#I was gonna doodle something to celebrate finishing v2 but figured I'd just get on with translating
soul-eater-novel · 12 days
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夜を追う男 Chapter 22: The Man Who Chases the Night
爽やかな初夏の風が、トラン湖を吹き抜けていく。 A gentle early summer breeze blew across Lake Toran.
ティルは部屋の窓から流れ込む風に当たりながら、ベッドに寝ころんで青空を眺めていた。 As the breeze blew in through the window of Tir’s room, he was laying on his bed, gazing up at the blue sky.
父テオとの戦いから、すでに四カ月が経過していた。 Four months had already passed since his battle with his father, Teo.
帝国軍の主力であるテオの軍が敗れたため、その間大きな戦いが起こることはなかったが、ティルの心は常にひとつのことで占められていた。 Once they defeated Teo’s army—the main force of the Imperial Army—there hadn’t been any other big battles, but one thing still weighed heavily on Tir’s mind.
ソウルイーターとはいったい何なのかー。 Just what is the Soul Eater?
父との戦いの後にレックナートの訪問を受けてから、ティルはそのことばかりを考えていた。 He had been able to think of nothing else since Leknaat’s visit after the battle with his father.
根の修行に励んていても、軍務にあたっていても、また気分転換にヤム・クーと釣りに出てみても、紋章が疼くような気がした瞬間気持ちが逸れてしまう。 Even when he was training with the staff, even in the middle of military matters, even when he went out fishing with Yam Koo for a change of pace—all it took was him noticing one aching twinge of the rune on his hand to send his mind tumbling back to that question.
ティルはクレオをはじめ紋章師ジーン、召還魔法の使い手ヘリオン、あるいはレックナートの弟子で真の風の紋章を持つルックなどにも聞いて回ったが、誰もソウルイーターについて語れる者はいなかった。 Tir went around asking everyone he could think of. He started with Cleo, then the rune master, Jeane, and even Luc, Leknaat’s disciple who held the true wind rune… but none of them knew anything about the Soul Eater.
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