#I wanna make my sona more cuddly and by god I'm gonna do that
pillowbeast · 1 year
I tell you what, you start having so much more fun working on your fursona when you shed the self inflicted notion of needing to have as many people's approval as possibe when making them honestly.
Like as a recovering people pleaser, I kinda didn't really have an identity for my fursona on their own, it was only a couple years ago that I even actually had the freedom to make something for myself? Even now I catch myself being like "Will people even like what I do with" them before reminding myself
A. The answer is more than likely yes anyway.
B. Even if it wasn't, its none of their business really?
Like idk, pursue whatever you want to see in your sona, whatever makes you happy, who cares what it is. Your sona could be weird, they could have so many of your personal interests or vibes stuffed into them, just fuckin go for it.
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