#I would have three coins which isn't much but it's strange that it happened three times
queer-cartoons-quotes · 8 months
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I am so sorry, but I truly must be the one to ask this. What do you think the Cullens and Volturi’s a/b/o alignments/secondary genders are within the omegaverse? How do you think venom effects heats/rut patterns? Is it that upon turning only males have them as they’re the only ones capable of reproducing via hybrid? (Lol not a fic writer just want to know your thoughts)
Come on.
Bold of you.
But come on.
I also like how you're weasling out of writing your own fic to answer these questions. Really, anon, your guess is as good as mine here.
Do You Have an Answer, Muffin?
And it's not because I'm weaseling out or because this is an entirely made-up fanfiction concept: it's because it is entirely dependent on the porn the author wishes to write.
But What Do You Mean?
A/B/O gender alignments in fics is entirely dependent on who the author wants to be on top. The ageless question in slash fanfics and the cause of many a heated internet debate. BUT WHO IS ON TOP?!!!! WHO IS THE SEME?!!!!
Authors want whoever they want "on top" and then we get alpha characteristics on top of other slashy slashness to justify why this character is totally for realz on top.
It has nothing to do with anything.
Just how the author wants the porn to go down and who they want to get pregnant.
I could try to guess based off of fandom tropes and fanon cliches except, if you take a gander at the Ao3 shipping stats, the canon heterosexual pairings in Twilight are in the lead. When we do expand outside of them it's to the very Cullen pairings of things like Jasper/Bella and if we're getting really spicy Alice/Bella or Rosalie/Bella. Now we could do the wild and bold move of having heterosexual/female slash pairings that are ALSO somehow how A/B/O but it's well known that A/B/O has its lifeblood in male slash.
So, we're looking at... Jakeward? Pretty much? In which case if we go with what fandoms usually do... Edward's the omega and having the baby due to being shorter and skinnier and prettier than Jacob.
Beyond that it'd be me pontificating on who wins the coin flip of A/B/O to get whatever gender they get. Or, I could be that ass and say "oh but they're all Beta, you see" as Beta is generally in omegaverse statistically more likely (except when it isn't for strange reasons and what even is beta for in those fics? Honestly)
But How Would You Do It?
If you're forcing me to be in some alternate Twilight universe where they're also omega...
Well, caveat, this depends on if I'm doing this for a fic or not which may change things in service of the greater plot. Yes, even in an A/B/O fic, people, three should be at least some semblance of a plot. Somewhere. Somehow.
I'd decide via coin flip who gets what. It's a random genetic thing where a vampire is more likely than not Beta with relatively few Alphas or Omegas. It has nothing to do with personality or sexuality, it's just a weird genetic coin toss that affects relatively few people.
In terms of the Omega pregnancy thing... well, this would dramatically change the world of Twilight. Either these children would be known about and be illegal for being immortal children or else it'd be very well known that Omega vampires can produce offspring. Omegas would be desperately sought after by covens wanting children or covens with Alphas who are gifted. And I imagine many more humans might be turned on the off chance that they could end up a highly valued Omega.
Regardless, the Renesmee debacle would likely not happen or not in the same manner as children are a known quantity in Twilight. Now, I'm sure they didn't expect human Bella to get pregnant via Edward (who is statistically likely to be Beta here) but life is full of little surprises like that, isn't it?
And much of the plot of Twilight would be spent in angst as no one could guarantee that Edward and Bella will be compatible sexually due to the random coin flip of A/B/O that occurs upon turning.
Bella, I'm sure, assures Edward that her love is so strong it doesn't matter. Now, this may work out and it may... not.
Otherwise in terms of heat/rut patterns...
Nope, I can't even pretend to care, man.
Followers, you get to decide, which porn floats your boat best.
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metvmorqhoses · 3 years
As someone who has never read the books how exactly does Alina lose her powers? The whole idea of it just seems so cruel and absurd tbh. In nearly every fantasy world magic for the most part (with characters we love anyway) seems to be something intrinsically apart of them. As much a part of their soul as their heart is. Sooooo why??? lol and if Alina and Darkling are each other’s balance (i.e. different side of the coin re their power) something which has been described as destined, wouldn’t he lose his powers as well?
okay, obvious spoilers ahead lol
so, i'm gonna simplify things a lot, during the entirety of the grisha trilogy finding all the three mythical beasts/amplifiers is capital to alina because owning the power of all three (stag, sea whip and firebird) would guarantee her enough strength to both defeat the darkling and bring down the shadow fold. therefore she and her friends/allies go on a quest to find all of them (the darkling wants them too). other things happen, but the key point of the story is that in truth the last amplifier is not the firebird, but mal (yes, i know), because he's a descendant of morozova (yes, the darkling's ancestor). long story short, alina has to stab mal and absorb his power to save the world. when she does, her power is divided among many different people, creating many sun summoners all around the country. she’s therefore not special anymore. actually, she loses her power and immortality entirely. mal obviously survives the killing (of course!) and they live happily ever after in their old orphanage, while the darkling is first obviously devastated by the loss of alina as sun summoner and his balance/soulmate, then killed by alina (who actually always tries to kill him every single time she sees him). yet, he’s not really dead, in the following books he’s brought back to life in strange ways, only in order to sacrifice himself to eternal agony to perpetually hold together a tear in reality the fold and its destruction had created and basically save the world. in the upcoming books zoya and co are planning to go and put him out of his misery for good, or so it seems.
now, i think the mother of all problems here is the simple fact that the author is against the relationship between them, no matter how much she knows the public enjoys or is interested in it. reading the books, i constantly had the feeling she was using the relationship, rather then developing it in an organic, deep way. she knows the darkling is the character that makes the books sell, but i don't think she has any real love or sympathy for him. that's why, throughout the entire saga, you have the constant feeling that there's something always working against darklina, even if they are written as literally meant to be in every possible way and single aspect. alina has always superficial reactions, always makes irremovable choices when he is involved, she constantly silences her feelings towards him and constantly glorifies her really superficial ones when mal is the object of them, she knows she is destined to immortality and solitude as well, but very strangely doesn’t want to put herself in the darkling’s shoes and is not even curious to know his prospective... you know, the list of improbable things goes on and on. and this doesn't happen just because she is the hero and she acts according to her morals, you can literally feel there's something "other" making things impossible for them, while just a little change of perspective, a right word, a moment of understanding on both parts, could have lead the story in a very different direction. we as readers always feel an opposing deux ex machina and we feel one because there is. the author isn't super partes and it constantly shows. i confess i found it wildly annoying in every single book, among other things.
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