#I was writing the bibliography section of the paperwork I'm filling and this came to me and wouldn't leave my mind
I feel like Menelaus would be the kind of husband that buys his wife lingerie as a present. Yes, maybe it's beautiful and it's thoughtful enough to be her style, but it's as much a present to himself as it is for her, if not more.
Odysseus on the other hand would be the kind of husband that makes a present that is actually a part of a long inside joke with his wife. It would probably be received with an annoyed groan while he breaks his ribs laughing at the face Penelope makes. Ultimately a present for himself as well, but in a different way. Penelope retaliates doing the same thing. They've been giving and receiving shitty annoying gifs they hate for years. They both actually love it. Telemachus doesn't understand.
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