#I was rewatching the cutscenes and I'm trying not to let Rikku get on my nerves
starvingtongue · 2 years
some post Last Misson headcanons for Paine.
She never started writing a book, not in the sense she was going to publish it at least. What she did start writing was more of a journal, which contains of all the things that happened since the den of woe to the end of her time with the Gullwings. The girl has a lot of things to process and it's something she never really sat down and did properly. Writing everything down really helped her process everything she's been through, what she felt, and to hopefully leave everything in the past. It's a thing she never intends to publish it.
She did very much try and keep in contact with Yuna and Rikku, and it's true that the Gullwings drifted apart after the end of the game. I can imagine 3 months must have flown by and even though Paine visited Yuna on Besaid and teamed up with Rikku on the occasional sphere hunt, it didn't feel the same without all three of them together, and she was only able to see them a couple of times. This only reaffirmed the fact that Paine missed her friends and that something was missing (like she mentions in Last Mission), hence her sending the letters out. Do I think they'll remain as close as they once were? Probably not, but I do think they try to stay in contact with each other a lot more after Last Mission.
The same can also be said for her relationship with Baralai, Gippal, and Nooj. She did try to see them, but all three of them are leaders of the three biggest and influential factions in Spira, they are going to be busy. They are not going to be able to see each other as often as they probably like, but that doesn't stop Paine from trying to visit anyway. She tries to visit every 4 to 6 weeks if she can.
On the subject of her old Crimson Squad buddies, on this blog, the Youth League and New Yevon don't get disbanded. Do they and will they change over time? Of course, any large group like them would, (and Paine hopes they'll change for the better) but I can't see them disbanding. Too many old people in Bevelle still cling to the idea of Yevon and I think with the right change and goals in mind, the Youth League could really help Spira push forward.
Paine visits what's left of the Youth League the most out of the three (the Youth League, New Yevon and the Machine Faction). She believes in the ideals of the Youth League a lot more than she lets on, especially after Lucil's speech in chapter 5, you can even see her clapping aftwards, it's really cute. She helps out where she can and in between jobs. She visits the Machine Faction a little less then the Youth League, mainly for spheres and the occasional dig if she clocks wind of something interesting. New Yevon's the one she visits the least, but she makes the trip to see Baralai. She makes it her mission to try and see them all at least once every 4 - 6 weeks, tops.
Tidus also canonically comes back and that's who Yuna's talking about. They just translated it weirdly.
"Maybe the three of us never really got along in the first place." This quote is getting yeeted out the window, yes Yuna, you are worrying too much. Paine doesn't think this. She may have thought this when she first joined the Gullwings, but she doesn't feel like this by the end of X-2. Do I think their friendship started out as a matter of circumstance? Yes, but it developed into so much more. From Paine's perspective, she was finally able to gain a sense of trust, sanity and companionship back back after what happened with the Crimson Squad. Yes, the three of them are very different people, but that's what makes their friendship so good. Sometimes you need different personalities to make things work and get a good vibe going on, to help yourself heal and face past trauma.
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