#I was gonna put salpicão with the brazilian dishes but it's usually made with chicken so it felt wrong-
polisena-art · 2 years
Some popular Mexican dishes made during Christmas/winter time is pozole,tamales, menudo, Birria, or barbacoa which would be the main. Some desert or after eating the main course would be champurado, atole, ponche, arroz con leche. These are also made during the month as well. There is also mexican eggnog called rompope. I think Panchito would make/bring all of the dishes and have leftovers until next year 😂. It is very common to have so much leftovers.
That'd be so much food!! I'd like to imagine each year they choose if their Christmas dinner is going to be mainly Mexican or Brazilian inspired depending on where they're spending it 😂 Imagine José learning to make tamales together with Paco's family, maybe with enough patience and Mama Romero's watchful eye he'd get the hang of it-
One day their brightest braincells would unite and they'd go "HEY why don't we make BOTH at the SAME TIME? :D" which would also prompt the longest list of guests to help prepare and eat all that food. They'd get incredibly pumped for it, tell everybody, and then realize that wait,, that's a lotta work-
Over here some things we eat after the main course include pudim de leite, pavê, rabanadas and panetones/chocotones. Panchito would have to navigate through some """controversies""" during Christmas time like "What's best, Chocotone or Panetone? 🤨" or "What do you think of raisins in your rice??🤨🤨" and maybe even "Ok but do you think it's ethical to your guests to put APPLE AND MANGO INTO A SAVORY SALAD??? 🤨🤨🤨🤨"
I'm gonna put some pics (from google so sorry if they're not accurate) to ilustrate this feast
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