#I would like to remind fans to show how we feel with our money
So monster high g1 put Clawdeen and Toralei together in time for a Pride comic… they got together off page… and now new stuff is released where they’ve broken up, again off page. Like 2 months after it was announced they were together at all.
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justmeinadaze · 26 days
I'm In Control: 5 Years Later (Steddie X You)
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Warnings: Pornstars Steddie (Daddy Steve & Sir Eddie) X Porn Agent Sub Fem Reader, SMUT, dp, praising, light hair pulling, after care of course, FLUFF, they love each other, mentions of kids, a bit more emphasis on the readers relationship with TJ.
Protective Steddie! Reader gets assaulted and hurt by the head of a studio she has a meeting with. The attack itself isn't described in detail. Just mentions of the after math (gets a cut on her head). She mentions feeling uncomfortable with the questions the man asks and tells them how he hit her before she ran out of there. Definite trigger warning for anyone who has been in a similar situation.
TJ and Steddie get revenge showing what happens when you "hurt their girl". Reader briefly discusses how the situation reminds her of her life with her religious parents and feeling stuck or trapped. They remind her that she's safe and they will always protect her <3.
Brief mentions of Steddie's fear of being a father. Very brief.
I think that's it.
Word Count: 5493
Full Series Here/ Donate to Me <3
As you watch both men on set, you can’t help but bite your lip as you try to stifle the moan that wants to break free. 
It had been 5 years since TJ let you go to start your own agency and you took off running fairly quickly. You started small in the room the boys had created for you as a work area, managing your three clients as you normally had. As soon as you had enough money and more people to manage, you were able to hire another agent. Someone you vetted personally to make sure they would take good care of their clients and not abuse their trust for financial gain. 
After a couple years, you purchased you own floor within a building and renovated it to fit your needs. Currently, you had four agents with 5 clients a piece and you always made sure everyone was comfortable and helping where you could while still managing the men you loved. Avery trusted your judgement when you suggested he work with one of the new people you hired but Eddie and Steve were steadfast on the notion that they didn’t want anyone but you looking after them. 
Over the past couple years because of how much they were making, they were able to cut down on how many projects they worked and when they did do them it was triple what they made financially in the past. Eddie was able to focus more on his music and found a good fan base on social media that seemed to genuinely care about what he was playing. Steve seemed to push more towards the technical aspect of films with his free time, asking photographers a ton of questions to learn what he could. For his birthday you bought him a camera and he utilized your gift to do photoshoots for some of the newer actors and actresses who needed headshots to find work. 
You still came to the shoots when you could especially when they were filming a scene together like today. As Steve slammed his release into the man below him, Eddie spilled onto the sheets in front of him while his tongue continued to rapidly flick at the clit in front of his face till the actress trembled and screamed obnoxiously in pleasure. 
“Cut! Good job everybody. That’s wrap for the day and I’ll call you guys if we need any reshoots.”
“Thanks Cal.”, Eddie beamed as they both sauntered your way. “Baaaaby.”
It was no longer a secret within the industry that were dating the hottest stars in porn especially now that you were your own agent and you appreciated being able to have regular couple PDA instead of hiding your relationship. 
“You guys did so good.”, you smile as you tilt up to kiss both their lips. “Are you ready to head home?”
“Yeah, we just need to grab our things. You don’t need to go by the office or anything?”, Steve asks.
“Hm not tonight.”, you answer as you watch them get dressed near their bags. “I’m still waiting for a call from Diamond Studios. The owner has phenomenal productions and I would love to get some clients in that door.”
“They’ll call, baby. They’d be insane not to.”, the metalhead praises as they take your hands in theirs and you head towards your car. 
Steve softly grins at you as your eyebrows scrunch together while sorting through some of your work documents in your shared bed. They were always attracted to your work ethic and need to make sure everything goes smoothly. They experienced it first-hand since day one and it was one of their favorite things about you. 
Dipping towards his nightstand, he grabs his camera, focusing it and taking a picture of you without you realizing until you hear the little click sound. 
“Steve.”, you giggle. “What are you doing? I’m a mess!”
“I think you look beautiful; wearing one of Eddie’s shirts with your hair up in that ‘I’m trying to focus’ messy hair bun.”
Rolling your eyes, you lightly kick him with your foot as you both laugh and the metalhead tosses a grin your way. 
“Hey. Come here, sweetheart, and look at this.”
As you curl up closer to Eddie’s side, he lifts his arm to wrap around your shoulders and adjusts the laptop he had been staring at for a while so you could take a look. On the screen was a gorgeous one-story, four-bedroom house with a lot of square feet that expanded the length of what seemed like a property near the beach. 
While flipping through the individual photos, both men commentated on every one. 
“That would be a good home office for you, honey. You can keep the window open and listen to the waves.”
“I can use this room for my guitars and recording when I work on my music.”, Eddie adds. “This basement area here Steve can use for his photography developing and equipment.”
“Oh, baby, look. We could sit on that patio at night and just relax.”, the other boy grins as he leans against your bicep.
“It is a beautiful home.”, you smile. “Whose is it?”
“Ours.” Their eyes watch as you sit up and furrow your eyebrows in confusion. “If you really do like it, of course.”
“Eddie… this is a beach front property. It’s most likely super expensive.”
“Not super expensive but it definitely had a price tag. With Steve and my income alone we were able to put a good chunk of money down. I just got the email from the realtor and they said we could move in within a couple of months.”
“But…I…” Your mind continued to reel as you tried to comprehend what was happening. “We don’t need thatmuch space. You know I can work from anywhere in the house and what would that additional room be for?”
“We were thinking our kids.”
You blinked and exhaled heavily at his words.
“Baby, Steve and I have been thinking about this for a while. You’ve been with us through everything for the last 5 years and our porn careers are at the highest they’ve ever been.  Now we want to experience the rest of our lives with you and that includes a family.”
“Not right now of course but whenever you’re ready, baby girl.”, Steve coos as he brushes some of your hair behind your ear so they can see more of your face.
“I didn’t think either of you would want to have kids with me.” Genuinely taken aback by your statement, they sit up and turn their bodies more to face your direction. “I’m sorry… I know it’s been so long since what happened at the wedding but…” At your mention of the event that caused them to lose you for a couple of weeks, they couldn’t help but hang their heads. “… I know you both have come so far when it comes to me and our relationship but since we never really talked about having kids I just assumed after what you told me back then that—”
“We’d be too afraid to have them.”, Eddie finishes for you. “I can understand why you would think that but, honestly sweetheart, when I look at you and think about having a son or daughter I don’t feel any fear.”
“You showed us we can be good men and we know with you by our side, we’d be good fathers.”
Smiling at their answer, you tilt towards them and give them each a soft kiss on the lips. 
“Yeah you would. Ok, let’s do it. I think it’s the perfect home for us and our future little family.”
“Steve Harrington why are you taking my picture?”, Eddie chuckles as he strums his guitar.
“Hey, I take pictures of everyone and you’re giving me a good photo op right now.”, the other man grins as he snaps another. 
“I think you’re just bored because Y/N’s in her meeting.”, the metalhead teased. 
This morning you had gotten a call from the studio you had been waiting to hear from and left in the afternoon to meet with him at his office. Unless they had a gig you scheduled for them, both men usually did their own thing around the house until you came back home or visited you in your office like they used to. 
“Hey baby.”, Steve coos as he turns to face the front door when he hears it open before his features fall and Eddie watches him run forward, getting up to hastily follow. “Y/N, what happened?!”
As they skidded to where you were kneeling on the floor, the long-haired boy cupped your cheeks in his palms as his eyes scanned over the blood coming from a cut on your temple near your eyebrow.
“I’ll get the kit.”, the other man declared as he ran towards the bedroom. 
“It’s ok, sweetheart. Everything’s ok. You’re safe now.”
Steve slides to the floor again and tears through the box, finding what he needs as he places the cotton on you wound making you wince.
“I know. I know, baby girl, I’m sorry.”
Carefully, Eddie reaches for your blouse but you flinch as you try to lift your arms. Not wanting to cause you anymore pain, the metalhead rips your shirt with his hands and his jaw tightens when he sees the indent of where your shirt had been yanked against your skin. 
“What happened, Y/N? Did that fucker hurt you?”
Instead of answering, you tackled your arms around him as you sobbed in his embrace.
Without saying a word, Steve opened the door to allow TJ into their home. Your former boss took in the situation before him as he nodded a silent hello to Eddie who was sitting beside you on the couch. 
While you were in the shower they called TJ thinking he may be able to get you to tell them what happened since you hadn’t said a word since you came home. He had known you way before you met them and you told them once you thought of him like a father figure so they knew you felt safe with him. 
Grabbing one of the dining room chairs, he placed it in front of you and took a seat. 
“The guys told me you three were looking into a house by the beach. Good because this house is way too small for you, angel.”, he chuckles as he nonchalantly glances around the living room. “You were always meant for bigger, better things.”
Your bottom lip quivers at his compliment and Eddie tenderly pets your head as Steve’s worried eyes continue to rake over you from his place against the wall. 
“I also heard you were trying to get in touch with the owner of Diamond Studios. The guy who started it was a good man before he retired. I never got to meet the man he passed it off to. But you did this afternoon, didn’t you, honey?”
As you nod, you wipe your eyes with your fingers as the tears begin to fall. 
“Did you go to the studio?” He blinks and exhales with a bit of relief when you nod again. “Good. I always said, ‘Never meet anyone at their house alone no matter what they say.’”
“H-He lets his employees go at 2pm.”, you whisper.
“Her meeting was at 1:30.”, Steve growled as his fists clenched under his crossed arms. 
“When did you start noticing something wasn’t right?”, TJ asked in a comforting tone. 
“He asked me questions that w-w-weren’t about my agents. He asked if I’ve ever been in front of the camera and what I enjoyed… I told him if he wasn’t interested in my agents and their clients then I had to leave.”
“Good, good. Then what happened?” As you began to stutter over your words, your former boss grabs your hands and softly holds them in his. “Take your time, angel.”
“H-H-He grabbed my arm when I tried to get up and s-s-said that he knows I want this because…”
“Because you’re with us.”, Eddie finished when you paused. 
“We fought and he hit me…”
“Ok, honey. Is that everything?” When you nodded again all three men sighed in relief. “You’re safe, baby, ok?”
You blinked as your eyes met his. TJ always called you angel but only ever called you baby when that protective dad mode kicked in. 
Rising to his feet, he tenderly kissed your forehead before gesturing towards the kitchen for the other men to follow. 
“Do you know where he is right now?”, Steve grumbled trying to control his temper. 
“No but I can find out. Give me 10 minutes.”
His eyes followed you as you ran after both men as they disappeared down the hallway to the bedroom. 
“Take me with you.”
“Stay here and we’ll be back in about an hour or so.”, Eddie commanded as if he hadn’t heard you.
“I’m not waiting here while the men I love go out there and defend me. We do things together.”
“This isn’t a fucking date, Y/N. Now, do as we say and stay here.”
“NO, DADDY!” They paused, turning to face you as you screamed their way. “No. That asshole hurt me. I deserve to see you do whatever you two are planning on doing.” Your defiant features began to falter slightly as the tears began to fall again and the metalhead stepped forward to caress your cheek. “I won’t get in the way, Sir, I promise.”
You saw it in their eyes the more you spoke. The titles were in the driver’s seat the moment you stepped through the door. Someone had the audacity to hurt you and they were going to do whatever needed to be done to not only show you that you were safe but to show the outside world what happens when you hurt what’s theirs. 
“His name is Bryce Hunter. He’s at a party at some swanky house downtown.”, TJ rolls his eyes. “I can get you in and then after I deliver my message you can deliver yours.”
“Hey, TJ! How are things going, old man.”
All three men were on alert but especially Eddie and Steve as their angry eyes took in their surroundings. Covered in the metalhead’s leather jacket, you kept your head on a swivel as you searched, trying to help them find who they were all looking for. 
“Not so good, Trent. Do you know where Bryce Hunter is?”
“Pfft, that asshole.” The man rolls his eyes as he points towards the stairs. “I saw him go upstairs with one of the other actresses.”
After patting his back as if to say thank you, TJ heads that way and begins opening doors with you by his side, murmuring apologies along the way to every unfortunate couple he caught in the act. At the last door he banged open, a man and a woman hastily jump apart as you back up and take Eddie’s hand in yours. 
“That’s him.”
“Miss, go ahead and head back downstairs. Trust us, you don’t want to have anything to do with this guy here.”
As she straightens up her dress, her wide eyes meet yours as she takes in the bandage on your face. Nodding her head, you can tell she knows and understands, squeezing your palm on her way out for emphasis before closing the door after she leaves. 
“The fuck is—”
TJ’s fist hits Bryce’s face hard and as he falls to the floor you back out of the away as your boys step forward to stand at his side. 
“Hey Bryce. My name is TJ. I don’t think we’ve met yet but I assure you that you are never going to forget my face.” He punches him again and grabs his collar, yanking him up right. “You see that girl over there? Not only did I train her to be the agent and company owner she is today but I’d like to think of her as part of my family. You hurt someone in my family, Bryce.”
“Congratulations, we’re going to make an example out of you tonight. If you or any other person even thinks about touching Y/N Y/L/N, we’ll be by to visit again and we won’t be so nice. Most people in the industry here already know that but just in case can you double check?”
“Y-Y-Yes, sir. I’m…I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean to—”
“Oh, Bryce. Yes, you did.” TJ rises to his full height and gestures towards the man on the floor. “All yours, gentlemen.”
“Wait! Wait, I thought—”
“You thought wrong.”, Steve growled as he grabbed the man’s collar and punched him hard.
Your former boss gave you a small smile as you silently thanked him before closing the door behind him.
The entire car ride back home was silent but every mile that passed you felt the energy get thicker and thicker with need. The way their dominance oozed while protecting you drove you insane especially when they spoke.
“You had the fucking audacity to put your hands on any woman but especially ours.”, Eddie grumbled as he kicked Bryce’s stomach. “She deserves respect.”
“I’m sorry! I’m so fucking sorry.”, he cried. 
“Oh no, little boy. Are you crying? Are you scared? Probably about as scared as she was when you told her she was a whore and hit her across the face.”, Steve seethed through clenched teeth. “If I were you, I would beg her for forgiveness because your fate is in her hands.”
Bryce’s wide eyes flicked between you and the other two men. 
“You don’t want that up to us. If we had it our way, you’d be in the fucking hospital by now. What do you think, baby? Has he been punished enough?”
When all you do is glare his way, he begins to plead desperately. 
“Please, Y/N. I’m so sorry. Nothing like this will ever happen again. I promise. I learned my lesson.”
“You’re right, it won’t. I’m going to do everything in my power to make sure your studio is shut down and you never hurt anyone else again.”
“NO! Y/N, please, I can’t—”
When he ran forward, Eddie grabbed his collar and threw him back to the ground. 
“You should have thought about that before doing what you did and we’re going to help her follow through with that.” 
As he kicked him again, your hand reached out to grab his arm. 
“That’s enough, Sir.” His chest puffed out as he continued to heavily inhale and exhale, desperately wanting to hurt this man more. Facing Steve, his equally rage filled eyes seem to calm as they meet your softer ones. “I think we’ve punished him enough this way, Daddy.”
Blinking, he curtly nodded and took your other hand as you three walked back out into the party. 
Pausing in the doorway of your house, your palm tugged their arms causing them to stop and look your way. You had closed your eyes to try and suffocate the tears that had begun to fall, frustrated at the feeling of being helpless.
“You’re not weak.”, Eddie murmured as he stepped towards you. “What happened wasn’t your fault. I’ve known you for almost six years and I’m 100% positive that you went in there was the same strength and power you always carry. Don’t let a fucker like him make you think you’re anything but.”
Taking your hands in his, he rests his forehead against yours. 
“You’re also not weak for being scared. Someone tried to belittle and hurt you. He put his hands on you…”, he growled, closing his mouth as he exhaled through his nose making you cup his face in your palms. 
“Is it werid that…I was more afraid for you? I don’t want you to get hurt or lose everything because of me…”
“Baby girl…we would give up everything willingly for you if it meant keeping you happy and safe. You think we care about our fucking careers or anything else more than you? No, little miss. If we ever lost you…” As Steve’s eyes close and his head tilts, you quickly jump into his arms as he holds you tightly. “Fucking asshole is lucky we didn’t fucking kill him.”
Your lips almost desperately crash to his as the needy energy within you implodes. Steve blindly carries you towards the nearest flat service he can find and places you on the kitchen counter as you hastily tug at his belt buckle trying to free his cock from its confinement. 
It’s a bit manic the way you pull off your shorts and panties while clinging to his collar to bring him as close to you as possible. You hadn’t even removed Eddie’s jacket loving the heavy comfort it brought you but you needed more. Spitting into your own palm, Steve groaned as you stroked along his length before slowly guiding him into your core. 
His large hand takes hold of your lower back, bringing you closer to the edge of the counter as he rolls his hips at a needy pace. Your arms wrapped around him as he rested his head in the nook between your neck and shoulders. With every slap of his hips, his warm breath would warm your skin as he panted out a groan. 
“I love you, Daddy, so much.” In response, Steve’s lips attached to your throat as his tongue grazed your flesh. “Thank you for protecting me and taking care of me.”
At your praise, his rhythm increased as he pounded his cock deeper into your cunt eliciting a loud mewl that had you biting into his shoulder. 
“Fuck.”, he whimpered as his fingers threaded through your hair and pulled lightly as he felt your body tremble against his as you came. 
Tilting your head back, his lips sloppily kissed yours and you hummed at the taste before you felt him back away and ring covered fingers gripped your thighs as you were lifted once more.
Eddie had already removed his shirt and as your nails dragged down his chest he couldn’t help but moan as he carried you halfway down the hallway before stopping to press your back against the wall. 
Just as you had done with Steve, you circled your limbs around his neck and the metalhead kept one hand on you as he choppily pulled down his shorts just enough for his cock to spring free. Ever the master of his craft, Eddie utilized his hips to guide himself inside you and adjusted you around his waist. 
“Mmph—I love you, Sir. I a-always feel safe with you, baby. Thank you. I’m so happy I belong to you both.”
His grunts had your eyes rolling closed as he continuously hit that sensitive spot inside you that only they could every reach. That desperate feeling washed over you again and you held on to him with all the strength you had as your maneuvered your hips to meet his animal-like thrusts with ones of your own. 
As the coil snapped, you rode out your high and whimpered his title till the ecstasy subsided. Pushing his face into your neck, you petted his head as your soft voice hit both their ears. 
“I didn’t get scared until he grabbed my shirt. I thought I could talk my way out of the situation like I had done before when I was uncomfortable but when I started to leave and he grabbed me…” When your voice cracks, Eddie leans back so he can see your face as your eyes meet his own. “I know it sounds dramatic but when he hit my head and I hit the floor…all I could think about was you and Steve. How you’d be alone and hurting if I didn’t…make it back home.”
As you sobbed, the metalhead pressed you tightly to his chest and carried you to your bedroom with the other man close behind. After fully undressing you and laying you between them, their lips gently kissed your skin as their hands pet your head or rubbed along your arms. 
After lifting one of your legs over his waist, Eddie and Steve guided themselves into your body and a heavy exhale mixed with a mewl left your lips. This is how it was supposed to be; the three of you together. 
Between them and tangled in their arms is where you felt the safest. 
“I’m so sorry this ha-happened, sweetheart.”, Eddie groaned. “Something like that will never—mmm—never happen again.”
“Because now they know…”, Steve followed. “…what will happen when they fuck with our girl.”
“Ours.”, you repeat as your fingers hold the man’s hand while cupping the metalhead’s cheek with your other. 
“Yeah, little miss. Ours. Fuck.”, the long-haired boy whimpered as his lips met yours and both their rhythms matched as they pounded into you, their cocks abusing all of your sensitive areas as you became putty in their grasp. 
“M’gonna cum, Sir. Please, baby, j-just like that. Can I—”
Eddie’s aggressive nodding cut off your question and your face pressed into his shoulder as you let go, clenching around him as you came. He soon followed with a strained sounding grunt as fingers tangled in your hair and his hips sputtered as he filled you up. 
“C-Cum…Cum, Daddy. Please…I need you to.”
Steve’s sweaty body presses flat against yours as he rolls his hips roughly till you feel his release warm your insides. 
Nobody moved as you listened to their breathing slowly return to normal. After a while, they carefully pulled out of you and turned on the shower, waiting for the steam to rise before stepping side. A small smirk painted your lips as they descended on to the tile floor with you in tow, choosing not to even ask this time if you wanted to sit. 
Steve delicately ran a rag over your body but your hand abruptly grabbing his gave him pause as you looked over his knuckles. 
“Does it hurt?”, you ask in a curious, little voice that tells them you haven’t fully exited the headspace yet. 
“No, honey. I mean, it stings a little but probably nothing compared what that asshole is feeling.”
Before you can get the chance, Eddie flashes you his hands to show you the minimal cuts he was now donning on his own knuckles. 
“My rings took a lot of the impact. When I get into a fight I usually take them off to be fair but this fucker hurt our girl. He doesn’t get fair.”
You nod as your eyes fell and you curl up into his chest. 
“What are you thinking about, pretty girl?”
“I…I didn’t like the way he made me feel vulnerable. It…made me feel like…when I was a kid and my parents would scold me and my brother about being evil. He kind of…mentally pushed back…to a place I long let go of…”
Turning off the water, both men helped get you dry and placed you on the counter by the sink so they could look over your own wounds. 
“We can understand that. When your vulnerable with us, you’re still in control. You know we would never hurt you. With your family and then Bryce…you felt trapped.”, Eddie explained, validating your feelings as he brushed your hair away from your face so he could place a new bandage on your cut. “Don’t ever forget, sweetheart, that you always have us. No matter where you are, you’ll never be trapped or stuck because we’ll come save you.”
“Kind of sounds like we’re the mob.”, Steve chuckles as he watches his friend cover the gauze with a band aid before placing a gentle kiss on your forehead.
“Hey now, Stevie.”, Eddie responds with a fake gangster voice that makes you giggle. “This is our baby girl and NO ONE hurts our girl or else they swim with da fishes, ya hear?”
You’re still laughing as he lifts you in his arms and carries you back to bed. 
3 Months Later
“Lucky, slut! Then again, I can never sit still long enough to have a home let alone one by the beach. Lol. It’s a beautiful view, Y/N. I can’t wait to come and visit.”
You grin at your brother’s text as you place the phone down on the table and lean back in your chair to admire your nighttime view of the beach setting in front of you. You three, TJ, and Avery had spent all day moving your things from their house to this new one as well as any of the new furniture you bought on the guy’s instance for the new space to feel more like a home. 
“Alright, I think that’s everything. Now you just need to have a homecoming party to christen it.”, your former boss beams as he takes a seat beside you and takes a sip from the beer in his hand. 
“I believe it’s called housewarming, not homecoming.”, you giggle. 
“Eh, tomato ta-ma-toe.”, he shrugs before gesturing towards your phone. “I, uh, heard that Bryce Hunter was fired from Diamond Studios and a new head took over the company.”
“Huh. You don’t say.”, you playfully pout as you tilt your head. 
“Yeah, some kid is in charge of the studio now. Avery something, I think.”
“What did I do?”, the man inquires as he takes a seat near you. 
“Look, I just made a call to some people and suggested an amazing young man who I knew could handle a business like that and would be respectful of all the people in the productions.”
“Oh, you’re talking about Y/N getting me the job of head of Diamond Studios.”, Avery giggled as TJ jokingly rolled his eyes. 
“Nothing gets past you, kid.”
“Oh, don’t act like you aren’t proud of him. We both know you have a kind heart, old man.”
When your eyes meet his, you deliver him a soft smile silently thanking him for everything he’s done for you and in return he reaches over and tenderly pats the back of your hand. 
“Shit! Steve, get your camera. TJ’s showing affection.”, Eddie shouts as he tosses a pizza box onto the table as your boss lets you go and sighs. 
“See? This is why I don’t tell you people anything.”
Steve lifts you out of your seat to take it and pull you on to his lap. 
“Thank you guys for helping us move. We really appreciate it.”
While everyone talks and enjoys the meal, you take in your little chosen family. Your parents always believed that certain behaviors were sinful yet from an early age none of it made sense to you. To you, these four men were angels and you had no idea where you would be without them. They made you feel loved unconditionally and you trusted them with every fiber of your being. You felt safe and protected which is something you never had growing up.
“Hey, you. Everything ok?”, Eddie asked later that night while you were in bed staring out the sliding glass door that led to the patio outside. 
“Yeah. I’m just thinking about how lucky I am to have you two and the guys.”, you sigh pleasantly, giggling when tattooed arms wrap around your tummy and spin you to the middle of the mattress where Steve lays on the opposite side. 
“Hey. You deserve this.”, he grins as he gestures absently around the room. “You deserve to be happy.”
“So do you.”, you smile back as you kiss his lips. 
“Trust us, princess. We’ve never been happier. You changed our lives, baby, and for the better.”
Tilting your head back you kiss the metalhead’s lips as well as he yanks you closer to his chest. 
“Speaking of ‘baby’. When, um, when did you guys want to…I mean when were you thinking…?”, you stutter making their grins grow. 
“Whenever you want, little miss.”
“I can schedule an appointment with my doctor to get off the birth control but whose, um,…”
“Oh my God, Eddie look. The porn agent is blushing at the word sperm. That’s so cute.”, Steve teases as you cover your face with your palm trying to hide.
“No, sweetheart, no don’t hide. Harrington and I planned this out. We’re going to duke it out battle of the death style and whoever is still standing gets to give you sperm.”
They laugh harder when you lightly elbow him in the side and your cheeks get even redder. 
“It’s ok, baby. We were thinking since we’d both be dad you know we didn’t need to know. We can just both try… no matter who helped create them they’re ours.”
“Ok. Whatever makes you comfortable.”, you smile, turning red all over again when they both kiss your cheeks. 
Im working with an old tag list so bear with me <3
@gracieluvthemoon @e-munson666 @alienthings @lunatictardis
@corrodedcorpses @whoringtonmunswhore @big-ope-vibes
@eddiesguitarskills @brittney69 @mandyjo8719 @hugdealer
@h3llo-k1tt @mynameismothra @local-stoner-bitch
@miarosso @imjuststeddietrashatthispoint @arianafreckles
@sweetpuffy12 @mybradforddream @sugar-haus
@manda-panda-monium @justsheerfilth1
@wroteclassicaly @micheledawn1975
@erinsingalong @imogen-m-h @playfuloutcast @spookedbydawn
@cinnamapup @bimbobaggins69
@justmeandmymeanderingthoughts @skyesthebomb
@sherrylyn628 @eli-flower @aejae-ssi @atomiclilac
@anaibis @chelebelletx @kik51199 @dashingdeb16 @nailbatanddungeon @hardladyheart
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end-otw-racism · 1 year
#Vote to End OTW Racism
A Call To Action
Earlier this week the OTW responded to our previous action and reaffirmed their commitment towards combating and preventing racism within its platforms. 
They also thanked us for working to keep holding them accountable to their goals and we intend to keep doing so. 
To that end, Fandom Against OTW Racism is calling for our Second Action!! This action is centered around the upcoming Board Elections set for August 11-14. We want to encourage everyone who can to participate in the election process and spread the word far and wide about these elections! 
Currently, 4 of the 7 Board positions are up for election, which is a majority. Now is the time to get involved. In light of multiple accounts coming forth about the state of the organization, it is clear that fundamental changes need to happen – and those can only happen with a shift in leadership, from what we currently have to one that is capable of supporting and implementing those much-needed changes.
Please join us in calling upon our fellow fans to vote to make things better for all of us!
How to get involved:
With four Board Seats open, now is the perfect time to act and make this issue a key component of this election to select people who demonstrate a commitment to combating racism in our fannish spaces. So if you can, please plan to vote this election cycle!!
If you already are a member, use your voice and Vote. If you have donated in any of the fundraising drives for AO3 in the last year, you are likely eligible. You can check your eligibility status here by selecting “Is my membership current/Am I eligible to vote?”
If you are not currently a member or eligible, consider donating $10.00 so that you can gain membership in OTW and be able to vote. In order to vote your donation must be received by June 30th. 
When donating you can add ‘End OTW Racism’ to the ‘In Honor Of’ field if you feel comfortable doing so.
If you donate, ensure you select the yes to the ‘Do you want to be an OTW member?’ question
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[alt text: image of text that reads “Do you want to be an OTW member? ($10 minimum donation)” with two radio buttons to select from with the choices of “Yes” or “No”]
We understand that many people may not be comfortable doing so or may be unable to and that is perfectly fine! You are under no obligation to spend any money and we do not want to pressure anyone into doing so. There are plenty other ways to get the word out to encourage others to vote as well as continue to show support for this issue.
Other ways to get involved:
When posting a new fanwork between now and August 14, add ‘Vote to End OTW Racism’ to your title and provide a link to the End OTW Racism blog in your top Author’s Note. Reminder: New fanworks participating in the action are always welcome to join our AO3 collection.
For those who may not be creating works or who use AO3 just for commenting/ kudosing, create a Pseud named Vote To End OTW Racism. AO3 will automatically append your default name at the end. So it would look like “Vote To End OTW Racism (Your Name)
Add a link back to this call to action on your profile page, for anyone clicking on your name to see. 
Update your pfps/avatars/user icons across social media
Participate in the upcoming Board Meeting between now and the election (August 11-14). The next Board Meeting is scheduled for July 2 and we will post an explainer about how to participate soon!
Send a letter to the Board encouraging them to be more transparent and to better advertise their Board Meetings. (credit to Punk who allowed us to utilize their work for this template)
Submit questions during the Q&A period with the Board Nominees. (We will post about this closer to election time)
Follow us on Tumblr, Twitter or Dreamwidth as we will be reviewing Board Candidates through the lens of our goals and providing more information on how to be involved over the election period. 
676 notes · View notes
penny00dreadful · 1 year
Part 1 Part 3
The F-slur is mentioned here but only mentioned, not used to attack or demean.
“I don’t have a wife. I have… I have a husband.” 
Future-Eddie slapped him on the shoulder. “Hell yeah you do.”
“They legalise it? They-” Robin looked over at her future self, her eyes glossy. “W- they can get married?”
“Yeah.” Future-Robin squeezed Steve and Robin closer. “Yeah. They can get married. Just in a couple of places to start but then country-wide.”
Nancy nodded along as though this was all tactical information useful for defeating Vecna. “Is anyone else going to come through?”
Future-Eddie shrugged. “Not sure. I think Robin and I were zapped here because our past and future selves were in the same geographical location when there was a pulse. So, sorry to say, Nance, but you’re definitely not about to pop in.”
“Why? Where am I?”
“Still on a plane back from Alaska last I heard.”
“What on earth was I doing in Alaska?”
“Spy shit.” The two time travellers said in unison.
Nancy uncharacteristically stumbled in surprise. “Spy shit? Seriously?”
“Well, personally I believe you’re an international 007, Agent Wheeler, but most of the rest think it’s just plain old boring investigative journalism.” His future counterpart clearly hadn’t lost any theatricality with time. 
In fact it seemed to have gotten worse as he waved his arms around. “You’re like, the top dog at it, dude. Literally so good at it that barely anyone knows your name which you definitely use to your advantage. You’re super cagey on details. 
“But this time around, you were in Korea when shit hit the fan. Again, don’t know what you were doing there but I did hear Pyongyang mentioned once so you were only a jump away from Kamchatka when Ellie felt a disturbance in the force so you volunteered to go see if it was the Ruskies again, but no dice. Completely filled in with concrete. We have no idea how you got there so quickly but my money is on spy shit.”
Nancy stared at him open-mouthed as he spoke.
“So… So I do it? I make it? I succeed?”
“More than succeed.”
“And,” Nancy bit her lip, like she didn’t really want to ask the question but she was burning to know nonetheless. “The whole… marriage and kids thing?”
Future-Eddie glanced toward Steve, occupied by Future-Robin who was trying to distract him from the conversation and Eddie’s heart sank.
“Nance, don’t take this the wrong way but I don’t think you ever wanted that. I think you were told to want that, as a woman, but it was never you. You don’t have any kids, you’re not married and I don’t think you ever want to be.”
Nancy looked almost relieved at the information and Eddie was so confused. 
He still had a thousand questions firing around his head so he decided to latch onto something mentioned earlier. 
“Who’s Cassie?”
Future-Eddie smiled softly. “She’s my youngest.”
Eddie choked on thin air. “Kid?!”
“Your youngest kid is my age?”
“God, dude. Don’t remind me. You’ll make me feel so old.”
“You are old.”
His future self shoved his arm. “Watch it, whippersnapper.”
“Who’re your other kids?”
“Here, let me show you.” He pulled a slab of something out of his pocket before shaking his head and pulling his wallet out instead. “I think a phone would be a bit too much, so we’ll do the wallet.”
Eddie blinked. “Right.” Like he knew whatever the fuck the guy was on about.
Future-Eddie pulled some photos loose and in the pile Eddie caught sight of a hairy muscular thigh and a torso littered in old scars stretched obscenely out on a bed and dressed in black lace before the photo was swiftly snatched out of sight and Future-Eddie stuffed it down his pants.
“Woah, whoops! You don’t need to be seeing that!”
“Eddie!” Future-Robin called, staring at him wide eyed. “Oh my god, you keep that photo in your wallet?!”
“It was an anniversary gift!”
“He’s going to rip you a new asshole once he finds out.”
“God.” Future-Eddie breathed. “I hope so.”
Eddie knew his face must be lobster red. From what he had just seen of his future husband, he was hot, metal as shit with those scars and willing to do things like… that?! He’d hit the damn jackpot. 
If only he’d seen his face.
“Moving on!” Future-Eddie called brightly. “My girls.” He held out a photo of three teenagers backstage at some kind of concert. It looked like they were laughing at something that had just happened behind the camera, their backs to the stage. They all looked wildly different from each other. 
“They’re older now, obviously, but this photo… It’s my favourite. Rhea, Poppy and Cassie." He pointed at each of them respectively 
The girl on the left looked to be the oldest, blonde and short with glasses, dressed in oversized flannels and baggy ripped jeans. Her mouth was wide open in what must have been a cackle, nearly bent double with one hand on her sister's shoulder, keeping her balance.
The girl in the middle was taller, her hair was dyed a dark purple colour with two piercings over her black painted lips, dressed in flowing black lace. She had both hands up as if she’d just been hiding behind them, her eyes wide and incredulous, seeming to only really let out a giggle.
The third was a similar height to the girl in the middle, black haired and freckled, dressed in bright pastel colours with a cast on her arm. She was half hiding her face behind her hair, turned towards her sisters but her smile was so wide her eyes all but disappeared.
They all looked so happy together. 
Holy shit. 
He only ever had Wayne and now… well, in the future he has a husband and three daughters (holyshitholyshitholyshit), he’d built a family.
“Pretty unbelievable, right?” Future-Eddie smiled across at him, warm and content.
“Just wait ‘till you find out what he does for work!” Future-Robin shouted at him from up ahead.
Work? Eddie had never had a job before and everything in his future seemed so perfect, maybe this was the downer. God he hoped it wasn’t some corporate bullshit.
“What do you do for work?”
Future-Eddie blushed which was very fucking odd and scratched at the back of his neck. “I’m retired.” He shrugged.
“Eddie. You’re not going to tell him?”
“How can I tell him? Look at him! He’s having the worst week of his life! He’s being hunted by a town full of evangelical nutjobs, you think he’ll believe me if I tell him I have two Grammys and a Tony?!”
“Okay, pause.” Eddie put his hand to his future self’s chest, stopping them both. “I’m gonna need you to run that by me again.”
Because no fuckin’ way, man.
Not a chance it meant what he thought it meant.
Not him. 
Not some little rat goblin from rural Indiana.
“Two Grammys.”
Future-Eddie nodded. “Two Grammys and a Tony.”
Eddie wrinkled his nose before scoffing. “Why a Tony?”
“It’s called branching out, dude. Don’t gatekeep, it’s not a good look.”
Future-Robin grimaced from up ahead. “Sorry, he’s sensitive.”
“Yes, I’m sensitive, Rob! Lloyd Webber can suck my dick!” He grumbled and muttered in a way that was clearly supposed to be an imitation, “Not built for writing a broadway musical my asshole.”
“You’re… we’re like, famous?”
Future-Eddie shrugged. “Yeah. Kinda.”
“With two Grammys.”
“We would have more if we didn’t get banned.” He muttered again, clearly not supposed to be overheard.
Eddie just stared. “Dude! How the hell do you get banned from the Grammys?”
Future-Robin faltered in her steps ahead, stuttering in the middle of her answer to Robin about her work as a translator in Geneva.
His future self started to walk again, trying to brush him off. “Uh… You know what? It’s a long story, I don’t think we should-” 
Eddie caught up. “No, no. This is my potential future right? I should know, maybe I can avoid it?”
Future-Eddie raised his hand to his jaw again, almost unconsciously, like those words hit him on multiple levels.
“Some things can’t be avoided, I don’t think.” He sighed heavily. “Alright. I got outed. Publicly. It wasn’t pretty. And it wasn’t just me, my husband got outed too. We called a blackmailer's bluff and they followed through.”
Eddie shook his head, disbelieving. “They banned you because you got outed?”
“No… not exactly. Okay, listen. I was in a really dark place at the time and I was so, so angry and you know what we’re like when we’re angry. It was incredibly controversial at the time and still is, kinda. Like a black stain on the band's past but I wouldn’t take it back if I could, you understand me?
“When I wrote it I was feeling super toxic and bitter and I’m not excusing it because it was so personal but the younger generation have picked it up again and they’re seeing it like it was meant to be seen. Like it’s about having to hide and live in fear all the time and how stressful and unfair it is and-”
Eddie sped up his steps just a little so he could look at his future self. “What did you do?” 
“I…” Future-Eddie twisted at his wedding band. “I released a song called ‘Faggot’ and it’s exactly as painful as you think.”
Eddie sucked in a breath through his teeth. “Oh.”
“Yeah. Listen, I don’t really know how this whole divergent paths thing will work, how much of my life you will or won’t experience after this. But everything I went through, everything, made me who I am today. It’s going to be really hard and it really fucking sucks sometimes. But it got me my girls. It got me my husband. I wouldn’t give it up for anything, you understand me?”
He looked back down at the ground, contemplating. Even though he’d just heard of some truly awful shit that might happen to him at some point, he couldn’t help agreeing with his future self. He had the girls. They seemed happy. He had a husband and he seemed truly content with him, even if Steve’s shadow was still overhanging. But he didn’t really know that for sure. He wanted to know about who he was married to, even if he didn’t want to know who.
“Tell me about him?”
Future-Eddie’s face split into a wide grin. “I thought you’d never ask. He’s the biggest fucking dork I know. The sweetest guy in the world, kindergarten teacher, little league coach… he sees everything. Self sacrificial streak a mile wide, giving me grey hairs.” He laughed.
“Sounds like a normie.”
“The normiest. It’s adorable.”
“Eddie!” Future-Robin called, waving him over from up ahead. “I need you, c’mere.”
“That’s sweet, baby. But it would never work between us.”
She rolled her eyes. “Jesus Christ, do you have an off switch?”
Future-Eddie’s grin turned feral. “I-”
“No!” She held up her hand. “Stop. Just come here, fucking hell.”
Eddie watched his own future counterpart practically skip over to the others, throwing his arms around both Robins and Nancy while his mind spun like a record without the needle down.
Fuckin’ time travel, man. What were the odds? But what were the odds of an alternate dimension and demon bats and demon dogs and just general demon fuckery?
And he was fucking married? What the shit. Like he’d pretty much resigned himself to short term secret shameful relationships or quick encounters in whatever club bathroom he ended up at in the city.
Some kind of life of settling down, with kids no less, was not something he’d ever dare believe…
Eddie looked over. Steve was walking beside him, staying remarkably steady despite his wounds.
He smiled at him but it was a little strained at the edges. “You have a husband.”
“I have a husband.”
And it was only really then that it hit him. Those words. Those words felt so… fantastic to say.
It wasn’t just the fact that he’d come out.
It was the fact that the words ‘I have a husband.’ meant that he had a husband. Someone who loved him unconditionally. Someone who stuck with his eccentricities and his trash panda tendencies. His parents were a terrible example for marriage and he knew, he knew that he would never allow himself to end up that way.
So this had to be it.
This had to be real.
“I don’t think I’d mind a husband.”
Eddie stopped dead.
Steve turned to look at him, a small smirk on his face. He strode two steps in front, continuing to walk backwards, keeping pace before placing a finger under Eddie’s chin and pushing his jaw back up. He hadn’t even realised it was hanging open.
“But… but you’re…”
"Yeah, I'm attracted to girls, I can hide if I want to and have an easy life. But boys are an option for me too. Don’t tell me you think I should play it safe because society tells me to. I thought you’d be better than that.” Steve slowed to keep pace with him again, knocking him with his shoulder and the barest hint of that smug smile on his face.
“Wh- I- I am. I am better than that. I’m sorry I just didn’t expect- you don’t-”
“I don’t look queer? Or act queer?”
“No! No, I didn’t mean…”
But he did mean that. He had thought that. And his shit had now been completely rocked because of it. 
His jaw had fallen open again, he just realised. He snapped it closed and his mouth felt so fucking dry. “I think you’d make a good husband.”
“Are you asking?” Steve quirked an eyebrow at him and flashed his teeth with a grin.
Jesus H. Christ he was so pretty.
Fucking hell. Was this what it was like to be on the end of the Harrington charm? God, he was in so much trouble now. 
And Steve was still grinning at him, like a cocky little bastard. “I don’t think anyone would want me as a husband anyway.”
“I’m sorry, I’m lost. Who the fuck would ever pass you up for a husband?”
Steve shrugged, a little more subdued than he was before. Eddie only barely caught the glance in Nancy’s direction.
“Wheeler’s loss.”
“No, I mean I get it. I have a lot of baggage and I feel like these bites aren’t going to just smoothe over. What happens then? What’s my spouse gonna do with me once I don’t have my looks anymore, you know?”
“Fuck your looks man, that’s not why people get married. That’s not why I’d get married.”
“It’s why my parents got married.”
“And you wanna have a marriage like theirs?”
“No! God, no. Never.”
“Exactly. So why do you think you’d allow yourself to get tied down to someone who only cares what you look like?”
“Maybe that’s the only reason they’d have me.” Steve grinned as if what he was saying was just fact. “Like I said, I’ve got baggage.”
Eddie shook his head. “We’ve all got baggage, man. I’m not trying to like, invalidate yours or whatever, but everyone has their shit. Yeah your shit is fucking intense, I mean look around, but that won’t matter to the right person. They might have their own. Might not be alternate dimension time travel shit but could be something similar. Maybe you’ll marry a veteran or a refugee. Or maybe you’ll marry someone who’s never experienced anything worse than a paper cut and when they stub their toe they only say ‘oh dear’. Relationships… marriage is a partnership, their baggage, your baggage, it’s there to be shared. It wouldn’t matter to me. I’ll take on my husbands shit and I’ll marry a man who’ll take on mine too. I know I will. I’m sure of it.” 
Steve was staring at him like he had six heads. 
After he’d just spilled himself out of his mouth and everything.
But he wasn’t gonna back down. 
It’s what he believed in his heart of hearts.
“I just-” Steve started. “I’ve never heard anyone describe it like that.”
“Like what?” To him, it just seemed like common sense. 
“Like a partnership. You know like people always say relationships are commitment and dedication and selflessness.”
“Well yeah, they are but it has to go both ways. You can’t have one side putting in all that effort.”
“Partnership.” Steve muttered quietly, considering. “It has to be equal, right?”
“Yeah, now you’re getting it. It has to be equal.”
Steve’s smile was softer now, to go right along with his eyes. “You’re gonna make someone a really good husband one day, Eddie.”
Fuck, wasn’t that just a cupids arrow straight to the heart. And now Steve was looking at him all tender and it was driving him insane.
“You gotta at least cook me a nice dinner first before asking for my hand, there, Stevie.”
Steve shrugged. “Okay. What do you like?”
“Wha- I… What do I like?”
“What do you like to eat?”
His mind was blank. He should really be able to improv his way out of this but his head was completely empty.
“Italian, I guess?”
Steve’s grin almost turned conspiratorial. He reached up and lightly tugged at one of Eddie’s curls. “Fuck, you’re perfect, aren’t you?”
“I’m on the run from the law at the moment, sweetheart.”
“Not for much longer if I have anything to say about it.”
They were interrupted by raised voices ahead of them. There was a brief moment of panic before he and Steve realised it was just the two time travellers bickering loudly as the trees started to thin and houses began to come into view.
“Well, why can’t we remember any of this then?” Future-Robin asked.
“Because it hasn’t happened to us in our past. It’s happening to us in our present. And their present. How can we remember something that hasn’t happened yet? Because it’s happening now. To four different people. Their timeline has already diverged from ours just by us turning up. This isn't our story anymore, it's theirs.”
She looked at him in disbelief. “What the fuck are you talking about?”
Future-Eddie waved his hand at her. “Wibbly-wobbly, timey-wimey.”
Future-Robin reached out and swatted him over the head. “You’re such a dork!”
“Hey!” He shoved her. “I only got into sci-fi because of you. Before you I was blissfully existing in a fantasy only realm.”
“Yeah.” She shoved him back. “You’re fucking welcome.”
They kept pushing and prodding at each other before it descended into chaos, devolving into some kind of childish slap war until eventually she had him in a headlock.
“Aaagh, Stevie! Help me!”
Steve just blinked at the two of them, probably trying to figure out how he was supposed to corral two adults who were nearly triple his age.
“So in the future, you and Robin seem to have some kind of… friendship?”
“Friendship?” Future-Eddie squawked. “No friendship here. She’s my soulmate by proxy. My sworn fuckin’ enemy.” From his bent over position he managed to grab her behind the knees and haul her over his shoulder.
“Buckley, my tabletop wife, you know I’m a bard.”
“Would you two shut the fuck up?!” Nancy hissed. “You’re gonna get us eaten.”
Future-Robin was let back onto her feet, quietly.
It was objectively hilarious, watching two grown adults who could technically be their grandparents mutter their apologies as if they’d just been chastised by the school principal. 
It was even funnier watching them punch each other in the arm as soon as Nancy’s back was turned. 
“We’re here.” Nancy said, staring out at the houses. “C’mon.” Without a backwards glance, she took off running.
“Nan-!” Robin lowered her volume as they all chased after her. “Nancy!”
By the time Eddie and Steve had followed them through the front door, the rest of them were disappearing upstairs. 
“Why didn’t you tell us this earlier?” Nancy was asking, holding what looked like a diary.
“Would you have believed us? You need to see evidence for yourself, you know that.” His future counterpart answered.
“What did I miss?” Eddie wheezed, placing his hands on his knees. 
Fuck, he needed to give up smoking.
“It’s 1983.” Robin answered, patting his back.
“Is this more time-travel fuckery?”
Future Eddie and Robin spoke at the same time.
“The Upside-Down is stuck in 1983. The day Will Byers went missing.” Nancy clarified.
“Right. Okay. 1983. Cool.” Eddie gave a thumbs up, leaning heavily against the doorframe. He glanced around. “Hey, where’s-”
He was abruptly cut off as the entire house around them shook, sending him tumbling back into the hallway. The sounds of photo frames and Nancy’s knick knacks crashing to the ground surrounded him but underneath it all his blood ran cold when he heard a pained shout from downstairs.
“Steve?!” He called out, panicked, trying to get to his feet but being defeated by his own severe lack of athleticism and the incessant shaking of the very earth beneath him.
He crawled towards the stairs, thankful that the shaking had stopped by the time he reached the first step. 
He flew down them, nearly landing square on his ass again before catching sight of Steve, leaning heavily up against the wall and clutching his sides.
“Steve! Are you okay?” There were red patches starting to bloom under the makeshift bandages around his waist and he hissed in pain, as Eddie took hold of his arms, pressing his forehead into Eddie’s shoulder.
“I just… I just need a minute.” 
There was the sound of something ripping beside him.
“Shit. Things move fast in this timeline, don’t they?”
Eddie turned his head and froze, staring wide eyed at the third figure standing next to them.
Part 1 Part 3
I'm thinking one more part for this auspicious anniversary/time travel fic. I'll update the posts with links and the AO3 link too.
Thanks everyone for your sweet comments and tag requests! Makes me feel all warm and fuzzy on the inside. 🖤
Tags: @epiclazersharkshark, @estrellami-1, @swimmingbirdrunningrock, @addelyin
642 notes · View notes
aothotties · 1 year
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Hello! I’m Ari and I’m 1/2 of Aothotties. We’re two black women that like to write about our favorite anime men. This blog is 18+ so that means that if you’re younger than 18 you need to move along please and thank you. Anyways please enjoy the first piece of writing, it’s based off of ‘The Way’ by Kehlani
Warnings: NSFW, Established relationship, Reader is like 24+, a lil bit of overstimulation, Nanami being a bit of a tease.
Word Count: 1K
You so damn important
Everything you do shows me you know it
To Nanami you’re everything he could ever want and more. He doesn’t know how he got so lucky to have you in his life.
He loves the cute text messages from you reminding him to drink water, his favorite time of the day is when you call him on your way to work.
“It’s going to be a long shift so I’ll try and call you during my lunch break” you tell your boyfriend, making sure you focus on the road at all times.
“I could always come and have lunch with you in the café.” He offers and your heart melts at the thought.
“I’d take you up on that, but my break isn’t going to be until midnight, and that’s if I’m lucky. The hospital is busy around the holidays” you sigh as you pull into the parking lot and pull into your usual spot.
“That sound means you’re at work doesn’t it? I’ll let you go so you can get yourself together, call me if you need anything. I love you.”
You swear you feel your heart flutter each and every time he says those words.
“I love you too! Oh and I stopped by your house and left you some dinner. I made too much food and I know how you like to skip meals when you get busy. I hope you enjoy it, have a good night!” You end the call and get ready for work.
If you didn’t tell him how much he meant to you, you always made sure you showed it somehow.
He say the king where he come from
Take a young queen just to know one
To Nanami, money was never an issue and he always made sure to let you know that. Anything you wanted was yours, without hesitation. You needed help with student loans? Done. Your car needs gas? Already taken care of by the time you’re on your way home in the morning. He almost tried to buy you a car, but you turned him down.
Nanami would buy you the world if you wanted him too, he’s a hard working man who busted his ass for years to get to where he is today. His journey to becoming the CEO of his company was anything but easy, but it’s truly rewarding if it means he gets to spoil the love of his life.
“Those are nice.” you say to yourself as you scroll on your phone, taking a closer look at the ad that caught your attention.
“And that is?” Your boyfriend asked, handing you the wine glass you asked him to pour you after dinner.
“Oh it’s nothing, just these cute scrubs I saw while scrolling online. They’re the jogger kind and come in different colors.” You showed him a photo of the set and he took the phone from your hand and began to type.
“Baby what are you doing?” you lean over to see what he’s doing on your phone and he gently holds you back with one arm
“Just a second, be patient sweet girl” he says, one arm wrapped around your waist and the other hand typing on your phone quickly.
“Here, all done.” He hands you the phone and presses a gentle kiss to your forehead before standing up and walking towards the kitchen.
When you opened your phone up, you were met with a confirmation screen for the scrubs he just bought you.
“They’ll be delivered to your apartment tomorrow afternoon, I got you different colors, since you like to wear solid colors some days and then have those little cartoon characters on them other days.” You watch as he leans against the kitchen counter and you feel like you’re falling in love all over again.
We gon' wake your neighbors
Turn your block club to my fan club
“N-Nanami!” you moan out into the pillow below as he thrust into you from behind.
“Yeah princess? Cat got your tongue?” He grabs your hair in his fist and pulls you up so that your back is flush against his chest
You grip his thigh as he continuously pounds into your cunt like a mad man, his thrust not letting up as he keeps hitting your sweet spot.
“I-I’m so close baby, so f-fucking close.” You whimper loudly, biting your lip at the feeling of him pulling your head back farther onto his shoulder.
He leans his head down and presses his lips against yours, you could tell he was getting close by the way his hips begin to speed up. He wraps one of his large hands around your throat, giving it a light squeeze.
You began bouncing back on his dick quickly to try and reach your climax, Nanami forces your legs open with his free arm and begins rubbing your clit to help you reach your high.
You scream out loud as your cunt tightens around his dick and you reach your climax. You back continues to arch and you whine from the overstimulation of him continuing his thrust.
“N-Nanami s’too much. I-I can’t!” You whine loudly as he continues to bounce you up and down on his dick quickly.
“You can take it princess, go ahead and give me one more. I know you can baby.” He whispers in your ear, he grabs your jaw and turns your face up to look at him while he fucks into you.
You squeeze your eyes shut from the pleasure and he harshly presses his lips against yours giving you a sloppy kiss, he groans and bites your lip as he emptied himself inside of you.
He sighs against your lips before he pulls back and presses his forehead against yours, slowly trying to regain control of his breathing after the activities that just took place.
“Thank you for the scrubs” You say weakly as you begin to fall asleep in his arms, he smiles at how tired you instantly become and plants a kiss to your forehead.
“Anything for you sweet girl.”
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margareth-lv · 10 months
🫣🤰🏻 Tips to Hide Your Pregnancy Before Going Public 🤰🏻🫣
Let me stay in the past and continue the 'Story of a Lost Photograph' as there are no current issues to analyse.
Back then, in January 2022, I was already an aware Tumblr user. I was also more than aware of the half-truths, lies and manipulation that the public and fans of Sam and Cait had been fed for years. During the nightmarish promotional tour for 'Belfast' we were inundated with photos of Cait. As I revisit old notes from the archives, memories come flooding back.
*** *** ***
One big area to lie about is how the body looks. The appearance of the body. Body modifications. The official version of the body and the unofficial one. It is not at all a question of body shaming. It is purely about manipulation.
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On the day Cait appeared on 'The Late Show with Stephen Colbert', a series of IG stories were published on her Instagram account. One of the photos was the one below, on the left. ⬇️⬇️⬇️ Morning vs. evening. Amazing body changes.
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There's a popular note in our fandom (I can't find it now). It's about hiding Caitríona's first pregnancy, in May 2016.
The photos compared the pregnant bellies of tall, slim, athletic models with Caitríona's 'bloat' from the 'Money Monster' promotional events in Cannes.
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*** *** ***
I would like to show you photos of a Polish influencer who once demonstrated how easy it is to manipulate photos published in the media. This can even be done without the use of graphics software. This is how the influencer hid her third pregnancy. The pregnant belly, which is sometimes there and sometimes not, is from just before the birth.
(Note: the influencer is not very tall, very slim or athletic. She is of medium build).
Instagram. Slim and beautiful.
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A private photo. Still beautiful, but nine months pregnant.
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Instagram. Slim and ...
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A private photo. Ninth month...
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TV Show vs. reality. Look at the dress with a cut-off under the breasts in the top left corner.
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Doesn't that remind you of something?
I have a feeling that playing Hide Your Pregnancy Before Going Public is Caitríona's passion.
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[December 7, 2023]
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gacha-incels · 2 months
My current theory is that ( Puts tinfoil hat )  The ongoing gender war stuff in both CN and KR have definitely shifted how some 'waifu-collectors' see the female player base and therefore male characters in gacha games. There's definitely an ongoing narrative that women are the root of toxicity and more devs should adopt the waifu-only policy to appeal to as few women as possible and gatekeep their safe havens. The irony is that most of these people advocating to exclude women are using the vocal minority for their examples as to why, which is exactly what they don't want done to themselves. Basically, women should only play Love and Deepspace and men can play GFL2/AL/Snowbreak/Nikke etc. As long as women 'stay in their lane' they are satisfied, even though it's been shown that both men and women will pull for characters of the opposite gender and vice versa. Mixed cast games are trying to err on the side of caution because if they don't appeal to this crowd enough (by skewing the gender ratio harder, or by making more fanservice designs) then they will be brigaded on social media for appealing too much towards women or radical feminists.
omg yeah I feel like “gamer” men say this outright around the world from east to west. “women are coming into our games and making the women less sexy and everything more toxic” etc. attitude has ramped up. though it was always bad if you remember, in the west at least, the absolute insane violent tantrum reaction to Anita Sarkeesian for making like I cannot stress this enough just pretty basic feminist videos about video games. It was like seeing grown adult men have the same type of screaming tantrum a toddler would have when you tell him he can’t have an expensive toy at the store. except instead of one kid sitting on the floor screaming it was an unbelievable amount of men worldwide sitting in their computer chairs screaming and writing graphic rape threats and making full video games where you violently beat her. For the crime of just one woman talking about fucking Mario or whatever. THIS is how these men react when you do something as benign as that. I posted some more about this here.
you have no idea the insane shit that gets blamed on female fans or female employees of mixed sex gachas. A lot of that has been already posted here obviously so I’ll post something new I saw just so we can archive some more examples. Recently one of my friends from the infrared blog I sometimes repost here showed me this strange phenomenon happening on the Genshin impact leaks subreddit where a good amount of guys were accusing the developers of the game of being fujoshis because they thought a new female water character was being nerfed so that a previously released male water character would be the strongest water character. I thought this was a joke (my mistake) but it spanned a LOT of comments and got extremely heated. Later I found these comments in another thread there
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Like this is the thought process. This sucked -> ok so probably a woman wrote it -> well most writers graduated from liberal arts schools, and most liberal arts students are women, so it was definitely a female writer. This is how easy it is for this type of “gamer” male to blame anything they hate on women. They did this for one of the stories in HSR that was disliked as well. If you look up “有男不玩” there are videos on bilibili but also some on YouTube where you can get snippets of how these guys are thinking about female gacha players. They share some similarities with all gamer men who think women are more frivolous, unskilled and don’t like action games. there were particular comments that reminded me of how Korean incels wrote about women, in that games should stop pandering to us altogether because we don’t have enough money, or if we do have money it’s because it’s coming from a boyfriend or male relative, or we’re all just playing f2p. ironically a huge amount of merch sales, IRL events and fan-PR like fanart comes from female players and they are usually the ones to stick around the longest I believe, but these guys only understand the money aspect of these games.
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There are a lot of ones that were interesting but I don’t want to use too many since I was working with MTL, and then looking up individual phrases, and then retranslating some, and then looking up context, etc. lol. so when I have a better grasp on this I can make a better post.
in regards to how they find it ok if the games are sex segregated yes exactly,I posted about this earlier and probably a couple months ago too but this was most recent so it’s easiest to just copy here
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lynetianya · 1 year
Guardian of My Heart [ Karina X Reader ]
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In the glamorous world of K-pop, Karina, the leader of the famous girl group AESPA, reflects on her extraordinary luck in having Y/N in her life.
GENRE : Fluff
TYPE : One Shot
In the dazzling world of K-pop, where fame and glamour go hand in hand, I found the most unexpected love story of my life. My name is Karina, or Yu Ji-Min, as I'm known to the world as the leader of the renowned girl group, AESPA, under the umbrella of SM Entertainment. Behind the blinding lights and adoring fans, there was a secret that only the members of AESPA and the management knew – the love between Y/N and me, a love that was nothing short of a fairytale.
Y/N was not part of the idol world, Y/N was a non-celebrity, a police officer with a high rank, whose path had crossed mine in the most extraordinary way. Our love story began on a night that felt ripped from the pages of a romance novel. Y/N, my knight in shining armor, had saved me from the clutches of a relentless stalker.
I couldn't help but chuckle to myself whenever I thought about it. For me, Y/N was indeed the knight in shining armor who had rescued me from danger and brought light into my life. But for those relentless stalkers, Y/N was like the angel of death, a menacing force ready to swoop down and snatch their very souls.
As I lay in the shadows, trembling from the encounter, I saw Y/N standing there, tall and unwavering, his eyes never leaving mine. In that moment, I knew that my life had taken an unexpected turn. He had saved me, and as our eyes met, I felt an inexplicable connection.
The Story
Our love story blossomed from there, as we got to know each other beyond the headlines and stage performances. Y/N was a stoic figure to the world, but when he was with me, he was gentle, tender, and treated me like royalty. Y/N was my protector, my anchor, and the love of my life.
One thing about Y/N that stood out was his insistence on paying for everything when we went out together. It was a gesture I appreciated but often resisted. As a successful idol, I had my own wealth, and I knew I probably had more money than Y/N did. However, Y/N had his reasons – reasons that tugged at my heartstrings.
Y/N was an orphan, a lone soul in the world with no family to call his own. Y/N cherished me, the one person he had in his life, and Y/N found happiness in spending his hard-earned money on me. When Y/N explained this to me, tears welled up in my eyes, and I kissed him passionately, grateful for the love that overflowed in his heart.
Another aspect of Y/N that I cherished was his culinary prowess. Living on his own, he had mastered various cuisines, from Korean to Italian and dishes from across Asia. On our rare days off, Y/N would come to our dorm and whip up our favorite dishes, treating us like queens.
The Story
But what endeared Y/N to me the most was his unwavering romance. Y/N always had a way of making me feel like the most beautiful person in the world, even on days when I felt anything but. His words were soft and reassuring, Y/N hands would caress my face gently, and Y/N would remind me that I was his one and only.
Whenever there were critical articles or negative comments about me, Y/N was there to lift me up. Y/N was a constant source of encouragement, reminding me that I was strong, talented, and deserving of all the love in the world.
No matter how busy Y/N was with his police duties, Y/N made sure to attend every Our concert, cheering for me and the members like the proudest fan. And when we won awards on music shows, he showered us with flowers, chocolates, and gifts, making us feel like true winners in every sense.
Another reason why Y/N was the perfect life partner was...... EHM, Y/N was incredibly skilled in bed.
My face always flushed when I recalled each intimate moment we shared.
Y/N, possess an incredible stamina that leaves me breathless and yearning for more. Y/N passionate gaze makes me feel wanted, desired, and cherished. I could never have imagined that someone could make me feel as cherished and desirable as Y/N did. In those private moments.
And let's not forget about the main event, shall we? Y/N... generous 'Thing' leaves me overwhelmed and utterly satisfied. It's a perfect fit, like a missing piece completing the puzzle of our desires. Every encounter with Y/N leaves me weak at the knees, and I'm certain that I always end up fainting from sheer pleasure once we're done.
The way Y/N hold me after our passionate encounters, the way Y/N caress my face and whisper sweet nothings in my ear. It's the way Y/N make me feel like the most cherished person in the world.
I must admit that I can't bear to be apart from Y/N. There was one particular day when his work called him away for a week, leaving me in tears. The members did their best to comfort me, but it was clear that Y/N's absence had a profound impact on me. I never expected that someone's presence could mean so much to me.
The Story
So, yes. Our sexual chemistry is undeniably incredible, but it's just one facet of the love I have for Y/N.
But, like any person, Y/N had his flaws, and one of them was his uncontrollable temper when someone threatened those Y/N loved. Remember the first time we met when Y/N ruthlessly handled those stalkers? It was a testament to his protective instincts. There were times when Y/N admitted to getting into trouble at the police department due to his past actions.
I couldn't help but tease him, suggesting that if Y/N hadn't become a police officer, Y/N might have been a gangster or even a mafia boss.
The same protective instinct resurfaced during one of our dates. I was left alone for a brief moment, and a stalker tried to harass me. Y/N, sensing danger, came to my rescue and dealt with the stalker in a brutal manner. It was only my embrace that brought him back to his senses, calming the storm within him.
Despite his imperfections, my love for Y/N remained unwavering. I knew that he cared deeply for me, and I was confident that we could work through any challenges that came our way.
I couldn't imagine my life without Y/N. Y/N brought meaning to my days and filled my heart with a love so pure and genuine that it felt like a dream. Y/N was my knight, my source of inspiration, and my one and only love.
As I sit here, reflecting on our love story, I am overwhelmed with gratitude for the extraordinary person who entered my life unexpectedly. Y/N, the police officer who saved me from danger and showed me a love that transcended the glitz and glamour of the idol world, will forever be the hero of my heart. Our love story may not be conventional, but it is filled with passion, devotion, and a love that will stand the test of time.
My Masterlist
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mrawkweird · 11 days
This month marks 5 years since O.K. KO's ending. And I won't lie, in those past 5 years there have been few, if any shows that could make me smile as often or as bright as that show did. And the ones that did ALSO got fucked over. Lookin at you Rise of the TMNT.
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I just, don't think it will ever be possible for a show to feel so tailor made made our generation of 90's kids and millennials while just being fun enough on it's own to appeal to basically everyone else at the same time. Damn sure ain't gonna find something that treats Captain Planet of all things with a sense of reverence.
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And REMINDER. Crossover with Sonic, BEFORE the movie and AFTER a disappointing game release. That shit was making no money they did that cause they were real fans. Packed with referefnces and certain shots even gave him fangs. THAT FUCKER HASN'T HAD FANGS SINCE 1999!
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KO really does just feel like the end of an era. But that era from Adventure Time to Regular Show to Steven Universe to Gumball and all the way to KO told us something, not directly but just as important is that you shouldn't feel lesser of being a fan of all these things you grew up with. You can take that energy and make your own thing and thing will speak to others the same way, who knows it might even spread all over the world.
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(I ended this shit with Sonic Adventure 2 quote, #Sonicmovie3 #yearofshadow)
OK KO really felt like a love letter to a fan's interest not just in the guest characters but how they went about making the show as a whole. It had that sort of Scott Pilgrim energy to it where you could tell certain niche details would not be there unless the person was really into it. Like, it wasn't just homework being done; you're seeing extra credit as well.
It was the show you would want to make or dream of making yourself and it did not deserve to get done like it did in the end. For the time we had it, however, it really managed to do something special and I'm glad I got to be there for it as it happened. It's a show that truly cared and that's something that can't be taken lightly.
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I feel like maybe someone needs to say it and I figure it's probably best coming from the guy with the Calico Jack pfp who has been very open about not being the biggest Stede fan (he reminds me of my shitty ex hope this helps), because then this comes off less like unhinged blorbo apologia. I just. I'm gonna walk through a minefield with this meta, but I want to talk about the whole Stede abandoning his kids thing. I understand that many people feel all types of things about this and it's valid I get it, but I think we need a bit of perspective.
So basically, recap from discomfort in a married state, which is where we get 90% of Stede's tragic backstory from. I know a lot of stuff with this show is anachronistic, but Stede's marriage really does not seem like one of those things. I say that because in the modern day in the US, which is the audience that OFMD is geared towards and the culture which all the other historical anachronisms seem to favor, it's an American show, arranged marriage is basically unheard of. But it was relatively common among the aristocracy of 1717. Based on this I think we can assume a few things about Stede's marriage. 1) Divorce is not an option, and 2) You have to have kids to carry on the family name and have somebody to pass your money down to. Sure nobody's forcing you at gunpoint to have kids, but culturally back then the expectation is that you get married in order to have legitimate children. If they didn't have kids Mary would have been socially ostracized and seen as a failure of a woman, there would have been social consequences for Stede as well though less harsh. It's informative that Stede and Mary have the classic heir and a spare, i.e. one child to inherit the fortune and one child just in case something happens to that first kid, it's also informative that the younger child is male, since at the time the fortune would either go to the son or the daughter's husband if there was no son to pass it onto.
This is the context we have to understand Stede in. He's a gay man who was forced to be a husband to a woman and who was forced to be a father. The being Mary's husband and being a father are inextricably linked for Stede, because remember the whole point of getting married was to have an heir and you cannot get divorced it's illegal and pretty much unheard of. Stede is so miserable in this state that he literally fucks off to sea to become an outlaw where he'll probably die tomorrow. He's so fucking desperate that instead of going on a rich people cruise like a normal rich guy trying to get away from the family he's doing fucking crimes that could get him hanged to death if he gets caught and could get him killed while he carries them out. This is Stede's last ditch effort to leave his old life behind before he kills himself. This is a borderline suicide attempt from our boy. He's too chicken to do it for real but he can't live like this anymore and he needs to do something.
So like, yeah. Stede's abandonment was probably traumatic for his kids. He was put in a situation where he didn't have many other options, and most of those options are in fact more traumatic for Alma and Louis than Stede just disappearing one day. Because like, staying miserable like that for another... decade minimum I'm gonna guess based on how old Louis looks and acts, is an incredible fucking ask, and having two miserable parents will probably fuck those kids up in a whole host of ways. I know people who have parents who didn't love each other but stayed together for the kids and those people do have issues. Alma herself says that it's probably best he leave because Mary was happier when he was gone. He could just kill himself like normal, which is also pretty goddamn traumatic for his kids I shouldn't have to explain that one. Or he could fuck off in the middle of the night leaving them with Mary and the nanny that almost certainly exists, this isn't child neglect it's child abandonment, Stede can be sure Alma and Louis will be taken care of if he leaves. Even if Mary falls into the worst tropes about widowdom and becomes unable to care for them herself, they're very rich they have people who will care for them. That will fuck them up to, but not significantly more than him sticking around would and at a certain point you have to take care of yourself. The best options are not having the kids in the first place or getting a no fault divorce and being a weekends and holidays dad, but oops, he was forced into having the kids in the first place and he can't get divorced. There's no good options left, those kids are getting traumatized one way or another. The option that hurts himself the least is hitting the bricks.
So like, yeah, dunk on him for being an absent father. I love dunking on him for being an absent father it's very funny. I'll take any opportunity to dunk on Stede. But treating Stede's abandonment with the same lens you would examine modern child abandonment or acting like it's akin to child abuse (I have seen both takes on this wretched website, I'm far more sympathetic to the first than I am to the second) seems kinda unfair. Just like, idk remember the context of him never having asked to be a father and him not having any good options left. Walking out wasn't the right move because there was no right move. I think Stede probably should have had a conversation with Mary about how the only way for him to be happy was for him to leave and made sure that his leaving wasn't a surprise to his kids, but sometimes I think the way that people take it so damn serious is a little unfair
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chimaeraonwards · 1 year
freedom, choice, and dreams - a perspective of a newbie one piece fan from opla
I am scared of saying what my dreams are. It feels stupid hanging on to something I don't know if I'll ever see come true. These dreams are the ones I hold to my chest, afraid that someone would find it.
Would they treat me with pity? Would they laugh? Would they tell me to give up?
It gets harder to believe in dreams as you grow older. My escape that was books and fandom became reminders that I simply wasn't the chosen one who gets to do something and be someone. I'm the side character that gets killed off in episode 2 in a flashback in someone else's story.
I wasn't destined to be the one who can make change on the world since before I was born like Harry Potter. I'm not the one who gets chosen by a master in the field I love to be his successor like Midoriya Izuku. My parents are not secretly some kind of god like Percy Jackson. There is no wardrobe, no lion, no witch to take me away where I can finally be somebody.
I'm just me, a nobody, stuck in a house haunted by my ghosts, with my dreams out of reach. The stories that used to be my escapism start to feel like painful reminders.
And then I watched the One Piece Live Action. For the first time in a long time, I saw adults who were not the chosen ones, on the wrong side of power, stuck in everyday monotony.
They were surviving, but they weren't alive.
If you look in the mirror, would it sound more familiar?
The One Piece Live Action showed me characters who have beautiful dreams and yet, don't believe that they could ever reach them? By all means, how would they? Nami was stuck in a situation she had limited control over her freedom, Usopp was literally all alone and no one believed him, Sanji was held back by obligation and realism, and Zoro was lost wasn't strong enough. Heck even Koby was stuck on a ship being mistreated with literally no way to escape.
And then Luffy came around.
Luffy, the goofy embodiment of freedom, joy, silliness, and has the emotional intelligence the size of the entire ocean.
He showed them that there was a choice. You had the choice to believe that you can reach your dreams. He showed them that no dream was too crazy, too big, too small, too unimportant. You deserve to make it a reality.
Immediately I was hooked. Diving into the manga, I think that what Luffy does is gives the space to people to let their heart want their dream.
And then he fights for them.
Think about what's stopping you from reaching your dream. Is it money? Support? Access to power? Strength? Knowledge?
Fighting for your dream isn't as pretty as faith, trust, and pixie dust. It's brutal. It's heartache. It's sacrifice. But most of all, it's never giving up, even when you're broken.
The Straw Hats show that having the freedom to chase your dreams isn't a lonely journey. You need to lend a hand to people on the way there, and they will do the same for you.
On the other side of this idealist dream chasing optimism, One Piece beautifully shows the harsh reality, that some dreams won't be reached in your lifetime. But like Gol D. Roger, Red Leg Zeff, Otohime, maybe, just maybe, you can help someone else reach that same goal you had. We will all die someday, but our dreams can live forever. And isn't that a beautiful thing?
The Straw Hat Pirates unapologetically declare their dreams out loud, not afraid of what anyone else has to say about them.
Maybe I should take some advice from them.
👟 I'm going to find a way and be able to continue my education.
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sakuraaachan · 1 year
Another Love - Izuku M.
This fic is based off the song 'Another Love - Tom Odell' (I do not own this song!!) I do recommend listening to it while you read though!
Izuku x Singer! Reader
Rating: violence, murder, stalking, drinking, cheating
Wanna submit a request? Click here
This is the full version of the story!
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It takes a lot of courage to stand on a stage in front of a vast crowd. All the attention is on you, the spotlight is on you, everyone’s eyes are on you. It was enough pressure to make you throw up, but it was the only place that you really felt comfortable.
Behind you is the band, the music behind your voice. They waited, ready for you to signal them to start. You exhaled through your nose, placing your hands on the microphone which was held up by a stand.
The crowd turned silent, sounds of coughing and throats clearing echoed in the stadium, reminding you they were waiting, waiting for you, they were all here just for you. He was here, he was here just for you. 
You were nervous, feeling your heartbeat through your ears as you slowly raised your hand, the band members shuffled a bit, getting into position before finally you signaled. The piano is so loud, and you want to run back into the darkness. But that wasn’t an option, not if you wanted him to come back.
You swallow your saliva to try and ease the dryness in your throat, giving one last breath before your lips parted.
I wanna take you somewhere so you know I care
Injure Picture @injurepictureoffical
Y/n L/n performs the hit song ‘Love Like Yours’ live at [------]. Check out our website for more information on Y/n’s upcoming shows. http://bit.ly/86ghdy
Rand0m Ch1ld @thechildernarenotwell
replying to @injurepictureoffical
Seeing Y/n up close was like going to heaven and meeting an angel, she is so sweet!
Luna @lunabottcher89
My wedding song was ‘Love Like Yours’, singing it to my baby daughter every day.
Anonymous @youdontknowme
Y/n is the human cupid, her songs make everyone fall in love!
Yasmin @battzluv455
replying to @youdontknowme
All her songs are about her boyfriend, they’ve been dating since highschool. True fans know that.
Sam @eazydub23
replying to @battzluv455
She has a boyfriend? Heart = broken !!
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“Hey babe!” You click your phone off, shoving it into your pocket before walking over to your boyfriend and pressing your lips to his cheek. “I got your text, why the sudden meetup?”
“Hey bunny,” Josh smiles as he speaks, his charming grin makes your heart skip a beat. He grabs your hand, lacing your fingers before leading you down the street, “I just wanted to take my girlfriend out.”
 It was the moments like these where you enjoyed life the most. When you smile so hard your cheeks hurt, but you can’t stop because the person you're with just makes you so happy that you have to smile.
“How was the performance yesterday?” Josh brings you to a cafe, sitting across from you, “sorry I couldn’t make it, you know I would have loved to be there.”
“It’s okay! We can always just listen to it together, just you and me.” You stirred your recently ordered coffee, pouring in the tiny little cups of cream. “It’s about when you asked me to be your girlfriend.”
Josh lets out a hearty laugh, “wow… that was so long ago, you remember?”
“Well, it was one of the best days of my life!” You laugh alongside him, “and…I wrote the song based on how I was feeling.”
He nods, clicking his tongue as he watches you take a sip of your coffee. You give him a curious glance, “are you not going to get anything babe?”
“Listen bunny…” Josh exhales through his nose, before placing his arms on the table, “I…I need some more money.”
“What happened to the money I gave you two weeks ago?” You place your mug down, “Josh that was well over five thousand dollars, how did you spend it all in such a short period of time?”
You can hear his foot tapping against the floor under the table, “I’m saving up for something big.”
Well just tell me what it is, I’ll give you the exact amount you need.”
“That’s the problem bunny,” his hand slides over to yours, his index finger rubbing up and down on your finger. “It’s a surprise…I can’t tell you.”
You stare at him blankly, biting back a goofy smile, picking up your phone. “How much do you need?
“Yes! Thank you buns!” Josh squeezes your hand, telling you the amount he needed. You grin at his elated face, sending him the money before putting your phone away.
“Thank you bunny, you are literally the best,” he presses his lips to your knuckles before releasing your hand to check his phone. “Shoot.”
Your smile falters, “what’s wrong?”
“I gotta go, something just came up.” He waves over a waitress, “can I get two blueberry muffins in a to-go box?”
The woman nods before walking off, and Josh looks at you as he packs up his stuff. “You’ve got the bill, right bunny?”
You couldn’t even respond before Josh is walking away, grabbing his to-go container from the waitress walking up. You lean your chin against the palm of your hand, a loving sigh escaping your lips as a smile graces your features.
But it's so cold and I don't know where
“He’s going to propose!” You’re laid out on your bed, legs kicking out in excitement as you squealed into your pillow. “That’s why he has been needing so much money lately.”
After dating for about 10 years, you were finally going to marry the love of your life. Since high school this was all you could ever dream about, wearing a huge wedding dress, planning the reception, walking down the aisle. 
Your life was all about Josh, without him…you don’t know where you would have been. Your singing career would have never flourished, and you’d probably be working some office job.
All your songs were written based on your sentiments with Josh, happy moments where your heart could just burst out of your chest.  It was your brand, songs that made people remember their times with loved ones, the public adored it.
Reaching over to your bedside table, you grab a spiral purple notebook before flipping to a new page. So many lyrics were forming in your head, as you hummed along to them to try and find a rhythm.
There’s a knock at your door, before you hear it creak open. “How's my favorite client?” 
“Hey Dave!” You look over your shoulder, grinning at your manager. “I’m doing just fine!”
“This is a gift from the studio.” He has a huge gift basket in his hand, walking over to your wardrobe and placing it down. “Someone seems a little excited, heard something I didn’t?”
“No,” you giggle. “I’m just in a good mood.”
“Well at least your writing!” Dave’s eyes land onto your notebook, a grin coming across his face. “I assume we’ll have a new hit album coming out soon.”
“I dunno, I kinda want to keep this one to myself, it’s personal,” you turn back to your notebook. 
You had Dave to thank for all the fame you had to this day. He listed you to your first couple of gigs and advertised the hell out of you. Without Dave, you’d probably still be singing at local bars trying to get some higher up managers to notice you.
“Well, I’m sure you'll change your mind.” Dave’s grin falters a bit. “I’ll leave you to it now, don’t want to interrupt the process.”
But like all managers, Dave had his flaws. He was a little too pushy on making romance songs and only romance, he didn’t allow for you to write about anything else but your love life. Which wasn’t a dilemma, since that’s all you wanted to write about anyway.
I brought you daffodils on a pretty string
“How do I look mom?” You twirled in your shiny silver dress, a deep shade of red grazed over your lips along with some eyeshadow to complete the look.
“Wonderful darling,” your mother’s face was close up in the camera on the facetime call. “Are you sure he’s going to propose?”
“I’m 99% sure, otherwise I got my hair and nails done for nothing.” You pick up your phone, checking your messages to see if Josh had texted you.
“Where’d you go?” You can hear your mom tapping on her phone, “why does my screen say paused, did you pause me Y/n?”
“I’m just checking to see if Josh is ready, I have to go pick him up.”
“Didn’t he invite you to dinner?” You click back onto the facetime, and your mother gives you a look. “And you're picking him up? Doesn’t that boy know how to drive?”
“His car broke down, and it’s no big deal mom.” You look at the notification you got from Josh, “I’ve gotta go, I’ll call you after dinner.”
“Okay honey, love you bye!”
But they won't flower like they did last spring
“You look amazing bunny.”
The restaurant Josh brought you to was exquisite, and very expensive. There was no possible chance you were walking out of here without a ring. 
“Thank you..” You tuck a strand behind your ear, “I wanted to look my best for you.”
“Good evening sir and ma’am, can I get you started with any drinks?” The waitress walks over, holding her leathered notepad as Josh orders some champagne.
She nods her head before turning towards you. “Just water please, with lemon.”
“Water? Come on buns, loosen up a little.”
“You know I can’t do that Josh,” you told him, shaking your head with disapproval. “Dave would have a heart attack if he saw me drunk on the news.”
His hand comes over yours, persistent, “come on, you know I wouldn’t let that happen. I’ll take care of you.”
You feel your face get hot as your left leg starts to bounce up and down with excitement. “Yeah, I know you’ll take care of me…you always have.”
Two flutes of champagne are sat on the table along with your glass of water with a wedge of lemon lucked against the glass. “To us?” Josh holds out his glass, and reluctantly you grab yours watching some of the bubbles float to the top before clicking your flute with his.
“To us.”
And I wanna kiss you, make you feel alright
The night continued to go on, Josh going on about how busy he’s been with work which had been making him unavailable to come see you as often as he wanted to.
All this conversation, but you still didn’t have a ring. What was he waiting for?
The food arrived and you almost needed another table to fit everything that Josh had ordered. You finished your salad quickly as your boyfriend continued to chow down on his expensive steak.
You rest your temple on your hand, staring down at your plate with boredom. The thrill of anticipation is long gone by now.
You look up, snapped out of your trance by Josh. He wipes his face with a white cloth, before clearing his throat. Suddenly that spark of hope is relit within your gut. 
“You’ve got the bill right?”
Your eye twitches a little but you force yourself to smile. “Of course babe.”
He grins before getting back to itching, using his fork to shove some potato in his mouth, “thanks buns, y’know this whole date thing is kinda romantic, you should write a song about it. Could make some good money-”
“Yeah?” He continues to chew his food. “Something wrong?”
“Are you gonna propose to me tonight?” 
He stiffens, grabbing his glass and drinking the rest of his champagne. “Uh…no, what gave you that idea?”
“Are you ever gonna propose to me Josh?” You feel tears threatening to spill out your eyes, but you bite your lips in hope they’ll hold off for a while. “You’ve been asking for a lot of money lately and I-.”
You stop talking at the sound of chucking, your throat running dry. Josh hoots with laughter across from you, holding his stomach as all the attention in the restaurant is brought to your table.
“You thought- I was gonna marry you?” He says between his laughs, wiping a tear from his eyes. You couldn’t find the funny in this situation, feeling embarrassed, like a child who had been called out for having an accident in front of the class.
“That’s a good one, bunny!” His laughter calms down a bit, and he looks at your pained face “wait…you're serious?” 
“Yes! We’ve been together for what? Ten years, what are you waiting for?!” Your voice sounded desperate, feeling helpless to the situation at hand. Josh snorts, bringing his hand up to his face.
You couldn’t take it anymore, standing up and leaving without looking back, Josh continued to laugh at your retreating form, trying to catch his breath so he could speak.
“Wait- buns-- where are you going? You gotta pay the check!”
As you walk away from the table, the weight of disappointment and humiliation settles heavily on your shoulders. The sound of Josh's laughter echoes in your ears, intensifying the pain. You fight back tears, determined to maintain some dignity in this situation.
I'm just so tired to share my nights
I wanna cry and I wanna love
Celebrity News @celebnews
Footage of famous singer Y/n having an argument with her boyfriend Josh Solace at 5-Star restaurant ‘Catch 35’. http://you.tbe/wgsj76
Akrio @kiroarts
replying to @celebnews
WTFFF - are they still together ?!?!
Miss Vidzy @casanova replying to @celebnews
OH MY GOD, look at Y/n she crying! Poor baby!
C0rnzy @real_name_hidden
Looks like Y/n just got a wake up call. #NoMoreLoveSongs
But all my tears have been used up
Celebrity News @celebnews
Josh Solace, popular singer Y/n’s boyfriend, sighted several times with Bethany Winterburg. Is this the start of an open relationship? Or a devastating breakup?
Kaden @anonymouse
replying to @celebnews
What the hell! Didn’t they just have an argument yesterday?!
User @usernamenotfound
He hurt my Y/n. He’ll die.
You clicked your phone off, placing it faced down on your sheets. A groan escapes your lips as you turn to flip over, struggling as yesterday’s dress restricted your movement.
The room was dark, curtains shutting out the sunlight attempting to spill in. One day, it had been a day since your fight with Josh and he already had found a new girl.
You had scrolled through the internet all night, finding more and more photos of him and Bethany. It wouldn’t take a genius to figure out Josh’s relationship with Bethany wasn’t new, it was something he had been doing behind your back. 
It felt like your whole life was a lie, all you had ever done was love Josh, and you believed wholeheartedly that he loved you too. A tear descends down your cheek, the moisture mixing up with your makeup, burning your eye.
More tears begin to fall down your face as you begin to pathetically sob. Clasping your hands to cover your eyes as your lip drawback as you cry.
“Fuck!” You shout into the nothingness, falling deeper and deeper into despair. “Fuck! Fuck!”
Your hands smooth into your hair, grabbing at your strands as you start to pull. You whine out of agony, frustration evident in your voice. “God fucking damnit!”
On another love, another love
All my tears have been used up
FSNEW @famoussingersnewsoffical
It’s been a week since the break up with Y/n L/n and Josh Solace, and while Josh is getting busy with his new lover Bethany Winterberg, we have no updates on Y/n. It seems the singer might be going dark, as all her social media are inactive and concerts have been canceled. Is this the fall of our greatest star?
Courtney &lt;3 @thegoat56
replying to @famoussingersnewsoffical
I ordered my tickets 6 months ago and now they’ve been canceled. Disappointed !! 
Aurelius @justartie
replying to @thegoat56
I blame Josh! How dare he cheat on Y/n with that blondie. I bet she has no talent whatsoever. #JusticeforY/n
On another love, another love
All my tears have been used up
A couple knocks could be heard at your front door, before a jingle of keys clashing together. Soon the front door opens, and your name is called once again. “Y/n!”
Footsteps walk down the hallway before a soft knocking is heard at your bedroom door. Dave creaks the door open, peeping his head in before he opens the door fully.
You sat at a chair placed at the window of your balcony, staring out into the city. Beside the leg of the table were some empty bottles of liquor.
“Ay Y/n,” Dave sighs into his hand. 
You look over your shoulder, taking a swig of your drink. “Go away Dave.”
“Y/n, the people are worried about you, and what’s this about canceling concerts, you never ran that by me-” 
“It’s me on that stage right?” You take another sip, “if I cancel, I cancel, so fucking what.”
“When you cancel, I lose money.” He protested, walking over to take the liquor from your hands “look, I have you for a concert downtown tonight, if you could just sober up.”
“Leave me alone!” You shove him away, standing up as you finish the last of the liquid. “I don’t wanna fucking sing, how the hell…am I supposed to sing a song about that…cheating bastard.”
“Because that’s your brand Y/n, that is your career-”
“Then fuck this job.”
Dave stops himself from fighting with you further, taking a deep breath to calm himself down. He rubs the middle of his eyebrows before sighing, “look, just hang tight. I’ll handle this.”
He leaves the room, closing the door behind him. You sit back in your chair, leaning your head against the glass window before mumbling. 
“I need another drink.”
On another love, another love
All my tears have been used up, up
Lorna Newell @lornanothere
[http//jnn.nws/ahsu6ja] JNN Article - A 26 year-old female was found dead, police say she was stabbed in an alleyway, probably taken by surprise. The victim’s name, Bethany Winterburg. Read more…
ElliottTheIdiott @intellengencenotfound454
replying to @lornanothere
I’m just gonna say it, it’s what she deserves. 
Izzy @lillesaremyfavorite876
replying to @intellengencenotfound454
You seriously think someone has to die just cause they happened to have an affair with a celebrity's boyfriend? That poor girl’s family.
*{P.A.N.D.A}* @hamburger8756
replying to @lornanothere
I heard Deku is going to be helping the police with the investigation !! 
Mitsu [commissions open ] @artbymitsu
replying to @hamburger8756
Oh great, here come the hero stans….
And if somebody hurts you, I wanna fight
“Good evening Ms. L/n”
You only give the door-man a simple nod, entering the lobby of your penthouse. A sweet scent of vanilla entering your nostrils and the soft melody of a piano entered your ears.
A brown paper bag was in your arms, small clinks could be heard as you neared the elevator. You clicked the button, waiting a moment for the elevator to reach the bottom before you entered through the sliding doors.
In the back of the elevator was a mirror, showing you a reflection of yourself. Damn…you’ve really changed. Your hair was neglected, stringy and oily, and your face was still recovering from all the crying.
You tear your eyes away from the mirror pressing your floor on the elevator before pulling out your phone. 
“Beathany is dead?” You mutter under your breath, clicking onto the article to read it through. The elevator doors open, and you continue to look at your phone as you unconsciously walk towards your home, apparently the girl was forced into an alleyway while walking home and was brutally murdered in the dark. “Yikes…”
You continue to scroll, looking at the comments, most were people giving their condolences or expressing their shock of the situation. Except…this one commenter, they kept replying the same thing over and over again.
‘Long live Y/n’
‘Long live Y/n’
You kept scrolling and scrolling, the same message from the same account over and over again. 
A small tud makes you pause, shoving your phone back into your pocket as you look over your shoulder to see where the sound came from.
“Um…hello?” You meant to shout, but it was barely a whisper.
You stare down the hallway, clenching your jaw as you wait to see if anybody would come around the corner. A sudden flash behind you makes you snap your attention to the front door, the sound of a camera’s shutter being all too familiar. 
The door slams shut before you could see who it was, sounds of heavy footsteps running behind the door could be heard. You let out a loud groan, placing your paper bags down by your doorstep before knocking on the door of Penthouse 817.
“Hey! The press isn't allowed up here! I will sue you so hard!”
The door clicks open from your harsh pounding, creaking open to show a very empty penthouse still undergoing construction. You click your tongue, pushing the door further open as you step inside. 
“I really need you to delete that photo, look….you delete that photo and…I’ll have my manager Dave hook you up with free albums,” you creep inside the penthouse, the scent of freshly cut wood wafting in the air. “I’ll even sign each album for you.”
It was mainly dark inside the penthouse, only lights coming from the ones the construction people used. You turned a corner entering a very large living room which had a small luminate room in the back.
“Gotcha.” You mutter.
You walk over to the room, grabbing the door knob before you swing the door open expecting to find a young fan, but your face drops at what you're greeted with instead. 
The walls were covered with photos, each of them had one focus, you.
But it wasn’t just any photo of you, all of them were taken either from your own home, when you were disguised and out with Josh, there were even some of you showering. There were desks and drawers, and a small computer system in the corner, the home screen a photo of you sleeping, aside it a basket of bloody tampons which you could only assume were yours.
You froze with shock, just standing still in the door frame as you read some words which were scribbled onto the only clear wall. ‘Long live Y/n’
But my hands been broken one too many times
“Y/n are you okay?”
You take a long sip of your drink, placing the glass down as you move to wave Dave off, the chubby man checking you over for any injuries, you push his hands away. “I’m fine Dave, just shocked.”
“Good,” he lets out a sigh, pulling out his phone and sending a few messages. “I’ll arrange a new house for you to stay in, you're in need of some new scenery.”
You stay silent, swigging your drink as you watch the police officers enter and exit the penthouse. One man exits the room, his outfit drawing your attention as it was not a police uniform, but a hero costume.
He was a fairly tall man, packed with lean muscles, and broad across the shoulders, the total opposite of your beer bellied manager. His green suit and hair gives away his identity easily, number one Pro Hero Deku.
You stare at him, watching him talk with some of the officers. He pauses for a second, turning his head slightly to meet eyes with you.
You blink as you dart your eyes away, David was right, you did need a new environment. You’d only moved into this penthouse to live closer to Josh, in hopes that he’d move in with you one day.
Memories of your old apartment came to mind, you never sold it because of the moments you had shared there. It was located in Musutafu, just a 30 minute trip from where you lived now.
“Dave.” You tap the man’s shoulder, distracting him from his phone call. “I'm gonna stay at my old place.”
“Hold on, I'll call you back,” Dave says into the phone before bringing his full attention to you. “Y/n, I can have a Dimond hotel ready in 5 minutes, it's an all inclusive spa and everything, it’ll help you feel better and maybe you’ll want to sing again.”
“I’m going to my old place,” you tell him again. “I’m going back to Musutafu.”
You walk off before he could say anything, entering your penthouse to pack a bag with everything you need. You open your wardrobe and begin to stuff the bag with random shirts and pants.
You drop the bag onto your bad, grabbing the 3 bottles from your brown paper bag and shoving them in the bag, leaving one out and opening it. The taste of the clear liquor is bitter, but it fills that bottomless feeling inside you.
You zip the bag up before walking out the room, heading down the steps back towards Dave. He’s on the phone once again, but when he sees you coming he quickly hangs up and rushes over to you.
“Y/n, please reconsider, just stay at the hotel for a couple of days, and get yourself right in the head. You’ve just been through something traumatic.”
“No, Dave.” You say again, taking another swig of your drink. “I’m going home.”
“You’re drunk,” he says again, moving in front of you so you couldn’t walk out. “You can’t drive to Musutafu in your condition.”
“I’ll drive her.”
You and Dave look over to the side, and your eyes meet with a young tall man. “Sorry, I couldn’t help but overhear your conversation,” it was Deku, he gave an awkward smile as he walked in further. “But I live in Musutafu, and I wouldn’t mind taking her home.”
You look over at Dave, “and he’s a hero, no need to worry about my safety, problem solved.”
So I'll use my voice, I'll be so fucking rude
It was a smooth ride in the car, Deku had the radio playing in the background. It was one of your songs, you could tell by the melody even though the volume was very low.
Your bags were sitting in the back seat, and you held a half-empty bottle in between your lap. Occasionally you take a swig as you stare at the passing by street lights.
“So…” Deku clears his throat, “are you sure you’re gonna be okay?”
“Yeah,” You watch his finger drum on the steering wheel, it’s obvious he has something he wants to say. “Just say what you wanna say already.”
“Sorry!” he stiffens, “but..I’m actually a really big fan.”
“Of course you are,” you groan, relaxing more into the car seat, “you want an autograph or something for taking me home?”
“Not at all!” He says all too quickly, “being able to take you home is more than enough for me.”
You can’t help but smirk, chuckling under your breath. Izuku looks over at you and smiles as well, still a little bit embarrassed. “You’re cute, you know that,” you say before taking another sip, “the number one hero of Japan, is a fan of mine, that’s cute.”
“Wha- I really am! I have all your albums!” He panics, opening up the middle compartment and grabbing a CD. 
You stare with amusement before bursting out into laughter, “I didn’t even know they sold these!” He lowers his head, embarrassed and you continue to laugh. “It's okay Deku, it’s okay! I’m just surprised, you're way more famous than me.”
“I’m not that-”
“Shut up, number one.” You interrupt him, “you won thousands awards all over town, and I’ve only got like 2 to my name.”
“Only 2?” He says with his eyebrows raised. “You deserve so much more!”
“Oh stop!” You put your hand up, “my whole brand is love songs, other song artists deserve it way more.”
“No way.” He says firmly, “your songs are from the heart, they reach deep parts inside us, even though their love songs it's just nice to listen to your voice.”
Silence settles between you two, a comfortable silence. You hadn’t even noticed how wide you were grinning, in just 5 minutes Deku had made you forget all about your troubles, and made you laugh.
“Hey, you really do live up to the legend.” You fold your hands into your lap, “saving people with a smile, making them forget all their worries.”
“I could say you do the same thing too,” he doesn’t look over at you, eyes stay on the road. “Your songs helped me through alot.”
The lights passing by on the street reflect in his eyes, “it’s a shame all this happened to a good person like you, I’m really sorry you have to go through this.”
“It’s just like what everyone online is saying.” You sigh, taking another swig of your drink, “ I’m finally catching up to reality.”
Silence falls between you two again and you start to recognize some of the buildings around you. “Are you hungry?” Deku asks, “I know a great burger spot around here.”
“Mo’s?” You ask.
Words, they always win, but I know I’ll lose
A paper bag sits in between you and Deku. You sat outside of the car, sitting on his trunk while he leaned on the car. You take a bite of the burger, savoring the juicy flavors that burst in your mouth. The familiar taste brings you comfort, and you feel a sense of gratitude for the small joys in life. Deku watches you eat, a warm smile on his face.
"Good, huh?" he asks, and you nod, your mouth too full to respond. You both munch on your burgers in contented silence, enjoying the simple pleasure of good food and good company.
As you finish your meal, you lean back against the car, staring up at the night sky. The stars twinkle above, and a sense of calm washes over you. It's moments like these that remind you of the beauty and resilience of life.
Deku breaks the silence, his voice gentle. "You know, even though it feels like your world is crashing down right now, remember that you have people who care about you. Your fans, your friends, and even someone like me, who just met you tonight."
You turn your head to look at him, his earnest expression making your heart ache. "Thank you, Deku," you say softly. "I appreciate your kindness and support. It means a lot to me."
He blushes slightly, scratching the back of his head. "I'm just doing what I can. Sometimes, all we need is someone to lean on, even if it's just for a little while." 
“So, what do you think is gonna happen with the investigation?”
“It’s gonna be really suffocating, unfortunately,” Deku sighs. “The chief thinks the stalker might have something to do with Betheny’s murder.” 
You feel a shiver run down your spine at the mention of Betheny. You knew being in the spotlight came with risks, but you never knew someone would be killed over you.
Deku's expression mirrors your sadness and concern. He shares a warm smile once you finally meet his eye. “You’re not alone Y/n.”
"I'm scared, Deku," you admit, your voice barely above a whisper. "Scared for my life, scared for the people around me. I never wanted any of this. I just wanted to share my music with the world." You mutter under your breath, “my love for Josh..”
“Hey.” Deku reaches out, placing a reassuring hand on yours. "I understand.” His touch brings you a sliver of comfort. “How about this, let’s hang out tomorrow, get your mind off of things?”
You look at Deku, appreciating his offer. The idea of taking a break from the chaos sounds appealing, a chance to find some solace and regain a sense of normalcy, even if just for a little while.
A small smile tugs at the corners of your lips. "That sounds nice, Deku. I'd like that." You pause for a moment, contemplating the options. "What do you have in mind?"
He ponders for a moment, his brows furrowing as he thinks. "Well, how about we go to the park? It's a peaceful place, and we can take a walk, enjoy nature. Sometimes being surrounded by trees and fresh air can help clear the mind."
The thought of being in nature sounds appealing. It could be a temporary escape, a chance to focus on something other than the chaos that has consumed your life. "That sounds perfect," you reply.
Deku's smile widens, relieved that his suggestion resonated with you. "Great! We'll meet there tomorrow morning then. Take your time and rest tonight. We'll leave all the worries behind for a while."
“Sounds great.”
And I'd sing a song that'd be just ours
It had been a while since you actually went outside. It took you almost 30 minutes to decide on an outfit, and you were still unsure if you picked the right one. Choosing an outfit for your outing with Deku feels oddly important to you, as if it holds some significance beyond just a simple park visit.
But you were going to be late if you continued to switch outfits, so though you weren’t exactly satisfied you settled on some jeans and a blouse. It feels light and airy, perfect for a day at the park.
With a deep breath, you grab your bag and head out the door, ready to meet with Deku. It's a new day, a chance for a fresh start, and you're determined to make the most of it. The park wasn’t very far from your house, so you walked there, enjoying the sound of cars passing by.
You enter the park, feeling a sense of tranquility wash over you as you take in the lively atmosphere. The vibrant green of the grass, the colorful flowers in bloom, and the sound of laughter and conversations create an inviting ambiance.
As you stroll along the path, you observe the various scenes unfolding around you. Children running and playing, their infectious giggles filling the air. Couples sitting on benches, sharing tender moments and stealing affectionate glances. Dogs chasing after balls, their tails wagging with pure joy. The park seems to be a haven of happiness and connection, momentarily whisking away the weight of your worries.
Spotting a familiar figure in the distance, you make your way towards Deku. He's standing near a pond, watching as ducks glide across the water's surface. Like you, he was wearing sunglasses, but his green hair really gave off his identity. He turns around and catches sight of you, a bright smile spreading across his face.
"There you are!" Deku exclaims, his voice filled with delight. "You look amazing!"
You blush at his compliment, feeling a surge of warmth in your chest. "Thank you," you reply, returning the smile. "You don't look too bad yourself."
He chuckles and extends his arm towards the park. "Shall we walk and enjoy the beauty of this place together?"
“We shall.”
The gentle breeze rustles the leaves, and the sun casts a warm glow over everything, creating a serene atmosphere. As you walk, you engage in lighthearted conversation. Deku's presence brings a sense of comfort and ease, allowing you to momentarily forget the weight of your worries. He listens attentively to your words, his genuine interest shining through his expressive eyes. It felt nice to actually have someone pay attention to what you were saying. 
“Y’know, my dream was never to become a singer,” you say as your and Deku’s laughter dies down from his previous joke. “I actually wanted to be a pro-hero.”
“What? Really?” Deku says, his eyes widening a little. “Well why didn’t you?”
As the sun begins its descent, casting a golden hue over the park, you find yourselves leaning on the fence over by the docks, the reflection of the sun shining over the river.
“My voice,” you say softly. “My parents had always said I was born to sing, and my quirk wasn’t really pro-hero worthy.” 
Deku's brows furrow slightly, “well, what’s your quirk?”
You look over to him. Though your mouth is closed, your voice could still be heard next to him. “Oh you know, nothing really.”
He blinks a few times, trying to comprehend what happened. “Wait…are you talking with your mouth closed?”
“Yeah, that's my quirk.”
All the voices speak at the same time, but your mouth remains shut. Deku's eyes widen in astonishment, his gaze shifting between you and the voices that seem to emanate from nowhere. He takes a moment to process what he just witnessed before regaining his composure.
"That's incredible," he says, his voice filled with genuine fascination. "A quirk that allows you to speak without opening your mouth. That's definitely unique and could be quite useful in its own way."
You chuckle softly, appreciating his reaction. "Yeah, it has its advantages. I can communicate without making any sound, and it lets me sing my own backup vocals. But it's not exactly the type of quirk that would be useful in physical confrontations or saving people like a pro-hero would."
Deku nods, understanding dawning in his eyes. "I see. But you've found your own way to touch people's lives and bring them joy through your music. And that's something to be proud of."
You stare at him for a bit, his words echoing through your mind before you turn your attention back to the glistening river. “Yeah…I guess you're right.” His words resonate with you, a gentle reminder of the impact you've had on others through your songs. But you weren’t going to sing again, ever since you lost Josh, your motivation to sing seemed to disappear with him.
Deku senses the shift in your mood and places a comforting hand on your shoulder. “Wanna grab a drink?”
A small smile tugs at the corner of your lips as you turn to face him. "Sure, a drink sounds nice. Lead the way."
But I sang 'em all to another heart
As you step into the bar, the lively atmosphere washes over you. The low lighting casts a warm glow, and the sound of music fills the air. People are engaged in conversations, laughter, and the occasional clinking of glasses. The energy of the place is infectious, and you can't help but feel a sense of excitement.
Deku finds a cozy corner booth, away from the crowd but still close enough to soak in the ambiance. He motions for you to take a seat, and you settle in, taking in the sights and sounds around you. The bar has a rustic charm, with wooden accents and dimly lit vintage bulbs hanging from the ceiling.
“Do you know what you want to drink?” Deku asks.
You glance at the menu, scanning the variety of beverages available. From signature cocktails to classic spirits, there's something for everyone's taste. But you decide on something a little more simple. “Vodka lime.”
He nods before sliding out the booth. You watch as Deku makes his way to the bar, his green hair standing out in the dim lighting. He skillfully navigates through the crowd, eventually reaching the counter where the bartender awaits.
As you wait for Deku to return with the drinks, you take a deep breath, allowing yourself to relax. The soft chatter and laughter of the bar patrons create a comforting background ambiance.
After a short while, Deku returns with two glasses in hand, a smile lighting up his face. He carefully places the drinks on the table, sliding back into the booth. You notice the small lime slice perched on the rim of your glass, a vibrant touch of color against the clear liquid.
"Here you go," he says, his voice filled with warmth. "A vodka lime, just as you requested."
You raise your glass, a gesture of gratitude, and take a sip, relishing the refreshing combination of flavors. The tangy lime cuts through the smoothness of the vodka, creating a drink that's both invigorating and comforting.
Deku raises his own glass, a dark liquor inside, and clinks it against yours. "Cheers," he says, his eyes sparkling with genuine camaraderie.
"Cheers," you reply, a smile playing on your lips.
As the night progresses, you engage in conversations that range from light-hearted banter to deeper reflections. The drinks flow, but it's the genuine connection and shared experiences that truly leave an impact. 
But the bar seems to quiet down as a woman walks onto the wooden stage at the bar. “Alright folks, for tonight's singing battle for $500 we have long time champion Sanda Hitoshi, and… Y/n Yoshito!”
You arch a brow at the call of your first name, but don’t think much of it since she hadn’t called you last. But Deku nudges you with his foot. “That you,” he whispers.
“What?” You say. “But I didn't sign up-”
“I did.” He says, “now go up there and sing.”
You watch a man come up onto the stage, everyone else in the bar looking around for the second contestant. Your initial instinct is to resist, to find an excuse to back out, but the determined look in Deku's eyes and the trust he has placed in you make it difficult to refuse.
Reluctantly, you take a deep breath, finishing the rest of your drink. You stand up from the booth, your heart pounding in your chest, and make your way towards the stage. As you step onto the wooden platform, the spotlight finds you, casting a warm glow upon your figure. 
The murmurs in the bar gradually subside, all eyes now fixed upon you and Sanda Hitoshi, the reigning champion of the singing battle. The crowd's anticipation hangs in the air, and you can't help but feel a mixture of nerves and determination. It had been a long time since you last did this.
The woman on stage, the host of the singing battle, looks at you expectantly. "Well, well, it seems we have a brand new contestant. Y/n Yoshito, are you ready to give it your all?"
You take a deep breath, your voice steady despite the butterflies in your stomach. "Yes, I am," you reply, your voice carrying a newfound confidence.
Sanda smirks at you, his confidence radiating from his lips. He leaned in close to you, “hope you're ready to lose.”
The music begins, a familiar melody filling the bar, and like karaoke the lyrics appear on the screen in front of you. Sanda begins first, his voice fills the bar with a powerful resonance. The crowd reacts, cheering and clapping along to his performance. You watch him closely, his confidence evident in every move he makes.
With the pressure and the competitive atmosphere, you begin to feel small. The spotlight turns onto you when it's your turn to sing, the lyrics appearing on the screen in front of you. You watch the words pass by, opening your mouth to sing, but nothing comes out.
The crowd began to mummer, many of their comments sounded very negative. You want to apologize and walk off the stage, embarrassed that you even came up here. But you meet Deku’s eyes, he had moved from the booth in the corner to one the table by the stage.
He smiles at you, a small nod that says so much despite the small gesture. ‘You can do this’
Drawing strength from his support, you take a deep breath, willing yourself to push through the fear and find your voice. The lyrics on the screen blur momentarily as you close your eyes, shutting out the distractions and doubts that surround you.
In that moment of stillness, you find a sense of clarity. The music resonates within you, touching the deepest parts of your soul. With renewed determination, you open your eyes and let the melody guide you.
As the first words escape your lips, a surge of energy courses through you. The initial hesitation gives way to a growing confidence, and your voice begins to fill the bar. The crowd's murmurs transform into hushed anticipation, their attention now fully on you.
With each passing note, you pour your heart into the performance, allowing the lyrics to carry your emotions. Confidence begins to sweep within you, and you start walking back and forth on the stage and adding a little more movement to your performance. The doubts and insecurities gradually fade away, replaced by the sheer joy of expressing yourself through music. The stage becomes your sanctuary, a space where you can be vulnerable yet powerful.
The crowd's initial skepticism gradually gives way to awe and appreciation. They witness the transformation unfolding before their eyes, witnessing the raw emotions and undeniable talent that you possess. It comes to Sanda's turn, but you don’t let him. Singing over him and taking his part of the song.
The egotistical man doesn't seem to appreciate it, attempting to sing over you. As Sanda tries to tune you out, attempting to regain the spotlight, a fire ignites within you. You refuse to be silenced or overshadowed. With unwavering determination, your voice rises above his, resolute and filled with passion.
Your impromptu duet becomes a battle of voices, a clash of emotions and artistry. Each note you sing carries an intensity that captivates the crowd, their attention shifting from Sanda to you.
As the song reaches its climax, you and Sanda’s voices soar, you’re now staring into his eyes. You can tell he’s trying to hit a higher note than you. With the power of your quirk, you continue to hold the note, and grin at the boy.
“You think you're better than me but you're not--!” You hold out the note,  hitting high notes with a confidence that surprises even yourself. The harmonies intertwine, creating a symphony of voices that reverberates through the bar, leaving everyone in awe.
And as the final note hangs in the air, a stunned silence fills the room. The audience, once divided, erupts into thunderous applause, their cheers and claps resonating with genuine admiration. It's clear that your performance has touched their hearts, transcending the boundaries of a simple singing battle.
Sanda stands there, momentarily speechless, his ego shattered. The crowd continues to cheer, some people even standing up, acknowledging the power of your voice and the strength you displayed in the face of adversity. You step off the stage, feeling a mix of exhilaration and relief coursing through your veins.
You run over to Deku, who’s still clapping a big grin on his face. You jump into his arms, squeezing him with all the passion you had left over from singing on stage. 
“Wait a minute!” A random voice calls out from the bar, “that’s Y/n L/n!”
“Isn’t that Deku?”
Startled by the sudden recognition, you quickly break away from Deku's embrace and exchange a brief glance with him. Without hesitation, you grab Deku's hand and make a swift exit from the bar, blending into the bustling city streets.
You drag him away down the street, the two of you laughing. “I think that was the most fun I’ve had in a long time,” you sigh.
Deku laughs along with you, the sound of joy and relief mingling in the air. "I'm glad you enjoyed it," he replies, a genuine smile gracing his face. "You were incredible up there, Y/n. It was like watching a star shine."
As you continue walking through the vibrant city streets, the excitement of the performance still coursing through your veins. You find a bench along the street and sit down, catching your breath and allowing the adrenaline to subside. Deku joins you, his presence a comforting anchor in the midst of the bustling city.
"I've never been able to go to any of your concerts, I usually just enjoy your music online, but-" Deku eyes sparkling with admiration. "It's like a whole different side of you came alive on that stage."
You lean back on the bench, a contented smile playing on your lips. "Maybe it's because you were there, cheering me on," you muse.
Deku reaches out and takes your hand, his touch gentle and reassuring. “I’m glad I was able to make a difference.”
You can’t tell if it was the alcoholic in your stomach, or just the warmth Deku’s presence brought to you. As your cheeks flush with a gentle blush, you meet his gaze, your eyes reflecting the many emotions swirling within you.
In that moment, the world around you seems to fade into the background, leaving only the two of you in this intimate space. The city's hustle and bustle become distant whispers as you focus on the presence of Deku, his hand holding yours, and the unspoken connection that binds you together.
A soft breeze rustles through the air, carrying with it a hint of anticipation and possibility. The night sky above twinkles with stars, mirroring the spark in Deku's eyes. It's as if the universe itself is silently encouraging you to take a leap of faith, to embrace the budding feelings that have begun to blossom between you.
“Deku..” you say, your voice barely above a whisper.
“Please,” he whispers back. “Call me Izuku.”
As the words hang in the air, the silence between you becomes overloaded with possibility. He’s leaning in closer. The anticipation builds between you, the space between your lips diminishing with each passing moment. Time seems to stand still as the gap between you closes, and your heart pounds in your chest.
Finally, your lips meet in a tender and electrifying kiss. The touch of his lips against yours ignites a fire within, a warmth that spreads throughout your being. It's a moment filled with vulnerability, trust, and the sweet realization that something beautiful is unfolding between you.
As you break apart, a soft smile graces both of your faces, and the world comes back into focus.
The moment is cut short though, by the call of your name. Your eyes widen, “Josh?”
“Hey…bunny.” He says.
Shock washes over you as you hear Josh's voice, and your heart skips a beat. It's as if time has frozen, and you find yourself caught in a mixture of conflicting emotions.  Memories of the past colliding with the present.
You release Izuku’s hand, standing up from the bench. "Josh... What are you doing here?" you manage to ask.
Josh's gaze shifts between you and Izuku, before he lifts his phone to show the posts of you at the bar. "I... I heard your voice. I followed it. I didn't expect to find you here like this."
“I’ll um, give you two some space.” Izuku clears his throat, sensing the tension. Izuku gracefully steps back, giving you and Josh the space you need to address the unexpected reunion. He moves a few steps away, but you can still feel his supportive presence lingering in the background.
“What do you want?” You turn your attention back to Josh. "I didn't expect to see you here either."
He lowers his phone, his gaze softening as he takes in your presence. "I know it's been a long time, Y/n. I've missed you."
You hesitate for a moment, your mind racing with thoughts and conflicting feelings. You furrowed your brows, “you cheated on me.” 
"Listen, Y/n," Josh continues, taking a step closer. "I made a lot of mistakes in the past, and I've spent a long time regretting them.” You're frozen still as he comes closer, the serenity in his voice almost sounding real. He reaches out a hand as if to touch you, but quickly withdraws it. "I know I messed up, Y/n. I can't change the past, but I want us to try again. I love you."
His words were everything you wanted to hear. And you glance over at Izuku, who’s trying to pretend he isn’t watching. While your connection with Izuku has been growing, the history and familiarity with Josh still hold weight.
You take a deep breath. “No.”
Josh's expression shifts into shock. “What?” It’s obvious he didn’t expect that. “But bunny, I've apologized.” The gentleness in his earlier voice is long gone now.
“And I don’t forgive you,” you say. “You cheated on me Josh, exploited me, laughed in my face.”
"You're being unfair, Y/n!" he exclaims, his voice laced with frustration.
You hated this. You hated how fast your heart was beating. You hated the little voice in your head begging you to take Josh back, to return to your little state of love. You hated the part of you that actually believed Josh’s words.
He continues, "People make mistakes, and I've changed. I love you, and I'm willing to do whatever it takes to make things right."
“The damage has already been done Josh,” your voice is steady despite the emotions swirling within you. “We’re done.”
Josh's face contorts and he takes a step back. "Fine," he says through gritted teeth. "But don't think this is the end. I’m all you’ve ever known, nobody else in the world will love you as much as I did."
With that said, he walks off, leaving you to stand there. Izuku approaches, his presence a pillar of strength, and he wraps an arm around you. “You okay?” He asks.
You turn around and shove your face into his chest throwing punches into him. “It’s not fair Izuku!”
Izuku holds you tightly, each punch like a little tap on his torso. "I know, Y/n," he murmurs.
Tears spill out your eyes, and you want to scream out of frustration. "It's okay to let it out," he whispers, his voice filled with compassion. A soft hand rubbing your back, you allow yourself to surrender to the overwhelming wave of emotions, the frustration, and the pain. 
The tears flow freely, carrying with them the weight of disappointment and heartache. Izuku remains by your side, offering his silent support as you let your emotions be heard. Eventually, your sobs turned into small whimpers, your arms had grown tired now and you stood limp in Izuku’s arms.
“I like you Izuku,” you whisper. “I really do.” You can feel the vibrations of his humming through his chest, and you peel your face off of him to meet his eye. “But I don’t think I’m gonna be able to love you in the way you deserve.”
Izuku's gaze meets yours, filled with understanding and empathy. He takes a moment to absorb your words, his expression softening. You pull away from him, wiping your own tears. “I’m sorry Izuku. But Josh is right…”
Before he could speak, you turned your back and began to walk away. Izuku could only watch, unsure of what to say himself. 
 And I wanna cry, I wanna learn to love
As you shifted in bed, the sound of bottles clinking could be heard. Once again you drowned yourself in liquor to ease off the pain spiking up in your heart. The sun shining in through the curtains was enough to wake you.
You groaned, head beginning to ache as soon as you sat up. The room seemed to spin for a moment, and you steadied yourself against the nearby dresser. You pulled open one of the drawers, hoping to find some new clothes that didn’t reek of sweat and alcohol.
Rummaging through the drawer, you managed to find a fresh set of clothes tucked away in the back. You discarded your worn and disheveled attire and quickly changed into clean garments.
As you throw your old clothes to the laundry backset in the corner of the room, you stop at the sight of one of your old notebooks. It’s opened with a pen sitting on top of it, along with an almost empty bottle of liquor. 
You must’ve been writing while drunk.
Curiosity piqued, you picked up the notebook, flipping through its pages. The words scribbled across the paper were a mix of blurry lines, barely legible in your intoxicated state. It was evident that you had attempted to write while under the influence, but the resulting pages held little coherent meaning. Some words were readable, lyrics that connected in a way you couldn’t really understand at the moment. 
A little disappointed, you close the notebook and toss it onto your unmade bed. With a sigh, you look around the room, though your head was still aching, you were filled with boredom.
You catch a glimpse of yourself in the mirror and take a moment to assess your appearance. Your reflection revealed signs of fatigue and the lingering traces of tears. You looked like shit.
Another sigh emits from your lips, and you crash back onto your bed, feeling under your pillow for your phone. As usual it’s bombarded with tweets, and likes.
Celebrity News @celebnews
{3 Image Attached} Celebrity singer Y/n L/n sighted singing at the local karaoke bar in Musutafu. Seems out little romance singer might have found a new muse.
AnimeBrigade @macetotheface
replying to @celebnews
Is that Deku? Holy shi-
Dont Mori, Be Happy @fatdeadhard
replying to @celebnews
Look at how Deku’s holding her! Move over Y/n! It’s my turn
Pepsi Chan @aloneboi
replying to @fatdeadhard
Nah, Deku move over. Lemme hold sweet Y/n
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“They work fast,” you mutter under your breath, closing Twitter after scrolling through the many comments from your recent appearance yesterday.
Lying on your bed, you allowed yourself a moment of respite, staring at the ceiling as thoughts swirled in your mind. You glance over at your window, seeing how it’s a perfectly sunny day, you should probably get some fresh air.
As you open the window, a gentle breeze wafts into the room, carrying with it the sweet scent of blooming flowers. The warm rays of sunlight bathe your face, the heat irritating your eyes a little, but either way it instantly uplifts your spirits.
You decide to go for a walk, to let your thoughts wander and find peace amidst the serene surroundings. As you step out onto the streets, the hustle and bustle of the city greets you. Mainly just people riding their bikes, or going out on a morning jog. Mainly people going about their daily lives.
You walk aimlessly, allowing your footsteps to guide you through the winding paths. Eventually finding yourself by the river you had visited with Deku yesterday. You take a seat by a nearby bench, and stare out at the rippling water.
“For someone so young, it seems like you’ve got a lot of problems on your plate.”
You turn to the voice of an old woman, she’s sitting on the second bench near the one you were sitting at. She’s knitting, a bag full of yarn sitting by her feet. 
“Just alot going on in my life right now,” you turn back to the river. “ I just don’t know what to do.”
“Life is filled with challenges,” the old woman nods, her eyes filled with wisdom. “I believe that it's through facing those challenges that we grow and find our strength."
“I just don’t know if I have the strength to face these challenges,” you mutter.
The old woman's eyes soften as she continues knitting, her fingers working with practiced ease. She looks at you with a compassionate gaze and says, "strength is not always about having all the answers or being fearless. It's about acknowledging your vulnerabilities and persevering despite them. It's about taking one step at a time, even when the path seems uncertain."
She pauses for a moment, as if contemplating her next words. “Tell me dear, where is it in life, that you find yourself the most confident?”
You lean back into the bench, taking a moment to think about her question. “I guess, when I’m on stage, singing.”
“Ah so you are a singer,” the old woman chuckles. “I find that most singers see music as a refuge. Their way of expressing themselves and connecting with others.”
You stay quiet as a breeze passes by, your hair tickling your face slightly. The old woman's eyes sparkle with understanding as she observes your contemplative state. "Music has a way of touching our souls," she continues, her voice carrying a hint of nostalgia. "It allows us to express emotions that may be difficult to put into words.”
As the old woman resumes her knitting, you take a deep breath and let the warmth of her presence envelop you. For your whole life, you’d written songs about how happy and in love you were, but not once had you ever considered writing about your sadness. 
You wanted to learn to love Deku, to be able to appreciate him for showing you kindness and understanding during the lowest point of your life. But you didn’t know how. You had been burnt out of songs about love, you had nothing to sing to him. But, your sadness.
The old woman's knitting needles click softly in the background, almost as if they're providing a rhythmic backdrop to your thoughts.
You turn to her, a warm smile on your face and the old woman meets your gaze with a kind and knowing smile, her knitting needles pausing for a moment. There's a sense of compassion and understanding in her eyes, as if she recognizes the weight of your emotions and the complexity of your situation.
She nods, wordless acknowledging your gratitude. You stand up from the bench, with a newly found determination, you sprint, heading straight back to your home.
As you run back to your home, a surge of energy courses through your veins. The weight of uncertainty and doubt begins to lift, replaced by a renewed sense of purpose and inspiration. The rhythmic clicking of the old woman's knitting needles fades into the distance as you focus on the path ahead.
Arriving at your home, you feel a sense of urgency and creativity burning within you. You enter your room and immediately head to your bedroom, snatching your notebook from off the bed. You slide over to your desk, flipping through the pages and finding a blank page.
With each stroke of the pen, the words pour out onto the page. The lyrics flow effortlessly, capturing the essence of your sadness, your doubts, and your longing. The melodies intertwine with the words, weaving a tapestry of vulnerability and strength.
You begin to sing the newly crafted verses, testing out each lyric with different tones of rhythm. Everything begins to flow as you begin to use the beat of the old lady’s rhythmic clicking. With each verse, you allow yourself to fully embrace the rawness of your emotions. You sing of your struggles, your doubts, and your yearning for a deeper connection.
The song takes shape, evolving with each line and chord progression. Despite your habit to make the song more high beat, and happy, you're determined to explore a different side of your emotions.
And I wanna cry, I wanna learn to love
You worked until nightfall, obsessed with your new project. It had been a whole since you felt this determined, and the song is completed by the end of the day. You sat at your desk proud, staring at the page in the notebook which was covered with eraser marks, smudges, and even some dampness from your tears.
There's a sense of pride and accomplishment in seeing the culmination of your hard work and creative expression on the page. But your moment is interrupted by your phone. It was your manager, Dave. Perfect timing.
“Hey Dave!” You answer.
“Y/n, what’s this I’m seeing all over the internet?” He doesn’t even greet you, “why are you frolicking with that Pro-Hero?”
You lean back in your office chair, “you mean the bar thing? We were just hanging out.”
“No,” he says more sternly. “I mean the pictures of you making out with him.”
The what. You put the one on speaker before switching over to the app, finding it easily as the post was number one on trending.
User @usernamenotfound
{5 Images Attached} I see you…
Trash Mammal @hairylegs
replying to @usernamenotfound
Okay. I think I’m done with the internet for a while now,
iitsTre_ @suliom
replying to @usernamenotfound
Okay, so this happened. And I’m all for it. #Y/n&Deku
Hanna the Dinosaur @roar
replying to @suliom
Nah, I’m loyal to the og. #Y/n&Josh
JayyKT @yaboyJT
replying to @roar
Yeah cause supporting a toxic relationship is perfectly fine.
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“D-dave I,” You continue to scroll through the comments. “I-I don’t know how this happened.”
“Cause you’re careless and irresponsible.” Dave’s voice is firm, a type of anger he rarely ever used with you. “But we can clear everything up since you and Josh are back together.”
“Dave…Josh and I aren’t getting back together,” you stammer. “I…I think I might have feelings for Deku. I even wrote a song, I’m we can use this-”
“You what?” His voice is chilling. “Do you know how much I- do you know what I did to have Josh want to get back with you?  A-and you can’t just start making new songs, especially about Deku! Josh is your career, you write songs about Josh, and only Josh!”
As he stammers, you furrow your brows at the phone. Did he just say he paid Josh to say he wanted to get back with you?
"Dave... Did you... Did you pay Josh to pretend he wanted to get back with me?" your voice trembles of disbelief and hurt.
There's a moment of silence on the other end of the line before Dave finally speaks. “I did what was best for your career Y/n, cause it seems like only one of us seems to actually care.”
Anger rises within you as you try to comprehend the extent of his manipulation. "You don't get to decide who I should be with or what songs I should write, Dave."
"Y/n, I've invested a lot in your career. I've worked hard to make you successful, and sometimes tough decisions have to be made for the sake of that success.”
Your anger intensifies, fueled by a sense of betrayal. "You had no right to manipulate my personal life Dave. I trusted you, and you took advantage of that trust. This is not how a manager should treat their artist." There's a brief pause before you continue, “I’m going to have to call you back, I need time to think, and maybe consider getting a new manager.”
You end the call, and drop your phone onto your desk. “What the fuck,” you mutter, repeating the words in your mind over and over. You had known Dave to be very pushy, but you didn’t mind it, you owed it to him for helping you jumpstart your career.
But as the weight of the situation settles on your shoulders, and you realize that it's time for a change, you can no longer continue with a manager who doesn't respect your boundaries and manipulates your personal life for the sake of your career.
The phone vibrates on the desk, and you quickly pick it up and answer. “Dave fuck of-”
"Yes, it's me," Izuku's voice comes through the phone, filled with concern. "I saw what happened on the internet, and I wanted to make sure you're okay. Are you alright?"
Your anger and frustration begin to dissipate, replaced by a mixture of surprise and relief. "Izuku, I... I don't know what to say. It's been a crazy day, and I just found out some things about my manager that I never expected."
"I'm sorry you had to go through that," Izuku responds empathetically. “But, I actually called for another reason.”
Curiosity piques within you as Izuku's words hang in the air. "Another reason? What is it, Izuku?"
There's a brief pause on the other end of the line, and then Izuku speaks with a hint of nervousness in his voice. “Y/n, I’ve been thinking about what you said…and I, I don’t care-”
Your heart stills at the sound of glass shattering, and Izuku quiets down as well. You quickly stand up from the desk, looking towards your door. That sound definitely came from your house, and since you were home alone, that meant that someone broke in.
“Y/n? What was that?”
The conversation with Izuku is immediately forgotten as your focus shifts to the potential danger in your own home. Without wasting another moment, you hurriedly whisper into the phone, "Izuku, I think someone just broke into my house."
You quickly step over to your bedroom door, cringing at the sound of your barefoot sticking to the hardwood floor. You slowly click your bedroom door lock, before backing away from the entrance. 
Izuku was still talking on the phone, but with your concentration on being silent, you can’t seem to focus on what he’s saying. “I’m coming Y/n!”
You take deep breaths as your back hits the wall in your room, your eyes landing on the many glass bottles sitting on your bedside table. Without a moment's hesitation, you grab one of the bottles, feeling its cool surface in your hand.
The sound of footsteps approaching your bedroom door grows louder, and your heart pounds in your chest. Adrenaline surges through your veins as you grip the bottle tightly. The door knob jiggles, the intruder, struggling against the door lock.
They pound at the door, aggressive knocks that scare you more and more. Taking a deep breath to steady your nerves, you try to remain as quiet as possible, hoping that the intruder will give up and leave. But the pounding continues, growing more forceful with each strike. It becomes clear that they are determined to break through the door.
“Open this door now!”
You recognize that voice. Dave? As you strain to listen through the door, your heart sinks as you confirm that the voice belongs to Dave. The realization fills you with fear and confusion. Why would your manager be breaking into your house?
He’s able to kick a hole in the bottle part of your door, hand reaching in for the door knob to let himself in. Gripping the glass bottle tightly, you make a split-second decision, throwing the bottle at his hand.
The man lets out a loud groan once the glass shatters upon impact with his hand. “You fucking bitch, I’m gonna kill you!”
You reach for your phone, forgetting you had Izuku on the line. "Izuku, it's Dave. He's breaking into my house. I don't know what to do."
He doesn’t respond, the only sound from his air is just fast paced movement and heavy breathing. 
“Do you know how much I’ve done for you Y/n?” Dave continued to kick around the hole he made, opening it up more. “What I've done? You don’t get to cast me aside, no, no, you don’t.”
“Dave, your fucking insane!” You scream back, gripping another bottle in readiness to defend yourself again. “You’ve actually lost it this time!”
His foot falls through the hole, making it big enough for a person to crawl through. “I hired that stalker you know? I knew that dumbass Josh would get caught with that stupid girl. He was so careless, so reckless, he put everything at stake.” Dave’s ab;e to unlock the door, pushing it so hard it practically comes off the hinges.
“That stalker was going to scare you, scare you so badly you’d listen to everything I told you to do.” His boot crunch against the fallen glass on the ground. “I killed Bethany for you Y/n, as your manager, I’d do anything for you.”
The reflection of the knife in his hand increases your heart rate. You begin to throw bottles at him, but with each throw your precision is affected by the fear instilled in your mind. “After everything I’ve done. You’d just fire me like that?” He laughs, a chuckle so chilling. “I don’t think so.”
"Dave, please," you plead, your voice filled with desperation and a hint of hope. "You don't have to do this. We can find another way. Just put the knife down and let's talk. We can figure this out."
But Dave's expression twists into a malicious grin, his eyes filled with madness. He lunges at you with alarming speed, the knife glinting in the dim light. Panic floods your senses as you desperately search for an escape route.
In a moment of instinct, you make a split-second decision. You grab a nearby chair and swing it at Dave, hoping to create enough distance between you. The impact catches him off guard, momentarily stunning him and giving you a chance to make a run for it.
But you slip on one of the glass shards on the ground and fall onto it, groaning as it stabs into your arms. With adrenaline surging through your veins, you’re able to quickly recover, and attempt to stand up, but a hand grips your ankle. 
“No! Stop!” You scream, feeling him pulling you towards him. “Stop it. Please!”
Another crash emits, as glass shards fly into the room along with a body. A loud thump echoes through the floorboards as Deku lands in your apartment, he moves quickly, appending your attacker.
Red and blue flashing lights reflect in the room, and sit on the floor, your breaths come in ragged gasps as you try to process what just happened.
But all my tears have been used up
You were sitting on the edge of an ambulance, wrapped in one of the blankets provided by the EMTs. There were many police cars surrounding your apartment, as well as new vans trying to get as much footage as they could from afar.
You watched as Dave was forced into the back of a police car, he was shouting many obscenities, promising that he would be coming back. You pulled the blanket tighter around yourself, seeking a small measure of comfort and protection. 
Deku was speaking with some of the officers, having to explain the situation since he was the first pro-hero on sight. 
“Miss L/n?”
You look over to the side, finding a well dressed lady. She holds out a card to you, “I know this might not be the best time,  but I’m Miyahara Mika, after everything that’s happened you’re going to be looking for a new manager. I’d like to be one of your first options.”
Taking the card from her, you read her name. Before you could say anything, Deku walks over, “I’m sorry, no questions right now.” He leads the girl away, sending her back behind the police tape with the other bystanders.
You appreciate Izuku's attentiveness to give you space, but also made a mental note to contact Mika once the immediate aftermath had settled. 
“Are you okay?” He asks.
You take a moment to collect yourself before responding to Deku's question. His concern is evident in his eyes, and you appreciate his presence in this chaotic moment. "A little shaken, but physically unharmed," you reply. " I'm grateful that you were here and intervened when you did. Thank you, Izuku."
You pause, taking in a deep breath to steady yourself. "But what about you?" you ask, genuinely concerned. "Did you get hurt? Are you okay?"
He chuckles, “I’m fine, and I’m just glad you're okay.”
“Miss L/n, there’s someone who wants to see you, um his name is Josh Solace.” An officer comes up to the side of the ambulance, pointing over to the side where you can see Josh being held back by some officers.
With a sigh, you watch as he calls out to you.  With a nod, you signal to the officer to let Josh through.
As Josh approaches, he quickly embraces you. “Y/n are you okay? I came as soon as I heard, do you need a place to say? You can stay with me.”
You push him away, standing up and looking him straight in the eye. Without words, your hands swing across his face, slapping him cleanly. The slap resonates through the air, and a shocked silence follows. Josh's hand instinctively moves to his cheek, his eyes wide with surprise. 
Your lips pressed together,and you looked at Josh with a firm eye. “Josh…I’be done nothing but love you since we were kids. You were the center of my world. I thought I was gonna marry you one day. I can't believe you would let this happen.”
Josh's expression turns from shock to remorse, his voice filled with desperation. "Y/n, I swear, I had no idea. Dave... he threatened me, manipulated me.”
You put your hand up to stop him from talking. “Cut the bullshit Josh,  Dave didn’t manipulate you into cheating on me. You can lie all you want, but one thing’s for certain. You don’t love me, you haven’t for a long time.”
The weight of your words hangs in the air, and a deep silence settles between you and Josh. 
“So it’s over?” He asks, “just like that? All these years down the drain?”
While a part of you wants to believe Josh's words and find a way to forgive him, another part knows that the trust between you has been shattered. 
On another love, another love
It had been two weeks since the incident. For the first week, you stayed with your mom taking a break from social media and anything too exciting. 
During your week with your mom, you found solace in her comforting presence. She provided a safe and nurturing environment where you could heal and process the events that unfolded. Together, you shared meals, talked, and spent quality time reconnecting.
As the second week approached, you began to feel better. You knew it was time to face the world again, albeit in a different way. With the support of your mom and close friends you were able to reconnect with, you gradually reconnected with social media, updating your followers with a heartfelt message expressing gratitude for their support and explaining your need for some time off.
You also reached out to Mika, the manager who had approached you on that fateful day. Her professionalism and genuine interest in representing you had left a positive impression. After careful consideration and discussions with your support network, you decided to meet with her and explore the possibility of working together.
The meeting with Mika went well. She understood your need for boundaries and respect for your personal life. She shared her vision for your career, emphasizing the importance of authenticity and artistic growth.
You explained to her how you wanted to reintroduce yourself into the music industry, showing her your newly made song and how you wanted everything to work out. She loved the idea and got straight to work, promoting the hell out of the huge concert you were going to be having.
All my tears have been used up
Meanwhile you kept in contact with Izuku. He was really busy with hero work, but whenever he had the time you would grab lunch with him. Though it was hard to keep the concert you’d be having a secret, you made sure he didn't know the song that you’d be singing was about him. Nobody did.
“What’s this?” Izuku placed down his coffee mug to pick up the paper you slid over to him.
“I’m having a really big concert, and I want you to be there.” You said with a small smile, “it has a backstage pass and everything.”
Izuku's eyes widened with surprise as he read the paper you handed him. You continue, “you said you’ve never been to any of my concerts before..so…you should come to this one.”
"A concert? That's amazing!" he exclaimed, "I'd be honored to be there."
“I’d be honored to have you,” you chuckle. You couldn't help but feel a rush of joy hearing his response. Despite the challenges you had faced, having someone like Izuku by your side meant the world to you.
On another love, another love
You practiced with the band every day, making sure each of them knew their role. The band members had been supportive throughout the entire process, recognizing the significance of your comeback and the importance of the music you were about to share. They dedicated themselves to practicing and perfecting their parts, despite the different style and emotions involved in the song.
During rehearsals, you could feel the synergy building between you and the band. They were not only skilled musicians but also genuinely passionate about creating something meaningful.
As the concert day approached, the band's excitement grew alongside yours. You could see the determination in their eyes and the way they embraced the challenge of playing a different genre of music. They put in the extra effort to ensure that each instrument complemented your vocals, creating a harmonious blend that captured the emotions and essence of the song.
All my tears have been used up
The stadium was way bigger than you thought it would be. Mika had said that Hamada Nobu, the owner of the largest stadium in Japan, had offered the space for your musical comeback. Something about his daughter being a huge fan.
The sight of the vast stadium, with its countless empty seats stretching out before you, was both awe-inspiring and humbling. It was a stark reminder of the magnitude of the moment and the opportunity that lay ahead. Tomorrow, those seats would be filled with people eager to witness your song.
Standing in the center of the stage, you took a deep breath, feeling a mix of excitement and nerves. The anticipation was palpable, and the enormity of the occasion weighed on your shoulders.
You glanced around the stage, taking in the elaborate setup and the equipment that had been meticulously arranged. The lighting rigs, the speakers, the instruments—all were in place, waiting to come alive with music. It was a testament to the hard work and dedication that had gone into preparing for this moment.
As you looked out at the empty seats, you imagined the faces that would soon occupy them. Each seat represented a person, a fan, someone who had been touched by your music in some way. Their anticipation, their support, and their love would fill this stadium tomorrow, fueling your performance and igniting the atmosphere.
You closed your eyes for a moment, envisioning the energy that would radiate from the crowd. The shared experience of music, the connection between artist and audience, the power of emotion and expression—it all converged in this space. Tomorrow, you would step onto this stage and give your all, pouring your heart and soul into the music.
Sudden doubt enters your mind. Love songs had been your brand since the beginning, what if they didn’t like the change?
On another love, another love
As the sound of the crowd reached your ears from the dressing room, instead of igniting your usual sense of determination, it filled you with fear. The magnitude of the moment hit you all at once, and doubts began to resurface.
What if they didn't like the new direction of your music? What if they were disappointed by the change? The fear of being rejected by the very people who had supported you throughout your career weighed heavily on your mind.
Taking a deep breath, you reminded yourself of the countless hours of hard work, dedication, and soul-searching that had led you to this point. You had poured your heart and soul into this new music, and it was an authentic expression of who you had become as an artist.
With each passing moment, the fear began to transform into excitement. You reminded yourself that the crowd gathered outside was there because they believed in you and your talent. 
You took one final look in the mirror, meeting your own eyes with a determined gaze. You had worked tirelessly for this moment, and now it was time to step onto that stage and give it your all. 
All my tears have been used up, up
Oh, oh, oh
Your body glistened with sweat as you continued to sing, pouring your heart and soul into each note. The stage lights bathed you in their warm glow, amplifying the intensity of the moment. The energy of the crowd fueled your performance, their cheers and applause becoming a harmonious symphony that echoed through the stadium.
As the music swelled, you took a small moment during an instrumental break to catch your breath. The adrenaline coursing through your veins kept you going, but you knew the importance of pacing yourself. Using your quirk to provide a brief respite as your voice soared through the air.
The band continues to play as you quiet down, taking the moment to search around the front row for your green haired friend. This song was for him, and you wanted to see him as you sang it. But he was so where to be seen.
Disappointment settles within you but you return to the center of the stage.
Oh, need a love, now, my heart is think of
As your quirk sings and the music surrounds you, you feel a surge of emotions welling up inside you. A small tear escapes the corner of your eye, tracing a path down your cheek. It's a single tear, but it carries the weight of countless emotions that have been bottled up inside you. It's a tear of joy, of pain, of resilience, and of triumph.
In that moment, as the tear falls, you surrender yourself to the power of the music and the vulnerability it brings.
“I wanna sing a song that'd be just ours.”
“But I sang ‘em all to another heart”
As you stared at the hidden camera in front of you, you were acutely aware of the enormous projector behind you, magnifying every emotion etched on your face. The camera was capturing every tear, every tremor, every raw expression that danced across your features as you sang your heart out.
You could imagine the faces of the audience members, their eyes fixed on the projection, immersed in the journey of your performance. The close-up shots captured the intensity of your emotions, allowing the viewers to witness the vulnerability and passion that flowed through your voice and body.
“And I wanna cry, I wanna fall in love (fall in love)”
As the powerful notes of your voice filled the air, you used your quirk to double over the sound, creating a mesmerizing echo that reverberated through the stadium. It was a deliberate choice, a way to emphasize the weight of your words. With each word that escaped your lips, the echo carried it forward, enveloping the audience in a haunting and immersive experience.
“But all my tears have been used up”
You look to the side, a tuft of green hair catching your eye. It was Izuku, he had actually come. With each word you sing, your gaze remains fixed on Izuku. It's as if your performance becomes a personal conversation between the two of you, a way to convey the depth of your emotions and express the unspoken feelings that have lingered between you.
On another love, another love
“All my tears have been used up”
The energy in the stadium becomes electric, as the audience, caught up in the intensity of your performance. They clap, cheer, and scream, their excitement and appreciation reverberating throughout the stadium. The energy is palpable, a tangible force that sweeps through the air, connecting you with each and every person in the audience.
On another love, another love
“All my tears have been used up”
You wave Izuku to come over, smiling as he refuses to at first, but with a small push from Mika he begins the walk over. The crowd seems to go crazy at the sight of him.
The audience's excitement reaches new heights as they realize that Izuku, their beloved pro-hero, is joining you on stage. Cheers and applause fill the stadium, their admiration for him evident in their fervent response.
On another love, another love
“All my tears have been used up”
You meet Izuku halfway, a beaming smile on your face as you take his hands. The crowd erupts with even more enthusiasm, their cheers growing louder. It's a beautiful and heartwarming sight, witnessing the genuine affection and connection between you and Izuku.
“Oh, oh”
As the music dies down, you leap forward and kiss Izuku. Time seems to stand still in that moment as the world around you fades away. The audience, caught up in the intensity of your performance, erupts into cheers and applause once again, their excitement reaching new heights.
As you break the kiss, you find yourself lost in Izuku's eyes, the world around you fading into the background. It's a powerful and unforgettable moment, one that will forever be etched in your memory and in the hearts of those who witnessed it.
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djsadbean · 1 year
i don't think i've ever mentioned this but im the BIGGEST fan of the original smurfs tv show from the 80s and my mom just gave me some of her original smurf stickers that she put on her school binder and IT STILL STICKS 45 YEARS LATER.
i'm SO SO happy ough ive never had my own smurfs merch from the actual show (im a big ol hater about the modern smurfs adaptation ugh hate. it.) these stickers are so cute and i fell down a rabbit hole of looking at vintage smurfs merch and i want ALL OF IT. i cannot express how happy i am rn i used to draw the smurfs all the time and i made my friends watch it with me and i ranted to them about all the new adaptations LOL celebrate with me as i loose all my money to vintage smurfs merch on ebay
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i put them on my cricut!! these are the first stickers to be used to decorate my cricut (i dont like putting stickers one at a time, i like to plan ahead lmao) so these are so so special to me. especially since my mom saved up her little 5th grader money to buy these at the mexican version of macy's (idk the name lmao but thats how she described it) back in the 80s and now theyre mine!! she told me that if she had known her future daughter wanted them she wouldve bought more LOL
she told me that back then she and her classmates would trade stickers to put on their rulers, binders, etc. so she traded a few from this sticker pack to get some strawberry shortcake stickers and hello kitty stickers (i LOVE strawberry shortcake and my sister LOVES hello kitty) so its so special that we still, as a family, love these characters.
sometimes i feel very disconnected from the past for a lot of personal reasons and this made me feel so happy and human. like her little trip to the mall mattered so much and 45 years later im having an incredible day bc of that small purchase she made when she was like 9 years old. it also reminded me of something i loved as a kid that i just forgot about and it made me so so happy. like neither of us really had to go out of our way to do something today but this ended up being so special to me.
i hope i made sense :] peace and luv on planet earf
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my-mt-heart · 2 years
We Have a Future?
I bring this over to you from Twitter as well as a long thread I made about a potential future for Caryl. 
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I’m taking the rumors of their spinoff as *rumors* for now, but it feels like a good time to talk about what I’d love to see if it’s true and more importantly, what I would subscribe to AMC+ plus for: 
1. An Explicit Caryl Romance
The “will they, won’t they” trope is supposed to be resolved by the series finale and we are now past that. We can take the “I love you’s” as canon or not, but it comes across as intentionally straddling the fence and for what? Caryl is one of the biggest ships on television. They have the support of the general audience, casual viewers, the writers, cast, and crew, so there’s no need to keep pandering to the least common denominators. Caryl’s relationship also aids representation, reminding viewers that people over 50 can fall in love, that a female love interest can have gray hair, and that a male love interest can display lower levels of sexual behavior. But that’s only effective if AMC shows they’re willing to commit. After 12 years, it’s time to go big or go home. 
2. Open Conversation about Caryl’s Romance 
There’s a reason the Caryl fandom thinks so highly of LaToya Morgan. She validates our perspective, she’s openly passionate about the ship, and she gets us hyped. Imagine how many fans would come running if more people associated with the show were allowed to do the same instead of having to toe the company line in the media, which only furthers the problematic viewpoint that Caryl couldn’t possibly be more than friends. 
3. A Daryl AND Carol Show 
Anything more than a cameo in the upcoming six episodes may be “logistically untenable,” but if Carol really is going to appear in the end, it should amount to something big like a reunion that tops No Sanctuary and it should set up the alleged next season for Norman AND Melissa to co-lead.
4. Equal Screentime 
One of S11’s worst crimes was minimizing Carol’s arc. She’s one of TWD’s strongest characters and she shouldn’t have to live in the shadows of every other character’s story or remain on kitchen duty. She can be a weapon of mass destruction, sure, but I want to see emotional growth for her too and not just retroactively.
5. Shared Screentime 
They may not be each other’s appendages, but Caryl do have insane amounts of chemistry that fans tune in for, so it should go without saying they need to share scenes together and more specifically, they need to share an arc that allows them to grow together as a couple. 
6. Meaningful Interactions 
Caryl’s relationship is so deep, they often don’t need words, but in no way should that limit their interactions to lingering stares. I want them to engage in conversation with each other, and I want those conversations to deepen their relationship even more. 
7. No. More. Shipbaiting.
It’s tiresome, it insults the characters, actors, and the audience, and it’s not worth paying money for. If I’m going to be pulled in, it’ll be by something I love, not something I don’t. 
8. Strong Leadership 
Representation offscreen matters too and if Caryl’s story is going to continue, then they need a showrunner who knows how to write character-driven narratives and specifically understands Daryl’s and Carol’s characters/relationship. An upper class white man who’s too focused on his own lore would not be the right fit . 
9. Story Integrity 
Norman, Melissa, and the writers spent years developing a beautiful narrative for Caryl, and I don’t want to see any of it retconned in service of the lore. 
10. Payoff
To be clear, I don’t think this was “the writers’” fault at all, but S11 and the spinoff debacle have left so many holes in Caryl’s story that many fans have come to expect disappointment at every turn and nobody wants to pay to be let down. If AMC delivers on the promises they set up on or offscreen, I will be there, but not a second sooner.
Thank you again to everyone participating in the blitz! :) 
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yibocheeks · 2 years
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Wu Ming Promo Tour - Wuhan Interview Excerpts
More below the cut:
1st showing
MC: Is this Yibo's first time visiting Wuhan? Yibo: Yes (nods) MC: What feeling do you get from visiting Wuhan? Yibo: Mountains and rivers (Wuhan has a number of hills and lakes and has the Changjiang running through it)
There is a very excited male viewer in the audience who gets the mike. He says he noticed a very charming line in the movie, one that he thinks would be very worth seeing Yibo re-enact live for the audience. It is when he says to Ms. Fang, "We had an engagement." MC: If you care about this line so much, then I think you should watch Wu Ming a few more times, the mood can be found within the movie The audience member responds that he hopes he can see Wang Yibo-laoshi's passion and acting Yibo: In front of so many females in the audience, I can't act this out
The next audience member asks about a scene where Yibo and another character look at their watches at the same time. Was this predetermined or was this through the chemistry of the two actors? Yibo: To be honest after speaking our lines, the director did not say "cut". So maybe it was through the chemistry with the other actor that we both looked Cheng Er confirms that he purposely did not say "cut" because he wanted to see how the two actors would act after finishing their lines.
One of the audience members compliments Yibo for how well he portrayed the villain role and Yibo smiles at this.
Cheng Er asks everyone to pay attention to the upcoming interview with Lu Yu (will be broadcast the evening of Jan 25). He says that they will reveal the photograph (that had him select Wang Yibo). Cheng Er: I also want to say a few words on the negative voices that was mentioned earlier (one of the audience members had brought it up in order to say words of encouragement to Yibo to not feel discouraged). I think the opinions on a movie are a very small matter, whether or not you like it is up to you, because you had spent money to buy the tickets. But if you didn't buy the tickets - if you were to slander us to the point of saying that this has something to do with the air forces (Yibo laughs), well this is unreasonable. What I want to remind is, if you let this habit of lying and flipping what's wrong and what's right fester - it's true that if you were to lie about a movie and flip what's wrong and right in the reviews then it doesn't matter, it doesn't cause much harm and doesn't really matter to the world - but lying and flipping what's wrong and right, this habit will fester. Just like when a person will say certain things for the sake of profit, just like now or those who are still walking on the boundaries. A movie is really not important, no matter what may be said, it doesn't harm Yibo or myself. Wu Ming is a movie that will definitely endure. So (these comments) are not important. What is important is that we shouldn't let lies or flipping whats wrong and right become habits that fester. This will eventually harm every one of us, including those who scold us. Don't let these bad habits develop. Let's be honest. We shouldn't do these just because we received money, or because we like another young actor. There is no meaning to this, this only becomes harmful to the other. This is what I wish for everyone, for Wang Yibo and for all the young actors.
MC wraps up the interview and asks the director and Yibo to say a few closing words. Cheng Er: I won't say anymore, I'll leave this time for you to ask Yibo one more question. (The audience member Yibo chooses says that she is part of a mama fan chat group and is overflowing with praise for the fight scenes. She doesn’t end up asking a question 😂)
Last showing One audience member compliments him on the smile that he has in that one notable scene, his Japanese, his gaze, his fight scenes which are even better than action movies. And he smiled so much listening to this.
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One audience member asks if this movie will be shown in Hong Kong, Macau or internationally. Cheng Er: As far as I know this movie will be released in Hong Kong on the 15th (of the 1st lunar month).
Another audience member speaks to how he has seen the exceptional talents of the older generation (Tony Leung, Zhou Xun, Huang Lei), the middle generation (Da Peng, Wang Chuanjun), as well (his voices raises in pitch in excitement) as the representative of the young generation, Wang Yibo! Cheng Er then asks all the female members of the audience (who make up the majority) to bring their male friends along to watch the movie, and says again that even if they are not Yibo's fans, they can get to watch him get beat up. 😂
Yibo's closing words: I am very grateful that people are willing to watch 2-6 times for Wu Ming, or to answers the questions that they have in the movie. I think there is no movie that can not be understood, it just depends on whether you want to understand the movie, whether you really care to pay attention to the details within it. As long as you are willing to watch it more, analyze it more and think about it more, I think you will be able to understand every movie. Thank you everyone.
Another showing  Yibo is asked about the drunken shrimp again. Yibo: I really didn’t count. Before eating I didn’t really dare to as it was my first time to eat something live. But once I was instructed to start, I didn’t think too much about it and ate.
Audience member asks if it was good. Yibo: Maybe it would have been better if it was soaking (in the wine broth) for longer. Have you ever tried Wuhan's hot dry noodles? Yibo: I think I must have had it in Changsha (t/n: perhaps for TTXS)
His closing words: Yibo: To hear everyone's thoughts after watching the movie, that you are interested to analyze it, we also enjoy it and think it is very worthwhile.
Closing words from another showing: Yibo: I think time has passed very quickly. I will not remember or deliberately try to recall what I might have said or done in the past, but everything that I say and do is towards the direction that I hope to achieve and that I work towards. I think that evil will not win over righteousness. As long as we use our sincere hearts, I don't think there is anything that can hinder us. I think for all the people that slander me to spend so much time on me, I think it must be really hard work for them and a lot of effort, so I think they're incredible. For them to choose to spend their lives and so much effort on slandering someone, I think their life would not be very fulfilling. People should live their own lives. I hope the same for you. You may like me very much but I think everyone should have their own lives. I may be your idol or role model, and of course I will continue to work hard, but I hope you will also lead your own lives.
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smileymoth · 2 months
Johnny 9, 17 and 28
JOHNNY THE MISTAKE FROM GOD who i havent looked at for years . i haven't thought about him for so long i wonder how he's doing, i actually cant imagine what he would be doing right now. he's like my age. maybe he went to study like. car mechanics in trade school. yeah that fits him. i still think he has like no friends irl beside Ivar. Ivar also has no friends bc he's autistic. Ivar probably didn't even go to uni he just went to work at a factory. like Wendre or some shit. he and Johnny both went to Koidula. or whatever the name for that school would be in the universe. bc Gabriels siblings go there !!!!!! THEY'RE OUR AGE or they're still stuck in that fuckass town till this day. lmao. They both hate how much that city keeps changing every summer now.
I'll answer for both Ivar and Johnny bc they're like a package deal yk. Kinda like us but so much worse bc they actually don't talk to other people and they have like 5 million more issues than we do. Johnny would try to get girls from like tinder but he doesn't click with any of them. Ivar simply doesn't care for dating??? There's no point in it for him. Johnny wants something out of life but he doesn't know what. He's just lost and fixing peoples cars now i guess. he rents an apartment. Ivar still lives with his parents. theyre ok w it :) they rather him gather money for an apartment instead of renting.
9. favorite food? least favorite? are they a picky eater? do they have any dietary restrictions? if he could he would only eat noodles for the rest of his life. so that's his favourite. i think he would HATE any vegan meals. it's not a real meal to him if there's no meat in it. i think he is very much a picky eater. anything that looks off by like 1mm he will not touch. generally distrustful toward food. hence why he probably starved in middle school bc that canteen was NOT serving good food let me tell you
Ivar probably has ARFID so he has some safe foods and that's about it. Maybe potatoes. In any form. He doesn't care much for meat. He doesn't like the taste. He's just not a fan of food to begin with. Most food disgusts him. He loves gummy candies tho.
17. how did they spend their summers/free time as a child? alone. at Ivar's place. either outside or playing video games on the computer. His only friend was Ivar so yeah. Ivar mostly was inside or doing like odd jobs in the summer. Johnny I guess is the same. He wants money. I don't know what jobs kids work during summer I literally only worked once and it was at a hotel to get money for a cd player T_T
yeah their summers and lives in general arent too eventful. beside when johnny gets stabbed or into fights i guess but
28. how do they show that they care about someone? how do they express that they don't like someone?
Johnny just talks to you. If he likes you he talks to you. He will bring you random gifts. like Rocks or some shit. Sth reminds him of you and he brings it to you. Well, to Ivar. He doesn't like anyone else. If he tells you anything slightly personal he cares about you. He does have some online friends and he just sends them memes and plays games with them. He's cares deeply but he just sucks at showing it. He would yell at people who were mean or weird to Ivar in school bc of his autism. He will stand up for you if he really likes you. Honestly I feel like he's also neurodivergent but like on the other end of the spectrum. Thats why they click so good i guess. LMAO. If Johnny doesn't like someone he's incredibly snappy toward that person. He will ignore them but just being in their vicinity will drive him up the wall so anything they say can result in him telling them to shut up. His temper is SO short its unreal.
Ivar is very shut off in general so what he thinks of people will always be a mystery to many. he will i guess jut ignore you if he doesnt like you?????? kind of off topic but i think like. doing group projects w him would be pretty good because he WILL do his part quickly, he just doesn't want to talk too much, so if you give him exactly what he has to do he will. Anyway. He will send his friends pics he takes. And memes. ofc. :)
Ithink Johnny and Lauri (Gabriels brother) fucking hate each other for no aparent reason i just think its funny. Lauri also thinks Ivar is fucking weird. Oh theres the reason lmao he was mean to Ivar once. Laura (Gabriels younger sister) tries to get close to Ivar but hes soooo not interested. they do become deskmates in some classes i think. She would be nice to him :)
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