#I would be like that one guy from mlp I think. I forget. There's always at least One guy who has like 50 jobs I want to be That Guy
twilightarcade · 4 months
Hey! I'm the anon from earlier! Can I be your 🐳 anon? I love whales! I love playing videogames, I really love this game I played recently, it's called stray and you play as a cat! 10/10 concept and execution I loved playing as a little cat. I love reading books too, I just read this series called the renegades trilogy by Marissa Meyer and I enjoyed it very much! I love sandwiches and instant ramen they're my favourite foods I think they fuck so hard man!
Also my pronouns are she/her! (and hehe i saw you mentioned this earlier but I'm terrible at discord too like what is even going on there? I've tried joining servers but like what do you do once you've joined a server dude there's like fifty people and a hundred chat like things? and I think I just get shy or something and never talk and eventually leave.) anyways enough about me! Tell me about you (if you'd like to!)
- 🐳 anon
I've heard a bit about stray!! It looks fun from what I remember of it, I like the robot guy. I haven't heard of the renegades (I have not heard of ANYTHING EVER) and not to judge a book by its cover but oh man is the cover art super cool. To be entirely honest I largely read. Completely random books that I pick up. Like there's a handful of AP (trademark) books I've read just for . so college board doesn't hunt me for sport. But otherwise..? Huge fan of libraries but we're inconsistent with actually reading books (can read them in like. A day or two. But that's if we Read Them) so I mooostly buy books or lend them from a friend. That said (as previously mentioned Maybe ?) I love the library's book shop because they're like. 50-25 cents depending on the book, then there's a free shelf of books that have had a Lot of wear (therefore mostly really old books !)
Paragraph break because that paragraph was getting WAY too long free shelf books are uuuusually hit or miss but I like picking them up because like. Never know what you're gonna get. I do feel REALLY bad picking up too many from the free shelf because. What If Someone Else Wanted Those. It's ok though because I usually donate anyway. They don't even know what a devious trickster I am...
umm food I LOVE sandwiches they are actually like. Top ten. If I could only eat one food for the rest of my life ever it would probably be the vague idea of a sandwich both because of their flexibly and because. Sandwich 🥪. Also!! (Asian guy voice) I LOVE rice like a lot and I'm sure I've made some post about it somewhere but like.. actually top ten foods in terms of flexibility. You can eat that guy with anything IMCLUDIBG! eggs which are also a top ten food. Super secret is that I don't really like runny yolks just because they're. Runny. Deep stuff right there. I am also number one water fan. Water for life baby.
okok let's see here what else do I do ,, I'm a huge fan of the arts in general! top ten curses placed on me is that I had 2 decide between pursuing The Arts or pursuing The Sciences which I think was. Hugely messed up of them. But anyway now I'm in The Sciences (because The Arts as a career path was NOT !! smiled upon) and The Arts is just that hobby I'm weirdly obsessed with. Which particular Arts though ? All of them if I'm going to be honest. Gives me something 2 do with my hands;; I mooostly draw Pretty Pictures but I've been fighting for my life to get into like. Writing and music composition aswell. I love game dev baby. We also!! Crochet & needle felt & somethingesle probably on and off.. fun times
#wordstag#askstag#yyou're gonna get a tag too but I can't promise we'll keep up w/ it;;#🐳 anon#that's like awfully uninspired actually should I like aethetic blog format it#~×☆♡*《{ 🐳 }》*♡☆×~#yes. I can say with absolute certainty that tag will be maintained. (lying)#ohman what else do we do... tried to get into scrapbooking a few times and have like. Piles of Stuff.#never really get a chance to sit down and throw it all in a book#also like !! bio med n stuff. Had considered going into healthcare as a nurse or something but . Man. Healthcare.#I reeeeeally want a doctorate just because I fuck with the title of 'doctor.' Also it would be Funny to not be an MD but still insist#that people refer to me as Doctor. I also hate my current options for prefixes.#my second option was becoming a judge so I could be 'your honor' but we all know that is NOT happening#also your honor is just a bit too grand. Not many honors out there.#school is too expensive though...... what is their problem man .#dream job is being retired and doing my own thing to be real . I would do so many jobs if I wasn't chained to one#I would be like that one guy from mlp I think. I forget. There's always at least One guy who has like 50 jobs I want to be That Guy#except not in a grindset way in a I'm having fun way youknow..... unfortunately this economy was not built for Having Fun#ok I think that's enough from me 🐅🐅 sorry for only replying to your asks when you're sleeping (?) I loveou#youknow back in the dayi was a signed anon. Old blog is a mystery to this day. No One Will Know.
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dapper-lil-arts · 23 days
Thank goodness I've found someone who can't stand Fluttercord. To be honest, I'm not too fond of Discord either. It always struck me as weird that the show seemed determined to sell him as this reformed villain who's changed for the better, and yet he's continued to do the same stuff he did as a villain. And let's not even get into the toxcity of his relationship with Fluttershy. "Keep Calm and Flutter On" is one of the worst episodes that's come out of My Little Pony! It's like this show was desperately trying to make you forget about the moral of "Griffon the Brush-Off".
yeahhhh I'm kind of in a weird place in all this because like. if the intent of the narrative was to explore that being born with cosmic power makes you unfit to wield it and an entirely unsympathetic unempathetic creature, they nailed it. Like, making this guy think hes always the smartest in the room while he's also bitter, petty, easily prone to jealousy and even controlling-- That is exactly what is correct to expect from a being of unlimited power that was born with it. In a sense, it would be clever exploration. ...But it's kind of not that, he's supposed to be one of the good guys and regularly fucks shit up on purpose for everyone, and that's just a weird attitude for the good guys to forgive. Celestia wanted him to use his powers for good, but I struggle to think of one example of him doing so. Even when the changelings took over, his powers were nullified, so he could have been replaced by an earth pony. And then the narrative goes to the thing of "He's only nice now because there's one girl thats cute and pretty that he simps for" And that is just kind of insanely fucked up?! Don't get me wrong, power imbalance can be a fantastic way to explore relationships-- But if I was Fluttershy I'd probs be terrified of having a yandere god that only listens to me because I give him attention, and the moment I decide I want relationships with other people, those people are gonna get turned into piñatas. Okay, tangeant almost over. Maybe this affected even more negatively than most because I watched a show called "Jessica Jones" Where the antagonist is an evil mind controling sadist, BUT, he has a huge crush on the protagonist, and she realises that if she were to sacrifice her own life to be with him, she could essentially trick him, if not convince him to use his insanely powerful powers of coercion to change the world for the better. ...And that's just horrific. Sacrificing your life to be the object of affection of a powerful being just because they might do good things with your presence, not out of their own volition. But hey, that's all subtext, the MLP text is generally lighthearted. (nevermind the finale in which discord literally endangers equestria for shits and giggles, and nevermind the fact that gen 5 proved that without fluttershy Discord would lose his shit and do deranged things to the whole world)
The voice acting is great, the character conceptually is great, but goddamn, why did they think that he's more worth redemption than the literal child? #cozyglowdeservedbetterfromthewriters
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yaspup9000 · 11 months
By Popular demand, here’s some of my LPS Hot takes
Some of the later pets weren’t That bad. Like yea I do agree that the tv show based toys from like 2013-2016 weren’t that great and kinda fugly looking, but with some of the 2020 pets, why yes not as iconic as the 2000s lps that we know and love, I still believe some people were really harsh on some of these pets cuz like they did look really cute tho! My only problem with the pets was the fact they had names tbh 2. Not every g2 lps molds were perfect. Some really good examples of older lps molds being kinda ugly were the first Jack Russel and poodle molds. I’ve also mentioned about the skunk/Squrriel molds were pretty lazy since it’s just the same mold . They didn’t even try to make them different from each other. Like say what you will but at least with some of the newer pets between 2013-2020 they were at least trying to make the skunk and squirrel molds different from each other. also the opossum molds was not all that great tbh..
3. The worse thing that ever happened to lps was the Blythe loves lps toy line. No joke idk why they thought this was good. I mean if you guys loved the Blythe dolls that’s fine, to me I always found them off putting since well, they just didn’t fit personally. Like you’re the one who’s caring the pets or this is a world where it’s run by pets. There was never any mention about humans tbh. Again this is prob coming from bitter younger me lol. But in all seriousness though, never really liked Blythe dolls tbh
4. People need to Chill out about the some of the rerelease of lps. Yes I understand, I’m just as nervous and excited as the rest of you guys however I genuinely feel as if people are really making a mountain out of a hill over some prototypes and a blind bag. Like I understand that everyone’s burned out by bad decisions after bad decisions within the lps Franchise. And yes blind bags are overused and annoying however, Guys.. they’re not just gonna make only just blind bags, they’re gonna do other stuff for lps soon just be patient. Not to mention at the end of the day, they’re still just silly little pets for kids. Can you critique the toys? Of course! But just remember that it ain’t that deep. 5. They should bring back that one brown poodle mold
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yes this one! its cute as hecc! and i wish they would bring this back 6. This cat isn't a "Wolf-Cat" Its a maine coon. This isn't even an opinion or anything, i just wanna let people know that its suppose to be a maine coon. also the actual "wolf-cat" is called Lykoi and idk how that breed of cat would look as an lps.
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7. the main reason back in 2013 Lps was having a reboot was due to MLP having a reboot. that's just my theory tho.
8. I feel like a lot of people keep forgetting that 90s LPS exist. Like whenever people say "g1" they don't think about the kenner Lps toys, they were thinking about the 2000's lps that was popularized by hasbro. and tbh that kinda sucks.. cuz why yes the kenner toys were more into realism, i still geninually, like the kenner lps figures they were rad.
9. The sticker eyes lps were cute, I actually liked them 10. One pet peeve I had with LPS popular, is that technically, Brook should of been arrested or at least suspended since she did attack Savannah first. Not to mention, doesn't this school have like cameras or something!? i know this has been years since I've watched LPS popular but like, bruh, Why don't her parents believe her!
Umm.. I dont really have any other opinions nor thoughts at the moment. idk feel free to ask me anything lps related and I'll give my honest opinions.
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the-s1lly-corner · 11 months
Can u do something similar of the fluttershy type reader but with pinkie pie? Jax and Caine and romantic pls!
Tyy! Love your blog btw! <33
Caine and Jax x Pinkie pie type! reader !
i always get those instagram mlp posts where it like, fan fusions and honestly im in love with them... unrelated to the ask i know but really how often are my little notes related to the ask? side note i am about to cook so much stuff with butterscotch we literally have like 10 pounds of the stuff, the chips... SOBS
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he honestly loves your energy so so much and often hes able to match it ! loves your optimistic outlook as well! i think you influence him to throw more parties for events for the digital circus... like when someone new joins the circus, or when someones anniversary of joining the circus comes up... though i think that second one might do more damage by like... reminding the person how long theyve been trapped..... if youre a baker like pinkie pie, caine is more than willing to be your taste tester... except, theres one problem... with him being a... you know, ai... he doesnt really have the ability to taste things like you and me do... but hey the guy has the spirit so thats what matters, right...? probably makes you a lil custom bakery somewhere on the grounds, i think... assuming he can manipulate the grounds within reason
writing this down before i forget but i think that hes the type of person to like. lean in all close and get all flirty before swiping something off of your face. in this case its like, frosting from something youve baked... i think thats the only real romantic idea that i can come up with.. sobs... i think he would get a little annoyed by your insanely high energy, and often times tends to struggle to match up with you, but hey theres an effort to try to match your pace..! not many ideas here, my apolocheese.. head empty, i havent seen much of mlp </3
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ctenophora · 6 months
The art community is literally dying
Recently I have seen way too many fanartists get hate for the way they draw/head canon characters from shows and its actually ironic when its mlp, because its supposed to be a show about friendship and kindness yet the people who "claim" to be defending them are always down right disrespectful and rude as hell.
having fun and making headcanons have lost its meaning in why people do it to the point people are so mad that a character that is portrayed with headcanons seems like its the worst thing a person can do to a character. it always has to be what they look like originally. the fact y'all have the audacity to be so racist, transphobic, homophobic and fatphobic over a headcanon, you guys need to log out and shut up.
it is honestly so annoying to me that no one can make art without some asshole tracing over their art work, or calling it a caricature. or making fun of it.
in a few years we'll all be twiddling our thumbs asking ourselves why fan art isn't around anymore? it's because of the hatred people are experiencing today on social media. YOU ARE GOING TO CAUSE THAT.
you guys forget why headcanons exist. why headcanons are just for fun. YOU do not HAVE to agree with someones headcanons YOU also do not HAVE THE RIGHTS to make fun of that persons headcanons, or say its wrong unless it is truly HATEFUL in anyway.
If YOU are so mad that you think your favorite wouldn't look like that DO IT YOURSELF. Everyone and their mamas have pen and paper, draw how you think your favorite would look and mind your own business. these talented artists sit here and spend days working on something that they relate to and hope other people do too just for people to criticize them unasked. why is that still happening today? if No one asked for help don't give help its so simple. keep words to yourself a child could follow this easier than grown ass adults can.
Theres always something wrong when people hate on someones art. we cant project anymore, we cant be inexperienced anymore, we cant show representation anymore. its always gotta be "They wouldn't look like that!" "why do they look like a man" "they look ugly"
or even worse telling people to die, and causing them to go private. have we not learned from pass situations!? so many young artists get depressed and broke down over comments that hurt their mental because you couldn't even keep something to yourself.
if you claim to actually be helping people, actually look to the people who whitewash poc characters, or make an originally plus size person thin. look at the actual problems instead of some random artists who wants to see their favorite look like them.
I literally was on twitter and someone drew pinkie pie plus size and with PCOS and everyone thought she looked like a racist caricature because "No black girl looks like that" congratulations welcome to earth. people look like that irl. people are so scared of someone being unconventionally attractive, its actually embarrassing how slow the progression of accepting people for how they look is going. we've gone no where. you people will always judge someone and know nothing about that person.
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that other person on TikTok did not deserve their art getting traced over a bunch of times, y'all will get so scared over women having hair, welcome to how the body works hair and muscles exist on women too, women can look masculine and still identify as a woman, have we not learned from gender non comfirmity, and pronouns don't = gender tiktoks? have we also not learned from "Art lore" y'all are so disgusting, and hateful.
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and Tina from kid vampire yall will be so scared over Tina being black or not being white, for why? the creator literally said they don't care. let people have fun. LEAVE THAT LITTLE GIRL ALONE AND LEAVE PPL WHO HC HER BLACK ALONE TOO. I promise you Tina is not about to jump out of the screen and say thank you. once again headcanons exist for a reason.
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AND the fancast Rapunzel literally sit down and hear yourself right NOW.
for years through stories princesses have always been portrayed from a different culture in there own way, there was a German Rapunzel, a black Rapunzel a Korean Rapunzel, an indian Rapunzel. and so on
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even Cinderella, a bunch of stories have been retold for different cultures for different people all around the world. it is not that serious.
your childhood is not being destroyed over some fancast, innocently made. wake up wipe off those crocodile tears and go into research on why you feel so much hatred for black and brown kids possibly getting representation in media.
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taikk0 · 1 year
Randy (Celestia) gaslights the audience, lying about why his wife (Sharon takes the role of Luna) got banished to the moon in the intro, turns out the reason she got sent to the moon was all his fault, and not because she's actually evil, and he's just an asshole of a princess and a really shit ruler. No one has any idea how Equestria is still standing
THIS JOKE during the scene where Lemon Hearts, Twinkleshine, and Minuette invite Twilight to Moondancer's party and she declines. I have no idea who the other three are in the AU but this is just so in character for Stan imo
the creator of the AU mentioned that Stan, Randy, and Sharon have never met in person before, and Randy and Stan have only communicated through letters. I think it would be really funny to have an emotional moment where Sharon and Randy are revealed to be his parents "you saved me... I'm so proud of you, my son..." and everyone gasps but disingenuously, like a "WWHAAT!! NO WAY!! 😱😱" like they were played by bad actors since it's been so obvious since the very beginning, where the audience knows that the rulers of Equestria are Randy and Sharon and end up making the connection early on, but the characters don't. And I find it so funny if their reaction was genuine for the characters but not in the delivery to make a jab at the "twist" everyone saw coming. "you've grown so much since I last saw you I almost didn't recognize you! I love you so much... I-I'm sorry" "no no, it's okay Mom! you tried to murder me because you felt alone and unloved, isolated... [MY LITTLE PONY THEME STARTS TO PLAY IN THE BACKGROUND] Without friendship and without the love in your heart, you turned into something monstrous. The envy and hatred you must have felt for the princess was too much! because she was always a better leader, and let everyone in Equestria do what they wanted! so you decided to use your gift for selfishness and misdeeds that-" "wait what?! what are you talking about?! I wasn't banished to the moon because I was jealous of Celestia!" "you... weren't..?" "I was banished to the moon because SHE thought I was a nagging bitch for wanting her to be a better ruler!! she kept forgetting to lower the sun. and when she wasn't, she said she needed some extra time for her pot farm to get more sunlight! like for christ's sake Randy these people haven't gotten any sleep for almost a month now and all you do is sit on your ass in the throne room doing fuck all while everyone in the kingdom went hysterical!! and-" "Randy?? wait. if you're my mom, then does that mean that the princess...?" "That's right my faithful student!" Randy descends from the heavens like a dove with an evangelical light beaming behind him "I... am your father." and shit happens I guess idk I'm not a writer this is probably so very very terrible but hope I got the point across, but after this, I want stans whole takeaway to be: "holy shit princess, you're my dad?!" to "oh. this is the princess...? AND my dad?"
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Craig introducing the Tucker family but most of them are just stripes. going from photos of stripe #1 to #11 sliding to each photo that all look exactly the same, but skipping #4. later introducing #4 along with Thomas, Laura, and Tricia. this makes absolutely no sense, I just found it funny to have a ridiculous replacement for the Apple family scene because there's no way we can naturally replace it. "Why are there so many stripes?" "That's his extended side of the family."
Something about flutter-butters and these birds
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Just Cartman in this au. he is so uncharacteristically nice and fun and loveable that I think every scene he's in he needs to be so sickeningly sweet and all of South Park loves him that he makes the audience uncomfortable by being the complete opposite of who he actually is. like rabbi cartman but cranked up to the max.
"The true meaning of friendship isn't to face your hardships alone, it's to drag other people down with you <3" and everyone celebrates like there's absolutely nothing wrong with that friendship lesson Kyle steps out from the crowd "Y'now, I learned something today too, and it's that-" and the camera pans to Randy, Sharon, and Stan having their own conversation that moves the story along. You can still hear Kyle in the background, and you can still hear him talking and doing hand gestures out of focus. No one is paying attention to Kyle.
Something about Craig being the element of honesty but sounding like he's lying all the time but it's literally just how he talks and it never changes
Not really a joke idea, but the thought of Cartman singing the laughter song, especially with his voice and weird accent is so funny to me that I really wish someone could make an ai cover of it..................
Something I really want to see in this rewrite personally (and My Little Park content in general) is the way you can parody MLP when it's mixed in with a show like South Park, and how ridiculous it is to see South Park mixed in with a show like MLP. Make it a self-aware Steven Universe but it's the version of Steven Universe that the Steven Universe haters think it is. And make the Disney Junior version of Family Guy.
anddddddd that's it for me LOL not really much of a writer. good luck on the rewrite though, hope you have fun!! ^^ To be honest, I'm not really that funny either, and the thought of writing my own south park jokes, especially with the jokes that are IN South Park?? YEAH NO SORRY I AM STAYING SO FAR AWAY 💀 That's what I like about My Little Park, I get to enjoy South Park without enjoying South Park. I have such a love-hate relationship with SP it's RIDICULOUS. I like South Park but only version of it I made up in my head <3
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xx-slug-xx · 1 year
Slug | He/They | 22
Hey, welcome to my stupid side blog! If you’ve been on proship tumblr within the past while, then you may know me as that guy who was making a paper on proshipping! I’m not doing that anymore lol but I’m still here!
Here to talk about proship stuff and my other views on things, fandom-related or otherwise! I’m pretty open minded about things, and I love a good discussion!
I’ll be talking about a lot of topics that could trigger people, but I always try to provide a tw on the posts that discuss those things! I also try to tag things appropriately so people can avoid my posts! I frequently discuss nsfw as well, so if that makes you uncomfortable, then be aware! Feel free to block me if you would like, I really don’t mind if you don’t want to see my content!
Tags I Use Sometimes
slugs rambles (where all my bullshit goes)
Anything that’s a typical trigger is usually tagged with “tw” before the trigger (sometimes I forget, sorry)
If I don’t tw my tag, then it will have the trigger without the “tw” in front of it as the tag
Any general tag
Things About Me
OSDD1b system
LGBTQ+ (aegosexual, biromantic, nb, trans masc)
Pro kink (even the scary ones! Pet play, abdl, ddlg/ddlb, and the like are all fine and cool as long as it’s with consenting adults!)
Para neutral (big three is NON CONTACT but I don’t care what gets you off if you aren’t hurting people lol)
Radinclus (not radqueer though)
Comship (but most of my ships are pretty basic lol)
Self ship (ask me about my f/os IF YOU DARE)
I hate the government (all of them)
Proship in the way I’m 100% anti censorship, but I personally don’t like certain types of fictional content and I’m against harassment if it purely involves opinions over fiction.
Fiction can affect reality, but fiction affects everyone differently. Fiction should never be taken at face value. Some people just lack critical thinking skills and they let fiction affect them in a way that dictates their real life morals, or the other way around :/
Fandoms I Like To Talk About Sometimes
Listed, top to bottom, from most to least relevant btw lol
Homestuck AND Beyond Canon
Gravity Falls
Wimp Witch
Smiling Friends
Hazbin Hotel/Helluva Boss
Undertale Yellow
Steven Universe
The Binding of Isaac
South Park (not in the fandom, but used to be lol and I still enjoy it)
Invader Zim
I like a lot of things though, feel free to share your fandoms if ya want :D
Other Interests
No particular order
Speculative zoology/evolution/biology
The environment
Evolution as a whole
BUGS! (Arthropods really)
Kink and the psychology of sex/arousal
People I don’t really like
Not a dni, but serves a similar purpose of expressing who I don’t agree with. Not all of these people are disliked equally, some are disliked more than others. And I may not even dislike people in this category at all, as I may just be uncomfortable and that’s it. Y’all can interact all you want, but I won’t agree with you when it comes to certain things in this list lol
Self harm community (is there a name for it? Idk)
Anti mogai/xeno gender/neo pronoun
LGBTQ+ exclusionist
Anti ace-spec
Pro harassment
Endogenic systems (I’m a traumagenic system and it makes me uncomfortable)
Anti shippers (depends on how you personally define that term though lol)
Anti recovery
Anti kink/sex negative
Pro contact para/supporter
Minors (/hj)
Anti recovery
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bon-is-gone · 5 months
*perks up* found this trend a while ago and I loved seeing mlp infection aus...idk why but I think mlp horrors are the best horrors! Like human horrors make me feel uncomfortable but replace the humans with colorful ponies and I wanna see it! (My random guess is, not knowing if I'm right or not, because I'm scared of it being transmitted to humans?) Anyway, now I'm curious about it!
What are the stages? How did it begin? You planning to make a bunch of art for it? Write a story via comic or written or as I've seen some do...videos? Or just draw a bunch of ponies infected? Sorry if I'm pushy or nosey...just fluttershy went from 0-100 so fast in your pics of her and looked so good...she looked so cute before infection and terrifying after! You have a great artstyle! I just had to learn if this was a one hit-thing or if it will bloom into a story or something!
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Ah yes, my favorite subject
Dying ponies with rabies 😌
Imma try and answer all the questions amigo, however I'm writing this in 2 in the morning with a sh*t ton of adrenaline from the fact that you asked (I'm gonna have a heart attack oh lord) so do forgive me if I missed one-
Oh ehem-
So the sickness which I took for this au is Rabies! Which I think a lot if you might know what it is. Ofcourse, this is a more messed up type of rabbies. There's only 3 stages since the person transforms quickly(in a 1 day). 1st stage: after the pony gets bit by a subject with rabbies they start feeling weak, tired and nauseous. They also all of a sudden get scared of water 2nd stage: the ponies body starts to hurt, usually specific body parts feel the most pain (for example with fluttershy its her front hooves), which then start to get longer, stretching. 3rd stage the ponies body becomes disfigured, they become extremely aggressive and blood-thirsty, foam will start pouring out of their mouth and completely forget who they were before.
How did it begin?
Some chemist pony probably tried to find a cure for different types of sickness in the mlp world but instead made a potion for the missed up rabbies. He tested on some animals and one of them escaped. The animal got to fluttershy(because she's always with animals so she shall be the first victim) and bit her. The infection would continue on with twilight who wanted to go check up on her but instead got attacked.
You planning to make a bunch of art for it?
Oh buddy. OH BUDDY- I already nade some sketches of how twilight and Pinkie pie are before and after getting infected. I do want to draw some background ponies with those meters (you know those ones with like "hunger: 50%" or something) specifically this guy
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SILVER ZOOM 😎 I found him whilst browsing the mlp wiki for background ponies and omg I LOVE HIS DESIGN AJGDHSHDHWHDHDH
Also this fella
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Crystal earth gives me "I FELL INLOVE WITH AN EMO GIRL" vibes and I'm DIGGING IT
Write or make a story/comic/video? Or just draw a bunch of ponies infected?
I'm not a writer so hard pass on the story. Comic would LOVE to do that, however I'm not used to drawing ponies like, at all, So it takes me a really long time to get the look right(especially with all the different angles of the head, yikes). Now, the video? Hell f*cking yeah. I planned on making a video 100% doing it like people do on tiktok (or in my case youtube because I am not going to that wretched place, no offense to anyone who goes there) but never made it since I got sidetracked with other stuff lmao. So currently I will stick to just solely making art, but I will make a video about it no doubt. Complete story? Probably not.
Again thank you so much for asking! It makes me super happy when people ask me about my stuff or just opinions on anything. (I did not get held enough as a child God damn-) and no worries about being pushy! (You weren't honestly)
This was Bon, signing out
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dragonridernoobie · 5 months
Hi again m back. 😉
Um so I wanted to ask if you can make my sona miramoonli with Damian Wayne from DC, like bumping to each other while on a mission or something and uh fight at first then calm down and making a slight friendship if it's ok and if the DC universe is not in you're list it's fine um instead you can write my oc going to MLP universe for the first time hahah the ponies seeing a skeleton pony would be hilarious also I'd like her to get dropped in front of king sombra I really wanna know how he would react.
Hi! So, first things first. I am always adding new people/franchises to my list. DC and Marvel were up next once I got done with my request! So I will try my best. Also welcome back, you are always welcomed
Damian was currently on patrol since his father and siblings where doing there own thing. He was jumping from building to building, listening and keeping an eye out for any criminals.
While he jumps from building to building, he sees somone else on a building not so far away. They where looking around frantically and jumping building to building.
Damian thinking it's a bad guy chases after them. Once close enough, he throws a bat-bola and hits the suspect. He heard a females voice yell in surprise.
When he got closer, the person suddenly appeared further away, the bat-bolas on the ground with no one in them. When he looks at the suspect he sees they are a living skeleton.
Damian: "woah...cool."
Before he had time to react, the skeloton summoned some bones and threw it at him. Hitting him. He would get up and look over at the skeloton. He would blink, and the skeleton was gone. He would not forget this. Soon, he returns home and tells his father and siblings about this but doesn't believe him.
Days later, he finds the suspect again but they seem to playing with some homeless childrean. He was more surprised that the kids weren't scared of the skeleton.
Deciding this a good time to meet the skeleton, he jumps down.
The skeleton seemed to sense him and buts the kids behind them.
Damian: "Wait, hey, I'm chill. I just wanted to meet you since you know there isn't much living skeleton around here. My name is Damian.
Miramoonli: "Miramoonli.."
Damian: "nice name, so, are you a good guy are bad guy? Or gal...you are a girl, right?"
This caused miramoonli to chuckle. She nods. Miramoonli then explains that she means no harm and she was visiting these kids since there the only people that don't scream and run.
After miramoonli and Damian get to friends Faze, he would Convince miramoonli to come with him to show her to his family.
When he does, they have the biggest surprised faves ever. Even the stone cold batman.
I hope you enjoyed this! I tried to make is a little funny.
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leftovergasoline · 8 days
I really really wanna share just a bunch of info about what I enjoy doing. Very long post about art and projects and Transformers below:
Okay, so one hobby I've always wanted to pursue is 3d printing my own Transformers. Transformers action figures are awesome and I love them, but they're also 1) very hit-or-miss, and 2) expensive. Like, the good and fun ones that make me happy are usually $60. So as a teenager, I started thinking, "why don't I just design my own? I could take my own headcanon characters and give them my chosen alt-modes with all the combinations of my favorite design traits from all the continuities and they would be perfect!!" So that's what I did.
I have personal visions for basically every Transformer I can think of, but the first one I wanted to tackle was Omega Supreme. Lore-wise, I could write a whole nother post about his character, but design-wise, I wanted him to follow the G1 TV show design, but with the actual Saturn V launch vehicle, LUT, and Crawler Transporter as his alt mode. Later on, I decided to include the Saturn IB and its stand, and I would like to include Skylab as well. I really really wanted to "solve" the physics/continuity problem that he has in the animated show where he flies to other planets as a spaceship and the rest of his alt-mode just shows up on the ground. I came up with a solution that involves each possible combination of components having its own robot mode capable of interplanetary flight. I've also considered tying those robots into characters from a specific Japanese continuity, but I forget which one or which characters. In terms of alt-mode components, the tiers of individual robot modes would roughly match what he would need to function like the real Saturn launch vehicles while still being completely mobile:
1) full launch vehicle (CT + MLP + LUT + Saturn V or Saturn IB + milkstool)
2) launch vehicle, minus rocket (would include milkstool)
3) Crawler Transporter
4) full rocket (Saturn V or Saturn IB)
5) S-IC (or S-IB) stage
6) full rocket, minus S-IC stage
6) S-II stage
7) Orbital portion (S-IVB stage and up)
8) S-IVB stage
9) Lunar portion (CSM, LM)
10) CSM
11) Service Module
12) Command Module
13) Lunar Module
14) LM Ascent Stage
15) LM Descent Stage
16) Lunar Rover, retroreflectors, and Lunar Rover (if I'm feeling adventurous :) )
As long as each of these portions and their associated kibble (instrument ring, LM adapter housing, Launch Escape System) are able to come back together on another planet without assistance from other transformers, I consider my design a success. I'd say I've achieved that, but I'm only halfway there.
Around 11th grade, my school got 3d printers and I taught myself how to use TinkerCAD. I finally started my work:
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Then I realized that the scale would be too small for all the stages, so for the CSM portion, I made another scale:
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I spent the better part of a year just working on this, and by the end of 12th grade, I managed to print this little guy:
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First prototype for my 12-legged Command Module transformer! He's a funky lil man who barely functions, but he's a good start. I hoped to continue.
The summer after 12th grade was 5 months of hell. And then the 3 years after that have been spent starting to come to terms with 18 years of hell. In that time, I worked on some other projects, like my personal HC rendition of Death's Head from the Marvel Transformers series. However, I have not gone back to this project. I feel like I should, but I just don't. And maybe this year I should. I should do it while I still have access to 3d printers.
That's all. Just wanted to share!
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art-i-choked · 3 years
Would you perhsps if it's not 2 much trouble bless us with some Gendino lore
ive been waiting for this one >:) also thisll prob be the only ask i answer today lol
gendino was originally created along w 3 other characters (mendy, eda and caltis) while i was listening to psychadelic porn crumpets music, specifically this one https://youtu.be/fRQKoGrhpOI
him and the other 3 are apart of a video game idea that would sort of have a similar artstyle to wandersong (lineless, 2d, and very yummy colors) mendy would be the protagonist but recently ive just been focusing a lot on him bc hes the most fun to draw rn
the best way i can describe his personality is he comes off like a stereotypical surfer dude as a first impression. he's chill and can sometimes be really stupid around his friends but he always means well. he is also very literal, like you have to tell him straight up what you need from him or else he won't know what you're trying to tell him
he lives on a beach in a little hut and surfs the space ocean, visiting other realities and worlds when he can. his house acts like mendy's hub if it were a video game, and he would be her teacher at the beginning and show here how to move to different worlds sorta like a tutorial guy
he has a white beaded friendship bracelet from mendy (that i occasionally forget to draw)
he always has his red shades on because he's insecure about how his eyes look, and his eyes glow
gendino blushes a cyan color but has yellow colored blood
i havent decided how old he is yet
he had his surfboard upgraded by mendy which is why it can float here (before meeting her he just surfed normally)
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he doesn't really have any special powers
me and my friends have an "oh no he's californian" joke between us and he isnt actually californian but he has the capability to go to california thanks to reality surfing so lol
he has very little yellow freckles
he would kin crush from finding nemo
he would be the most die in the backrooms first out of the 4
his relationships with people tend to be very loose because he interacts with so many people when surfing realties that he doesn't really have a chance to make deep friendships with people
he's never on time to anything
if he had a favorite disneyland ride it would be space mountain
he hates wearing socks and has thrown up from seeing someone wear socks and sandals
if he were kin assigned to a pony in mlp it would be zephyr breeze
his favorite foods are sloppy joes but he has also been known to drink a combination of mustard and bbq sauce by itself and says its the best thing he's ever tried
he has shat in the ocean as a kid once and only once
his hut is filled with a bunch of souvenirs from other realities and worlds that he has visited
theoretically he could have been in the backrooms at some point in his life
even though he was created while i was listening to psychadelic porn crumpets i think he leans more towards ballyhoo! songs like beach party or the front porch
eyah thats all i got for now lol
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deerlyloved · 3 years
under cut: a look into what smoky is trying to do, aka more mlp fanfic of my ocs
Hoop was here. It was fine.
Doodle Bug stood from the ground. Where was she? It clicked in an instant, that was a silly question because she was where she was always supposed to be. Ponyville, of course. Doodle Bug never left Ponyville, not since she had that no-fly ban in Canterlot.
“What were you doing on the ground, goof?” Hoop said, bumping his shoulder into hers as he fell in next to her, a grin on his face, “You’re gonna get grass stains again, you know how Twi feels about that.”
“Twi.” Doodle Bug repeated. Right, Twilight, Princess Twilight, Doodle Bug helped manage her library. She must still be in a post-nap fog. She was napping, right? Of course, she was. Why else would she be on the ground?
“What time is it?” Doodle Bug asked, suppressing a yawn and glancing at the sky. It was… a nice day. Wasn’t it dark outside? No, that wasn’t right. It was day time. It had always been day time. Canterlot was fine. Why did she think that?
“I dunno, noon or something? What does it matter to you, Bugsie?” Hoop asked with a curious tilt of his head, “You don’t work today, right?”
No, she didn’t. Twilight was out of town. That wasn’t right, why wasn’t that right? Twilight was out of town and she didn’t have to work. “Twilight’s out of town, a business trip I think, she told me to go ahead and take the week off.” Doodle Bug explained, still blinking sleep out of her eyes before she smiled at Hoop.
“Hey, freebie week!” He said with a laugh. Doodle Bug stared. When he opened his eyes, they weren’t orange, one colored red and the other blue, wide, mane a mess, face blank, Doodle Bug bit back a shout of surprise and flinched, and when she opened her eyes-- He was fine. “You okay?” Hoop asked, starting to walk, “You look a little out of it.”
She did? She had no clue why. Probably her nap.
“Sleepy.” She commented, walking forward with a small yawn. She followed after him, catching up quickly and giving her wings a stretch. “Wish I could fly.” She murmured.
“You can, didn’t you hear? No more ban for you!” Hoop replied with a laugh, “You forget a lot of stuff,” He bumped into her again, playfully, “That’s why you have me, I’m like an orange memo calendar with legs.”
“Right.” Doodle Bug responded. Of course her ban was lifted, it was only for three months, and that time had passed. The windows had been fixed. The mayor was not mad.
They were in a cafe now, the walk wasn’t far, and Doodle Bug liked this cafe, they had good sandwiches and better apple pie. She grinned, just about to eat her abundance of sweets, and she noticed a flash of yellow and looked up. Comet?
“Comet!” Doodle Bug called, waving and drawing the attention of the unicorn. Comet Flash blinked a few times, looking away from the menu with surprise before a kind smile made its way onto his face. He ordered quickly, speaking to the green and white pony behind the counter before he quickly made his way over to the table Hoop and Doodle Bug sat at.
“Miss Doodle Bug!” He greet with a grin matching hers, “I’m happy to see you, you too Hoop!” He looked between the two pegasi, long tail flicking behind him.
“What are you doing in town?” Doodle Bug asked curiously, tilting her head, “Aren’t you a royal guard?”
“Why, yes I am!” He laughed, “The Princesses are in town, haven’t you heard?”
Of course! She saw Queen Celestia yesterday, her and Queen Chrysalis were tending to their foal, Bumble. She hoped they had more kids one day, they were in the hundreds with all the changelings about but there was always room for more! She laughed at her own joke.
“Right, right, I swear I’m like a goldfish!” She laughed, “Well, I guess it’s break time for you then?”
“Sort of.” Comet Flash explained, “We switch out guards since we have so many, to make sure no one’s overworked.” He explained, “I just did a few days on day-guard, so I have a few days off. Good timing too!”
“That’s cool!” Doodle Bug replied, “So what are you doing with your free days? Wanna hang with the cool kids?” She motioned between her and Hoop.
“Aw, probably at some point, but I’ve got something really special planned!” He touched the saddle bags he had on with a soft smile, his eyes soft for a moment before he perked up again, “I don’t want to say too much, but Copper’s visiting soon! Oh, um, my boyfriend! Tomorrow!” 
“That’s so sweet!” Doodle Bug gasped, tapping her hooves together as she bounced in place like a filly, “Wow, I hope you guys have a great time!”
Hoop’s face dropped. He saw Comet was standing over him with a sword. Why were his eyes like that? What was creeping up his leg? It’s fine.
He smiled again. “What’s up with people getting dates before I do?” He joked, rolling his eyes playfully, “Even DB has a date!”
She did? She did. She had a date tonight! How could she forget?
“Oh, I forgot!” Doodle Bug gasped, eyes filled with worry, “Me and Smoky! Oh gosh, I need to get home, I finally get that mare to agree to date me and I forget!”
Smoky’s name coming out of her mouth made her stomach turn. It’s fine. She’d wanted to date Smoky for months, but she only just now had the guts to ask her out. And she said yes, can you believe it?
She wanted to hurl. It’s fine.
Doodle Bug seemed frantic until Hoop spoke up, “You can’t date on an empty stomach, Bugsie, sit down and eat first, then we can go get you looking your cutest.” He teased. Doodle Bug sat down with a sigh, though she was grateful to be grounded by her friend.
She saw Hoop on the ground. Cipher was staring on with red and blue eyes. Comet was standing over Hoop, sword to his neck, red magic creeping up his body as he lay tense and terrified. Doodle Bug flew. She knew she couldn’t help, how can you fight magic as a pegasus? She was flying-- No.
She was in the cafe. She smiled. She ate her food. She had a date with Plumparcel tonight, she couldn’t mess it up, she’d wanted to ask them out for months now.
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ask-de-writer · 5 years
POSSESSION : MLP Fan Fiction : Tales to read AFTER the lights are OUT!
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a prequel to REPOSSESSED
De Writer (Glen Ten-Eyck)
2563 words
© 2019 by Glen Ten-Eyck
Writing begun 10/19/19
All rights reserved.  This document may not be copied or distributed on or to any medium or placed in any mass storage system except by the express written consent of the author.
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Users of Tumblr.com are specifically granted the following rights.  They may reblog the story provided that all author and copyright information remains intact.  They may use the characters or original characters in my settings for fan fiction, fan art works, cosplay, or fan musical compositions.
All sorts of fan art, cosplay, music or fiction is actively encouraged.
The large brown colt, Sawnax, was busy bullying another colt on the school's playground.  “You don't hoof over your lunch money right now, I gonna pound you!  You know that I will, too!”
The stern voice of Miss Whinly, one of the teachers cut him off.  “No, Sawnax, you won't!  You will come with me to see Miss Cherrilee!  If you don't, I will drag you by the ear in front of all the other students!  You know that I will, too.”
Sawnax did know.  It had happened before.  Most unicorns would just grab and carry a miscreant off the playground.  Not Miss Whinly.  She had mastered the art of grabbing only an ear or other sensitive part to encourage compliance with her orders.  Being dragged by an ear was not only painful, it was humiliating.  He followed.  Steaming but he followed.
Shortly, he was resentfully following his father to the lumber and timbers yard owned by his family.  Growling under his breath, he ruminated on the unfairness of it all!  He'd been made to give back his whole day's take and apologize to each of the ponies he'd milked for the cash!  Now he had ten days suspension and he couldn't even enjoy that!  He was going to have to work!  Sorting and loading out timbers was hard!
Worse, his dad, Carver, caught him short loading a cart of timbers for young Houser!  His rear still stinging, he took the lesson to heart!  DON'T GET CAUGHT!  Might not be the lesson that they all wanted him to get, but he got it!
He grumped that Carver just did not see how it was to his advantage to short loads.  Not only was he saving expensive timbers, customer had to come back and buy them again!  Money in the till every way!  How could his dad be so dim?
There was a lull in timber loading.  Instead of cleaning up or doing some other useful thing, Sawnax looked for a quiet spot to sneak in a rest.  
He was awakened by a snarl that sounded exactly like his dad in a towering rage!  “What are you doing here?  You should be doing something useful to make bits for our business!”
Sawnax looked up insolently.  “Says who?  You ain't my dad!”
“What makes you think so?”
“First I'da known of him was the strap!  Then he'd yap at me!  Besides, he'd never say OUR business!  The Yard's HIS and he never lets me forget it!”
Sawnax chuckled mirthlessly, “If you ARE my dad, mom really was the whore that dad always accused her of being!  And I am pretty sure that she wasn't!”
The being sort of relaxed and sat in front of Sawnax.  It no longer looked like any sort of pony that Sawnax had ever heard of or seen. His fur was almost scale-like.  His jaws, easily as long as any pony's, had large piercing and rending fangs along its length, easily seen because the gaping mouth opened almost all the way back to the joint.  A pair of nearly straight horns jutted up from the top of his skull and his long and pointed ears projected out just below them. His eyes were simply black.  No white, iris or pupil.
Instead of a mane, he had spikes or spines of some sort that marched down his neck and on down his back to his tail.  That appendage was long, flexible, and covered with spikes on the top and sides Every part of his body was gaunt, almost starved looking.
Much more amicably, it said, “Good job, spotting me like that.  I am from Tartaros and I have an offer for you.  Let me use your body and I will use it to get you even with all those fools who are tormenting you.”
Sawnax scrunched up his face as he thought about it.  “Why not just go mess with them, yourself?  Why do you need me?”
The demon responded, “It is a matter of good, bad, and evil.  I can't touch the good, in fact, only a very few of them can even see me. The bad, like you, I can manifest to, but unless they consent, I can't touch.  The evil, I or one of my many associates, already own.”
Sawnax snorted, “That's why you didn't hit me with the strap!  You couldn't!”
Calm as the air before the storm, the monster replied, “Correct. However, the loophole is simple.  You, rather your body CAN do things to them all.  Your dad, with his strap and lectures about honesty, as if that meant anything besides lost bits.  Miss Whinly, with her nasty ear pinching and dragging you away from the other foals that you were collecting lunch money from.  Miss Cherrilee, with her pretense of disappointment while she gleefully chucks you out of school to keep you from collecting what you are due.  Revenge.  That is what I can give you if you let me use your body.”
Sawnax paused.  He did not want to get even.  He wanted to get ahead. “Revenge is all well and good but that ain't enough for me.  I don't want to just get even.  I wants to be so far ahead that they can't see nothing but the dust of my heels.”
The demon did not even miss a beat.  “Not a problem.  I have to admit that I like your style.  That means that we need to sort out what you mean, exactly.  Wealth?  Power?  Strike them down physically?”
Sawnax rubbed his jaw with a hoof as he thought about it.  Before this, all his ideas of getting the better of the ones he was having so much trouble with had been pretty nebulous.  Totally short on details, actually.  He looked about him and saw the yard for what it could be, for the first time.  Money.  Those timbers were effectively cash.  He would need to learn how to actually run the yard, where to get the timbers.  Money from it would put him in the position to get on the school board.  From there, he could crush both Cherrilee and Whinly. It would let him track down and pull money out of his schoolyard marks, too.  Not to mention, his dad would never beat him again.
He nodded.  “OK, here is how I want it to go down.”
He filled the demon in all that he had thought out.
The creature of Tartaros nodded thoughtfully.  “A long term contract. Your plan will take years to fulfill but it has the added advantage of making many ponies miserable and easily turned to badness and evil.  I like it.  With your permission, may I enter your body to begin this revenge?”
Sawnax asked in surprise, “What?  No contracts?  No signing in blood or other fancy rituals?”
The creature shrugged.  “We can, if you like.  Whatever you want.  None of it is necessary, though.  All that I need is your explicit permission to enter your body.  We are agreed on what you wish.  I can start to fulfill it as soon as I am in you.  It is that simple.”
Sawnax nodded gravely.  “I see.  OK, let's do it.  You enter me and we begin my revenge.”
As the demon turned to a smoke and flowed around Sawnax, he felt an almost sensuous sensation.  The smoke soaking in felt like sliding into a comfortable, warm bath.  It was the last pleasant thing that the young Sawnax felt.
His body convulsing!  Horrid heaving was bringing up thick greenish goo! Every inch of his body burned like he was being dipped into flames! He screamed!
Blubbering, he demanded, “What are you doing?  We had a deal!”
The demon inside him gloated, “Isn't it obvious?  I am killing you. Slowly.  Very slowly.  I adore the taste of your pain.”  With a sinister chuckle it added, “Deal?   Really?  What am I?  Good or Evil?”
Whining, Sawnax returned, “Evil.  You are a monster!”
With high good humor, the beast within snorted, “Correct!  I am Evil! Our deal?  My promise?  I lied!  Really now, what did you expect? Honesty?  Honor?  What part of Evil do you not understand?  Of course I lied.”
Sawnax could do nothing but scream and cry in his agony.
His screams brought Carver and his work crew.  Carver called over Sawnax's screams, “What's the matter?  We gotta get you out of there!”
More screams and crying were his father's only answer.
His father reached into the recess where Sawnax was hidden.  His face screwed up, lips pulling back and eyes squinting in distaste.  “Lyle! Go get me a priest or preacher of Celestia or the Twins.  Whatever is happening in there ain't something for a doctor.  Felt like I was reaching into a load of spiders or something crawly like that.”
Lyle paused long enough to ask, “You mean like that Hortimer feller? High Priest of Celestia, so he says.”
“NO! You see what Celestia herself says about him and his church?  Go get that new guy over at the Assembly of the Twins, what's his name? Smallflower, I think.”
Lyle took off at a run on his errand.
Shortly he returned, followed by a spare white pegasus with a flat black hat. The pegasus trotted up and pointed to Sawnax's hiding place.  “He is in there?  I shall see what is to be done.”
He reached cautiously into the nook.  Pulling his hoof back, he said courteously, “Please give me a name to call you.”
A deep voice like a load of rock rumbling down an incline replied, “Why should I?  PLEASE?  Are you trying to make me laugh?”
“No. I am Reverend Smallflower.  Do not mistake courtesy for weakness. If I do not have a name to call you by, then with the Authority of the Twins, Celestia and Luna and their Mother/Creator Skyglow, I shall cast you out and nameless you shall be destroyed.  I would rather not do that.”
Clearly shaken, the rumbling voice demanded, “Why not?  You know that I am an Evil being.”
“I do indeed.  I also now that Mother Skyglow created you.  Destroying you is to destroy a part of Her Creation.  A name, please.”
“Call me Claficus.  What would you have of me?”
“Bring forth young Sawnax and come with me to the Assembly to deal with this possession in a reasonable manner.”
“You would take me to your Holy place?”
“Over the door of the Assembly it says in plain words, All Are Welcome. That includes you.  All that live are Creations of Skyglow and ruled by the Twins.  If you can think of a greater consecration than that, I should like to know of it.”
“You are a strange one.  You have not a bell, book or candle, yet I feel in you a greater power than those symbols confer.  I will come with you, Reverend Smallflower.”
Sawnax emerged from his hiding place.  His steps uncertain and legs shaky. His eyes pleading pitifully.  He was surrounded by an aura that seemed like what disgust and vileness might appear if they were a visible miasma.
As Sawnax was following Reverend Smallflower up the streets of Ponyville, Revered Smallflower commented, “Claficus, you can stop tormenting Sawnax for now.”
Puzzled, the gravely voice of Claficus asked, “For now?  Only for now?”
Sawnax's steps became easier and suddenly sure again.
It was not long before they came to the Assembly building.  It was a rambling one story structure set about with newly planted saplings. Gesturing to them, Reverend Smallflower pointed out, “Given a few years and some minor tending, these saplings will grow to give us good shade.  There is a principle there that applies to life as well.”
Passing under the sign over the door that proclaimed, ALL ARE WELCOME, the demon looked about in wonder.  “Amazing.  You really mean that!  I can feel the binding to do no harm to any here, but I am not forbidden to come in.”
Reverend Smallflower replied, “I told you that.  This is a house of peace. So long as you observe that, you are welcome.  My office is back here, through this door.”
The office, like its occupant, it was plain, though comfortable. Hospitably, Reverend Smallflower offered, “Since you are occupying a physical body at present, would you like some tea while we sort this out?”
The demon blinked Sawnax's eyes in surprise.  “That would be very nice. Two sugars, no cream, please.”
The Reverend puttered about, fixing and steeping the tea.  After he poured and both had a chance to sip some, he stated, “You being in Sawnax is breaking the rules about possession.  You know it and so do I.”
Claficus retorted, “I can't be here without invitation and you know it! This is a rotten brat and you know that too!”
“Right, Claficus.  Unfortunately, Sawnax being bad does not excuse you taking him like this.  You should have waited.  He has to be able to understand what he is getting into.  Basic freewill issue.  He cannot make a true freewill choice if he is too young to understand it.”
“He still invited me into his body!  That makes it MINE.”
Reverend Smallflower sipped at his tea before responding, “True.  However, this was poorly done, even for one of your sort.  Remember those trees out front?  It takes time and nurture for them to grow.
“I have the simple power to cast you out.  That could easily harm both you and Sawnax.  I would rather not.  What I propose is simple.  We shall set it in writing, which if you sign it, even by this use name that you have given me, you will be bound to its terms.  
“You leave Sawnax for now due to his age.  For taking him too young, you grant him twenty years grace time.  If he should change his ways and become even as good as an average pony, you relinquish your claim. If he does not, at the end of his grace period, take him quickly and with a minimum of pain.”
The Reverend gave an expressive shrug.  “AFTER you take him, do as you will.”
Sawnax's lips curled into a smile.  “What about, um, tending the tree?  Will you be trying to steer him away from me?”
The Reverend smiled in return.  “Freewill.  NEITHER of us will do anything to alter his life course unless he comes to us without coercion.  Let him decide by his own choices.”
Claficus sat and thought it through slowly.  “Deal.  Draw it up and I will sign it.  Um, can I hang about in this body long enough for another cup of tea?”
Reverend Smallflower paused in his writing and poured.  When both had finished sipping their tea, they signed.
Claficus withdrew from Sawnax, who promptly bolted from the room and ran back towards the safety of his dad's lumberyard.
The miasma that was Claficus looked about the office and commented, “You really do mean that welcome.  Mind if I try to see if I can manage some more tea?”
Quietly pouring, Reverend Smallflower said, “Of course.  Take your time and feel free to return so long as you harm none under this roof.  Who knows?  Even you might choose to become good.  That is what freewill is all about.”
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stagmanparty · 6 years
So I finished watching MLP Season 8 and...
….it´s actually not bad.
Yeah, I´m the first to admit I have to eat my words and agree the show hasn´t really gone down as much as I thought after the movie. I still hate it but the show itself remains good. Yes, there are more than a few mediocre or outright horrible episodes there but the good ones more than compensate.
I do believe that Dubuc is kinda out of her element on ponies, which may explain her use for an entire new cast aside from hasbro´s orders. The friendship school thing is done better than I though tough I still think is kinda stupid at moments.
Overall the balance is...fine.
I was expecting worse but it was an okay season.
I do hate that they explicitly mention the events of the movie but they´re STILL refusing to acknowledge the Equestria Girls ones. Come on Mccarty, stop being embarrassed ot the BETTER story!
Below the cut is my personal opinions of each episode with a dose of sarcasm if u want to read them but for the season as a whole I´ll give a 7/10 it was regular to me.
701-702:  “Girls, I want you all to work on my new school!”
“We have lives, Twilight”
So this wasn´t bad. I though Twilight was gonna be more selfish but she actually makes some fair points and owns to her mistakes here. What´s funny is that she doesn't act this way the rest of the season…
I still think the students are kinda lame but I like how they interact with each other and the episode itself was well handled.
Still, Twilight isn't perfect either since she refuses to have zebras or buffaloes or talking cats on her school. Hell, there aren´t even crystal ponies so she´s almost as bad the racist snape guy.
Kinda standard but good episodes.
703: “So sis, when are you gonna leave?”
“The town?”
“The show…”
I said it once, I´ll said it again, Maud overstayed her welcome. She´s no longer funny and feels like a creator pet by now.
That said the episode itself is actually really good.
Confalone GETS pinkie and gives he an actual character and this was honestly better handled that with Twilight.
Hell for a second I thought Pinkie was gonna have to deal with her own since her meeting with the guy has all the elements of a meet cute scene =P
I could live without the stupid opening scene but it seems even Pinkie realized Maud was being offensive to her audience there…
A really fun Pinkie episode to add to the pile
804 “thank you for calling me, Rarity. I can surely help you with all my sewing knowledge”
“Oh for this episode I´ll need you to forget about all that, darling and be completely useless”
So yeah, this was a waste of time.
So the mane six can´t help Rarity with her store but have plenty of time to go yell at Fluttershy?
And if Rarity hates the ponies of Saddle Row so much why does she enve sells them clothes?
I actually hate how they´re all portrayed cause they´re feeding the stereotype that people into fashion are shallow and petty and the whole point of Rarity´s character was to subvert that!
I only laughed at one joke in the whole episode.
So yeah another terrible fluttershy episode to add to the pile
805 The real reason Rainbow flies so fast...to escape her gay for applejack thoughts.
So a perfectly okay episode.
In other seasons it would have gone unnoticed but in this one it stands out for having solid writing.
It was fun and rainbow was very likeable here since she honestly seemed more concern about the grannies than anything.
It feels a bit stretched out but this is normal for a pony episode.
I do hope she kicks Applejack's behind the second she came back to town though…
A fun Rainbow episode.
806 “Girls, while you wasted time trying to help that kid with divorced parents I acciBURPddentally destroyed a scared statue so we better run, you bastards!” then Twilight pulls a rick an actually leaves them behind =P
SO yeah a complete waste of time.
I understand the point but it doesn't work for me since it seems like they made the problem way too simple.
I also dislike the hippogriffs on principle since i find I them really lame characters so…
Oh and this episode has the WORST song in the entire show. Hell is not even a song, is just words with music behind it.
So yeah, pretty lame episode.
807 “See Twilight, Sunset would have just told me things straight to my face! Then try to stab me in the back but the point remains…”
I already talked about this back when it aired and yeah, my opinion hasn't changed.
This isn´t a Celestia episode, is another of Twilight´s poorly made panic attacks ones.
We learned absolutely nothing about Celestia, she learns nothing at all and we wasted twenty minutes of our lives.
For a fan of the character, waiting nine years for this is nothing but an insult.
The saddest thing is knowing that the show will end without having a proper celestia episode.
So yeah, a total waste of time with only the adorable sunbutt to save some face
808 “You noticed all the wanted posters for you on the way here, Starlight?”
“No, actually not”
“yeah me neither, good thing you´re friends with a princess…”
Really, how come Starlight is NOT a wanted criminal? The episode could have dealt with her hometown disowning her but nope, is just a kinda lame sitcom situation.
Hell, it would have been better if we´re told the parents hooked up and now Starlight and Sunburst feel all kind of awkard but nope.
i suppose there´s like a moral lesson in here but the episode was so dull I don't even remember it.
It could have been a better story but it amounts to nothing.
809 “And to think this all started over a parking lot…”
“you don´t even need the parking lot, Rainbow!”
THAT would have been a better premise…
So yeah, remember season 1? Cool ,cause this is the exact same episode. Nothing new added and nothing interesting happens.
Go watch the leaf episode instead, is way better.
810 “Wait, Big Mac has a what now? How come nopony told me? Do I look like a jealous sister or something?”
“the shotgun isn't helping, AJ…”
Have they really interacted these two? I mean, don´t want a repeat of the same storyline. Infact, showing that Applejack and Sugar whatever get along well will be an interesting episode.
Far more interesting than this for sure.
I was bored the entire time and shut up, sweetie Belle. You'll be lucky to have Snips…
Another time waster.
811 “Spike, can´t you just masturbate like a regular teenager? I mean you have your own room now so it won´t be weird for me anymore…”
Again, remember season 2? Go watch that instead.
It even made more sense back then but now spike not knowing “how to dragon” has become a huge plot hole cause there´s absolutely no reason for him not to know these things so this entire conflict is pointless.
Oh and him having wings is something I don't really like.
Explain how he didn't have those during season 2 when he grew, hasbro! ANother lame Spike episode to the bad spike episodes pile.
812 “Girls, you rather go to a school where you dont´do any homework, play games all day, het to eat delicious food..actually I´m leaving too, school closed!”
So yeah do they do anything at Twilight school other than waste time? No wonder the CMC want to go there! Wasting time is their entire MO nowadays since they have their marks!
Prety standard episode, is honestly just to introduce the villain.
The only really fun thing is the “your mom” bit, I would have approved her out of that alone.
It´s okay, sadly can´t say more.
813 “Evil clones, what was I thinking? Dinosaurs, that´s a proper supervillain plan!”
MEH I mean it´s an okay episode but when you get to it is just repeating stuff from the first discord episode, nothing new. nothing gained.
That should be the motto of this season.
814 “Discord, what part of go to hell don´t you get?”
“The part where you forgot to tell me to stay there”
This episode is horrible!
What´s the moral lesson, be an asshole and get away with everything?
WHy the hell does Starlight apologizes? Why is HER problem that Discord feels bad? The idiot should take it on Twilight and she ahs a perfect reason not to let him in the school..Discord is an asshole! As this episode demonstrated!
Can he just...leave, please?
Worst episode of the season.
815 “Twilight, shouldn't we invite Zecora one of these days?”
“You wanna explain Kwanzaa to the viewers, Rainbow?”
Oh what? Oh yeah this episode.
Look I get the point and being objective there's nothing wrong with this episode but my god, tiw as boring!
Just the same bit repeated over and over and over and over…
Whatever, technically there's nothing wrong with it but I didn't like it.
816 “So mono means one and rail menas...no wait, wrong scam. Calls dismissed!”
“Slow down bro, so who´s the princess of friendship then?”
“The one with the eyepatch!”
So...a perfectly normal episode.
Again, this show always suffers from not having a b plot going on so the conflict get  a bit stretched but as an episode, it was well done.
Hey snape is right that Friendship IS a weapon in this universe, glad someone finally mentioned it.
There´s actually a good moral lesson about how no matter if the lessons are good if the methods are fraudulent which coming from Hasbro is the ultimate irony.
Flim Flam are kinda overdone at this point but it still works.
817 “Remember that time you left me in the desert with pinkie?”
“Oh sure, everything looks bad when you remember it…”
Actually a pretty good episode.
I mean the premise relies on twilight´s students being borderline sociopaths (guys, is not that complex of an idea, friends can disagree on things) but the episode itself it was really fun and the Raridash wa adorable.
I honestly liked it.
818 “I mean we could have get you a teacher and encouraged to get better through a montage but insulting you and hurting your feelings seemed like a better idea, pinkie”
Way to handle a problem, girls!
What part of this is supportive” pinkie? Your friends were assholes to you that made you feel bad so you stop bothering them and then come looking for you because is a problem for THEM?
There´s a better lesson about admitting you may not have the talent for something, which is a lesson that kids DO need to learn but since the problem is solved with a “who cares?” the moral lesson doesnt´work and nobody really learns anything here.
Who approved of this crap?
819 “I say someone must have  said a funny because your mother is in stitches hahaha! I´ll leave you to your grief, Starlight.”
Finally a good episode!
Actually an excellent one. Coupled with a catchy song and really good dialogue, my man Haber can make a really good episode when he wants.
I have zero complains this was the best episode of the season.
820 “That´s it I´m taking you to your parents or in its defect your lesbian aunts that cannot be seen in the show due to television censorship policies!”
I´m sorry but cootalo was a brat the entire episode in need of a good spanking.
Rainbow did absolutely nothing wrong and that gid set gogin around here is full of lies.
If anything she was a bit rash over the fact that yeah, the little girl she sees a sister suddenly is throwing her away...again, cause she did it with the maredowell thing also. Funny they didn´t mention it, probably to appease the fandom.
As an episode is nothing bad, Rainbow actually comes out great here so yeah, Scootaloo, you're grounded..as in put in a hole in the ground.
Good episode
821 “All me friend are long dead…”
“Yeah yeah, lovely. Fill this form here, big guy…”
What's wrong with Twilight this episode? Why is she such an insensitive idiot?
It was pretty clear the obvious solution was just giving him a classroom with no walls and guess what, that´s what she does alter on so what gives?
And why are SPike and SMoulder allowed to burns the school every day?
An dhow come Rockhoof has no job in “modern equestria”? there used to be plenty of things wanting to eat the ponies every week, did they disappear in between seasons or what?
Really stupid episode that only works by everybody bieng assholes to an actually nice guy.
822 “Look at the bright side Rainbow. We got replaced by a new cast but at least we didn't die horrible on the movie like the transformers did…”
grumble grumble this is actually a really good episode.
I mean I could argue they have already dome similar stuff but it make sense here. The tree of harmony finally gets some light on it and this actually helps make the students look less lame by giving them character so...yeah, it´s actually really good.
823 “Oh shoot we forgot to invite them to the school!”
“It's okay, Twilight forgot to invite like half of the country as well…”
grumble grumble another really good episode!
I honestly though this episode was gonna suck but it turns out to be one of the best.
It´s obviously a previously unaired episode that they managed to shove into here but is actually a really good so I have zero complains about it.
The kirin is actually really cute and I liked the song so…
824 “So kid have you seen stuart little?”
“Then this whole thing is gonna be new for you…”
So yeah...as an episode is okay but I´l argue that even the target audience could saw this coming a mile away.
My only real problem is that Spike barely apologizes to TWilight despite hurting her so much. Why is he such a brat? Twilight is nothing but a loving and supportive sister to him, look at that opening scene, si so lovely an touching!
Why does the show keep treating Twilight caring for her sibling and treating him like an equal as a bad thing? She even offers to let him go and learn more about his culture, she is supporting and loving why do they keep treating her like she´s doing a bad thing? and again kind of a big plothole nowdays  with dragons going around Equestria with no problems.
Other than that is a fine episode.
825-826 “Since we´re stuck here where the little filly´s room?”
“There is no little filly´s room in tartarus…”
Really, who built this prison Barry allen? Give them a bucket at least .
Again...actually really good episodes.
The action was good,the stakes were high, while that poor manticore shouldn't be there I still like the good detail than monsters have been kept her since past seasons and than the mane six honestly don´t hold a grudge against them, hope there´s an actual redemption arc down the line and they don't just forget about them like with the other villains,
Speaking of that, Cozy is probably the best vilian on the entire show.Hell, she´s better than Thanos cause she doesn't have an stupid justification, she just want s POWAAAAA! And she´s damn adorable and effective, she almost won.
Still They missed a chance to say that the missing magic was going to the human world to tie things up with Equestria girls for once and who the hell delivers letters to tartarus anyways?
The finally more than makes up and gives almost everyone a chance to shine so I like it. The mane six were treated with a LOT more respect than in the damn movie that's for sure.
Good solid episodes.
So that´s season 8, is not that bad honestly.. Had they had a better focus it would be better. Continuity is still a bit of a mess and just saying past stuff doesn't count but hey they´re trying.
Now I have like 40 Equestria Girls episodes to catch up though…
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jdscanvas · 6 years
The Best Part About My Favorite MLP: FiM Characters
I might have said this somewhere else before, but despite being a very casual fan of the show My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic, I am particularly fond of four specific characters:
Twilight Sparkle-The show's protagonist
Shining Armor- Her brother
Cadence- Her sister-in-law
Flurry Heart- Her niece
Don't get me wrong, one of the show's greatest strengths is the effort placed into character development (not character progression, where a character goes through arcs, but where a character is fleshed out; to be fair the show has handled progression quite nicely too). There are loads of great characters to love in both this and many other shows (especially ever since The Simpsons popularized extended casts...to my knowledge anyways). Lately I've had a huge soft spot for Thorax, Pharynx, Ocellus, the Young Six, and hell Starlight's even grown on me despite her rushed redemption arc. Plus I’ll always love the royal sisters.
I already appreciate my four personal favorites because of their designs and personalities (although some could use a bit more fleshing out in that category).
However, what I think truly makes me love Twilight, Armor, Cadence, and Flurry Heart is their family dynamic.
Honestly....where to start?
Shining Armor and Princess Cadence, pretty much some of the last of Lauren Faust's contributions to the show, are super important to Twilight. They're not just her brother and sister-in-law, they are her oldest friends. 
Shining Armor was always there for Twilight, and they always did everything together in their youth. He always refers to her as Twily, he always looks out for her, and he's made explicitly clear that she will never stop being important to him. He made her his maid of honor at his wedding, set up an old game from their childhood to tell her when she was going to be an aunt, and was going to, essentially, have her CHRISTEN HIS CHILD. 
Once Cadence came into the picture as her babysitter, Twilight had a sister figure. As many fans know, she did this corny dance with Twilight, and to this day they still do it. It's so important to them that Twilight was able to tell Cadence apart from an impostor because the real Cadence could recite it flawlessly. As Cadence herself said, she could never forget her.
And Twilight? She always makes it clear to both of them how much she loves them and being with them. Some of this stuff isn't explicitly stated but clear none-the-less, they trust each another entirely, hang out, go on vacation and have dinner together.
Even just this small moment from when they announced she would be an Aunt, where she became overjoyed, hugged both of them, and said that she loved them tells me all I need to know.
Armor is a great leader, a kind protective soul, and a complete dork, just like his sister (sure would be nice to see him display his true power more often). Cadence is warm, loving, affectionate, and laid back (she may not quite be as well developed as the others, but she’s been growing on me through the years.). Not to mention the magical, un-dying love shared between Shining Armor and Cadence (although again I’d love to see more of how they bounce of off each other because of the differences in their personalities). That speaks for itself.
Flurry has grown on me so much. She could have easily been as faultily handled as Poof from Fairly Odd Parents, just an overpowered baby with little to no charm.
But she isn't.
Despite being a baby, she has shown she's inherited a dorky side from the rest of her family, she sticks out her tongue when she's happy sometimes, she stacks other baby playmates for fun, and her freakin' plushie is a snail.
She's not some uber-powerful messiah, despite being born an alicorn; she's the family's baby. She gets upset sometimes, she stresses her parents and Aunt out, she gets into pudding and smears it all over the floor. And the other three (and the grandparents)? They have nothing but unconditional love for her. Not only are Shining and Cadence so well devoted to their daughter, but Twilight is so...in love with this baby you'd swear it was like Flurry was her own daughter. She spoils her and gives her just as much love as she does to the rest of her friends and family; it’s almost like she wants to pass down the love she’s been given by the two who cared for her. Flurry is the Sparkle family daughter, before she’s an alicorn princess golden child. She’s now a part of an unbreakable bond between Shining Armor, Twilight, and Cadence.
And yes, of course Hasbro wouldn’t dare portray them as anything other than a loving family, but just the way they’re all so firmly connected...it’s inspiring.
I don’t think it’s out of the picture for Cadence to see Twilight and Flurry both as her “babies”, and I also believe that Armor would blurt it out too on accident, but I digress. Her and Armor must surely love Twilight like she was their own daughter, I mean they took care of her throughout her life. By extension, I think Shining Armor would see them as his “girls”; they’re the  three girls he loves the most in the whole world. 
Now I know, three of these guys are technically secondary characters, and of course Twlight’s friends, all of them, mean the world to her, but remember: 
Before her students at the School of Friendship,
Before her pupil Starlight,
Before her unbreakable bond with the other Mane Six,
Before Celestia,
Before even freaking Spike,
there was Shining Armor and Princess Cadence.
She claims she never cared about friendship before she meet the Mane Six, but the truth is that deep down, she already knew friendship before she began to study it. And that’s all thanks to the two ponies that, well there’s no other way to say it, grew up with her...hell you could even say raised her. She can always count on them, they can always count on her, and they’ll always be there for each other, whether in peril, or for the holidays.
Cadence has so clearly, unquestionably, been accepted as a member of the Sparkle family so long ago; it’s all thanks of the bond she formed with the Sparkle siblings. I think in a way they would pass that down to Flurry Heart, because now they have someone new to share this undying love with.
When it comes to the future of the show, I have a few thoughts on where they should go. Maybe Shining Armor starts feeling a bit gloomy that all his family except for him is made of alicorns, even his own daughter. He would never ever hold it against them but he can’t help but feel pushed to the sidelines; that he’s not really a Prince at all, and not because of his family but because of how the public sees him as just a useless figurehead, some idiot wingless pony playing dress-up. And maybe Twilight would try to give him a test like what she received, because she loves him and agrees that it’s unfair; he can’t share the skies with her, his wife, or even his own child. She knows he has what it takes, so how could he not be an alicorn already? Cadence would agree, wanting to be able to soar the skies with her loving daughter AND her husband---her best friend. Hell, maybe Shining Armor would pass whatever test he was given, either an intentional or unexpected one, and earn wings. Personally, however? I think they’d state it doesn’t matter, because they love him and they, including the Royal Sisters, see him as their equal and a true member of the royal family, with or without wings.
What would really top it off would be a scene of the four of them (well I don’t know maybe not Flurry since she’s a baby) fighting together in a scene.
Additional side note, I totally see Armor making a Hearts and Hooves Day surprise for all three of them, because surely he loves them all that much.
So in short,
I love these four. They’re so wholesome and fun to watch. What we’ve gotten from them so far is great, but I would love to see more. They’ve even inspired my own work. Just like the whole show in general, it doesn’t seem like much but then it goes above and beyond.
I sure hope I’ve justified my borderline monomania over fictional characters.
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marvelandponder · 7 years
OC Tag Game
I was tagged by one of my fav fabulous dorks @starbutterfly-diaz to talk about one of my OCs, but you know what? I’m gonna talk about two because I love these two together (plus I just really like talking about my ocs and don’t get a lot of chances too).
For the record, these two are from an Equestria Girls/MLP next gen, and I’ll start with the adopted AppleDash princess.
Name: Gale Primrose Apple (Formally, Gale Force in her first adopted family, and originally... Cream Puff because I just find that hilarious)
Nickname: She goes by Gale. Her girlfriend and later wife, Betty, calls her Rosie. She also answers to G, princess (her moms’ nickname for her from when she was smol), and Big Buff, Rough n’ Tough Cream Puff (well, doesn’t answer to that...).
Gender: Female
Star Sign: Aquarius 
Height: Pfft, like 6′2. She’s buff as heck despite being a girly girl.
Sexual Orientation: Gay. Too gay to cope.
Hogwarts House: I could absolutely see her in Gryffindor. She pulls crazy stunts that put her own neck on the line if it’s for the right cause (like, say, doing a triple backflip off the top of a cheerleading pyramid to win over a girl and flip off her teachers).
Nationality: Well, even if this wasn’t set in the Equestria Girls universe, she’d be American. Southern princess.
Favorite Fruit: Hm. If she said anything but apples, would she get disowned? (... probably pears)
Favorite Flower: Primrose. That’s what Applejack and Rainbow Dash brought her the day they came to meet her and take her home for the first time, and well, while they were changing her name anyway... 
Favorite Season: Knowing how much she loves Thanksgiving, probably fall. 
Favorite Scent: It’s either some ultra-specific makeup brand (she’s a makeup artist) or the way her moms’ mac and cheese smells when it’s being cooked.
Coffee, tea or hot cocoa?: Coffee. Something’s gotta get her up for morning workouts.
Average Hours of Sleep: 9ish, and she snores through all of them.
Dogs or Cats?: Dogs. Definitely dogs. 
Favorite Fictional Character: Oo, that’s tough... I’m leaning towards someone like Kim Possible. Someone who manages to be a normal, fabulous teenage girl despite being in what would normally be a guy’s role. Being as big and muscly as she is, Gale would appreciate that. 
A better answer would be someone from a romcom but I don’t watch enough to know actual characters... can I just say all of the Disney princesses?
Number of Blankets They Sleep With: 2 or 3 for maximum coziness.
Dream Trip: When she’s in her late teens, it’s to go to L.A., but she ends up living there so I don’t know what to tell you. Aside from that, she’d go anywhere if she got to take her wife. She used to think Vegas with her besties would be fun but... well, I’ll just say she doesn’t leave with fond memories.
Random Fact: Although it takes her quite some time to realize it, Gale’s polyamorous. She’s not the type to like an open relationship, but she can fall in love and be in a committed closed relationship with multiple partners at once. 
Coming out as poly was so much harder than coming out as gay (mostly because she was raised by a gay couple, but polyamorous relationships are still so... out of the public eye, let’s say).
Name: Battaglia Philharmonica
Nickname: Betty (Although Gale has quite a few nicknames for her, including Betsy and Babydoll; her adoptive mom, Octavia, also calls her Lia)
Gender: Female
Star Sign: Leo
Height: 5′5. Decently average, but smol compared to her wife Gale.
Sexual Orientation: Gayyyy. Really gay. Like, can’t-talk-to-girls gay what a mess gay.
Hogwarts House: I think Hufflepuff. She’s confident in herself, but a huge sweetie and well, kind of lets people take advantage of her if she’s not careful. 
Nationality: Equestria Girls land? Aside from that, I’m really not sure, actually. Half-Italian, half... something. It’s hard to say because her father was never in the picture (and considering how Betty happened, that’s probably a good thing).
Favorite Fruit: Strawberries, if there’s whipped cream involved.
Favorite Flower: Forget Me Nots (why yes, she was a hopeless romantic as a child...)
Favorite Season: Spring, maybe.
Favorite Scent: Aside from her wife? Who am I kidding, it’s Gale. That’s the most comforting smell to her.
Coffee, tea or hot cocoa?: Tea, but she won’t say no to hot cocoa.
Average Hours of Sleep: 7-8. Well. When she’s healthy. 
Dogs or Cats?: DOGS. For their first anniversary, Gale gets her a puppy Betty names Princess (whoops, Princess is a boy... ah well, Princess it is) and that dog is her world. And her therapy dog for her anxiety when she’s overwhelmed.
Favorite Fictional Character: Anyone Marilyn Monroe played. She has a thing for old movies because that’s all they had on in the hospital room when she was sick for a while as a kid (unidentified autoimmune disease, was stuck in Sick Kids for 2 years of her life). This inspired her acting career, at least.
Number of Blankets They Sleep With: 3 or 4. She hogs one from Gale, always.
Dream Trip: If not L.A., which, again, they eventually live in, either New York or London. What a sap.
Random Fact: If she was going to have a voice actress, it’d be Kristen Bell (Anna from Frozen, among others). Which means this is her solo song during the same story arc where Gale realizes she’s poly.
I tag pretty much everyone who wants to do this?
@adgerelli, @umbraamethyst, @apricalico, @digikate813, and plenty of people who I’ve seen tagged already
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