#I wrote a snow queen AU when I was in Tsubasa fandom and it's still one of my fave fics
ridiasfangirlings · 7 years
Ahhh imagine the snow queen but sarumi and also niki as the queen (not the disney vers)
Somehow it feelsmore like Kisa should be the Snow Queen here XD Like say Niki’sactually the troll from the beginning of the story, who creates amirror that makes everything look terrible and ugly. He then fliesaround the kingdom of the Snow Queen Kisa, using his mirror to makeeverything in her domain look awful and ugly. Fushimi is an orphanwho was captured once by troll Niki and used as a servant. He’s onlylooked at the world through the mirror his whole life so he thinksthe world is just as twisted and ugly as Niki’s convinced him it is.Then one day he manages to escape Niki and is adopted by Munakata,who finds this sullen child all alone in the snow and takes him in.Fushimi and Munakata live in this little house in the city andFushimi hates the house and everything in it because he still assumesthe world is awful. One day though Yata appears at Fushimi’s window,their houses are connected at the roof and they can reach eachother’s house just by walking through the gutter. Yata’s beenwatching Fushimi since he moved in and was curious about this sadquiet kid with the striking blue eyes who lives across from him.Initially Fushimi’s reluctant to befriend Yata but Yata keeps comingto see him every day, and it’s through Yata’s affection that Fushimibegins to believe that the world might be beautiful after all.
Then one day Yataand Fushimi are playing when a fragment of Niki’s mirror ends upflying into Fushimi’s eye – Niki’s been looking for Fushimi allthis time and when he sees Fushimi happy with Yata he thinks it wouldbe fun to ruin it, so he shatters the twisted mirror on purpose inorder to force Fushimi to see everything as horrible and ugly.Fushimi immediately pushes Yata away and maybe sets on fire theflowers the two of them had planted in front of their houses. Yata’sall horrified and betrayed as Fushimi laughs, taunting him andcalling him an idiot. Yata feels betrayed and upset, vowing never totalk to Fushimi again. But then that night it snows and Fushimi findshimself called out into the town square, where he stands in the snowuntil Kisa appears riding on a magnificent sleigh with Niki indisguise beside her. At Niki’s urging she summons Fushimi into thesleigh with promises of caring for him and Fushimi finds himselfmoving towards her because to him she alone appears beautiful, thoughhe is unable to see that her heart is frozen and cold. A touch toFushimi’s forehead makes him forget Yata and he’s spirited away tothe kingdom of snow. The next day Munakata discovers Fushimi missingand raises an alarm, Yata’s totally panicked despite his fight withFushimi the day before. The villagers all conclude that Fushimidrowned but Yata refuses to believe it, determined to find out whathappened to Fushimi.
Yata goes out tosearch for Fushimi and ends up meeting the river spirit, Awashima. Inexchange for his lunch (some buns filled with anko) she tells himthat Fushimi did not drown, which makes Yata even more determined tofigure out the truth. He continues on until he meets the sorcererHisui, who tries to get Yata to stay in his cave basement with allhis other followers, where they practice forbidden magic and try tochange the world. Hisui briefly makes Yata forget about Fushimi butthen one of Hisui’s followers, Sukuna, drops a knife on the groundand Yata is suddenly reminded of Fushimi. As he escapes Hisui’sunderground cave the moles that live underground tell him thatFushimi is not in the earth either, he is not dead. Yata is now extradetermined to figure out who stole Fushimi and to get him back.
Yata decides totravel north, but he doesn’t get far before the robber band Homracaptures him. Yata has to admit that these robbers are kinda cool buthe has places to go and he can’t stay here. He tells them his storyand the robber leader Mikoto is impressed with how far Yata’s gonefor his friend. One member of the band, Anna, steps forward and usesher powers of foresight to tell Yata that Fushimi’s been abducted bythe Snow Queen and a terrible evil, and that he’s been taken to afrozen castle where he will remain unless someone can melt his heart.The castle itself is dangerous and the touch of the Snow Queen cankill, but even so Yata is willing to go there at any cost. Homraagrees to help him and together they all travel to the Snow Queen’scastle, where Mikoto uses his magic fire powers to melt down the doorso that Yata can go find Fushimi.
Yata makes his wayto the main chamber of the palace, where he finds Fushimi sitting inthe center of a giant puzzle made of ice, face blank as he puts thepieces together. Kisa sits on her throne, utterly ignoring Fushimiand the way his skin has gone even paler than before and his bodyeven thinner. Yata’s pissed off seeing him this way and runs to savehim, only to have Niki interfere and stir Fushimi so that Fushimistands and tries to fight Yata. Yata’s not going to run away thistime though and instead of fighting he just throws his arms aroundFushimi, yelling out is feelings and how Fushimi’s been his mostimportant person from the moment they met and how Yata’s not everletting Fushimi out of his sight ever again. The warmth of Yata’sembrace melts the splinter in Fushimi’s eye and Fushimi whispers out‘Misaki…?’ With the splinter out of his eye Fushimi’s at last ableto see the truth of the puzzle he was putting together and withYata’s help he completes it, freeing him from both Kisa and Niki’sclutches forever. Yata and Fushimi return home with Homraaccompanying them and live happily ever after (also Mikoto punchesNiki in the face and burns him to a crisp so that he can never botherFushimi again).
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