds your handkerchief out. Oh. There it was. You grabbed it and held it out to the stranger.
“I’m sorry,” you apologized. “I was panicking and I didn’t know what to do.”
“it’s alright.” He says with a light laugh as he takes the handkerchief, mumbling a thanks. He cleans the rest and with a smile he folds the hankderchief. “I would give this back, but..” He shrugs, gesturing on the handkerchief being unclean.
“No, it’s okay!” You said. “My apartment’s just nearby, maybe I can give you some spare shirt.”
He just looks at you with an unknown look as if he was studying you. “I’m sorry, you look very familiar. Have we met before?” He asks and you shake your head, looking at him. Oh! He’s the guy in the bus yesterday.
“I think I rode a bus with you yesterday.” You said and he laughed lightly, nodding.
“Yes, but not that.” He says with a light smile. “I just think, this happened before.” He mumbles and you nod. You feel it, too. It was all too familiar. Did this happen before? Have you two met but just can’t remember? But why won’t you remember?
“it does feel like this happened already.” You said with a soft smile. But deep down inside you, you know where it happened, you just haven’t been into that much thought yet.
“I’m Y/N, by the way.” You smile, holding your hand out to him.
“Minho.” He says with a smile, placing his hands in yours as he shakes them. You don’t know if it’s just the way he holds it or maybe his hand really does fit with yours like a puzzle hugging it’s piece.
For the first time, your heart felt joy not heaviness.
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2jaeh · 4 years ago
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Bubble ♡︎ | Na Jaemin
Genre : Fluff humor
You’re subscribed to Jaemins bubble, excited just like every other fan to recieve his message for today until his new messages don’t seem like the others.....
“What’s taking so long ?” You stared blankly at the LYSN* app while stretching your legs onto your leather couch.
You switched over to the Twitter app and scrolled through your timeline, briefly reading through whatever was the latest topic on nctzen Twitter. One tweet caught your attention which made you chuckle out loud
Nananotifs: “I’m pretty sure Haechan finally threw Jaemin’s phone out of the dorm window bc.......”
All Nanadoongies gathered on Twitter to complain about the absence of Jaemin especially since he was the only one who hadnt reposted Chenle’s beloved pup Daegal.
You sighed and switched back to the LYSN app and noticed you were able to send one more message to Jaemin before the app blocks you off until he sends a new message.
Y/n: nana I miss you please say something
JAEMIN: y/n did you eat today ? I’ve missed you!
Your eyes widened at the immediate message you received from your ult. Was is coincidental ? Ofcourse it was, they don’t get notifications from fan messages do they ?
You immediately switched over to Twitter already seeing the bubble update account sharing Jaemins new message along with the entire timeline screaming over his activity.
~boominana: “how dare he act so normal I’m gonna cry !!!!”
~jaeminjenos: “post a selfie Jaemin don’t be shy”
~dreamies023: “he’s probably busy guys let him post when he wants to”
The last account was right. Jaemin was probably so busy. It was nice that he still found time out of his schedule to message nctzens and that’s what you loved most about him.
Y/n: Jaemin you’re stressing everyone out on Twitter lol let us know you’re doing ok we love you !
JAEMIN: am I ? :/
Was it a delayed message ? You shook your head and decided it was probably just another glitch on the app.
Y/n: yes stop ghosting us !
JAEMIN: ghosting ? ㅋㅋㅋ so dramatic
You froze. There was absolutely no way that from the tons of messages he would be recieving right now that yours would be the one he read and responded to.
The interaction made your heart race and quickly switch over to Twitter, it was probably chaos right now wondering what Jaemins messages could mean.
Everyone on the timeline moved on from Jaemins first message and there were no updates on the messages you had just received from him.
JAEMIN: y/n ~ are you not going to answer me ? How am I ghosting you :(
This could not be real. You felt a lump in your throat as you checked over your other bubble subscriptions which all seemed fine except for his. You had no idea how to feel or what to do.
Y/N: this is weird. Send me a selfie so I know you’re actually replying to me and not a bot -_-
About 15 minutes went by and you stared at the open chat. He had read your message but there was no reply.
“Humh it was a bot after all” you huffed, about to close the app when your phone pinged and you saw Jaemins name pop up.
A voice note.
“Hey y/n, I hope I’m saying your name correctly hehe So long story short I think the chat glitched and your name and profile pic added itself to my own bubble. Weird right ? Mark Hyung told me I should send a voice note because it will make you believe me a bit more and .....well we would know if you posted on Twitter which CANNOT happen hahaha you understand right ?”
What was happening right now.
You pinched yourself to make sure you didn’t accidentally fall asleep on the couch and start having a very eerie realistic dream.
JAEMIN: I know you’re shocked rn but I really enjoy reading your replies haha it was the best part of my day and well I couldn’t help myself today. I wanted to tease you lol
Y/N: wait so how long has this “glitch” happened for ?
JAEMIN: hmmm....about a month now I think...after you renewed your account I think hehe
Y/N: what ??? Omg I’m so embarrassed......
JAEMIN: there’s nothing to be embarrassed about trust me. I’ve read everything czennies have sent me haha I find it amusing.
You exhaled deeply and scrolled through some of the messages you have sent him during this month and thankfully none of them were cringeworthy.
Y/N: so...now what? Should I speak to app support and fix this....unsubscribe or something....
JAEMIN: LOL youre really funny. Imagine finding out you can speak to someone from your fav idol group and you want to call tech support ...LOL so funny Mark Hyung is laughing
You felt your cheeks heat up at the image of Na Jaemin and Mark Lee laughing at your messages.
JAEMIN: please don’t be embarrassed y/n ! I only did this bc well I have your profile now and you’re really cute.
This was NOT happening.
Y/N: Uh......
JAEMIN: what do you have a boyfriend ? ....
Y/N: no I don’t I’m just....it’s nothing never mind
JAEMIN: LOL so cute! So do you have Kakao ?
Y/N: you want my number ? Why ? .....
JAEMIN: to talk to you obviously! What if they fix the glitch and I’ll never be able to talk to you again..
Jaemin wanted to talk to you. He was trusting you wholeheartedly to add him on his private account. Did he have an idea of the kind of person you were ? How could he possibly risk his career to a nobody ?
Y/N: I do have kakao it’s YN_0023.... Jaemin I won’t say anything but are you sure this is okay ?
JAEMIN: yeah I’ll video call you and we can talk about it ...adding you now. Clear this chat after you get my text!
Is he absolutely insane ? Maybe the voice note was fabricated. Maybe this was some weirdo trying to prey on innocent fangirls. Maybe -
Nana00: heyyyyyyyyy :)
Y/n: hi Uhm is this ...Jaemin ...
Nana00: yup (inserts a pic with your username on a sheet of paper)
Y/n: holy shiiiiit
By now you were already pacing across your entire apartment trying to come to terms with what was going on in your life right now. It became a force of habit to constantly check Twitter and make sure by chance somebody mentioned a glitch of some sort or SM announcing that the app is under construction or SOMETHING.
‘This couldn’t be real’ you thought.
Nana00: lol you’re so funny so are you free to video call ?
Y/n: Uhm......are you sure that’s a good idea ?
Nana00: yeah I mean firstly I would like to know you’re real too lol and also I want to know if I can trust you with this information.....it’ll be quick I promise
Y/n: well....okay give me 10minutes please
Nana00: lol sure :)
After scrambling to your bathroom to make yourself a little presentable as if you just won a video call event for your ult, you finally set on a laidback look so it doesn’t look too obvious that you put a little effort in.
You decided to prop your phone on the mini tripod on your desk so the lighting from your bedroom window in front of you bounced off your skin perfectly.
Y/n: okay I’m ready. I’m a little shy so.....sorry if I can’t talk much...
Nana00: you don’t sound shy when you talk about me on bubble hehe ;)
You buried your face in your hands and groaned. The embarrassment was still eating at you and Jaemin was not letting you live those messages down.
Ring Ring Ring......
You saw your phone light up and Jaemins kakao profile picture fill your screen.
With a shaky finger you press the recieve button and watch as the pixelated video start to clear up, presenting a very smiley Na Jaemin.
“Hi there” he said in his high voice and a bright smile on his face. He seemed to be sitting at his desk as well, hair still wet from either a rainy day or a shower.
“Uhm hi” you replied shyly and waved awkwardly.
“So this is the face behind the bubble profile huh”
“I guess so” you replied. It seemed as though you were calm and collected but on the inside you were screaming. Screaming that you were conversing with one of your favourite people right now.
“Good! Sorry to ask this again but did you clear the chat on bubble ? We have to be careful with that” he said in a concerned voice.
“Yeah I did after you sent the pic I finally realized it was definitely you so I went ahead and did it” you quickly said, kinda embarrassed by how fast your words came out.
Jaemin chuckled.
“You still doubted me after the voice note?”
“Just a little”
“You’re so adorable it’s ridiculous you know that ?” He gleamed and neared the screen, his deep brown eyes focusing on yours “ where are you from y/n?”
“Well I live in a lot of places but my hometown is _______. I learnt most of my korean while studying here in Osaka weird enough” you shrugged.
You moved to Japan for your first year of university since it was where you sort of grew up as a kid and took up extra korean classes once settled in the city.
“Osaka ?? Wow I love Japan I can’t wait to go back! Well now I kinda have an excuse to go” he winked sending your heart into a frenzy.
You giggled shyly “is this the fan service everybody talks about ?
“Fan service is a job....this is different I’m sure you know that y/n haha”
“All of this because of my profile picture ?”
“Well” Jaemin bit down on his lip as his eyebrows turned into a frown
“I obviously saw your pic and thought you were very cute but a big part of it was your messages and how you would always message me when I most needed it.”
“My messages are very random” you chuckled.
“Still made me smile throughout my day and that means a lot” he said and ran his fingers through his hair “so it’s kinda selfish of me to say, but id like for you to update me...personally”
“Na Jaemin are you asking me to be your own personal bubble account ?” You raised your eyebrow.
“Yeah pretty much” he shrugged “I’ll repay the subscription when I see you Osaka.”
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dream-a-little-bigger-x · 4 years ago
Curiosity Killed The Cat | Owen Patrick Joyner
Requested: Yes/No
Hi! I was wondering if you can do an Owen imagine kinda based off his Instagram story of him finding a cat. I was thinking he’d actually find the missing cat though and come ring your doorbell at 4am bc he’s chaotic. You can decide everything. Thank you in advance!!!
A/N: The cat doesn’t actually die in this, it’s just a saying that i liked for the title, so don’t worry! It’s got a happy ending!
Pairing: Owen x Fem!Reader
Song(s) used: none 
Warnings: none
Words: 3,949
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A week. It had been exactly one week since y/n last saw her cat, Tunabean. The white, grey striped Ragamuffin cat had been absent from y/n’s apartment for way longer than she normally would be and it worried y/n to the point where she’d be out looking for the little rascal every night after work. 
“Found her yet?” Jamila asked as she entered y/n’s apartment after coming home from work. 
Jamila was y/n’s roommate and best friend since college. The two had lived together through their college career and decided to be roommates after too, as long as neither had significant others to go live with. 
“No,” y/n’s lip stuck out into a pout as she feverishly reposted the message on all her social media platforms. “People have been tearing down my posters as well. Did you see the ones near Andrews Park? They were torn to shreds!” 
Jamila pulled her lips into a tight smile before putting her bags on the dining room table and joining y/n on the couch. “Yeah, I saw. I’m really sorry, y/n. If you want, we can go and put up some more posters? Exchange the torn up ones with some fresh ones?”
“You’d do that for me?” 
“Of course! Sweetie, I’d do anything to get little Bean home, you know that, right?” y/n nodded her head in response, though she wasn’t sure if she knew that. 
Jamila wasn’t the biggest fan of Tunabean at first. She hated cats. Growing up, she’d always had a dog but never a cat. She didn’t trust the little rascals for one second. So, when y/n showed up with little Tunabean after having had what felt like the worst week of her life, Jamila was a tiny bit angry. But eventually warmed up to Tunabean when the little kitty seemed so placid, you could easily cuddle up to it on the sofa. 
“Let’s go find Zach at his work, bribe him to print me more posters for cheap, hang ‘em up around town and then maybe Tino’s?” Jamila’s eyes lit up at the mention of her favorite restaurant. 
She snapped her fingers and pointed finger guns at her best friend. “Sounds like a plan!” she said and wrapped her scarf tighter around her neck. It was a cold November day and no person could leave their house consciously without being bundled up into layers and layers of clothing.  
“I hope Bean didn’t hide under a car and the owner didn’t tap the hood before getting in…” y/n muttered, her voice thick with worry, as they exited the apartment building and stepped into the blistering cold. 
“I’m sure she just found a few boyfriends and is spending her time with them,” Jamila tried to reassure her, but knew all-too-well that Tunabean wouldn’t stay away this long, even if she had a lover cat to make little kittens with. She loved Jamila and y/n’s home too much. 
“Are you slut shaming my cat right now?” 
“Our cat,” Jamila corrected, causing a smile to find its way to y/n’s face, “And no, I am not. I’m just trying to be optimistic here, y/n.” Jamila tucked her cold hands into the pockets of her tan peacoat. “I’m sure Tunabean is alright.” 
“What if she isn’t though? What if she’s like meowing somewhere in the middle of Norman and no one to hear her pleas?” Jamila rolled her eyes at how dramatic her best friend was being.  
“Norman ain’t that big, sweetie. I’m sure if she’s meowing somewhere, we would’ve heard her already.” 
“Exactly! Which means she’s either dead or god knows anywhere! She could be in Oklahoma City! We don’t know that!” y/n exclaimed loudly, using excessive hand gestures more so to keep herself warm than emphasis. 
Jamila stopped in her tracks and grabbed y/n by the shoulders, stopping her too. “Stop being such a drama queen, y/n! I’m sure Tunabean is fine. Maybe she’s on an adventure or making new friends, you don’t know that!” 
“You don’t care about our child, admit it,” y/n muttered. This rendered Jamila silent. “Admit you don’t care about our child, Jam!” Passer-byers shot them a weirded out glare, which Jamila sent right back. 
“Oh, please! Don’t pretend there are no lesbian families in Norman too!” she yelled at them. The comical side of the whole situation made y/n laugh a tiny bit. “There’s that smile I like to see.” Jamila softly touched y/n’s chin with her knuckle before grabbing the girl’s hand in hers. The warmth of Jamila’s hand radiating through to y/n’s made her feel all toasty. “Let’s go print some posters!”  
The girls reached a one-storey building with red decrepit letters stuck to the roof. 
As y/n opened the glass door and held it for Jamila to walk in, the smell of ink reached her nostrils. Though not a very traditional scent to love, it reminded y/n of one of her best friends. It was like  her brain just knew that the muscles in her cheeks would soon start to hurt thanks to Zachary. A boy the girls had met in college as Xana. 
Jamila spotted the bleached blonde mop of hair immediately and signaled to y/n to sneak up to him. On their tippy toes, the two approached the tall slender man, and when they were close enough, they took in a deep breath and-- “Don’t even think about it,” Zach mumbled without even looking at them. 
Jamila and y/n glanced at each other, cheeks puffed out from the breath they were holding. “How’d you--?” y/n didn’t even finish her sentence as she looked past Zach and her eyes landed on a tiny tv screen. Cameras, of course. 
“Since when do you have security cameras?” y/n asked as she hopped onto the counter Zach was sorting invoices on. 
He shrugged, “Sometime this week, I think.” His bright blue eyes met y/n’s as she sheepishly looked at him while kicking her legs. The boy sighed exasperated, knowing all too well what the girls are here for. “No. Not again.” 
“Please, Zachy! Tunabean is still missing and her posters have been ripped down!” Her eyes teared up at the thought of her kitty being out there all by herself in Norman. All she could hope was that the creepy dudes from Doyle’s didn’t get their filthy paws on her little princess. 
“Come on, Zach. You love that cat too!” Jamila chimed in, crossing her arms across her chest and glaring at him knowingly. 
“Fine, come here,” he reached out his hand and y/n handed him the thumb drive on which she kept her self-made posters. “You’re gonna have to buy me Tino’s though.” 
“We were going there afterwards, if you wanna join?” y/n’s voice was teasing and sly. 
“I’m off at five,” he simply stated before pressing a few buttons on his desktop and waking up the printer closest to them. “How long has she been gone for?” he then asked after a few beats of silence. Y/N dropped her head and stared at her still moving legs for a moment. 
“About a week,” she replied. 
Zach pulled his lips into a tight smile. He reached his hand out and placed it gently on top of hers. “She’ll come back.” 
“How can you be so sure? She might be hurt somewhere or dead and I won’t even know. I won’t even be able to say goodbye to her.” Tears pooled in y/n’s eyes as she thought of the sweet little kitten she had found in a ‘take one for free’ box on a curb one day. She was the last one left. 
“I’m not sure, y/n. But I’d like to be optimistic. Besides, Tunabean is resilient and the most independent kitty I’ve ever known. She’ll survive. She’s probably out adventuring with some friends.” 
Though the words weren’t very reassuring and y/n knew she had every right to be worried, they did calm her down a little. Tunabean was resilient and extremely independent. She’ll find her way back home.    
“I’ll see you guys later, bye!” Owen waved at his friends as he stepped into the cold November night. It was 4 am and he was just returning home from a day spent with friends. He had fallen asleep during the movie, only waking up in the middle of the night, realizing his parents were probably worrying about him, seeing he’d told them he’d be home by midnight at the latest. 
He softly hummed along to the song that was playing in his head as he walked down West Main Street, his hands tucked deep into his pockets to try and keep them warm. He should’ve brought a thicker coat or a thicker jumper. 
“Ah, mister Joyner!” a familiar voice with a thick accent made him shake out of his train of thought about the cold. The friendly face of the robust Italian greeted him in the dim light of the restaurant behind him. 
“Still working, Tino?” Owen asked as he stopped in his tracks to talk to the man everyone in Norman, Oklahoma loved. 
“Already back at work, ragazzino!” he replied in his thick Italian accent. Owen always thought it was fake and just for show to lure clients, so that they knew he was a pure Italian man, sharing his love for the Italian cuisine in his restaurant. 
“At four in the morning?!” Owen exclaimed, stunned at the man’s determination for his job. 
“Deliveries don’t wait, signore.” His laugh boomed into the empty, dark streets of Norman. Owen couldn’t help but let out a laugh too while his eyes averted and landed on a poster in the window. A black-and-white picture of a small cat stared back at him.  
Grey-and-white striped ragamuffin cat, listens to the name Tunabean. 
“She’s been missing for a week, the poor girl who owns her is worried sick,” Tino told Owen when he noticed what he was looking at. The blond twenty-year-old pressed his lips together. He only ever had a dog that had never run away, but he could imagine what it would be like to not know where your pet is. He would totally lose it if Bindi ever went missing. 
“I feel sorry for her,” Owen said, unsure of anything else to say. 
“Yeah, me too,” said Tino. “Keep an eye out for Tunabean, yeah?” 
“I will.” 
And with that, Owen continued his walk back home. The cat on the poster kept haunting his mind. Those big eyes were something he wouldn’t forget anytime soon. Thanks to said image plastered in his brain, he even started hearing meowing when he got to Andrews Park. It was a soft, fragile meow that had to echo through his brain for a few seconds before he realized it actually came from the bushes he was walking past as he passed through Andrews Park. 
Curiously, and kind of feverishly, Owen started to dig into the shrubbery until he found a tiny cat. “Oh, don’t worry, little one. I got you.” He said as he carefully detangled it from the branches. As he held it up to his face, he found the big, round eyes from the poster staring back at him in real life. “Tunabean?” he cooed, and the cat tilted its head ever so slightly. 
He stroked the cat’s head and scratched behind her ear before pulling it closer into his chest. She was shivering, but Owen wasn’t sure if it was from the cold or the fear. If she’d been missing for a week, God knows how long she must’ve been stuck in there. 
“You hurt, little one?” he mumbled to it as he absentmindedly made his way to the one person he knew could help. 
“Owen,” Emmy groaned when she’d opened the door to find him standing on the curb with a pout on his face. “It’s four in the morning, I have to be up in an hour for work.” 
“That’s why I’m here,” he said and showed her the cat he had tucked in his jacket to keep it warm. “I found her in the bushes near Andrews Park. Can you check if she’s okay?” Emmy’s eyes darted from the cat to Owen and back. “Please, Emmy? You’re the only one I know could help her out.” 
“Come on in,” she sighed, clearly disgruntled at the early wakeup call. But she couldn’t say no to a little kitty in need. She’d been rescuing animals since she was a little girl, she wasn’t going to leave this one in the dust. 
Owen placed the cat on the table as it meowed and nudged Owen’s hand with her head. “It’s okay, Tunabean, Emmy here is gonna make sure you’re okay.” 
“Tunabean?” Emmy asked as she put on latex gloves. 
“Yeah, I think it’s the cat from the missing posters you see all around town?” 
Emmy gingerly took the cat in her gloved hands and started her check-up. “Ah, yes! My brother and his buddies took some of them down, thinking they were ‘rebellious’.” She rolled her eyes. “You gonna bring her back?” 
“Of course, Tino said the owner was worried sick about her.” 
Emmy smiled at this. Owen had always been the compassionate one in their friend group. He’d only act upon things if he was sure it wouldn’t hurt anyone else. Though, sometimes that compassion vanished when they were with their friends and he got a ‘brilliant’ idea, which was most likely kind of dangerous. 
“Oh, look,” Emmy whispered as she showed Tunabean’s paw. There was a thorn stuck in the little pad. “Poor thing! Hold her for a second, please? I’m gonna get my tweezers to get it out.” Owen placed a hand on the cat’s stomach, his fingers lightly scratching at the white fur. 
Emmy returned with everything she needed, and within a few seconds, Tunabean was freed from the thorn in her paw and back on her feet. She suddenly seemed a lot more peppy than she was before. 
“Let’s get you home, yeah?” Owen said as he scooped the kitten back up into his arms, holding it close to his chest. Emmy took her gloves off and scratched the cat’s head. 
“Goodbye, Tunabean,” she cooed, earning licks from her rough little tongue. “Ooh, I think I got the girl’s address here somewhere. Tunabean is Anna’s client and we’ve got them in the system.” 
As quickly as she’d said it, she’d handed the address over to Owen. After thanking her profusely, Owen went on his way with the cat tucked safely in his jacket for warmth. 
He was nervous as it was already five in the morning and the woman most definitely was still asleep. But he didn’t want to keep her in even more suspense and worry about her cat as she already was. 
“Hello?” a sleepy voice sounded through the intercom. 
“Hi, I’m Owen, I think I got your cat, Tunabean?” 
A silence fell, only Tunabean’s sleepy snoring disrupting the peace and quiet of the night. The poor girl had fallen asleep in Owen’s arms. He almost felt sad he had to give her away again. 
It took a good minute before the door to the apartment building opened up and a girl in red flannel pj’s opened the door. Her hair was tied up in a messy bun with big strands falling out of it. Though she’d probably rather not be seen like this out in public, Owen thought she looked breathtaking, even in the dim light from the hallway of her corridor and the street lights. 
“You really got Tunabean?” she asked as she held onto the door, squishing herself in the small opening she’d granted herself. Owen opened his jacket and carefully showed her the cat who’d woken up from her slumber. “Tunabean!” the girl exclaimed and grabbed the grey pet from the boy’s hands. Their fingers brushed ever so slightly, and though y/n was too busy with her cat, Owen felt it. He felt the spark. 
“I would invite you inside for a drink to thank you, but my roommate is still asleep and I don’t want to wake her.” Owen held up his hand, a smile tugging at his lips as he shook his head. 
“That’s okay. I don’t need a reward. I’m just glad I could reunite the two of you again,” he said, smiling at the girl and her cat. “Oh! She did have a thorn in her paw though, but my friend is a vet and I took her to her for a check-up before I came here.” 
“Aw, poor Bean,” she scratched the cat’s head before turning back to the blonde boy. “Thank you. That’s very considerate of you.” He tipped his head forward, the smile still persistent on his lips. 
“Glad I could help,” he repeated, jamming his hands into the pockets of his jacket again. “I’m gonna go though. I’m sure you’d rather go back to sleep right now than talk to a complete stranger on your doorstep.” 
“Oh, uhm, okay… Goodbye then? And thank you again for bringing Tunabean back.” 
Owen took a few steps backwards as he said, “You’re most welcome. Goodbye, Tunabean and…” 
“Goodbye Tunabean and y/n.” His eyes lingered on hers for a few more seconds before he turned around to really make his way home now, no distractions. 
“Wait! I didn’t catch yours!” she whisper-shouted after him. 
He turned again, but kept walking. “Owen,” he said. 
“Goodbye, Owen.” She grabbed Tunabean’s paw and waved at him with it, causing a giggle to rake through Owen’s body. With his hand still in his pocket, he waved back. 
The more distance he created between them, the bigger his smile became as he thought of her. She was the epitome of a beautiful dream come to life. It made him wonder what she’d look like if she did put effort into her appearance. That could just be the death of him. 
After two more hours of sleep, the alarm blaring through her room woke y/n from a beautiful dream with the mysterious blonde boy that rang her doorbell very early in the morning. It caused her to wake up with the thought of him, wondering if she’d ever see him again. 
“Morning,” she greeted Jamila when she found her best friend in the living room, gathering all her stuff. “Guess who came home last night!” As if on cue, the little cat pattered across the hardwood floor towards the dark beauty that was Jamila. Her eyes widened as did her smile upon seeing the white-and-grey ragamuffin. 
“Bean!” Jamila shrieked as she knelt down to pick the four-legged friend off the floor. “Oh, baby! I missed you!” She peppered the cat with kisses, receiving the kisses back from her tiny pink tongue. “Where’d you find him?” 
“Oh, I didn’t. This guy, Owen, did. He brought her back at, like, five in the morning,” y/n explained as she absentmindedly smiled at the thought of those pretty blue-ish eyes. 
“And this Owen guy is pretty cute, isn’t he?” Jamila asked upon noticing her best friend’s flustered demeanor. “Did you ask for his number?” Y/N rolled her eyes before she started gathering her things she needed for work. 
“It was five in the morning, I had just woken up and I was too busy with Tunabean’s return to even think of that,” she explained, mostly cursing at herself for not asking his number. “Besides, I looked disgusting, I doubt he thought I was the epitome of beauty.” 
Jamila simply shook her head, debating against saying any more about it before pressing a kiss to y/n’s cheek and leaving the apartment. 
A silence fell over the space, leaving y/n alone with her thoughts. Her beautiful, yet annoying thoughts of the handsome boy at her front door. “He was handsome, wasn’t he, Tunabean?” she asked her cat, who simply tilted her head to the side as she sat in front of y/n on the floor. 
Once y/n had gathered her stuff for work today, she said goodbye to Tunabean and left the apartment. She was fumbling around in her handbag to look for her car keys when a vaguely familiar voice made her look up. 
The gorgeous blue eyes she’d been dreaming of for two whole hours were staring down at her whilst the plump pink lips curled up into a dreamy smile. “Oh, hey, Owen.” 
“I wanted to come and check up on Tunabean,” he carefully said, pointing up at the building she’d just come out of. “You know, see if she’s okay and stuff.” He suddenly seemed nervous. More nervous than he did at five in the morning. 
“Uhm, she’s okay, actually. Slept well and seemed very chipper this morning,” y/n reassured him, a smile playing at her lips as her eyes scanned his face. She made sure to make a mental note of every single detail of his face. Like how he stuck his tongue between his teeth as he smiled or how his eyes squinted slightly or the stubble faintly growing on his chin. 
“Oh, okay, good. That’s--that’s all, then…” He awkwardly coughed. 
Y/N awaited anything else, her eyes darting left and right as they just fumblingly stood on the curb in front of y/n’s apartment. “I-uhm… I have to get to work though, so…” She pointed somewhere behind Owen, indicating she needed to pass him and get going. 
“Right!” he said and took a step aside to let her through. She offered him a little wave and a soft ‘bye’ as she passed him. He watched her walk away, cursing at himself for not asking what he really wanted to ask. “Wait!” he yelled, making her stop in her tracks and turn around again with an expectant look on her face. “That’s-that’s not what I wanted to ask. I mean it was, but it wasn’t the only thing I wanted to ask.” He scratched the back of his neck as y/n’s eyes searched for an answer on his face. 
Y/N looked at him with a piercing glint in her eyes, urging him to continue. 
“Oh, right! Uhm… Would you -- would you maybe wanna go have a drink with me later today? Or something?” Her smile grew wider as she slowly nodded her head in response. 
“I’m off at five. Meet me at Gray Owl then,” she told him before turning to walk away. 
Owen was left on her curb, wondering if he had died. He thought she looked pretty when she’d just rolled out of bed, but now that she was all dolled up for work, she was the most beautiful person he had ever seen. And that smile. That smile was killer. 
She was more than the epitome of a dream come to life. She was beauty and grace. She was a poem and the poet. She was the lyrics and the melody. She was the question and the answer. 
Owen grew more and more curious about that girl the more he thought of her. He wanted to know what she liked and what she absolutely hated. He wanted to know how she laughed and how she cried, if she sang whenever her mind wandered. He wanted to know how she liked her eggs in the morning. 
Even though he knew curiosity killed the cat, he knew for a fact the cat in this story was just the beginning of something beautiful. 
JATP taglist: @hannahhistorian92 @marinettepotterandplagg @thequirkybookaholic @bookdealer5 @tenaciousperfectionunknown @hemmingsness @iainttakingshitfromnobody @ifilwtmfc @angryknightstatesmantrash @kiss-themoongoodbye @rudysbay @thedarkqueenofavalon​ @caitsymichelle13​ @calamitykaty @wiselight @kcd15​ @vicesvsvirtuesfanfic @stars-soph @kinda-really-lost @notasofti
Owen taglist: @alexpjoyner
Lemme know if you wanna be on my taglist! 
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cucumbers-and-olives · 4 years ago
The Winner Takes It All
Summary: Cast as Donna and Sam in their school’s production of Mamma Mia, the two rehearse “The Winner Takes It All” for the first time. But some added drama before the show makes their performance much more real.
Category: angst, high school au
Fandom: JATP
Paring: Reggie x Reader
Word Count: 1k
Warnings/Includes: cheating, but “only” kissing
A/N: Ahhh i’m posting this an hour late i’m sorry! this is my submission for @jatpsongficfeb, thank you @bright-molina and @dream-a-little-bigger-x for coming up with this amazing idea!
A/N pt 2: many of you will be begging for a part two (i know bc both my betas are) and it’s coming on saturday! time tba
Mandatory Thanking of the Betas: shout out to @wrhen and @funsizearsonist who are amazing betas as always!
Please don’t repost my work without my permission, in part or whole. My work can also be found on AO3 under the same username. Thank you!
~keep reading~
“Okay, let’s rehearse ‘The Winner Takes It All’, Reggie, Y/N, I want to see what you can do with this,” Ms.Davis said. The stagehands moved pieces of the set around, and the world was created. The stairs were on stage left, and there was a bench stage right.
You took a deep breath and you finally met the eyes of the boy you were about to sing to. Your roles had been perfect for you a week ago, but almost coincidentally, finding him kissing another girl made you fit the role even better.
The pain in your eyes was evident, and he knew that it would make this scene even better. Even though the cost was your relationship. It was his fault and he blamed himself. One stupid mistake.
“Alright, everyone ready?” There were various yes’s and yeah’s in response, and once again, Ms.Davis gave the two of you instructions. “Feel your characters. Reggie, when you are ready, I want you to start at the cue line. Be Sam, you got this.” She sat down and pulled out her notebook and you inwardly smiled.
There was a huge exhale in the theater. Everyone knew what had happened, and everyone was anxious to see how this scene went.
“Donna, c’mon, this is about us,” Reggie said, cueing you. There was something in his eyes, something that looked like regret, but you had to ignore that and focus.
“God Sam,” You ad-libbed before starting the song.
I don't wanna talk
About the things we've gone through
Though it's hurting me
Now it's history
I've played all my cards
And that's what you've done too
Nothing more to say
No more ace to play
As you acted, it slowly became less acting, and more real. He had hurt you, and there was nothing he could do to fix it.
The winner takes it all
The loser standing small
Beside the victory
That's [his] destiny
The pronoun change was obvious, and although you couldn’t see it, everyone began to whisper around the theater. You knew exactly what to do to hurt him and to get extra notes later from Ms.Davis.
I was in your arms
Thinking I belonged there
I figured it made sense
Building me a fence
Building me a home
Thinking I'd be strong there
But I was a fool
Playing by the rules
You threw all your pain and anger into the song, and he shrank into his shell. The song was softer, but your words were still daggers in his back. One after the other.
The gods may throw a dice
Their minds as cold as ice
And someone way down here
Loses someone dear
“Reggie? Do you want to go over lines? We’ve got half an hour till reh-,” Your word died out as you saw what he was doing. Or more specifically, who he was doing. “Sorry I can see you’re busy kissing someone else.” You said, stalking out of the room.
He chased after you into the hall. “Y/N! It’s not what it looks like, I promise!” All of the actors and crew in the hall quieted down as he spoke. “Please.” He begged.
You took a breath and turned to face him. “What the fuck Reg? ‘It’s not what it looks like?’” You mocked him. “How does you kissing someone else not look like exactly what it is?” He opened his mouth to speak but you stopped him. “I don’t know why I thought we could last.” You turned around and almost ran down the hall, but you had to keep your head high, so you walked, and you counted the classroom doors that you passed.
The winner takes it all
The loser has to fall
It's simple and it's plain
Why should I complain
But tell me does she kiss
Like I used to kiss you
Does it feel the same
When she calls your name
“Y/N, I’m sorry, tell me what I can do to fix this, please,” He begged, cornering you in the bathroom. You stared past him at the pink tiles.
“Get out,” You said quietly.
“Please,” He begged.
“This is the girl’s bathroom. I won’t ask again. Get. Out.” He sighed, defeated.
As soon as the door closed behind him, you collapsed. It was too much. Too much pain, too much anger, too much to all be bottled up inside. So, you let it out the only way you knew how, by crying. You sat on the cold tile floor for five minutes before you forced yourself to get up.
Staring at yourself in the mirror, you looked dead inside. But you cleaned yourself up, put a smile on your face, and walked out onto the stage. You couldn’t look at him, so you didn’t.
Somewhere deep inside
You must know I miss you
But what can I say
Rules must be obeyed
Rules. The pact you had made when you had started this relationship. There were only two. Be honest, and don’t cheat.
Well in high school, cheating was kissing someone else. Cheating was kissing your best friend.
The judges will decide
The likes of me abide
Spectators of the show
Always staying low
The game is on again
A lover or a friend
He acted his way through it, but that line hit both of you hard. If he had kissed another girl, someone who wasn’t your best friend, it might have been better.
A big thing or a small
The winner takes it all
I don't wanna talk
If it makes you feel sad
And I understand
You've come to shake my hand
“He’s a great guy. Don’t hurt him,” You could see your best friend lurking in the corner of your dressing room.
“I’m sorry, Y/N, it’s not like that.”
You turned around in your chair, and it squeaked a little. “Except, it is. I don’t care who kissed who, or who initiated it. I have a show to do, and I don’t need a friend or a boyfriend to do that.” You tried to walk out the door but they grabbed your arm, stopping you.
“Y/N/N,” They begged.
Your words were cold as you spoke. “Only my friends call me that. You are not my friend.”
I apologize
If it makes you feel bad
Seeing me so tense
No self-confidence
But you see
You ran up the stairs for the last line, looking down at Reggie, who stared out into the audience.
The winner takes it all...
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JATP: @n0wornever @potterly @calamitykaty @screwunsaidemily @crybabyddl @badwolf00593 @dream-a-little-bigger-x
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scarletwinterxx · 4 years ago
First and Last pt. 4
Hello! I was going to post earlier but got distracted. had to pause writing for bit bcs I was watching Hyuck’s vlive. Anywayyysss thank you for all the love and support. I hope you enjoy this chapter!
For my other works you can check them out here, and for my other story series’ you can check them out here.
All works are copyrighted ©scarletwinterxx 2020 . Do not repost, re-write without the permission of author.
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“Do you think he’ll like it?”
“He said he likes tiramisu so yea” Jeno answered
“But I don’t want it to seem like I’m bribing him with food. Maybe I should just-“
“Y/N-ah, it’s fine. Jaemin will love it. And he’s not really mad at you, you know. He’s just sad and disappointed” Jeno assured the girl who was currently fiddling with the cake she was holding.
When Y/N came to Jeno, asking him for help he didn’t hesitate to say yes. He knew the situation was a bit complicated considering his friends are not on speaking terms at the moment. 
He could only imagine the tension over at Haechan and Renjun’s dorm.
“You know that doesn’t make it any better” y/n deadpanned, the boy sitting across her just shooting her one of his famous eye smile
“Don’t worry about it, where is Haechan by the way?” Jeno asked
“He still has two more classes, I had to call him this morning to make sure he actually got out of bed” y/n stated, Jeno was just smiling to himself as Y/n speaks about his friend.
Even if their relationship was pretend at the beginning, it looks like it isn’t anymore. He’s just not sure if those two were aware of it.
The first time he saw y/n and Haechan together, he didn’t even think twice about their relationship. They just clicked so easily it seemed like they’ve been dating for a long time.
All those times the two were together, it wouldn’t even cross anyone’s mind that it was fake. 
They brought out sides of each other, better sides, without even realizing it.
“I should go over and see if he’s okay but I don’t want to bother Renjun, I’m sure I’m the last person he would want to see” The girl mumbled, she looked so down and ridden with guilt
“That’s not true, he just needs some time. He’ll come around” Jeno said then shot Y/N a comforting smile. The two didn’t notice Jaemin approaching the bench they were sitting on
“Hello” Jaemin said making the pair jump in surprise. Y/N immediately stood up and bowed her head, holding out the box towards Jaemin
“I’m really really sorry about making you upset and lying to you. I understand if you don’t want to be friends with me anymore, here’s a little peace offering to lessen your sadness atleast for a bit” Y/N said, her voice getting lower as she speaks more
Jaemin leaned his head down, standing in line of Y/N’s sight
“My eyes are not on the floor though” the blue haired boy chuckled
“You need to stop apologizing for everything, like I said I wasn’t mad” Jaemin shot the girl a small smile then accepting the gift she was handing over
“Sorr- I mean... Yea...” Y/N stuttered, trying to stop herself from saying sorry again
“Don’t worry, thanks for this. You didn’t have to but thank you”
“I really do apologize for making you upset. That was never the intention we had when we did it” Y/N told him and also Jeno
“May I know why? Why did you do it?”
“Hyuck... he just doesn’t want people to give him the pity looks anymore. I would never understand what it’s like to be in his place, no one should ever know what it’s like to be cheated on. He just got tired of being reminded of that everyday”
“We don’t even talk about it” Jaemin mumbled, a pout forming on his lips as he recall if they ever mentioned Lia in any conversation they’ve had. Renjun was very adamant about never speaking her name ever again so he can’t remember much
“I know but you also have been treating him with baby gloves, Hyuck won’t break you know. He might have been upset, sad and broken about it but he’s also trying to get better. If you tiptoe around him then he’ll feel like he’s not making any progress” Y/N explained, the two boys now understanding more 
“Did he tell you this?” Jeno asked, wondering if he should have listened more to his friend or if he could have done something more
“No, but I can see it. He didn’t have to tell me. That’s why I agreed to do it, not because I wanted to make Lia jealous or to fool you guys but because I saw he was tired of tiptoeing too. He needed some room to breath, if having a fake girlfriend is what it takes to get that then why not” 
"Don’t get me wrong, it’s not like he was using me. If anything we really helped each other out. These past few months have been an adventure compared to the past 20 years of my life, I’m thankful for that”
After Y/N’s explanation, they finally get why.
“Thank you, too” Jaemin said surprising Y/N 
“For what?” she asked back
“You understood our bestfriend more than we did. You saw right through him and helped him when he needed it and he didn’t even say a word, thank you for being there for him”
Y/N smiled warmly at him, getting a little teary eyed
“Ya don’t cry, Haechan will kill me if he sees you crying” Jaemin said making the girl laugh
“Thank you”
“So we’re good now? Shall we eat this cake? Thanks by the way. Now I’m going to prove how Tiramisu cake is so much better” Jaemin said, the atmosphere significantly lifting. 
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To say Y/N feels nervous is an understatement, she’s currently standing outside Renjun and Hyuck’s dorm waiting for the door to open. 
When it finally did, she felt like her heart skipped and she lost all the words she was about to say, 
“What are you doing here? Hyuck’s not here yet” Renjun answered, his voice devoid of any emotion making Y/N feel more nervous but she knew she had to do it. 
“I actually came to talk to you” she told the boy, honestly speaking she was expecting to have the door slammed on her face but Renjun just opened the door wider and gestured for her to go in. 
“You can sit, you know” Renjun said when he saw Y/N standing awkwardly in the middle of the living room
Renjun sat on the seat across from Y/N, still sporting a blank look on his face. 
Y/N took a deep breath before speaking. 
“I fully understand why you got mad, I’m sorry for lying. I do feel bad for fooling you like that-”
“Then why do it?” Renjun asked, never the one to beat around the bush always straight to the point
“Hyuck. And some selfish reason I had, trying to feel something more”
Renjun raised his brow at this, a signal for Y/N to explain some more
“It was never his intention to hurt you guys, he just needed a little more room to breath. He does appreciate you caring for him, especially you. He never tells you guys but he does. He cherishes you all” 
“I had to watch him be so down for months, did you know he ran away?” to this Y/N shook her head, this story new to her
“You already know he never confronted Lia, we were all telling him to talk to her and that he didn’t deserve to be treated like that but he was waiting for her to say her side. Then when Lia broke up with him, making it look like he was the bad guy, he just ran away”
“Last summer, we thought he just went home but when we decided to visit him his mom told us he hasn’t been home all summer. He went back to Jeju for awhile, by himself. He only came back after we went there and literally had to drag him” as Renjun retold the story, a little smile appears on the side of his face.
“He looked so lost, I’ve never seen him like that. I wish I never see him like that ever again. That’s why we’ve been very cautious around him”
“You’re a good friend, sounds like you helped him alot” Y/N said
“Looks like he doesn’t want that help though”
“I needed the help, I didn’t know I did but apparently I do. I’ve always been alone, I’m never anyone’s first choice. No one would ever ask me first to be their partner in a project or ask me to go out and hang out. I was always that girl in the background, only being asked so it won’t get awkward. When Donghyuck asked me to be his girlfriend, well fake girlfriend, my first question was why me”
At this, it was Y/N turn to smile
“Out of everyone in that room, he saw me and somehow thought ‘Oh I pick her’. When we did that project last semester, I was already expecting I was going to do it alone but suddenly Hyuck was sitting next to me going on about when should we start doing the project, my first thought was ‘someone picked me’“
Y/N was fiddling with her fingers, a habit she developed when she gets anxious
“It takes strength to admit your weaknesses, I admit I’m not the best when it comes to making friends or expressing myself. It’s a big fault of mine, I overthink a lot. I worry over things I shouldn’t be worrying about. I’m a mess” Y/N said
Renjun now understand why she was saying. 
Out of everyone, she understood what it feels like to be a mess. They all were but Y/N saw the mess Haechan was trying so hard to hide. She saw how he was struggling but unlike the rest of them, she didn’t pressure him into getting better. She just let him take the steps he needed until Hyuck felt okay again. 
“Hyuck knows when to give me space when I need it, he reminds me not to worry about things I absolutely have no control over”
“He gives you that room to breath” Renjun finished the sentence for her, the girl nodding her head gently 
“It still gets hard at times but now I know I have someone with me”
While the two were having a serious talk they didn’t hear the door open, Donghyuck entering the dorm room and hearing his bestfriend and the girl he likes having what looks like to be a very serious talk. 
“Sometimes you just need to get lost to find yourself again. I get lost a lot, now I met someone who can anchor me down. Am I a bad person for putting that on him?” Y/N asked, a confused look crossing Donghyuck’s face having no clue what they were talking about
“No, he looks like he actually likes it” Renjun chuckled
“I’m sorry, I really am. You didn’t deserve being lied to” Y/N said, apologizing to the boy sitting across from her. For a while Renjun didn’t say anything, the tension rising inside the room
“Do you like him? Like for real?” Renjun asked, Hyuck unconsciously holding his breath waiting for Y/N’s answer. 
“I do”
There are moments when it's just the two of them that tells Hyuck she feels the same way about him, but then it goes as fast as it came. He wanted so bad to talk to her about it but he didn’t want to pressure Y/N into anything. 
Things started out complicated, their whole relationship wasn’t the typical one. Hyuck knew there are a lot of things to set straight, he’s just finding the right time to do so. 
“But this isn’t about us right now. We can resolve that later” Y/N said with a gentle smile, “He needs his bestfriend more than he needs a girlfriend”
“I think right now he prefers you more” Renjun said, Hyuck held in a chuckle. He could already imagine the blush on Y/N cheeks
“I- well... I mean we’re friends”
“What happens to the two of you?”
“I thought I just said this isn’t about us, I’m trying to fix your friendship” Y/N mumbled, Renjun letting out a little laugh before speaking again
“He won’t get rid of me that easily, I just needed the time. As much as we fight and bicker, I don’t think I can live without him. Don’t tell him though”
Little did Renjun knew, Hyuck was standing near by waiting. 
“I really am sorry” Y/N said once again
“I understand”
“Now back to my question, so what happens to the two of you. I’m pretty sure Haechan like-” before Renjun could say more Hyuck decided this is a good time to make his presence known
“What is happening here?” Hyuck saw Y/N jump a bit on her seat at the sound of his voice, the girl turning to where he was standing. Acting as if he just arrived and didn’t hear the conversation that just took place between the two. 
“I can feel my ears burning, are you talking about me?” Hyuck asked again
“Only the embarrassing stuff you’ve done” Renjun replied, any tension that was there during that party was long gone. 
“You two must have been here all day then” Hyuck said then took the seat beside Y/N, 
“I heard you bought Jaemin cake” the boy tells Y/N
“As a peace offering”
“Where’s my peace offering?” Renjun asked jokingly, “Uh- well... I thought about how to approach you and a cake didn’t sound like a good plan” Y/N explained seriously
“He’s kidding, he likes hotpot though. If you ever need him to do something, try that” Hyuck told the girl, she just chuckled at his advice
“Stop exposing me like that”
After Y/N and Renjun’s talk, all was well again. The trio had dinner then decided to call it a night, Hyuck volunteering to walk Y/N back to her dorm even when the girl insisted she can just walk alone
“I can go home by myself, it’s been a long day”
“Sorry I can’t hear you” Hyuck said as he throw the take away bags they just finished, Renjun already in the kitchen clearing the rest of the dishes while quietly listening to the two
“I said I can walk home alone” this time Y/N pulled on Hyuck’s shoulder and spekaing directly into Hyuck’s ear, meanwhile the boy just smiles at Y/N’s action
Renjun rolling his eyes at the two but also smiling at them. They were perfect for each other, he thought. 
“I heard you this time but deciding not to listen still” Hyuck said then walked to the door, already putting on his shoes
“I swear one day, I’m going to hit you” Y/N mumbled under her breath but the two boys heard it. Renjun laughing at her statement while Hyuck had a smirk on his lips, “And like I said before, I don’t mind being hit on as long as it’s-” Y/N eyes widden, already knowing what Hyuck was about to say so she cut him off
“Okay okay okay, fine. Let’s go. Bye, Renjun” she waved at the boy, Renjun saying a quick goodbye
After the two were out the door, he could hear the faint sound of their playful argument. Y/N must feel that comfortable around Hyuck, he has only ever seen her like that when it’s with Hyuck. 
With this thought he pulled his phone out, quickly calling his other friends
“I’d give it 2 weeks, loser treats the winners” Renjun said as Jaemin picks up the call, he didn’t even need to explain 
On the other side of the line, Jaemin was smiling widely. Jeno saw this and asked who was on the phone so Jaemin put it on speaker 
“I say a week” Jaemin answered
“What are we talking about?” Jeno asked, “How long will it take for Y/N and Haechan to get together for real” Renjun explained, 
The other two already understood that Hyuck, Renjun and Y/N made up. 
“I don’t think we should be betting on this” Jeno mumbled, meanwhile Renjun rolled his eyes at this statement
“Just say your guess, Jen” Renjun deadpanned
“Injun said two weeks, I said 1″ Jaemin told the boy, “Three” Jeno answered
“Weeks? no way, they like each other too much”
“Day. Three days” Jeno clarified, feeling confident about his guess
“It’s on”
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ughseoks · 5 years ago
the story of us | ksj
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— pairing; seokjin x reader
— genre; angst, slight fluff in beginning & end
— word count; 1.6k
— warnings; angst, small fight, two stubborn dummies refusing to communicate properly
— summary; you thought that the story of you and jin was one that had a fairytale ending, but a miscommunication leaves you scrambling to ensure it doesn’t end in tragedy instead.
「based on “the story of us” by taylor swift」
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From the moment you met, you hoped that one day, you’d be able to tell your kids the story of you and Jin. You’d be able to recount how his cheeks tinted pink when your gazes locked, sparks flying instantly; how you crossed the room to talk to the mystery boy with broad shoulders, and a feeling of right tugged deep in your gut.
Your relationship blossomed from the first hello, and before you knew it, you and Jin were attached at the hip. Friends and family would always tell you that the two of you were “the lucky ones,” and you couldn’t deny it. How you’d managed to find Jin amongst the sea of people at your university still left you clueless, but one thing was for sure: you had no intention of ever letting him go.
It’s funny how in just one week, everything can change.
Glancing at your phone, you pushed open the door to the library. Your first instinct was to search the room for the tall, elegant creature that was Jin— but you stopped yourself short. Just a week prior, everyone knew that your place was the spot next to him, but now, you were searching the room for an empty seat. The large building was filled to the brim with students studying, sleeping, and frantically completing almost-due assignments. Casting your gaze to the floor, you plopped down at the nearest vacant table, pulling out your laptop to continue writing your literary analysis.
After a few minutes of staring at the halfway-completed document, you sighed in frustration, running a hand through your tousled hair. Normally, you were a quick writer, the words flowing from your fingertips with ease; but now, you couldn’t seem to form a coherent sentence.
As much as you hated to admit it, the source of your distraction was Jin. The argument that the two of you had three nights prior was the only thing you could focus on, and it was affecting both your work and school life way more than you’d like to admit. Resting your chin on the palm of your hand, you squeezed your eyes shut, trying to block out the memories begging for your attention.
“Lately, I don’t even know what page you’re on!” you yelled, throwing up your hands in frustration, “It’s like you aren’t even you anymore. What happened?”
Recently, you’d felt like something new had formed between you. Something more than being just friends. But, clearly, you were wrong. Jin had grown distant from you; he was staying out into the late hours of the night, ignoring your texts and calls, and showing up to school with the darkest under eye bags you’d ever seen. You didn’t know if it was because he sensed a change in your feelings for him or some other underlying issue, but what hurt you the most was that he was choosing to distance himself rather than confide in you.
“I-I don’t know what you’re talking about!” Jin retorted, desperation and panic seeping into his tone, “I’m still the same Jin you’ve always known. Nothing has changed!”
“You know that’s a lie,” you growled, pointing an accusing finger at him, “I can tell when you’re lying. Just tell me what’s going on!”
He clenched his jaw, averting his gaze from your fiery eyes.
“Is…” your voice dropped to a soft tone, emotion causing it to shake slightly, “Is it because of me?”
“What do you mean?” he replied, still not looking at you.
“Don’t pretend like you haven’t noticed it,” your voice had developed a bitter undertone to it; after all, you couldn’t believe he was denying what had been happening between the two of you. “You and I… I see us as being… more than just friends. Do you not feel the same way? Is that why you’ve been distant?”
Jin’s eyes blew wide open in shock, but it was only a moment before his face turned stone cold and the answer that you’d been dreading floated past his lips with an insulting level of ease.
“Yeah, it is.”
Miscommunication leads to fallouts. You and Jin were both well aware of that. But some invisible wall kept the two of you divided, and no matter how many things you wished he knew, the wall you’d erected seemed to grow taller and thicker each day. It stood tall and proud, guarding your already fragile heart from being dealt the final blow that would inevitably shatter it into a million, glittering Jin-shaped pieces.
Letting out a groan, you slammed your laptop shut, sliding it into your bag and storming out of the library. Clearly, you weren’t going to get any work done.
How did you and Jin end up this way?
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It was three weeks later when you found yourself in the middle of a party, nervously pulling at your sweatshirt and trying to look busy. Scanning the room anxiously, your gaze unexpectedly locked with Jin’s. His eyes widened in shock before he spun on his heel, leaving you behind him without so much as a peep.
That was the first time you’d seen him in person since the argument. You hadn’t expected him to act like nothing had happened— after all, you weren’t sure you wanted to pretend like you were suddenly best friends again, either— but you didn’t expect him to flat out ignore you. Swallowing the growing lump in your throat, you tried to find a familiar face amongst the crowd, pushing back the thought of Jin doing his very best to avoid you.
Once upon a time, you thought you’d tell the story of how you almost lost your mind when you saw Jin for the first time; how he walked you home that night to make sure you’d make it home safe and sound because you were “too nice to die at the hands of a creepy old man on the street at 11pm.”
But now, he held his pride like he should’ve held you.
God, you were scared to see the ending of this story. Why were you both pretending like this was nothing? It was getting to be too much for your body and mind to handle, and judging by the dark circles you’d spotted under Jin’s eyes, he wasn’t faring much better than you.
Words couldn’t describe just how badly you wanted to run into his arms and tell him how much you missed him. But you had no idea how to.
Pulling out your phone, you drafted message after message, only to delete each of them a few seconds after typing them. The last messages sent between you were from two weeks ago, and the last time you’d actually talked in person had been almost three.
Yet you’d still check your phone at least once every hour, hoping to see a notification from him, just to be let down by a blank screen.
Huffing, you slipped your phone into your pocket and ran a hand through your hair, frustration and confusion coursing through your veins as you stood alone in the crowded room. Sure, you’d had arguments with Jin before, but you swore you’d never heard silence quite this loud. Inside, you were dying to know if it was killing him like it was killing you, but you didn’t know what to say or ask to get past this roadblock.
This terrible twist of fate had shattered everything, and the once fairytale-like story of you and Jin was starting to look a lot more like a tragedy now.
In an emotionally fueled rampage, you suddenly yanked your phone back out of your pocket. Your fingers slammed into the keyboard over and over again, not giving yourself enough time to think twice about what you’d typed out until after you hit send.
You: hey. can we talk?
You were sick and tired of competing for the title of who could act like they cared less… you just wanted Jin back. Although you might be stubborn, you liked it better when the two of you were on the same side, and you were more than willing to lay your armor down if he would admit that he’d rather love than fight.
Sighing, you turned your screen off once more, sliding your phone into your pocket. The battle was in his hands now, so there was no point in letting this ruin the rest of your night.
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Jin’s heart was beating a million times a minute as he stared at his phone screen, reading the text message from you over and over again. All he had to do was reply to the four simple words, but for some reason, he couldn’t find it in himself to respond.
The question really only required a one-word response, so why was this so hard? Was he scared of the conversation that would inevitably follow? The chance of having his heart broken? Or was he, deep down, still trying to pretend like nothing was really wrong?
There were thousands of thoughts racing through Jin’s mind as he continued to stare at the screen, wishing there was a way to express what he was feeling. He had so many things to tell you, but he didn’t know how, and he was sure that if he stared for even a second longer he might shut down.
“Everything okay, dude?” Hoseok put a hand on Jin’s shoulder, throwing his friend a concerned glance, “You seem a little out of it.”
“Y-Yeah,” Jin locked his phone after sending a quick reply, sliding it into his pocket with only a moment’s hesitation, “I’m good.”
Jinnie: sure. let’s call later tonight.
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a/n; this is a day early bc i love jin & i’m high on that mots:7 juice right now. sorry for the angst & messy writing. but i wrote this in like an hour with no editing and hey, at least there’s implied fluff at the end, right??
— masterlist —
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© ughseoks 2020, all rights reserved. do NOT modify, translate, or repost my works. modification, translations, and/or redistribution of my works on any platform is strictly prohibited.
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nephilimsarchive · 5 years ago
Engel | Jealous Ville Valo x reader imagine
Summary: You join your boyfriends band to celebrate the end of their tour. One of your costars and friends is there too, much to Villes dismay.
Note: fluff, very slight angst 
had to repost my fics bc my old acc got flagged, sorry! x 
Word count: 1486
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“This is our last song for tonight”, he declared in his baritone as the first chords of When Love And Death Embrace begun playing. Your eyes followed his every movement from the side of the stage. “I’m in love with you..“ he sang and shot you a wink. The two of you have been together for almost four years now, yet Ville never ceases to amaze you. One stare of his viridescent eyes was enough to make your heart swell and your legs grow weak. When he was on stage he was alive, and you barely loved anything more than seeing him like this. The only thing better than this was the thought of finally having him all to yourself again, and him pressing his sweaty body against yours after the show. You gripped the metal bars tighter as you heard him purr the last lines of the song. A roar of applause and cheers lit up the stadium as the last show of the tour came to an end.
A radiant smile shone on his face, which you couldn’t help but return as he jogged towards you. „Y/N!“, he exclaimed as he scooped you up in his arms, spinning you and setting you down again. Both of you laughed. „Anteeksi, I’m kind of sweaty right now.“, he then said. In response, you wrapped your arms tighter around him, kissing his mouth,then his neck. „Who say’s I mind?!“ You smirked at the look he gave you, his pupils dilating ever so slightly. „I can’t wait to take you home, kultaseni…“, he whispered and stepped away slowly, leaving you there with a smile playing on your lips.
And as much as you would’ve liked following him into the shower right there and then, you sadly had other plans. Ville and you had promised to accompany the other bandmates to a local bar in celebration of yet another successful tour. So here you were, in your VIP booth of a bar called „Engel“. The place was beautiful, the perfect mixture of classy and sultry rock‘n‘roll. The bordeaux leather couch was soft beneath you as Metallica blasted through the speakers.
Ville sat next to you, slinging a lazy arm around your shoulder, shooting you a dazzling smile. „You look beautiful, Y/N.“, murmured Ville, leaving a lingering kiss on your cheek. Oh, how you cherished moments like this. Being so close to him, feeling him stroke your arm gently and exchanging sweet nothings. You could completely forget the rest of the world around you, if it wasn’t for Burtons constant teasing.
„Get a room, you two.“, Burton called, much louder than necessary. „Oh, fuck off.“, scoffed Ville, clearly amused as you rolled your eyes, blushing nonetheless. „I seriously can’t believe you two still act like horny teenagers after being in a relationship for this long.“ You grinned at him. „Ohhh, ‘s somebody jealous? Should I go and have some girl talk with your wife about it?“ Burton flipped you off then, roling his eyes. „I think it‘s cute, I‘m happy for you guys.“, Mige chimed in, „but he does have a point, you know?“ Laughing, you got up and excused yourself. „Whatever. I‘m going to head to the bar and see what they‘ve got. Anyone want something?“ “Surprise me, love.“, Ville said as everyone else shook their head.
Smoothing out your figure-hugging black dress, you made your way past the dance floor to the bar. Running a hand through your long wavy hair you skimmed the menu, when suddenly you hear an all too familiar voice call out. “Hello stranger!“. His blue eyes twinkle in delight as he stands next to you. „Now if that isn‘t my favourite Co-Star.“ „Misha! It‘s nice to see you, too.“, you hugged him, „What are you doing here? Aren‘t you guys busy shooting?“ And just like that, the conversation flowed. You had met Misha Collins on the set of Supernatural, and you clicked immediately, becoming very close friends - much to Villes dismay. After your character in the show was killed off, you and Misha stayed in contact but saw each other less and less due to your busy schedules. Both of you were actors on the peak of their career, which is exactly what made coincidences like this so pleasant.
You almost laughed tears at one of Misha jokes as you remembered your initial task. Looking back at where your boyfriend was sitting, you noticed how he’s been staring back, a blank expression on his face. Misha noticed the direction of your stare. “Oh, I’m sorry.”, he said, lightly touching your arm, “Have I been keeping you up? You probably wanted to get something to drink, right? Whatever it is, it’s on me.” Smiling, you thanked him and ordered two non-alcoholic cocktails. At that, Misha quirked one of his eyebrows up, a surprised expression on his features. You explained that Ville has stopped drinking and that you supported him completely. “He is a lucky guy.”, Misha winked while walking away, “I’ll see you around.”. You smiled and said your goodbyes.
You turned around to walk back to your booth, but unexpectedly were greeted with the pair of emerald eyes you loved so much. Only that those eyes didn’t hold as much adoration as you would’ve liked. He grabbed a drink from your hands and wordlessly sat down on a barstool. „You alright, love?“, you asked, sitting next to him. He said nothing, avoiding your stare. „Ville?“
Suddenly he turned to you, his cold expression catching you off guard. „I don’t know, love.“, he spat, mocking the pet name you had used, „Would you feel peachy if I told you I’d get drinks, and then ended up all cozy with some other woman?��.
He was talking about Misha. Disbelief etched itself into your face, your eyebrows raised. „Ville, are you jealous?“ He grunted in response, which was all the answer you needed. „As much as Misha and I might get along, you know we’re just friends, right?“ Ville scoffed, a strand of his hair dangling in the air. „If you’re just friends, then what’s up with all the light touches, and you laughing at his jokes so damn much? And i swear to Ozzy, if I see him wink at you one more time…”
You fought the urge to roll your eyes at his behavior. He was the man of your dreams and you were more than happy to be with him, how he could still doubt that after years of being together - you had no clue.
„Ville, rakkain..“, you started calmly, running your hand down his arm gently. „Misha may be nice and funny“, that earned you a glare, „but he’s got absolutely nothing on you. I love you, and I have been for the past 4 years. And you should know that by now.”, you told him, taking his hand into yours. “You are the most talented, handsome and caring man I’ve ever met. Nothing makes me as happy as spending time with you does. I love how passionate you are, I love how safe you make me feel. You make me smile even when I don’t want to, and I wouldn’t ever want to have another day go by without you by my side.“
His thumb brushed your knuckles then, the look in his eyes softening as he looked into your eyes, searching for any traces of a lie. He found none. An idea popped into your head then. An equally evil and seductive grin formed on your face. You leaned close to him and put a hand on his thigh for support. „Besides…“, you brushed your lip against his his, „You are so very sexy. Absolutely sinful, really. Nobody can turn me on like you do. And oh my, have I been missing you lately. Laying between the silky sheets all alone…”, The grip on your other hand tightened ever so slightly. “How often I imagined you coming back through that door, your skin on mine, your kisses traveling down my body, being all yours.”, you moved your head back a little, giving him an innocent look. A low growl escaped him as as his hand moved to cup your cheek, claiming your lips. The kiss was far from gentle, it was territorial, pleading. It held all the passion that had built up from months of being apart. It left you breathless, wanting.
Way too soon he broke the kiss, panting heavily. His eyes had turned a darker shade of green, a storm brewing inside of them. He got up then, threw some money on the counter to pay for your nowhere near finished drinks and took your hand, helping you up. His eyes traveled over your body, taking in the sight before him. Licking his lips subconsciously, he lifted his head and looked you in the eyes, “Home. Now.”
And you were more than happy to comply.
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kyu-bri · 4 years ago
Magia Rapport pt 2
August 24th prompt: What was your favorite event, and why? Is it because of gameplay or the story?
It’s hard to choose so I’m gonna just, gush a bit.
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As you can probably tell I’m very biased toward the OG girls, I started Magia Record primarily because PMMM had become my new obsession and I wanted some sort of constant flow of content out of decade old anime lmao.
But another thing I think I hooked onto was Inu Curry’s writing. They really know Madoka Magica and aren’t afraid to really play with them- something the writers for a spin-off gacha game (as with most spin-off stories honestly) can be scared to do. Inu Curry made references, revealed secrets and built upon the story we already know- which lets be honest is what we always truly want from a spin-off series. Magia Record proper does this well by putting more magical girls into the world and letting us see things work out better for them than for the original cast, but what I really appreciated with this story was getting to see that old original cast get to get in on that, and these events managed to do that without watering them down any.
Under the cut is me going on for 3000 words about why I love these three events I’m so sorry. TL;DR at the very end-
I’ll go in release order,
A La Carte Valentine was one of the first if not THE first event I got in on. I was eager to bc 1 Gay Magical Girl Shit Guaranteed. And ofc 2 OG Cast participation.
I want to preface by saying I actually loved all the girls’ stories in this. I was very much still in a state of getting used to Iroha’s gang let alone trying to care about the secondary girls. I knew Tsukasa had this angsty Twins Separated At Birth Deal and liked seeing her home life (also I immediantly stanned Take. Regular well-meaning dude who has no idea whats going on just trying his best and hating his boss). I knew nothing about Ami except Cowgirl Meguca and getting the bulk of her personality in one short even I think really kept me from being absolutely sick of her, she’s just a cute silly teenage girl who could be in literally anything and I was able to just endearingly giggle at that. Hinano managed to do the heterosexual unrequited crush cliché without me groaning or missing any of her regular personality. Also was there a Ren part? I don’t remember because everything Ren does feels like a Soft Yuri Valentines Special. Also I love Momoko. Ok moving on to what I Really wanna talk about.
Madoka is genuinely my Least Cared About of the Holy Sextet. I don’t think she’s bad or even boring- Madoka has a depth to her character, like, really deep- but that’s not something ever really touched upon by the fandom. Even when people like her and make her the Heroine she’s Supposed to be, it’s usually in the context of “Girl who feels nothing but kindness and happy thoughts would cut off her right hand to feed to a hungry dog. Isn’t she so Good????”. And honestly, while I understand the point it was going to make, I wasn’t crazy about her sacrifice in the end of the series. (Team Homura “Rebellion Is Good Actually” ftw) All because I think that I’m an Adult Woman watching this like “You are 14yrs old and need to be home playing Sims and not sacrificing yourself for the greater good you stupid silly little baby girl”
So my point is here near all fan content I encounter tends to emphasize whats sort of my least favorite facet of Madoka. I don’t think she made the ‘wrong’ decision in the context she and the story were given, but it’s still a sad thing to show a depressed(!!!) insecure girl resolving to give away her very existence so that every other girl on earth has a chance to just Dream. Oh and they still usually die young. But that’s ok because then she takes them and lets them sleep peacefully forever in her Heaven Basement (Yes I am bitter stan Homura I would yank this savior complex infant girl out the sky too)
MY POINT BEING (The servers closing let me BLEED OUT ALL MY FEELINGS) This event did not do that!!! It made Madoka…….. EVERYTHING SHE SHOULD BE??? ALWAYS??? Showed her HOW WE SHOULD BE ABLE TO VIEW HER??? (Read: Happy and Alive and Confident at no foreboding or sacrifice of anyone else!!!!)
She is Sassy and Surrounded By Friends and Really Funny??? And we get this Ridiculous Oh My God On Crack metaphor about her being this all-powerful apocalypse bringing being which is representing her love for the universe through her Witch form of Wanting Everyone To Be Happy And Safe With Her??? And she still risks herself to save everyone as is her Thing to do but we get to have her do it without erasing her existence as a human being at the end and if that is not some GOOD SHIT????
Ok next:
NGL Sayaka’s (fav character, inarguable best girl, can u not tell) parts in MagiReco til like the last arc have always left me a bit disappointed. She was the only late comer of the OG girls from what I understand and it kind of gives her the air of what a lot of the second(/thirdary?) girls suffer from. You can tell the writers can’t even figure out a trope to apply her to to make her easy and two dimensional to write about so they just don’t know what to do. They definitely try to make up for it (especially in the anime which Praise Be but that’s probably Inu Currys doing) but she’s still lacking like, any of the depth of her personality. Which, I guess I could anticipate. Because most of the fandom tends to as well. (again)
Gonna stop complaining and get on with- That didn’t feel as much the case in her Valentine event. Sure it was still the same formula of “The Issue Is Kyosuke” but that didn’t play out as grueling as her personal story did with “Nine Episodes Of “The Issue Is Kyosuke””
There was one big glaring heart-aching detail of “Mami isn’t really there because SHES IN A FUCKING CULT RIGHT NOW” which kind of jarred the event out of the ho-hum silly valentines sidestory these events usually keep up.
Sayaka has this crisis about Doing Anything Meaningful With Kyosuke which we all know what That’s calling back to, but in this environment we get to have Kyoko come right up and be in a position with her to earnestly and affectionately Push Her To Do It. The lonely little tsundere bitch girl pushes her Not Friend to Give The Bastard The Gotdamn Chocolate Already and for a moment you can only think about What If’s and If Only’s. Sayaka’s is still the weakest of the threes stories in this event but it worked harder to show us different sides of the characters then 6 chapters of Another Story managed to do.
And then there’s fucking Homura.
I will be, eternally grateful for Kuro. As a character that becomes metaphorical for the 2D ways we initially viewed the feathers and just NPCs in games in general, and also like, giving Homura a friend she actually cares about that isn’t the tangled dark web of Bullshit she’s gotten tied up with Madoka in. Please ask me about all my AU’s where Kuro is Homuras first girlfriend.
Seeing Moemura in Magia Record has always been a bit surreal, we never really understand just what stage of Trauma this Homura is in because Multiverses Are Hell, but this event gives us a good chunk of a Homura who still has hope and faith both in the world and Madoka. Theres this wonder to her that while still bogged down by terrible experiences still has the energy to be Trying. And she sees a girl who used to be like her- which when you think about it is probably what Madoka saw in her- and she wants to help. Because Madoka helped her. And Madoka is the best thing in the universe and maybe Homura can be just a little bit closer to that.
Kuro is too far gone though, as is the reality frequently in this series, things don’t work out just because of circumstance. Kuro was a bullied, insecure little girl who realistically shouldn’t have had to become a rampaging monster because of it. We’re reminded of this being the reality of the Madoka universe. Homura, is reminded of this reality. Homura loses this one chance to bring hope into the world like Madoka brought hope into hers.
And then her story ties into the ending of Madoka’s. Madoka saves her life yet again, even as Homura continues to feel miserable and empty. But at least Madoka is with her. The girls then share a quiet, intimate Valentines together. And you sort of understand how Homura fell so far into the darkness that the only thing she was able to still care about and fight for was Madoka’s safety.
That shit slaps. It slaps you right in the heart and causes fucking bruising but then u want it to do it again because you’re masochistic and Meguca Is Suffering.
Anyway I hope Kuroe slaps our hearts more in season2
~Nagisa’s Wish~
Ok, I don’t remember what got me so simp over Nagisa, I think it was the heart-aching irony that Mami adopts the witch that fucking ate her. But that is my baby now and I’d die for her. Fandom Charlotte whose pink and silly and loves her mom and is Mami’s cancer-riddled girlfriend is cool and all but she isn’t a tiny Halloweeny baby whose fucking bitter angry and manically obsessed with cheese due to PTSD.
I had saw a summary of Nagisa’s Wish reposted just to quickly explain Nagisa’s backstory, and as such immediately had to search out if that crazy ride was true- so I actually watched this whole event probably before I downloaded the game. It was surreal on its own but replaying it when it came to NA didn’t lessen it any- I got to process more of what I was witnessing and as result stanned Yu pretty hard.
I guess to explain my Emotions here, saving Yu for later- calls for me to just, describe who Nagisa is as a human being and my headcanons surrounding it all with what this event gave us. Whether you consider it canon or not it’s one version of events that we were given and that I am all for accepting.
Nagisa’s Mom was a celebrity, she could have been an actress though I also like the idea of her being an Idol. She met Nagisa’s Dad oh-so romantically and got knocked up- they very well could have been married but it doesn’t seem clear enough. He seems to have left too suddenly for legal matters like that. Nagisa is approximately 11, and while she seems to remember her Father, she doesn’t in the sense of having had a relationship with him or any feelings. Her Mother has to “explain” why he left, so Nagisa was probably still young even if not a baby. What I’m getting at here is the timeline for when Nagisa’s Mom Got Like That. Nagisa can remember her from before she was, and then says that she got sick after her Dad left. So what I’m wondering is did Daddy Momoe ruin this young rich girls life, give her syphilis and then leave her with a baby she was unfit to care for in poverty? I know half of this is running on anime logic but Holy Shit all the possible ways reasons and ideas for why things could’ve gotten This Bad.
Is it ridiculously dark and edgy that the original story we were given was “Girl wishes her dying mother could have her favorite cake but then realizes OOPSIE-DAISY I could have wished for her to Not Die instead!!!!” got turned into “11yr old hates her abusive mother so much she wants to make her suffer in the most symbolic way she can and then goes mental when she isn’t able to do it”??? Yes. But if I had the mental capacity to I have to admit I was in a position to be just as bitter at that age too. I can’t call it unrealistic. I may infact be projecting hard with how much I support and enjoy this backstory.
Anyway Nagisa was in such a state of trauma and distress at a horrifically young age when she died that it broke her mental faculties so severely that even when she came back as a literal Angel of God she had blocked it out so deeply and thoroughly she seemingly regressed to an even younger capacity and hyperfixated on the trait that she has before used to try to bond with her Mother who she had died hating.
And that also slaps u right in the heart.
A N D T H E N !
~Beachside Bonds~
Just the simple structure of this story was so enjoyable and nicely done. We finally get to see the OG girls in a context we wouldn’t be able to in literally any other scenario. They’re going on a summer vacation together and Homura is sentimentally journaling every single second of it. Is this mayhaps because she’s never gotten to be this happy and blissful with these girls she loves so much??? Of course this is are you not paying attention what the fuck. Homura is so optimistic and healed and hopeful she’s acting like what she might actually be doing as a normal teenage girl. (A heartrending contrast to the end of her Valentines Special)
We get nothing short of pure fluffy Slice Of Life shenanigans on the beach which even includes a bunch of the Kamihama girls that the OG crew knows! And they talk about it! And introduce eachother! And their friends commentate on it! Ren gets to see Kyoko Not Being A Bitch and then Sayaka teases her about having made friends and oh my god my heart is turning into cottoncandy as we speak Mom holy FUCK
Sayaka’s existence fucking matters in this story! It’s her families Hotel they’re staying at and she has relationships and memories with the creepy twins that live there and she talks like a fucking person??? And gives opinions??? That aren’t just copypasted “Justice is Good and Bad things are BAD!!!!”
Mami is fresh out of her fucking Cult Drama and she’s still trying to be cool Senpai but then she DECKS Homura in the face and gets scared by the ghost stories and then turns into pudding and waxes nostalgia at Kyoko out of nowhere IT’S ALMOST LIKE SHE’S A FIFTEEN YEAR OLD GIRL????????
G H O S T S ? ? ? ?
Y U ! ? ! ? ! ? !
(IS G A Y ! ! ! !)
This whole fucking backstory and truly horrifying Romeo and Juliet on Acid love and death story between Yu and her girlfriend and like if I wasn’t fascinated enough by Yu just being the creepy organ harvester before but apparently thats what she became after she literally made some sort of wish that erased all of her memories besides the nickname her sweetheart used for her and coincidentally also added to her the task of killing all Bad People?????
Yu made a wish to be able to get rid of All Bad People preserving the innocent version of herself who grew up with this girl and it was right after a failed double suicide attempt on fucking Doomed Lovers Cliff fucking Lifetime Will You Ever.
It then pairs with Homura whose PTSD gets to shine through a bit in being unable to believe any bad sort of Madoka which how could you try to force her to at this point while Also pairing Homura with Ren in the “Gay Love Saved Our Lives: Traumatized vers & Vanilla vers”
I don’t remember if there was a symbolic finale and tbh I have forgotten a lot of the details with Yu and her girlfriend Whatsherface because that shit was just so shocking and bizarre to read and much too painful to reread in a timely fashion just.
That shit hurted but it was full of so much love and hope both doomed and stolen but still was wrapped up in the comforting concept that This Is The Universe Where Homura Gets To Be Okay This Time.
She’s still scarred beyond comprehension and this ghost drama accentuated it all but at the end of the day this is still the Safe Universe where all of them are alive and the Holy Quintet are friends and they’re all going to be okay (Godoka & Aniplex willing) and so many of us love Madoka Magica because it shows girls fighting through the same pain we’ve been through and keeping their hope alive and here we get to see them actually find peace in a clunkily written fanservicey spin-off mobile gacha game and hey, that made me happy while I got to experience it. Thanks for the ideas and memories and tragic backstories and funny thirdary characters MagiReco I’m gonna take em all and Run.
Akjsladbfalkjfsbslk If you read this all without getting a migraine or blocking me ily thanks for listening!!!!!!
Me likey A La Carte Valentine bc it’s silly and gay and I simp Kuro
Me likey Nagisa’s Wish bc sawft baby is good and so are Tragic Edgy Backstories
Me likey Beachside Bonds bc Gay Ghosts and Our Girls Finally Get To Be Happy Peaceful(ish) Teenage Girls and that’s all I want for them ;w;
Reeses In Pieces ya’ll
1Ten 2More 3Words 4To 5Hit 6(3000 7Words 8Woo 9Boy 10Howdy
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peachessashaven · 6 years ago
Heaven - Ben Hardy x Reader (Smut)
Synopsis: You and Ben have been friends since High School. When a friend from Primary School shows up many years later, will Ben be able to keep his feelings in check, or will his jealousy peek through?
Warnings: swearing and terribly written smut im so fuckin sorry sksksk
A/N: *this is reposted bc i hated the way it looked on the app on the phone AHAH* hi yes, im back, kinda, thank you for all the love on sucker!! i appreciate it all!! ❤ anywho get ready to need to burn your eyeballs because of this piece of sh i e t im so sorry also hasnt been spell checked or re edited bc i hate reading my work back i always send it to my friend and she says its good (i feel as if she has to say thay but ok AHAHAH) anywho enj o y???
Word Count: 5.5k (tf is wrong with me???)
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You’d heard a knock on the door of your flat, the flat you share with Ben. You furrow your eyebrows, confused as to why someone might be here. You sit on the couch for a few more seconds before you hear another hurried knock.
“Are you going to get that?” Ben yelled from his bedroom. You sighed and lifted the warm woolen blanket, slipping on your slippers. You were wearing one of Ben’s old hoodies and a pair of pyjama pants.
“Yeah, fine! I’ll get up from the warm confines of my blanket to answer the bloody door!” You laugh, shuffling towards the door. You swing it open, the wire door covering the person standing there. “Hello?”
“Is this Y/N’s house?” You raise an eyebrow, skeptical of who would be asking for you.
“Uh, who’s asking?”
“Well, if you open the door, you’ll find out.” You warily open the wire door, slamming it open when you realise who it was.
“Hayden?” You scream, confusion and shock clear all over your face. Hayden was your best friend in primary school - he’d moved away in grade five, his mum had gotten a better job opportunity to benefit everyone in his family. This was the first time you’d seen him over 15 years.
“Hi, Y/N, long time no see!” He says with a laugh, opening his arms for a hug. You comply and run into his arms, crashing into his grasp. “How are you, little one?”
“Oh my god, it’s been so long! How did you know where I live?”
“Well, your mum hasn’t moved out of your old family house, so I went there first and your mum directed me here. Your mum hasn’t changed a bit - it seems you haven’t either!”
“Who’s at the door?” You hear a voice behind you, Ben rugged up in a hoodie and trackies. This winter weather wasn’t going well for either of you it seemed. He walked up to you and placed his arm around your shoulder, pulling you close.
“Ben! This is one of my old best friends from primary school, Hayden! Hayden, this is my now best friend Ben!” You introduce the two, Ben warily shaking the man's hand.
“Nice to meet you, Ben!” Hayden enthusiastically shakes Ben’s hand, “I hear you’ve been treating our Y/N right? That’s that your mum said.”
“Yeah, I guess.” Ben stares at Hayden with a weird look, almost as if he was glaring at him. His hold on you doesn’t falter, you place your hand on his. You look at him with confusion, shake your head slightly and glance back at Hayden. He doesn’t seem to notice the weird looks.
“You talked to my mum? What did she say when she saw you?”
“She looked back at me and said ‘There is no way you’re that little boy I remember’ I laughed and had to try to prove it to her!” Ben still looks quite uncomfortable standing there, one arm around you. His hand slides across the back of your neck and down your arm he then walks out of the lounge room and into the kitchen, hearing pots and pans clanging around. You shiver slightly at the movement, feeling lost without his touch.
“The nickname I used to call you, ‘Funny Bunny’” He smirks at you, seeing the look of horror on your face.
“Oh my god, I haven’t heard that in years,” You let out a big grin, “I can’t believe you remember that!”
“Why wouldn’t I?”
You and Hayden continue to chat, leading him into the lounge room and out of the cold. You talk about what he did when he was away, how his family was going and how he’d finally found love in his life. You’d talked about how you’d met Ben in high school, how finishing high school was like and what life afterwards has been like.
After about an hour of talking, Hayden decided it was a good idea to leave - but not before asking you to come to the housewarming party he was having to celebrate him coming home.
“Is it okay if Ben comes along? Maybe he can get drunk enough and tell me whats wrong,” you ask, chuckling slightly.
“Yeah, of course, the more the merrier!” He seems genuinely happy to have him come along, “it’s been so great to see you, Y/N, I’ll see you both tomorrow night?”
“Sure will, thank you for visiting! Again, sorry about my clothes, didn’t realise I’d have any visitors,” you gesture towards your pyjama pants.
“That hoodie does not seem like something you’d wear,” He furrows his brows but with a knowing look. You hit his shoulder slightly.
“Shh,” you giggle, “It’s Ben’s, it’s roomy and comfy enough for a winter’s day!”
“Alright then, I’ll see you guys tomorrow!” He throws you into a large hug, shaking you around the whole time. “Goodbye Ben!” Hayden yells out, and beginning to leave, not expecting an answer. You hear Ben let out a ‘bye’, but not coming out to see him.
You wave once more to him and close the door, letting out a happy sigh. It’s great to be able to catch up with old friends, especially ones who made an impact in your life. You raise yourself from the door and walk to Ben’s room, where he’s sitting cross legged on his queen sized mattress, on his phone.
“Why are you in a grumpy mood?” You ask, knocking on the door. He looks up from his phone with a plain look on his face.
“I don’t know what you mean,” he says blatantly. You give him a pointed look, clearly seeing through his bullshit.
“Ben, you’re grumpy and I can tell,” You walk towards his bed and sit down next to him, pushing his shoulder with your shoulder. “C’mon, dude, you can talk to me.”
“There’s nothing to talk about, I’m not grumpy,” his eyes wander to yours, then slowly drifting down your body. “Is that my hoodie?”
“Maybe, it’s cold as hell and you have so many. I only have one, and it’s in the wash.” You play with the fur-like lining of your slipper, sighing as you lay down on his bed. You can’t lie, it’s a much more comfy bed than yours, you’d considered swapping it with yours when he was away filming. “So, we’re going to Hayden’s housewarming party tomorrow night.” He groans really loudly, falling back on the bed next to you.
“Why are we doing that?”
“Because he’s been my best friend since primary school, and I haven’t seen him in like 15 years.” You point out, turning your body so you’re on your side, staring at Ben. You watched his face go through so many emotions in the span of 3 seconds.
You sit there for a few more seconds, noting how his eyes scrunch up when he’s concentrating, his eyebrows furrow and he bites his lip, which, if you were standing, would make your knees give out on you.
“Fine, I’ll go.” You squeal and throw yourself over him to hug him, wrapping your arms around his neck and your legs intertwined with his. You could feel him stiffen up, but you didn’t say anything, you were too excited. You give him a sloppy kiss to his cheek, yelling thank you over and over again.
You couldn’t decide what to wear, it was still extremely cold, it only being 7 degrees Celsius outside and tonight, it was going to drop to only 4 degrees Celsius. You decide on a maroon woolen jumper with black jeans, along with black boots with a big heel. You settled on having your hair down, natural, with neutral makeup. You walked into the lounge room, grabbing your keys and purse.
“Ben, you ready?”
“I’ve been ready for the last 10 minutes, I’ve just been playing the game-” Ben trails off as he sees you, letting a small smile grow on his lips. “You look-” Ben pauses, biting his lip in concentration, “... amazing.” Your eyes flicker from his eyes to his lips and back.
“Thanks Benny,” You smile flirtily, walking to the door. “You good to go?”
“Yeah, of course,” he feels his pockets for his phone and wallet. “Lets go!”
Hayden was very welcoming to both you and Ben, Ben was even smiling at him. When you two walked in, it was like one of those high school parties you were never invited to, but found yourself at those parties because Ben dragged you there.
You didn’t want to drink, you never found the fun in it, seeing everyone literally falling over, it just never appealed to you. Ben however, grabbed one of the light beers.
“I don’t want to drink much, I’m probably not even going to finish this.” He had told you, earlier in the night, but you didn’t believe him, you knew he was going to get smashed, one way or another.
You were talking to Hayden again, laughing, smiling and reminiscing with him when you see Ben stagger into where you two were talking. He was smiling eagerly when he saw you, walking over and plopping himself down on your lap. He cuddled into your neck, whispering things that you couldn’t quite understand.
“Ben, why don’t you sit next to me?”
“Can I lay in between your legs?”
“Why not.” He stands up and pulls you to the floor. Feeling every part of your body jiggle with that one action, you begin to feel self conscious - covering up your stomach when Ben lays down.
He feels your hands where his neck is placed and pulled your arms out from where you were covering and placed his hands into them, nestling his head between your boobs. You blush from the movement, him moving his head around to get comfortable, he situates himself to have his cheek resting on your left boob.
You close your eyes and then look to Hayden. “You know what, I might get this one home, he seems out of it.” You chuckle nervously, feeling the rumbling of Ben’s resisting groans.
“Don’t want to go home yet.” He closes his eyes and lets out a sigh. You look at Hayden with an apologetic gaze.
“C’mon, Sweet, you’re done for, you gotta get home and rest, otherwise the hangover you’ll have will be astronomical.”
“I need to pee first,” he says slowly standing up. He holds his hands out for you to stand up with him. You sigh, rolling your eyes playfully, grabbing his warm hands to pull yourself up. He continues to hold your right hand as he finds the toilet. He pulls you in, locking the door afterwards.
“Ben, what are you doing?” You laugh. He turns around, his bright eyes turned dark, with an almost smug look on his face. You stop laughing when you see his eyes glide down your body. “Ben-” he cuts you off with one finger pressed to your lips. You gasp slightly at the action, you slowly walk back until you hit the sink, Ben stalking his way towards you.
“You seem to be having fun with Hayden, huh?” he asks, standing in front of you, looking down at you with an all new look on his face, one you’d never seen before.
“Ben, you’re drunk, what are you doing?” You mutter, clenching your legs slightly - the look in his eyes really did something to you.
“I barely drank that beer, I told you that,” he says. You place your hands on his cheeks, your eyes searching his for any sign of intoxication. You didn’t see any sign that he’d been drinking, no sign like you’d seen in previous situations.
This isn’t the first time he’s done something like this, he’s gotten jealous when another man would talk to you at a party, when you and Ben got home, he’d ask you the same questions, but in a drunken manner. You never told him it had happened before, you thought it’d make the friendship you two had awkward.
This time he wasn’t drunk, he was sober, alert, he knew what he was doing, and he seemed to know what he was doing to you too, looking at the way your legs were situated.
“Then- why- what?” You splutter, not knowing what to take from this conversation. “You looked so drunk before, what the hell was that?”
“I’m an actor, babe,” his finger pushes a stray hair behind your ear, caressing your face. He placed his palm on your cheek, his thumb rubbing calming circles.
“A bloody good one, you are,” you agree, getting lost in the eyes that seemed to get darker by the second. “What’s happening?” You whisper, leaning into his touch.
“Well, I’m just wondering why you haven’t tried to hook up with Hayden yet, you two seem to be having a lot of fun.” There’s fiery look in his eyes.
“Is that all you’re worried about?” You furrow your eyebrows, confused.
“You two are becoming close again, I can tell,” he mutters, his hand still on your cheek, his other hand slowly creeping up to your waist. “Soon, it’ll be ‘Y/N and Hayden’ and I don’t know if I can share you like that.”
“Are you jealous?”
“If that's what you want to call this, then maybe.” He says, sarcasm seething from his teeth like venom. You chuckle slightly, bringing one of your hands to the back of his neck, and the other sliding down his neck and resting on his chest.
“Sweetheart,” You begin, rubbing his neck, feeling the short hair between your fingers, you grip the hair slightly. He closes his eyes temporarily, mouth dropping. “You have nothing to worry about with Hayden,” you continue, sliding your hand lower towards his abs, hooking onto his jeans, fiddling with the belt. You bring his head down, your lips finding their way to his ear. You let out a slow and shaky breath as you whisper the rest of your sentence, “He’s gay.”
You pull away and begin to walk to the door, letting out small laughs. You begin to open the door as Ben stands there for a few seconds, he quickly snaps out of his trance. He closes the door before you can walk out, pushes you against it. You let out another gasp, he moves his head closer to yours.
“What?” He questions, placing his forehead on yours.
“That man he was with? His fiancé, you dipshit,” you giggle, placing your hand on his cheek once again.
“Oh, so I didn't need to stake my claim?” He asks, his voice getting lower and more seductive. You almost moan at the sentence, feeling heat all throughout your body at how close he was getting.
“Why would you need to stake your claim? If you wanted me to be yours, you should’ve just asked.”
“Oh, Love,” his voice is raspy and to you, it's so hot, his lips get closer and closer to yours, “so I can kiss you?” You don’t answer him, you just close the gap between the two of you. Teeth clashing, bitten lips and small breathy moans were all you could think of, Ben brought his hips closer to yours, pressing into each other.
You thought your first kiss with Ben would be simple and sweet, one night where you two were slightly drunk and you’d both wonder what it’d be like to kiss each other.
You’d hope something would stem from there. But if you told 17 year old you, that’d you be making out with Ben Hardy in the bathroom of an old friends house in the future, your past self would slap you and accuse you of lying, and then she’d tell you to stop playing with her feelings. You’d never thought this amount of passion could be thrown into a kiss, a fiery, jealousy and lust driven kiss.
Ben allows his lips to travel down to your jaw, leaving wet kisses trailing to your neck and collarbone that was exposed from your jumper. One of his hands grazed down your body and landed on your ass, squeezing slightly, his other hand still placed on your waist. You let out a moan as Ben found a sweet spot, sucking and making little noises, making a trail of marks as he brings his lips to the bottom of your ear. You grab his hair and scrunch your fingers in the perfectly placed heap, letting out louder noises - not caring if other people could hear you. Your other hand trailing down his chest again, stopping at his belt.
“If you keep making those noises and keep pulling my hair, Sweetheart, I won’t be able to stop myself.” He lifts his head from your neck, you let out a single laugh and pull him back to your lips, a kiss that's slower, sweeter, one that is filled with love and want. “As much as I’d love to take you in this bathroom, I’d rather finish this at home, where we can be as loud as we want.” Ben smirks, his lips are plump from the searing kisses, his face is red and he’s letting out small and laboured breaths. You nod, giving him one last kiss and pulling away, walking out of the bathroom. Ben gives a little smack to your ass, causing you to squeal slightly.
“Jeez, Y/N, you look fucked out, what happened in there?” Hayden lets out a laugh as he holds on to his fiancé. “And what happened to your neck? You look like you burnt yourself with a curling iron!”
“No time to explain, I’ve got to go, thank you for having Ben and I, we’ll come visit soon!” You hug him quickly and the man hanging onto him.
“I can see, have fun you two, wear protection!” Hayden yells out, as you stick the finger up at him, giggling. Ben joins your side, putting his arms around your waist, picking you up. You let out another scream and slap at his back.
“Put me down!” You laugh. He shakes his head and gives another slap to your ass. “Boy, if you don’t-”
“I’ll be driving, sweet,” He grabs your keys from your back pocket and puts you down as he arrives to your car.
“Are you sure you’ll be able to contain yourself?” You laugh, crossing your arms. You can see him straining against his pants, he isn’t exactly great at hiding it. He pulls your arms out from where they are and pins you against the car, the same position as before, but this time, his hands pinning yours to the car. You let out an impatient groan, “You know, the faster we get in the car, the longer we’ll have at home,” you whisper seductively, biting your lip as he also lets out an impatient groan.
“Good point, c’mon, lets go!”
Almost crashing through the front door of your flat, he pushed you against the closed door once again. He stares at you for a few seconds, you break the silence.
“How many times have you pushed me against a door tonight?” You gaze up, looking into his desperate eyes, letting out small laughs.
“Not nearly enough times,” He groans, pressing his lips to yours, hungrier and needier than before. “I’m making up for lost time, if I’m being honest.” His fingers tap the backs of your thighs, making you jump and joined your legs around his waist. “All those times I’d accidentally see you come out of the shower in just your underwear,” He’d began to trail the kisses to your cheek, “Those times where we’d be sitting on the couch and you’d take your bra off through your shirt because it’d been uncomfortable,” He lastly leant into your neck, kissing once then bringing his lips right next to your ear, “And those time’s I’d hear you moan my name in your sleep.” You blush a bright scarlet red, your mouth agape.
“I’d do that? I mean, I knew I did it while conscious, but not while I’m asleep,” He let out a guttural groan, his eyes almost rolling back.
“Oh my fuck, yes, sweetheart, it took me so much self control to not just walk into your room and eat you out, then and there.” His voice was low, husky and delicious. “It’s taking me a lot more to not just fuck you right here and now,” The sleeves of the jumper you were wearing covered your hands as you wrapped your arms around his neck, bringing him closer.
“I mean you could-” you trail off.
He smirks as he begins to walk to the hallway. “My room or yours?”
“Your bed is so much comfier than mine, it’ll feel much better on yours.”
“You think?” He asks with a smirk, you nod eagerly, with a grin growing on your face. He leads you to his bed, essentially throwing you onto the bed, your hands grasping at the multiple blankets covering his bed.
“So this is where they went?” You look at them then back to Ben, “I was looking for another one of these last night.”
“Oh well, you don’t have to worry about that tonight then,” Ben hops onto the bed, crawling over to you, pulling your legs apart to settle himself in between them. His lips latch onto yours again, moving slower and deeper, his hands placed next to your head.
You wrap your arms around his torso, scratching at his back, wanting his shirt gone. You must’ve scratched a little too hard as he pulled away and moaned. You pull at it from the back, throwing it in a random direction. You marvel at the chest before you, running your fingers along his pecs and abs, you almost drooled at the sight. You pulled at his belt buckle, ripping it off in one swift motion.
“These, off, now,” You muttered, urgency in your voice. Ben smirked and stood up from the bed, pulling his pants down, slowly and it was agonisingly painful. He left his boxers on as he crawls back up to you.
“You sure you want to do this, Sweetheart?” He asked, concern filling his face. You nod, not being able to trust your voice. “No, Love, I need verbal consent-” You grab his cheeks and kiss his lips hard.
“Yes, I want this, I want you, I want you in me, now.” Muttering against his lips, he almost growls, pulling at the end of your shirt, almost asking for permission to take it off. You groan and take it off yourself. You’re left in a lacy bra that barely held your boobs in because of how tight it was on you. You weren’t going to lie, it was extremely uncomfortable to wear, but it made you feel pretty. Ben licked his lips slightly at the sight. “Do you want to take it off, or should I?”
“Are you kidding? I’ve been wanting to do this for forever,” You smile as he brings his hands to the back of the bra, unclasping it with expert speed. You sigh in relief as the bra is finally off of your chest, but feeling suddenly self conscious (and cold, as soon as the cold air hit your nipples they turned as solid as fucking icicles), you fold your arms against your chest. “My sweet Y/N, you’re perfectly beautiful the way you are, you have no need to cover up.”
“No, you fuck, it’s fucking cold in here, why isn’t the heater on?” You shiver. Ben jumps off from the bed.
“I’ll put it on, I’ll be back.” Ben runs out of the room, leaving you by yourself to contemplate what to do next. You decide to pull off your jeans and underwear, and bringing yourself under the numerous amounts of blankets on Ben’s bed, it’s almost silly how many there were. Ben comes back and begins to rattle in the bottom of his draw.
“What’re you doing?” You ask, holding the blankets to your chest. He pulls out the square foil packaging, holding it between his fingers.
“This is essential isn’t it?”
“I am on birth control.” You mutter, feeling slightly embarrassed. “And as long as you’ve had an STI test, we can go without it.”
“Since when are you on the pill? I don’t see you take medication, or even go to the doctors for it.” Ben is genuinely confused, “But ever since I’ve moved in here with you, I haven’t had sex with another girl, I have had a test though, and nothing came back positive.” You smirk, beginning to tell him what birth control you were on, but he cut you off. “I can grab the test, if you’d like?”
“No no, Love, I believe you. I’ve got the IUD, I’m not on the pill.”
“Don’t worry about it, it’s just a thing that gets put in my uterus- Just drop the condom, come here and fuck me already?” Ben is almost giddy when those words leave your mouth. He quickly gets under the covers to see you don’t have your underwear on either.
“Oh, I’m not fucking you tonight, I’m making long and hard love to you, all night long,” He brings his lips to yours, moving against them as he palms at your boobs. He places a hand at your entrance, swiping back and forth between your folds. “So wet for me, darling,” he pushes one finger in. “So easy to push in, huh?” His finger pulls out, you whimper, needing more. He pushes his finger in his mouth, sucking the juices off the digit.
You moan with his words and actions, feeling blissed out. You push your hand into his boxers, feeling his length in your hand. He lets out a guttural groan, pulling off his boxers completely.
“Are you sure this is still okay?” You groan, getting impatient as you position his length to your entrance. A smirk finds its way onto your lips.
“Does it look like I’m okay with it?” Ben doesn’t answer for a few seconds, staring at your eyes.
He lets out a small ‘yes’ with a laugh and pushes himself in until he bottoms out. Your mouth is in a constant ‘o’ state, not having sex for a while, you forgotten what it felt to be completely filled out. You claw at the back of Ben’s back, knowing full well that it’ll leave marks tomorrow. Ben stalls for a few seconds. “Are you going to move?”
“Just let me get used to this, Babe, as I said, I haven’t had sex since we moved in together, if I start moving now, I won’t be able to last long.” His eyes are honest and full of lust. Your hand finds its way to his cheek as you bring his face to yours, eyes shutting and lips falling on his, for what it seems like to be the hundredth time this night. “So what is the IUD?” Ben says, clearly distracting himself from trying not to release in you straight away. He begins to move outwards slowly, as you look at him incredulously.
“You really want to ask me about something that’s jammed in my uterus?”
“Well, I’m jammed inside your vagina, so-” You slap his chest, with a scoff that turned into a moan as Ben pushed back in. He spilt out your name as you clenched your walls against him.
“Note to self, never have sex with a friend, they’ll try to pull some jokes-” You cut yourself off by a scream of Ben’s name, as soon as he hit the right spot.
“You won’t be having sex with anyone else, beside me, darling,” Ben repeatedly hits that same spot, a string of curses and Ben’s name falling off your lips. “Sorry, but you’re mine now.”
“It’ll be only you, it’s always going to be only you.” You moan, clawing at Ben’s back again. “Shit, Ben!” His hand trails down your body, landing on the bundle of nerves between your legs. You begin to squirm.
“I heard that women don’t really get off with just vaginal penetration, so, I thought to help you along, because I’m so fucking close-” he presses down hard and wiggles his fingers, “I’d play with you a bit more.” Ben’s voice sounds absolutely delicious as he says this, you bring your hand to his hair and pull him down to kiss you to hide the moans that are constantly falling from your lips. “This is so much better than my dreams.” Your eyes rolled to the back of your head.
You pull at his hair, not hard, but just enough for him to moan once again.
“Benny, I’m so close,” you whisper in his ear, he lets out a relieved sigh.
“Thank fuck, because I’ve been holding off for a while.” He laughs, continually applying pressure to your clit, thrusting deep to hit your g-spot. “You’re almost there,” you clench your walls around him. “I can feel it, I’m so close- shit,” he releases inside you, the warmth pushing you over the edge as well. You yell out Ben’s name over and over again, pushing your nails into his shoulders leaving crescent shapes in his skin.
He pulls himself out of you, you whine at the feeling of being empty. He stands up and walks to his bathroom, grabbing a cloth and wetting it with warm water. You begin to feel everything seep out of your hole, you close your legs to try to stop the uncomfortable feeling. Ben kneels on the bed, near your legs.
“C’mon, baby, open up, gotta clean you up,” Ben places his hands on your thighs, eyes hooded, clearly tired. You felt the same, tiredly and warily opening up your legs, you felt him gently wipe at the sensitive spot, feeling him stopping and starting, then finally wiping at your thighs. He presses a kiss to each thigh, then throws his shirt away. “I’ll put that in the wash later, right now, I need to hold my girl.” He pulls you into his chest, your hands bracing the impact slightly. You snuggled into his neck, pressing a few kisses there.
You blushed at the endearment, smiling to yourself as you could finally call him yours. He could call you his. This is all that you wanted for the past few years, someone to want and someone to want you back. Your breathing began to pick up, as you planned out your next few words.
“I love you.”
“That’s a relief,” Ben chuckles, pressing a kiss to your head. “I didn’t want this to just be a friends with benefits thing.” He puts his hand into your hair, scratching lightly. “I could never do that with you, I’d fall in love every single day over and over again.”
“Thank fuck.” You breathed.
The next morning you woke up to someone cuddling into your back, spooning you. You panicked for a second, before turning your head to see the sleepy blonde’s head placed in the mass of your hair. You felt a pleasant ache between your legs, reminiscent of last night’s antics.
You pulled away, hoping not to wake him up. You grab one of Ben’s shirts from the floor, not bothering to put on underwear as the shirt almost looked like a dress on you, hitting the mid-thigh. You walk into the kitchen, putting on the kettle to set yourself a cup of black tea. You grab the sugar and place it on the bench. You walk to the fridge and grab the milk, closing it to see Ben standing there, leaning on the door frame.
“Fuck, Ben,” you gasp, holding your chest where your heart would be.
“Hmm, love the sound of that,” He mumbles, walking towards you, settling his hands on your ass. He looks puzzled, feeling around your ass - lifting the bottom of the shirt, he sees you’re not wearing underwear. He gives you a lazy smirk. “You naughty girl.” You let out a squeak as he slaps your ass.
“I couldn’t be fucked putting on underwear, plus, you can’t tell I’m not wearing any, unless you lift up my shirt like an ass.” You slap his chest lightly and walk over to the bench where your tea awaited you.
You exaggerate your hip movements, leaning on your hip as you pour the hot water in the mug. You put the tea bag in the mug and turn back around to see Ben standing there, a smile on his lips. He walks up to you and places his hands around your waist and lifts you up. You let out a squeal, looking down at Ben as he twirls you two around. He stops and puts you down, still holding onto your waist.
“I’m glad we finally figured out we loved each other, didn’t know if I could go another day without telling you.”
You place a hand on his cheek, letting your thumb rub lightly. Your lips give his a gentle kiss, not hurried and not lustful, just a kiss to let him know that you’re his.
“Sorry to tell you this, but you really won’t be able to get rid of me anymore.” You sigh, shaking your head. He looks right into your eyes, not blinking once, seriousness in both his sight and voice.
“I don’t mind that at all, being with you will be heavenly.”
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thelowlysatsuma · 6 years ago
Sherlock AU
okay, so i got some amazing reactions to my logicality-and-sherlock post, and some people seemingly interested in my making of a bbc sherlock au, so here we go! in my mind, this au starts of mostly canon-compliant and then diverges – not only to comply with ships, but also because seeing as this is indeed an au, i feel an obligation to myself to make everyone as in-character as possible.
with that out of the way: happy reading!
patton h. watson is possibly, maybe, potentially having a little bit of a bad day. week. month. year. you decide.
he had the nightmares again. they come nearly every night nowadays, and he figures he probably should have known he was signing up for war flashbacks when he decided to become... well... an army doctor
he sees his therapist. and sure, maybe he hasn’t written anything in his blog, and sure, maybe he reads her handwriting upside down, but he can’t help it!
(honestly? patton doesn’t know what he’s doing anymore. he had such a strong love for his time as a doctor that now he’s just.. not sure what to do. he can’t help people anymore. not in his condition)
but he tries to write on his blog anyway, and he keeps moving through his day-to-day activities, and he smiles, because darn it, he’s patton watson, and that’s what he does.
except for one fateful day, when he hears a familiar voice calling out his name
and it’s thomas sanders – sweet, lovely thomas who he went to school with. and he smiles for real this time and they catch up, and patton mentions that he may or may not be a bit stuck in his whole housing situation
and thomas just laughs, because oh, oh now he has an idea, and this could either work out great for all parties involved or be absolutely hilarious
so patton follows him
enter logan holmes
bit of an asshole, really
and the minute he sees patton shuffle into his lab behind thomas, he knows exactly where this is going, and he has no idea if he’s partial to the plan or not
but then patton lends him his phone, and patton doesn’t get angry when he reads his life story like a newspaper unfolding in front of him, and patton looks at him like he’s incredible, and suddenly, this doesn’t seem like such a bad idea after all
and really, that’s how everything sets itself into motion, now isn’t it?
so yeah, the set-up is basically the same. patton is an ex-army doctor who’s masking at least a bit of his trauma with his bubbly persona. logan is an abrasive genius who will honestly follow his shorter counterpart around like a lost puppy at the first sign of *shudder* emotions. and thomas is the little shit disturber who thinks that stuffing the two of them in a flat has even the slightest chance in hell of working out.
of course, he’s absolutely right, but don’t tell him that.
time now to introduce some of our other players:
mr picani, the cheery landlord of 221b baker st. he loves logan dearly, and treats him like a grandson. absolutely thrilled when logan brings patton with him – “oh, i can see your fusion already!”. logan is Not Amused, and poor patton just doesn’t know what’s going on.
detective inspector prince, the long-suffering idiot who’s somehow gotten stuck with an overly intelligent dumbass as his number one asset. well-liked around the yard for being an... animated, shall we say, character (as well as a damn flirt to many a man he meets), he’s the only one who really knows how to deal with logan’s eccentricities, and while he may not be on par with the younger man in terms of intelligence, he can and will match him blow for blow in a match of verbal wits. while at first confused by patton’s presence (and logan’s apparent protection of him), he quickly accepts the other as the half of the bonafide dynamic duo he is. (and if he and patton become friends, off the clock? well, that’s not exactly the yard’s business, now is it?)
remy, the shade-rocking assistant to... someone who patton meets in a limo when he gets “offered a deal by an interested party”. glued to his phone, super freaking sketchy, and somehow able to exude sass with a single raise of an eyebrow. that man is impressive.
of course, we all know there are a few people i’m leaving out.
meet virgil holmes. a damn genius, but his aggressive brand of caution tends to get the better of him. as logan’s older brother, he is constantly worrying about him and what might happen to him because of the dumbass shit he constantly gets up to, but also as logan’s older brother (and an emotionally closed-off idiot), he knows full well that logan will never actually listen to anything he says. so, he settles for keeping a (constant) eye on the guy. logan can’t get pushed off a bridge if virgil hires someone to discreetly tie a bungee harness onto him first.
so yeah anyways virgil is... interested, to say the least, when, within the span of a day, logan has not only met some guy but begun living with him
he’s admittedly impressed by not only patton’s clear horror when virgil suggests he spy on logan for him, but also patton’s unfailing (and genuine) politesse throughout their conversation. it’s... refreshing.
oh, he’ll definitely be keeping an eye on the two of them, now
and finally, the one we know only as “moriarty”
the snake, they call him, and from that, you ought to know who our favourite campy, volatile, deceptively charming man of dangerous intellect is
as time progresses, so does the relationship of the detective and the doctor. logan grounds patton, keeps his head out of the (sometimes nightmarish) clouds. patton, in turn, helps logan to realize that emotional intelligence is not only valuable from a deductive standpoint, but also a good thing to have for oneself. they... balance each other out, if you will. the heart and the mind.
(and if patton stares at logan in unadulterated awe after an explanation of a successful deduction? if logan looks in the mirror one relatively quiet afternoon only to find himself staring in the face of shallow breathing and dilated pupils? if, after a particularly brutal case, patton falls asleep on logan’s shoulder, and the next day logan receives a smug picture of it over a text from his absolutely infuriating brother?)
(well, then that’s nobody’s business but their own)
tagging those who said they were interested, those who thoroughly enjoyed my first logicality/sherlock post, and those who are my mutuals, because i damn well can
@murder-schmurder @anony-phangirl @nyah-nyah-motherfuckers @gravity-defys-me @not-a-clever-username @residentanchor @pastelvirgil @intergalacticplatypus @figurative-chill-pill @iassureyouicannotwrite @phangirlandkilljoy @book-girl101 @wildheart49 @lacrimosathedark @cloudchaser7 @khadij-al-kubra @marse-422 @virgilisaneternalmood @coconut-cluster @adultmorelikeadolt @hallowlesterrr
(aha reposting bc i’m not sure if the people i tagged under the cut saw this? bc i am a small child unaware of how the tumblr algorithms work. sorry for anyone who sees this again!)
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justauthoring · 7 years ago
No One - Newt
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Requests: the maze runner yes!! can i get an angsty newt imagine where the reader has been in the glade like as long as alby has, maybe longer and she’s kinda at her breaking point bc its been so long and newt is just trying to comfort her but its like a whole mess? thanks hun
Newt request please! You were the 2nd Glader in the maze, after Alby and when Thomas gets a crush on you, Newt gets protective! Thank you xx
Newt x reader imagine where in the Scorch or sometime in the death Cure the reader gets injured and newt is all worried
Warnings: attempt at sexual assault, yelling, all that sort of stuff. this is a darker themed story, but let’s be honest - if you really were the only girl in the glade, not every boy would be chivalrous.
Please don’t plagiarize my work - I spend a lot of my time writing, copying and pasting destroys that. If you want to repost my work. please ask first - but even then I might say no.
Requests are CLOSED!!!
Every since the knew Greenie had arrived, he’d given you weird vibes.
You’d be lying if you said that you didn’t mentally hope that just once they’d send up a girl. Being the only female in a group of boys became repeatedly annoying, and while most of the boys you were surrounded by knew there boundaries, there was always the stereotypical cat-call. Or possibly the demeaning that came with the boys always saying you weren’t as physically strong as them, therefore had to be protected.
You held up your own well enough, and by now, given that you were the second Greenie to ever arrive in this God-forsaken place, you’d earned your place. Most of the boys cared for you, but knew better than to underestimate your strength. You were a runner, along side Minho, and you had just as much authority as Newt, next to Alby.
But of course, being the only girl did come with it’s cons. Every time there was a new Greenie and he was a boy, depending on the age, there was always the worry that maybe this boy just wouldn’t understand the rules that had been put in place given your role. Or maybe he wouldn’t care. By the seventh Greenie, you’d learn to grow use to being surrounded by boys. You’d even accepted the fact that, for an indefinite amount of time, it seemed like W.C.K.D. would only ever bring boys up.
But that didn’t make the fear any lesser. Yeah, you could hold up your own. But these were boys, and you had no idea who they were each time they came up or how they’d react to see one girl in a group of guys. 
Luckily the boys, specifically Newt, made it clear to every new Greenie that you were not to be touched or harassed in anyway. It usually came along with some threat, and in that moment, you didn’t really mind being protected. You trusted some of these boys with your life, namely Alby, Minho, Fry, Winston and of course, Newt.
You knew they wouldn’t let anything hurt you, or anyone, just like you wouldn’t let anything hurt them.
But something was different this time. This new Greenie, Aaron, just seemed off. It had only been his first day there, given that he’d arrived early in the morning, and ever since he’d been given the tour by Alby, all he would do as stare at you. Even now, late at night, when everyone was taking the chance to relax, you could feel a pair of eyes on your back. 
You shrugged it off, knowing that he’d already been given the talk. Aaron could stare all he wanted, but it wouldn’t change anything. Wouldn’t change where your heart lied.
Nestled into Newt’s side, you let his arm fall around his shoulder, taking a sip of your water as your eyes stared at the large doors that led to the maze. After a long day of running, you were promptly exhausted. Glancing back behind you, you knew Minho was as well. But full on festivities were on tonight, given the arrival of new supplies and of course, a Greenie.
The boys cheered and chatted, taking swings of Gally’s concoction which you had politely denied. Though, Newt still allowed himself to indulge in the rather... odd tasting beverage. 
You wanted to stay awake, you really did. All day running and finally you were able to be by Newt’s side, but you found it become increasingly difficult to keep your eyes open. And there was something more you had to do in the map room. So sadly, you had to get up,
Turning your head, you pressed a soft kiss against Newt’s cheeks, an immediate smile growing on his lips as you did so. When you pulled back, the hand that had been around your shoulder delved into the ends of your hair, caressing the back of your head. Cheeks slightly flushed, Newt smiled over at you; “going to bed, love?”
“Soon,” you nodded, smiling softly back. “I have to do one finally thing, then i’ll be heading to bed. You coming?”
Newt paused, glancing back at the group of boys partying around the fire, the reflection of it dancing in his eyes. You smiled as you saw his eyes twinkle. “I think i’ll stay with the shanks for a little while,” he explained as you nodded. “Okay?”
You nodded, “of course.” Pressing another quick kiss to his cheek, you stood up, pulling the sleeves of your shirt further down your arms. “I’ll see you later.”
“Don’t be out there for too long,” Newt called, watching you leave. 
“I won’t.”
And you really wouldn’t be, or at least, you didn’t hope to be. You hated walking to the map room late at night, but Minho had asked you to do one last thing, something he only trusted you to do, and you’d put it off for much too longer. So, you took quick strides, willing yourself not to glance around at the deep delves of trees around you. You knew it’d only freak you out more.
You didn’t notice the figure that followed you, and somehow, neither did you notice the stare.
At least, not until there was a sudden grip on your shoulder and you were aggressively pulled, your back smacking against the trunk of a tree. You groaned out as you felt your vision blur for a second, given that your head had also been aggressively smashed against the rough bark. You blinked a few times, trying to see who was before you. You prayed it was just one of the boys, maybe Minho or Newt, playing a prank on you. But you knew they’d never hurt you.
Swallowing thickly, you felt your vision finally clear and a pair of blue eyes staring down at you. A sudden bundle of panicked welled within you when you noticed that it was the Greenie, Aaron staring at you. Not to mention, that at this point he’d trapped between his arms on either side of your head and was leaning dangerously close to you.
“Agh,” you hissed, raising your hand to touch the back of your hand. You would’ve, had Aaron not grabbed your wrist and press it against the bark behind you. 
“What the hell are you doing, Greenie?” You hissed, eyes narrowing in the darkness of the night. You let your eyes fall back the way you came, your heart plummeting when you saw just how far you were from camp. There was no way anyone would be able to hear you, and you doubted Aaron was going to let you scream.
“You know my name,” the boy hissed back in response. “Remembered it earlier, remember?”
“Yeah,” you sighed, blinking. “And I don’t care. Get off me,” you huffed, struggling within his grasp. You raised your free hand to shove him off you, but Aaron grabbed that one two. It was then that the real panicked settled in - whatever (and you had a pretty good idea of what) Aaron wanted to do, he really wanted to.
“Sorry, princess, but no can do.” Aaron smirked, and even in the middle of the night, you could see the twinkle of mischief behind it.
Snarling your lip, your struggles increased tenfold. “I swear to God, you shank! Let me go!” As your panic rose, so did your anger.
Aaron only tightened his grip and you felt your breath get caught in your throat the moment he leaned in even closer to you, the lightest touch of his lips reaching your neck. “I’m curious,” Aaron whispered and you shivered in disgust when you felt his lips press a kiss against your neck. “You’re the only girl in this entire glade...”
What you’d been trying to deny seemed to slap you in the face as you felt Aaron slide his hand under your shirt. You tried to push him off you were your now free hand but with the way he was positioned, it was practically impossible. That didn’t mean you’d stop making this difficult for him though.
“How come that little blonde shank get’s you all to himself, huh?”
You snarled at the mention of Newt’s name, narrowing your eyes dangerously. “Because, it ain’t a pig like you, you damned shank.” You spat, pressing yourself even further against the tree when Aaron’s hand just reached the cup of your breast.
Biting your lip, you felt your eyes water with water. You were trying to think of a plan, but all thought was lost the moment you felt Aaron dig his teeth into your neck. A scream immediately left your lips, it echoing across the entire forest. You were about to scream out for help, wondering why you hadn’t done that before, but then Aaron’s hand clasped around your lips, digging the back of your head into the bark.
Your eyes fell shut as a sharp pain ran through your through, breathing becomingly increasingly more difficult.
“You little bitch!” He spat, his narrowing with anger. That same familiar terror you felt when you might not make it back into the glade after a day in the maze filled your stomach, and you so desperately wished that Newt had somehow heard your scream.
Letting go of your hand, Aaron pressed his knee in-between your legs, trapping you as his hands went to the hem of your shirt, ripping it up through the middle. A cry left your lips as he did so, lips parting to call out for Newt before Aaron’s hand was on your mouth again, his face dangerously close again.
“Not another peep,” he grounded out.
You didn’t even hear, in your panic, the sounds of footsteps running your way. The only time you realized someone was there when you saw a fist clash with the side of Aaron’s head, sending him to the ground Minho appearing before you. You let out a deep gasp the moment you realized his hands were gone from your lips, the tears finally falling from your ears.
You were about to collapse against the ground before two arms wrapped around, and you were in the familiar embrace of Newt. The moment you realized it was him, you latched on to him tightly, barely noticing the crowd of boys, that consisted of Alby, Fry, Winston and more, as you buried your head into the crook of his neck.
“It’s okay, love,” Newt whispered, his hand falling on the back of your head. You shuddered against his grip, your fingers practically digging into his own skin but Newt didn’t much mind. He was too busy glaring at the slowly steadying Aaron, who groaned out in pain.
Meeting Minho’s eyes, they both shared a look before Newt gently pulled back from your grasp. Smiling at you, he helped you to a stand. “Minho’s gonna get you to a medjack, okay?”
You shook your head rapidly as Newt cupped your cheeks, “don’t leave me...” You whispered.
“I’ll be right behind you, love,” Newt smiled, “there’s something I gotta do.”
Glancing back at Aaron, you clued in pretty fast to what Newt meant. And nodding solemnly, you walked over to Minho, his hand wrapping around your waist to steady you as he begun leading you off.
Newt might not look like much, but when it came to you, that didn’t matter.
“Look,” Aaron begun, raising his hands. “I didn-”
He never got to finish his sentence before Newt delivered a sharp punch across his cheek, sending him to the ground once again. Towering over him, Newt glared down at him; “I told you, no one touch’s Y/N.” Without another word, Newt promptly turned and left, running to catch up with you.
“Bind his wrists,” Alby called after a moment, “tomorrow, he’s banished.”
let me know what you thought? remember, reblogging always helps!
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evakviigmohns · 7 years ago
softie [beverly marsh]
A/N: heeeey, it’s sofia again. okay so this is going to be a few headcannons for punkie!reader and softie!beverly bc im a piece of trash for that concept lol. i’m also gonna be posting a bill imagine later so yeah¿¿¿¿¿¿ don’t forget to send requests & all of that stuff bc i have nothing to do lmao. hopefully u will enjoy this lil piece of garbage!!! thank u!! SORRY 4 THE REPOST I JUST FIXED UP SOME STUFF
-u are not
- okay so let’s say you are a 16 year old, leather jacker wearer, who drives motorcycles and hooks up with people in the back of your dad’s camaro
-beverly is the girl who helps little children with their classes, has flowers is her hair ALL THE TIME and is loved by everyone just cause she is a cutie
- total opposites, right? Like, how on earth would the local cutie and local punkie end together? well, thanks to the project on human anatomy that you had to do together
- Professor Wheeler had assigned you together cause you were oddly good in biology while Beverly honestly sucked.
- At first, you only spoke the necessary to get the project done but as time went by you started to actually enjoy beverly’s company and she started to like yours.
-that’s how the weeks went by and you became friends
-one day, you were hanging out with her at derry’s local diner that was 50’s themed
-the strawberry milkshake with two straws in between of you as you saw Beverly who just kept staring at you
-“see anything you like, marsh?” the redheaded smiled at her dear friend in front of her and took a sip of the milkshake. “your eyeliner is pretty good” “thanks?” YN smiled at Beverly “wanna teach me?” the YEC-eyed girl nodded at her friend in front of her “it’s a date.”
-after that, you just kept talking about beverly’s plans for the future and at 9 pm you said goodbye to each other with a kiss on the cheek and a hug and then headed home.
-the clock marked 11 pm as the clouds of smoke around started to slowly disappear, you were laying in your bed with your eyes red and puffy as you thought about your encounter of before with Beverly
-you knew that it wasn’t a real date it was just the two of you, hanging out at your place like you’ve done many times but there was something about this one that truly made you wish it was more than just two friends helping each other with make up
-yes, YN YLN, derry’s very own teenage heartthrob, was catching feelings for Beverly marsh
-i mean, how can you not catch feelings for Beverly fucking marsh?
-with her stupidly cute smile, and her annoyingly beautiful eyes and her fucking precious laugh how was she not going to conquer your heart?
-so, it’s friday and you are walking back home with Beverly
- it’s really fucking cold and your arm is around beverly’s shoulders, so she can warm up a little because fOR FUCK’S SAKE BEVERLY THINK ABOUT YOUR CHILDREN
­-yes, you referred to the kids that received classes from Beverly as her children and they called her aunt bev [ A/N HOW CUTE IS THAT FDNKJFNJKDF]
-also, I forgot to mention this, but Beverly is like 5’ and for the sake’s of this headcannons reader is like 5’7
-okay, so you guys finally arrive to your place and you go upstairs to your room and leave the backpacks along with the jackets or such in top of your bed
-you tell bev that the make up and all the stuff you might need is in the first drawer and you are leaving to get a glass of water and before you leave, you softly grab her wrist and ask her if she wants to eat something
-you feel her tense under your touch and you are like ??????????? is she nervous bc of me???????
- cockiness activated
-but you don’t say anything because you really don’t want to make her upset because seeing beverly upset is truly the last thing in the world that you want
-she says no but when you come back from the kitchen you made her a sandwich and she just smiles in awe when she sees you
-“going soft on me, YLN?” “ha ha, fuck you, marsh”
-you both are sitting in your bed and you are trying to explain her how to do a winged eyeliner but her hands are slightly shaking whenever she get’s closer to your face
-yes, she is practicing in your face
- and there’s something about the situation that you just stare at Beverly in shook
-because for fuck’s sake you love Beverly
-she notices that there is something going on because she stops and stares at you and asks you what is going on without saying a single word
- you just take a deep breath and go for it
-you are kissing her. Her lips are soft under yours and your hand’s grabs her cheek as you feel her responding your kiss and her hands are tracing patrons in your lower thigh
-beverly moves away for a second and smiles at you
-“I’ve been waiting for you to do that, jackass.” She said and you chuckle
-because if she isn’t the softest and more precious person on the world
-and that day you started dating
- you weren’t afraid of openly saying that you would do anything for your girlfriend
-she literally makes you melt????????
-one look in your direction and you are already fucking dead
-as dead as miss keicha
- buuuuut, you guys are probably the cutest couple in whole derry
- and that’s how now it wasn’t only aunt bev, but it was also cool aunt YN who brings beverly in a motorcycle to all of her clases and says goodbye by always kissing her in the forehead before leaving.
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