#I wouldn't know if any of them are specifically about libraries though im only on my fifth discworld book
hello library god, do you or any followers have any good fiction books about libraries/librarians/archives/books themselves? Gratefully yours
Thats very flattering but you dont have to call me library god im just a gal whos just some guy im not even a librarian sbfkdkkss
I! Actually don't have a ton to contribute to this answer and I apologize! The closest that comes to mind is maybe Inkheart, but I only tried to read that YEARS ago when I was in middle school and didn't even finish it at the time.
Followers please leave recommendations for this lovley anon! Heck I'll probably check them out too lol
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serenhyunjinity · 5 years
stalker! minho
“you look so pretty when you’re sleeping”
word count: 1800+
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She was like a drug to Minho. Her mesmerizing eyes made his heart race ten times faster than it should and her smile caused flocks of butterflies to form in his stomach. Despite the girls who had been interested in him over the past two years, he couldn't help but reject them in hopes that just maybe...he had a chance with y/n.
So here he sat at the back of the room packed full of students in every corner, but he just could not tear his eyes away from the girl sat three rows ahead of him. Her eyes stared at her notebook as she quickly wrote down the information that was being fed out of the professors mouth. Minho’s gaze then landed on the coffee cup placed beside her brown notepad, a small smile tugging at his lips with the thought of her not knowing who would give her the beverages every day before a lecture.
Soon enough the lecture had ended, the students quickly exiting the room to go and do their own activities respectively. “Hey Min, are you coming to practice?” a voice beside him cut off his daydream as he turned towards his best friend, Donghyuk. Besides this class, he also did dance as his major, an assessment due in just two weeks but of course, he had much more on his mind rather than that.
“Sorry, I have to go take Dori to the vet” he politely smiled, leaving his friend to nod and say his farewells. As soon as Donghyuk was out of his sight, his eyes went back to the girls figure, who was in the middle of packing her things into her bag to leave with her two friends, probably to go to their hangout spot behind the large tree in the park nearby. Minho mirrored her actions, but once her laugh greeted his ears, his smile went unnoticed by the friend, Subin, who nudged her as they scrambled past the desks to exit.
As soon as the girls were out of sight, Minho let out a deep sigh before moving from his spot and out of the door, noticing the girl he had been crushing over for far too long in the distance. He grinned just from seeing her beautiful figure walking further and further away from him. Although he knew exactly where she was going, to the library to help clear and sort out the masses of books spread out throughout the library which was usually packed with students studying. So in an instant, he strolled towards the library, though he most definitely was not going to read a book.
The library had what seemed like hundreds of university students bundled on seperate tables. The boy sighed as he watched Heejun, y/n’s previous crush, not so subtly making out with Areum, y/n’s former best friend. He remembers vividly the way you cried when you found out that they began dating, it pained Minho to see you so broken, especially over some other boy. Though he could not cause a scene in the middle of a library, so the boy carried on walking towards the back of the library.
His eyes met the body of the girl he had strong feelings for and a grin appeared on his face without him even realising it. Before she could notice him giving her heart eyes, he dashed behind a stack of books and sat on the chair placed conveniently beside it, his eyes never leaving y/n. Minho carefully observed the girl, her earphones blasting a random song whilst she worked diligently in her assignment. Minho loved everything about her, from the way she would bite her lip whenever she was concentrating on the way her laugh would make his day ten times better.
Minho came here every day, maybe because she would too, after all he had no real reason to come here as he had the books at home along with his assignments mainly being dance based. Yet he was prepared to stay here until y/n had finished, after all he did come here to watch her.
For what seemed like hours, Minho was finally leaving the library which was set to close in ten minutes or so. He never understood how she could stay at this old and boring library for so long, maybe it was because her just did not want to go home and face her family. Leaving the library, the girl stole a glance from Minho, his heart instantly began to race faster and faster by this small action.
“Oh Minho, I didn't know you were here, you should have kept me company” y/n politely smiled at the boy standing before her. She knew his name? A blush crept onto Minho’s cheeks as he nodded at the girl who had now walked over to him. His hands began to shake, perhaps it was because of the cold weather but he knew that it was most likely caused by the beautiful girl standing directly in front of his trembling body.
“You okay?” her eyes got wide and she touched his arm lightly, immediately making Minho flinch.
“Yeah...im fine” as soon as Minho was brought back to his senses, he already wanted to throw himself from a bridge due to him embarrassing himself right in front of the girl he crushed over for years in silence. Although when he made eye contact with the concerned girl, his heart just could not contain itself. Y/n was finally alone with him, there was nobody around, just them. It was almost as if it was like in Minho’s dreams, him and her together, she never looked at anyone else but him.
“Well im going to get some ramen, wanna come?” he almost lost his balance once she asked him to come and eat with her. Without a second thought, the boy mumbled out a yes and began to walk with the girl who was looking over her shoulder whilst walking away. He could not pass up on the opportunity, especially as this could be the day he would make y/n his.
Minho grasped the two packs of ramen in his two hands, the boxes were hot but not scorching. Taking a deep breath, the boy moved towards the table that y/n had seated herself at. Her hands fumbled with her phone as she typed onto the keypad. He had just enough of a view to make out the words she was typing out to her friend, specifically the one from earlier.
He is so creepy, shall i see if he reveals his weird secrets to me so i can expose him? Minho’s smile dropped, she thought he was creepy? His blood began to boil, his mind becoming filled with dark and dangerous thoughts. The girl laughed as she read the friends message, watch out he doesn’t try to harass you, ‘I wouldn't want you getting a creeps STD’s’.
“Oh hi Minho” y/n threw a bright smile towards the anger filled boy who at this point, was very close to throwing the ramen on the ground and letting all of his anger out. Was he just a joke to her? He adored her, protected her from the other boys that would only dream about doing horrendous actions towards her. But no, that seemed to never be appreciated.
“I have to go” he mumbled before placing the two bowls of ramen onto the table and dashing off before she could even shout out a goodbye. Though she thought he had gone back home, that certainly was not the case.
The girl entered her apartment, letting out a deep sigh as she tossed her belongings onto the couch carelessly. She honestly was still confused as to why Minho had left so suddenly, maybe the rumours were true. Everyone said that he would go home and pray at his shrine of girls but it was only a rumour, nobody could actually confirm it. Y/n actually made a bet that she would be able to find out his deep and dark secrets with her friends but she had failed once again.
Furthermore, time had passed and y/n had stripped out of her clothes and hopped into the shower. Thinking nobody would hear, the girl began to hum the words of her favourite song, even though she was very much out of tune. Maybe it was for her own benefit that she was in her own world, as she would not be able to notice the boy standing at the doorway, chuckling to himself with the knife in his hand.
The shower quickly shut off and Minho went into panic mode, where could he hide? Finally, his gaze landed on the wardrobe placed in her bedroom. Immediately, he ran into the white wooden closet and shut it, leaving it only slightly open to get at least a breath of air. His heart began to pound faster when y/n came in, the towel wrapped around her figure as she dried her hair off.
His eyes opened wide as he saw the girl take off the towel, leaving every part of her body to be shown to Minho, who she still had not noticed was in her apartment. A cold sweat began to run down his forehead as she got herself into clothes to sleep in, before taking off any remaining makeup and doing her skincare.
After what seemed like hours, the girl switched off the light and placed herself under the grey sheets of duvet, fluttering her eyes shut after checking her phone. Minho could finally leave his spot, she would not notice him...right? Light snores filled the room and Minho slipped out of the closet, being as quiet as humanly possible. Taking out his phone from his back pocket, he tiptoed over towards her sleeping body. She looked so peaceful.
He smiled lightly before taking a picture of her, the rumours were true. Although he never knew how people managed to gather that, seeing as they had only assumed he would do this. It had not even been the first or second time he had managed to hide himself in her apartment, watching her do the many things a college student gets up to when they are alone.
His eyes drifted over to her phone, grasping it in his own hands and reading the messages from her friends, possibly talking about a study date in the near future. Minho smiled as he took note of the day and where it would be, he was going there too after all, she was going to be there. Before leaving, he leant down and carefully whispered “You look so pretty when you’re sleeping” before exiting the apartment.
The cycle would only recur the next day, next month possibly even next year.
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