#I was fully ready for him to reveal he'd been behind everything all along
How do you solve a problem like Amahl Farouk?
First, let me go on the record as saying I like that Farouk ended up redeeming himself. I think it fits with the themes of the show, and it’s very Charles Xavier type logic.
But the fact that he got off scot free is weird. We never saw him redeem himself, only Division 3 suddenly siding with him, and after seeing just how much suffering he’s caused over three seasons (including suffering that has already happened and therefore cannot be erased), the fact that he just gets to go on his merry way is so absolutely strange. Charles says he and David don’t have to take Farouk at his word, but we do because we never see this change of heart. We never see Farouk prove that he now loves David more than anything else.
So it’s my belief that our!Farouk needed to be the one to stop past!Farouk.
Let me explain.
The destruction of David is because he becomes single-mindedly obsessed with getting revenge against Farouk. This isn’t solely his fault: it’s perfectly possible that Future!Syd’s manipulations led to him focusing on Farouk instead of on his own life, or it’s possible David would have returned to hunting Farouk no matter what. But there was a time when David didn’t want solely to destroy Farouk, and then Farouk killed Amy and all bets were off. David’s obsession with Farouk cost him his sister, arguably one of his closest friends because he was too occupied with that to notice the nightmare chicks that ended up killing Ptonomy, and slowly then all at once cost him his relationship with Syd. He was too focused on Farouk to notice his own failings, and was too ready to blame Farouk when others had genuine concerns. Someone who was a pacifist in season 1 becomes ready to commit massacres against his own friends. Someone who was gentle and patient and kind ends up leading a teenage girl to her death in order to fill his goals. David’s arc makes it very clear: revenge will only lead to your own destruction. David could not be the one to kill Farouk for the sake of himself.
(I do not doubt that revenge would have been why David destroyed the world. In fact, I think it would have been very interesting for David’s supposed heel turn to have been him succeeding in killing Farouk at the cost of everyone else).
And then we have Charles. It’s sort of obvious: you can’t have one of the most famous pacifist characters in pop culture to suddenly be down with murder without changing a lot about him. However, in Legion specifically we have already seen Charles use his powers to kill someone, and it landed him in a psychiatric hospital with what is most likely PTSD based on his flashbacks. Charles knows the trauma that comes with killing someone intimately and it made him borderline catatonic. I highly doubt he’d be able to kill someone again and be able to walk away. And I don’t think he would have been able to live with his son living through that same trauma either. 
And then there’s Farouk. Our Farouk, who apparently has grown to love David so much that he’s willing to turn good (but how good?). Who stopped Syd from killing David (but created the circumstances that made her want to). Who shows his love for David by encouraging David to succumb to his worst impulses, by murdering the people David loves, and turning the others against him. The only way for Farouk to truly redeem himself was not to simply promise not to possess David while staying in the lap of luxury so really, why would he want to? It would have been to truly sacrifice himself for David. He needed to be the one to punish his past self for his crimes, not even his future crimes but his current ones. He didn’t even have to kill past!Farouk, just do something to make sure that he could never in any way harm David. (Putting his consciousness in the monkey would have been a nice symmetry, or trapping him in one of his plays). We’ve been told Farouk is redeemed, but we haven’t seen it. This would have been a good way to show how his character has changed.
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moririki · 3 years
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it's rare for the second-year catcher to find his emotions getting the best of him
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CONTAINS -> needy miyuki bc i have an agenda, just some plain ol' short and sweet fluff, you call him pretty boy :)), spoilers for like the end of season 1 think?, ooc miyuki asf
MORI'S THOUGHTS -> head empty just pretty boy catcher <3
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MIYUKI KAZUYA WAS ALWAYS A LITTLE EMOTIONALLY DISTANT. whether just by being closed off or always insisting on letting himself be along by the end of the day, he had always held people at an arm's distance.
of course, these meticulousy constructed preconceptions had all been knocked down when it came to you. through some persistence on your side, you had weaseled your way into claiming your stake in the catcher's heart.
friday nights were no longer a time spent alone, but the designated date night for you and him. instead of bottling up what bothered him until it went away he found a new solace in you. when he needed something to pick him up when life got a little too much to handle, you were the perfect person for it. and with the week that he had been having, this would be one for the books.
his team had lost to inashiro at the finals. he'd been made the new team captain. his exams were coming up. there were so many stresses piling up, and he could only shoulder so many before the weight began to crush him. miyuki was exhausted, not that he would ever outwardly admit it to anyone.
he had been looking forward all week to receiving the text from you that told him you're outside his dorm on a friday evening, ready to kill a few hours with him. while there were the occasional more active dates like ones to the arcade or spent hiking, judging by your outfit of miyuki's baggiest hoodie and sweatpants the plans for tonight would be bound to staying indoors.
in fairness to miyuki, he was very collected and refrained from revealing just how exhausted he was until the door had fully closed behind you and just left the two of you in his dorm. as soon as the door clicked shut behind you and you sat yourself down on miyuki's mattress, your boyfriend was on you.
you had your arms wide open for him before he even turned to face you. as much as he had insisted on pretending that everything was fine, you didn't miss the eyebags that darkened his face or the way his eyes didn't look as bright.
miyuki was quick to melt into your embrace, his face pressing into the side of your neck as his arms found purchase wrapped aroud your torso. the boy pulled you close to him, simultaneously guiding you down so that you rested with your head against his pillow. miyuki followed you down, not hesitating to let his full weight press down on you as he let out a long sigh of satisfaction. you only hummed, squeezing him back as you both got comfortable.
"what's up, pretty boy?"
"nothing," miyuki responded, voice muffled by your skin. there had once been a time where your boyfriend would only scoff at your nickname for him, but now it never failed to make his eyes light up as you called him it. you only hoped that it could also lighten the burdens of the week as your boyfriend appeared to properly relax for the first time in a while.
you knew he was too proud, and a bit too tired, to really talk about what bothered him so you just let your boyfriend rest for now. you guided his face out of its hiding spot, cupping it with a hand before deftly removing his glasses for him. you finished it with a sweet kiss to his forehead, watching as a sleepy smile spread across miyuki's face at the action. you placed the now-folded glasses on the table next to miyuki's bed before returning all of your attention to him, specifically focusing on his hair. your hands continued their movement, combing through his hair in lazy strokes that had him sighing again, your bodies melding together once more.
"looks like tonight's a nap date, huh?" you giggled. you were only met with a hum as a response from miyuki. you scoffed as you continued your ministrations, noting just how effective playing with his hair seemed to be. "in that case, let me set an alarm real quick, kazu." your hand left his hair and you wiggled out from underneath him in order to grab your phone which you had shoved into one of your pockets. you didn't exactly expect miyuki to be elated about the loss of contact, but what you weren't expecting of your boyfriend was for him to let out a whine.
you blinked at the sound, amazed that the guy who had always been so cool and collected was now reaching such extremes like whining when you ceased to play with his hair for a few seconds. he peeked up at you, lower half of his face obscured as you felt his arm tighten around you once again.
"sleep over? please?" your hand smoothed back his hair, and you shuffled down a little so you were now face to face with miyuki.
"what about your roommates?" miyuki just shook his head, a small smile quirking on his lips.
"i don't care if they see." you nodded, opening your arms once again and peppering kisses to the side of his face as soon as he got close enough.
"ok then, pretty boy. go to sleep."
that was all miyuki needed to hear, and with the small patterns you traced into his back he was quick to be lulled into unconsciousness.
"love you, kazu."
"mm, i love you too."
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take a look at the menu - ,, 🤍 ·˚ ༘ ꒱
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littoraly-art · 4 years
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😌 💕 i feel so loved, thank youu
and might I say, you have a Very Big Brain
also 👉👈 Im sorry for the weird ask format bc uh somehow I deleted the original draft but was able to screenshot the ask bc.. long story, ANYWAYS
A/N: this will be slightly divergent from my previous baby!Lamb fics. (But only because I briefly mentioned Geralt in my last one)
A/N 2.0: im gonna start doing page breaks for my fics bc it'll be easier organization
• General
• Fluff
• Lambert, Eskel, and Geralt
• Wolf Pup Shenanigans
The first inkling of Eskel's suspicions started with when he set about making Lambert's new poppet.
He was seated on the low wall–the one that bordered the vegetable garden–and were basking in the warmth of the sun that gently tickled their skin. They'd been given an afternoon of free play and Lambert, for one, liked watching for birds so that he could scare them off with lots of yelling, accompanied by the brandishing of a stick. He said it was much more fun than dealing with the other students and definitely much more fun than sitting in the library with Vesemir.
Eskel couldn't blame him.
The older boy was balanced on the wall with his legs tucked into a neat criss-crossed position so that all of his materials could sit in his lap as he worked. He really didn't mind accompanying Lambert out there because he could sew just as well out there as he could anywhere else. Plus, it was fun to listen to the other wolf chatter on about his day.
Said redhead was walking himself along the wall, balancing and doing little pirouettes every so often. And, every so often, Eskel would pipe up, "wrong," causing Lambert to freeze before righting his footing. Oh, and sticking his tongue out at the older boy.
"Can you give the poppet hair?"
Eskel lifted his eyes to watch as Lambert spun yet again before the other boy jumped down and snatched up his stick from where it was laying on the ground.
"Hair? Like.."
"Like the ones in the shops down in Ard Carraigh," Lambert chirped in response, remembering back to the city he'd only ever been through once. He flashed a grin at Eskel as he climbed back up onto the low wall, now with mock sword in hand.
"You know you're not supposed to practice your drills alone."
There was a dramatic sigh and a roll of Lambert's eyes as he began smacking, along the wall with his stick, instead. "So.. Can you give it hair?"
"I.. sure?" Eskel tipped his head to the side in brief consideration and then dropped his eyes back to the item in his hands, returning to his sewing. Watching as the needle swam in and out of the soft linen fabric. Pricking his finger every so often as his tongue lightly poked out between his teeth. "..What color? Red, like yours?" Not that he knew where he'd find that color. They didn't have any dyed yarn that he was allowed to use, that he knew of.
"No. White."
Eskel paused as he lifted his eyes back to watch his friend as the younger boy was now trying to whack the stick against the heavy bough of the half dead tree that stood, gnarled, on the other side of the wall.
"Yeah, I want it to be white."
Eskel regarded the other curiously with a tiny little smile before looking back down at his project, yet again. "I don't think we have any white yarn. How about grey or brown?"
Lambert halted in thought, holding his stick above his head with both hands. It only took a moment's consideration before he nodded lightly. "Grey works."
- -
The second instance, that Eskel stumbled upon, seemed to only confirm his suspicions.
Lambert was perched on a rickety bench that sat to the side of the training yard and he was watching raptly as one of older mentors was running Eskel's peer group through a drill that incorporated Aard. Eskel was stood off to the side to observe since he was the most adept at Signs than the rest of his peers. This allowed him to help call out mistakes, when need. And, at the moment, it allowed him the opportunity to look over and see that Lambert was zoned in on one student in particular.
The white haired boy was a mischievous, headstrong thing who had quite the aptitude for the graceful maneuvers of the Wolf School. His chin length, slightly curly hair was held back with a simple brown headband and the item effectively kept his hair out of his face as he twisted about in the drilled sequence.
Lambert had his knees tucked against his chest, arms wrapped 'round them and his chin settled softly on top as he studied the scene in front of him. His wide eyes followed every single movement as he murmured the names of each maneuver, under his breath.
As Eskel was called back into the group, he made a mental note to give the poppet a headband along with the white hair, and he grinned to himself.
Leave it to Geralt to inspire such dazzled eyes and intent focus.
Lambert had really come down to the training yard so that he could grab Eskel once he was done for the day. He had a whole list of things he wanted to do before dinner and he absolutely needed Eskel to join him in his plans. It wasn't fun to get up to trouble alone, after all.
He however realized that, as he sat to wait for Eskel, he could just as happily take that time to watch Geralt.
Geralt was the best.
He was strong and fast and funny and stubborn and so very sure of himself and goodness! Just everything that Lambert could ever dream of being.
But, he had never interacted with him before. Oh, no, no. Lambert couldn't risk that. What if Geralt thought he was dumb like the other boys did? What if he thought it was weird that Lambert looked up to him as a role model? He could not risk that.
He wouldn't know what to do if that happened.
So, there he sat, for the entire session. He sat, quiet and respectful, not interrupting so that he wouldn't be asked to leave. (Which definitely had never ever happened before..)
At the end, when all the equipment was being packed up and put away, Lambert jumped up from his spot and began making his way across the yard. He clasped his hands behind him and took steps that had a subtle little skip to them, running over his list of plans in his head.
That was when he froze, though. He watched, while holding his breath, as Geralt slung his arm around Eskel's neck and the two older boys laughed together about.. well, something. Lambert's eyes were as wide as could be and he brought his hands in front of himself to fidget as he took a couple steps back.
The conversation between the two continued on before Eskel spotted Lambert, giving him an easy grin. He then, to Lambert's horror, began to guide Geralt over, arm around his friend's middle as they still chattered.
Once it was confirmed that they were definitely headed towards him, Lambert spooked. He was not ready to meet Geralt. Not like this.
He had an utterly embarrassed expression on his face and fidgeted with his hands more before twisting on his heel and taking off.
Not today.
Eskel knocked on the door that was already partially open but then he stuck his head into the room, where he spotted a large lump underneath the blanket that was draped over the far bed. The older boy smiled lightly and then slipped inside the room, gently closing the door behind him.
"Are you asleep?"
"Did I just wake you?"
"..No." The voice that came after a little groan, and the sound of a yawn, said otherwise and Eskel's smile widened.
"Okay, well, sit up because I have something for you," Eskel hummed and then climbed onto the bed, holding the finished poppet in his lap. "'t's gonna to be dinner time soon anyways."
A fiery mop of curls revealed itself from under the covers and Lambert sat up fully, turning to Eskel with a tilt to his head. Questioning. Until he saw tha finished poppet, that is.
"It's done!"
"Yep. Here you go," He laughed as he handed it over. "And it looks enough like Geralt, don't you think?"
Lambert held it at arm's length with a grin before frowning quickly and furrowing his little brows. "It's not.. that's not why–"
"Well, sure it is," Eskel laughed again, good naturedly and then shifted so that he could flop onto his back, laying next to Lambert. "I can see how much you look up to him."
"That's not.."
"Nothing wrong with it, Lamb."
Lambert eyed him for a long moment and then dropped onto his back as well, so that they could lay shoulder to shoulder, as he hugged the poppet to his chest.
"..Do you like it?"
"Yeah, you did a good job," Lambert mumbled and then nudged his elbow into Eskel's side. "Thanks."
They fell into a comfortable silence as they both stared up at the ceiling, where hewn timbers ran from one side to the other. Eskel could practically feel Lambert thinking so he left him to that, knowing the other boy would speak up eventually.
And sure enough, he did.
"You're friends with him?"
He knew who.
"You know who."
"Geralt.." Lambert huffed and whined in annoyance as he kicked his foot against Eskel's leg.
"Oh.. him," Eskel stressed, teasing his friend and earning himself another light kick. "Yeah. I am. We've been friend since before me an' you were friends."
That made Lambert sit up with another huff, this one sounding particularly offended. "What? And you never told me?" He complained loudly.
"I didn't know you wanted to know..!" Eskel responded, laughing as he shook his head. "And how did you not know? We always do stuff together."
"Well–" Lambert frowned and then shoved Eskel's knees that were in a bent position, with his feet flat on the mattress. "I just didn't know!"
"Alright, alright."
Another bout of silence settled and Eskel was grinning to himself as Lambert stared down at his poppet with a look of intense focus. He draped an arm over his face so that his elbow covered his mouth; he really was trying to stop himself from laughing.
"Can I meet him?" The younger trainee said quietly, playing with the arms of the doll.
"Yeah. Go ahead. I think he's probably already down, ready for dinner."
"No!" The redhead shook his head and gave a pout as he looked up and hugged the poppet back against his chest. "You have to introduce me to him."
Eskel quirked a brow and then gave a laugh–one that he quickly apologized for when Lambert whined in offense. "Why?"
"Because.. Because I dunno what I would say," He explained in embarrassment, looking down and Eskel found himself making a sympathetic noise.
"He's just another kid like us. Just say hi."
"No.." He whined more insistently and shook his head. "You have to do it. Please, please, please? Esk, pleeeease?" He pouted more after drawing out the 'long e' sound.
"Ugh, come on." Eskel clambered off the bed and then stood up, snagging his fingers around Lambert's arm.
"Geralt?" Eskel reached out to tap his friend's shoulder, and showed a sunshiny smile immediately as the other boy twisted around on the bench.
"What.. do you need?" He said slowly as he eyed Lambert–who was clutching onto Eskel's hand and partially hiding himself, eyes huge and round once again–curiously with a slight laugh.
"Lamb here wanted to meet you but wasn't sure what to say because he's embarrassed and shy," Eskel explained, to which Lambert immediately argued,
"What? Why would you tell him that? Prick!"
Geralt grinned and pushed himself to his feet as his hands settled on his hips. "He doesn't sound shy."
"Yeah! M'not!" There was a roll of eyes and huff from the youngest of the three as he let go of Eskel's hand. He folded his arms and stomped a foot.
Eskel had a proud smile on his face, having known that that would successfully crack Lambert out of his shell. The redhead was always quick to argue with things like that.
"So, Lamb?"
"Lambert." Said boy lifted his chin in a stubborn way, after correcting the nickname, and sticking out his hand for a handshake.
Geralt and Eskel smiled even more as they exchanged glances.
"Nice to meet you, Lambert," Geralt hummed and clasped the other boy's smaller hand and tilted his head to the side as he laughed. "Want to sit next to me during dinner?"
As his hand was dropped and that invitation extended, Lambert glanced over to Eskel with another wide eyed expression. Eskel simply shrugged with a big smile as he walked away to find his own spot.
He then looked back to Geralt who was gesturing to the bench with a raised brow and Lambert straightened himself up more, eyes bright.
"Would I ever !"
@persony-pepper @lovelyeskel
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what-the--curtains · 4 years
Braving the Elements
Chapter 20: Another Party
Part 1/2
Tw: Swearing, sex in pt2
Authors note: TWO IDIOTS IN LOVE, yes this was inspired by moulin rouge dont @ me. love u all❤️❤️
Both versions r so good they both get included!
“He really thinks he’s James Bond doesn’t he?” Wanda laughs
“He sure does, much better ass though.” you respond the other two nodding in agreement as you head into the board room for the briefing. Everyone gathers in and Tony pulls up an infographic on the main targets, who they were, how they may be contributing, and the best way to get information out of them.
“So, Nat and Sam, we want you to engage with those I’ve identified as “salespeople”, act as if you, as non-mutants, are interested in obtaining temporary powers. I’ll be with the investors, acting as though I’m hoping to get in on the ground floor. Wanda if you wouldn’t mind, pretend like you’re interested in the genetic side, say you would be willing to donate some DNA but you need to know how it’s being used and processed first. Y/N you’ll help Wanda but see if you can get to the seedier parts of their operation. Based on your dubious past and ties to Roman they may be more inclined to share any less than legal aspects with you. Everyone else you’re there to keep up appearances, don’t interfere, play along. The most important thing is that we do not reveal what we know already. Everyone needs to pick a target and latch on for the night”
“ (y/n) you get the hot one!” Wanda exclaims
“Why?” you ask, forgetting that people didn’t know about you and Bucky.
“Cause you're single and hot so it should be easy for you to seduce him.” Tony says.
“Well put Tony thanks for the objectification” you say, rolling your eyes. The guy was hot and rich, and probably full of himself, used to getting what he wanted. Getting information out of him would be a breeze.
“Fine i'll use my womanly wiles” you say making some spooky hand gestures.
You quickly look to Bucky to see if he’s appreciated your joke, but he’s avoiding your gaze. You notice his jaw is clenched and his body seems tense, you wonder what’s got him in such a mood. You go to ask him but he’s gone by the time you stand up. Shrugging you follow Wanda into Nat’s room to get ready. Sitting down on her bed you feel something poke you in the butt. Reaching under the sheet you pull out a whip.
“Oh my god do you use this on Steve?” you ask throwing it at Wanda
“Wait what??” Wanda exclaims, tossing it onto the ground in disgust and surprise.
“Shit sorry Nat!” You exclaim.
“How long!” Wanda asks. Nat goes on to explain about that night you all went out together and then again in Russia and how they’ve talked about dating but didn’t want to have it fully out in the open yet because of the press and all the paperwork that would go into it, but they were very much exclusive.
“How long have people known?”
“Well Y/N and Barnes saw us in the kitchen and he told Sam immediately. Literally the second he could, and I was going to tell Wanda and Vision tonight but” she gestures to you.
“Sorry! So what, you going steady now?” You ask giggling
“Ya, how does it feel to date someone who can get a senior discount?” Wanda riffs off of you. Nat jumps on the bed hitting you two with pillows, instigating an all-out war only calling a parlay when you realize you were all going to be late if you didn’t get dressed. Unlike last time you actually had a dress procured for you, one of the benefits of being a hero, people sent you free stuff now. Your dress was a deep forest green. The off the shoulder top was decorated in overlying fabric leaves lined with gold beading. It cinched at the waist and gently flowed out with a slit going up the right side. You wear your hair down in waves and you finish it off with a headpiece. It’s a crown made of gold branches twisted together with a few gold leaves and flowers scattered throughout.
“You look like a goddess.” Nat says, looking at you as she puts in a diamond earring. She’s in a scoop back mermaid black dress with a high neck, simple, elegant and gorgeous.
“Well you’ll fit Sam’s need for a bond girl!” you say, linking your arm in hers and heading out to meet Wanda and Vision in the lobby. Wanda’s in a satin hi-lo plum colored dress that matches Vision tie, it has a halter top, and her hair’s twisted up. Vision escorts Wanda into the venue and you and Nat go in behind them. Nat nods her head towards the bar, she’s spotted your target. You let go of her arm, straighten your dress and pull your hair forward. You make your way over to the bar, stopping next to him and pushing your hair to the side to expose your neck leaning over in an attempt to get the bartender's attention. You can feel your target staring at you.
“Hey aren’t you that mutant girl,?” he asks, you turn to look back at him, biting your lip as you do so.
“How often does that line work out for ya?” you laugh
“Rarely, but for someone as pretty as you I figured it was worth the risk.” he smirks
“Well flattery will get you everywhere, Y/N.” you say extending your hand
“Pleased to meet you, Max Van Der Bilt, what are you drinking?” he asks, kissing it.
“Whatever you’re having” you say smiling at him. He beckons to the bartender and orders two double vodka sodas. Bucky’s standing near the bar, trying to get an optimal vantage point on you. You looked beautiful, statuesque, he'd never seen anything like it. You looked like something out of a Greek tale. He wanted to tell you that, he wanted everyone to know that you had chosen him, but instead he’s stuck watching you flirt with another man. He feels his heart ache. He tried to calm himself and stop the feelings he was having, but he can’t fight against them. He reminds himself that it was all just an act, but he can’t help but fear for the worst. Why had you agreed to go for the only attractive target. Why did he suddenly feel like he was being deceived by you? Everything you did when you were alone with him, you were doing with this other guy, was this just some big game to you? He’s pulled out of his thoughts by Nat elbowing him in the ribs lightly.
“I said, god what’s got your panties in a knot?”
“Nothing.” He grunts out. Following his eyeline Nat notices he’s burning a hole in the back of your head.
“Fuck Barnes relax she’ll be fine she can handle herself. Besides what’s he gonna do to charm her to death?”
“Where’s Steve?” He asks, downing another drink.
“Oh somewhere playing his part.” She says, handing him her drink saying he looked like he needed it more.
“How are things with you two?”
“Good. It’s actually really nice to have someone amongst all the chaos, someone who gets it, ya know. Also doesn’t hurt that he’s a snack with an ass that won’t quit and superhuman stamina.” She responds.
“Alright didn’t need to hear that.” He cringes.
Nat laughs “C’mon Barnes there’s plenty of hot girls here go after one maybe you’ll finally relax.”
“Go after one? When have I ever needed to do that?” he says smiling.
“There’s the lady killer I’ve heard so much about.” She says, patting his arm and heading off towards the bar. Well, if he was supposed to keep up appearances he shouldn’t be standing alone in a corner should he. He makes his way over to a nearby group of women who had tried to approach him earlier. Apologizing for his abruptness he begins conversing with them, hoping to get a rise out of you. You’ve moved into a booth and Max is droning on about genetics, which are super interesting but not when they’re being condescendingly explained to you. I mean seriously you were a literal mutant, you’ve known the basics of genetics since middle school thanks to Charles. You tilt your head trying to get a look out into the rest of the party. You see Bucky with a group of women laughing letting them feel his metal arm up, amongst other things. You feel hurt, no let down. Why was he doing this? Did he always act this way when you weren’t around? Have you been played for a fool?
“It’s a shame you know,” Max says loudly, catching your attention once again.
“Pardon.” you respond, turning the charm back on.
“That all mutants aren’t beautiful like you then society wouldn’t be so afraid.”
You’ve never wanted to punch anyone more, but you don’t have the information you need yet so you force a laugh and gently touch his arm.
“So this genetic coding, how do you extract the gene?”
“It’s a simple process using DNA from hair, nails, teeth or bone. We don't need much, just one strand of hair is enough to create an entire dose.” He touches your hair moving it behind your shoulder.
“And where do you get your samples from?” you ask allowing your leg to cross slightly over his.
“That is classified information, but you may just get it out of me” he laughs, placing his hand on your thigh, rubbing it gently. You know you’re close to getting what you need.
“I think I may know a few ways to do that.” you smile
“Let’s dance” he says “They say private conversations are best had on the dance floor.”
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