#I thought I'd answer Kazuki to most of these but Rei was in there a bit
queenbananya · 8 months
So I found this around, can I ask for Kazuki/ Rei?
♥ Send a ship and I'll give you who:
- Gives nose/forehead kisses
- Gets jealous the most
- Picks the other up from the bar when they’re too drunk to drive
- Takes care of on sick days
- Drags the other person out into the water on beach day
- Gives unprompted massages
- Drives/rides shotgun
- Brings the other lunch at work
- Has the better parental relationship
- Tries to start role-playing in bed
- Embarrassingly drunk dancer
- Still cries watching Titanic
- Firmly believes in couples costumes
- Breaks the expensive gift rule during Christmas
- Makes the other eat breakfast
- Remembers anniversaries
- Brings up having kids
This seems fun, I'll give it go.
- Gives nose/forehead kisses: absolutely Kazuki.
- Gets jealous the most: Honestly, neither. Rei doesn't understand when he's getting hit on and Kazuki would be amused and happy with Rei getting attention. Rei might get a bit upset but doesn't care too much and would never vocalize it. So let me change my answer: Rei.
- Picks the other up from the bar when they’re too drunk to drive: None. Rei won't get drunk at the bar. He also won't pick Kazuki up. If Rei was the type to drink Kazuki would definitely pick him up though.
- Takes care of on sick days: Well, Kazuki. Rei doesn't really know what to do but he does worry a bit, or he might forget Kazuki's dying and only remember when Kazuki calls him and tells him to bring him medicine.
- Drags the other person out into the water on beach day: Kazuki
- Gives unprompted massages: Kazuki might try to and get rejected. Rei awkwardly if he's trying to express something or Kazuki asks him to and catches him in a good mood.
- Drives/rides shotgun. Kazuki pretty canonly almost exclusively drives. Rei only when he has to.
- Brings the other lunch at work: Kazuki snuck into a no-parent schooltrip to bring Miri lunch. I think that answers this question xD
- Has the better parental relationship: as much as Kazuki would hate this answer, Rei.
- Tries to start role-playing in bed: I can't picture them randomly roleplaying in bed, but this reminds me of my fic where Kazuki says they roleplay as hitmen to get out of a tricky situation with Miri's daycare xD
- Embarrassingly drunk dancer: Kazuki again. Rei doesn't dance. I'd like to picture a future where he does go out and dance with Kazuki. Maybe Kazuki drags him outside and they slow dance, or Kaz just grinds on him dirtily and Rei's kind of interested.
- Still cries watching Titanic: ofc Kazuki.
- Firmly believes in couples costumes: when he's single, Kazuki mocks the couple costumes but once he's not he'll see a couple with some corny matching shirts and will make Rei wear one with him
- Breaks the expensive gift rule during Christmas: What the hell is the expensive gift rule for christmas lol probably Rei because he'd also have no clue
- Makes the other eat breakfast: easily Kaz
- Remembers anniversaries: both really, though Kazuki would be the only one that makes a big deal about it
- Brings up having kids: if we're talking about a world without Miri, Kazuki. It wouldn't occur to Rei. With Miri, I don't believe either would want more children.
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griseldabanks · 21 days
1, 3, 7, 8, 11, 13-16, and 24-29 for the fic-writer's ask game, please?
the last sentence you wrote
"I have a feeling you're going to learn more about me than you ever wanted to know."
3. how you feel about your current WIP
I've got a lot of WIPs right now, but the one I kind of consider my "main" one right now is a chapter (or maybe two?) for my Captain America fic Take Me Beyond. I have to confess I'm a little self-conscious about it right now, because it's full of romantic fluff, and goes in a direction I've never really written before, so I'm kind of terrified of how it will turn out and how it will be received. So it's probably a good thing that for now it remains locked away from the world, and only I know what I scribble in the secret watches of the night :P
7. your preferred writing fonts
Already answered this one - Times New Roman, because it's the default and I can't be bothered. Though...actually, I'm writing my main WIP on Google Docs, and the default there is Arial, and I keep it that way.
8. if you had to write a sequel to a fic, you’d write one for…
You know, I think I'd go for a sequel to my Captain America fic "Honey, I've Been There." I actually had some thoughts of where I would take that AU before Take Me In fell into my lap and completely took over my life. "Honey, I've Been There" was all about Bucky's relationship with Steve's daughter, Juliet, so I was thinking of doing another fic focusing on Bucky's relationship with Steve's son, Jimmy. It would be a bit later, when Jimmy is a teenager and starts getting in trouble at school, and Bucky has to be the first one to give him a talking-to because his parents are off doing superhero stuff. That idea is still floating around in my head, though admittedly having written more than 350k words about Steve with a different son has kind of taken the wind out of that idea's sails.
11. a WIP you’d like to finish someday
You know what? I'd really like to get back to working on the Jak & Daxter novelization I was working on before Captain America barged into my life and completely derailed everything I was working on in 2016. I managed to write eight chapters (plus a prologue) of that novelization before I set it aside, and while the way I was approaching it was probably too game-y and I'd need to start over from scratch anyway because my writing is so much improved, it's still such a good story. I've been slowly replaying the games recently, and remembering all the things I wanted to do with that novelization. The way I wanted to flesh out the characters and relationships, the headcanons I wanted to insert because my ideas are better than theirs. One of these days I'll get back to it. One of these days.
13. a fandom you’re thinking about writing for
Actually, just today I was thinking about writing something for the anime Buddy Daddies. I'm watching it for the third time (first time in the dub), and it's just...it's so good. I want more of such great characters. And the fandom needs more content for them that does not ship Kazuki and Rei :/ And I also long for a crossover with Captain America, so if I ever figure out a good way to do that, you can bet you'll see some!
14. where do you get your inspiration?
Wow, such a broad question. I guess sometimes it's just an interesting concept that unfolds into an actual story, like "What if Sherlock is blinded and has to do his deductions without being able to see?" But I guess most of the time, the inspiration for the stories I write come from the stories I read. If you were to put up a list of all the fics I've read against my faves list, you could probably draw lines connecting the ideas I got from which fics inspired them.
15. favorite weather for writing
I was thinking about it, and I actually don't think the weather really influences my writing one way or another. That might be partly because a lot of my writing gets done in the evening, when it's too dark to see the weather anyway. Necessity and a lack of time has meant that I can't worry about writing things in the wrong season, either. If it's August and I'm melting but the next scene I need to write requires the characters to snuggle up under a blanket in front of a fire, too bad!
16. favorite place to write
Pretty much the only place I write is on my computer at my desk.
24. how do you recharge when you’re not feeling creative?
If we are to dip our buckets into the well of creativity, we must first fill the well - by reading, watching, reading, playing, reading, talking, and reading. I'm also trying to learn the value of rest. Yes, it's important to cultivate a discipline of regular writing, but it's also important to not push yourself to the breaking point.
25. besides writing, what are your other hobbies?
Reading, if you couldn't guess. Playing video games (particularly ones with good stories). I dabble a little bit in video editing, and I've recently felt the urge to get back into cross-stitch. I sewed a couple of cross-stitch designs when I was a teenager, and it was a lot of fun (and not as daunting as other kinds of sewing, lol).
26. are you able to write with other people around?
It's actually kind of hard for me to do that ^^' It was like that for me with school, too; in college, I was never the kind of person who thrived with study parties or going to coffee shops to study. It's the same with writing; I need a minimum of distractions. Also, if other people are around, with a few exceptions, I feel like I'm going to be rude if I have my earbuds in and then they try to talk to me. So the only way I can write around other people is if there's that unspoken understanding that we're going to introvert together.
27. your favorite part of the writing process
I love it when I've thought through a scene and know what I need to write, and then I finally get a chance to sit down and find out how it's going to come out on the paper. It might not come out exactly the way I daydreamed it to myself while falling asleep, but that's the fun part!
28. your least favorite part of the writing process
Honestly? Research. Sometimes you can go down fascinating rabbit trails that suck you in, and sometimes "research" actually just means "rewatching/rereading the source material you already love to look for a detail," and that's always fun. Maybe I've just been burned by all the dull and hard-to-understand legal jargon I've had to look up for a certain project of mine, but a lot of times when I realize I need to research something to figure out how a scene is going to work, I just get this sinking feeling and it's really hard to motivate myself to do it. Feels too much like school. Please just download the information to my brain so I can get on with writing the story that we actually care about.
29. how easy is it for you to come up with titles?
UUUUUGHGHGHG, SOOOOOOOO HAAAAAAAAAARD DX I never know what to call anything, so with a very few exceptions, my titles will generally end up either some generic word, or a line from a song that feels appropriate.
Fic Writer Ask Game
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