#I try to keep it short cuz I don't wanna clog up your blogs with my nonsense
tenelkadjowrites · 2 years
i know i gave up on hongmullet, but it served. hwa's red era was so short and unexpected, feels like a fever dream, i often forget it happened then i see a photo or a video and suddenly i remember 😳
twitter is really the worst, tik tok too tho i don't use it. tumblr has its flaws but i've been her for ages, it's my swamp at this point, i won't leave. it also doesn't have a lot of minors and no offense but i don't wanna see opinions of 16 year olds and i definitely don't wanna interact with them and see them simp 🙅🏼‍♀️
ohhhh i used to be a proof reader so i get you! i also wrote articles people requested so it wasn't very fulfilling. taking requests feels like too much pressure and it's unnecessary when you have enough ideas on your own and you have to meet so many expectations, some requests are very specific and detailed too
understandable about not sharing a lot of personal things on this blog, and you have another tumblr account correct? makes sense you wanna keep this one more, hmm let's say professional. like me on twt i kept my hwa account strictly seonghwa related, barely stated my opinions cause that wasn't the purpose of it, also didn't want people to say shit since the account gained quite a lot of followers. i was being myself on my main.
interesting point about not listing fic influences etc, i never thought about it this way! personally i like when writers share some behind the scenes, but i like to read them after i read the fic so it's just a bonus
omg 3 parts? gotta buckle up for that
i also don't use tiktok cuz i have adhd and i know it'll be a time sink of which i won't come back from lol. and yeah, tumblr is just my ideal place right now, i don't wanna interact with minors especially given what i write so i prefer it here vs twitter where, esp kpop side of things, feel like it is full of minors.
and yes, absolutely nothing against requests but i just try to write what i want when i want to write it and i worry by doing requests my work might not be as good? if it's an idea i feel like i have to write, then it shifts back more to that job feeling than a passion project and i worry it'll be bad. i like the freedom of this blog and of writing whatever i would like to write.
yes, i have a main tumblr at @hologramhoneymoon - i just reblog a lot of stuff on there, kpop stuff, movie stuff, things that hit a spot in my brain that i like, etc. i like having this blog separate from that so i can keep this just for the fics and have the other one for my messy, chaotic way of reblogging lol. and that way if ppl really don't wanna see that stuff and just want fics, they don't have to worry about their dashes being clogged up with random stuff. it keeps a sort of barrier up between myself and this blog in which i oftentimes think of myself as a little ghost or cloud that runs it. i post my stuff, i answer or talk to anyone who chimes in, and i leave.
if you ever have any specific fic questions, i can answer them, it isn't a problem - i just am super shy and don't wanna assume ppl care or burst any meaning a reader might have put on the fic from their own heart/brain if that makes sense? so i'd answer them but i'd just put them behind a cut so ppl can skip them if they want and also because i love the false sense of control i feel putting things behind a cut like i am ~hiding lol.
i'm hoping to post part two sometime later this week cuz i am still wrapping up part three and have to edit part two lol.
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red-flare-art · 7 years
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Forgive my shitty sketchbook doodles, but it was quicker to sketch these on paper than it was on my laptop.
More high school AU Charon. But this time, Ruby isn’t there. Why not? Read more under the cut!
One day at school, not long after Ruby & Charon make their friendship contract, Ruby doesn’t show up. Charon usually waits for her at the entrance so they can walk to class together. He waits & waits, but she never comes. Eventually, Charon just kinda shrugs it off & heads to class, not wanting to be late. Throughout the school day, he goes to each of his classes alone. He figures Ruby is just at home with a cold, & she’ll probably be back tomorrow. Jokingly, he thinks to himself “I guess things will be a bit quieter around here today,” since Ruby is usually pretty talkative. He eats lunch alone & has Chemistry class alone, since he & Ruby are in the same class & sit next to each other. After school, Charon would usually walk Ruby home, since she doesn’t live that far from the school, but since she isn’t around, he just goes home. He struggles a bit with his homework, since Ruby normally helps him, as part of their contract, but he figures he'll see her tomorrow & she can help him fix any mistakes he made before class. So he just does what he can before going to bed.
The next day, Ruby still doesn’t show up. Charon suddenly feels a bit worried, & even a bit lonely. The silence that he jokingly enjoyed yesterday is suddenly maddening. When attendance is being called in chemistry & Prof. Hancock calls Ruby’s name, there’s, of course, no reply, so he moves onto the next name. Charon overhears some of the other students whispering about Ruby--making up stories about what happened to her or saying things like “I hope she stays gone,” making him upset. Why do the other kids hate her so much? She’s never done anything to them. Charon looks over at the empty seat next to him & thinks I hope she’s ok... Suddenly, he remembers that Ruby gave him her phone number, so he pulls out his phone, hides it under his desk, & sends Ruby a text. He doesn’t want to sound too concerned, so he keeps it casual.
C: You haven’t been at school. Everything ok?
He waits a bit for a reply, but nothing comes. Now he’s even more worried. What if something did happen to her? The rest of the school day, he constantly checks his phone to see if Ruby has replied, but there is still no response. He tries his best to stay focused during class, but his mind keeps coming up with horrible scenarios about what could have happened to Ruby & he gets mad at himself for getting so worked up over what was probably nothing. Why should I care so much? I barely know her! She’s probably fine, it’s only been 2 days...but what if she’s not fine? The longer he didn’t get a reply from Ruby, the more worried & anxious he got. Maybe I should send her another text...but I don’t wanna come off as paranoid. What if she didn’t get my first message? Why didn’t she text me yesterday to tell me what was up? Maybe she really is hurt or in trouble...or maybe she just left on a trip or something. Nah, she would have told me, she tells me everything. Wait, what if she did tell me, & I just wasn’t paying attention? Paranoid thoughts of worry spiral through his head for the rest of the day.
As school ends & Charon slowly walks out of the front entrance, he thinks about walking over to Ruby’s house to check on her & see if she’s there. Just as he’s about to make a decision, he feels his phone buzz in his pocket. Frantically, he pulls it out & checks his messages.
R: Hey Char! Sorry for the late reply, I’ve been asleep most of the day. I caught a pretty nasty fever, so my dad has me on house arrest to recover. :/
Charon lets out a huge sigh of relief, but then he feels stupid for letting himself get so worked up all day. His phone buzzes again.
R: Did you miss me? ;)
Charon can’t help but let out a short laugh at Ruby’s message. She doesn’t know the half of it. He types out a response.
C: Well, it was certainly a lot quieter around here without you.
A few moments pass & Charon wonders if he she gets that he’s just joking & suddenly regrets giving that response. His phone buzzes again.
R: You’re mean. :P
Charon lets out another short laugh & smiles. Good to see she’s still her usual self. He types another message.
C: I’m just messing with you.
He pauses, before typing again.
C: But I’m glad you’re ok.
A few seconds pass before his phone buzzes again.
R: Well, I wouldn’t day I’m “ok,” but I’ll live. I should be back at school on Monday.
Today was Friday, so Charon wouldn’t get to see her for 2 more days. His phone buzzes again.
R: You wanna know the worst part about being stuck here in bed?
C: What?
R: My dad went to all my teachers & picked up all the homework I missed, so I don’t even get to enjoy my days off from school! It’s bad enough that I’m sick, but now I gotta do homework too! :(
C: Damn, that sucks.
Charon stops & thinks for a moment before replying again.
C: Well, maybe if you’re feeling better over the weekend, I can come over & we can do our homework together. 
Right after hitting send, Charon wonders if that’s a weird thing to suggest, but his phone immediately buzzes with Ruby’s response.
R: Yeah! That’d be great! :D
R: I’ll text you again tomorrow to let you know a good time to come over.
C: Sounds good. I hope you feel better.
R: Thanks, Char. :) See you this weekend!
Charon smiles, puts his phone back in his pocket, & starts heading home. He’s so relieved that Ruby is ok that he forgets how mad at himself he was a minute ago.
Just a short little blurb I came up with cuz I’m trash who loves angst. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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