#I would have done Rick but ya know he's got his own set of badges haha
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Headcanon: The lads all get a blazer to match Rick's and put their own spin on it.
Badges from my collection that I matched to each gross boy. Watermark - My instagram
Top - Vyvyan I'M A MESS (Sid Vicious), BUS DRIVER, Nazareth (band), Madness (band), Don't Badger Me, Basf Super (cassettes), SO- WHO CARES?, GET LOST and i'll come running, Road Maker and Birell (Beer) It Goes To Your Tastebuds Not To Your Head.
Middle - Neil NICE ONE!, I'm a HERBIE, the Beatles, P.D.S.A Busy Bee, STAY WEIRD, Cherish Your Country KEEP BRITAIN TIDY, A squirrel, I'D LOVE A NEW GAS COOKER, SAVE THE BIRDS RSPB, psychedelic looking Mickey Mouse. Bottom - Mike FONZ IS COOL, A lion in sunglasses, the 3 wheeler Robin Reliant from Only Fools and Horses, You won't GET LUCKY, Queen Elizabeth II Silver Jubilee 1977, BEAT THE BURGLAR LOCK ME UP, Conveniently yours, Adam and the Ants, WHERE'S MY OTHER HALF.
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shhh-no-ones-home · 4 years
knock out def leppard x reader
mentions of being drugged, dr drugs, and uncomfortable situations. read at your own risk though it isnt fairly aggressive, but i know some people can be triggered by experiences like this. Note: *nothing is consumed and the guys aren't the perps*
Song: no control by set it off
tag list: @cynic-spirit @lifeisabitchandsoareyou
I stepped into the bar behind Steve and smiled to myself. It had been a while since I'd been home, touring in Europe and what not for the better part of four months, and finally coming back to the states. It was just the way I left it and the bar tender greeted me with a warm smile.
"Haven't seen ya in a while babe, how's it been?"
She asked politely, beginning to mix my usual. I looked back at the group of men I had entered with, the five of them now surrounding the pool table.
"It's been very busy."
I said, looking back at her. She nodded.
"And the group of guys you came flocked with?"
She asked, a small smirk playing on her lips as she set my drink down. I laughed a little to myself.
"The band I work with."
She made an o shape with her mouth as she got to work on someone else's order.
"They any good?"
She asked and I nodded.
"Better than anything you've ever heard."
I said matter-of-factly and she grinned.
"What's their name?"
I took a sip of my drink.
"You heard of def Leppard?"
She side nodded.
"Here and there but I'll take your word for it."
I laughed a little bit, looking to the man who sat beside me for a spilt second.
"If you ever get a chance to get that old radio working again tune into the rock stations around town. I'm sure they'll be broadcasting their stuff."
I said nothing the broken box radio behind the bar. She nodded at me as she got the man his drink.
"I'll definitely do that, I got someone offered one a few days ago. Pretty soon I'll have a new one, from RadioShack no less."
I laughed a little bit, taking another sip and setting my glass back down, crossing my arms over my chest.
"Fancy radio for a fancy bar like this?"
She chuckled at me, shaking her head.
"And a classy lady like myself?"
I leaned forward against the bar.
"No less."
I said, grinning widely.
"Aw fuck off mate."
I hard from behind me, his words grabbing my attention instantly. I knew exactly who it was. I looked up confused to see Joe glaring down at a stocky man with dark hair, he was the man that had just been sitting beside me.
"And What's your problem?"
He said back in a thick accent I couldn't quite place, puffing his chest at Joe.
"Putting pills in a ladies drink is no way to get her attention."
Sav said, walking up behind him, making him turn around. My eyes went wide, looking down at the glass to my side and noticing a film of powder making its way to top of the ice. I frowned. Sarah, the bar tender, looked down in to it before picking it up.
"I didn't put anything in her drink."
He said, sending me a wicked glare. By now all the guys were surrounding him.
"Drink it then."
She said sternly, holding it out to him. He shook his head, backing away into Phil. Phil held the man's arms tightly before pushing him forward.
"Why not mate? If there's nothing in it then you have nothing to worry about."
Phil said loudly. By now the other bar patrons were beginning to look over at us. I watched Joe cross his arms over his chest, looking down at the man sternly. I was getting more uncomfortable as he was pushed closer to me as well as the bar. Sarah set the drink down and slid it to him.
"Hell no."
He said, wiggling out of phils grasp and turning to punch him square in the nose.
Phil said, stumbling back. Joe grabbed the man before he could get away, having his arms locked behind his back. He struggled against him, huffing in defeat.
"And where do you think you're going?"
He said through gritted teeth, moving with him as the man jerked again.
"Away from you lot. Let go of me you psycho!"
He protested trying to free himself again.
"Ma'am would you mind calling the coopers?"
Rick said, now standing at my side with his hand on my shoulder.
"Already done fellas."
A man across the bar said.
"They're on their way."
I nodded to him.
Joe walked the man to the bar and pushed him into the stool, making him sit, and holding him firmly there.
"Could I trouble you for a pint love?"
He asked Sarah, pushing my now undrinkable cocktail in front of the man.
"You can put it on his tab."
He said condescendingly, looking down at the shame-ridden man. The rest of the guys surrounding him to make sure he wouldn't go anywhere. Rick took my hand, nodding to the side and walking with me to a corner booth.
"You okay?"
He asked, pushing his hair out of his face. I shrugged.
"I don't know yet. I'm thinking now if it was there before or after I took a drink and that's sort of fucking me up. Like I don't feel weird or anything yet so I guess that's good."
He grabbed my hand in his and ran his thumb over it gently.
"We could go with you to the medics and see if there's anything in your system."
He offered. I just shook my head.
"No, I think I really just wanna head back to the hotel."
He nodded. That's when we heard the bell at the door ring, an officer walking in.
"I got a call about a disturbance?"
He asked, walking to the bar.
"Yeah, this prick tried to drug our friend."
Phil said angrily.
"And decked him."
Steve pointed out, the bit of dried blood under Phil's nose being fairly noticeable.
"Do you have proof?"
He asked, propping his hands on his waist. I was a little mad at that, but Rick stopped me before I could get up to tell him what I really thought of the situation.
"Yeah, this bullshit."
Sav said, pushing the cocktail to the cop. He looked down into it before picking it up and sniffing it.
"We all watched him do it."
Joe protested as he set the drink back down.
"Where you boys from?"
The officer asked and Joe just rolled his eyes.
"Across the pond sir."
I said firmly, standing and walking to them angrily.
"I've lived here my whole life officer, Dalton."
I said noting his name badge.
"They're with me. I've never had a problem like this until now. I'm just glad they caught him before I could drink whatever it is this man tried to drug me with."
I said sternly. The man just smirked to himself.
"He won't even drink it himself."
I pointed out.
"I can't do much other than take it in for testing. I can arrest him now on an assault charge for punching your friend but until the tests come back i can't do more."
I nodded.
"I'd feel safer knowing he wouldn't be able to do it to any other girls officer. Please. Whatever you can do."
He nodded, side stepping joe and cuffing the man.
"my partner will be back for the evidence."
He said, lifting the man off the stool and started walking with him
"Alright son, you have the right to remain silent..."
He started, reading him the rest of his rights as they made their way outside. Joe sat and sighed, finishing off the pint he'd asked for. I was surprised he'd drank it that fast.
"I'm so sorry Sarah."
I said, leaning into the bar.
"You have nothing to be sorry about darlin' if anything you should be out there demanding an apology from that Jack ass."
I laughed a little bit, tracing the wood outline of the lacquered bar top.
"im just thankful you guys caught him before someone got hurt."
joe looked at me like i was crazy.
"someone? hell y/n you couldve gotten hurt. he tried to drug you!"
he pointed out. all our heads turned as the officers partner came in with a container.
"this it?"
he asked and we all nodded as he picked up the whole glass and set it inside.
"are you the one who he tried to drug?"
he asked me and i nodded reluctantly.
"ill have to ask you some questions."
i sighed heavily.
"okay, i just want to get this over with but i didnt see what happened, they did."
he looked around at the guys.
"if i could get a statement from all of you that would be a big help."
they all nodded.
"whatever you need."
steve said, stepping in before any of them could say anything else.
"meet me outside?"
the officer asked and i nodded.
"well be right out, thanks."
i turned back to sarah as the man walked out.
"thanks again."
i handed her a twenty dollar bill and motioned for the guys to follow me. they all did so, walking to the door and out to the cop car where the man was sitting uncomfortably in the back. i just wanted this over with so i could go back to the hotel and relax. needless to say i wouldnt be drinking out for a while unless it was my own drink that i made and had a hand on, never once letting it out of my sight. and i think the boys could say the same.
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