#I wish they had let tory and aisha either fight or team up in it but that and Stingray's existence are my only critics from it
persefoneshalott · 10 months
coyote creek episode!! <3
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thirtyonestories · 3 years
I think I may actually hate Daniel Larusso at this point. I mean, Johnny is also annoying AF (why after the Ali reunion last season we have had to AGAIN repeat this stupid arc of Daniel and Johnny being rivals I don’t know but it’s giving lazy) but Daniel is on a whole other level.
1. The fact that he didn’t ask for further details on Anthony being bullied despite him previously learning that he doesn’t know squat about his kids when all this nonsense with Sam started was irritating as hell and he of course boiled it down to “Cobra Kai bad” even though Kenny only joined Cobra Kai because your dick of a son bullied him which is, ONCE AGAIN, a scenario where the Larusso’s created their own enemy.
2. The CONSTANT almost belligerent “do things the right way” speeches got old quickly especially when he got mad at Sam for actually winning like??? Isn’t the ENTIRE POINT of this so a psychopath doesn’t get full reign over the entire valley and a generation of children? I feel like that’s more important than your morals but okay. Not to mention your entire claim to fame came from you performing an illegal kick to win a match so if I was you I’d learn to be quiet.
3. How many times are we gonna repeat this arc of Daniel thinks he knows everything about everything only to find out he’s wrong? Because it’s getting old and at this point I really wish someone would actually tell him to shut up. Anthony was right, the constant Mr. Miyago thing is annoying and that old man is long dead. Let his spirit Rest In Peace and stop invoking him anytime you wanna feel morally superior.
But overall, season four of Cobra Kai really emphasized how much of this show is simply circling the wagon when it comes to arcs. Daniel and Johnny collectively and individually have been doing the same thing for four seasons and continue to drag literal children into their high school bullshit and issues, Robby and Miguel continue to fight over Johnny who is HONESTLY a trash surrogate father/actual father anyways and I wish one of them would realize that, Sam and Tory continue to have some BS girl rival that honestly was forced to begin with and only continues to be forced now that they’re making it involve a stupid love square, and everyone else is just kinda there to fill the air time since they don’t have anything really to add to the show. Still upset they ditched Aisha, she could have been the female to join Johnnys team and we could have seen her fight Tory and get some insight into that but Noooooo… we get some random. Also, WHY IS STINGRAY NOT IN JAIL?!?!?
Weirdly enough, Hawk has actually had some good character growth (still don’t really care about him either) and he seems to be the only one not making the absolute dumbest decision or holding the idiot ball most of the time (y’all REALLY didn’t consider Robby would teach Cobra Kai your moves OR that the ref was possibly dirty???) so good for him. Oh and I AM NOT for them trying to redeem Kreese by introducing another psychotic old man who can’t move on with his life to take his place. They either need to find a new shtick or end the show because it’s getting boring.
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